Sometimes, even the strongest need reassurance

" Ashy-boy? Where aaaaare you?" Gary called.

" Ash?" Oak said. " Ash!"

" Ash I didn't mean it when I said you weren't a good pokemon trainer, I swear! I overreacted!"

" Ash?"

Gary sighed and slumped against a tree. " Great. Now I've lost my frenemy."

Oak raised a brow. " Aren't you two friends?"

Gary sighed. " It's.... Complicated. I mean, we were enemies, but then we became friends. Now I guess we're enemies again."

Oak nodded. " Maybe. Or maybe just talk to him."

Gary kicked a rock. " Well that's just the thing. I don't know WHAT to say to him."

" Just tell him you're sorry."

Gary nodded. " I'll try."

Then he looked around . " First we have to find him."

" That's shouldn't be too hard. He has Pikachu with him."

" But Pikachu's with Misty today, remember?"

Oak scratched his head. " Yes, I just remembered."


they heard a whimper.

It was faint.

Very very very faint.

But it was there.

Gary and oak shared a look. " You don't think....." Gary whispered.

Oak sighed. " I believe your words hit him harder than we thought."

" Ash?" Gary stepped over a log. " Ash! It's late! Come on out! Ash!*

Oak parted some vines hanging above them. " Ash, Gary's right. It's getting late."

" Since when did GARY care about me?" The trees muttered.

Gary furrowed his brow. " Did that tree.... Just talk?"

Oak shook his head. " I believe Ash is in that tree, or somewhere close by."

" Ash!" Gary called his hands. " Listen, Ash, I didn't mean it! I overreacted, okay! Now come on out!"


" Ash!"


" Ash! I mean it! It's getting dark!"

A soft sob. Gary's eyes widened.

" Ash?"

He ran to the bushes and walked through them.

There, back facing Gary and hat covering face, was Ash.

" Ash! Oh thank goodness I found you! Ash, it's getting late. Please come in."

Ash didn't reply or anything.

" A... Ash?" Gary out a hand on his shoulder, and the next thing he knew Ash was sobbing in his shoulder, holding onto Gary tight.

Gary was surprised at first. Then he  hugged him back. " Easy Ash. Easy."

Gary knelt down, his hand patting Ash's back as he tried to soothe him. "Hey, it's okay, Ash. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier. You are a good trainer, one of the best."

Ash's grip tightened as he sobbed into Gary's shoulder. "You don't understand... I try so hard, but sometimes I feel like I’m not enough. Like I’m letting everyone down."

Gary was taken aback by Ash’s vulnerability. He had always seen Ash as the confident, determined rival who never gave up, no matter the challenge. Seeing him like this was a reminder that even the strongest people had their moments of doubt.

"You’re not letting anyone down, Ash," Gary said quietly. "You’ve done so much, more than most trainers ever could. Everyone respects you, including me. I just... I was being stupid when I said otherwise."

Ash sniffled, pulling back slightly to look at Gary. "You really mean that?"

Gary nodded firmly. "I do. And besides, you’ve beaten me more times than I care to admit. That should count for something, right?"

Ash let out a small, watery laugh, wiping his eyes. "Yeah... I guess it does."

Oak appeared from behind, his face softened with understanding. "Ash, you’re one of the bravest trainers I know. And being brave doesn’t mean you can’t have doubts. But you’ve got people who care about you, and you don’t have to carry everything on your own."

Ash took a deep breath, his tears slowing. "Thanks, Professor. And... thanks, Gary. I just... I’ve been feeling like I’m not good enough lately. Like I always have to prove myself."

Gary stood up, pulling Ash to his feet. "You don’t have to prove anything to me, Ash. You already have. Now let’s get back to the others before Misty and Brock start a search party."

Ash nodded, his usual resolve returning as he put his cap back on. "Yeah... you’re right. I can’t leave them worrying."

"AAAASH? Hey, Ash!" Gary called again, frustration creeping into his voice as he scanned the area.

Professor Oak scratched his head, looking a bit baffled. "Didn't you two make up a few hours ago?"

Gary sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, we did."

"Then why'd he run off again?" Oak asked, looking concerned.

Gary sighed again, his voice softening. "Because he thinks he's not worthy. He’s been feeling like he’s not good enough lately, like he always has something to prove."

Oak looked even more confused. "What? Ash, feeling unworthy? That doesn’t sound like the Ash I know."

Gary shrugged, a little helpless. "I know, right? But... I guess even Ashy-boy has doubts. He just hides them well most of the time."

Oak nodded thoughtfully, understanding dawning on his face. "I see. Even the most confident trainers can feel the weight of their responsibilities. But Ash... he's stronger than he thinks."

Gary turned back to the trees, cupping his hands around his mouth. "ASHY-BOY! COME ON, DON'T MAKE ME CHASE YOU AGAIN!"

There was a faint rustling in the bushes, followed by Pikachu's familiar cry. "Pikaaa!"

Gary glanced at Oak with a smile. "Looks like we found him."

Oak smiled back. "Time to remind him just how worthy he really is."

Unfortunately, the Pikachu that responded was a wild one, not Ash's faithful companion.

" Wha.... What?!* Gary exclaimed. " How?"

" Ash's pokemon are back with misty, remember?"

Gary let out a deep sigh, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. "Great... no Pikachu, no Ash. This just keeps getting better." He took a deep breath, cupped his hands around his mouth, and yelled, "AAAAAAAASH?!"

His voice echoed through the forest, but there was no response. Gary's shoulders slumped. "What are we supposed to do now, Professor? We can't keep wandering around the forest all night."

Oak, ever the calm thinker, placed a hand on Gary’s shoulder. "We’ll find him, Gary. He’s just upset. Sometimes people—especially someone like Ash—need a little time alone before they're ready to talk."

