Episode 1: A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!
After going his separate ways, Brock, former leader of the Pewter Gym, and self-described lady's man is heading back home to his family. Now he is looking over Pewter City, his home town.
"Smell that Pewter air," Brock says.
Suddenly, he hears a voice, "Turn back, travelers."
Brock looks down to see a familiar man.
The man says, "A horrible curse has befallen this town, you three must leave at once and never return or else a terrible fate will befall you."
Confused, Brock asks, "What are you doing, dad?"
Surprised, the man panics, "You must have me mistaken for someone else!"
"Like I wouldn't know your voice?" Brock says, and removes his dad, Flint's disguise, "Why are you trying to get us to leave town?! You're the one who's writing and saying I should visit more often!"
"Well, it's just that..." Flint says and gets up, "Brock, do you remember how truly glorious the Pewter gym was back when you were the gym leader?" This has Brock confused.
Flint continues, "It was known as the greatest gym for rock Pokémon. A no thrills place, seasoning only the toughest trainers. As rough and cold as the stones themselves. But now, it's just..."
"Dad, what happened to the gym?" Brock asks.
Flint sweat drops, "Your mother happened. I'm sorry, son."
"What do you mean?" Brock asks.
"You, don't want to know," Flint says.
Brock doesn't like the sound of it, "This doesn't sound good."
Brock arrives at the gym and can't believe what he is seeing. It's beyond shocking for him.
"What am I looking at?!" Brock asks, disbelief.
Flint leans to Brock, "Now do you see why I tried to make you three turn back?"
"There's a hedge..." Brock says, stunned.
"I know," Flint says.
"And flowers!" Brock says, shocked.
"I know," Flint says.
"And..." Brock is about to say something.
But Flint says, "I know. Let's go home for now."
But Brock refuses, "No, I want to see the inside."
"Your mother has the keys. Come on," Flint confirms.
The pair then head back to the gym and to Brock's house.
Brock also notices, "Wow, the house looks...different."
"Your mother repaints it every three months," Flint says.
Brock soon opens the door, "I'm home!"
And soon sees Brock's younger brother, Salvadore, and Timmy.
Salvadore says, "Hey, it's Brock!"
"Hi, Brock!" Tommy says.
Brock walks over with a smile, "What's up, little pipsqueaks? How's it going?"
Salvador calls out, "Everybody, come quick! Brock is home!""
Soon, the rest of Brock's brothers and sisters hurry over to greet their brother back home.
Forrest says, "Hi, Brock!"
"Welcome home!" Yolanda happily replies.
Cindy and Suzie walk down from the stairs.
Cindy says, "Wow! You got tall!"
"Hi, Brock!" Suzie says.
Timmy, who is in the living room says, "Hey, Brock!"
The twins simply coo in response to seeing their big brother.
Brock walks over to ask, "So, you guys staying out of trouble?"
He then notices his mother, setting up a picture, "Hey, mom! Uh, what is that?"
Brock's mother, Lola is a fair skinned woman with brown eyes, mahogany hair. She wears a pink tanktop and white pants.
Lolo says, "Nice to see you, too, dear," and finishes adjusting the picture, "And it's nice to meet both of your friends. Hmm. What do either of you think of this painting?"
"Uh..." Brock responds, dumbfounded.
"The artwork, what do you think of it?" Lona says, pointing to the picture.
"That's art..." Brock says, pointing to the picture.
"It's a Smeargle masterpiece. I found it at this darling little market. I'm becoming an art connoisseur," Lilo says.
Brock isn't so sure, "I thought maybe Tilly did it with a crayon," And then says, "You know, last time I was here, you were studying astrological signs. And the time before that, you were learning how to juggle yu-yu sticks."
"You should've been here when I was learning how to yodel," Lolo says as she actually yodels.
Then Lola notices Flint behind Brock, "There you are, dear. Look. How do you like the painting?"
