Soap Opera/ Tracy's Space adventure
I"And.... Action!" Professor Oak called.
Misty took a deep breath. " Oh, there's my ducky boo boo!" She but her lip as she took Gary's hand and faked kissing her.
Ash but his lip. " Yes," he said, trying to keep a straight face. " Our son is so beautiful. In fact, I think we should let him drive the mars!"
Tracy walked in. " Mars?" He feigned disgust. " I've went to Neptune, and back!"
Brock walked in with a cup of tea. " Would you like some tea? I made some oolong tea, which has a delightful peachy flavor. I like mine straight, but for you I'll add a cup of milk and two sugar cubes. Watch out- it's hot!"
Ash nodded, and took a sip. He spit it out.
" Ew, Brock, what is this?!" He exclaimed.
Brock looked at it. " It's oolong tea."
" No it isnt!" Misty cried as she spit hers out. " I think you did something wrong!
Brock poured himself a cup and drank it. " No it's okay."
" Let me see." Gary took Ash's cup and took a sip.
" Brock the milk's bitter!"
Professor Oak waved his hands in frustration. "No, no! That's not the script!" he shouted, stepping closer to the group.
Ash was still grimacing, wiping his tongue with a napkin. "This isn't a trick, Professor! It's actually really bitter!"
Misty stuck her tongue out in disgust, grabbing a bottle of water to wash the taste away. "I've tasted bad tea before, but this is next level!"
Brock looked down at the cup in confusion, then casually glanced at the milk carton he had been using. His eyes widened as he checked the label. "Oh... uh... oops."
Everyone turned to him.
"I may have given you milk that expired... a year ago."
There was a moment of stunned silence before Ash jumped up. "A year ago?!"
Misty gasped, still spitting into a napkin. "You're telling me we just drank year-old milk?!"
Brock shrugged sheepishly. "Guess I didn't check the date. But hey, I'm fine! It can't be that bad, right?"
Ash shot him a look. "Brock, you have the stomach of a Geodude, and even you shouldn't be drinking that!"
Professor Oak pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "This is turning into a complete disaster."
"Disaster? This is a health hazard!" Misty exclaimed, still trying to rid herself of the aftertaste.
Ash shook his head, glaring at Brock. "You owe us both an apology... and a fresh cup of tea. This time, with milk that isn't a relic of the past!"
Brock laughed nervously. "Okay, okay. My bad. I'll make it up to you."
Ash sighed, rubbing his temples. "Let's just try to get through this without any more expired food, alright?"
Professor Oak clapped his hands to refocus them. "Alright, let's take it from the top. And this time, no ancient milk!"
Misty groaned. "Yeah, and someone get us some real tea, please!"
"And.... Action!" Professor Oak called.
Misty took a deep breath. " Oh, there's my ducky boo boo!" She said as she took Gary's hand and faked kissing her.
" Yes," he said, calmer than the first time. " Our son is so beautiful. In fact, I think we should let him drive the mars!"
Tracy walked in. " Mars?" He feigned disgust. " I've gone to Neptune, and back!"
Brock walked in with a cup of tea. " Would you like some tea? I made some oolong tea, which has a delightful peachy flavor. I like mine straight, but for you I'll add a cup of milk and two sugar cubes. Watch out- it's hot!"
Ash eyed it carefully. " Okay, butler. If you say so."
He tasted it.... And grabbed some coffee.
" Ash!" Brock exclaimed, horrified. " You're too young to drink coffee!"
Ash saw Misty and brought the cup to her lips. " Brock it's too sweet!"
Misty nodded as she sipped the coffee in Ash's hands, then pushed it back to him with she was done. " Yeah, Brock."
Gary hesitantly took Ash's cup and sipped.
" Brock, do you have a sweet tooth of some sort?"
Brock checked the teapot and the sugar jar, then scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh..."
Ash narrowed his eyes. "Oh? What now?"
Brock glanced at the sugar jar again, then back to Ash. "I, uh... may have given you a cup of sugar than just two cubes."
Ash blinked, his expression unreadable. "Pardon?"
Misty's jaw dropped. "You gave us a whole cup of sugar cubes?!"
Gary, still holding the cup, spat the rest out. "Brock, what are you doing? Are you trying to turn us into sugar sculptures?"
Ash groaned, rubbing his temples. "First, expired milk, and now you've turned tea into candy."
Brock raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I'm just trying to add some flair to the role of butler! It's called improvising!"
Ash shot him a deadpan look. "No, it's called diabetes."
Misty shook her head, trying not to laugh. "Can we please get some actual tea before we all end up with a sugar rush?"
Professor Oak sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Brock, maybe stick to the script next time. And make sure the tea has more... tea in it."
Brock chuckled nervously. "Yeah... my bad again."
Ash took a deep breath. "Let's just get through this scene without any more sugar bombs, okay?"
Gary handed the cup back. "Or any other... unexpected surprises."
Misty laughed softly. "Yeah, Brock. Stick to the basics."
"Alright, alright. No more funny business," Brock promised.
Professor Oak called out again. "And... action!"
Misty took a breath.... And started laughing.
" Misty?" Ash asked. " What happened?"
Misty pointed to Gary. Ash's eyes widened and he bit his lip, letting Misty lean on him. " Uh... Gary? Check your clothes."
Gary raised an eyebrow, confused, and looked down at his outfit. His eyes went wide as he realized what Misty was laughing about. "What the—?" he exclaimed. His onesie had somehow turned pink and was covered in cartoon ducks.
