Putting the Air back in Aerodactyl

( This is After Tracey grabbed onto it)

" Your old rival wouldn't get so discouraged."

" You mean Ash? How is he?"







A Bayleaf lept out of the bushes, on a leash. 

Then, two raven haired kids on a board flew out.

" Good job, Bayleaf!" the girl commented as she reached to pet the Pokemon. " You did really good."

The boy spun off the board and spun again. " Next time I drive....."

" Oh, don't be so dramatic! Gary wouldn't be like this would he?"

" No...."

" See?" The girl grinned.

" But that's because Gary loves your driving!"

" You're saying you don't?"

" I'm only saying you're being reckless!"

" You are too, you know!"

The boy rolled his eyes ." Aren't we here because your ' bestest bestie in the whole entire universe' called you here?"

Two arms wrapped around the girl's neck. " Yes I did."

The girl grinned and turned to hug. " Crystal!"

" Wisty! Thanks for coming so fast!"

Wisty shot her a grin. " Hey,  don't worry about it. That's what besties do. Now, where's that Aerodactly?"

Crystal pointed to the sky, and Wisty's eyes widened and she stepped back. " Hey Ash?"

" Mhm?"

" It's real."

" What's real?"

" The Aerodactyl, what else?!"

Ash shook his head. " What?!"

" Did we not tell you that?" Gary asked.

" No...."

Wisty looked at Gary and grabbed his arms, shaking him. " Okay, genius how did you get this Aerodactyl, huh? Was it dark magic? Did you kidnap it? Or are you working for Team Rocket i-"

" Wisty!" Ash yelled as he wrestled with her. " No! Of course he's not working for Team Rocket!"

" Then HOW did that Aerodacyl come to be, huh? Team Rocket made a duplicate of ' you know who'."

" This isn't a duplicate it's the real thing!"

" how do we know?"

Ash pointed to Crystal. " Her."

" Oh yeah."

" My sister and Gary revived it, but the-"

" You REVIVED it?!" The Ketchum siblings yelled.

Crystal furrowed her brows. " Uh.... yeah?"

They exchanged a look. " No wonder it's going crazy!" Ash exclaimed.

Wisty turned to Crystal. " One last thing. Where did you revive it?"

" In the lab." Gary spoke up.

" Now I know I'm right." Ash said confidently. 

" Call Charizard to get out. I'll get the rope."

" Rope? Why would you need rope?" Tracey asked.

Wisty smirked at the Pokemon watcher. " Oh, you just ready your sketching tools, Trace. Leave the rest to me and this one." She pointed to Ash, who was trying to find the right ball.

" Uh.... that's Bulbasaurs..... and that's Totodiles.... and Cyndaquil....... and that's-"

" Pika pi!" A woozy Pikachu exclaimed.

Ash picked his Pokemon. " And what happened to YOU?"

Pikachu conked out.

Wisty, who was wresling with the ropes, didn't even look up. " He'll be fine."

Ash blinked. " And how do you know that?"

"Because it happens to that one all the time." She pointed to Crystal, who gave a little wave.

Ash blinked. " And how does SHE conk out?"

" Oh, it's because she thinks I'm going too slow."

Crystal nodded. " Seriously. I mean, can you BELIEVE she goes 345 miles Per hour? That's soooooooooo slow."

Ash, Gary, Professor Oak, and Tracey stood with their mouths agape, processing the chaos that was unfolding in front of them. Wisty and Crystal were completely oblivious to the stunned reactions of their friends.

"Uh... you just said 345 miles per hour," Ash finally managed to stammer.

"Yeah! So?" Wisty replied nonchalantly, untying a knot in the rope.

"Wisty, that's a ridiculous speed! You could literally break the sound barrier!" Gary exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Crystal looked at him, her expression genuinely confused. "What's wrong with that? I thought that's what all trainers should aim for!"

"Aim for safety, maybe?" Tracey suggested, raising an eyebrow.

Wisty laughed, tossing the rope to Ash. "Pfft, safety is for the weak! You just have to be a good driver, like me!"

"Good driver?" Gary echoed incredulously. "You almost crashed into a tree last time!"

"That was one time!" Wisty defended, crossing her arms. "And it was a very sturdy tree!"

"Are we really debating this?" Ash asked, rubbing his temples. "What about the Aerodactyl? We need to figure out how to handle it before it causes more chaos!"

"Right!" Crystal said, snapping back to the task at hand. "Wisty, do you think we can lure it down with some food?"

"Food?" Wisty pondered, tapping her chin. "Yeah, but what do Aerodactyls even eat?"

"I think they're carnivorous," Tracey suggested. "Maybe some meat?"

"Who even has meat in the middle of a forest?" Ash exclaimed, glancing around helplessly. "We should've thought this through!"

"Guys, guys," Crystal interrupted, waving her hands to regain their attention. "I have a better idea! What if we used Pikachu to weaken it first? He might be able to handle it!"

"But Pikachu is out cold!" Ash pointed out.

"Oh, right," Crystal sighed, her confidence wavering for a moment. "Then we need to wake him up! Tracey, can you get some water?"

"Water? For Pikachu?" Tracey questioned. "I don't think that's how it works!"

Wisty shrugged. "It might help! Plus, it'll be funny to see Ash's reaction when Pikachu wakes up suddenly. I mean, it's not like he hasn't had worse wake-up calls."

