Seeking for Mewtwo!
Ash shoulder rolled and grabbed Pikachu just as the boulder was coming down from the mountain. He turned and stepped back, watching with wide eyes as the whole mountain collapsed.
Gary ran to Ash. " Are you okay?"
Ash nodded. " Ask that from Pikachu. He's the real hero. How ya doing, Pikachu?"
Pikachu managed a weak smile.
Ash opened his bag and put Pikachu in it. " Stay here until I say so, okay?"
Pikachu nodded.
Gary sighed. " Well, that cave was long. I wonder where it led us to?"
Misty shrugged. " Somewhere safe, hopefully. I don't want to see Team Rocket for a while."
Ash put his bag back on and watched as Bulbasaur tried to calm the Pokemon.
" Wow, Bulbasaur. I didn't know you could calm Pokemon.' Ash mumbled.
" Figures." Brock replied. " Remember, he was someone who helped his old trainer with the injured pokemon."
Misty nodded in agreement, and Togepi clapped its arms.
Ash Smiled. " Still. It's amazing."
Bulbasaur looked at Ash. " Saur."
Ash raised a brow. " What happened?"
" Saur."
Ash peeled over the cliff and did a double take. " WHAT?!"
Gary ran to him. " What happened?"
Ash turned to Gary, wide eyed. " That's.... That's your house."
" Well, this was sure unexpected." Professor Oak quipped as he brought the kids tea.
Ash nodded and stared at his. " Yeah. Unexpected."
He suddenly stood up stiffly. " Excuse me."
He walked away, Pikachu trailing behind.
Oak raised a brow. " What happened?"
Misty shook her head. " I.... Honestly don't know."
Bulbasaur turned from the Pokemon. " Bulba, saur Bulbasaur."
Togepi clapped. " Priiiiii!"
Misty looked at her Togepi. " Huh."
The Oaks looked at her. " What happened?" Oak asked
" Togepi didn't have any green on its body, did it?"
Brock shook his head. " No why?"
" Because.... Its shell has green on it. Where the red was, there's green!"
Gary's eyes widened. " Then I know exactly where Ash is."
Gary and the others jogged out of the observatory to find Ash collecting all his Pokemon. " Kingler, Snorlax, return."
He turned to Bulbasaur. " Bulbasaur, I have to go somewhere, understood? Listen to Misty."
And with that, he stood up, and ran.
Pikachu blinked and turned to Bulbasaur. " Pika?"
" Saur." It reassured
Pikachu nodded his head and took off after Ash.
Gary scratched his head. " Well, he's onto that. We should figure out a new place to introduce these guys. After all, we can't catch all of them and then keep them here! My room is gonna become another research lab."
Then he gasped. " The research lab!"
He ran inside, and the others followed.
Ash ran and ran and ran. He turned, scooped Pikachu, and ran again. " Pikachu, I have a feeling I know what happened back there. But first, we need to row."
Pikachu cocked his head. " Chu?"
Ash threw an inflatable raft into the water and grinned. " Don't tell Gary I stole it."
Pikachu rolled his eyes
" Now, help me inflate this thing. It's gonna take hours if-"
Pikachu took out a handheld pump and tossed it to ash. " Chu."
Ash looked at it. " Oh. Yeah. This works too."
Pikachu rolled his eyes. "pikachupi."
Ash shrugged. " How was I supposed to know?"
" So you're saying this happened because of a strong being?" Misty asked.
Gary nodded as he searched through some files. " Yeah. It's not Mew, but something way larger. Same size as that unbeatable Pokemon."
Misty choked. " Unbeatable pokemon.... Right....."
" Which Ash defeated." Brock muttered so low only Misty and Togepi could hear
" Toge toge togeprooiiiii! Priiii!"
Misty nodded. " It's right. We should check the maps to see the best place to take them."
Brock picked one up. " Okay. I'll scout out the area which was destroyed on the map and see how large it is and the resources there which they will need. Then we can determine where we can set them."
Misty nodded. " I'll help."
Gary sighed and turned. " I still don't know where Adh is going._
Misty raised a brow. " You said you did."
Gary nodded. " Yeah. I thought he was going to go into a cave and collect all the Pokemon to help. But Umbreon said he's paddling away with MY raft to another island."
The two exchanged a look. " Another island?" Misty whispered
Brock shushed her. " Softer!" He hissed.
" Sorry. But you don't think....."
" Yeah. He's going there. Thankfully this time he had Pikachu and his other Pokemon with him."
" Pikachu! Be on the lookout for whirlpools!" Ash ordered.
" Pika!"
Ash paddled and glanced at the evening sky. " Wow. It's beautiful."
" Pikaaaaa!" Pikachu agreed.
