Episode 3: Jurassic Island Rescue

After parting ways with her friends and getting on the ship, Jen along with her Pokemon, including Amaura return to the Orange Island to Jurassic Island. Jen and Amaura are very excited to be back home after being gone for so long. As of now, they're on the ferry to Jurassic Island to see her older sister, Kate and the Prehistoric Pokemon on the island.

Jen turns to Amaura, "I'm so excited to be back home. I've been gone for a while.

"Maur," (That's true.) Amaura says.

"And I can't wait to see my big sister again," Jen says.

Amaura lets out a happy cry, "Amaura!" (Me too!)

Jen soon notices up ahead, "Look, there it is."

Amaura looks ahead with Jen to see Jurassic Island.

"There it is. We're almost home," Jen happily says.

Sometime later, Jen and Amaura are off the ferry and are now on Jurassic Island.

Jen happily sighs, "Home sweet home."

Amaura lets out a happy cry.

The two then walk into the jungle-like forest of the island to get back home. Jen and Amaura continue walking through the forest and are greeted by the many Prehistoric Pokmeon living on the island.

"Hi everyone, we're back," Jen happily says.

Amaura lets out a happy cry as well.

All the Prehistoric Pokemonm happily greet Jen and Amaura, and are happy to see them back.

Soon, the Kabutops walk over to greet them.

"Hi Kabutops, do you know where Kate is?" Jen asks.

Kabutops points towards a large open field. Then it led Jen and Amaura out of the jungle area and soon arrived on a large battlefield. From the looks of it, Kate is having an official gym battle with another trainer. The female trainer is battling with Archeops, and Kate is battling with a Pokemon she has never seen before.

This Pokemon looks to be some kind of hybrid. It has a small yellow upper body with two long wings shaped like lightning bolts on its arms. It has a long neck that connects to a paravian-like head with closed eyes and a red spot on each cheek. The upper half is connected to the middle of the lower body, with an orange and yellow circle surrounding the neck. The lower body is colored pink and green. The legs are green with pink toes and stripes and the tail is green with pink stripes and spikes.

Kate then calls out, "Dracozolt, use Dragon Tail!"

The Pokemon Kate called Dracozolt performs the attack to strike Archeops.

The female trainer calls out, "Archeops, use Dragon Claw!"

Both of them perform the attack and they collide with one another. In the end, Dragon Claw is able to push away the Dragon Tail.

Then the female trainer calls out, "Now, use Dragon Breath!"

Archeops performs Dragon Breath and hits Dracozolt with full force. Soon, Kate's Pokemon is knocked out.

The referee says, "Dracozolt is unable to battle. Archeops wins. The winner is Daisy of Mossdeep City."

The female trainer cheers, "Alright, you did great Archeops!"

"You did a good job, Dracozolt. Get a good rest," Kate says, and calls back her pokemon.

Then she walks towards the trainer, "You did a great battle, and you really bonded with Archeops as well."

"Thanks. I have to admit, battling and training with Prehistoric pokemon is very different, but I love it. It feels like I've traveled back in time," The trainer says.

"Thanks," Kate says, "And to prove you won the island challenge, I present you the Fossil Badge," and presents the badge to her.

The badge she has is of an ivory shell spiral fossil-like shell, and it has a light purple gemstone in the center.

"Thank you," the trainer says and takes the badge, "This is my fourth and final badge, and now I get to compete against the leader of the Orange Crew."

"That's good to hear. I wish you luck on your battle," Kate says.

"Thanks," The trainer says.

Jen watches and is amazed to see how strong Kate is, even though she lost the match. She watches as the trainer and the Pokemon take their leave before she and Amaura approach Kate.

Jen calls out, "Kate!"

Kate happily turns to see her little sister, "Jen!"

The two sisters run to each other before giving each other a big hug.

"I really miss you, Jen," Kate says.

"I miss you too, sis," Jen says.

She then says, "I just saw your battle. You did great."

"Thanks. Sure I lost, but it was a great battle. Of course, that's my job as a gym leader," Kate says.

Amaura soon walks over and speaks up, "Amaura."

"Hi Amaura, you sure have grown a bit since I last saw you," Kate says and pat Amaura on the head.

"Mura," Amaura happily says.

Jen asks, "Say Kate, what was that Pokemon you were battling with just now?"

"Oh, that's actually one of the pair of new Pokemon I've got when I was in the Galar Region," Kate says.

"Really?" Jen asks, amazed.

"Yep," Kate answers.

