Mommy May and Daddy Drew
" Here you go!" Wisty said brightly as she handed Drew an Aipom and May a Jigglypuff.
May blushed. " Aaaaaaa, what's this for?"
Wisty smirked. " Oh they're yours."
" A gift? For us?" Drew asked.
" Wow, thanks Wisty." May said.
Wisty smirked. " Think of them as a gift to start your journey on parenthood."
But Wisty was gone.
Drew sighed as Aipom tugged his hair. " Oh well."
Jigglypuff took a deep breath.
🎶 Jigglypu-🎶
" NOOOO!" the couple yelled.
But it was already too late.
"🎶Ff Jigglyyyypuff. Jiiiiglyyypuuuf Jigglypuff....🎶
Drew and May got heavy eyed
" Looks like we're sleeping again." May quipped
" We just woke up and hour ago...." Drew yawned as they both collapsed to the ground, snoring.
“AAAAAH, DREW, LOOK AT YOUR FACE!” May screeched, pointing at Drew, who had woken up to find Aipom gleefully smearing peanut butter all over his cheeks.
“What? What’s on my—HEY!” Drew yelled as Aipom yanked his hair with a mischievous chitter, swinging gleefully from his green locks like they were vines.
“Get it off! Get it off!” Drew flailed, trying to pry Aipom away, but the monkey Pokémon clung tightly, its tail-hand giving Drew’s ear a playful flick.
“Calm down!” May snapped, hands on her hips. “You’re only encouraging it!”
“Oh, sorry, Mom,” Drew shot back sarcastically, ducking as Aipom threw a spoon at his head.
Before May could retort, Jigglypuff waddled into the room, looking distinctly unamused. It puffed up its cheeks in irritation and hopped onto the table. Without warning— SLAP!—its stubby little arm smacked May right across the face.
“OW! What was that for?!” May gasped, holding her cheek.
Jigglypuff huffed, its eyes narrowing, and started rummaging through the mess of items scattered on the table. Drew blinked. “Is it... looking for something?”
Before either of them could react, Jigglypuff whipped out its microphone-marker, raised it high, and slapped Drew across the forehead with it, leaving an obnoxious squiggle.
“That’s IT!” Drew yelled, scrambling up, only to trip over a rolling pin that Aipom had somehow retrieved from the kitchen. The monkey Pokémon cackled, spinning the rolling pin in its tail-hand like a baton.
“Oh no.” May’s voice dropped to a horrified whisper as she spotted Aipom pawing through Drew’s open travel bag. “Drew… what’s in that bag?”
“Uh… just the usual stuff. Clothes, Pokéballs, maybe some—WAIT.” Drew’s face drained of color. “IS THAT—?”
Aipom emerged, waving a sleek, silver object above its head.
“DREW!” May screeched. “WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN IN YOUR BAG?!”
“It’s not a real gun! It’s a flare gun!” Drew stammered, trying to wrestle it away from the gleeful Aipom. “I carry it for emergencies!”
“WELL, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!” May ducked as Aipom pointed the flare gun wildly, giggling maniacally.
“STOP!” Drew pleaded, lunging for the mischievous Pokémon. “Do NOT pull that—”
A fiery flare shot out of the gun, bouncing off the ceiling and ricocheting into the corner, where it singed the curtains.
“Great,” May muttered as she grabbed a pitcher of water to douse the small flame. “We’re going to burn the place down before dinner.”
Meanwhile, Jigglypuff had climbed onto Drew’s back, slapping him repeatedly on the head like a tiny, pink tyrant.
“WHY is it so violent?!” Drew groaned, swatting ineffectually at the puffball.
May sighed, finally managing to snatch the flare gun away from Aipom. “Because you insisted on accepting these Pokémon! This is your fault, Drew!”
“Oh, so now I’m the bad guy?” Drew shot back, dodging another slap from Jigglypuff.
“Yes!” May yelled, tugging at her hair as Aipom gleefully tugged the other side. “Because I’m the one stuck cleaning up this mess while you—AAAH! AIPOM, STOP PULLING MY HAIR!”
Jigglypuff, evidently bored with slapping Drew, hopped down and began furiously scribbling on the walls with its microphone-marker.
