Sick Charmander
" Bye grandpa." Gary said.
Then he turned to Ash, turned away, and walked.
He had only gotten two steps, though, when a desperate voice called,
" Ash?!"
Ash turned to the sound, and Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder. " Wisty?!"
Out of the forest came Wisty, her hair going whichever way it pleased and her dress singed.
Chikerita, Houndour, Eevee, Alraria, and Clefairy were following
But what Ash ( and Gary and Oak and Tracey and Delia let's not forget them) found concerning was the fact that Wisty was both covered with thorns on her lower right arm but she was carrying something.
" Wisty?!" Ash exclaimed as he jumped up and ran to her. " What -"
" Charmander is sick and I have no idea what to do I tried ice and we tried doing wind first we even tried to use Chikerita's vine whip to send him really high but nothing is working and now his fever is getting worse and on the way there was r a rose bush which we couldnt have avoided which is why if you were wondering I'm covered with thorns." She took a long breath and her eye twitched.
" Toge?"
Wisty looked at her Togepi and managed a small smile. " Don't worry sweetie. Charmander will get better."
" Char....." Charmander whimpered.
Gary ran to them and felt his head. " Your Charmander is burning up."
" That's what I was afraid of." Wisty sighed.
" Chika?" A whimpery voice asked.
Wisty's eyes widened and she handed Ash the bundle containing her sick Charmander and knelt down to Chikerita, picking her up. " Chikerita, please don't cry. Charmander will be fine. I promise. If the doctors can't do anything, I will."
Ash blinked and whispered to Gary, " you have to do something."
Gary shot him a look. " What do you think I'm planning on doing?!"
" There." Gary said as he hooked Charmander up to a machine. " This should help with his fever
" Char...."
Wisty turned to her Pokemon. " Everyone, Charmander needs your support. He's sick, and I want him to be comfortable. So please sit around Charmander and keep him calm."
Chikerita, Houndour, Eevee, Alraria, and Clefairy, Eevee and Togepi nodded, making their way to the table Charmander was at, hopping up, and sitting by Charmander.
Ash smiled at the Pokemon, but when his eyes drifted to Wisty, his smile faded.
Wisty was pacing back and forth on the rug, biting her nails and twitching her eye.
" Wisty, sit down. You're gone wear a hole in the rug." Ash called
Gary turned from the machines and smiled at Wisty. " Don't worry, Wisty. He'll be fine."
" That's what I'm worried about." She muttered.
" Toge?" Togepi turned to her mom and saw how nervous she was. She hopped off the table and stood in front of Wisty, holding her arms up. " Priiii!"
Wisty smiled as she picked her baby up. " You're so sweet you know that? All of you. I don't know what I'd do without -" her voice broke, and for the first time in a long time, Ash saw a tear roll down her face.
All her Pokemon, Charmander included, turned to her.
" Char!" Charmander said a little stronger.
Wisty looked at her Pokemon and ran to them, enveloping them in a hug only a trainer who loved her Pokemon could give.
Charmander rested his head on her knees, and Wisty smiled, stroking the lizard. " Hang in there Charmander."
As Wisty gently stroked Charmander's head, her Pokémon gathered closer, forming a tight circle around their friend. Charmander let out a faint "Char..." as his tail flame flickered weakly but steadily.
"He's got fight in him," Gary said with a reassuring nod as he adjusted the settings on the machine monitoring Charmander's condition. "The fever's coming down, but it'll take time."
Wisty wiped her face, her smile growing steadier. "Thank you, Gary. I didn’t know what else to do. Charmander’s been my partner through thick and thin. I just... couldn’t let him suffer."
Gary turned, his expression softening. "You did everything you could. Bringing him here quickly was the right call. He’s lucky to have you."
Charmander stirred, his tail flame brightening just slightly. "Char!" he said with a little more strength. The sound made Wisty’s heart lighten.
Ash grinned. "See? Charmander’s tougher than you think. He’s your Pokémon, after all."
Wisty chuckled, though her voice was still shaky. "He’s not just my Pokémon. He’s my family—just like all of them."
Eevee jumped into her lap, nuzzling her affectionately. Togepi clapped her tiny hands, causing everyone to smile despite the tense moments. Even Clefairy and Altaria crooned softly, adding to the comforting atmosphere.
Gary approached, placing a hand on Wisty’s shoulder. "You’ve got a good bond with your Pokémon. That kind of connection is rare. Trust in that—they’ll pull through because of you."
Wisty nodded. "Thanks, Gary."
Just then, Charmander raised his head a little higher and let out a small but determined "Char!" A moment later, his tail flame flared briefly, surprising everyone. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to show he was fighting back.
