Wisty and Professor Amaranth
" Welcome back Chasers." Professor Amaranth said, apologetic. " I'm sorry for calling you on such a short notice. But I just found an Eevee that could be Mew!*
" THAT EEVEE IS NOT MEW!" a voice from the closet yelled.
Gary furrowed his brows. " Who's that?"
Quillon sighed. " A dangerous eight year old girl."
Gary got a sickening feeling. " Is she a raven haired girl with brown eyes and a bunch of Pokemon and a Togepi strapped to her back and a shape shifting Eevee?*
Amaranth blinked. " How did y-"
Gary grabbed the closet handle and opened it.
And our came and outraged Wisty.
With outraged Pokemon.
And a scared Eevee.
Wisty looked at Amaranth. " Oh you've done it! Guys, strongest moves! Kill him!$
" Woah woah woah woah woah woah Wisty calm down!" Gary yelped.
Wisty ignored. She marched to the cage holding Eevee and cracked it open.
" This is MY Eevee." Wisty said sharply. " Everyone, please return to your Poke balls and let me handle him. Gary, where is the kitchen?"
Gary blinked. " The.... Kitchen?*
Goh and Horace and Danika and Quillon watched.
" It's.... That way." Danika said. " But.... Why do you-"
Wisty had vanished.
Goh furrowed his brows. * Wait.... A kitchen has a knife....".
Horace gasped. " She's gonna get a KNIFE?!"
The tension in the room spiked as Wisty disappeared down the hallway, her footsteps echoing ominously. Gary groaned, rubbing his temples. "Why is it always her?"
Professor Amaranth paled, clutching the edge of the desk. "Wait, what do you mean 'knife'? Surely, she's not actually-"
"She is," Gary interrupted. "You have no idea what you've just unleashed. That girl does not mess around when it comes to her Pokémon."
Goh exchanged a nervous glance with Horace. "Should we... stop her?"
Quillon, leaning against the wall with a resigned expression, shook his head. "Stopping her would probably make things worse. Trust me."
Before anyone could decide on a course of action, the sound of cabinets slamming and drawers opening echoed through the halls. Danika winced. "Okay, yeah, she's definitely looking for a knife."
"Wisty, put it down!" Gary yelled, jogging toward the kitchen.
When he arrived, he found Wisty holding a gleaming kitchen knife, her face set in determination. Togepi peeked over her shoulder with a curious "Toge?" as Eevee quivered in her arms.
"Wisty, you cannot just stab a professor!" Gary exclaimed, throwing up his hands.
Wisty glared at him. "He put Eevee in a cage, Gary! A cage! Like some... like some experiment! I told Project Mew that Eevee wasn't Mew, but do they listen? No!"
"I get it," Gary said, his voice calming slightly. "Look, I know you're upset, and you're right to be, but we can handle this without violence. Just... put the knife down."
Wisty hesitated, her grip on the knife loosening slightly. Eevee whimpered, nuzzling her chest, which seemed to deflate her rage a bit. "Fine," she muttered, tossing the knife onto the counter. "But I'm not letting him get away with this."
Gary sighed in relief and took a cautious step closer. "Good. Now, let's go talk to Amaranth and sort this out like civilized people."
Wisty snorted. "Civilized? You're talking about a guy who shoved my Eevee in a cage and called it Mew. Civilized went out the window when he did that."
Gary didn't argue as they returned to the main room. Amaranth looked visibly relieved to see Wisty unarmed, though he still flinched when she stormed toward him.
"You owe me an apology," she said, her voice icy. "And an explanation. What gave you the right to take Eevee without asking me?"
Amaranth cleared his throat nervously. "W-Wisty, I had no idea the Eevee belonged to you. It displayed such unusual behavior and abilities that I thought-"
"You thought wrong," she snapped. "Eevee's abilities are because of me. We've trained for years together, and she's a shapeshifter because she's special, not because she's Mew."
Goh raised a hand hesitantly. "Wait, shapeshifter? What does that mean?"
Wisty glanced at Eevee, who chirped in response. With a flash of light, Eevee morphed into a Jolteon, then a Flareon, before settling back into her original form.
The group stared in awe, and Goh let out a low whistle. "Okay, that's... actually really cool."
Amaranth looked stunned. "I... I see now. I'm truly sorry, Wisty. I acted rashly."
Wisty crossed her arms, still fuming. "You better be. And don't think I'm letting you off the hook. If you ever pull something like this again, I'll-"
"Wisty," Gary interrupted, stepping between her and Amaranth. "I think he gets it."
Wisty huffed but finally stepped back, muttering under her breath. "You're lucky Gary's here."
Amaranth nodded quickly. "Noted."
As the tension in the room eased, Horace leaned over to Goh. "Remind me never to get on her bad side."
Goh nodded fervently. "Yeah. Noted."
Then, something in her bag rung. Charmander dug through it and pulled out her phone, then gave it to his owner. Wisty pet his head as she answered.
" Hello?"
" Woah woah woah slow down, Ash."
" It's canceled??"
" Oh.... Okay."
" Lucario. Tell it to use Aura Sphere."