"It's a Smeargle," Yolanda points out.
Brock turns to his dad, "Dad, mom's just being her usual, bubbly self. I think maybe you're overreacting."
Flint whispers to Brock, "Just wait until you see the inside of the gym."
Soon, they enter the gym, and soon after, a look of shock sweeps over Brock's face.
"Isn't it cute?" Lola asks with glee.
"I'm sorry, son," Flint apologizes.
"There's... There's... water!" Brock says, shocked, to see water has flooded the gym, "Please tell me, a pipe broke."
"No," Flint answers.
"Isn't the color scheme fabulous?" Lolo says.
Brock soon starts losing his cool, and soon blows his top, "Color isn't the point. The Pewter gym is supposed to be for rock type Pokémon! Why is there a lake?!"
Suddenly, a Blastoise, Tentacruel and Gyarados burst out of said lake, with a Vaporeon, Poliwag and Slowpoke calmly wading before them.
"Look, Brock. Everyone is so excited to meet you," Loloa says and walks to the Pokémon, "Everyone, this is Brock
The Pokémon greet them.
"Did you catch all these Pokémon yourself?" Brock asks, shocked.
"Yes, aren't they precious?" Lola happily says.
But Brock yells, "Well, they shouldn't be here! It's a gym, not an aquarium!"
Then Forrest says, "Don't try to reason, Brock, we've all tried. She's never going to change her mind about this."
"This is too much. It's unacceptable!" Brock says, upset.
And turns to his dad, "Dad, do something. After all, you're the gym leader."
"I had Rhydon bring in huge boulders from the mountain tops, and your mother painted them all pink! It's terrible. I've tried everything. I'm at my wit's end," Flint says.
Then Brock yells at his dad, "Pull yourself together!"
And then Flint explains, "I tried to cover the pool with concrete and she had a Gyarados smash it to pieces. I think that maybe I'm simply not cut out to be a gym leader at all."
Seeing his dad like this, Forrest says, "It's kind of sad, isn't it, Brock? I mean, think about it, if you won't fight for your gym, what will you fight for in life?"
Brock agrees, "You're right!" And shouts at his dad, "Dad, get up! You're going to battle mom for the gym!"
Soon, both contenders are on the battlefield.
Brock announces, "Alright, mom, listen up. I know you like your water Pokémon, and I know you think ribbons and swirlers are the way to decorate, but here at the Pewter gym, soft and pretty just aren't going to fly!"
"Oh, Brock, you're so stubborn," Lola says, "You must've gotten that from your father because..."
"I'm not anything, that's just the way it is!" Brock says.
Well, now..." Lolo says.
Then Brock says, "You're changing the gym back to how it was if you lose."
"Oh, but it's so cute," Lolo happily says.
"You're such a fuddy," Lola says, "That's fine, but if I win, all the little ones have to become water Pokémon trainers."
The kids sulk in disappointment at the news.
"Fine," Brock says.
Forrest calls out, "Dad has no hope! All mom's got are water type Pokémon and dad battles with only rock types! There's no way he can win!
"Yeah, water always beats rock," Salvadore agrees.
Even the twins agree.
"Brock, your brothers are right. Maybe if we were battling on solid ground, but, how am I supposed to fight on a lake?" Flint says.
However, Brock says, "Aren't you a gym leader?!"
"Sort of," Flint says.
"Do you remember Mew?" Brock says.
"Yes, I remember," Flint says.
"Even though she used a Poliwag, she and her Pokemon were still giving it their all, even though Poliwag is smaller. Type doesn't always matter, but is to give your heart out in the battle, and defeat was not an open for them," Brock says, "And for the three years we traveled together, Mew has become an amazing trainer and he taught me a lot. She taught me that no matter what kind of battlefield you're on or what kind of opponent you're fighting, there's always a way to win! So if you want to go on calling yourself a gym leader, stand up for yourself and your family and make us proud!"