"Who did this?!" Gary demanded, tugging at the ridiculous outfit.
Ash tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably. "Oh man, Gary... You look like a baby shower mascot!"
Misty was doubled over, clutching her stomach. "I-I can't—this is too much!"
Gary glared at everyone. "This wasn't part of the script!"
Brock scratched his head, trying to suppress a grin. "Well, someone must've thought you needed a little... flair."
Professor Oak was chuckling from the sidelines. "Well, I must admit, it's an improvement!"
Gary groaned and threw his hands up in frustration. "Can we just get back to filming? Preferably with me in a normal outfit?"
Ash gave him a playful nudge. "C'mon, Gary. Embrace it! Think of it as... character development."
Gary shot Ash a deadpan look. "I'll develop a character on you if you keep laughing."
Misty wiped her eyes. "Okay, okay, I'm good now. Let's get back to it. But Gary, seriously—you look adorable."
Gary sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is going to be the longest shoot of my life..."
" Action!"
" Oh, there's my ducky boo boo!"
" Psyduck?"
Misty groaned. " PSYDUUUUUUCK!*
" Psy?*
He saw Gary in the onsie. " Psy!"
He ran away... And returned with a large dipar.
" Uh... Psyduck?" Ash hesitantly said. " What are you doing?"
Psyduck grabbed wipes.
He walked to Gary and reached for the zipper.
" Psyduck!" Ash lunged for the duck, but it was too late.
Psyduck had already unzipped Gary's onesie halfway, revealing his chest. Gary's face turned bright red as he grabbed the zipper and yanked it back up.
"Psyduck, what are you doing?!" Gary shouted, flustered.
"Psyduck!" Misty cried, rushing over to intervene, but she couldn't help laughing at the situation.
Ash was on the floor, trying and failing to suppress his laughter. "Psyduck thought Gary needed a... diaper change!"
Psyduck, now holding the diaper and wipes, looked confused. "Psy?"
Brock shook his head. "I think Psyduck took the 'baby' role a bit too seriously."
Gary was mortified, glaring at Ash. "This is all your fault!"
Ash wiped tears from his eyes. "Hey, I didn't tell Psyduck to do anything! I'm just as surprised as you!"
Professor Oak, standing off to the side, had his head in his hands, but even he was chuckling. "Alright, alright. Let's take five and get Psyduck off the set before Gary loses his mind."
"Too late for that," Gary muttered as he tried to shoo Psyduck away.
"Psyduck!" Psyduck waddled off, still carrying the diaper and wipes, leaving the entire group in stitches.
Psyduck waddled back over to Gary, completely ignoring Misty's calls. The determined Pokémon sniffed Gary curiously, which made Gary freeze in place.
"Psyduck, what are you doing?" Gary asked, trying to stay calm.
Before anyone could react, Psyduck pulled out a jar of mushed peas from somewhere and, with surprising speed, shoved a spoonful into Gary's mouth.
"Psyduck, stop!" Ash shouted, rushing forward, but Psyduck was already one step ahead. As soon as Gary tried to spit out the peas, Psyduck forcefully pushed a baby bottle filled with milk into Gary's mouth, tipping it upward.
Gary's eyes widened in shock, unable to speak as he tried to process what was happening. Milk dribbled down his chin as he gagged.
Ash was doubled over, laughing hysterically, while Misty could barely hold it together. "Psyduck, no! Bad Psyduck!"
Professor Oak, watching this chaos unfold, sighed but couldn't help a smirk. "Well... I guess we'll just let them do their own soap opera... without a script."
Brock nodded, laughing as well. "Yeah, clearly they've got their own thing going here."
Psyduck proudly waddled away, leaving a stunned and milk-soaked Gary glaring at everyone.
Gary spat out the milk, his face red with embarrassment and frustration. "Are you serious?!"
Before anyone could respond, Psyduck waddled back once again, this time dragging a small plastic tub behind him and holding what appeared to be a bar of soap.
Ash's eyes widened in horror as he realized what Psyduck was planning. "Uh oh..." he muttered, inching backward.
"Psyduck, no!" Misty shouted, running toward her Pokémon, but Psyduck was already filling the tub with water, preparing for a makeshift bath.
Gary, still standing in his ridiculous onesie, looked around in panic. "Oh no, no way!" He tried to back away, but Psyduck was relentless.
Ash couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like Psyduck thinks it's bath time, Gary!"
"NOT HAPPENING!" Gary yelled, attempting to flee, but Psyduck stubbornly stood his ground, holding the soap up with determination in his eyes.
Professor Oak just shook his head, chuckling. "Well, I suppose we're in for quite the show."
Brock crossed his arms, grinning. "I'll go grab the towels."
Before anyone could react, Psyduck lunged forward, grabbed Gary by his onesie, and with surprising strength, shoved him straight into the tub. Water splashed everywhere as Gary flailed helplessly.
"Psyduck! Psy!" the duck Pokémon exclaimed, scrubbing Gary with the soap as if his life depended on it.
"Hey! Stop it! Psyduck, knock it off!" Gary protested, trying to escape the relentless scrubbing. But Psyduck was in full bath mode, scrubbing Gary's hair and face with wild enthusiasm.
Ash was bent over in laughter, struggling to breathe. "Oh man, this is priceless!"
Misty was torn between helping Gary and letting Psyduck finish. "Psyduck, you can stop now! I think Gary's clean enough!"
