Wisty's Pokemon

* Wisty's Pokemon!"
" Dun ta dun ta dun!"

" W.... Wisty.... Care to explain why half of these Pokemon are following you?!" Oak exclaimed.

Wisty blinked. " Uh..... Sure."

Gary, Ash, Misty and Brock were there too, sitting on the couches. Gary had dropped his teacup on the floor, Ash had just froze with the cup to his lips, Misty froze picking up her cup, and Brock just stared.

Wisty blinked. " What happened? Why are you all looking at me like a grew another head?"

" Y.... you have a.... a.... a Wobuffet....."

Wisty raised a brow. " So?" She asked Brock. " It's not that hard to find one."

" But.....Clefairy....."

Wisty rolled her eyes. " Oh Ash."

Then a pink Pokemon came, holding a marker.

Everyone screamed.



Gary had jumped onto the couch. " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"


Oak had jumped onto a chair. " Wisty, please get that out of here before it starts to sing."

Wisty rolled her eyes. " Oh, come on! But fine. Jigglypuff, please do not sing."

" Jiggly!"

" And a.... Alcremie.....?" Gary whispered.

Ash took his Pokedex out. 

" Alcremie. The Cream Pokemon. A fairy type. This Pokemon is usually found in sweet shops, making sweet frosting for cakes."


" Appletun. The turtle pokemon. A dragon and grass type. A giant apple engulfs most of its body, leaving only its head, neck and tail exposed. Its leaf-like eyestalks stand up straight and it has a piece of the apple covering its head, with yellow carvings on it resembling nostrils. Its cheeks are rounded and it hangs its mouth open, letting its red tongue loll out. Its neck becomes taller and stretches upwards, while its tail becomes elongated and wraps around the base of the apple."

" Wow." Ash said as he put his Pokedex into his jacket. " That's amazing."

" Rockruff!"

Gary turned to the dog. " Who's that?"

" That's Rocky." Wisty said as she pet the dog.

" Rockruff. The dog Pokemon. A rock type. Rockruff has an excellent sense of smell and will never forget an odor after smelling it once. There are tales of it reuniting with its Trainer after becoming lost by following the faintest traces of scent. It has lived with humans since ancient times." Dexter said.

Ash nodded, impressed. " Wow, Wisty. You have quite the catch."

" Chika Chika!"

Wisty looked at Chikerita. " Yes?"

" Chika!"

Wisty looked at her vine whip, which was pointing to her foot. " Oh, really? I told you, it's healed! Completely!"

" Cherubi!"

Ash took his Pokedex out. 


" Cherubi. The Grass type Pokemon. The body becomes redder when bathed in sunlight, which signals that it has stockpiled a lot of nutrients. Its second head is vestigial in terms of function, but it contains nutrients that contribute to Cherubi's growth as its initial source of food."

Ash nodded. " Great. I have no idea what that meant."

Gary sighed. " It means Cherubi's second head is needed for nutrition."

" Oh."

Oak nodded thoughtfully. " That is quite the couple of Pokemon you've acquired, Wisty!"

Ash looked at Wisty teasingly. " Is this my little Dimples, the one who said she would only catch a FEW pokemon?"

Wisty crossed her arms, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Hey, you can't blame a girl for finding some... companions," she said, giving a wink. "I didn't plan for all of them to follow me. They just couldn't resist my charm."

Gary raised an eyebrow, still perched on the couch like the floor was lava. "Charm? You mean your... dimples?"

Ash snorted, finally snapping out of his frozen state. "I can't believe you, Wisty! A Wobbuffet?And Jigglypuff?! And don't get me started on the apple turtle."

Wisty shrugged, clearly unfazed. "What can I say? They've got personality. Right, Appletun?" Appletun gave a slow, happy nod, seemingly oblivious to the chaos it was causing.

"Jiggly!" Jigglypuff chirped, twirling its marker like a conductor's baton, ready to mark anything in sight.

