Ill Willed Hunting

Ash growled as the plane flew away, but he couldn't resist the urge. He shoved the Sheldon into Gary's arms and ran after the ship, yelling, " WHEN I SEE YOU HUNTER J YOU ARE DEAD!"

Rowan's car pulled up behind him. " Gary?" He asked as he stepped out. " I recall Brock telling me you had another person."

" Where's Ash?" Brock asked as he and Dawn stepped out, followed by the rest of the researchers.

Gary quickly handed Brock the Sheildon. " There's no time. I'm gonna go after him. I'll call soon."

And with that he took off running.

" Where is it, where did it go?" Ash muttered as he scanned the sky, looking for the black airship.

" Ash!" Gary exclaimed as he ran to him and put a hand on his shoulder. " You can't just run off like that!"

Ash Shrugged the hand off. " But Gary, I have to find that ship!"

He started to run, but Gary grabbed his shoulder, turned him around to face him, and put his other hand on Ash's other shoulder.

" Listen, Ash. You can't go off Willy nilly without a plan!"

" I do have a plan!" Ash argued.

Gary shook his head and pointed to Ash's leg, which had a poison sting dart in it. " If you had a plan Hunter J's Pokemon wouldn't have gotten you."

" I'm fi-"

" No you're not!" Gary snapped. " Look, this the the first time I've seen you in a long time. At least let me take it out!*

" You can do it AFTER I find Hunter J." He started to move, but but his lip when pressure was applied to his foot.

Gary shook his head and forced Ash to sit on the ground. Gary gently lifted Ash's pants and took his bag off. He rummaged through and took out a first aid kit.

Ash eyed it nervously. " Gary, I don't-"

Gary wasn't about to let Ash brush this off. "Ash," he said firmly, kneeling down beside him, "this isn't a suggestion. You're poisoned. If I don't take care of it now, you won't even make it to Hunter J."

Ash squirmed slightly, glaring at the black airship that had disappeared into the horizon. "But Gary, if we wait too long, she'll get away!"

"She's already gone, Ash! You running around in circles isn't going to help!" Gary snapped, grabbing Ash's leg and inspecting the dart still lodged there. "Do you want to collapse halfway there and make things even easier for her?"

Ash frowned, reluctantly letting his shoulders slump. He hissed as Gary pressed lightly around the dart. "I can handle it."

"Sure you can," Gary muttered sarcastically, pulling out a pair of tweezers from the kit. "Because limping after an airship is such a great strategy."

"Hey, I've faced worse!" Ash shot back, crossing his arms.

"And look where that's gotten you." Gary shook his head as he carefully removed the dart. Ash winced, clenching his fists but didn't pull away. Gary continued working, dabbing antiseptic onto the wound before wrapping it tightly with gauze. "You're lucky it wasn't worse. J doesn't play games, Ash. If you don't start thinking before you act, she'll wipe the floor with you."

Ash scowled but didn't argue. He stared at the ground, frustration written all over his face. "I just... I can't let her get away with what she's doing, Gary. She's hurting Pokémon. She has to be stopped."

"I get it," Gary said, softening his tone as he secured the bandage. "Believe me, I do. But you can't do it alone, and you definitely can't do it half-dead."

Ash sighed, looking up at Gary. "So what do we do?"

"We regroup," Gary said, standing and offering Ash a hand. "We call Brock, Dawn, and Rowan. We figure out where J's headed next and hit her with everything we've got. Together."

Ash hesitated for a moment, then grabbed Gary's hand and let him pull him to his feet. "Fine. But if we lose her trail, I'm blaming you."

Gary smirked. "You're not losing anything. Not as long as I'm here."

The two started back toward the road where Rowan's car was waiting. Gary glanced at Ash, who was limping slightly but trying to hide it. "Next time, try not to get yourself poisoned, huh?"

"Next time, try keeping up," Ash shot back, a faint grin tugging at his lips.

Gary rolled his eyes. "You're impossible."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have it any other way."

Gary snorted. "Don't push it, Ketchum."

Gary walked back to the group who was anxiously waiting, Ash following.

" Well, I found Ash." He announced.

Everyone stared at him.

" Uh.... Gary?" Brock said.

" Where's Ash?" Dawn added.

Gary raised a brow. " He's ri- Ash?! Where's -" he stopped suddenly and sucked through his teeth. " Ash...."