Psyduck, however, seemed to be on a mission. He continued scrubbing, oblivious to the chaos around him.
Gary sputtered as water and soap suds covered him. "I am NEVER doing this again! Someone get me out of here!"
Professor Oak wiped a tear of laughter from his eye. "Well, this certainly wasn't in the script... but it's quite the performance!"
Brock returned with a towel, laughing as well. "You'll need this, Gary."
As the chaos with Psyduck finally started to settle, Misty managed to pull Psyduck away from a thoroughly soaked and soapy Gary. Brock handed over the towel, but Gary stood there, glaring at everyone, clearly not amused.
"That was not funny," Gary grumbled as he scrubbed the soap out of his hair.
Ash, still chuckling, slapped Gary on the back. "Come on, you have to admit, Psyduck gave you the cleanest bath of your life."
Gary shot him a death glare. "Yeah? Well, next time I'm strapping a Poké Ball to Psyduck so he can't follow me around."
Misty shook her head. "That won't help. He'll find a way."
But as they all began to recover from the scene, Ash suddenly noticed something—or rather, someone—was missing.
"Wait... where's Tracy?" he asked, looking around.
Misty froze, and everyone else slowly started to realize that Tracy, their ever-daring, reckless artist friend, hadn't been seen in a while.
Professor Oak, who had been caught up in the humor of the situation, suddenly went pale. "Oh... dear."
Ash narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean 'oh dear,' Professor? Where's Tracy?"
Oak scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well... I might have... given Tracy... the keys to my car."
Everyone stared at Oak in stunned silence.
"WHAT?!" Misty exclaimed, her voice shrill.
Ash's face paled. "You gave Tracy your car keys?!"
Oak held up his hands defensively. "It seemed like a good idea at the time! He said he wanted to sketch the skyline from a better vantage point, so I figured he could drive somewhere with a good view. I... didn't expect him to take things literally."
Misty groaned, slapping her forehead. "This is Tracy we're talking about. He doesn't do 'normal.'"
"Wait," Gary said, wringing out his soaked onesie. "Are you saying Tracy has been driving somewhere all this time?"
Ash turned to the open door, where faint tire tracks led off into the distance. "Not just anywhere," Ash muttered darkly. "This is Tracy we're talking about. He's probably halfway to another region by now."
Misty grabbed Ash's arm, her face filled with concern. "Ash, what if he... what if he's not driving anymore?"
Ash blinked. "What do you mean?"
Misty swallowed hard. "What if he... launched the car? You know how he gets when he gets too excited about his art."
Gary's eyes widened in horror. "Launched the car?! Like, into the air?!"
Oak coughed. "Ah... well... it's possible."
Brock's face turned white. "He doesn't have a flying license!"
Ash and Misty exchanged a glance, then bolted toward the door.
"C'mon, we need to find him!" Ash shouted, grabbing his binoculars off the counter as he sprinted outside.
The group rushed out to the open field, following the faint sound of a car engine... somewhere above them.
Misty cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled toward the sky. "TRACY! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Suddenly, Ash's phone rang. He fumbled to answer it, still running toward the horizon. "Tracy?!"
A calm, almost serene voice came through the phone. "Hey, Ash. You should really see the view from up here... It's beautiful! Do you want me to sketch it for you?"
Ash's face went pale as he skidded to a stop. "Up there?!" He pointed his binoculars toward the sky, scanning for any sign of Tracy. "Tracy, where exactly are you?"
"Oh, you know... just... flying over Saturn," Tracy replied nonchalantly.
The whole group froze in shock.
"SATURN?!" Ash's voice cracked. "Tracy, what are you talking about?!"
"Oh yeah," Tracy continued, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "The rocket boosters on the Professor's car really did the trick. I'm flying through space now! Saturn looks so beautiful up close, by the way. I can definitely sketch it for you."
Ash's phone slipped from his hand and clattered to the ground.
"Did he just say Saturn?" Misty whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Ash stared into the sky, his heart pounding. "This... this has to be a nightmare."
Gary snatched up the phone, pressing it to his ear. "Tracy! Come back to Earth! You're not supposed to be in space!"
Tracy's calm voice came through again. "Oh, don't worry. I'm thinking of swinging back around. But I'll have to make a few orbits first. Maybe a quick stop at Jupiter."
"JUPITER?!" Gary screamed, his voice echoing across the field.
Brock started pacing, rubbing his temples. "This is bad... this is really bad."
Ash grabbed the phone back from Gary, his voice frantic. "Tracy, listen to me. You need to turn off those rocket boosters and get back down here, now! You're not an astronaut!"
On the other end, there was silence for a moment. Then Tracy's voice returned, with a strange sort of pride. "You know, I never thought about becoming an astronaut... but now that you mention it..."
"TRACY!" Ash and Misty shouted in unison.
Professor Oak, who had been standing silently with his arms crossed, finally sighed. "Well, I suppose... we'll just have to let them write their own script now. No point trying to control this."
Ash was on the verge of pulling his hair out. "No point?! Professor, your car is flying through space!"
Oak waved a hand dismissively. "Eh, I've got insurance."
"ON SATURN?!" Misty shouted, throwing her arms up.
"Tracy, please!" Ash begged, holding the phone closer. "Just... come back."
Tracy's voice was suddenly chipper. "I'll see what I can do. But first... let me finish my sketches. Neptune's got this great shade of blue—"
The phone call cut out, leaving only static.
