" Eevee use psychic beam! Houndour, crunch!"
" Sylveon!" Eevee shouted as she backflipped and turned into Sylveon, then used the move. Houndour executed the attack.
" Sylveon!" Eevee shouted as she went flying back.
" Eevee!" Wisty yelled as she caught the now de evolved Sylveon. " Okay, now we know psychic are weak against dark. How about dark vs. dark? Eevee, can you turn into Umbreon, or do you want to rest?"
Ash opened an eye. " Wisty, it's vacation time."
Wisty looked. " Yeah so?"
" So you're supposed to ' vacation '?" Gary added as he stretched.
" My dear, why do you not go into the water like those kids are?" Oak suggested.
" Professor, didn't you say there was a rare pokemon here?" Professor Oak took his sunglasses off and looked at Wisty. " Yes, I did. But you aren't going after it, young lady!"
" The professor is right." Delia said. " Wisty, dear, please relax."
" I am relaxing." Wisty grumbled. " Okay. Eevee, we're gone take a break, okay? Rest for a while. Houndour, do you want to train some more or rest and we can do a new battle with two different Pokemon?"
Houndour tried to stand, but his legs gave out. Wisty managed to grab Houndour before he fell.
" Okay, Houndour return!* Wisty command as the Pokeball absorbed the dark dog, then smiled. " Take a good rest, Houndour."
She looked at Eevee. " And you just sit here and relax, okay?"
Eevee nodded, and Wisty grabbed two more Poke balls. " Amura, Sprigatito, I choose you!"
The white cat and dinosaur came out of their Pokeballs.
" Amura, Sprigatito, let's do some battle training, okay?"
The two nodded, but before she could say anything, Delia interrupted. " Wisty Ketchum come here and relax."
" Mom, I am relaxing! It may not be how the lazy morons do it but it's relaxing."
" Hey!" Ash and Gary exclaimed.
Wisty smirked. " Anyway-"
" Wisty... Don't make me take your Poke balls away."
Wisty sighed. " Come on, guys. Let's go somewhere else and explore."
Wisty marched off with Amura and Sprigatito trailing behind her, both Pokémon exchanging glances that seemed to say, Here we go again. Eevee, though still tired, hopped onto Wisty’s shoulder, determined to stick with her.
Ash and Gary shared an exasperated look before following. "She never stops, does she?" Ash muttered.
"Not even for a second," Gary replied, shaking his head. "It’s like she’s always on a mission."
Delia called after them, "You better not let her get into trouble!"
"Mom, it’s Wisty," Ash said over his shoulder. "Trouble is her middle name!"
As Wisty moved further away from the beach, she scanned the area with a determined glint in her eye. "There’s got to be something rare out here. Professor Oak wouldn’t have mentioned it if it wasn’t worth finding."
Amura let out a soft cry, nudging her leg. Sprigatito leapt ahead, playfully swiping at the air. Wisty smiled. "You guys ready? Let’s see what we can discover."
They entered a shaded forest area, the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping bird Pokémon filling the air. Wisty was focused, her eyes darting to every movement. "Keep your eyes peeled. It could be anything—a shiny, a legendary, or maybe even a regional variant!"
Suddenly, a faint, shimmering light appeared deeper into the woods. Wisty’s heart raced. "There! Let’s go!"
Ash and Gary, lagging behind, finally caught up. "Wisty, wait up!" Ash yelled.
"What now?" Wisty called back without stopping.
Gary frowned. "You can’t just charge into unknown areas without thinking! What if it’s dangerous?"
Wisty turned, walking backward as she smirked. "Dangerous? Gary, please. I’ve handled more trouble in one day than you have in your entire life."
Ash groaned. "That’s not a good thing!"
Before they could argue further, the shimmering light grew brighter. A soft, melodic sound filled the air, making everyone freeze. Wisty’s eyes widened as the source of the light revealed itself: a sleek, elegant Pokémon with a crystalline body—Diancie.
"Whoa," Ash breathed. "Is that…?"
"Diancie!" Wisty whispered, awe-struck.
The Jewel Pokémon looked at them with calm curiosity, tilting its head. Wisty took a cautious step forward, reaching for her Pokédex, but Sprigatito and Amura suddenly tensed, sensing something nearby.
From the shadows, a wild Bisharp emerged, its blades gleaming menacingly. It let out a sharp cry, clearly ready for a fight.
