Can't beat the heat
" Gary may not admit it but I think he considers Ash his most important friend of all."
" I think Ash feels the same way."
" Hmph." Wisty grumbled as she stood up. " Come on Eevee."
" Eevee!" The Pokemon exclaimed as she followed her owner.
Just as Wisty had stepped onto the stairs and climbed out of the stadium, there was a gasp.
" It appears the legendary Pokemon Absol has entered the stadium!"
Wisty's ears perked up, and she turned and gasped.
There, standing in the middle of the stadium, was Absol. He was standing in a way that was impossible for Gary and Ash to continue their match.
" Absol!" Wisty exclaimed as she ran down the stairs.
Absol turned as he saw his owner. " Sol!"
Wisty jumped to the ground and ran to Absol, hugging him. " Absol, how are you!"
" Sol!"
Wisty pulled away, her expression way more serious. " What?!"
" Absol! Sol!"
Wisty looked at Eevee with a troubled look. " Oh no."
She turned to the announcer and shouted, " Sir? I think until further notices, you should cancel this match. It is way too dangerous."
" But we're in the middle of a match!" He protested.
" My Absol is here, you stupid idiot! Doesn't that mean ANYTHING?!" she shouted.
Then, two Pokemon came out of Wisty's belt.
Amura and Charmander.
" Oh no." She muttered.
Eevee looked worried. " Eevee!"
" Guys, sto-"
But it was too late. Amura and Charmander were fighting.
Charmander used fire wheel, and Amura blizzard.
Charmander counted with flamethrower.
She countered with ice breath.
He countered with flamethrower again.
Before Amura could react, Wisty had called them in.
" I know it's not your fault...." She muttered. " But you have to stay in here."
She turned to Eevee. " How you doin?"
" Eevee." She said nervously.
Wisty sighed, sympathetic, and picked Eevee up. " I know, Eve. But just hang in there."
Suddenly they heard shouts.
A new war had broken out between a Lapras and Arkinine.
" Chikerita, go!" Wisty exclaimed as she threw a Poke ball
" Chika!"
" Chikerita, use razor leaf!"
" Chiiika!"
" Good. Now use vine whip to separate the two."
Chikerita obeyed, and Wisty smirked at Ash. " I got that one from you."
Ash grinned. " Glad I could make an impression."
Wisty grinned back, but her smile vanished when Absol growled.
" Right. Okay. Ash, you use Bayleaf to sperate any wars that break, okay? Gary, you help too with Si- oh wait no. Okay, use your Blastoise." Wisty commanded
She turned to Absol. " Come on, boy. Let's go."
" A... A.... A.... Absol, a...are you s...s...sure M...o..ltrace and" Wisty chattered.
" Absol."
Wisty bundles herself more warmer. " Ok... Okay."
She looked at Eevee, who was peeking out of Wisty's dress's neck hole. " How are you, buddy?"
" Eveveve!"
" Good." Wisty breathed. " Absol, are you sure? I mean, I can't see them anywhere."
" Sol!" Absol protested.
" True...... But sometimes Ice can affect sense of direction."
She paused for ten seconds, then a brick load of knowledge poured to his brain.
" But that wouldn't be a problem because you're an ice type. Right."
Wisty's breath clouded in the freezing air as she pulled her jacket tighter around herself, trying to shield Eevee, Chikorita, and Togepi from the bone-chilling cold. She could see the thin layer of frost forming on the edges of her clothes and knew it was only getting worse.
"Togepi, Chikorita, are you both okay?" Wisty asked softly, bending down to check on them. Togepi’s small body shivered in her arms, and Chikorita was trembling too, her leaves rattling with the cold.
"Chika..." Chikorita weakly chirped, curling into herself for warmth.
"Eevee?" Wisty asked, turning to the small Pokémon nestled in her scarf, her face peeking out of the neck hole.
"Eevee..." she responded with a soft whine, clearly uncomfortable with the freezing temperatures.
Wisty’s heart ached as she tightened her hold on Eevee. "I know, Eve. I know..." She muttered, wishing she could do more to warm her Pokémon.
Then she got an idea. She put her scarf in her bag and put the three Pokemon in. " Stay warm,.you three." She muttered before re- slinging the bag.
Meanwhile, Absol stood rigid, his fur bristling against the icy air. His sharp gaze was locked on the horizon, watching the chaos between the two legendary birds in the distance. Wisty could feel the tension in the air.