Gary huffed but nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But Ash always runs when things get tough. I just wish he'd stop feeling like he has to handle everything alone."

Oak smiled knowingly. "He’s learning, Gary. Slowly but surely. But in the meantime, we’ll keep looking, and when we find him, we'll remind him he doesn’t have to face things on his own."

With renewed determination, Gary called out again, "ASHY-BOY, YOU BETTER NOT BE SULKING IN SOME TREE AGAIN!"

After a few minutes of searching, they heard faint whimpers and muffled sobs that seemed to be trying to stop.

" What was that?" Gary whispered .

" Ash."

Gary exchanged a worried glance with Professor Oak before rushing in the direction of the sound.

There, nestled against the trunk of a large tree, was Ash. He was hunched over, trying to wipe away his tears with the back of his hand. The sight tugged at Gary’s heart.

“ASH!” Gary exclaimed, rushing forward and enveloping Ash in a tight hug.

Ash froze for a moment, surprised by the sudden contact, but then he melted into the embrace, resting his head against Gary’s shoulder. “I... I’m sorry,” he choked out between sobs. “I didn’t mean to run away.”

“Shh, it’s okay,” Gary soothed, rubbing Ash's back gently. “You don’t have to apologize. I should have watched what I said. I never wanted to make you feel unworthy.”

Professor Oak knelt beside them, his eyes softening at the sight. “Ash, we care about you. You’re an incredible trainer, and more importantly, you’re a good friend. None of us think any less of you, not now and not ever.”

Ash looked up at them, his eyes red and puffy. “But I keep messing up... I thought I could handle everything, and then I just...”

Gary shook his head firmly. “You’re human, Ash. Everyone messes up sometimes. You’re not alone in this; you have us. We’ll figure it out together.”

Taking a deep breath, Ash nodded slowly, his tears starting to subside. “Thanks, guys. I just felt so overwhelmed.”

“It's alright to feel that way,” Oak reassured him. “You’re strong, but that doesn’t mean you have to carry everything by yourself.”

Gary released Ash from the hug, giving him a gentle smile. “So, what do you say? Want to go back and face the music together?”

“Yeah,” Ash replied, a small smile breaking through. “Let’s do it.”

" A- ha- ha- hash!!!" Gary sighed. " ASH! HE DIDN'T MEAN WHAT HE SAID!"

Gary groaned. " Today is just not his day."

Oak walked to his grandson. " What happened this time?"

" Some stupid news reporter said Ash cheated his way to becoming a great pokemon trainer."

" But that's not true!"

Gary nodded as he peered through bushes. " It might not be, but Ash sure is sensitive."

" He's human, Gary. All humans are sensitive. Even you."

Gary smirked.  " Yeah, yeah, Grandpa. But we first have to find Ash. Then we can talk about these stuff."

Gary took another deep breath. " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH?!"

Then, they saw a badge.

" This is.... The Cerulean gym badge!" Gary gasped as he picked it up. " Ash!"

They quickly ran and soon collected all of the scattered pins.

' but.... Why'd he hide them everywhere?" Gary mused.

Oak sighed. " I suppose he took those words to heart, and thought he didn't deserve all these badges."

" But ash worked so hard! I... I saw him work with my own two eyes!"

Determined, Gary began to run through the underbrush, frantically looking for signs of Ash. “Ash! Come on, buddy! Ashy-boy! It’s getting dark! You’re gonna catch a cold out here!”

After what felt like an eternity of searching, they finally spotted a familiar figure huddled beneath a low-hanging branch. Ash was curled up as small as he could make himself, his face buried in his knees, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket.

Gary’s heart broke at the sight. “Ash!” he called out softly, kneeling beside him. “There you are!”

Ash looked up, his eyes red and puffy. “Go away, Gary,” he sniffled, trying to turn away.

But Gary wouldn't let him. He put an arm on ashs shoulders and looked at him in the eye

“No way, Ash. You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Gary said firmly. “We’ve been looking for you. You scared us!”

Ash shook his head, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks. “I just... I can’t take this anymore. I’m not a good trainer. Everyone thinks I cheated my way through.”

Gary frowned, disbelief etched across his face. “That’s not true! You’ve fought hard for every single badge, Ash! You’ve trained day and night!”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t change what they said. It just... it hurts,” Ash admitted, his voice trembling. “I thought I could handle it, but I guess I was wrong.”

Professor Oak knelt beside them, his eyes gentle. “Ash, it’s perfectly okay to feel hurt. Everyone has their moments of doubt, even the best trainers. You are worthy of your badges, and they represent the dedication and effort you’ve put in.”

“I don’t know,” Ash murmured, wiping his eyes again. “What if they’re right?”

“They’re not,” Gary interjected fiercely. “You’ve proven yourself over and over. Just look at what you’ve accomplished! You’ve saved countless Pokémon, made friends, and battled your way through tough challenges. You’ve done more than most trainers could even dream of.”

Slowly, Ash looked up at his friend, the glimmer of hope beginning to return to his eyes. “But what if I mess up again?”

Gary smiled, his expression softening. “Then we’ll be right here to help you through it. You don’t have to do this alone, Ash. You have me, Professor Oak, and all your Pokémon. We believe in you.”

With a shaky breath, Ash nodded, finally beginning to feel the weight of his insecurities lift just a little. “Thanks, guys. I just... I feel so alone sometimes.”

“You’re never alone, Ash,” Oak reassured him. “Let’s get you back home. We can talk more there, and I’ll make some tea.”

Ash managed a small smile, the warmth of their support slowly calming the storm of doubt inside him. “Okay... I’d like that.”

“Good!” Gary said, standing up and offering his hand to Ash. “Now, let’s go home. You need to show us all the amazing things you’re capable of, starting with not getting lost in the woods again!”

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