Wisty smirked, her eyes lighting up. "A challenge? Fine. Sprigatito, Amura, let’s do this!"
Ash facepalmed. "Of course she’d turn this into a battle."
Gary crossed his arms. "At least she’s in her element."
The battle began with Sprigatito darting around Bisharp, using its speed to dodge attacks, while Amura unleashed a barrage of Aurora Beams. Diancie watched silently, seemingly intrigued by the display.
As the fight escalated, Wisty called out commands with precision. "Sprigatito, Leafage! Amura, Thunder Wave to slow it down!"
Sprigatito launched a flurry of leaves that struck Bisharp head-on, while Amura’s Thunder Wave crackled, paralyzing it. Bisharp stumbled but refused to back down, its defiant spirit driving it forward.
"One more push!" Wisty encouraged. "Sprigatito, finish it with Magical Leaf!"
Sprigatito’s leaves glowed brightly before striking Bisharp with pinpoint accuracy. The wild Pokémon finally relented, retreating into the shadows.
Wisty grinned triumphantly. "And that’s how it’s done."
Ash and Gary approached, shaking their heads. "You just can’t help yourself, can you?" Gary asked.
"Not when there’s a battle to be won," Wisty replied with a shrug.
Diancie, still observing, floated closer to Wisty. It let out a soft, melodic cry before placing something in her hand—a sparkling, perfectly cut gem.
Wisty stared at it, speechless. "Is this…?"
Ash grinned. "Looks like Diancie likes you."
Gary smirked. "Lucky you. Guess all that chaos was worth it."
Wisty beamed, clutching the gem tightly. "Told you this was a good idea. Come on, let’s get back before Mom sends out a search party."
As they made their way back to the beach, Wisty glanced at Eevee on her shoulder. "See? Sometimes, exploring pays off."
Eevee chirped happily, and even Sprigatito and Amura seemed to share her excitement. Ash and Gary followed behind, still shaking their heads but unable to hide their smiles.
Vacation or not, Wisty Ketchum never did anything halfway.
When Wisty returned to the beach, Delia was standing there with her hands on her hips, a stern look on her face.
"Wisty Ketchum!" Delia said sharply.
Wisty sighed and rolled her eyes. "Mom! I'm relaxing!" she retorted, pulling two Poké Balls from her belt. "Charmander, Amura, come on out!"
In a flash of light, Charmander and Amura appeared, ready for action. Wisty pointed towards a cluster of rocks near the water. "All right, let’s practice your coordination. Charmander, Flamethrower! Amura, Aurora Beam! Let’s see some combos!"
Delia’s voice cut through Wisty’s focus like a sharp knife. "Wisty!" she barked, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Wisty didn’t even flinch. "Charmander, aim a little higher! Amura, match the angle!" she called out, fully engrossed in the battle training.
Professor Oak approached, adjusting his glasses. "Wisty, I think you should listen to your mother," he said in a calm but firm tone.
But Wisty was already too deep into the action to respond. "Charmander, spin into a Fire Spin and combine it with Amura's Aurora Beam! Let’s make a Fire Rainbow!"
Charmander leapt into action, spiraling flames into the air while Amura’s Aurora Beam refracted through the fire, creating a dazzling display of light and color.
Ash, sitting nearby with Pikachu, watched the scene unfold with a mix of awe and second-hand embarrassment. "She really doesn’t know how to take a break, does she?"
Gary smirked, leaning back against a tree. "Nope. Classic Wisty."
Delia pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to maintain her composure. "Wisty Ketchum, if you don’t stop this instant, I swear—"
Wisty finally turned around, her face flushed from the excitement of the training. "Mom, I am relaxing! This is fun for me! Look, Charmander and Amura are having a blast!"
Charmander and Amura both let out cheerful cries, clearly enjoying themselves, but Delia was unimpressed. "Relaxing doesn’t mean running around battling all the time! It means sitting down, enjoying the sun, and spending time with your family!"
Wisty crossed her arms, clearly unconvinced. "But this is how I spend time with my family! Right, Ash? Right, Gary?"
Ash chuckled nervously. "Uh... don’t drag me into this."
Gary smirked but stayed silent, enjoying the show.
Professor Oak sighed and placed a hand on Delia’s shoulder. "Perhaps we should let her burn off some energy, Delia. Wisty has her own way of unwinding."