Ash glared at her, shaking his head. "I don't think this is the time for jokes, Wisty!"

"Okay, okay!" she relented, raising her hands in mock surrender. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We just need to figure out how to catch Aerodactyl before it causes a landslide or something."

Professor Oak stepped forward, his expression now serious. "If we could get the Aerodactyl's attention, perhaps we can use a combination of Pokémon to calm it down."

"Right! So, let's try to find something that can get it down!" Ash said, determined to take charge.

"Do we have any Poke Balls?" Crystal asked, looking around. "We need something to catch it!"

"Yeah, let me check," Ash replied, rifling through his bag. "Uh... this one's empty... and this one has a Snorlax in it... and this one's a Great Ball... Wait, no! This one has a Magikarp!"

"Of course you have a Magikarp!" Gary rolled his eyes. "You always have a Magikarp."

"Hey, don't knock Magikarp! It could evolve into Gyarados any second!" Ash defended.

"Only if you're lucky," Wisty said, smirking. "But let's focus on the problem we have now!"

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the trees, shaking the ground beneath their feet. The group looked up, eyes wide as they saw Aerodactyl soaring through the sky, its massive wings casting a shadow over them.

"Okay, NOW we have a problem," Tracey said, his voice shaky.

"Right! Everyone get ready!" Ash shouted, his determination reigniting. "We're going to catch that Aerodactyl!"

Wisty shook his head. " We're not gonna catch it, Ashy."

Ash glanced at Wisty and read her face. A mischievous spark ignited in them.

" Oh, I see where you're going with this." Ash said with a sly grin. " When?"

" In ten... nine.... eight.... seven..."

" What are you guys gonna do?" Gary asked fearfully.

" Three... two.... one.... NOW!"

Wisty and Ash jumped, and Ash threw a Pokeball. " Go, Charizard!"

The dragon flew out, and the siblings grabbed onto its tail.

" Charizard, fling us to the Aerodactyl!" Ash yelled.

Gary's eyes widened. " Woah woah woah, what?!"

But it was too late. Charizard used its tail to fling them, and with the Pokeball in one hand and tipping his hat in the other hand, Ash returned Charizard. " Thanks!"

Then he turned and zoomed to the Aerodactyl. 

Wisty managed to grab onto Aerodactyl's tail, then grabbed onto Ash's wrist and pulled him up. " Hold... on....."

Ash bit his lip. " I'm..... trying....."

Wisty managed to hold Ash up long enough for him to grab onto Aerodactyl's tail.

" Thanks!"

Wisty smiled. " Don't worry about it."

Then, the Aerodactyl turned and saw the passengers. The two siblings froze.

" Maybe is we stay perfectly still......" Ash muttered with the corner of his mouth.

But it was too late. The Aerodactyl started to jerk its tail up and down, and the two siblings were tossed and turned.


" THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES!" Ash yelled back.

" IS IT?"


Wisty raised a brow. " You do know how evil you sounded right now, right?"

As the Aerodactyl continued to jerk its tail violently, Ash struggled to maintain his grip. "Wisty! I don't think this is working!"

Wisty, who was clinging to Ash's arm, shouted back, "I can't hold on much longer! We need to calm it down!"

"Calm it down? How am I supposed to do that while we're getting tossed around like rag dolls?" Ash yelled, his face whipped by the wind.

"Just... think of something! You're good at this!" Wisty encouraged, trying to keep her grip on Ash as they swung precariously.

"Okay, okay! Let me try!" Ash shouted, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing his thoughts. "Aerodactyl! Calm down! We're not here to hurt you!"

But the Aerodactyl merely screeched in response, its wings flapping erratically, sending them spiraling even more.

"THIS ISN'T WORKING!" Wisty exclaimed, her voice almost lost in the rush of wind. "We need to do something drastic!"

"Like what?" Ash asked, his heart racing.

"Like tying ourselves to something!" Wisty said, rummaging in her bag while still managing to hold on. "Here! Take this rope!" She tossed a coil of rope at Ash, who barely caught it.

"Wisty, what are you—"

"Just tie yourself to me! Then we won't get flung off!" Wisty shouted.

Ash nodded, his mind racing as he tied one end of the rope to his waist and the other to Wisty's. "Okay! Now what?"

"Now we need to hold on tight and keep our arms close to our bodies! If we spread out, we're toast!" Wisty warned.

With their arms secured, they braced themselves against the relentless motion of the Aerodactyl. They could feel the wind tearing at them, but the rope held firm, keeping them connected. Ash focused on the Aerodactyl, trying to project calm energy.

"Aerodactyl! We're friends! We just want to help!" he called out, attempting to reach the creature within the chaos.

Suddenly, the Aerodactyl twisted sharply, and Ash felt a jolt run through him. "Whoa!" he shouted, clinging tightly to the rope.

"Just don't let go!" Wisty yelled, her eyes wide. "It feels like we're going a million miles an hour!"

Ash grinned, trying to find humor in the absurdity. "I think it's closer to 345 miles per hour!"

"Very funny!" Wisty replied, her grip tightening as they swayed dangerously in the air. "But really, we need to stabilize ourselves!"

As the Aerodactyl screeched again, they felt the force of its wings pushing them to the sides. Wisty's heart raced as she tried to pull Ash closer. "Just hang on tight! We can't get separated!"