"Fine. Right!" Flint says.
"I will be the judge! This is a one on one battle!" Brock says.
"Hmm. Just one, you say? In that case," Lola says as she gets out her Pokéball and kisses it, "Marill, I choose you!"
And Marill comes out.
Flint then calls out, "Go, Golem!"
Golem comes out of the Pokeball, but can't balance itself on the rock while the siblings.
Forrest says, "Look at Golem wobbling. It's like watching my future crumble before my eyes."
"No time limit!" Brock says. He soon announces, "Start the battle!"
"Flint, you can make the first move, sugar," Lola says.
"Uh, yeah. Okay. Thanks a lot, hon," Flint says.
"You're welcome, dear," Lola says.
"Okay! This is like the old days! When I was young! Back then, Flint and rock was a recipe for true greatness!" Flint says. He then calls out, "Listen up, kids! Keep an eye on your old man, cause he's about to show you the glory and pride of the Pewter gym in action! Let's go, Golem! Earthquake, now!"
Golem leaps and lands on the rock with a thump, causing the called-for attack.
Forrest calls out, "Alright, dad! Good call on the Earthquake!"
"What do you mean 'good call'?" Salvadore calls out.
"By shaking the whole gym, he'll stir up the waters, making it hard for Marill to navigate. Marill will spend on its energy trying to gain control and won't be able to fight!" Forrest says
Marill quickly falls into the lake as a massive tidal wave forms and heads towards Lola and Marill.
"Oh, my goodness!" Lola says, surprised.
The wave sweeps Marill away.
"Look! It's working!" Forrest says. And calls out, "Dad, way to go!"
"Who's your daddy?" Flint says with confidence.
But Lola says, "Not so fast, sweetie!" And calls out the next attack, "Come on, Marill! Surf!"
Marill quickly starts riding another wave.
"Uh oh," Flint says, realizing what this means.
And soon the massive wave sends Golem into the water.
"Golem, no!" Flint calls out.
Golem quickly sinks.
Seeing the trouble, Lola says, ""Oh, dear! Blastoise, go! Help Golem!"
Blastoise agrees and dives in.
"I guess that's what they mean by 'sink like a stone'," Forrest says
Soon, Golem is back on dry land and being tended to by Blastoise and Marill.
Flint then apologizes to his Pokemon, "I'm so sorry, Golem. I know how scary water can be. There's no solid surface to stand on.
Later, Brock is drying Golem with a blow dryer with some help from Summer the Kanto Ninetales.
"Hey, Brock, what are you doing?" Forrest asks.
"I'm just speeding up the recovery process and Summer is helping me speed it up a little. As Golem's shell dries off, its body radiates far infrared rays which help it return to its normal temperature," Brock says and turns to the Pokemon, "Right, Golem? Doesn't that feel better?"
Golem happily agrees.
Impressed, Forrest says, "Wow. You really seem to know a lot."
"Yeah, well, I'm a Pokémon breeder," Brock says.
"That's cool," Forrest says, amazed.
Meanwhile, with Brock's parents.
"You fought well," Lolo says.
"Thanks, hon. Your Surf attack was great," Flint says.
Then Lola asks, "Remember our first battle?"
"That's how we met," Flint says, "You took out my Graveler with your Poliwag's Hydro Pump attack. The way you handled that Poliwag made me fall in love with you."
"You told me it was my charm and good looks," Lola says.
"It was all those things, and more, my dear," Flint says.
"When you hurled your Pokéball, I thought 'he's the guy'. And then, the way you commanded Graveler, it gave me goosebumps," Lola says.
The two then turn to each other.
Flint says, "Oh, Lola."
"My sweet Flint," Lola says.
They both take each other's hands.
"That's really sweet and all, but I won't let this gym become a water gym. I will battle you myself before I let that happen," Brock says, sounding determined.