" Where's Ash?" Rowan asked.

" I think he's gone after J. It musta happened when we were walking back. He must have slipped away without me noticing."

Suddenly, a large black aircraft flew over them.

And there was a particular someone with a black vest with a yellow V on it, white polo shirt, jeans, and a Pikachu on his shoulder.

Gary's eyes widened. " It's Ash."

" But we have all four Sheildon." Brock piped up.

Gary shook his head and turned. " You don't understand, when J told her group to retreat Ash was growling. I had to put a firm hand on his chest to keep him from going."

" He wants revenge." Dawn muttered.

" But he has an injured leg!" Gary exclaimed as he watched the craft disappear. " We have to do something."

" I'm afraid there's nothing we can do." Rowan said. " Ash is on his own."

Ash groaned as he climbed to the top of the aircraft and wobbled a bit. " Phew! That was a good climb huh Pikachu?"

" Pika pi!" Pikachu replied cheerfully.

Ash crouched low as the aircraft shifted slightly, the wind whipping around him. He glanced down at Pikachu. "Okay, buddy, we've got this. We'll find J, stop her, and get out before anyone even knows we were here."

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped, sparks crackling from his cheeks as if ready for action.

Ash crept toward a hatch on the side of the ship, gripping the edge tightly as the craft banked to the right. "Whoa!" he yelped, flattening himself against the cold metal to keep from sliding off. "Maybe we didn't think this through..."

Pikachu rolled his eyes. "Pika..."

"Don't start," Ash muttered, prying the hatch open. "Let's just focus on stopping her." He peeked inside to find a long, dimly lit corridor. "Looks clear."

Sliding inside, he landed with a soft thud and immediately pressed himself against the wall. Pikachu jumped down next to him, scanning the hallway with sharp eyes. "All right," Ash whispered, "time to find her."

Meanwhile, back on the ground, Gary was pacing furiously. "We can't just stand here and do nothing! Ash is reckless, and J is dangerous! He's going to get himself killed!"

"Gary," Rowan said calmly, "Ash is resourceful. He's faced worse situations."

"Not with a poisoned leg and zero backup!" Gary shot back. "Do you know how stubborn he is? He's not going to stop until he brings her down, no matter the cost."

Brock crossed his arms. "Gary's right. Ash might be strong, but J doesn't play fair. She's got traps, weapons, and a whole crew. Ash doesn't stand a chance on his own."

Dawn frowned. "So what do we do? We can't just fly up there."

Gary clenched his fists. "We'll find a way. I'm not letting him face this alone."

Inside the airship, Ash crouched behind a stack of crates as two of J's goons walked by. "Did you hear the boss? We're heading to the drop point in thirty minutes."

" yeah. Too bad about the contract and being broken."

Ash gritted his teeth. "Not on my watch," he muttered. He waited until they were out of sight before creeping forward, Pikachu at his heels. "Okay, buddy, let's find her control room and put a stop to this."

"Pika-pika!" Pikachu nodded.

Suddenly, a siren blared, and red lights began to flash. A cold, robotic voice echoed through the ship. "Intruder detected. All personnel to battle stations"

Ash groaned. "Oh, great. They know we're here."

From the shadows, a familiar voice called out, dripping with malice. "Well, well, what do we have here? The persistent little trainer who doesn't know when to quit."

Ash spun around to see Hunter J stepping into the light, her Salamence by her side. She smirked, her sunglasses glinting. "You're brave, I'll give you that. But bravery won't save you."

Ash stood tall, fists clenched. "I'm not letting you get away with this, J. Not this time!"

J chuckled darkly. "You're out of your league, kid. Salamence, let's show him what happens to meddling brats."

"Pikachu, get ready!" Ash shouted as electricity sparked around his partner. "This ends now!"

Ash took a determined step forward, pointing dramatically at Hunter J. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu leaped into the air, unleashing a brilliant bolt of electricity straight at Salamence.

"Salamence, dodge!" J commanded coolly. Salamence nimbly swooped out of the way, the Thunderbolt sizzling past and striking a control panel, causing a shower of sparks.

Ash gritted his teeth. "This isn't gonna be easy. Staravia, I choose you!" He hurled a Poké Ball, and Staravia burst out with a loud cry, flapping its wings furiously.

J raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Salamence, Dragon Claw!"

Salamence roared and surged forward, its claws glowing ominously. Ash's eyes widened. "Staravia, Quick Attack to dodge!"