Delia threw her hands up in defeat. "Fine! But don’t come crying to me when you’re too tired to enjoy dinner later!"
Wisty grinned triumphantly and turned back to her Pokémon. "You heard her, team! Let’s go again!"
As Charmander and Amura eagerly resumed their training, Ash leaned over to Gary. "Dinner’s gonna be fun."
Gary nodded, smirking. "Yeah, especially when Wisty falls asleep halfway through."
Dinner time rolled around, and as expected, everyone gathered around the large table at the hotel. Plates were loaded with delicious food, and the chatter of family and friends filled the air. Everyone noticed one thing: Wisty wasn’t there.
“Where is Wisty?” Delia asked, clearly exasperated. “I told her she’d get too distracted!”
Gary smirked. “Probably still training her Pokémon.”
Ash chuckled softly. “More like eating with them. You know how she is—Pokémon always come first.”
Delia sighed, shaking her head. “That girl... She’s going to run herself ragged.”
Sure enough, out in the far field behind the hotel, Wisty sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by her Pokémon. Charmander, Amura, Sprigatito, and Eevee were all happily munching on various berries and Poké Treats. Wisty, meanwhile, had a sandwich in one hand and a drink in the other, completely absorbed in the moment.
“Okay, guys,” she said between bites. “Tomorrow, we’ll work on speed drills. Sprigatito, I think you can try to combo with Eevee’s Quick Attack—maybe it’ll help with your precision. What do you think?”
“Spriga!” Sprigatito chirped enthusiastically, while Eevee wagged its tail in agreement.
As she spoke, Ash approached quietly, Pikachu perched on his shoulder. “Hey, Wist,” he called, sitting down beside her.
Wisty glanced at him and grinned. “Ash! What are you doing here? You’re missing dinner.”
“I could say the same to you,” Ash replied with a knowing look.
Wisty shrugged. “Dinner’s overrated when you’ve got your Pokémon. Right, Charmander?”
Charmander let out a cheerful “Char!” as he finished his berry.
Ash leaned back on his hands, looking up at the stars. “You know, Wist, I used to be like you. Always training, always focusing on getting stronger. Pikachu and I used to push ourselves to the limit every day.”
“Used to?” Wisty raised an eyebrow. “You’re still like that.”
Ash laughed. “Fair point. But I learned something important along the way: sometimes, taking a break can make you stronger.”
Wisty furrowed her brows. “What do you mean?”
Ash gestured to Pikachu. “There were times when Pikachu and I were so tired, we couldn’t give it our all. But when we took a step back—rested, spent time just hanging out—it made us closer. That bond made us fight even harder when it mattered.”
Wisty looked at her Pokémon, who were all curled up beside her, full and happy. “I don’t know, Ash. Resting feels like... wasting time.”
“It’s not wasting time if it helps you and your Pokémon,” Ash said gently. “Trust me, Wisty. Your Pokémon love training, but they also love you. Sometimes, they just want to relax with you, no battles, no drills—just being together.”
Wisty sighed, her tough exterior cracking just a little. “I guess... I never really thought about it that way.”
Ash smiled. “Give it a try. You might be surprised.”
Pikachu hopped off Ash’s shoulder and nuzzled Wisty’s arm. “Pika!” it said encouragingly.
Wisty smiled softly, reaching out to pet Pikachu. “Alright, fine. Maybe tomorrow, we’ll take it easy. Just for one day.”
Ash grinned. “That’s the spirit.”
As they sat under the stars, Wisty leaned back, letting herself relax for the first time that day. Maybe, just maybe, Ash was onto something.
The morning sun streamed through the hotel curtains, waking Ash from a surprisingly comfortable sleep. He yawned and stretched, expecting to hear the familiar chatter of Wisty grumbling about breakfast or making plans for her Pokémon. Instead, the room was eerily quiet.
“Wisty?” he called, glancing around. Her bed was neatly made—not a good sign. Ash sighed, already having a feeling about where she might be.
Pikachu rubbed its eyes and hopped onto Ash’s shoulder. “Pika pi?”
“Yeah, buddy,” Ash muttered, pulling on his hat. “I think we know exactly where she is.”
He made his way outside, and sure enough, there she was. Lord Ho, there she was indeed.
Wisty stood in the middle of the hotel’s courtyard, surrounded by a crowd of trainers who had clearly been lured by her relentless energy and skill. Her Amura faced off against a trainer’s Machamp, its icy attacks glinting in the sunlight.