“NO!” Drew shouted, grabbing a sponge. “NOT THE WALLS! THIS PLACE WAS NEW!”
“Not anymore,” May muttered darkly, trying to untangle her hair from Aipom’s sticky tail.
A loud crash echoed through the room as Jigglypuff toppled a vase from the shelf. Drew dove to catch it, only for Aipom to leap onto his back and send him sprawling.
“Okay,” May gasped, clutching the kitchen counter for support. “I’ve had enough. Aipom and Jigglypuff are going back to Wisty. TODAY.”
Drew sat up, covered in peanut butter, marker scribbles, and with a tuft of his hair missing. “You think she’ll take them back?”
“No,” May admitted grimly, eyeing the smug, troublemaking Pokémon. “But I don’t care. They are NOT staying here.”
At that moment, Jigglypuff began singing again, and both Drew and May groaned as the lullaby took hold.
“Not...again...” Drew slurred, collapsing into a heap.
The last thing May saw before sleep overtook her was Aipom, grinning and pointing the flare gun directly at the ceiling.
When May's eyes fluttered open, her nostrils were assaulted by the acrid scent of smoke. She blinked blearily, her head pounding from Jigglypuff’s relentless lullaby. The warm glow of flickering light caught her attention, and for a blissful second, she thought it was sunrise.
Then she bolted upright.
“DREW!” she screamed, shaking his shoulder. “WAKE UP! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!”
Drew groaned, rolling over, his hair singed at the tips. “What are you—HOLY ARCEUS!” His eyes flew open as he spotted the flames licking the far wall. “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!”
“It was your Aipom and that stupid flare gun!” May shouted, coughing as the smoke thickened.
In the center of the chaos stood Aipom, gleefully tossing items from the table into the flames like it was some kind of bonfire party. Jigglypuff, meanwhile, had drawn a crude doodle of May and Drew on the soot-covered wall, apparently unbothered by the inferno raging around it.
“YOU LITTLE MONSTERS!” May screeched, grabbing a nearby towel and frantically swatting at the flames.
Drew grabbed a bucket, but it was empty. “Why is there no water in this thing?!”
“I used it earlier to put out the curtain fire!” May snapped.
The fire spread quickly, climbing up the wooden beams of the cottage. A loud crack echoed as a section of the ceiling collapsed, sending sparks showering down.
“WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” Drew yelled, grabbing May’s hand.
“But what about them?!” May pointed to the two troublemaking Pokémon.
Aipom was now dangling from the ceiling fan, cackling madly as it spun in circles. Jigglypuff, apparently unbothered by the chaos, was puffing itself up for another round of its infamous lullaby.
“We can’t leave them!” May insisted, despite her exasperation.
Drew groaned. “Fine! You grab Jigglypuff, I’ll get Aipom!”
“Why do I have to take Jigglypuff?” May protested, already reaching for the pink ball of chaos.
“Because it likes slapping me!” Drew shot back, dodging a flaming beam as he lunged for Aipom.
Jigglypuff, sensing May’s approach, puffed up its cheeks and slapped her right across the face.
“THAT’S IT!” May roared, snatching the Pokémon and tucking it under her arm like a football. “You’re grounded forever!”
Drew, meanwhile, managed to grab Aipom’s tail-hand and wrestle it off the fan. “Gotcha!” he grunted, holding the squirming Pokémon tightly. “Let’s go!”
The couple bolted for the door, coughing and stumbling as the flames roared behind them. They burst into the cool night air, collapsing on the grass just as the roof of the cottage gave way.
“ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!” May yelled at Drew, pointing an accusatory finger. “This is ALL YOUR FAULT!”
“My fault?!” Drew shot back, still clutching the squirming Aipom. “You were the one who said we should keep them!”
Their argument was interrupted by Jigglypuff, who had managed to wiggle free from May’s grasp. It hopped onto a rock, raised its microphone-marker, and smacked Drew across the head with it.
“OW! WHY ME?!” Drew wailed, rubbing his forehead.
Aipom, seizing the opportunity, scampered onto Drew’s shoulders and began pulling his hair again.