She then explains, I took some of the Pokemon with me to do a little training and I've met some scientists who use Pokemon Fossils to create the new Pokemon. They kind of went crazy so I calmed them down. And they decide to let me keep them, especially since I'm the Prehistoric Pokemon Trainer."

"That's amazing," Jen says.

"The Pokemon I was battling with is called a Dracozolt, one of the Fossil Pokemon. This one is an Electric and Dragon Type," Kate explains.

"Cool," Jen says.

Then asks, "Where's the other one?"

"It's in the lake," Kate answers.

Sometime later, Kate and Jen arrive at the large lake full of the water type Prehistoric Pokemon, and some drinking the water.

Kate calls out, "Arctovish!"

Soon, the Pokemon Arctovish comes up to the surface and swims to Kate.

"Wow!" Jen says, amazed.

Even Amaura is surprised.

Arctovish is a fish-plesiosaur hybrid fossil Pokémon. The plesiosaur half is colored blue and white. Arctovish has a blue tail with a fin on top. The flippers are colored blue with white patches on the end and with white spots. The fish half is applied upside down. It has a round blue head with black rectangle pupils, and the mouth is located on top of its head. It has white fins connected to its fish head.

"Jen. Amaura. This is Arctovish," Kate says.

"Hi Arctovish, it's nice to meet you," Jen says, and pets the Pokemon on the head.

Arctovish happily greets Jen and Amaura.

"Arctozolt, which is a Fossil Pokemon, lives with the other Water Pokemon. It's a Water and Ice Type," Kate says.

"Sounds amazing," Jen says.

"And they're pretty strong," Kate says.

"And they look very happy," Jen says.

"That's because I've taken such good care of them. Of course, I do the same with all my Pokemon," Kate says.

Kate soon hears her stomach growling.

She sheepishly says, "I guess all this battling got me hungry."

Soon, Jen and Amaura hear their own stomachs growling.

"Yeah. I guess we're both hungry ourselves," Jen says.

Amaura sheepishly comments.

Kate sighs, "Phew, well, my Pokemon and I have done a lot of battling lately so having a relaxing lunch hit the spot," and turns to Jen, "And to spend with my favorite sister."

Jen laughs, "Kate, I'm your only sister."

"That's why you're my favorite," Kate says.

Unknown to the two sisters, at the other side of the island, there is a boat sailing towards the island. There are three people on the ship. There are a pair of men standing on the deck. Both of them are wearing dark teal suits, sunglasses. The one on the left, Tim, is wearing a red tie, while Jim, on the right is wearing a blue tie. Tim also has blonde hair and fair skin, while Jim has dark skin and dark hair.

At the front and looking at the island from the bowl is a woman named Claudia, who is wearing a white tank top, greenish brown cargo pants and brown cargo boots. She has fair skin, dark purple hair, and sky blue eyes. She sees the island getting closer and shows a smirk on her face.

"There's your destination, Jurassic Island. The island is full of prehistoric Pokemon. The client will be paying a hefty amount for capturing these fascinating Pokemon," The woman says and shows a malicious smirk on her face.

Sometime later, Kate and Jen are having lunch with the Pokemon, along with the Pokemon Jen has caught during her journey.

Jen happily sighs, "This is nice. It's been a while since I've eaten the fruits and vegetables from here."

"I'm glad you like it. It's nicer to have you back," Kate says.

"Yeah," Jen says.

"And you sure have very unique Pokemon," Kate says.

"Thanks Kate," Jen says.

Then Jen has an idea, "Hey Kate, can you and I have a battle later. Please sis."

"Hmm, I think I like that. I like to see how well you've trained on your journey," Kate says.

Jen happily says, "Yippie," Then turns to Amaura, "You hear that, we get to show Kate how well we've been doing.

Amaura happily says.

Kate giggles, "I'm glad you're excited, but first I need to do a check in with Officer Jenny."

"Officer Jenny? Why?" Jen asks.

"Well, at first I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry, but there's been some reports of Pokemon Poachers roaming around the area as of late," Kate says.

"Oh no," Jen says, worried.

"Yeah, Officer Jenny has been having her forces explore the islands to find any leads, and the last update they were seeing distance away from the island," Kate says.

"Uh oh," Jen says.

"But don't worry, the Gym Leaders and others on the Orange Islands have been keeping updates on this Poacher," Kate says.

"Do you know who she is?" Jen asks.

"All I know is that her name is Claudia, and her accomplices, Tim and Jim. They all have reputations of being ruthless Pokemon Hunters, and look for very rare and unusual Pokemon so she can sell them, and even hire clients in advance for specific Pokemon," Kate says.

