Forest fire

" Finally." Gary muttered as he filed the last report on the Pokemon he had been studying.
He sighed, and his gaze drifted to the half Pokeball on his desk.


Wonder how he was?

Suddenly, a nurse barged into his office. " Doctor!"

Gary looked up from his desk. " Yes?" The young researcher asked.

" Professor Rowan's calling you! There's a young Pokemon trainer who's hurt his leg bad! But he doesn't want any help, which is why Professor Rowan thinks you can help!"

Gary stood up. " I'll be there!"

He ran out of his room and to the room a researcher was in front of. The two exchanged a nod before Gary turned the knob and opened the door.

There, on the table, was a certain raven haired boy with a baseball hat slapped on his head and a black shirt with a blue jacket on top.

He was wearing jeans and sneakers.

And on his shoulder was a Pikachu.

" Ash?!"

The boy looked up. " Oh hi Gary fancy meeting you here."

Gary gave him a deadpan look. " Ash I work here."

" Oh. Good." He leapt off the table. " Well nice to chat but I have to go somewhere. Let's go Pikachu."

" Pika!* The rodent said as he obeyed his owner.

Gary crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe as Ash attempted to hobble past him. Pikachu perched loyally on Ash’s shoulder, his little face showing a mix of concern and determination to follow his trainer no matter what.

Professor Rowan, standing a few steps behind, cleared his throat. "Ash, I strongly advise against walking on that leg. A twisted ankle can get worse if you don't rest it properly."

Ash waved off the concern with a lopsided grin. "Relax, Professor. It's not like someone else I know would let an injury stop him." He shot a pointed glance at Gary, his tone playfully accusatory.

Gary arched a brow, not moving from his spot in the doorway. "Just say my name, Ash," he said flatly, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

Ash smirked, shifting his weight to his uninjured leg. "Fine, Gary. You wouldn’t let a little thing like a twisted ankle stop you, so why should I?"

Gary pushed off the doorframe, walking closer to Ash with a skeptical look. "First of all, I’m not running around catching Pokémon with a busted ankle. Second of all, I actually know when to sit down and let myself heal. And third—" he pointed to Ash’s ankle, "—that doesn’t look like just a ‘little thing.’ Sit back down, Ash."

Ash’s smirk faltered slightly as Gary’s words sunk in. "It’s fine, Gary. I’ve had worse," he said, trying to sound casual but wincing as he shifted his foot.

Gary caught the wince and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Pikachu," he said, addressing the Pokémon on Ash’s shoulder. "Help me out here, buddy. Your trainer’s being stubborn again."

"Pika-pika!" Pikachu chirped, clearly agreeing with Gary. The yellow rodent hopped off Ash’s shoulder and onto the table, facing his trainer with a determined look.

Ash frowned, looking between Pikachu and Gary. "Traitor," he muttered under his breath, though there was no real anger in his voice.

Gary smirked, placing a hand on Ash’s shoulder and gently guiding him back toward the table. "It’s called teamwork, Ash. Something you’re supposed to be good at, remember?"

Ash reluctantly sat down, crossing his arms and huffing like a petulant child. "Fine. But only because Pikachu asked nicely."

"Pika," Pikachu said smugly, tail twitching as he nuzzles his trainer.

Gary grabbed a nearby stool and sat in front of Ash, pulling a small flashlight from his pocket. "Let me take a look at your ankle. And don’t even think about bolting this time."

Ash rolled his eyes but stayed put, grumbling under his breath. "You’re worse than Brock, you know that?"

Gary smirked as he started examining Ash’s ankle. "Yeah, but unlike Brock, I don’t let you get away with this ‘I’m fine’ nonsense. Now hold still."

A few minutes ticked by and Gary sighed. " Yep. It's sprained."

As Gary finished inspecting Ash's ankle, a bright flash of light filled the room. Bayleef emerged from her Pokéball, her large eyes immediately locking onto Ash’s leg. The Grass-type let out a worried cry, inching closer to him. " Baaaaay!"

"Bayleef?" Ash said, tilting his head. "What’s the matter, girl?"

Bayleef let out another cry and gently nudged her head against Ash's injured leg. Her leafy neck brushed against him, and her concern was evident in her expression.

Ash chuckled, reaching out to pat her head. "I'm fine, Bayleef. Really, it’s nothing serious."