May buried her face in her hands. “We’re never going to survive parenthood.”
Drew groaned, collapsing onto the grass. “I just want to sleep…without waking up to chaos or flames.”
Jigglypuff huffed, puffed up its cheeks, and began singing once more.
“NOOOOO!” May and Drew screamed in unison, but it was too late.
As the familiar lullaby filled the night, the couple slumped against each other, drifting off into yet another chaotic, sleep-induced escape from their fiery nightmare.
May woke up to the sound of rushing water and a strange weightlessness in her stomach. Blinking against the sunlight, she realized she was moving. No, she wasn’t just moving—she was falling.
“WHAT THE—?!” she shrieked, snapping fully awake.
Her scream jolted Drew, who was slumped next to her on a piece of floating debris. His eyes fluttered open, and he immediately yelped, grabbing onto the edge of the makeshift raft as they tumbled down a raging river.
“WHY ARE WE IN THE WATER?!” Drew shouted, his voice barely audible over the roaring current.
“HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!” May screamed back, clinging to the raft with all her might.
Ahead of them, the river narrowed, the water picking up speed. May’s heart sank as she heard the unmistakable roar of a waterfall.
“DREW!” she shrieked, pointing ahead. “WE’RE HEADED FOR—”
“I SEE IT!” Drew yelled, his green hair plastered to his face as he scrambled to find something—anything—to steer them away from the impending doom.
But it was too late.
The raft surged forward, teetering on the edge of the massive drop. May and Drew locked eyes, both of them screaming at the top of their lungs as the raft tipped forward and plummeted down the waterfall.
They hit the pool below with a bone-jarring impact, sending water spraying everywhere. Gasping for air, May surfaced first, coughing and sputtering. Drew popped up a moment later, clutching onto a floating log.
“Are… are we alive?” Drew asked weakly, his voice hoarse from screaming.
“Barely,” May muttered, wiping water from her face. She glanced up at the top of the waterfall and froze.
Standing on a rock, watching them with expressions of pure glee, were Aipom and Jigglypuff.
“AIPOM! JIGGLYPUFF!” May roared, shaking her fist. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
Aipom chittered happily, clapping its tail-hand like it had just witnessed the greatest show on earth. Jigglypuff, meanwhile, puffed up its cheeks and began singing again, the melody drifting down to the drenched and furious pair below.
“NO! STOP THAT!” Drew shouted, splashing water in their direction.
“I SWEAR, WHEN I GET UP THERE—” May began, but she was cut off as Aipom gleefully lobbed a small rock into the water near her.
Drew groaned, leaning his head back. “We can’t escape them, can we?”
“Nope,” May replied darkly, paddling toward the shore. “But when we get out of this, we’re locking them in Pokéballs. Forever.”
As they dragged themselves onto the muddy bank, coughing and shivering, Aipom and Jigglypuff suddenly appeared next to them, looking as smug and innocent as ever.
“You think this is funny?” May growled, glaring at the duo.
Aipom chattered in response, tugging playfully at Drew’s hair. Jigglypuff, not to be outdone, waddled over and slapped May on the arm before hopping onto her lap.
Drew sighed, flopping onto his back. “May, remind me never to have kids.”
“Too late,” May muttered, glaring at the two Pokémon as they snuggled up to their exhausted trainers. “We’ve already got these two.”
The pair lay there in defeated silence, with Aipom and Jigglypuff watching over them like tiny, chaotic guardians of their misery.
As Drew and May lay on the muddy riverbank, catching their breath, Aipom and Jigglypuff decided it was time to escalate the chaos.
May groaned, wiping mud off her face. “At least we’re out of the water—”
“OW!” May yelped, holding her cheek as Jigglypuff smirked smugly, its little hand still raised mid-slap.
Drew sat up groggily, only to get smacked across the back of the head by Aipom’s tail-hand.
“HEY! What was that for?!” Drew yelled, turning to glare at the gleeful monkey Pokémon.
As if on cue, Jigglypuff waddled up to May and slapped her other cheek, giggling at the red marks forming on her face.
“STOP THAT!” May shouted, trying to swat Jigglypuff away.