" Because I'm gonna tell Eevee to use dark force."
" No....?"
" Okay fine bye."
She turned to Eevee. " Eve, turn into Umbreon, and use dark force!"
" Umbreon!"
The dark force turned blue, and it swirled. When it disappeared, Ash was standing there with Lucario and Pikachu.
" How did that work?" Ash muttered.
" Oh, that's easy." Wisty said nonchalantly. " If you multiply the speed of time and the speed of light then divide by the mass of earth plus-"
" Okay okay I get it!" Ash exclaimed. " It's really complicated. A- hey didn't you have a Chikerita and Togepi?"
Wisty nodded and turned. " Here's Toge- WAIT WHERE'S TOGEPI?!"
She looked around. " And Chik-"
Suddenly, the lights flickered.
" Oh no."
With that, she bolted down the stairs to the electrical room.
" Togepi!" Wisty yelled as she jumped to the ground. " Get away from that!"
Chikerita was trying to use vine whip to get Togepi, but the egg Pokemon was too fast.
" Togepi!" Wisty yelled. " GET AWAY FROM THAT!"
A wire broke, and it was falling..... RIGHT WHERE TOGEPI WAS!
At the last second, Chikerita managed to head- butt Togepi away.
The others watched in awe. Wisty sighed in relief as she grabbed both her Pokemon and hugged them.
" Thank you Chikerita." She said. " And you, Ms. Togepi, never do that again!"
" Toge toge Priii!"
Wisty sighed. " It's hard to stay mad when you guys are so cute."
Then, Eevee walked down the stairs and nudged Wisty, then pointed to something leaned on the wall.
" Food.... Togepi was hungry?! What time i- oh, great."
Without another word she bolted up, Chikerita Togepi and Eevee in hand.
" This... And this.... And this.... And- EEVEE TURN THE STOVE OFF!"
The professor, Quillon, Danika, Horace, Goh, Gary and Ash watched with wide eyes and open mouths as the eight year.old.girl cooked and baked ten things at once.
" Togepi, put salt in that, but not too much. A- EEVEEEEE THE RICE IS BUBBLING TURN THE STOVE OFF!"
The professor blinked. " What is she doing?!"
Ash shook his head. " No idea."
" Charmander don't BURN the soup! I just told you to put the stove on fire!"
Gary winced as he looked at the mess. " Yeah...... She's messy."
The kitchen was a storm of chaos and smells, a whirlwind of cooking activity fueled by Wisty's energy and the desperate assistance of her Pokémon. Charmander was carefully adjusting the heat under a pot of soup, Chikorita was balancing salt on its vine, and Togepi waddled around with a spoon, occasionally tasting random ingredients. Eevee, now in Flareon form, frantically flicked its tail at the stove to extinguish flames that had gotten out of control.
"Wisty, breathe," Gary said, stepping into the disaster zone. "You're going to burn the whole place down!"
"I am breathing!" Wisty shot back, her hands moving at lightning speed as she flipped a pancake while stirring a pot of something unidentifiable. "And I'm trying to fix dinner for everyone because someone didn't tell me it was already past mealtime!"
Ash raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I didn't know either! Don't blame me!"
Danika leaned against the counter, wide-eyed. "She's like a whirlwind. Is this... normal?"
"Define 'normal,'" Ash replied, folding his arms. "For Wisty? Yes."
Professor Amaranth cautiously peeked into one of the bubbling pots. "She's cooking all of this herself? How does an eight-year-old manage-"
"She doesn't," Gary muttered, sidestepping a runaway bowl of batter that Togepi had knocked over. "It's barely managed chaos."
"Eevee, no! That's too much oil!" Wisty shouted, yanking a bottle of olive oil away from her Pokémon just as it was about to pour half of it into a skillet. "I said sauté, not drown!"
The room fell silent for a moment as Wisty's focus sharpened. Pots clattered, pans sizzled, and somehow, miraculously, everything started to come together. The smells filling the room began to shift from overwhelming to tantalizing.
"You've got to admit," Goh said, leaning over to Horace, "for all the chaos, it smells pretty good."
Horace nodded. "Yeah, but look at the mess. It's like a Snorlax rampaged through here."
Wisty finally turned off the last burner and wiped her forehead with her sleeve. "Alright! Dinner's ready!" she declared proudly.
She looked around at the stunned group and the disaster-strewn kitchen. "Don't just stand there, guys. Grab a plate!"
Everyone hesitated before inching forward, wary of the aftermath but enticed by the aromas. Charmander and Chikorita helped set the table while Togepi proudly carried a tray of rolls, though it almost dropped them twice.
Ash took a bite of a steaming plate of rice and curry. His eyes widened. "Whoa, Wisty! This is amazing!"
Wisty grinned, plopping down with her own plate. "Told you I could do it."
Quillon cautiously tried a spoonful of soup. "I'll admit, this is... surprisingly delicious."
Gary looked around at the wrecked kitchen and then at Wisty, who was happily munching away. "You're cleaning this up, right?"
Wisty smirked. "Clean-up is for after dessert."