Staravia zipped out of Salamence's path just in time, leaving the dragon's claws to swipe harmlessly at the air.

"Glyscor, come out and help!" Ash threw another Poké Ball, and Glyscor appeared in a flash of light, hissing and snapping its pincers.

J smirked. "You think a few more Pokémon will help you? I've dealt with better trainers than you, boy."

Ash clenched his fists. "We're not giving up! Glyscor, X-Scissor!"

Glyscor shot forward, crossing its claws in an X-shaped slash that connected with Salamence's side, forcing it back with a pained roar.

"Salamence, Hyper Beam!" J shouted.

The airship rattled as Salamence charged a glowing beam of energy in its mouth.

"Everyone, scatter!" Ash yelled. Pikachu, Staravia, and Glyscor darted in different directions just as the Hyper Beam erupted, blasting a massive hole in the wall of the airship.

Alarms blared as the ship rocked violently, and the sudden rush of wind sent crates tumbling. J staggered but quickly regained her footing.

Ash steadied himself against a wall, eyes blazing with determination. "Pikachu, use Iron Tail! Staravia, Wing Attack! Glyscor, Acrobatics! All together!"

His Pokémon launched a coordinated assault. Pikachu's glowing tail struck Salamence's wing, Staravia's Wing Attack slammed into its back, and Glyscor's Acrobatics sent it tumbling to the floor with a heavy crash.

J gritted her teeth, clearly losing patience. "Salamence, return!" She recalled the battered dragon and pulled another Poké Ball from her belt. "Drapion, let's finish this!"

A hulking Drapion emerged, snapping its claws menacingly.

Ash didn't flinch. "You're not getting away, J. We'll stop you here and now!"

The battle raged on, the airship groaning under the strain of their clash. Ash's fiery resolve lit up the room as he and his Pokémon fought tirelessly to bring J down.

Ash grabbed two more Poké Balls from his belt. "Gobble, I choose you! Buizel, you're up too!"

With a flash of light, Gobble the Grotle emerged, stomping its feet firmly on the floor, and Buizel appeared, spinning its tails before striking a battle-ready pose.

Hunter J smirked. "More Pokémon? You're just delaying the inevitable."

Ash pointed dramatically. "We'll see about that! Buizel, use Aqua Jet on Drapion!"

Buizel shot forward, cloaked in a torrent of water, aiming straight for Drapion.

"Drapion, Block it with Cross Poison!" J commanded. Drapion crossed its claws, glowing with toxic energy, and intercepted Buizel mid-charge.

"Buizel, dodge and hit with Sonic Boom!" Ash shouted.

Buizel twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding Drapion's claws, and retaliated with a sharp blast of compressed air that hit Drapion square in the chest.

J narrowed her eyes. "You think you're clever, don't you? Drapion, Bulldoze!"

The massive Pokémon slammed its claws into the ground, creating a shockwave that rocked the airship. Gobble and Buizel were sent tumbling, and Pikachu struggled to hold its ground.

Ash clenched his fists. "Gobble, use Razor Leaf! Aim for Drapion's legs!"

Gobble fired a barrage of sharp leaves, slicing through the air and striking Drapion's legs, slowing its movements.

"Now, Buizel, Aqua Jet again!" Ash commanded.

Buizel charged forward, cloaked in water once more, and this time it slammed into Drapion, forcing it back with a grunt of pain.

Hunter J growled, clearly frustrated. "Drapion, Poison Fang on Grotle!"

Drapion lunged at Gobble with glowing, venomous fangs.

"Gobble, use Protect!" Ash called out.

A shimmering barrier formed around Gobble just in time, deflecting Drapion's attack.

Ash took the opportunity to turn the tide. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Buizel, Water Gun! Gobble, Energy Ball! All together!"

The three Pokémon launched their attacks in unison. Pikachu's electric blast combined with Buizel's Water Gun, creating a shocking torrent that slammed into Drapion, while Gobble's Energy Ball struck Drapion head-on, sending it crashing into a wall.

J gritted her teeth, realizing her Drapion was defeated. "Drapion, return!"

Ash's eyes narrowed. "It's over, J! Surrender now!"

But J merely smirked and pressed a button on her wrist device. "You're out of your league, kid. This isn't over."

Smoke filled the room as J activated her escape protocol. When the air cleared, she was gone, leaving Ash and his team victorious but frustrated.