Wisty blinked and laughed softly. "Did you just try to use Flamethrower again?" She grinned, leaning closer. "Charmander, you’ve got to rest, buddy. Save that fire for when you’re fully back on your feet."
Charmander gave a weak but cheeky smile, clearly wanting to reassure her he’d be okay. Ash and Gary exchanged looks, both relieved to see the progress.
"That’s the spirit," Ash said, giving Pikachu a thumbs-up. Pikachu responded with a cheerful "Pika-pi!"
Wisty looked at her Pokémon again, her smile growing. "All right, everyone. Let’s stay by Charmander’s side until he’s completely better."
Her Pokémon all cried out in agreement, their bond stronger than ever. For Wisty, their unwavering support reminded her why she was a trainer in the first place—not just to catch or battle, but to create a family that would always be there for one another.
As everyone sat around the table in Professor Oak's lab, the mood was lighter now that Charmander's condition had stabilized. Plates of food were being passed around, and laughter filled the room. Even Gary seemed to relax, though he kept glancing at the machine monitoring Charmander.
However, one chair remained empty.
Wisty was nowhere to be seen.
Ash glanced at his mom, who frowned slightly but said nothing, and then at Gary, who shrugged, clearly unsure of what to do. Ash sighed, pushing his chair back. "Let me handle this," he said, standing up.
Pikachu perked up on his shoulder. "Pika?"
Ash smiled at his partner. "You remember, don’t you, buddy? I was like this with you when we first started. You didn’t want to be around anyone either."
"Pikaaa," Pikachu said with a small nod, a nostalgic look in his eyes.
Ash walked through the hallways, eventually finding Wisty sitting on the floor in the corner of the storage room. Her knees were pulled to her chest, and she was staring blankly at the floor. Togepi sat beside her, patting her hand gently.
"Hey," Ash said softly, leaning against the doorframe. "You’re missing dinner. Professor Oak made his famous stew. Even Gary said it was good, and you know how picky he is."
Wisty didn’t look up. "I’m not hungry."
Ash stepped into the room and sat down across from her. "Charmander’s going to be fine, you know. Gary’s keeping an eye on him, and the fever’s already going down."
"It’s not just that," Wisty said, her voice barely above a whisper. "What if I can’t do enough for him next time? What if I fail?"
Ash tilted his head. "You didn’t fail. You did everything you could. You ran here, covered in thorns, carrying him yourself. That’s not failure. That’s... amazing, honestly."
Wisty shook her head. "But it’s not enough. I should’ve known what to do. I should’ve been prepared."
Ash leaned forward. "I used to think like that, too. When Pikachu and I started out, I thought I had to know everything, do everything perfectly. But then I realized... it’s okay to not have all the answers. That’s what makes us better trainers—learning as we go. And your Pokémon? They trust you, Wisty. That’s what matters most."
Wisty looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You really think so?"
Ash smiled. "I know so. Just look at Charmander. Even when he’s sick, he’s still trying to use Flamethrower because he wants you to know he’s okay. That’s trust. That’s love."
Togepi chirped, reaching up to Wisty’s face as if to wipe away a tear. Wisty laughed softly and hugged her Togepi. "Thanks, Togepi. And... thanks, Ash."
Ash stood up and held out his hand. "Come on. Dinner’s getting cold, and I’m pretty sure your Pokémon are wondering where you are."
Wisty hesitated for a moment before taking his hand. "Okay. But if Gary says something smug, I’m throwing a bread roll at him."
Ash grinned. "Deal. I’ll back you up."
As they walked back to the dining area, Pikachu hopped onto Wisty’s shoulder, giving her a cheerful "Pika-pika!" Wisty couldn’t help but smile. Maybe Ash was right—she wasn’t alone in this. She had her Pokémon, her friends, and even her family to support her. And that was enough.
As Wisty stepped into the dining area, her resolve freshly strengthened, a pained cry echoed through the air.
"Char... CHAR!!"
Her heart froze. She knew that cry. It was Charmander.
Panic washed over her like a tidal wave, and she bolted down the hall. Her hand slammed against the door to the lab where Charmander rested, yanking it open. The sight inside made her heart stop.
Charmander was writhing on the table, his body trembling. His tail flame flickered erratically, smaller than before.
"No! No, no, no!" Wisty cried, running to his side. She turned to her Pokémon, who had been keeping vigil. "Eevee, do something! I don’t care what, just do something!"
Eevee’s ears perked up, and it jumped to Charmander’s side, nuzzling his face and letting out comforting sounds.