Gary buried his face in his hands. "We're doomed."
Ash and Misty stood in stunned silence, staring up at the sky, their minds racing with disbelief. Somewhere, far above them, their friend was joyriding through space in a car with rocket boosters.
Ash let out a long, defeated sigh. "This is officially the craziest day of my life."
Misty nodded slowly, still staring upward. "And I thought Psyduck giving Gary a bath was going to be the weirdest part of today."
Brock stood beside them, still clutching the towel. "So... what now?"
Ash shook his head. "Now... we wait. And hope Tracy doesn't accidentally land on the moon."
Professor Oak pinched the bridge of his nose. "This is supposed to be a soap opera, not some... space exploration gone wrong! Could you all please make it a little more dramatic? More... intense?"
Ash's grin stretched wide as he caught on to Oak's request. He turned to Brock, Misty, and Pikachu with a gleam in his eyes. "Dramatic, you say? Brock, Misty... Pikachu... It's maniac time!"
Brock straightened up, clenching his fists. "I was born ready."
Misty smirked, flipping her hair. "Let's turn up the drama!"
Pikachu's cheeks sparked with a mischievous gleam of electricity. "Pika... pika."
Without missing a beat, Ash dramatically threw his arms wide, his face twisting into a look of exaggerated anguish. "How could this happen?! Our son... GONE! Taken by the vast reaches of space!" He collapsed to his knees, grabbing the ground as if it were slipping from his grasp. "Is there no mercy in this cruel world?"
Misty rushed over to Ash, throwing her arms around him in a mock melodramatic embrace. "Oh, Ash! We must not give up hope! We must fight to bring him back!" Her voice cracked as she clutched his shirt. "I... I can't lose him again!"
Brock, never one to be outdone, stormed in with a tea kettle raised above his head. "I'll make us all some dramatic tea! Tea so intense it'll bring tears to our eyes!" He poured the tea into a cup, dramatically tilting his head back, as if it were some holy elixir. "This tea will fuel our revenge!"
Pikachu leapt onto Ash's shoulder, sparks flying from its cheeks. "Pika-Pika-CHUU!" It shot tiny bursts of electricity into the air, adding a zany, chaotic atmosphere to their exaggerated performance.
Ash suddenly jumped to his feet, gripping Misty by the shoulders. "We have to save our son... and we'll do it with nothing but our love and the power of dramatic monologues!" He whirled around to face Gary, who was still standing there, wide-eyed and soaked in soap.
Gary opened his mouth to speak, but Ash cut him off, pointing a finger at him. "YOU! You knew this would happen! You always did, didn't you?! You've always been jealous of our soap opera success!"
Gary blinked, utterly confused. "Wha—? I'm just standing here!"
Brock came in again, holding the teapot like a weapon. "Admit it, Gary! You sabotaged our show so you could steal our spotlight! Confess your jealousy!"
Gary raised his hands defensively. "I didn't do anything! You guys are losing it!"
Professor Oak crossed his arms, watching the scene unfold with an amused yet exasperated look. "I said dramatic, not... whatever this is."
Ash spun toward Oak, pointing dramatically. "Professor Oak! You set this all in motion! You were the one who gave Tracy the rocket boosters, didn't you?! This was your plan all along—to turn our soap opera into a... into a space drama!"
Oak blinked. "I—uh—"
Misty dramatically threw herself on the ground, wailing. "Oh, the humanity! The betrayal! The chaos!"
Brock turned to Oak, eyes gleaming. "We'll never trust you again, Professor! From now on, we'll write our own scripts, fueled by tea and drama!"
Gary and Oak exchanged helpless looks, both of them watching as Ash, Misty, and Brock descended further into their maniacal acting spree. Pikachu continued to spark in excitement, feeding off the group's chaotic energy.
Ash clenched his fist, raising it to the sky. "This is only the beginning! We'll save our son... and create the greatest soap opera the world has ever seen!"
And with that, they all launched into a chaotic, overly dramatic scene, full of wild gestures, impassioned speeches, and absurd declarations.
Gary turned to Oak, shaking his head. "Is it too late to leave?"
Oak sighed, rubbing his temples. "I think we're way past that point."
Suddenly, Ash's phone rang. " Hey, Ash? I-"
Ash sighed as he answered the phone. " What, Tracy?"
" Is it normal for the moon to be moving?"
Ash froze. " Huh?!"
" And are there supposed to be more moons?"
Misty blinked. " Come again?"
Tracy continued, " and why is the moon so small?*
Ash gasped. " Tracy.... That's a meteorite!"
" HE'S ON A METEORITE!!" Brock yelled. " How could this get any more crazier?!"
" Oh, and I forgot to mention. It's getting really hot."
Oak was holding his phone. " Oh, dear."
Ash turned. " What do you mean?* He asked, fearing the worse.
" Tracy is in his way to the sun."
Then Misty let out a scream.
" WHAT?!*
Ash covered his ears. " Easy, Mist. Easy."
" oh, Professor Oak? Would you like me to collect a sample?" Tracy asked calmly.
Professor Oak nearly dropped his phone, his face paling at the sheer absurdity of the situation. "Tracy, are you telling me you're... you're heading to the sun?!" His voice wavered between disbelief and mounting panic.
Tracy's voice remained annoyingly calm on the other end. "Yep. The heat's starting to rise. I'd say I've got about... oh, maybe an hour before things get really toasty. So, should I collect some samples? The sun looks fascinating up close."