Both Flint and Lola look at each other with concern, realizing that their son was being serious. Later, in the kitchen, Brock and three of his siblings are seen cooking dinner
"So, there's this girl in my class," Forrest says.
"Uh, which one, Forrest?" Salvadore asks, and turns to his brother, "I thought you liked every girl in your class."
"As it should be, little brother, you're a chip off the old Brock," Brock says.
Back at the gym
"We've always had so much fun together, haven't we? Remember when we took on those Ursaring?" Lola says.
"I thought you were getting bored with me and that's why you started all those hobbies," Flint says and lets out a sigh.
"Don't be silly, hon," Lola says, "When you met me, I was a young, aspiring Pokémon trainer. When we married, I was a musician and a sculptress. I've gone through many hobbies and interests, but the one thing I've never lost interest in is you."
"My sweet Lola," Flint says and takes her hands, "I love you so much."
"Flint," Lola says, happily.
"Lola," Flint says, feeling the same.
At dinner, everyone is startled by Flint and Lola's behavior that they can't eat.
Just then, Forrest shouts, "Guys!"
"We're at the table!" Suzie says.
"That's gross," Cindy agrees.
Then Brock says, "Let's talk about what's going to happen to the gym."
"I don't think they're worried about the gym," Yolanda says.
"This is yummy," Lola says.
"Delicious," Flint agrees.
Lola then says, "You're a good cook, Brock. You know, I was studying to be a master chef at one time."
"When are we going to have our battle, mom?" Brock asks.
"You're so funny," Lola says.
But Brock says, "I'm serious! The gym can't be a water gym."
"Oh, well, see about that..." Flint says.
Then Lola says, "Kids, guests, your father has something to say."
But Flint says, "No, honey, you tell them."
"No, dear, you tell them," Lola says.
"No, you," Flint says.
"No, you," Lola says.
Getting impatient, Brock shouts, "SOMEBODY TALK!"
"Brock! We were just getting there," Lola says.
Flint clears his throat and says, "Kids, guests, I have an important announcement to make. From now on, the Pewter gym will handle two types of Pokémon, the rock type and the water type."
Everyone was confused.
"That way the gym can stay really cute. We're going to build a rock garden right next to the pool," Lola says.
And Flint says, "I think this'll make Pewter gym unique, one of the only gyms that handles two types."
However, Forrest is not happy and angrily shouts, "You're going to turn our gym into a laughingstock, dad!" and runs off.
"Forrest! Hey!" Brock calls out.
Once Forrest is gone, Cindy says, "After you left, Forrest has always been talking about how he wants to be the leader of the gym when he grows up."
"The leader of the gym?" Brock says, confused.
Outside, Brock catches up with Forrest, who's staring at the river
"Hey, Forrest. Mind if I join you?" Brock replies and sits down, "It sure is nice out here. This is the first moment of peace and quiet I've had all day."
"Yeah, this is where I come when I want to be alone," Forrest says. Then asks, "So, have you met lots of girls?"
"Yeah, I've met a few here and there. But I've gotta stay focused if I'm going to become a great Pokémon Breeder," Brock says.
"Talk about the girls," Forrest says.
Brock then says, "Why don't we talk about you instead, little buddy? I hear you've got your sights set on becoming leader of the Pewter gym."
"Not anymore, I don't. They ruined it," Forrest says. He sighs and says, "Now I can't wait to get out of here and start my adventures. I'm supposed to be getting my first Pokémon soon, then I'm going to travel around and work my way up. Then I'll come back home. And then I guess I'll challenge mom and dad for the gym. Let me ask you something, Brock. Do you think I've made a wrong choice in deciding to focus my training on rock type Pokémon?"
"Nuh uh," Brock answers, and messes with Forrest's hair
"Because I want to be the master of the rock type. But the thing is, I mean, well...I'm always going to lose to water type Pokémon," Forrest says.
"Stop thinking that way," Brock says, "You know what the coolest part of a Pokémon battle is? It's learning how to overcome the odds and expectations."