“Amura, use Blizzard!” Wisty commanded.
Amura let out a determined cry as a frosty gust blasted toward the Machamp, freezing the ground beneath it. The opposing trainer called out a counterattack, but Wisty was already barking her next command.
Ash sighed, placing his hands on his hips. “Wisty Ketchum, do you ever stop?”
Wisty didn’t even glance at him, too engrossed in the battle. “Amura, dodge and hit with Ice Beam!”
Amura nimbly sidestepped an incoming punch and fired a sharp beam of ice, striking the Machamp and knocking it out. The crowd cheered, and Wisty pumped her fist in triumph.
“Alright! Another win!” she exclaimed, running over to hug Amura. “Great job, buddy!”
Ash walked up to her, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. “Wisty, it’s not even 7 AM. Couldn’t you wait until after breakfast to start battling?”
Wisty shrugged, recalling Amura to its Pokéball. “Breakfast is overrated. Besides, do you know how many strong trainers are around here? It’s the perfect chance to test my Pokémon!”
Ash pinched the bridge of his nose. “Wist, we talked about this last night. You need to give yourself and your Pokémon a break.”
Wisty smirked. “We took a break! We slept, didn’t we?”
“That’s not the kind of break I meant, and you know it,” Ash shot back. “Your Pokémon need time to relax and bond without battling constantly. It’s not all about winning, you know.”
Wisty folded her arms. “Oh, come on, Ash. You were the same way when you started out!”
“Yeah, and I learned the hard way that pushing too hard doesn’t always work,” Ash said. “Trust me, Wisty. Your Pokémon will thank you for it.”
Pikachu nodded in agreement. “Pika pika!”
Wisty glanced at her other Pokémon, who looked a little tired but still eager. She sighed. “Fine. One day of no battles. But only because you won’t stop nagging.”
Ash grinned. “That’s all I’m asking.”
The crowd dispersed, and Wisty reluctantly followed Ash back into the hotel. But as they walked, she couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder, already plotting her next battle strategy. Some habits were just too hard to break.
At the hotel restaurant, the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast filled the air. Plates of pancakes, eggs, and toast were spread across the table, and everyone was digging in—except for Wisty.
She was seated at the end of the table, intently mixing berries and Pokémon food into perfectly portioned bowls. Each Pokémon’s dish had its own special touch: a sprinkle of crushed Lum Berries for Eevee, a drizzle of honey for Amura, and an extra spicy kick for Houndour. Her face was focused, her hands working quickly, oblivious to everything else.
Ash leaned back in his chair, biting into a piece of toast. “Wisty, aren’t you gonna eat? You haven’t touched your plate.”
Wisty glanced up for a second before going back to her mixing. “Nah, I’m good. I had a banana at six. I should be fine.”
Gary groaned, setting his fork down. “A banana? Wisty, that’s not breakfast. That’s barely a snack.”
“Seriously,” Ash agreed, shaking his head. “You’re gonna run out of energy halfway through the day.”
“Pika pika!” Pikachu chimed in, wagging a paw at her.
Delia, seated nearby, set her coffee cup down with a sharp clink. “Wisty Ketchum, this is unacceptable! You need to sit down and eat a proper meal. All this battling and training won’t mean anything if you’re too weak to keep up!”
Wisty barely looked up. “Mom, I’m fine. Besides, my Pokémon need this food more than I do. They did all the hard work yesterday, not me.”
Delia’s brow furrowed, and she pointed at the untouched plate in front of Wisty. “I don’t care how busy you are; you can’t neglect yourself. Eat your breakfast.”
Professor Oak sighed, rubbing his temples. “Wisty, I must agree with your mother. Taking care of your Pokémon is important, but so is taking care of yourself. You’re no good to them if you’re not at your best.”
Wisty finally looked up, exasperated. “Guys, I’ve been doing this for years. One skipped meal isn’t gonna kill me.” She returned to her task, completely unfazed.
Ash and Gary exchanged a look of frustration.
“Wisty, you’re as stubborn as a Tauros,” Gary muttered, pushing his plate aside.
Ash crossed his arms. “Look, if you’re not gonna eat, at least promise you’ll grab something later, okay?”
“Fine, fine,” Wisty said with a wave of her hand, though everyone knew she didn’t mean it.
Delia sighed, clearly unimpressed. “I swear, that girl takes after her brother too much.”