Ash's jaw dropped as he slowly processed Tracy's calm demeanor. "You want to collect samples from the sum?! You do realize you'll, like, evaporate before you even get close, right?!"
Misty's face was red as she balled her fists, trembling with frustration and panic. "How are you so calm about this?! You're literally hurtling towards a giant ball of fire, Tracy!!"
Brock, gripping his apron like a lifeline, paced in frantic circles. "Okay, okay, okay... Think, Brock, think! What do we do?! What do we do?! This is—this is insane! Tracy's going to crash into the sun! There's no way we can get him back from that!"
Gary, watching in horror, shook his head. "This is beyond crazy. This is—this is... how does this even happen?!"
Pikachu, sensing the rising tension, climbed up Ash's shoulder and let out a worried "Pika?"
"Tracy," Ash spoke slowly, his tone a mix of disbelief and exasperation, "you need to get off that meteorite right now. I don't care what you have to do, just jump off or something! We'll figure something out, just don't get any closer to the sun!"
Tracy chuckled softly. "Oh, no need to worry, Ash. I'm sure there's a logical way out of this. Maybe I'll just hitch a ride on another passing asteroid, or use the car's boosters to change course."
"Tracy," Brock snapped, "this is not one of your calm art sessions! You're literally going to burn up in space!"
Oak, rubbing his temples again, looked utterly drained. "I knew the rocket boosters were a mistake. I just... I never thought it'd come to this." He stared off into the distance, muttering, "Of all the places to send my assistant..."
"Professor Oak!" Misty shrieked. "We need a solution here, not regret!"
Ash gripped his phone tightly. "Tracy, listen to me. You need to focus. Is there any chance you can turn the car around?"
"Hmm," Tracy mused on the other end. "I'll check the controls again. Oh, hey! There's a switch here I haven't tried yet."
Misty grabbed Ash's arm. "No! Tell him not to push it! Tracy, don't push random buttons!"
Before Ash could stop him, they heard a loud click through the phone, followed by a sudden roar of an engine. Tracy's calm voice came back on, a little more hurried than before. "Oh. That wasn't the course corrector. That was... um, more rockets."
"More what?!" Ash yelled.
"Yeah, so... I might be accelerating now."
"Accelerating? Towards the sun?!" Misty screeched, her voice hitting a new level of panic. "TRACY!"
"Well, this is... exciting," Tracy said, the wind howling around him through the phone. "The sun's looking bigger by the second. Should I try to slow down or—"
"YES!" the entire group screamed in unison.
Brock collapsed into a chair, holding his head in his hands. "We're doomed. Tracy's going to become a shooting star."
Ash stood up straight, his face set with determination. "No. We're not letting this happen." He turned to Oak, eyes blazing. "Professor, we need something—anything—to bring him back."
Oak sighed deeply, racking his brain for ideas. "There is one thing..." He hesitated, looking at the group. "But it's experimental, and highly dangerous."
Ash clenched his fists. "We don't have time to worry about danger. What is it?"
Oak grimaced. "I've been working on a... prototype remote control system for spacecraft. But it's untested. We could theoretically use it to steer Tracy's car away from the sun... if we can get it to work in time."
Misty grabbed Oak by the shoulders, desperation in her eyes. "We don't have any other choice! Do it, Professor! Please!"
With a reluctant nod, Oak pulled out a small device from his coat pocket, a jumble of wires and buttons that looked half-finished at best. "Let's just hope this works..."
As Oak began fiddling with the controls, Ash glanced at his phone, Tracy's voice still casually narrating the increasing heat. "Tracy, hang on. We're going to save you."
Tracy's voice was as calm as ever. "Take your time, Ash. The view's quite beautiful from here."
Oak pressed the button, a nervous energy crackling in the air. "Hold on, Tracy! We're trying to get control over the car!"
Tracy's voice came back, sounding a mix of awe and urgency. "Wow, it's really hot! Also, I think I'm going faster!" He paused for a moment, then added, "Oh! Professor, do you have a flag I can put on the sun?"
Gary, who had been rummaging through his bag, pulled out a telescope and whistled as he peered through it. "You guys are not going to believe this. The sun looks incredible up close! It's like... like a big fiery ball of—"
"Gary! Focus!" Ash yelled, trying to keep his cool. "We need to save Tracy, not admire the scenery!"
Misty, bouncing on her toes, glanced at Gary's telescope. "What do you see, Gary? Can you spot Tracy?"
Gary adjusted the telescope, squinting. "Um, I think I can see him... or maybe it's just a really bright spot. It's hard to tell!"
Oak, still fiddling with the controls, shouted, "Tracy, you need to find a way to slow down! Use the emergency brakes!"
"Brakes? I don't think I've ever seen those!" Tracy replied, excitement evident in his voice. "But I did find a few shiny buttons. Should I press them?"
"No!" the group shouted in unison.
Gary continued peering through the telescope, excitement mixing with concern. "Whoa, it's getting really hot out here. I can see him! He's waving a tiny flag—oh wait, no, that's just the reflection from the sun!" He looked up from the telescope, eyes wide. "But I think he's still heading straight for it!"
"Tracy! Just focus on the controls!" Misty shouted, her voice rising in urgency. "Can you see anything that looks like a brake or a control for direction?"
"Uhh... I think I see a big red button!" Tracy replied. "Should I push that?"
"YES!" Ash and Misty yelled together.
Tracy's voice sounded confused. "You sure? It might be important!"