Bayleef didn’t seem convinced. She moved closer and nuzzled against Ash, nearly knocking him backward with her enthusiasm.

"Whoa, easy there, you big softie!" Ash laughed, wrapping his arms around her neck to steady himself. Bayleef’s response was to hop into his lap with surprising agility, almost pinning him to the table.

Gary raised an eyebrow, watching the scene unfold with mild amusement. "Looks like someone doesn’t believe you, Ash."

Ash burst into laughter as Bayleef started nuzzling him more fervently, her leaf brushing against his face and sides. "Bayleef, stop! That tickles, and you know it!" he said, trying to squirm away, but her weight kept him rooted in place.

Bayleef let out a happy cry, licking Ash’s cheek before settling down slightly, her head resting against his chest. Ash sighed, still smiling, and rubbed her head affectionately. "See? I’m not going anywhere, Bayleef. You can relax."

Pikachu watched from the table with an amused "Pika," while Gary crossed his arms, shaking his head. "You really are a magnet for Pokémon that baby you, aren’t you?"

Ash grinned, still scratching Bayleef’s neck. "Hey, I’m just that lovable, Gary. You should try it sometime."

Gary rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the small smirk tugging at his lips. "Right. Lovable. Sure. Now, can we focus on getting your ankle properly treated, or do I need to call out the rest of your Pokémon to hold you down?"

Ash laughed, holding up a hand in mock surrender. "Okay, okay! Let the doc do his thing, Bayleef." He gently coaxed her off his lap, though she stayed close by, her big eyes watching his every move.

As Gary went back to examining Ash’s ankle, another burst of light lit up the room. One by one, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle emerged from their Pokéballs. They looked frantic, waving their arms and making urgent noises.

Ash blinked at the sudden commotion. "Hey, guys, what’s the matter?"

Totodile hopped in place, pointing wildly toward the window. Cyndaquil let out a worried squeak, its back flaring briefly. Bulbasaur and Squirtle exchanged glances before pointing to the window as well, clearly trying to get Ash’s attention.

Gary sighed. "What now?" he muttered, stepping aside as Pikachu jumped onto the table.

"Pikachu," Ash said, "can you check it out for us?"

Pikachu gave a determined nod. "Pika!" The Electric-type scrambled to the windowsill, peeking out. After a moment, he started waving his little arms frantically, turning back to Ash and shouting, "Pika! Pikachu!"

Ash’s curiosity turned to alarm. "What is it, buddy?" He hobbled over to the window, using the wall for support. When he reached the glass, he gasped.

Outside, smoke was rising from a nearby patch of trees. Shadows moved frantically in the distance—wild Pokémon, no doubt fleeing whatever was happening.

Ash's determination flared instantly. "Bulbasaur, with me!" he called, grabbing the Grass-type’s Pokéball just in case. "Pikachu, keep the others here, okay? We might need backup. Make sure they’re safe."

Pikachu saluted. "Pika-chu!"

Gary frowned, stepping toward Ash. "Wait a second. What do you think you’re doing? You can’t even walk properly!"

Ash turned back, his eyes burning with resolve. "There could be Pokémon in trouble, Gary. I’m not just going to stand here!"

Gary opened his mouth to argue, but before he could get a word out, Ash had already limped out of the room with Bulbasaur at his side, the Pokémon’s vines ready for action.

"Unbelievable," Gary muttered under his breath, grabbing his coat. "Fine. If you’re going to be reckless, at least let me come along to make sure you don’t break something else."

Gary watched in disbelief as Ash’s Pokémon took charge, clearly just as stubborn as their trainer. Ash barely had time to argue when Bayleef nudged him with her head and let out a determined "Baaaay!" Her intent was crystal clear—she wasn’t letting Ash hobble around on his injured leg.

"Bayleef, seriously, I’m fine—" Ash began, but Bayleef gave him a firm glare.

"Okay, okay!" Ash relented with a sheepish grin. "You win. Just don’t drop me, okay?"

Bayleef lowered herself, and Ash climbed onto her back, wrapping his arms loosely around her neck. She stood tall, proud to help her trainer.

"Totodile, Squirtle, water gun! Keep the fire from spreading!" Ash called, pointing to the rising smoke.

"Totodile!" "Squirtle!" Both Water-types darted forward, unleashing streams of water in perfect unison, dampening the burning foliage.