But the Pokémon were relentless. Aipom scrambled onto Drew’s back, yanking his hair with one hand while delivering a quick slap to the back of his head with its tail-hand.
“OW! AIPOM!” Drew bellowed, trying to shake the Pokémon off. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”
May scrambled to her feet, only to feel a sharp smack on her behind. She gasped, whirling around to see Jigglypuff staring at her with its infuriatingly smug expression.
“Oh, YOU DID NOT!” May roared, lunging for the pink troublemaker.
Jigglypuff squealed in delight, easily dodging her and delivering another slap to her thigh as it zipped past.
Drew, meanwhile, had finally managed to pry Aipom off his head, only for the Pokémon to leap onto the ground, sprint behind him, and slap him squarely on the behind.
“ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Drew yelled, spinning around.
Aipom just laughed, clapping its hands in joy.
May, red-faced and fuming, stomped over to Drew. “I am DONE with these two! They’re completely out of control!”
“Oh, you’re just realizing that now?” Drew snapped, rubbing the back of his head.
Jigglypuff and Aipom, clearly enjoying themselves, exchanged a mischievous look before launching their next assault. Jigglypuff slapped May’s arm while Aipom went for Drew’s face, their teamwork perfectly coordinated.
“STOP SLAPPING US!” the couple yelled in unison, flailing wildly in a futile attempt to fend off the relentless Pokémon.
By the time the chaos subsided, May and Drew were sitting in the mud, disheveled, red-faced, and thoroughly humiliated.
Jigglypuff and Aipom sat a few feet away, looking as pleased as ever.
May buried her face in her hands. “I can’t believe we’re being bullied by our own Pokémon.”
“Yeah,” Drew muttered, glaring at the troublemakers. “They’re worse than toddlers.”
As if to confirm his point, Aipom scampered over and gave him one last slap on the back before running off into the bushes with Jigglypuff close behind.
May sighed heavily. “Drew, we need to come up with a plan. Like… immediately.”
Drew nodded grimly. “First thing’s first—we’re investing in full-body armor.”
The chaos reached its peak when Aipom, perched on a tree branch overhead, grinned mischievously and leaped into action. With a sudden burst of energy, it lunged at Drew and May, its claws glowing as it unleashed a powerful Scratch attack.
“OW!” Drew yelped as Aipom’s claws raked across his shoulder.
“STOP IT!” May cried, stumbling backward, only for Aipom to somersault in midair and slam into her with a glowing tail—the unmistakable power of Return.
The impact sent May sprawling onto the muddy ground, clutching her leg as a sharp pain shot through it.
“May!” Drew shouted, scrambling to her side. “Are you okay?!”
“My leg!” May winced, tears pricking her eyes as she tried to move it. “I think it’s broken!”
Drew’s heart pounded as he crouched beside her, shielding her from further attacks. “Hang on, I’ll—”
But before he could finish, Jigglypuff leapt from a nearby rock, its entire body glowing as it launched itself into the air.
“LOOK OUT!” May shouted.
Jigglypuff’s Body Slam landed squarely on Drew’s head, knocking him flat onto his back. Stars danced in his vision as he groaned, trying to shake off the daze.
“You two are relentless!” Drew gasped, propping himself up with one arm as he cradled his aching head with the other.
Jigglypuff hopped off him with a satisfied smirk, while Aipom landed nearby, chittering with laughter.
Despite the pain, Drew crawled back to May’s side, his face etched with concern. “May, stay still. Don’t move your leg. We need to get you to a Pokémon Center.”
May nodded, biting her lip against the pain. “How are we going to do that with these two psychopaths still attacking us?”
As if to emphasize her point, Aipom pounced again, its claws raised. Drew reacted instinctively, throwing himself in front of May to shield her.
“AIPOM, STOP!” Drew shouted, his voice filled with desperation. “Haven’t you done enough?!”
To his surprise, Aipom skidded to a halt, blinking at him with wide eyes. Jigglypuff, too, paused mid-step, tilting its head curiously.
“Please,” Drew pleaded, his voice softer now. “We’re hurt. May’s leg is broken. You can’t keep doing this.”