Misty shivered. "Wisty, that Jigglypuff is a menace! You better keep it in check or—or—"

"Or what? It'll draw on your face?" Wisty replied, stifling a laugh as she recalled stories of Jigglypuff leaving scribbles on sleeping trainers.

Oak cleared his throat, trying to regain some sense of authority despite standing atop a chair. "Wisty, it's clear you've got quite the collection of unique Pokémon. But perhaps you could... limit their indoor activities?"

"Fine, fine," Wisty said, looking a bit disappointed. "You guys just don't appreciate creativity."

She gave Jigglypuff a pat. "Maybe later, Jiggly, okay? We'll practice your drawings outside."

Gary let out a huge sigh of relief as Jigglypuff backed off, though it still eyed his face like a blank canvas.

Suddenly, Chikorita tugged on Wisty's pants leg with a vine. "Chika Chika!" It pointed to Wisty's bandaged foot again, looking rather unconvinced by her reassurances.

Wisty gave an exasperated sigh. "Oh, really, Chikorita? For the last time, it's fine!"

But Chikorita shook its head stubbornly, giving her a sharp look. Rocky barked in agreement, and even Clefairy crossed its arms, nodding.

Oak chuckled, watching Wisty's Pokémon rallying for her well-being. "Seems like they're just looking out for you, Wisty."

Ash nudged her. "Looks like they care more about your leg than you do!"

Wisty huffed, though a smile was tugging at her lips. "Alright, alright. I'll take it easy. Happy now, you little medics?"

Her Pokémon all nodded, satisfied. Misty finally relaxed back into her seat, still eyeing the Jigglypuff warily.

Ash leaned in, grinning mischievously. "So, Dimples—catching only a 'few' Pokémon, huh?"

Wisty gave him a playful shove. "Oh, hush. I'm just better at it than you, that's all."

Gary, rolling his eyes, muttered, "Better at attracting trouble, maybe."

Wisty just laughed, gathering her Pokémon around her. "What can I say? Trouble just can't keep away from me."

" What happened to your foot?!"

Wisty groaned. " Really mom? No, ' Hello, Wisty how are you' or, " Wow, look at all your Pokemon you've caught'?"

Delia sighed, putting her hands on her hips with that classic mom look that Wisty knew all too well. "Oh, fine, dear. Hello, Wisty, how are you? Wow, look at all the Pokémon you've caught! Now, what happened to your foot?"

Wisty groaned, rubbing her temples. "Mom, it's nothing! Just a little twist. Barely even noticed it."

Delia raised an eyebrow, looking unconvinced. "A 'little twist'? Wisty, it's bandaged up like a Mummy Pokémon! What were you doing, running from a herd of Tauros?"

Gary chuckled from the corner. "Pretty much, Mrs. Ketchum."

"Mom, seriously, it's fine," Wisty insisted, shifting her weight. "Besides, shouldn't you be proud? Look at all these Pokémon who came along to help me catch even more!"

Delia's eyes softened, though she still looked concerned. "Of course I'm proud! You've got quite the team here." She waved at the gathered Pokémon, who all chirped, growled, or barked in acknowledgment. "But I'm also your mom, Wisty. You have to be careful."

Ash nudged her. "Yeah, Wisty. It's only been, what, two days since you decided to start listening to someone about taking it easy."

Wisty threw him a sideways look. "Thanks, Ash. Real supportive."

Delia let out a small laugh but gently laid a hand on Wisty's shoulder. "I'm glad you're safe, but please try to remember you're not invincible."

Wisty gave her a smile. "I know, Mom. But hey, with all these Pokémon looking out for me, I think I'm in pretty good hands."

The kitchen was buzzing with life, filled with the delicious aroma of Delia's homemade cooking. Plates clattered on the table as Delia set down bowls of steaming rice, grilled vegetables, and a big plate of stir-fried noodles that seemed to vanish before she could finish saying, "Dinner is served!"