"Bulbasaur, Bayleef," Ash continued, "go find any Pokémon in danger and bring them back here! Be gentle, but quick!"

The two Grass-types nodded, their eyes sharp with focus. Bulbasaur’s vines whipped out, clearing a path, while Bayleef darted off into the smoky forest with Ash on her back.

"Cyndaquil, Pikachu, figure out where this fire’s coming from!" Ash commanded. "See if it’s natural or if someone’s causing this!"

"Pika!" Pikachu saluted and leapt from Ash’s shoulder to lead the way. Cyndaquil followed close behind, its flames flickering with readiness.

Gary, standing back and taking in the chaos, sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Why am I not surprised? You’re still giving orders with a twisted ankle."

Ash glanced back, grinning despite the situation. "You know me, Gary. Someone’s gotta step up, right?"

Gary shook his head, muttering, "Unbelievable." He adjusted his lab coat and jogged after Ash’s group, determined not to let the reckless trainer get into more trouble.

As Ash and Bayleef navigated through the smoky forest, Ash’s PokéGear buzzed loudly. He quickly reached for it and saw Professor Oak’s name flashing on the screen. Swiping to answer, Ash greeted, "Professor Oak! What’s up?"

"Ash! Thank goodness you picked up," the professor said, his tone serious. "There’s a fire reported in your area. Are you safe? Is Gary with you?"

Ash smiled. "Yeah, Professor, we’re fine. Gary’s here too, tagging along as usual."

Gary, overhearing the conversation, stopped dead in his tracks and marched over. "Give me that!" He snatched the PokéGear out of Ash’s hand. "Grandpa, you have to talk some sense into this guy! He’s riding around on Bayleef with a twisted ankle and still barking orders like nothing’s wrong!"

On the other end, Professor Oak sighed. "Gary, I trust you to make sure Ash doesn’t overdo it. But we both know how stubborn he is."

Gary groaned. "That’s exactly the problem! He never listens, even with an injury!"

Ash leaned over from Bayleef’s back, grinning. "Gary, you’re so dramatic. We’ve got this under control, right, Bayleef?"

"Bay-baay!" Bayleef chirped, proud and undeterred.

"See? Totally fine," Ash added confidently.

Professor Oak chuckled lightly. "Gary, you’re there to support him. Keep an eye on him, and both of you stay safe. Ash, make sure you call back with updates. Don’t make me worry."

"Got it, Professor!" Ash replied, giving a thumbs-up.

Gary handed the PokéGear back with a huff. "I can’t believe you sometimes, Ash. You’re impossible."

"And yet, you’re still here," Ash teased, grinning.

Gary sighed in exasperation, muttering, "Only because someone has to keep you from getting yourself killed."

As Gary continued grumbling, Pikachu came sprinting through the smoke, frantically waving his little arms.

"Pi-ka! Pikaaa!" he cried, his urgency clear.

Right behind him was Cyndaquil, waddling along as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. Ash's eyes widened when he noticed something alarming in Cyndaquil’s paws—a matchstick, charred at one end.

“Cyndaquil! Where did you get that?!” Ash exclaimed, sitting up straight on Bayleef’s back. “Give me that right now!”

Cyndaquil hesitated for a second, looking up at Ash innocently, before holding up the match.

Ash quickly leaned down, snatching it out of Cyndaquil's tiny hands. “Is this what caused the fire?!” He examined it closely, his expression shifting from confusion to determination. “This has to be it.”

Gary stepped closer, frowning. “Ash, that’s definitely not something Pokémon carry around naturally. Someone might have started this fire on purpose!”

Ash didn’t have time to dwell on Gary’s theory. He turned to Totodile, who was already bouncing in place, ready to act. “Totodile, Water Gun! Douse this thing, quick!”

“Totodiiile!” Totodile opened his mouth and blasted a powerful jet of water, soaking the match and putting it out completely.

“Good job, buddy!” Ash praised, patting Totodile on the head.

Gary crossed his arms. “If someone’s behind this, we need to figure out who before this fire spreads any further.”

Ash nodded, gripping the now-drenched match in his hand. “Right. Cyndaquil, Pikachu—where did you find this? Show us!”

The two Pokémon exchanged a look before scurrying off in the direction they had come from. Without hesitation, Bayleef began to follow, carrying Ash with her.