"I'm trying!" Ash laughed nervously, feeling the strain in his arms. "It's like we're on a rollercoaster!"

Wisty rolled her eyes, still trying to maintain her balance. "Not a very safe one, though!"

Just then, the Aerodactyl executed a sudden dive, sending them plummeting. Wisty squeaked as they were thrown downward, the ground rushing up to meet them.

"Hold on!" Ash shouted, wrapping his arms tightly around Wisty as they both clung to the rope with all their might.

"I CAN'T FEEL MY ARMS!" Wisty yelled, her voice a mix of panic and exhilaration.

"We just have to ride it out! Maybe it'll tire itself out!" Ash suggested, squeezing his eyes shut as they continued to be tossed around.

"Or it'll throw us off!" Wisty exclaimed, her voice full of anxiety.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that!" Ash yelled back.

Suddenly, the Aerodactyl leveled off, gliding through the air before ascending once again. They could feel the momentary calm, but it was short-lived as the creature took another sharp turn, and they were sent spinning again.

"WHAT NOW?!" Wisty shouted, her hair whipping around her face.

"We need to—" Ash started, but before he could finish, the Aerodactyl let out another powerful screech, jolting them again.

"AHHH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!" Wisty cried, her arms beginning to ache.

"Just focus! If we can make it descend slowly, we can figure out what to do!" Ash shouted, determination flickering in his eyes.

But with each erratic movement, it became increasingly clear that calming the Aerodactyl was no easy task. The winds roared around them, and despite their best efforts, they could feel their grip slipping as the chaos continued.

"Maybe we should just wait until it tires itself out," Wisty suggested, gasping for breath. "Because right now, I think we're just along for the ride!"

As chaos erupted high above the treetops, Pikachu sat on the ground, wide awake and howling with laughter at the spectacle unfolding. The little Pokémon couldn't contain its amusement as Ash and Wisty were tossed around like rag dolls on the back of the wildly bucking Aerodactyl.

Meanwhile, Gary was standing there, arms crossed, his expression a mix of disbelief and irritation. "He's crazy! Crazy, I tell you!" he exclaimed, shaking his head vigorously. "He's not the naive best friend I had; this guy's reckless!"

Professor Oak, having watched the scene unfold with a furrowed brow, nodded gravely. "I can second that. This is dangerous!"

Just as he finished speaking, Ash and Wisty's screams filled the air, and their voices strained as they tried to shout over the roar of the wind.

"Wisty, we need to calm it down!" Ash yelled, trying to maintain his grip on the tail while being thrown around.

"How?!" Wisty shouted back, her hair whipping wildly in the wind. "Do we have a tranquilizer or something?!"

Before Ash could answer, they both flapped their arms in a futile attempt to regain some stability. The Aerodactyl twisted and turned beneath them, making it even harder to hold on.

"Maybe it just needs a little coaxing!" Ash suggested, trying to sound hopeful. He took a deep breath and yelled, "Aerodactyl! It's okay! We're your friends!"

"Yeah! Friends who don't want to fall off your tail!" Wisty added, her voice strained as they bounced higher.

The Aerodactyl screeched in response, clearly not calming down. Instead, it began to jerk its tail more violently, throwing Ash and Wisty into a chaotic dance of panic.

"We need to tie ourselves down!" Wisty shouted, desperately rummaging through her pockets. "I've got rope!"

" More rope?! How much do you have?!"

Wisty shrugged, but before she could do anything, Aerodacyl jerked so hard it fell.

" What do we do now?!"

"Hold on tight!" Wisty yelled, pulling herself closer to Ash, their arms brushing against each other as they both braced for impact. "We can't let go!"

"Easier said than done!" Ash grunted, trying to stabilize himself. "I don't think it likes us very much!"

"Look at it this way! We're the first trainers to ride an Aerodactyl!" Wisty shouted, her voice laced with exhilaration and terror.

"Yeah, and it might be the last thing we do!" Ash retorted, feeling the muscles in his arms strain under the pressure.

Meanwhile, down on the ground, Pikachu continued to howl with laughter, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle of Ash and Wisty flailing in the sky.

"Why is no one else laughing? This is hilarious!" Pikachu squeaked, pointing its tiny paw at the airborne duo.

Gary, however, was still in shock. "Look at them! This isn't just reckless; this is downright suicidal!" He gestured wildly as he continued to watch the chaotic scene unfold.

Tracey was obliviously sketching the scene, completely focused on capturing the moment. "Guys, you've got to see this! The dynamics here are incredible!" he murmured, lost in his art as the world around him went crazy.

"Are you serious?!" Gary shouted. "Your friend is in danger, and you're just sketching?"

"Hey! Art is important!" Tracey defended, his eyes still glued to his sketchbook.

Just then, they all heard another round of screams from Ash and Wisty as the Aerodactyl executed a particularly sharp turn. The siblings flapped their arms wildly, trying to keep their balance while shouting commands to each other, their voices barely reaching the ground below.

"We're definitely not catching it today!" Wisty screamed, her hair flying every which way as she hung on for dear life.

"We just need to stay calm!" Ash yelled, though the panic in his voice contradicted his words.

As the chaotic scene unfolded in the sky, Wisty shouted over the roaring winds, "Try some Oran Berries, bro! Maybe they might calm it down!"