Ash and Pikachu, as if on cue, dove into their meal like it was the last meal on earth. "Pika-chu!" Pikachu squeaked, stuffing a berry into its cheeks, while Ash tackled his plate with a fervor that would put a Snorlax to shame. Delia watched with a mix of amusement and mild exasperation, her hands on her hips as she tried to keep up with the whirl of forks and chopsticks.

Meanwhile, down the hall in the bathroom, Wisty had her own little operation going on. She sat on the edge of the tub, her injured foot propped up, while Chikorita and Sprigatito tended to her like a pair of Pokémon nurses. With delicate care, Chikorita extended its vines, wrapping Wisty's ankle in a makeshift bandage while Sprigatito busied itself by bringing over extra leaves it had plucked from nearby plants.

Wisty grinned at her two Pokémon and shrugged. "Eh, it'll do," she muttered, giving the haphazard bandaging a final tug. "Thanks, guys. I'd be hobbling around like a Farfetch'd without ya."

Sprigatito meowed in pride, rubbing against her leg, while Chikorita gave a happy chirp, its leaf waving in the air. Wisty gingerly lowered her foot to the ground, testing her weight. "Alright, team, I think we're good to go. Now... let's go get some food!"

Pushing the bathroom door open, she limped through the hallway, her two loyal Pokémon by her side. The smell of food reached her as she neared the kitchen, her stomach growling in anticipation. But just as she was about to step in, she saw the whirlwind that was Ash and Pikachu, devouring their meals with gusto. Wisty figured they might finish every scrap of food before she could even get a fork.

"Okay, you two," she whispered to Chikorita and Sprigatito. "It's time to execute Plan B."

She slipped out the front door, her Pokémon following close behind. They darted down the path and had made it two blocks away before she heard it—her mother's voice, booming down the street, sharp enough to reach even the ears of a Pokémon a mile away.

"Wisty! Get back here this instant!" Delia's voice carried with the authority only a mother could wield.

Wisty winced and turned around slowly, her two Pokémon staring up at her with wide eyes. She tried calling back as calmly as she could, hoping her mother might take the hint and let her be.

"Mom, the Pokémon food is at the observatory!" she shouted, a hopeful lilt in her voice.

"What?!" Delia's voice didn't sound any less insistent. "You think that's an excuse to skip dinner?"

"Mom, they're starving!" Wisty called back, trying to keep moving forward but still within earshot. She couldn't resist adding, "And you know how fussy Sprigatito gets when we don't eat on time."

Delia crossed her arms, stepping onto the front porch with an exasperated sigh. "You're not getting out of this one, young lady. Come back here right now, or I'm coming to get you myself!"

"Aw, c'mon, Mom!" Wisty pleaded, hands on her hips. "I'll grab a quick snack there, and I'll be back before you know it!"

Delia narrowed her eyes, her expression softening just slightly. She knew her daughter could be stubborn—where did she get it from, anyway?—but she also knew that when Wisty set her mind on taking care of her Pokémon, there was no use arguing.

"Fine," Delia called, a bit softer now. "But only because you promised you'll be back soon. And you better eat something, or you're going to be in trouble, missy."

Wisty grinned, giving her mom a playful salute. "Yes, ma'am! Thanks, Mom!"

With that, she turned, her Pokémon trotting alongside her, ready to head toward the observatory, where a feast awaited them—though probably nothing quite like Delia's cooking.

It was nearly two hours since Wisty had wandered off, and Ash, Delia, and the others were starting to get concerned. The little girl was usually full of energy, but she hadn't returned, and no one knew where she had gone.

"Where in the world could she have gone?" Ash asked, pacing back and forth.

"I'm sure she's fine," Delia said, though her voice had the tiniest tremor of worry. "She's probably just playing somewhere, right?"

"Yeah, playing somewhere... again," Brock muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. "She always finds a way to get herself into trouble."

"I just hope she doesn't get herself caught by Team Rocket again," Misty added, rubbing her temples.