Gary jogged after them, muttering under his breath, “Of course, I’m chasing after a reckless trainer, a dinosaur, and a rodent in the middle of a fire.”

Ash turned back, flashing Gary a grin. “Don’t worry, Gary! You’re in good hands!”

Gary rolled his eyes. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

As they arrived at the scene, the fire roared fiercely, flames licking at the trees and sending thick black smoke into the sky. Ash's eyes narrowed in determination as he slid off Bayleef's back.

"Totodile, Squirtle, Water Gun! Now!" he commanded, pointing at the base of the fire.



The two Pokémon sprang into action, blasting powerful streams of water at the fire, creating hissing steam as the flames fought back.

Ash turned to his grass-types. “Bulbasaur, Bayleef! I need you two to gather as much sand as you can find and dump it on the flames. Think you can handle that?”



The two Pokémon nodded and ran off, searching for sand or dirt to help smother the fire.

Ash then glanced at his remaining partners. “Cyndaquil, Pikachu, take Misty’s paper fans and fan the fire to contain it until it burns out!” He handed them the brightly colored fans Misty had given him as a joke gift, never expecting they’d be used like this.

“Pika-chu!” Pikachu saluted and started fanning furiously, while Cyndaquil used his stubby paws to do the same.

Suddenly, Ash’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He fished it out, glancing at the screen before answering.

“Misty? What’s up?”

Through the phone, Misty’s concerned voice came loud and clear. “Ash! Are you okay?! I heard about the fire near Professor Rowan’s lab. Are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here, but I’m fine!” Ash reassured her, though he was slightly out of breath. “Just handling it with the Pokémon, like always.”

Handling it?!” Misty’s voice pitched higher. “Ash Ketchum, you better not be doing something reckless! What if you get hurt?!”

“Misty, relax,” Ash said with a small laugh, dodging Totodile as the Pokémon dashed past him to blast more water. “We’ve got it under control. Gary’s here, too. He’s doing the real worrying for both of us.”

“Good! Someone has to, since you clearly won’t!” Misty snapped, though her tone softened a little. “Just… be careful, okay?”

“I will, I will,” Ash promised, turning his attention back to the fire. “Hey, I’ll call you back when we’ve got this sorted out, alright?”

“Alright, but Ash…” Misty paused. “Don’t scare me like this again.”

“Got it,” Ash said gently, smiling despite the heat of the flames. “Love you, Mist.”

“...Love you too, Ash. Stay safe.”

Ash ended the call, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He looked up just in time to see Bayleef and Bulbasaur returning with loads of sand in their vines and on their backs.

“Alright, team, let’s finish this!” he called, his voice full of resolve.

Ash clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, team! Change of plans. Bayleef, Bulbasaur, take all that sand and dump it on the flames. Squirtle, Totodile, you guys take a quick break—you’ve been working hard.”

“Squirtle…” Squirtle gave a tired nod, sitting down to catch his breath.

“Totodile!” Totodile plopped down beside Squirtle, shaking off some water and panting lightly.

“Bay! Bayleef!” Bayleef carried a huge pile of sand with her vines, while Bulbasaur followed closely, his vines loaded as well.

“Let’s go, Bulbasaur!” Ash encouraged as the two Grass-types ran toward the fire, expertly dumping the sand on the most critical areas. Clouds of ash and dust mixed with the steam as the flames hissed and died out.

“Great job, you two!” Ash called. “Keep it steady! We’re almost there!”

Meanwhile, Pikachu and Cyndaquil continued using the paper fans to control the spreading embers, their movements quick and precise. “Pika… Pika!” Pikachu huffed, but his determination never wavered.

“Cynda!” Cyndaquil gave a little puff of flames for extra energy before fanning harder.

Gary, who had been keeping an eye on the scene, jogged over to Ash. “You’ve got a pretty solid system going here,” he admitted, his tone grudging but impressed.

“Of course I do,” Ash replied with a grin, brushing soot from his cheek. “We’ve handled way worse than this, haven’t we, buddy?”

“Pika!” Pikachu agreed with a confident nod.

Gary shook his head, muttering, “Still reckless as ever…” but he couldn’t hide the slight smile creeping onto his face.

With teamwork and persistence, the fire began to shrink, the combined efforts of Ash’s Pokémon bringing the situation under control.