Ash blinked. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
But Wisty was already back to preparing her Pokémon’s food, her plate of breakfast growing colder by the minute. It was clear her priorities were set, no matter how much anyone protested.
After breakfast, Ash and Gary wandered out of the hotel, following the sound of energetic commands and Pokémon cries. They didn’t have to go far before spotting Wisty in a nearby clearing.
She was, unsurprisingly, in the middle of training.
“Sprigatito, Leafage! Eevee, Shadow Ball! Houndour, Flamethrower!” Wisty shouted, her voice full of determination.
Her Pokémon obeyed with enthusiasm, their attacks colliding in a dazzling display of light and energy. Sprigatito leaped gracefully through the air, Eevee twirled mid-jump to fire off its move, and Houndour’s flames roared with intensity.
Ash groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “Of course she’s training. It’s barely been an hour since breakfast!”
Gary crossed his arms, watching as Wisty gave her Pokémon more commands. “Does she ever stop? I mean, doesn’t she know what rest means?”
“She’s like a machine,” Ash muttered, shaking his head. “Even I take breaks, and I’m me!”
“Pika pika!” Pikachu agreed, pointing at Wisty with a tired expression.
Wisty noticed them and waved briefly before turning back to her Pokémon. “Great job, team! Now let’s try a combo! Sprigatito, use Quick Attack to distract! Eevee, follow with Iron Tail, and Houndour, finish with Smog!”
Ash and Gary watched as her Pokémon executed the moves flawlessly, their energy levels as high as ever.
Gary sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “At this rate, her Pokémon are gonna collapse from exhaustion before she does. She’s like... a never-ending battle simulator.”
Ash chuckled weakly. “Yeah, but look at them. They’re not tired; they’re having fun. She’s got some serious skills, I’ll give her that.”
“But when’s the last time she relaxed?” Gary asked, exasperated.
Ash shrugged. “You know Wisty. She doesn’t stop. Not until someone forces her to.”
As if to prove his point, Wisty clapped her hands and cheered. “That’s it, everyone! You’re amazing! Let’s keep pushing—we’ll be unstoppable!”
Gary sighed again. “She’s unstoppable, all right. Unstoppable chaos.”
Ash smirked. “You’re just mad she’d probably beat you in a battle.”
Gary shot him a glare. “Don’t push your luck, Ketchum.”
Meanwhile, Wisty was too focused to notice their conversation, her determination shining as brightly as her Pokémon’s moves.
As Wisty shouted another command to her Pokémon, Delia appeared behind her, arms crossed. Her voice rang out, sharp and firm. “Wisty Ketchum!”
Wisty flinched but quickly recovered, turning to see her mother’s stern expression. Without missing a beat, she called out, “Charmander, you know what to do!”
Charmander looked uncertain for a split second but obeyed, releasing a swirling Fire Spin around Delia.
Delia blinked in surprise, coughing slightly as the flames whirled around her.
Wisty waved her hand dismissively. “Eve, turn into Vaporeon and use Water Gun to cool my mother off!”
Eve, who was perched nearby, chirped a quick “Vee!” before glowing and transforming into a sleek Vaporeon. She gracefully aimed a Water Gun at Delia, extinguishing the flames and leaving Delia standing there, soaked but unharmed.
Wisty clapped her hands together. “There, problem solved. You’re welcome, Mom!” she said cheerfully, walking off with her Pokémon in tow.
Ash, who had watched the entire exchange with wide eyes, turned to Gary with a smirk. “You know, she really takes after you and Mom, Gary.”
Gary recoiled in horror. “Me and your mom?! No way, Ketchum! She’s definitely more like you! All that battling and chaos? Total Ash behavior.”
Professor Oak, who had arrived just in time to witness the aftermath, chuckled as he adjusted his glasses. “She takes after all three of you. Stubborn like Ash, resourceful like Gary, and spirited like Delia. A perfect mix.”
Delia, dripping wet but still composed, sighed heavily. “She’s a handful, that’s what she is.”
Eve, now back in her Eevee form, trotted over to Delia, tilting her head apologetically. “Vee?”
Delia crouched down to pat the little Pokémon. “It’s not your fault, dear. Your trainer is just... one of a kind.”
Meanwhile, Wisty was already back to training, completely unfazed by the commotion she’d caused. Ash and Gary exchanged a glance, both thinking the same thing: How does she keep this up?
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