"That's terrible," Jen says.

"Yes. They've been plaguing the Orange Islands for some time now, so Officer Jenny wants us to keep a close eye out in case they come here," Kate says.

"I understand," Jen says.

"So far we haven't seen any trouble so we're clear for the time being," Kate says.

"That's good," Jen says.

"Let's finish lunch and then we can have that battle," Kate says.

"Okay," Jen happily says.

With that, the sisters continue having their lunch.

But back to the otherside of the island, the strangers on the boat from before, who are the Pokemon poachers, arrive at the island and dock their boat. Claudia jumps from the bow of the boat and lands on the island.

"Well, here we are. Jurassic Island, home to the Gym Leader and the Prehistoric Pokemon," Claudina says.

"That's right boss," Jim says.

And Tim says, "We heard the gym leader is strong."

"Don't worry boys, we'll take care of her and capture all the Pokemon here," Claudia says.

Then questions, "Everything is set?"

"Cages are set up," Jim says.

"And our electric net launchers and tranquilizers are loaded," Tim says.

"Good. Let's move," Claudia says.

Claudia and her henchmen begin to make their move on the island to capture the Pokemon.

After having their lunch, Kate and Jen are preparing their Pokemon battle.

Kate calls out, "Alright sis, we're going to have a double battle. Each of us will battle with two Pokemon. The winner of the match will be decided when both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle."

"Works for me, sis," Jen says.

"Then let's get started," Kate says.

She throws her Pokeballs and calls out. "I choose you! Mamoswine! Kabutops!"

With that, Mamoswine and Kabutops come out of the Pokeball.

Jen then calls out, "Luciario! Donphan! I choose you!"

And Lucario and Donphan come out.

The referee announces, "Alright, let's begin the battle."

"Alright Kabutops, use Aqua Jet!" Kate calls out.

Kabutops performs Aqua Jet towards Lucario.

Jen calls out, "Lucario, use Bone Rush to counter!"

Lucario performs Bone Rush to stop the Aqua Jet, and uses it to jump over the attack. Kabutops is able to stop and skids to turn around to see the Pokemon.

Jen calls out, "Now, use Aura Sphere!"

Then Lucario performs the attack, and is able to hit Kabutops.

Then Jen calls you, Donphan, use Rollout!"

Donphan charges in for the attack.

"Mamoswine, use Ice Shard!" Kate calls out.

Mamoswine performs Ice Shard towards Donphan, and becomes frozen upon contact.

"Donphan!" Jen cries out.

"Yeah. Mamoswine's Ice Shard is a long stronger since you last saw it," Kate says. She then calls out, "Now, use Take down!"

Then Mamoswin charges towards Donphan and strikes at it with full force.

"Donphan, are you alright?!" Jen calls out.

Donphan struggles, but mananges to get up and is still willing to battle.

"Great," Jen says. She then calls out, "Now, use Rapid Spin!"

Donphan performs RapidSpin and mananges to strike at Mamoswine, just barely.

Back in the jungle forest of the island, the Prehistoric Pokemon are running away in fear as the Pokemon poachers launch electric nets and tranquilizers at them, stopping them in their tracks.

Jim says, "Well, this sure is fun."

"Yeah. Catching Pokemon is like catching fruits," Tim says.

Claudia fires her own net launches and mananges to catch some of the Pokemon.

She says, "That's right boys, we need to catch as many of these rare Pokemon as we can. I hear that Kate has two extremely rare ones around here."

Suddenly, Claudia hears a strange noise and turns to see Arctovish swimming around in the lake with the other Pokemon.

"Well well, looks like we were able to find one of them," Claudia says and aims her net launcher at Arctovish, "Come to mama!"

And fires the electric net launcher at Arctovish, and mananges to catch it. Arctovish struggles and lets out a cry for help.

Back at the battlefield, Kabutops and Lucario continue battling each other with their attacks, but the sound of Arctovish's cry, gaining their attention. Jen, Kate, Amaura, Mamoswine, and Donphan also hear the cry as well.

"What was that?" Jen asks.

"That's Arctovish. Something's wrong," Kate says, "Can we finish our battle later?"

"I think you're right. Let's check it out," Jen says.

With that, Kate and Jen call back their Pokemon and rushes to the lake where Arctovish and the other Pokemon are. When they arrive at the lake, they are shocked to see Claudia, Tim, and Jim pulling Arctovish out of the lake.

"Well boys, I say we got ourselves a real catch," Claudia says.

"We sure have a boss," Jim says.

"This Pokemon is heavy," Tim says.