As the last of the flames fizzled out, the sound of hurried footsteps approached. Professor Rowan, followed by several other researchers, burst onto the scene, their eyes wide as they took in the aftermath of the fire.

“Well done, Ash!” Rowan exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”

Ash, still panting from the exertion, gave a tired grin. “It wasn’t just me, Professor. My Pokémon did most of the work!” He gestured to his team, who were now resting after their hard efforts.

“Pika!” Pikachu cheered, giving a little salute with his paw.

Gary approached Ash, shaking his head with a grin. “I don’t know how you do it, but somehow you always make it out of these messes.”

“Yeah, well, I guess you could say I’m just lucky,” Ash laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

But as the group started to relax, Ash’s eyes were drawn to something moving in the trees nearby. High above them, nestled in the branches of a tall, twisted oak, was a small Pokémon. A Komala. The little koala Pokémon looked distressed, its body trembling as it clung tightly to the branch.

Ash’s heart skipped a beat. “That Komala doesn’t look too good!” he said, his voice suddenly serious.

Professor Rowan turned to look, his brow furrowing in concern. “That’s odd… Komala are usually very stable. Something must have happened to it.”

Without thinking, Ash’s instincts kicked in. He winced slightly, still feeling the strain in his leg, but the need to help was stronger. He nodded to his Pokémon. “Pikachu, stay here with the others! I’ll get it down!”

“Ash, wait!” Gary started, but it was too late. Ash had already limped over to the base of the tree, squinting upward.

“Bayleef, Bulbasaur, keep an eye out,” Ash called, his voice full of determination. “Pikachu, Totodile, stay on guard!”

Bayleef and Bulbasaur nodded in understanding, while the others stood at attention.

“Alright, here we go,” Ash muttered to himself as he pushed himself into the tree’s base. He carefully started to climb, ignoring the slight pain in his ankle. His Pokémon followed his every move from the ground.

He pulled himself higher, focusing on the Komala that clung to the tree branch. The little Pokémon seemed to notice him, but it wasn’t trying to move away. It looked exhausted, almost as if it were too weak to hold itself up.

Ash reached the branch where the Komala was, extending his hand toward it. “Hey there, little guy,” Ash said softly. “It’s okay. We’re going to help you.”

The Komala gave a soft cry, its eyes wide and fearful. But instead of retreating, it reached out with one tiny paw, as if trusting Ash to take care of it. With a gentle grip, Ash carefully scooped the Pokémon up and tucked it against his chest.

“That’s it, buddy. You’re safe now,” Ash whispered.

The Komala seemed to relax a little, though it remained stiff in Ash’s arms. He began to carefully make his way back down, his injured leg making the climb slower than usual. But he was determined. He had to get Komala back to safety.

“Just hold on, I’m almost there,” Ash muttered under his breath as he carefully descended, his muscles straining.

Down on the ground, Gary and the others watched, their eyes wide with a mix of concern and admiration.

“You’re crazy, you know that?” Gary called out to him, his voice filled with both worry and respect.

“Just helping a Pokémon in need!” Ash called back with a grin, though his voice wavered slightly from the effort of balancing on the tree.

Finally, he reached the ground, and as his feet touched the earth, Ash sighed in relief. He slowly knelt down, gently lowering the Komala into his arms. The Pokémon clung to his back, still exhausted but calm.

“There we go,” Ash said softly, patting Komala’s back. “You’re safe now.”

Professor Rowan stepped forward, looking at the Komala with concern. “I’ve never seen one this weak before,” he said, his brow furrowing. “It’s unusual for Komala to be in this state. Perhaps it’s related to the fire?”

Ash nodded, carefully inspecting the Pokémon. “I’m not sure… but it looks like it’s been through a lot.”

Gary knelt down beside Ash, his eyes serious. “We should get it checked out. Professor, can you help us out here?”

Rowan nodded immediately. “Of course. Let’s take it to the lab. We need to make sure it’s okay.”

Ash gently adjusted his grip on the Komala, who now seemed to be dozing lightly against his back. “Thanks, Gary. Professor Rowan. I think it’s going to be alright.”

Gary gave him an amused look, raising an eyebrow. “You’re lucky, Ash. You’re lucky it didn’t cause more trouble for you. That was a risky move.”