Ash, clutching the Aerodactyl's tail for dear life, rummaged through his backpack and pulled out a couple of berries, his face set in determination. "Okay, here goes nothing!" He called out, holding them up. "Hey, Aerodactyl! Oran Berries! Delicious!"

But the Aerodactyl didn't seem to care, its wild flaps and erratic movements betraying its disinterest. The creature continued its bucking, making it nearly impossible for Ash to even get close enough to offer the berries.

"Great idea!" Wisty shouted as she suddenly spotted an opportunity. "I'm going to try climbing onto its leg!"

With surprising agility, she maneuvered up and made her way to the Aerodactyl's leg, but as soon as she settled in, the creature started bouncing more violently. "Whoa! This isn't good!" she exclaimed, struggling to find her footing. "Would you mind flying a little lower?"

The Aerodactyl, perhaps not understanding her request, suddenly caught sight of her and began to flap its wings harder, gaining altitude again.

"WAIT! WAIT! I SAID LOWER, NOT FASTER!" Wisty screamed, her voice barely piercing through the wind. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Meanwhile, Ash had gone completely still, his face a picture of disbelief as he was jerked around like a kite in a storm. His eyes widened, and his mouth was a flat line as he processed what was happening.

Wisty looked down at him, incredulous. "Really? That's all you've got?!" she yelled, trying to regain her balance.

The Aerodactyl swooped down suddenly, sending Ash's heart racing as he instinctively grabbed for anything he could hold onto. "Wisty, you're the one who suggested this crazy plan!" he shouted back, annoyance creeping into his tone.

Just then, the Aerodactyl decided it was time to put on a show. It began to climb steeply, then dive sharply, making tight circles in the air like a drill.

"Make it stop!" Wisty yelled, now clinging to the Aerodactyl's leg as it spiraled downwards. "We're going to get sick!"

Ash could barely keep his composure, his voice tinged with panic. "I'm not sure it knows what 'calm' means!"

As they continued to fly in chaotic loops, Wisty spotted Ash flailing in the wind. "Just hold on!" she shouted. "We'll figure this out!"

But just then, the Aerodactyl dove down again, the ground rushing up to meet them. Wisty screamed, and Ash braced himself for whatever was coming next.

Meanwhile, Gary was standing below, his hands tangled in his hair as he watched the disaster unfold above him. "This is absolutely insane!" he shouted, eyes wide with disbelief. "What were you thinking, Ash? You're going to get yourself killed!"

Just then, Ash caught sight of Gary and, in true Ash fashion, decided it was the perfect moment to yell down to him. "HIYA GARY! IT'S ACTUALLY QUITE NICE FROM UP HERE!" he shouted, waving enthusiastically despite the precarious situation he was in.

Gary blinked, momentarily stunned. "Are you out of your mind?!" he yelled back, frustration boiling over. "You're literally dangling from a flying dinosaur! This isn't some joyride!"

Professor Oak, who had been watching the scene unfold with growing horror, was now pacing back and forth, his sunglasses slipping down his nose. "This is unbelievable! Absolutely reckless! What if that Aerodactyl throws them off? We need to get them down immediately!" he shouted, his voice rising in panic.

As the chaos continued, Gary clenched his fists, trying to think of a plan while Ash and Wisty were still being tossed around in the air. "We need to do something!" he insisted, looking to Professor Oak for guidance.

Oak nodded vigorously. "Yes! We need to call for help! And fast!" He reached for his Pokegear, but Gary was already racing off, determined to do whatever it took to save his friends from their wild ride.

Back in the air, Ash was still having the time of his life, completely oblivious to the panic below. "Isn't this awesome, Wisty?" he shouted over the wind, grinning as the Aerodactyl twisted and turned.

Wisty, still clinging to the Aerodactyl's leg, shot him a look of disbelief. "You're crazy! This isn't awesome! We're about to—"

Before she could finish, the Aerodactyl swooped down sharply, sending both of them spiraling again. "Oh great, here we go again!" Wisty yelled, holding on for dear life.

As Gary dashed off to find help, the chaotic scene continued, with Ash and Wisty caught in the exhilarating and terrifying ride, oblivious to the mounting panic below.

Meanwhile, high above the ground, Wisty clung tightly to Ash as they finally managed to reach the body of the Aerodactyl.

"Please, Aerodactyl! Calm down!" Wisty shouted, trying to sound as soothing as possible despite the wind whipping around them. "We don't mean any harm!"

But the Aerodactyl seemed more agitated than ever, flapping its wings wildly and climbing higher into the sky. "It's gonna do Seismic Toss!" Ash exclaimed, his voice filled with panic as he struggled to maintain his grip.

Wisty glanced at him, eyes wide. "Well, at least we're tied with a rope!" she said, trying to muster some optimism. "That's gotta count for something, right?"

"Oh yeah," Ash replied, his voice flat. "Because being flung through the air tied to a dinosaur sounds like a great plan."

Just as Ash finished speaking, the Aerodactyl let out a fierce screech and dove sharply downward, its wings spread wide. Wisty felt her stomach drop as they went into a steep descent.

"Here we go!" Wisty yelled, bracing herself for impact as they plummeted. "Hold on tight, Ash!"

As they hurtled toward the ground, Wisty felt the rope tugging at her waist, anchoring them together. "If we survive this, I'm never letting you talk me into another adventure!" she shouted, trying to inject some humor into the dire situation.