"Chikerita, use Vine Whip—grab... grab something! A paper! A towel! Anything!" Wisty shouted, barely able to think.
Chikerita’s vines shot out, grabbing a nearby cloth from the counter. She brought it over, draping it gently over Charmander.
"Clefairy, go! Go help him! Use... I don’t know—use anything! Please!" Wisty’s voice cracked as she choked back tears.
Clefairy leapt into action, glowing softly as she cast Heal Pulse, sending a soothing wave of energy over Charmander.
Charmander let out another weak whimper, his movements slowing slightly. Wisty knelt beside him, her hands shaking as she stroked his head. "Please, buddy, hang in there. I’m here. We’re all here."
Gary rushed in behind her, startled by the noise. "Wisty, what happened?!"
"I don’t know!" she snapped, her voice frantic. "He was fine, and then... this! Do something, Gary!"
Gary hurried to the machine, checking its readings. "His fever spiked again. Probably a reaction to the treatment. We need to stabilize him—"
"Then stabilize him!" Wisty cried. "He can’t—he can’t—" Her words broke into a sob as she buried her face in her hands.
"Char..." Charmander whimpered again, this time quieter.
Ash appeared in the doorway, his expression serious. He ran to Wisty and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Wisty, look at me. Breathe. Charmander needs you to stay calm."
She shook her head, her tears flowing freely. "I can’t—I don’t know what to do—"
"You’re already doing it," Ash said firmly. "You’re here for him. That’s what matters. Now let Gary handle the machines, and trust your Pokémon to help. They believe in you."
Wisty swallowed hard and nodded, wiping her face. She turned back to her team. "You’re doing great, everyone. Keep it up. Clefairy, keep using Heal Pulse. Chikerita, use your vines to comfort him. Eevee, stay close to him."
Her Pokémon all nodded, their determination shining as they worked together.
Slowly but surely, Charmander’s trembling eased. His flame, though still small, flickered a little brighter.
Gary exhaled in relief, stepping back from the machine. "He’s stabilizing again. We just need to give him time."
Wisty collapsed to her knees beside Charmander, her shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. "Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Charmander... you’re going to be okay. I promise."
Charmander opened his eyes slightly, letting out a weak but hopeful "Char..."
Ash crouched beside her, offering a small smile. "See? He’s a fighter, just like his trainer."
Wisty managed a tearful laugh, brushing a hand over Charmander’s head. "Yeah. He is."
Charmander let out a determined grunt as he tried to stand. His legs wobbled beneath him, but he took a shaky step forward, eyes locked on Wisty.
“Charmander, wait—” Wisty began, alarmed.
Charmander wavered, his legs nearly giving out. But before he could fall, Wisty darted forward, catching him gently in her arms. She held him close, her voice soft but firm. “Charmander, you need to rest. Please. You’re still recovering.”
Charmander glanced up at her, then puffed out his cheeks, crossing his tiny arms in defiance.
Wisty blinked, staring at him for a moment before slowly turning her head to Ash, her expression completely deadpan. “I’m not like this, am I?”
Ash burst into laughter, earning a glare from Wisty. Pikachu chimed in with a cheerful “Pika-pika!” as if to say, "Absolutely, you are."
“Wisty, you’re exactly like this,” Ash said, grinning. “Stubborn, determined, and always pushing yourself, no matter what.”
Wisty rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips as she looked down at Charmander, who still had his arms crossed, clearly not planning on backing down. “Well, I guess that’s why we’re such a perfect team.”
Charmander huffed, his tail flame flickering slightly brighter. Despite his stubbornness, he nuzzled into Wisty’s arms, his way of silently agreeing.
Ash smirked. “See? Even Charmander thinks so.”
Wisty sighed, cradling her partner closer. “Fine, fine. But you’re the one carrying him back to the table, Mr. Know-It-All.”
Ash chuckled and shrugged. “Deal.”
As Wisty sat back down with Charmander in her arms, Eevee trotted into the room, dragging a tray with a small bowl of soup precariously balanced on it. The little Pokémon strained under the effort but still managed to deliver the tray with remarkable determination.
“Eevee!” Wisty exclaimed, a mix of surprise and pride in her voice. “Oh, good job! Food for everyone!”
Eevee gave her a flat look, her ears twitching in silent exasperation.
Wisty paused, her enthusiasm fading. “Wait... it is for everyone, right? Or… is it for you?”
Eevee’s look grew even sharper, as if to say, "Seriously?"
Gary leaned over Wisty’s shoulder with a smirk. “I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think Pokémon can eat soup, Wisty.”