Ash clenched his fists. "She got away again..."

" Pikachu, I have a question.'

" Pika?"

" How are we supposed to.... Land onto the ground? I can't even see the ground."

" Pika...." Pikachu got a sweatdrop.

Ash looked down from the edge of the airship, and his stomach flipped. There was nothing but clouds below. "Oh man, Pikachu, I didn't think this through, did I?"

"Pika..." Pikachu sighed, nervously clutching Ash's shoulder.

Ash paced in a small circle, waving his arms. "Okay, okay, think! We're on a flying airship. No ground in sight. How do we get down without, you know... falling to our doom?"

Pikachu gave him a flat look. "Pika pika," it said, as if to say, "That's what I was about to ask."

Ash slapped his forehead. "Man, Gary's gonna roast me for this. 'Ash, you're so impulsive,' 'Ash, you don't think ahead,'" he mocked in a grumpy tone.

"Pika pika," Pikachu muttered with a knowing nod.

"Hey!" Ash glared. "You're supposed to be on my side, buddy!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept past them, and Ash spotted something in the distance-a flock of Pidgeot flying alongside the airship. His eyes lit up. "That's it! Pikachu, we'll hitch a ride with one of them!"

"Pika?!" Pikachu looked horrified at the idea.

"Don't worry! It's gonna work!" Ash grinned, pulling a Poké Ball from his belt. "Staravia, I choose you!"

Staravia appeared in a flash, flapping its wings and cawing loudly. Ash pointed to the flock of Pidgeot. "Staravia, think you can convince one of them to help us out?"

Staravia tilted its head, then nodded with determination. It flew off toward the Pidgeot, squawking loudly.

Pikachu tugged on Ash's sleeve. "Pika pika chu?"

" And what if they say no?"

Ash scratched the back of his head. "Then... we might have to, uh... jump?"

"PIKA?!" Pikachu looked ready to Thunderbolt him.

Before Ash could say anything else, Staravia returned, flapping happily, followed by a large, majestic Pidgeot. The bird Pokémon let out a powerful cry and landed beside Ash.

"Phew! Thanks, Pidgeot!" Ash said, patting its feathers. He gestured to Pikachu. "Come on, buddy. Let's get out of here!"

Pidgeot crouched, allowing Ash and Pikachu to climb onto its back. With a powerful leap, it soared off the airship and into the open sky.

Ash let out a whoop of excitement, holding onto Pidgeot tightly. "See, Pikachu? I told you I had a plan!"

"Pika pika..." Pikachu muttered, rolling its eyes but clinging to Ash for dear life as they descended toward the ground.

" Thanks Pigeot." Ash said as he pet the Pokemon on the head. " Be safe now."

Pigeot let out a screech and flew away.

Ash waved, then turned to Pikachu. " Well that went well didn't it?"

" Ash!" Someone yelled from behind him.

Ash turned to see everyone running towards him

" Oh hi guys. What's up." He asked with a raised brow. " Why do you all look like you've aged ten years? I haven't been gone for THAT long, have I?" He looked at Pikachu, who shrugged.

Gary stormed up to Ash, his face a mix of relief and fury. "What's up?! What's up, Ash, is that you just leapt onto a criminal's airship with zero plan, and now we're here wondering if you broke every bone in your body or got blown to smithereens!"

Ash blinked, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, uh, I'm fine! See?" He waved his arms around dramatically. "Not a scratch! And I even got down safely, thanks to Pidgeot."

Dawn crossed her arms, looking exasperated. "You call that safely? We saw you hanging off the side of that airship like some action movie hero! Do you have any idea how reckless that was?"

Brock shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ash, one of these days, you're going to give us all heart attacks."

Rowan stepped forward, his expression stern. "Young man, you may have courage, but there's a fine line between bravery and foolishness. Today, you were very close to crossing that line."

Ash held up his hands defensively. "Okay, okay, I get it! Geez, you guys worry too much. Everything's fine now!"

Gary let out an incredulous laugh. "Fine? Fine?! You've got a poisoned leg, you hijacked a ride on a flying Pidgeot, and-oh yeah-you went after Hunter J! Alone!"

Pikachu crossed his arms. " Chu!"

" See?!" Ash exclaimed. " I didn't go alone I had my best buddy with me!"

" Pi.... Ka?" Pikachu's ears twitched.