"Deal!" Ash yelled back, adrenaline pumping through his veins. "But first, let's not hit the ground too hard!"

With a sudden flapping of its wings, the Aerodactyl pulled up at the last moment, executing a tight loop and soaring back up into the air. Ash and Wisty gasped, their hearts racing as they realized they had narrowly escaped what could have been a disastrous landing.

"Okay, okay! Let's try this again!" Wisty shouted, determined to regain control. "Aerodactyl, please listen to us! We just want to help!"

But the Aerodactyl was still agitated, circling around erratically. Wisty felt the wind whipping around them, and she knew they had to think fast before they ended up in another dizzying spiral. "Ash, do you have any berries left?" she called out. "Maybe it'll calm down if we offer it something!"

Ash fumbled through his bag, pulling out a few Oran Berries. "Here goes nothing!" he yelled, holding them out in front of him. "Hey, Aerodactyl! Look what we have for you!"

The Aerodactyl paused for a moment, glancing at the berries. Wisty took the opportunity to inch closer, hoping to coax it down gently. "Please! Just try one! You'll feel better, I promise!"

With a flicker of interest in its eyes, the Aerodactyl tilted its head, finally slowing its frantic movements. Wisty and Ash exchanged hopeful glances as they began to realize they might just be able to calm the beast after all.

But then it pulled up and spun.


" YEAH?"


Ash took his bag off and looked into it. " Uh, let's see.... I have Gary's sock..... Professor Oak's vase.... HERE YOU GO, PROFESSOR!" he threw the vase which Gary caught.

Ash looked inside. " Uh...... Do you think the Aerodactly might like some gum?"

Wisty slapped her head.

"Are you serious, Ash?!" Wisty exclaimed, still clinging tightly as the Aerodactyl continued to spin. "Gum? You think that's going to calm it down?"

"Hey, it's mint-flavored!" Ash replied defensively, rummaging through his bag with urgency. "What else do I have? A sandwich? I think it's a little squished, though..."

The Aerodactyl screeched again, and Wisty felt the rush of air as they swung outwards. "We're not going to get out of this if you don't start thinking clearly!" she shouted.

"Okay, okay!" Ash said, finally pulling out the gum and holding it up like it was some sort of treasure. "Aerodactyl! Look what I have! Minty fresh gum!" He waved it in the air, trying to catch the creature's attention.

For a moment, the Aerodactyl seemed intrigued. It tilted its head again, then swooped closer, eyeing the gum suspiciously. Wisty took a deep breath, ready to give it one last try. "Ash, just throw it! Maybe it'll catch it and eat it!"

"Alright! Here goes nothing!" Ash took aim and tossed the gum towards the Aerodactyl.

The gum landed on the creature's snout, sticking there for a moment before it slowly peeled it off. The Aerodactyl sniffed it, looked at the two of them, and then, to their surprise, it popped the gum into its mouth!

Wisty held her breath as the Aerodactyl chewed, then looked at them curiously. "Is it working?" she asked.

Ash smiled wide, excitement bubbling within him. "I think it likes it! Keep talking to it, Wisty!"

"Uh, hey there, Aerodactyl!" Wisty said, trying to keep her voice calm. "How about a few more of those? They're really good!"

The Aerodactyl, seeming a bit more relaxed now, began to flap its wings gently instead of wildly. Ash and Wisty exchanged relieved glances as the creature hovered in place, chewing contently.

"See? We can do this!" Ash shouted, feeling a surge of confidence.

"Yeah! But don't get too cocky!" Wisty warned, noticing the Aerodactyl's wings starting to pick up speed again. "Just keep offering the gum and maybe it'll settle down!"

"Alright, more gum coming right up!" Ash declared, reaching into his bag once more. "Just hold on tight, Wisty! We might just get through this without a crash landing after all!"

The Aerodactyl squawked and lunged forward, and as Ash tossed another piece of gum, Wisty could only hope it would work again. "Please, please, don't let this turn into a wild ride again!"

Wisty's/ eyes widened. " Ash?"

" Mhm?"

" We;re going to a new island."

Ash's eyes widened. " WHAT?!"

" Don't worry! It might be a place the big guy feels safe."

Ash sighed. " Let's hope you're right."

As the Aerodactyl zoomed toward the island, Ash and Wisty felt a sudden shift in the air. They looked up just in time to see a military base coming into view, complete with soldiers on the ground practicing their aim.

"Uh, Wisty?" Ash shouted, his voice rising in panic. "I don't think they're playing catch!"

Wisty's eyes widened as she noticed the soldiers loading their rifles. "DODGE THEM!" she screamed, grabbing Ash's arm and pointing wildly.

The Aerodactyl, still chewing gum, seemed unfazed by their distress. Instead, it let out a loud screech and decided that now was a great time to dive and swoop around the island like a rollercoaster ride gone rogue.

"Watch out!" Ash yelled as bullets whizzed by. "This is not what I had in mind when I wanted an adventure!"

"Maybe we should have just stayed on the ground!" Wisty replied, trying to hold on as they dodged left and right. "Just our luck, we go from riding a dinosaur to dodging bullets!"

One soldier, seeing the two kids hanging onto the Aerodactyl, squinted through his sights and exclaimed, "Is that two flying kids with a dinosaur? This isn't on my checklist!"

"I can't believe we're stuck in the middle of a military training exercise!" Ash yelled, barely keeping his balance as the Aerodactyl dipped and swerved.