"But you saw what happened," Forrest replies.
"Don't you worry," Brock says and gets up, "I'll show you the strength of a rock Pokémon! Tomorrow, the rock Pokémon will have their day!"
The next day, Brock finds his parents and their Pokémon at the front of the gym.
"Good morning," Borck says.
"Hey, there, sweetie," Lola says with a smile.
"Sleep okay last night?" Flint asks.
"Not really. I was pretty anxious last night," Brock answers.
"Yeah, me, too," Flint says, "We're reopening the gym today, as a rock and water type Pokémon gym. Check out the sign, I spent all night building it."
Brock looks at the sign as Golem and Blastoise try to hold it up.
But Brock says, "Not going to work."
Right on cue, the two Pokémon drop the sign, breaking it
"Why not?" Flint asks.
"Look at them, they can't even hold up a sign together. It's useless," Brock says.
"They can learn," Flint says.
"It's got to stay a rock gym," Brock says.
"Well, your mother's the gym leader now, son, and she's made up her mind," Flint says.
But Brock says, "No way. Have you guys even been listening to me at all? I'm challenging mom today, and if I win, the water Pokémon have to pack their bags and find another lake."
"I do not want to fight my own son," Lola says.
But Flint says, "Something tells me there's no choice."
"That's right. We're going to battle today!" Brock says.
"That's fine, but you're going to have to fight me in the water,"
Brock nods his head, "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way."
Unknown to them, Forrest has heard everything that transpired.
Soon, the gym battle between Brock and Lola is about to begin.
"I'll be the official judge for this battle!" Flint says.
"You look great, honey!" Lola says.
"Good luck, sweetie!" Flint calls out.
Then Brock calls out, "Alright, mom. We can only use one Pokémon each and I choose this one!" and calls out his Pokemon, "Go, Onix!"
"Don't be upset if it ends up sinking like Golem did," Lola says, and calls out, "Surf's up, Mantine!"
Soon, a Mantine comes out to the Pokeball and bursts out of the water.
"Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen? I love its teensy black eyes," Lola says.
Brock simply smiles.
Forrest calls out, "Come on! You got to win, Brock!"
"Okay! Mantine vs Onix! Let the battle begin! Lola, start the battle!" Flint announces.
But Lola says, "Oh, no. Let Brock go first."
"Sure, I'd love to," Brock says. He then looks up at Forrest, "Hey, Forrest, watch this!" Then calls out the first attack, "Onix, go Dig, now!"
Onix dives straight through the rock and right into the bottom of the pool.
"Oh no!" Lola says, shocked.
Soon, a whirlpool develops.
Flint becomes surprised, "He...he's drilling a hole! He'll drain the water from the field!"
Salvadore cheers, "Good idea! Go, Brock, go!"
In no time, the field drains out and Mantine starts flapping its fins.
"Oh, Mantine!" Lola cries out.
Then Brock calls out, "Onix, now! Come up underneath Mantine!"
Onix does so, forcing Mantine to take to the air and dive down at Onix.
Lola calls out, "Bubble Beam, now!"
The attack fires and lands.
Then Brock calls out, "Onix, now! Counter it with Bind!"
Mantine is quickly trapped.
Lola then calls out, "Mantine, use Confuse Ray to confuse Onix!"
But nothing happens.
"What's it doing? Why doesn't it respond?" Salvadore asks.
"Mantine can't do much right now cause Onix has it in a Bind hold," Forrest says.
Lola then calls out, "Bubble Beam, Mantine, now!"
Mantine fires the attack and lands.
Salvadore says, "Looks like it's doing something to me."
"Direct hit. Not good," Forrest says.
Brock then calls out, "Onix, let go of Mantine!"
Onix does so
Then Lola calls out, "Mantine, Bubble Beam again!"
Mantine fires the attack and lands.