"Tracy, if you don't push it, you're going to be important toast!" Ash shouted, adrenaline pumping through him.
"Okay, okay, here goes nothing!" Tracy pressed the button, and the phone line crackled with static as the car roared.
Suddenly, they heard a loud WHOOSH followed by a series of beeps. The entire room went silent as everyone leaned in closer to Ash's phone, holding their breath.
"Whoa!" Tracy exclaimed, the sound of rushing wind barely muffling his voice. "I think I just activated the thrusters! But now I'm spinning!"
"Spinning?! Not spinning!" Misty's voice was practically shrill. "How are you still so calm?!"
Tracy chuckled, a hint of thrill in his voice. "It's like a ride! I've always wanted to be an astronaut! Look at the stars! They're so beautiful!"
Ash slammed a fist on the table, frustration boiling over. "Tracy, this isn't the time to be enjoying the view! You need to stop that spinning!"
Brock grabbed the remote control device from Oak. "I'm sending a signal to the car's navigation system! We can redirect him away from the sun!"
"Make it quick!" Ash urged, panic creeping into his voice. "We can't lose him!"
Brock began tapping furiously at the buttons, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "If we can just establish a connection... Come on, come on!"
Gary, still looking through the telescope, gasped. "Guys, I think he's getting closer to the surface of the sun! There are flames all around him!"
"Tracy!" Ash shouted into the phone. "You need to steer away from the sun! Can you do that?"
"Oh, I can try! Let me just find that steering wheel!" Tracy's voice was filled with an odd mixture of exhilaration and obliviousness.
Misty buried her face in her hands. "We're going to lose him, aren't we?"
"Not if I can help it!" Brock declared, focused and determined. "I just need a bit more time. If I can get this signal through—"
Suddenly, they heard Tracy's voice again, sounding strangely serene. "Hey, I think I see a spaceship! Can I get a ride back?"
The group exchanged looks of confusion, followed by collective disbelief. "A spaceship?!" they all cried out, incredulous.
"Yes!" Tracy exclaimed. "It's a tiny one, but it's right next to me! Oh wait, it's just a piece of space debris. Guess I'll have to keep flying solo!"
"Tracy! You need to—" Ash started, but it was too late.
Tracy's phone suddenly went dead, the line going silent. Ash felt his heart drop, a chill running down his spine. "Tracy? Tracy, are you still there?!"
"No, no, no! Not now!" Misty pleaded, tears brimming in her eyes. "We can't lose him!"
Oak frantically hit buttons on his device, trying to regain the connection. "Come on! We can't let him go like this!"
Suddenly, the device emitted a beep, and a screen lit up with a blinking light. "I've got the signal!" Oak shouted, voice filled with renewed hope. "Tracy, are you there?!"
After a moment of static, Tracy's voice crackled back through the line, sounding slightly distorted but still alive. "Hey guys! Sorry about that! I got distracted by this really bright thing! I think it's a supernova!"
"Tracy!" Ash yelled, relief flooding through him. "Stay focused! Just tell us what's happening!"
"Right! So, I'm currently orbiting—wait, are those flames?" Tracy sounded suddenly alarmed.
"Tracy, just focus on the steering!" Oak urged, tapping a few more buttons. "If you can steer away from the sun, we might be able to get you back!"
"Okay! I think I see the controls!" Tracy's voice echoed through the phone, filled with excitement and chaos. "But it's really hot! I'm gonna need some sunscreen! Like a LOT of sunscreen!"
Everyone sighed collectively, half-laughing, half-exasperated at Tracy's antics. "Just steer the car, Tracy!" Misty cried, shaking her head in disbelief.
As the group scrambled to help their friend, Ash couldn't help but think: This is going to be one wild adventure.
"Uh... guys?" Tracy's voice came back, a hint of panic creeping in. "I ran out of fuel."
Ash's heart dropped, and he could practically hear the collective gasp from the group. "What do you mean you ran out of fuel?!" he shouted, gripping Gary's shoulder for support, nearly fainting on him.
"Yeah, but good news! I'm only one meter away from the sun!" Tracy exclaimed, excitement blending with desperation in his tone.
"ONE METER?!" Brock shouted, eyes wide with disbelief. "Are you serious?! That's not good news! That's like... a suicide mission!"
Misty, practically shaking with anxiety, covered her mouth in shock. "Tracy, you need to do something! Can't you use your hands or something to steer?"
"Uh, I might've forgotten to buckle in," Tracy replied, his voice casual as if he were chatting about the weather. "So I'm sort of floating around in here!"
Gary, still trying to keep his composure, peered through the telescope again. "You're gonna fry up there! You need to do something fast!"
Ash struggled to find his voice, the gravity of the situation hitting him hard. "Tracy, listen! You have to activate the emergency parachute or whatever! Just—just pull the lever or something!"
"Lever?" Tracy sounded genuinely confused. "I don't see any lever! Just a button that says 'DO NOT PRESS!'"
"Press it!" Ash shouted, losing patience. "You're about to hit the sun! What are you waiting for?!"
"Okay, okay! Here goes!" Tracy exclaimed, and the line crackled with static as he pressed the button.
For a brief moment, everything went quiet, and they held their breaths, praying for a miracle. Suddenly, the phone erupted with noise—mechanical whirring, alarms blaring, and Tracy's frantic voice filled the line.
"Whoa! Whoa! I think something's happening! I'm spinning again! But I think it's slowing down!"