Ash, who was used to Wisty's mischievousness, had a sudden thought. "The observatory! She loves that place! Let's check there!"

They hurried to the observatory, the path up to the tower winding through dense trees and over hills. As they neared, they could hear distant laughter.

"Is that... Wisty?" Delia asked, tilting her head.

They turned the corner, and there was Wisty, sitting in the middle of a large grassy field, surrounded by a flock of Pokémon. She was laughing uncontrollably as they pranced around her, tugging on her clothes, hopping over her, and even trying to sit on her lap. A Pidgey flapped its wings excitedly around her head while a Psyduck splashed water from a nearby pond onto her.

Delia blinked. "Wisty!"

Wisty froze. Every Pokémon in the vicinity also stopped moving, all staring at Delia with wide eyes. It was like someone had hit the pause button on the scene.

Wisty, with a sheepish grin, slowly turned her head toward her mom and the others. "Uh... guys?" She looked at the Pokémon, then back at the group. "I suggest we run."

"RUN?!" Ash exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "What did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything! I was just, uh, playing! And they just... kinda followed me here," Wisty explained, scrambling to her feet. "I swear, this wasn't part of the plan!"

Brock crossed his arms. "That's the problem, Wisty. You never have a plan."

"I thought it was a great plan!" Wisty said defensively, grinning. "Look, all these Pokémon are so cute, and they all wanted to play with me! I even got them to play tag, and we were having the time of our lives... until you showed up."

Delia sighed, but her face softened. "Wisty... we were worried! You can't just wander off like that! What if you got hurt?"

"I wasn't even close to getting hurt!" Wisty protested. "I can handle myself, mom!"

"Oh, I see," Delia said, looking skeptical. "And I suppose these Pokémon just happened to follow you, right?"

Wisty hesitated, then waved her hand dismissively. "They're just so friendly! And, uh, if I may point out... not running is how we ended up like this."

Before anyone could respond, one of the Pokémon—a very large Snorlax—yawned loudly and began to lumber toward them. The ground shook with every step it took. Wisty's eyes widened.

"Uh, on second thought... maybe we should run now," she suggested, her voice cracking slightly.

Everyone immediately turned to flee, but Snorlax, with its slow-moving legs, blocked their path. Wisty's expression was a mix of panic and amusement.

"Uhhh... not sure if I can outrun that," Wisty said, nervously backing away. "Do you guys have a... a plan?"

Ash glanced at the others. "Not exactly."

Suddenly, Misty's Starmie leaped out of her Pokéball, creating a water barrier around them just as Snorlax tried to move closer. "That's one way to do it!" she said. "Now let's get out of here!"

With Starmie's help, the group started running in a more organized fashion, all the while being followed by various Pokémon—though this time, at a more manageable distance.

"Don't worry, Mom!" Wisty called over her shoulder as she ran. "I'm totally in control!"

Delia shot a skeptical look at Ash. "I'm starting to believe she's too much like you."

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Well... she is my sister."

As the group ran through the forest, Ash barely managed to stop himself from tripping over a sleeping Diglett, and Brock almost stepped on a very angry Caterpie.

Eventually, they reached the clearing where they had started, and the Pokémon seemed to lose interest, slowly wandering back to their respective homes.

Wisty, panting and covered in dirt, looked up at her mom with a huge grin. "See? We made it out okay!"

Delia folded her arms. "I'm not sure 'okay' is the right word."

"Okay," Wisty said, nodding seriously. "Maybe I'll try to be a little more careful next time. But you gotta admit... that was pretty fun."

Ash just shook his head. "Next time, we're locking the door behind you."

"Aw, come on, Ash! Where's your sense of adventure?" Wisty laughed, even as Delia rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, sweetie," Delia said, "I've got plenty of sense of adventure... but no more surprises for today, okay?"

"Deal!" Wisty said, holding out her hand.

Brock chuckled as he ruffled her hair. "You're a handful, kid."

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