Suddenly, Pikachu's ears twitched. " Pika!" He exclaimed, confused.
Ash looked ahead.
Ash gulped. " Well, let's do this, Pikachu. Lean to the left."
" No, other left!"
" Right!"
" No, that right!"
" Left!"
" Pikachu, help me paddle!"
" No, not like that! Who taught you how to paddle, a sloth?"
" Pikachu, quit leaning over the side! You're gonna fall in!"
" Why did Mewtwo have to be so far away?"
" Hurry, Pikachu, it's gaining on us!"
" Pikachu..... RUUUUN!"
" I mean swim! Swim, Pikachu, swim!"
" You don't want to?!.... Fine. Hop on my head."
With a bit of bickering ( and a lot of glares) they made it to the islands beach. Ash crawled on, then collapsed.
The last thing he remembered before blacking out was seeing Pikachu.
" Pika Pika pi?"
" He will be alright, young pikachu."
Ash opened an eye, and saw a Pink pokemon, hovering above him
And a Pikachu on each side of his face.
He groaned softly. " Pikachu?"
The one on the right looked at him and exclaimed, " Pika pi!" Amd hugged his arm, while to other one blinked
Ash hugged the Pikachu at his arm, then look up. " Hi, Mewtwo."
" What are you doing here, Ash?"
" It's..... Complicated."
" Speak."
" Do you remember that Pokemon who disappeared a few weeks back?"
" Of course. I telecommunicated with you right away, and told you a portal had accidentally opened."
" I think the Pokemon escaped. Into my world."
Everyone gasped.
" How?"
" I think when it opened the Pokemon became curious because it saw a world that didn't look like this one."
" But that's impossible."
" Why?"
" Because the portal closed this afternoon."
Ash gasped. " This afternoon..... After the cave collapsed!"
" What cave?"
" Me and my friends were camping near a cave when there was an earthquake and everything became to come down. I had sensed something powerful, and thought of the Pokemon that escaped."
" But it is back in this dimension."
Ash scratched his head. " Then.... That would have to mean...."
He sighed. " This case is hard, even for Detective Ash."
Pikachu and the other Pokemon fell on their faces
Ash looked up. " What? I didn't say anything funny."
Pikachu sat up and slapped his head. " Chu....."
Mewtwo chuckled. " He thinks it's ridiculous that you're thinking about that."
" Hey! Pikachu!"
Pikachu sent his owner a cheeky grin.
Ash rolled his eyes. " Anyway..... Wait, which Pokemon is Missing?"
Mewtwo sighed. " Gyrados."
Ash's eyes widened. " Gyrados?!"
Gary threw another paper back onto the desk. " Nothing."
He turned to Misty, who was sitting upside down on the couch. " Did ya find anything?"
Misty shook her head
" I haven't found anything either." Brock said from the computer.
Oak sighed. " This is going to be difficult. What might be a good place to keep these Pokemon."
Misty sighed. " Only Ash would know that."
Oak suddenly stood up. " And Delia!"
And with that, he bolted out the door, his lab coat flailing wildly behind him. The other kids raised a brow but followed.
" What do you mean?" The red haired young women asked as she brought tea out for everyone.
Gary took some and looked at his friend's mother. " Grandpa is asking you if there's any other place in the Kanto region like the place we escaped from. The Pokemon need new homes, and Gramps thinks you know the best places."
" Where on the map is this place located?"
Gary pointed, and Delia nodded. " Yep! There's one riiiight..... here."
Gary let out a sigh. " Thanks."
Then he turned to his grandpa. " You heard her. Let's get moving."
Brock nodded. " Yeah, we should head out. But we should wait for Misty, she's having a..... moment."
" Where?" Oak asked.
Brock pointed upstairs. " Ash's room."
Misty sat cross-legged on the floor of Ash's room, surrounded by memories—posters of legendary Pokémon, old gym badges pinned to a corkboard, and a collection of Poké Balls lined up neatly on his desk. She held Ash's favorite hat, tracing the frayed brim with her thumb.
"Why didn't he say anything?" she muttered to herself, her voice breaking slightly. Togepi, sensing her emotions, climbed onto her lap and snuggled closer.
She looked down at the little Pokémon and managed a shaky smile. "He always runs off like this, doesn't he, Togepi? Never thinking about what he leaves behind."
Togepi cooed softly, offering what comfort it could. Misty took a deep breath and stood up, determination flickering in her eyes. She turned toward the door just as Brock poked his head in.
"Ready?" he asked gently.
Misty nodded, straightening her posture. "Yeah. Let's go."
The group quickly made their way to the front door, where Delia was saying goodbye to Professor Oak. She gave Misty a concerned look and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Take care of him, Misty," she whispered. "He always needs someone to watch over him, even if he doesn't realize it."
