Putting the Air back in Aerodactyl
" Once these great creatures roamed the earth, but now they live in the fossils they left behind."
Wisty, who had also tagged along, couldn't help but snicker.
Gary heard. " What happened Wisty?" He asked in the most plain tone ever.
Wisty but her lip, though she was still shaking. " Nothing. Absolutely nothing." She managed to say.
Eevee, on the other hand, was howling in laughter.
So Wisty scooped Eve up and said " Well it was nice seeing you but we gotta go see something byeeeeeee!"
And with that she bolted out the door.
Tracey blinked. " Do you get the feeling she knows something we don't."
" Yes." Oak said. " But I get the feeling she has to keep it secret by the law."
" But if she knows something, it might be good for research purposes." Gary argued.
" True." Dora agreed.
Tracey had taken his notebook out and started to look through his sketches. " Aerodactyl, Aerodactyl.... I know I have that somewhere in here...."
He stopped at a page and gasped. " That's why she was snickering!"
Before anyone could say anything Tracey had run off. The others followed, confused.
" Wisty?!" Tracey yelled. " Wisty? Where are you?"
" Sh!" A sharp voice came from the forest.
Tracey scratched his head. " Wisty?" He whispered.
" Over here."
Tracey walked into the bushes and gasped.
Wisty was feeding the Aerodactyl by hand.
And it was eating.
Tracey gasped as he grabbed his pencil and started to sketch.
Wisty gently pet the large Pokemon. " You're safe." She muttered. " You're safe."
Then, Gary and the others came.
" There you are!" Gary exclaimed. " You can't ju-"
Then he saw the Aerodactyl. " How are you feeding it?!" He exclaimed.
Oak nodded. " This is a great thing, indeed."
The Aerodactyl, spooked by all the noice, took flight.
But not before Wisty hopped on and Tracey grabbed its leg.
" Tracey!" Oak yelled.
" Wisty!" Gary shouted.
Up in the air, Tracey was nervously looking down. " This isn't good! Would you mind flying a little lower please?"
The Aerodactyl turned and saw Tracey, and Tracey shouted. " Wait wait wait k said lower not faster!"
On the ground, Oak, Gary and Dora were following.
" Tracey!" Gary yelled.
" Don't let go!" Oak added.
Ash it swooped close to the floor, the two Oaks gasped.
" Now, Tracey!" Gary yelled
" Jump Tracey jump!" Oak shouted.
Tracey obeyed and as soon as he hit the ground he began to roll until he stopped at the edge of a hill and gritted his teeth.
" Tracey!" Oak exclaimed.
" Are you okay?" Gary questioned.
" That was the last time I'll fly on a prehistoric creature!" Tracey said
Then they heard a roar, and everyone's eyes widened.
" Wait...." Gary said as he began to count everyone. " Wisty!"
" She's still up there!" Dora yelled as she pointed.
Wisty's teeth were grit and her arm was in front of her face.
But she was determined to get it to calm down
" Aerodactyl!" She yelled, then paused. " Wait. Aerodactyl isn't going to work. You want a nickname? How about Firstborn? You like it? No? Okay, Blackie? No, that doesn't sound right either. Uh..... Batty? You like it?"
Aerodactyl swooped down then up again.
Wisty gritted her teeth as she struggled to keep her food in her stomach.
" Okay okay! Aero?"
Aerodactyl let out an approving screech.
" Okay. Aero, please listen! If you keep this up you'll hurt Pokemon like you! I know you're scared, I know! But you have to calm down and see not everything is so scary!"
Aerodactyl seemed to listen.
Wisty sighed in relief. " Good boy. Now, first things first, let's land."
Aerodactyl did the opposite of that.
" AERODACTYL!" Wisty yelled.
Then they leveled our, and Wisty sighed.
But then it plunged down, into the direction of the trees.
And it didn't notice Wisty getting dizzy.
It didn't notice when she blacked out and started to fall.
But the people in the ground did.
* Wisty!" Gary yelled as he ran and caught the eight year old girl
Gary sighed softly. " Come on, Wisty. Let's get to the lab."
The first thing Wisty felt was someone holding her hand
And a Pikachu and Eevee looking at her concerned.
Wisty groaned and sat up, rubbing her temples. " Wha... What happened?"
Ash, who was sitting there with his hat clenched in one fist and holding Wisty's hand in the other, looked up.
" Wisty!" He exclaimed as he threw his arms around her.
Wisty laughed. " Ash, chill! I just blacked out, no biggie!"
" You blacked out in the air, Wisty." Gary said as the others came in.
" But the Aerodactyl?" Wisty asked, leaning on her hands.
" It's safe, thanks to you. But Wisty, you have to be more careful." Oak advised.
" We're always careful." Ash said.
Gary raised a brow. " Right."
Wisty rolled her eyes at her brother and Gary. “Come on, you guys. It was just a bit of flying! Besides, Aero and I had things under control… mostly.”
Ash huffed, crossing his arms. “Wisty, you literally blacked out in mid-air. That’s the opposite of control!”
Wisty shrugged, looking undeterred. “Hey, I named a prehistoric Pokémon. That’s a pretty big deal, don’t you think?”
Professor Oak chuckled, though he still looked serious. “It certainly is, Wisty. But you have to remember that these creatures, especially ones like Aerodactyl, are unpredictable. It’s wonderful to see your bond with it, but always prioritize your safety.”
She nodded, giving Aero a little thumbs-up, even though it wasn’t there. “I’ll be more careful. But you have to admit—it was pretty amazing, right?”
Ash couldn’t help but grin. “It was pretty amazing… but,” he added, raising a finger, “next time, try not to make us think you’re falling out of the sky.”
“Deal!” Wisty said, sticking her hand out to shake. Ash laughed, taking her hand and squeezing it.
Gary sighed, shaking his head with a smirk. “I guess I’ll be the one reminding her of this the next time she has a wild idea.”
Tracey walked over, handing Wisty a sketch he’d made of her flying on Aero, looking like she had complete control. “You were definitely a natural up there.”
Wisty’s eyes lit up, and she grinned wide. “Thanks, Tracey! I’m keeping this forever!”
Oak, watching them with a smile, turned to Ash, Gary, and Tracey. “Well, I think we’ve all learned a little something today, haven’t we?”
Gary nodded, ruffling Wisty’s hair. “Yeah, like the fact that you, Wisty, are officially the bravest—or craziest—one of us.”
Wisty smirked. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
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