Then Brock calls out, "Onix, quickly, put everything you have into a Slam attack with your tail!"
Onix does so and nails Mantine hard, shocking and surprising everyone before Mantine lands with a thud, knocked out.
Flint announces, "Stop! Mantine's down! The winner is Onix!"
The children cheer.
Forrest says, "Score one for the rock Pokémon!"
"I can't believe what I just saw! A rock type Pokémon just defeated a water type!" Salvadore says, impressed.
"Yeah, I knew it would! See? Rock types totally rule!" Forrest happily says.
Brock then says to his Pokemon, "Hey! Good job, Onix!"
Lola then calls back her Pokemon, "Return, Mantine!" You fought well."
"Lola. I'm so sorry," Flint says.
"So, the Pewter gym remains a rock only gym just like we agreed!" Brock says.
"You got it," Lola says, "But can we at least keep the color scheme? It's so cheery! It just makes you want to sing!"
As Lola finishes her sentence, she sings the word sing.
"You know, a little color never hurt anybody, Brock," Flint says.
"Honey, you're so sweet," Lola says.
"Not as sweet as you," Flint says.
Brock begrudgingly agrees, "Yeah, fine, whatever."
Suddenly, Forrest calls out, "Brock!" And approaches as the others come near Onix.
"So, how'd you like that, Forrest?" Brock asks.
"That rocked!" Forrest says.
"You still want to be a rock master?" Brock asks.
"Yeah. I just hope I can be as good as you are someday," Forrest says.
"Of course, you can! Isn't that right, Onix?" Brock says.
Onix agrees.
"Speaking of which, Onix, you mind sticking around here and teaching Forrest a thing or two?" Brock asks.
"Rrroooooaaarrrr!" (Sure!) Onix says.
"You'll need him, "Brock says, "After all, look. There's your gym leader right there."
Brock and Forrest look over to their parents.
"Don't worry. Onix is really well trained," Brock says.
Forrest happily says, "Thanks, Brock! You're the best! I'm going to work really hard and become a great trainer like you! We'll be the top trainer and the top breeder."
"Yeah," Brock says
Soon, Brock is seen in his new clothes, and is preparing to head off once more.
Lola happily says, "That jacket looks stunning on you, Brock. Maybe I should go into fashion."
"Bye, son. Don't forget to write to your family," Flint says.
"I won't," Brock says.
Then Forrest asks, "Hey, Brock? You know what's going to happen the next time you come home?! You and I are going to have a battle!"
"Sure, you got it. Hang in there, Forrest, and good luck with your training, buddy," Then whispers, "Next time, I'll teach you about girls."
Forrest chuckles and whispers, "That'd be great."
"I'll be sure to call you guys once I get to Hoenn," Brock says.
"Stay well," Flint says.
"Take care, Brock!" Forrest says.
"See ya later!" Brock says and takes his leave.
"Everyone bids Brock farewell.
And so, Brock's brief visit with his family came to an end. He leaves now to continue on his quest to become a great Pokémon Breeder, bound this time for the region of Hoenn, to meet up again with his friend, Mew.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Rattata (Male). Hoppip (Female). Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Slugma (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Pansage (Male). Seedot (Male). Lairon (Male). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Bagon (Male). Forretress (Male). Sandile (Male). Purrloin (Female). Venipede (Male). Sandygast (Female). Baltoy. Dwebble (Male). Hippopotas (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Klawf (Male). Vulpix-Two. Solrock. Pinsir (Male).
Returned to Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Pokemon at Pewter Gym: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Crobat (Male). Rhydon (Female). Rhyhorn (Male). Nosepass (Female). Winter A.K.A Alolan Ninetales (Female). Summer A.K.A Kanto Ninetales (Female). Weavile (Female). Sneasler (Female). Vileplume-Two (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 1 Ice Stones. 2 Fire Stones. 2 Water Stones. 2 Thunder Stones. Metal Coat. Aggronite.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
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