"Well, the sooner we get these Pokemon to the boat, the sooner we get out of here. We need to hurry before the gym leader shows up," Claudia says.

"Too late for that!" Kate's voice calls out in anger.

Claudia and her henchmen turn to see Kate, Jen, and Amaura.

"That's my Pokemon! Leave them alone!" Kate angrily says.

"Well, if it isn't the Gym Leader, Kate. The Gym Leader who specializes in Prehistoric Pokemon," Claudia says.

"That's right, and I heard of you. You're the Pokemon Poacher, Claudia. Along with your henchmen," Kate says.

"That's correct," Claudia says, "And I'm here for your Pokemon, especially this rare one."

"I'm not going to let you take them," Kate says.

"Me neither. How dare you try to take the Prehistoric Pokemom my sister and I love so much," Jen says, who is just as angry as Kate, "Get ready!"

"Jen," Kate says, surprised. She then smiles, "Right."

Then brings out her Pokeball, "If you want them, you'll have to beat us."

"That's right," Jen says and takes out her Pokeball.

"Well, it looks like we'll be battling you brats before we take these Pokemon," Claudia says.

And Claudia throws her Pokeball, "Let's go!"

The guys say, "You got it Boss!"

With that, Tim calls out a Nidoking and Jim calls out a Nidoqueen. Claudina's Pokemon is a Pokemon called a Shiftry.

Shiftry is a bipedal, portly plant Pokémon that appears to be made of wood. A shaggy white mane covers most of its face and trails down its back. Long pointed ears poke out the top of its mane, and it has a long, pointed nose and a large mouth with teeth that are usually bared. Its eyes are yellow with black sclerae. This Pokémon's feet resemble Japanese tengu-geta. Three broad leaves with brown spokes form each of its hands and are used to create powerful winds close to 100 feet (30 meters) per second in speed. A female will have smaller leaves than a male.

"What is that?" Jen asks.

"I think it's called a Shiftry. They originated in the Hoenn Region," Kate says.

"Then let's handle this right now," Jen says.

She then calls out, "Go Mareep! Amaura, go as well!"

With that, Amaura comes into the battlefield, Mareep comes out of the Pokeball.

Kate calls out, "Armaldo! Cradily! I choose you!"

Tim calls out, "Nidoking!"

"Nidoqueen!" Jim calls out.

Then they both call out, "Use Poison Sting!"

They launch the attack towards Amaura and Mareep dodge.

"Quick dodge!" Jen calls out.

Mareep and Amaura dodge.

Jen then calls out, "Amaura, use Aurora Beam!"

Amaura then fires the attack and it hits Nidoking.

But then Claudia calls out, "Shiftry, use Razor Leaf!"

Shiftry performs the attack and hits Amaura and Mareep with full force.

Kate then calls out, "Armaldo, use Metal Claw on Nidoqueen!"

"Mareep, use Thunder Shock on Shiftry!" Jen calls out.

Both Pokemon fire the attack, Armaldo is able to strike Nidoqueen, but Shiftry dodges the Thunderbolt.

Then Tim calls out, "Mega Kick, Nidoking!"

Nidoking then performs the attack on Armaldo.

"Armaldo!" Kate cries out.

Armadillo falls and struggles to get up.

Then Kate calls out, "Cradily, use Energy Ball!"

Cradily performs the attack and it hits Nidoking.

Then Claudia calls out, "Shiftry, use Leaf Storm!"

Shiftry then performs the attack that hits Amura, Mareep, and Armaldo with full force, and they all crash to Cradily.

"Armaldo! Cradily! Are you both okay?!" Kate calls out.

"Amaura! Mareep!" Jen calls out.

The four Pokemon struggle and manage to get back on their feet, but end up getting hurt from the attack.

Just then, Jim and Tim call out, "Hyper Beam!"

Both Nidoking and Nidoqueen soon fire the attack and manage to blast the four Pokemon. Mareep is barely able to move out of the way. Soon, Amaura, Cardily, and Armaldo are all knocked out.

"Amaura!" Jen cries out.

"Armaldo! Cradily!" Kate calls out.

"Well, now that's taken care of, we end up with three more Pokemon for us to take," Claudia says.

She then turns to the guys, "Boys, get them!"

"You got it," The pair says and launches the electric nets.

Before they can capture the Pokemon, Mareep uses Thunder Shock at them and sends them back with a powerful attack.

Mareep lets out baas and lets out a loud cry, then she begins to glow bright.

"What's happening?" Claudia asks, shocked.

"Mareep..." Jen says, surprised.