“Sure they can!” Wisty said defensively. “I mean, why not?”
Eevee huffed, slipped her head under Wisty’s hand, and used their bond to telepathically share her intent. A clear image of the soup being meant specifically for Wisty flashed in Wisty’s mind.
“Oh,” Wisty murmured, blinking in realization. “It’s for me.”
Eevee gave her an approving nod, her tail wagging slightly.
“Thanks, Eve, but I can’t eat right now,” Wisty said softly, stroking Eevee’s fur. “You want to finish it? Or should I ask Houndour to help?”
Eevee let out a little snort, looking almost offended by the suggestion of sharing her hard-earned soup. She grabbed the bowl carefully with her teeth, turned on her heel, and trotted off with her prize, tail held high.
Gary chuckled. “Well, I guess that settles that. You’ve got a thoughtful little team, Wisty.”
Wisty smiled, watching Eevee leave. “Yeah, they’re the best. Stubborn and all.” She glanced down at Charmander, who was watching Eevee with a hint of envy before huffing again and curling up in her arms.
Ash smirked. “I think your stubborn streak is contagious.”
“Maybe,” Wisty replied with a small laugh, her eyes softening as she looked around at her Pokémon. “But it’s what keeps us going.”
Wisty's heart raced as she saw Charmander struggling, his little body trembling, unable to even stand. Her face flushed with panic, and she frantically paced around the room, her mind a whirlwind of solutions she could never seem to grasp in time. Her Pokémon, ever loyal, were trying their best—each one using their abilities, but nothing seemed to help.
“Jigglypuff, Amura, Sprigatito, Deerling, Girafarig, Eevee, Chikorita, Clefairy, Altaria!” Wisty shouted, her voice straining with urgency. “Do something! Anything!”
Her words were more frantic than angry, but they only seemed to confuse her Pokémon more. They all scrambled to help—Jigglypuff's sweet lullaby causing an almost confused calmness, Sprigatito and Chikorita trying to use their vines to comfort Charmander, Altaria and Clefairy flapping their wings, trying to cool him down with gentle breezes. Houndour growled softly, frustrated at being unable to help.
Wisty’s hands trembled as she looked around, each failed attempt gnawing at her mind. “Why isn’t this working?! What am I doing wrong?!” She wasn’t angry at her Pokémon, but at the machines, at herself—why couldn’t she help him?
“Charmander, you have to get better,” she whispered, her voice breaking as she kneeled beside him. Charmander tried to lift himself again, but his legs wobbled, and he collapsed back down with a soft cry.
“That’s it!” Wisty suddenly shouted, her eyes wide as a realization hit her. She quickly stood and turned toward her Pokémon. “Totodile! Chikorita! Houndour!”
The Pokémon turned toward her, waiting for her next move.
“You three shoot your powers at the ground, okay?” Wisty commanded, her voice more determined now, despite the stress. “That should create a stone—grass, water, fire. The starter Pokémon—you three can work together!”
Totodile gave a small bark of acknowledgment, his sharp teeth glinting as he readied his Water Gun. Chikorita and Houndour followed suit, Chikorita’s vines glowing with energy and Houndour growling in agreement, flames flickering in his mouth.
Without hesitation, they unleashed their powers simultaneously. Water splashed onto the ground, Chikorita’s vines whirred with energy, and Houndour’s flames spouted up with force. The combination created a swirling storm of energy that connected at the center, forming a stone structure beneath them.
Wisty’s eyes lit up with hope. “Yes! It’s working!”
The stone formed like a sturdy base, a grounding force that began to stabilize the surrounding area. The Pokémon circled around it, their powers contributing to the healing and protection of Charmander. The energy from the combined elements seemed to begin soothing the feverish heat from Charmander’s body.
Charmander looked up, his fiery eyes still tired but now filled with determination. Slowly, he managed to raise his head, then his arms, as if the stone and the combined powers had given him the strength to try again.
Wisty kneeled beside him, her eyes wide with relief. “Charmander... You’re going to be okay,” she whispered, her voice softer now, as her fear started to melt away with each passing moment.
Gary, who had been watching from the side, couldn't help but grin. “I think you’ve got it figured out, Wisty. That was brilliant.”
Wisty smiled, though the exhaustion was still clear on her face. “I don’t know how you always manage to keep me from losing it, but I’m glad I’ve got all of you.” She gently stroked Charmander’s head as he finally managed to sit up on his own.
Ash, standing close by, nodded approvingly. “You’ve got a strong team, Wisty. We all do.”
Wisty’s expression softened as she looked around at her Pokémon, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. “Yeah... we do.”
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