"Forget the checklist! They need a new section for airborne Pokémon chaos!" Wisty shouted back, her hair whipping wildly in the wind.

As they soared over the base, one soldier shouted, "Incoming! I think I hit something!" He fired a round, and suddenly a flagpole exploded behind them, sending colorful flags fluttering everywhere.

"Nice shot!" Wisty called out sarcastically. "Next time, aim for the Pokémon, not the decorations!"

"Okay, now this is just ridiculous!" Ash shouted, pointing at a soldier who had tripped over his own feet while trying to aim. The guy fell face-first into a pile of sandbags, and his buddies burst into laughter.

"Let's keep the comedy going!" Wisty joked, gripping Ash's shoulder. "Just think of it as a wacky movie scene! I can see the title now: 'Dodge the Bullets: An Aerodactyl's Guide to Surviving a Military Base!'"

With one final flap, the Aerodactyl soared over a tent, sending it flying with a dramatic "WHOOSH!" that knocked over the soldiers inside. They emerged looking dazed, one of them holding a frying pan instead of a weapon. "What happened?" he mumbled.

"Guess they weren't prepared for this kind of training exercise!" Ash laughed, trying to keep his spirits up despite the chaos.

Wisty rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because what military base doesn't expect flying Pokémon to crash their practice sessions?"

As the Aerodactyl continued its aerial acrobatics, Wisty shouted, "Just remember, Ash! The next time you think about riding a Pokémon, check the map for military bases first!"

"Duly noted!" Ash replied, his laughter echoing through the air as they zipped away from the chaos behind them.

Just as the chaos reached its peak, Ash's phone rang, and he quickly fumbled to pick it up. "Hey, it's Gary!" he announced, pressing the speaker button.

"Hi, Gary!" Ash shouted over the wind, but before he could continue, he felt the Aerodactyl dip unexpectedly. "Uh... WISTY, TAKE CONTROL OF AERODACTYL AND MAKE SURE WE'RE NOT HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" he screamed, his voice stretching into a high-pitched note as they narrowly avoided a barrage of paintballs from the soldiers below.

Wisty gritted her teeth, clutching onto Ash as she tried to stabilize her grip on the Aerodactyl. "I'M TRYING!" she yelled back, her eyes darting everywhere. "But being above a military base isn't easy! They've got more firing practice than I anticipated!"

Gary's voice crackled through the phone. "What did she say?!"

"Uh, she said it's tough up here!" Ash shouted, his heart racing. "And that the military is crazy! But honestly, I think she's just trying to dodge bullets!"

"Sounds about right!" Gary replied, sounding both impressed and horrified. "Do you two need me to come up there and handle the Aerodactyl? Because it seems like you're both having a rough time!"

"Yeah, because that's what I need!" Wisty interjected sarcastically. "A Pokémon expert on the ground who can't even fly! What are you gonna do, Gary? Throw your backpack at it?"

" No!" Gary exclaimed. " I'm gonna ask Tracey to do something!"

" What's he gonna do, draw us in underwear?" Ash asked sarcastically.

The artist overheard. "Don't underestimate the power of my sketches!" Tracey retorted. "I'll just distract it with a picture of Ash doing something stupid, like posing in front of a moving train!"

"Real funny!" Ash shouted, rolling his eyes. "But right now, I'm more concerned about not being a moving target!"

The Aerodactyl suddenly swooped up, narrowly missing a tree that was left standing on the island. Wisty felt her stomach drop. "Okay, Ash! If you can find some way to calm it down while I try to steer it, that would be great!"

"Right! Um, Gary, can you—"

Gary interrupted, "I can't hear you! There's too much chaos!"

Tracey added, " Why are there paintballs flying everywhere?!"

"Just focus on not laughing!" Ash yelled back. "Wisty, maybe you should try yelling 'Aerodactyl, party time!' and see if it dances!"

"Yeah, because that's definitely the strategy we need right now!" Wisty shot back, but she couldn't help but laugh as the Aerodactyl began to twitch its wings like it was preparing for a dance-off.

"Just try it!" Ash insisted, his voice growing louder as the Aerodactyl spun in the air again.

"Fine!" Wisty shouted, taking a deep breath. "AERODACTYL, PARTY TIME!"

To their surprise, the Aerodactyl paused mid-flight, head tilting as if contemplating Wisty's command. It then started flapping its wings rhythmically, swaying back and forth in the air.

"YES! IT WORKED!" Ash cheered, feeling a surge of hope.

"Okay, okay! Keep the dance party going!" Wisty urged, focusing as best she could. "But can we land somewhere safe?!"

"Like, anywhere but here!" Ash added, laughing. "Gary, we're having a dance party with a dinosaur! Who knew this would be our lives today?"

"Only you, Ash," Gary said, shaking his head but unable to suppress a grin. "Only you."

As the Aerodactyl soared higher into the sky, Ash glanced at his phone, his eyes wide with panic. "Gotta go! Sorry, Gary, BYEEEEEEEEEE!" he yelled, his voice echoing into the wind. Before Gary could respond, the call ended with a click.

Wisty took a deep breath, still trying to keep her balance on the flailing Aerodactyl. Just then, her phone rang, and she looked down to see Professor Oak's name flashing on the screen. "Oh no, not now!" she muttered, but curiosity got the better of her. She answered the call, bracing herself for the professor's usual ramblings.