"Slowing down?!" Brock echoed, incredulous. "What does that mean?"
"It means I'm still headed towards the sun but... like, slower!" Tracy shouted, his voice now laced with thrill. "It's like a roller coaster, guys! Woohoo!"
Ash could feel the weight of the world crashing down on him. "Tracy, this is not a game! You're literally about to become a shooting star!"
"Hey, at least I'd be a star!" Tracy quipped, laughter bubbling through the panic.
"Not if you burn up!" Misty screamed, exasperation spilling over. "You need to focus, Tracy!"
"Okay, okay! I'll try to turn the steering wheel!" Tracy said, his voice growing serious. "But it's kinda hard when you're spinning like this."
"Just do it!" Ash yelled, feeling the heat of frustration rise within him. "Think of something that motivates you!"
"Motivates me? Oh! I just remembered my skeches! I have to show them to Professor Oak!" Tracy declared, and the determination in his voice sparked a flicker of hope.
"Good! Now just steer away from the sun!" Brock urged, crossing his fingers.
The commotion continued on the other end as Tracy fumbled with the controls. "Okay! I think I'm doing it! I'm turning! I'm... I'm..."
A moment of silence followed, filled only with the echo of alarms in the background.
"Did it work?" Gary asked hesitantly, eyes glued to the telescope.
"I think... I think it did!" Tracy's voice rang back, filled with disbelief. "I'm turning away! I'm pulling away from the sun!"
"YES!" Ash shouted, pumping his fist in the air. "You did it, Tracy!"
"Uh-oh. Wait!" Tracy's voice faltered. "I think I just hit something!"
"What do you mean, hit something?!" Misty screeched, her heart racing.
"I hit... um, it looks like a bunch of space rocks!" Tracy replied, the chaos in his voice returning. "And now I'm bouncing off them! Whoa, this is a wild ride!"
"Oh no! You need to stabilize!" Brock urged, his voice frantic. "Just keep your hands steady!"
"I'm trying! I'm trying! But everything's shaking!" Tracy exclaimed, laughter mingling with panic. "This is like a real-life video game! I didn't sign up for this!"
"Just focus! You can do this!" Ash encouraged, his heart pounding as he envisioned Tracy's wild adventure.
"Uh-oh!" Tracy exclaimed, his voice laced with both wonder and fear."What do you mean, 'uh-oh'?! What's happening?" Misty asked, her anxiety spiking."I see aliens!" Tracy shouted, his tone shifting to one of wide-eyed disbelief."Aliens?!" Gary dropped the telescope in shock, the device clattering to the ground. Ash quickly snatched it up, his heart racing. "Wait, are you serious, Tracy? This is not the time for jokes!""I'm not joking!" Tracy insisted, his voice echoing with excitement and a hint of panic. "There are little green guys floating around outside my meteorite!"Ash adjusted the telescope and looked through it, scanning the stars. "Where? I don't see anything!"Misty leaned over Ash's shoulder, squinting through the lens. "Are you sure they're not just space rocks or something? You know, like... a mirage?""No! They're waving at me!" Tracy said, his voice getting louder. "They have antennas and everything! And... they're making weird gestures!""Tracy, focus!" Brock urged, shaking his head. "You can't just ignore the fact that you're almost fried by the sun. What do they look like?""Uh... they're all wearing what looks like... like... shiny suits! And they're coming closer!" Tracy replied, his tone shifting between fascination and trepidation.Ash's brows furrowed as he handed the telescope back to Gary. "What do they want?""I don't know! They're pointing at my meteorite! I think they want me to land!" Tracy exclaimed.Misty crossed her arms, looking skeptical. "Or maybe they want to abduct you!""Abduct me?!" Tracy squeaked, his voice rising in pitch. "I don't want to be abducted! I just wanted to get a closer look at space!""Well, you might have a chance now!" Gary said, peering through the telescope. "Wait, I think they're trying to communicate!"Tracy's voice came back, shaky but curious. "Uh, hey there, aliens! Can you understand me?"Silence fell for a moment before a series of beeping noises echoed through the phone. "Did they just... beep at you?" Misty asked, eyes wide."Yes! They're responding!" Tracy sounded both excited and terrified. "I think they're saying something like... 'Welcome, Earth creature!'"Ash turned to the group, the gravity of the situation settling in. "This is insane! Tracy, you have to ask them how to get you back home!""Right! Uh, hey! Aliens! Can you help me get down from this meteorite?!" Tracy shouted into the void."Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?" Brock cautioned. "What if they say yes? You don't want to end up in some alien spaceship!""Too late for that, Brock! I'm already halfway to being their intergalactic guest!" Tracy exclaimed, a mix of fear and excitement bubbling in his voice.Suddenly, another series of beeping noises erupted, followed by an eerie, holographic figure appearing before Tracy."Whoa! They just projected a hologram!" Tracy gasped, trying to focus on the image. "It looks like... a giant green potato wearing sunglasses!""What?!" Ash exclaimed, trying to contain his laughter. "A potato? Seriously?""Yes! And it's dancing!" Tracy shouted, shaking his head in disbelief. "It looks like it wants me to join in!"Misty rolled her eyes, trying to stay serious despite the absurdity. "Tracy, don't dance with aliens! You need to get back to Earth!"Tracy bit his lip, torn between the thrill of the moment and the seriousness of his situation. "Okay, okay! I'll ask them how to land!""Good!" Ash said, adrenaline pumping. "Just don't let them distract you!""Uh, aliens! Can you show me how to land?!" Tracy shouted again.The potato-like hologram began to bounce around excitedly, gesturing wildly toward the controls of the meteorite."Looks like they're giving me directions!" Tracy exclaimed, following the alien's movements. "Okay, I think I need to turn this knob and push that button!""Just be careful!" Misty warned, her heart racing. "We need you back safe!"