Suddenly, the sound of screeching and flapping wings filled the air as the legendary Pokémon Moltres and Articuno appeared, their majestic forms soaring above the stadium.
"Just like I thought," Wisty muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible over the wind. "They’re at it again."
Ash and Gary appeared behind her, both wearing heavy coats to shield them from the cold, but their faces were grim.
"I don’t like this," Gary said, his voice tense. "They’re fighting each other again. But why now?"
Wisty’s eyes narrowed. "This isn’t just a battle. This is something else. They’re not fighting for fun this time."
Absol growled softly in response, his tail swishing. He seemed to sense it too, that something was off.
Suddenly, Articuno’s icy breath collided with Moltres’ fiery wings, creating an explosion of steam and freezing winds that nearly knocked everyone off their feet. The Pokemon tumbled out.
"Eevee!" Wisty shouted, as the icy shockwave knocked her to the ground. She instinctively covered Eevee, shielding her from the cold. "Chikorita! Togepi!" She called desperately, trying to protect her Pokémon.
"Chika!" Chikorita cried, struggling to get back up.
"Eevee!" she whimpered, her tiny form barely holding on against the frigid blast.
" Toge!"
Wisty quickly grabbed Chikitita and Togepi and stuffed them into her bag, then picked Eevee up.
Ash ran forward, but Wisty stopped him, her voice sharp. "No, Ash! Stay back! You’re going to make it worse!"
Gary was already at the ready, his Blastoise out and preparing to fight back, but he hesitated. "What do you suggest, then?"
Wisty looked around, trying to think. The wind howled as the two legendary birds continued their battle, sending wave after wave of freezing and fiery energy across the battlefield.
"I need to get them separated. These two won’t stop unless we do something drastic," Wisty said, determination setting in. "We need to cool Articuno down without freezing Moltres, and—"
"Wait," Ash interrupted, narrowing his eyes at her. "You’re not seriously thinking about—"
"Yes, I am," Wisty said firmly, cutting him off. "I have an idea. But it’s risky. Absol, are you ready?"
"Sol!" Absol responded, nodding sharply. He was ready.
Wisty turned to Eevee, her heart racing. "Eevee, I need you to stay close to me. Do you trust me?"
"Eevee..." she responded with a determined look in her eyes.
Wisty nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. "Good."
She turned back to Ash and Gary. "Get your Pokémon ready. We’re going to have to work together on this. No room for mistakes."
Ash and Gary exchanged a look, but they both nodded.
Then, Wisty turned to the sky where Moltres and Articuno were still battling fiercely, their powerful attacks causing the temperature to drop even further.
"Let’s end this," Wisty whispered under her breath. "Altaria, on me."
Altaria, who had been hovering nearby, swooped down and gently picked up Wisty, Eevee, and Absol.
"We’re going in," Wisty said, her voice cold but resolute. "Get ready to move, everyone."
With that, Altaria soared into the sky, heading straight toward the chaotic battle between Moltres and Articuno. The wind howled around them as they approached the two legendary Pokémon, who were locked in a deadly standoff.
"Now!" Wisty shouted.
Eevee’s fur bristled as she leapt from Wisty’s arms, her paws glowing with energy. "Eevee!" she cried, releasing a powerful wave of energy aimed directly at Moltres. The attack was amplified by Absol’s ice powers, making it more effective against the fire-type legend.
Moltres screeched as the blast hit, but Articuno was quick to retaliate, using a freezing beam aimed at Absol. Absol blocked it with his own ice shield, but the force of the attack sent him spiraling back.
Wisty gritted her teeth. "Come on, Absol! Hold on!"
With a final, desperate push, Wisty ordered, "Eevee, now! Use Amplify!"
Eevee, her energy at its peak, unleashed the attack in an attempt to break the stalemate between the two legendaries. The ground beneath them trembled, and for a brief moment, the winds seemed to slow.
Moltres and Articuno both froze in midair as if the very world around them was shifting. Then, with a powerful blast of energy, the two Pokémon separated, each hovering in the air, exhausted but still glaring at each other.
Wisty exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. "That’s it... I think we did it," she muttered.
Ash, Gary, and their Pokémon regrouped below her, watching in awe as the legendary Pokémon slowly flew off, still unsure of their place in this new, fragile peace.
"That... that was insane," Ash said, his voice full of disbelief.
Wisty wiped the sweat from her brow. "It’s not over yet, but we’ve bought some time. We just need to make sure they don’t clash again. Ever."
"Yeah," Gary added, his voice low. "We’ve still got a lot of work to do."
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