"Ah, Wisty! I must say, your current situation appears to be quite perilous!" Professor Oak's voice came through the phone, using a level of sophisticated language that would've made anyone else's head spin.

Wisty raised an eyebrow, struggling to keep her focus. "Uh, Professor? Can you make it a little simpler? We're kinda flying over a military base right now, and there's a dancing Aerodactyl!"

"Ah, I see! Well, one must always consider the implications of airborne Pokémon dynamics! Have you evaluated the aerodynamics of your current trajectory while also addressing the psychological state of the Aerodactyl in question?" he continued, clearly oblivious to the chaos surrounding her.

Wisty blinked, her brain racing to process his words. "Uh... Are you saying we should talk to it about its feelings? Because right now, I'm more concerned about not crashing into a paintball tower!"

"Precisely! Addressing the emotional state can be pivotal!" Oak replied, sounding thrilled. "Have you attempted to offer it a selection of berries while simultaneously articulating the concept of friendship?"

"Yeah, that's great and all, but can you tell me how to land this thing?" Wisty shouted, her grip tightening as the Aerodactyl began to roll. "I'd love to chat about feelings, but I think we're about to become a pancake on the ground!"

"Ah, quite right! Then perhaps you should—"

"Just hurry up, please!" she interjected, her heart racing.

"Very well! To regain control, initiate a soft calming tone and utilize your most calming vocabulary!" he advised, speaking like she was a student in a lecture hall.

"Calming vocabulary, got it! Thanks, Professor!" Wisty replied, rolling her eyes as she hung up. "Ash! Let's try to talk to it like a therapist would!"

"What?!" Ash yelled, still holding onto the Aerodactyl as it started to spin again. "What's a therapist?!"

"Just... just trust me!" Wisty shouted, trying to catch her breath. "Aerodactyl, we're your friends! We're not here to hurt you! We just want to help you feel better!"

The Aerodactyl paused mid-spin, looking at them with curiosity instead of panic.

"See?" Wisty said, turning to Ash with a triumphant grin. "It's working!"

But just then, a loud paintball whizzed past them, and the Aerodactyl shrieked, zooming upward again.

"Or maybe not!" Ash exclaimed, gripping the Aerodactyl tighter as they shot up into the air. "I think we just gave it more energy!"

Wisty groaned. "This is going to be one wild ride!"

As the Aerodactyl soared higher than the clouds, Wisty couldn't help but shout, "If we keep this up, we're gonna be in space!"

Ash's eyes lit up at the idea. "Hey, good idea!" he replied enthusiastically.

Wisty turned to him, confusion briefly overtaking her excitement. "Huh? Really?"

"Yeah! Think about it! We could be the first trainers to fly a Pokémon to space!" Ash exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement.

Wisty's expression shifted from confusion to thrill. "You're actually right! Imagine the view!"

"Right?!" Ash's eyes sparkled. "We'd be like astronauts! Ash and Wisty, Space Explorers!"

"Space Explorers!" Wisty cheered, raising her arms triumphantly as the Aerodactyl leveled off, cruising through the thin atmosphere. "First stop: the Moon!"

Just then, the Aerodactyl did a sudden loop-de-loop, catching them both off guard.

"AHHHHH! Not that kind of loop!" Wisty screamed, her excitement turning back to panic. "I'm not ready for a zero-gravity spin!"

"Hold on tight!" Ash shouted, gripping onto the Aerodactyl's body as it began to swoop again. "But think of the stars, Wisty! The stars!"

"Stars?! I'd rather not see the stars up close while plummeting toward Earth!" she yelled, her heart racing as they continued to climb.

But as they broke through the clouds, the breathtaking view of the universe unfolded before them. Stars twinkled against the velvet blackness, and they could even see the curve of the Earth far below.

"Whoa," Ash breathed, momentarily forgetting their dire situation. "This is incredible!"

Wisty's eyes widened with awe as well. "I can't believe we're actually here! Look at all those stars!"

Suddenly, the Aerodactyl let out a loud screech, as if it were excited too, and began to spiral downwards again.

"NO! Not again!" Wisty shouted, the thrill of space forgotten as they raced back toward Earth. "Aerodactyl, please! We're not ready for a return trip yet!"

"Ash, do something!" Wisty yelled, her heart racing.

"I'm trying!" he replied, his hands flailing as he attempted to stabilize their flight. "How do we tell it we're not done exploring?"

"Uh... maybe we can bribe it with more berries?!" Wisty suggested, scrambling to dig through Ash's bag. "Or, you know, anything other than going back to the ground!"

Just as they began to dive, the Aerodactyl stopped in midair, hovering momentarily and staring at Wisty with an almost inquisitive expression.

Wisty took a deep breath and decided to give it one last shot. "Aerodactyl, we're your friends! We want to explore the universe with you! Just... don't drop us, okay?"

The Pokémon tilted its head, seemingly considering her words. And then, as if a light bulb had gone off in its head, it slowly began to ascend again, this time with a gentle glide.

"YES! It's working!" Ash cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

"Whew! Let's keep going, then!" Wisty exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face as they ventured further into the stars, leaving the Earth far below.

As they soared higher, an ominous realization struck Wisty. "Uh, Ash... we're starting to run out of air!"

"Wait, really?" Ash gasped, glancing around frantically. "I thought Aerodactyl just breathed some sort of... wind or something!"