Tracy adjusted the controls as the aliens gestured, their weird potato-like hologram bouncing in excitement. "Okay, I've got this!" he said confidently, pushing the final button. But the moment he did, the meteorite shot forward like a rocket, veering away from the sun and zooming toward Earth—then overshooting it entirely!
"Uh, Tracy... what's happening?" Ash asked, his heart racing.
"Oh, nothing much," Tracy responded nonchalantly, sounding annoyingly calm. "Just, you know, zooming past Earth... again."
Misty stared at the sky, her eye twitching. "Again? What do you mean, again?!"
"Yeah, it's no big deal," Tracy replied, his voice filled with casual indifference. "The aliens said I might overshoot a couple of times. You know, it happens."
Ash nearly dropped the phone. "A couple of times?! Tracy, you're shooting past Earth! How is that not a big deal?"
Tracy shrugged—Ash could practically hear it in his tone. "Oh, I'll just turn around, no worries. It's kinda like missing your stop on a bus, right?"
Misty threw her hands up in frustration. "It's not a bus stop, Tracy! It's a planet!"
"Right, right," Tracy said, still unfazed. "I'll just use the thrusters to slow down and circle back."
Gary, who had picked up the telescope again, whistled. "He's really zooming up there. Tracy, can you, uh, see the moon again?"
"Yeah, I can see it!" Tracy responded cheerfully. "But, I mean, what's the rush? The view's incredible up here! Earth looks so tiny!"
Ash groaned. "Tracy, stop sightseeing and get back here! This is serious!"
Tracy let out an exasperated sigh. "Geez, relax, guys. The aliens said they'd give me a gentle nudge toward Earth soon. They're really nice, actually. They're even offering me space snacks. Wanna hear about the flavors?"
Misty was on the verge of screaming again. "No, we do *not* want to hear about the space snacks! Get back to Earth already!"
"I don't know, Misty. You're really missing out. One's called 'Supernova Nacho,' and—"
"TRACY!" everyone yelled in unison.
"Alright, alright!" Tracy laughed, clearly enjoying their frustration. "I'll tell the aliens to hurry it up. But seriously, these guys are chill. You should meet them sometime."
Ash pressed his palm to his face, trying to stay calm. "Just... focus, Tracy. Please."
"Fine, fine," Tracy said, still in that irritatingly calm tone. "I'll be back soon. But don't be surprised if I come back with some cosmic souvenirs! Oh, wait... I see Earth again! Gotta go!"
The group waited, watching the sky nervously, hoping Tracy wasn't about to overshoot Earth again.
As Tracy's voice crackled over the phone, his tone suddenly changed. "Oop, I'm approaching Earth's outer layer! Hold on... things are getting hot again."
Everyone stood frozen, eyes glued to the sky. Gary peered through his telescope, scanning desperately. "Where is he?" Gary muttered, adjusting the lens. "I can't see him anywhere!"
Then Tracy's voice chimed in over the phone again, annoyingly calm. "Wow... that's a lot of cows."
Ash's stomach dropped. He grabbed the phone tightly. "Uh oh... guys, I think Tracy's about to land at a farm!"
Misty's eyes widened. "Wait, a farm? Where could he—"
Professor Oak suddenly gasped, connecting the dots on his device. "No! Not just any farm—Brock's old gym! It's near those big fields outside Pewter City!"
Brock's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "WHAT?!" he yelled, jumping to his feet. "You mean the old training grounds?! Why is Tracy landing there?!"
Tracy's voice, once again oblivious to the chaos he was causing, echoed through the phone. "Why is there a big building in the middle of nowhere? Looks kinda weird for a farm... oh, wait, I think I'm falling toward it. Should I aim for the roof or the haystacks?"
Ash nearly dropped the phone in disbelief. "TRACY, THAT'S BROCK'S GYM!"
Brock was pacing now, panicked. "No, no, no! He can't crash into my gym! That's where I grew up training! It's... it's... the legacy of my family!"
Misty was trying to hold in her laughter as she clung to Ash's arm. "This is officially the craziest thing I've ever heard."
Tracy, still cool as a cucumber, laughed on the phone. "Oh, it's okay, Brock. If I miss the building, I'll just land on the cows. They look pretty soft from up here."
"YOU CAN'T LAND ON COWS, TRACY!" Ash shouted, throwing his hands up. "That's not how gravity works!"
Gary lowered the telescope, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is... wow. I don't even know what to say."
Suddenly, they heard a distant boom in the direction of Brock's old gym, followed by a puff of smoke rising on the horizon.
"Oh no," Ash muttered.
Brock's eyes widened. "TRACY!"
The phone crackled as Tracy's voice came back. "Well, that was... bumpy. But I made it! Hey, guys, the cows are fine! Though I think the gym might need some... repairs."
Brock dropped to his knees. "My gym... my poor gym..."
Misty sighed, shaking her head. "I can't believe this is happening."
Oak rubbed his temples again. "This was supposed to be a simple soap opera. How did it turn into... whatever this is?"
Where is this from? Which episode
and why the heck is Psyduck upside down and glaring at Misty like that?!
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