After dinner, Wisty was tidying up the chaotic aftermath when she noticed Togepi and Chikorita weren't by her side. Her heart sank, a familiar panic setting in.
"Togepi? Chikerita?" she called, scanning the room. Nothing.
Charmander tugged on her sleeve and pointed toward the window. Wisty followed the gesture, her jaw dropping when she saw a familiar pair of tiny figures on top of the plane.
"TOGEPI!" Wisty screamed, her voice echoing through the night. She bolted outside, Charmander and Eevee at her heels.
The others, alarmed by her shout, rushed to the door. "What's going on?" Ash asked.
"Togepi and Chikorita are on the ROOF OF THE PLANE!" Wisty yelled, pointing frantically.
The group collectively gasped. "How did they even get up there?" Goh exclaimed.
"Togepi's a climber, and Chikorita's got Vine Whip," Wisty muttered as she scaled the ladder leading to the roof. "But WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?"
As she reached the top, she saw Togepi giggling and jumping excitedly on the plane's roof, with Chikorita trying to keep it from getting too close to the edge.
"Togepi, get down from there this instant!" Wisty demanded.
"Toge Toge Preeeee!" Togepi cheered, completely ignoring her.
Chikorita turned to Wisty with an apologetic look, as if to say, "I tried."
"Okay, no more rooftop adventures!" Wisty declared, inching closer. "Eevee, help me out here. Use Swift to nudge them back toward me."
Eevee leaped up, firing off a gentle stream of stars that corralled Togepi and Chikorita toward Wisty. With careful hands, she scooped both Pokémon up, hugging them tightly.
"Togepi, you are going to give me a heart attack!" she scolded. "What were you thinking?"
Togepi giggled again, completely unfazed, while Chikorita nuzzled Wisty as if to apologize.
By the time Wisty climbed back down with her mischievous Pokémon, the others were waiting at the bottom, looking both amused and concerned.
"Remind me never to babysit your Pokémon," Gary said dryly.
Wisty shot him a glare. "Togeip's not that bad."
Ash chuckled. "You sure about that?"
Wisty sighed, hugging Togepi closer. "You two are going to be the end of me, I swear."
Togepi responded with a cheerful, "Toge Preeee!" as if it hadn't just given its trainer the scare of a lifetime.
As Wisty was scolding Togepi, Charmander tugged on her sleeve again, this time pointing toward the plane's propeller.
"Char! Char!" he exclaimed, eyes wide with alarm.
Wisty froze, following his gaze. Her stomach dropped. "Oh no," she whispered. "What now?"
She looked closer and gasped. The propeller was bent at an awkward angle, its blades damaged. "Eevee, Chikorita, with me! Charmander, you too!" she ordered, quickly moving toward the ladder.
The others noticed her urgency. "What's going on?" Goh asked.
"I think the propeller's broken," Wisty replied as she climbed up, her Pokémon scrambling to follow. "Stay here! I'll handle it!"
But before anyone could react further, a sickening CRUNCH echoed through the air.
Quillon immediately stood up, his face pale. "What was that?!" Without waiting for an answer, he bolted outside.
The sight that greeted him made his heart skip a beat. Wisty was standing precariously on the edge of the plane, dangerously close to falling off. The bent propeller was under her hand as she tried to assess the damage.
"Wisty!" Quillon shouted. "What are you doing? Get down from there!"
"I'm fixing it!" she yelled back, her voice shaky but determined. "If this thing doesn't work, we're stuck here!"
"You're eight! You shouldn't even be up there!"
Wisty huffed, ignoring him. "Charmander, use Ember to melt this part a little! Just a tiny bit!"
"Char!" Charmander obeyed, carefully aiming his flame at the damaged propeller.
Quillon's panic only grew as he watched. "Someone get a ladder! Or a net! Or something!" he shouted back toward the group.
By this point, Ash, Gary, Goh, and Horace had all rushed outside, their faces a mix of confusion and terror.
"Wisty, this is insane!" Ash called.
"Insane, but necessary!" she shot back, gripping the plane's frame tightly as the wind whipped around her. "Eevee, help me balance this thing!"
Eevee transformed into Jolteon and used its spikes to wedge the propeller in place.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bent blade straightened just enough for Wisty to step back. She wiped her brow with a shaky laugh. "There! All better!"
But as she turned to climb down, the edge of the plane shifted slightly beneath her feet. Wisty yelped as she lost her balance, sliding toward the edge.
"WISTY!" Ash yelled, sprinting toward her.
At the last second, Jolteon leaped forward, grabbing Wisty by the back of her jacket with its teeth and pulling her back to safety.
Wisty sat there, trembling, as Ash finally reached her. He knelt down, his face pale with a mix of anger and relief. "What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking we needed a working plane," Wisty muttered, still catching her breath.
Ash shook his head, pulling her into a tight hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again!"
Wisty blinked in surprise, then sighed. "Fine. But hey, at least the propeller's fixed."
The group exchanged exhausted looks as Ash helped her climb back down. Gary muttered under his breath, "This kid's going to give us all gray hair."
"Tell me about it," Goh agreed, shaking his head.
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