"Mareep's evolving," Kate says.

Soon enough, Mareep's body changes shape and size and once the light disappears, it reveals that Mareep has evolved.

Jen happily says, "Mareep has evolved to Flaaffy."

"Flaaffy," Flaaffy happily calls out.

"Well, it won't matter, we'll simply take that down too," Claudia says.

She then calls out, "Shiftry, use Tackle!"

Shiftry then charges in for the attack.

"Flaaffy!" Jen calls out.

Before Shiftry can strike, Flaaffy jumps up and then its fist glows as she punches Shiftry. That sends Shiftry flying right into the tree, knocking it out.

"What?!" Claudia says, shocked.

"Hey, that was Focus Punch!" Kate says, surprised.

"Looks like Flaaffy has learned a new move," Jen says.

"That does it. Nidoking, use Mega Kick!" Tim calls out.

"Nidoqueen, use Mega Punch!" Jim calls out.

Both Pokemon charge for the attack.

Jen calls out, "Flaaffy, dodge and use Iron Tail on Nidoking! Then use Focus Punch on Kidoqueen!"

Flaaffy does just that and charges in. She dodges the attack of Nidoking and strikes it with Iron Tail. then dodges Nidoqueen's attack and strikes it with Focus Punch.

Then Jen calls out, "Now Flaaffy, use Power Gem!"

Flaaffy then performs the attack at both Pokemon, enough to take both of them down to the ground.

The three poachers are shocked to see their Pokemon defeated.

Then Jen throws her Pokeball, "Flora, use Ingrain to capture those crooks!"

With Flora the Sunflora out of the Pokeball she uses her attack to restrain the crooks.

"Put us down!" Claudia shouts.

"Sorry, but you'll be waiting here until Officer Jenny gets here," Jen says.

Later in the evening Officer Jenny has arrived on the island to take the hunters to jail, and Kate and Jen are able to free and heal the Pokemon they captured.

"Thank you for helping apprehend these poachers. They've been causing a lot of trouble on the Orange Islands," Officer Jenny says.

"It's no trouble. In fact, it's my sister and her Flaaffy who were the ones who beat them," Kate says.

"Mainly Flaaffy, she was great," Jen says and pat Flaaffy.

Flaaffy happily baas in response.

"Thank you both. Now I gotta get going," Jenny says.

And with that, Officer Jenny rides on her boat with the police as they take the Pokemon poachers away to pay for their crimes.

Kate turns to Jen, "Jen, you really handle yourself back there, and Mareep even evolved into Flaaffy. I can tell how strong you've been since you left."

Jen smiles, "Thanks Kate."

The two sisters hug each other with smiles.

A few days later, Jen has her things set to head out and with a new outfit. Jen is wearing lavender and pink sneakers, purple shorts, a sky blue shirt, and is wearing a purple backpack.

Kate takes Jen to the docks where a boat is ready to take her to the mainland

"So Jen, where are you planning on going?" Kate asks.

"I'm planning on heading to the Hoenn Region. I want to see if I can watch up with Mew," Jen says.

"Glad to hear it. I hope you continue to get strong on your journey and catch some new Pokemon," Kate says.

"I will," Jen says.

Soon, Jen is on the boat with Amaura and Flaaffy.

Jen waves goodbye, "Bye, Kate! Bye everyone!"

Kate and the Prehistoric Pokemon, and Jen's other Pokemon say goodbye and say farewell to Jen. Despite the unexpected battle, Jen and Kate are able to rescue the Pokemon from the poachers and Jen's Pokemon evolve into Flaaffy. Now Jen, Amaura, and Flaaffy are now making their way to the Hoenn Region to meet up with their friend, Mew.

Jen Files

Pokemon on Hand: Amaura (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Clefairy (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Hatenna (Female). Shiny Hoppip (Female.). Flaaffy (Female). Salandit (Female). Quaxly (Male). Clodsire (Female). Piloswine (Male). Rellor (Male). Impidimp (Male). Lechonk (Female). Bedew (Female). Tynamo (Male). Suicune (Male). Snover (Male). Mantyke (Male).

Pokemon on Jurassic Island: Quagsire (Male). Oranguru (Male). Tadbulb (Female). Drampa (Male). Wigglytuff-Two (Male). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Donphan (Male). Sunflora A.K.A Flora (Female). Aurorus (Female). Combee-Two (Female). Murkrow (Male).

Return to Madame Munchmoney: Grandbull (Female).

Items: Ampharosite.

Pokeball: 1 Fast Ball. 1 Lure Ball.

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