Before they could think of a solution, the Aerodactyl suddenly took a nosedive straight back into the atmosphere of earth.

" Oh, good, sweet air....." Wisty muttered as she took a deep breath.

Ash did too, then turned to see where the dinosaur was headed.

It was headed..... into a nearby volcano.

"NO, NO, NO! NOT A VOLCANO!" Wisty screamed as the heat hit them like a wave. "Now it's too hot!"

As they descended into the fiery pit, Ash pointed excitedly at the bubbling lava. "Look! It's rock! Maybe we can take some and eat it!"

Wisty blinked, incredulous. "Ash, that's lava! You can't eat lava!"

"Why not?" Ash asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's just really, really hot rock! I mean, isn't that what they say about cooking? You just need to heat it up!"

Wisty facepalmed. "That's not how this works!"

Just then, the Aerodactyl screeched again, its wings flapping furiously as it landed on a rocky ledge inside the volcano. The heat intensified, and Wisty felt sweat trickle down her forehead.

"Okay, plan B!" she shouted over the roar of the volcano. "We need to get out of here before we turn into ash ourselves!"

Ash looked around, his brain working overtime. "Maybe we can find something cool! Like... uh... volcanic rocks that we can use as a shelter!"

"You mean rocks that are literally lava?" Wisty said, rolling her eyes. "Sure, great idea, Ash. Let's build a cozy little lava shack!"

But as they looked around, they spotted some shiny stones that weren't glowing hot. "Hey, look at those!" Ash exclaimed, pointing to a cluster of glittering crystals jutting from the wall. "They look like they could be... edible?"

"Those are probably just rocks, Ash," Wisty replied skeptically.

"Come on, how bad could it be? I mean, you always say I should try new things!" Ash grinned, already reaching for one of the crystals.

Before Wisty could stop him, he plucked a piece from the wall and took a cautious bite. "Mmm... tastes like... uh, rock!"

"Great, now you're eating rocks. What's next?" Wisty shook her head in disbelief. "Are you really going to turn into a Geodude?"

But just as Ash chewed, the Aerodactyl let out a loud growl, clearly displeased with their antics. It began to flap its wings again, creating a gust that sent ash swirling around them.

"Okay, okay! Let's just focus on getting out!" Wisty shouted, trying to shield her face from the flying debris. "How about we climb back up and make a run for it?"

"Good idea!" Ash nodded, spitting out the remnants of the rock. "Aerodactyl, can you help us get out of here without turning us into molten pancakes?"

With a grunt, the Aerodactyl nodded, flapping its wings vigorously and lifting them back into the air. As they ascended, Wisty looked at Ash, shaking her head. "You're definitely getting a rock-related nickname after this."

"Rock Band Ash!" he declared triumphantly, completely unfazed.

"Sure, as long as we don't end up as a rock band that's literally a band of rocks!" Wisty replied, rolling her eyes but smiling despite the chaos.

Meanwhile, outside the volcano, Gary, Oak, Tracey and Crystal watched with wide eyes, expecting the siblings to come out any second.

" Where are they?" Gary muttered. " You don't think something bad happened, do you?"

Crystal shook her head. " Nah, Wisty's tough."

Suddenly, the Aerodactyl shot out, and flipped upside down, Ash and Wisty dropped, and Ash's eyes widened.


The Pokemon flew out and swooped the kids, then slowly lowered itself to the ground. The siblings hopped off. While Ash put Charizard back into it's ball, Wisty walked to a tree and put her head against the bark. " That was just great, JUST GREAT." She muttered.

"Wisty! Are you okay?" Gary exclaimed, his previous worries about Ash and Wisty's safety instantly melting away at the sight of them.

Wisty lifted her head and turned to face them, her expression a blend of exasperation and exhaustion. "Yeah, I'm fine, just enjoying a nice moment with nature after almost being turned into a volcanic pancake!"

Tracey couldn't help but chuckle nervously. "I guess that's one way to look at it!"

"Seriously, though, what happened in there?" Crystal asked, raising an eyebrow. "You both looked like you were riding a roller coaster from Hades!"

Wisty groaned, running a hand through her hair. "It was chaos! We were almost out of air, then Aerodactyl dove straight into a volcano, and Ash thought we could eat rocks—"

"I was trying to be resourceful!" Ash defended, crossing his arms with a pout.

"Resourceful? You mean reckless!" Gary interjected, shaking his head. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"

"Dangerous? You mean FUN!" Ash grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "What's an adventure without a little danger?"

"Right, because we all want to be involved in your version of fun," Wisty replied dryly, finally starting to relax.

Professor Oak stepped forward, his face turning serious. "Next time, I recommend a less... explosive form of transportation. Maybe something that won't involve nearly getting scorched alive?"

"Maybe we could have gone to space instead?" Ash suggested with a smirk.

"Sure, because that sounds like a much safer idea!" Wisty rolled her eyes. "Let's just promise to stick to ground level for a while, okay?"

"Agreed!" Gary nodded, relief washing over him as he surveyed the siblings. "Just promise me you'll think things through next time. I'm not ready for another heart attack!"

"Hey, I'll have you know I had everything under control!" Ash exclaimed, throwing an arm around Wisty's shoulder.

"Yeah, right! You mean we had everything under control," Wisty shot back, laughing despite the chaos they had just escaped.

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