Ash looked at the electric Pokemon on his shoulder. " What happened buddy?"

" Pika Pika piiiii!"

Ash gasped. " What?!"

And then he was gone.

Gary groaned. * Oh, you've got to be serious."

Dawn sighed. " Here we go again."

Rowan shook his head. " Has anyone ever tried to teach him to sit still?"

" I have." A voice said from behind them.

They turned to see a certain red head girl.

" Hey Misty." Brock greeted. " What are you doing all the way out here? And how's the Gym going?"

Misty grinned. " Actually, it's Daisy's gym! She told me I could travel the world with my," she brought quotes to her face. " ' bestest friends since forever, especially, like, that one who should be your, like, boyfriend.'"

Brock blinked. " Ash?"

Misty nodded. " Where is he anyway?"

" Somewhere there." Gary sighed as he pointed to the bush. "pikachu heard something and then they disappeared."

Misty sighed but couldn't cover her smile. " That's my Ash."

She turned to Brock. " Do you still remember how to find Ash after he's gone looking after a Pokemon?"

Brock raised a brow. " Yeah, but why?"

" Because something tells me he's out catching a new Pokemon."

Ash wandered through the thick bushes, Pikachu perched on his shoulder, its ears perked up, listening intently. The rustling sound they had heard moments earlier had stopped, leaving the forest eerily quiet.

"Pikachu, do you think it’s another Pokémon in trouble?" Ash whispered, pushing aside a low-hanging branch.

"Pika," Pikachu nodded, its cheeks sparking faintly as it prepared for anything.

Suddenly, a soft, melodic humming echoed through the clearing. Ash froze, his eyes lighting up. In the center of the clearing, a small Hatenna was nestled among a patch of flowers, its antennae twitching slightly as it noticed Ash.

"Whoa," Ash murmured, crouching low to avoid startling it. "Hey there, little one. You okay?"

The Hatenna tilted its head, a gentle cooing sound escaping it. Its antennae glowed faintly, and it hopped closer to Ash, as if drawn to his calming aura.

Ash smiled. "You want to come with us, don’t you?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Poké Ball. "What do you think, buddy?"

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu chirped encouragingly.

Hatenna’s antennae glowed brighter, and it bounced eagerly. Ash chuckled. "All right! Let’s make this official!"

He lightly tossed the Poké Ball, and the Hatenna didn’t resist as it was enveloped in a flash of light. The ball shook once, twice, and clicked shut.

"Yes!" Ash cheered, punching the air. "We did it, Pikachu! Welcome to the team, Hatenna!"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cheered, clapping its paws.

Ash picked up the Poké Ball, holding it up to the sunlight. "You’re gonna love traveling with us. We’re gonna have so much fun!"

Before he could celebrate further, a loud voice rang out through the trees.


Ash turned, startled, just in time to see Misty charging toward him with a mix of relief and exasperation. Before he could react, she leaped forward, and he instinctively grabbed her to steady them both.

"M-Misty?!" Ash stammered, holding her by the shoulders as she caught her breath.

"Do you have any idea how worried we all were?!" Misty exclaimed, glaring at him. "Gary told me you went after a Pokémon again, and—wait, did you?"

Ash blinked, holding up Hatenna's Poké Ball sheepishly. "Uh, yeah. I caught a new teammate! Look!"

Misty sighed, exasperated, but her lips quirked into a smile. "Of course, you did."

She pointed a finger at him, jabbing him lightly in the chest. "But next time, maybe let someone know before you run off again, okay?!"

Ash chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry about that, Misty. I guess I got carried away."

Misty rolled her eyes, then looked at him with a softer expression. "You’re impossible, Ash Ketchum. But… I wouldn’t want you any other way."

Ash grinned. "Thanks, Misty. Guess I wouldn’t want you any other way either."

Behind them, Pikachu facepalmed. "Pika pika..."

Gary, Brock, and Dawn appeared in the clearing, looking both relieved and amused.

"Well, at least he’s in one piece," Gary muttered, crossing his arms.

"Found a new Pokémon already, huh?" Brock said with a knowing smirk.

Dawn nudged Misty. "I think someone was a little extra worried about him, though."

Misty’s face turned bright red. "I—shut up, Dawn!"

Ash just laughed, holding up Hatenna's Poké Ball. "Come on, guys, let’s head back. We’ve got a new adventure waiting for us!"

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