For a moment, the two Pokémon exchanged glances, their mischievous expressions faltering. Aipom scratched its head, looking almost guilty, while Jigglypuff deflated slightly, its cheeks no longer puffed with pride.
“Yeah, that’s right,” May muttered, glaring weakly at them. “You’re in so much trouble when I can stand again.”
Drew turned back to her, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Don’t worry, May. I’ll figure something out. I’m not leaving you here.”
May gave him a faint smile, despite the pain. “I know.”
Behind them, Aipom and Jigglypuff shuffled awkwardly, clearly unsure what to do next. For once, they didn’t seem to be planning their next round of chaos.
“Finally,” Drew muttered, glancing at the pair. “Some peace.”
Of course, that peace was tenuous at best. But for now, the troublemakers stayed put, watching as Drew carefully lifted May onto his back, preparing for the long trek to find help.
t the Pokémon Center, Drew burst through the doors with May on his back, his hair still singed and his clothes torn from the earlier chaos. Nurse Joy looked up in alarm, immediately signaling for assistance.
“What happened?!” she asked, rushing over with a Chansey in tow.
“She broke her leg,” Drew panted, gently lowering May onto a stretcher. “It was… Aipom and Jigglypuff’s fault.” He shot a glare at the two Pokémon trailing behind him, now looking sheepishly at the floor.
Nurse Joy nodded, her expression professional. “Chansey, prepare the examination room. Brock, can you assist?”
From the back of the center, Brock appeared, his usual calm demeanor in place. “I’ve got it. May, let’s get you looked at.”
Brock moved to her side, helping to guide the stretcher down the hall. “Easy, May, easy. We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
May winced as the movement jostled her leg, but she nodded. “Thanks, Brock.”
Drew tried to follow, but Nurse Joy held up a hand. “She’ll be fine. Let them work.”
“But—” Drew started, glancing toward the hallway.
“She’s in good hands,” Nurse Joy assured him. “Why don’t you sit down? You look like you’ve been through a lot.”
Drew sighed, reluctantly collapsing onto a nearby bench. He leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment, only to feel a light tug on his hair.
“Aipom, I swear—” he began, but stopped when he saw the Pokémon holding a small flower it must have picked outside. It offered the bloom to him, its eyes big and apologetic.
Jigglypuff waddled over next, holding a marker and a sign it had hastily drawn. On it was a crude doodle of May smiling with the words "SORRY" scrawled underneath.
Drew stared at the two troublemakers, torn between annoyance and a begrudging sense of forgiveness. “You two really are a handful.”
Aipom and Jigglypuff nodded solemnly, their mischievous energy noticeably subdued.
Several minutes later, Brock reappeared, wiping his hands on a towel. “She’s going to be fine,” he announced, giving Drew a reassuring smile. “We set her leg, and Nurse Joy is preparing a cast. She’ll need to rest for a few weeks, but there’s no permanent damage.”
Drew let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “Can I see her?”
“Of course,” Brock said, stepping aside.
Drew hurried into the room, where May was propped up on a bed, her leg encased in a fresh cast. Despite her situation, she gave him a small smile.
“Told you I’d survive,” she teased.
Drew smirked, pulling up a chair beside her. “Yeah, well, don’t expect me to carry you everywhere. You’re heavier than you look.”
“Excuse me?” May shot back, her smile turning into a mock glare.
Before they could bicker further, Aipom and Jigglypuff peeked into the room, holding their makeshift apology gifts.
May raised an eyebrow. “Are they… apologizing?”
Drew nodded. “Took them long enough.”
May sighed, holding out her hand. “Alright, you two. Come here.”
The Pokémon hesitated before scampering over, placing the flower and sign on her lap. Aipom patted her uninjured arm, while Jigglypuff nuzzled against her side.
“Apology accepted,” May said, though her tone was firm. “But if you ever pull something like that again, you’re both going straight to Professor Oak. Got it?”
Aipom and Jigglypuff nodded vigorously, their mischievous expressions replaced with genuine remorse.
Drew chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “Looks like you’ve got them under control—for now.”
May smiled, glancing at her two troublemakers. “Yeah, for now.”
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