“I know, I know,” Ash said with a laugh, though his eyes never left the little Pokémon in his arms. “But sometimes you just have to do what’s right. And I think Komala needed me.”

Professor Rowan smiled warmly. “You’ve always had a strong connection with Pokémon, Ash. It’s one of the things that makes you special.”

“Thanks, Professor,” Ash said, a little embarrassed but grateful. “Let’s get Komala checked out.”

As they made their way back to the lab, Ash couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of pride. He had helped another Pokémon, and that’s all that mattered in the end.


Ash winced and held the phone away. " Easy Misty there's no need to yell."

" EEEEK! Komalas are soooo cute!"

Ash sighed. " And here we go with the girl stuff...."

" What was that?"

" Nothing, nothing...."

" How is the Pokemon anyway?"

Ash looked at the Komala, who was holding Ash's hand as multiple machines were strapped to it. " Well it's not doing so good I'll give you that."

Misty sighed. " Ash, take care of the Poke- wait, if you captured it, and you have six Pokemon, how come it hadn't gone to the Professor yet?"

Ash blinked. " Good question."

" The professor also wants to know if you're okay."

" You're AT his lab?!*

Misty nodded. " Yeah. Professor Oak wanted to show me something for my water Pokemon. Oh, by the way, I have a request."

" Name it."

" You think you could catch a Vaporion? Or an Eevee?"

Ash blinked. " Sure but... Why?"

Misty shrugged, and Ash grinned with that sly expression. " Oh, I know why."

Misty stiffened. " Why?"

" You want another water type, don't youuuu?"

" I like the other evolutions too!" Misty yelped.

Ash nodded. " Mhm. Right."

Misty blushed. " Anyway....."

Ash heard a little yelp, and turned to the was reaching for Ash.

" Uh sorry Mist. Have to go. Talk to you later."

"Wait, Ash!" Misty called, but he had already ended the call. He sighed, slipping his phone into his pocket as he focused back on the Komala in front of him.

The little Pokémon had shifted slightly, its eyes wide as it tried to reach for Ash's hand. Ash smiled softly and leaned down, offering it his hand again. "You okay, buddy?"

The Komala seemed to nod, its tiny paws curling around his fingers once more. The machines attached to it beeped steadily, but the Pokémon’s grip was gentle, as if it knew it was safe now.

"Hey, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere," Ash whispered, though the faint tremor in his voice betrayed his concern. The little Komala had been through a lot, and he could only hope that Professor Rowan’s treatments would help.

Gary stood nearby, observing Ash with a thoughtful look. “You really have a knack for this, don’t you?”

Ash chuckled, glancing up. “What do you mean?”

“You always end up with the Pokémon no one else can seem to help,” Gary remarked, half teasing, half serious. “It’s like they just know they can trust you.”

Ash shrugged, his attention still mostly on Komala. "I guess... I just want to make sure they’re alright."

Professor Rowan, who had been examining the various monitors hooked up to the Pokémon, stepped back with a sigh. "It looks like Komala has some minor burns, possibly from smoke inhalation. It’s a good thing you found it when you did, Ash. It could have gotten worse."

“Yeah, I couldn’t just leave it up there,” Ash said, looking down at the Komala with a determined expression. "I’m not sure what happened, but it looked like it was really struggling."

Professor Rowan nodded. “Well, it should be fine now. We'll keep it here for observation for the night. If everything goes well, it should recover soon.”

Ash smiled, relief flooding through him. "That's a relief."

Gary glanced over at Ash, then at the Komala. “You know, it’s a good thing Misty wasn’t here to see you catch it.”

Ash raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

“You know how she is with cute Pokémon," Gary teased, crossing his arms. "She’d have wanted to keep it for herself."

Ash groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Ugh, don’t remind me."

"Don't worry," Gary grinned. "You’ve got enough Pokémon to keep her busy. You’ll be fine."

Professor Rowan smiled at the playful exchange. "You two never change."

As they prepared to leave the room, Ash couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. He’d done the right thing. And even though it was a bit of a mess, he was sure that Komala was in good hands now.

He turned one last time to check on the Pokémon, who was now softly dozing, curled up in the bed.

"Rest up, little buddy," Ash whispered. "You’re going to be okay."

With that, he followed Gary and Professor Rowan out of the room, determined to take care of the Komala—and whatever else the day might throw his way.

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