"I will," Misty promised, her voice firm. She let go and joined the others outside, where they set off towards the destination Delia had marked on their map.
Meanwhile, Ash sat cross-legged on the sandy beach of the island, staring into the distance. The waves lapped gently at the shore as the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting golden light across the water. Pikachu was curled up next to him, resting after the day's adventures.
"Why Gyarados?" Ash murmured, lost in thought. "Why would it come here, and why was that cave involved?"
He picked up a small stone and tossed it into the ocean, watching the ripples spread. Pikachu looked up, sensing his trainer's unease.
"Pika pi?" Pikachu asked softly.
Ash glanced down at his partner and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I just wish I knew what I was supposed to do next, buddy."
A rustling noise from the nearby jungle made Ash snap to attention. He jumped to his feet, hands already hovering over his Poké Balls, but relaxed when he saw Mewtwo emerge from the shadows, floating silently above the ground.
"You are troubled, Ash," Mewtwo said, its telepathic voice echoing in Ash's mind. "You came to this island for answers, but perhaps they are not the ones you seek."
Ash narrowed his eyes, feeling the familiar swell of determination rise inside him. "Then tell me, Mewtwo. Why did Gyarados come here? And why did the mountain collapse?"
Mewtwo paused, looking out over the ocean, its expression unreadable. "There are forces at play that are beyond your understanding, Ash Ketchum. Forces that seek balance and order. Gyarados was drawn here by the same power that pulled you to this island."
Ash felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you mean? What kind of power?"
"Something ancient and forgotten," Mewtwo answered cryptically. "It called to Gyarados, just as it called to you and your friends. This island was once a sanctuary, a place where Pokémon and humans coexisted in harmony. But time has passed, and the sanctuary's guardians are restless."
"Guardians?" Ash asked, frowning. "What guardians?"
Mewtwo's gaze was piercing. "You must find them if you wish to protect what you hold dear. The balance has been disrupted, and it is up to you to restore it."
Before Ash could ask more, Mewtwo vanished in a swirl of psychic energy, leaving him standing alone on the beach, feeling more confused than ever.
"Pikachu," Ash said, determination settling into his features, "we need to explore this island. If there's something here that can help, we have to find it. Come on!"
"Pika!" Pikachu agreed, leaping to his feet and following as Ash strode toward the dense jungle ahead.
Back in Pallet Town, Gary and the others arrived at the location Delia had pointed out on the map—a lush forest clearing with overgrown ruins scattered among the trees. It looked ancient, with moss-covered stones and faintly glowing symbols etched into the ground.
Professor Oak adjusted his sunglasses, peering at the markings. "Incredible... this looks like an ancient sanctuary, one that predates most known records."
Gary knelt down, brushing his fingers over the carvings. "Do you think this is what Ash was looking for? Something here must have drawn him to that island."
Misty looked uneasy. "I just hope he's okay. It feels like we're missing something big... something important."
Brock pulled out a flashlight as the sky darkened. "We need to look around and see if we can find any clues. If there's something about this place that links to Ash and that island, we'll find it."
As they split up to explore the ruins, Gary's eyes narrowed with determination. "Hang in there, Ash," he whispered. "We're going to figure this out, no matter what it takes."
Just as he stood up, a sudden gust of wind swept through the clearing, and Gary heard a faint, distant roar—like the cry of a powerful Pokémon echoing from far away.
His heart skipped a beat. "What was that...?" he muttered.
Misty froze, her eyes wide. "Did you hear that too?"
Brock nodded slowly, his face tense. "Yeah... and I have a feeling we're running out of time."
" Where is it, where is it...?" Ash muttered as he searched the ocean. " Pikachu, where' my hat?!"
" Pikachupi."
Ash groaned. " It's in my room?! How could I have forgotten it?"
" Pi!"
Ash sighed and looked at Pikachu. " Yeah, I guess."
Then he fished around in his jeans pocket and took out a picture. He looked at it and smiled.
It was a picture of ash and misty, hugging, with Psyduck, Pikachu, Togepi, Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur surrounded them.
He smiled faintly and pocketed it. " Come on, Pikachu. Let's make Misty proud."
" Char!"
Ash turned to find the duplicate of Charizard. " You want to help too?"
It nodded.
" Okay then." He said as he climbed on. " Fly, Charizard! Fly!"
Charizard let out a mighty roar and took to the skies, wings flapping powerfully as Ash held on tight, with Pikachu clinging to his shoulder. The ocean stretched out below them, sparkling in the sunlight as they soared higher.
"Let's go, Charizard! Faster!" Ash encouraged, his eyes filled with determination. Charizard roared in agreement, speeding up as they flew over waves and islands.
As they continued their journey, the wind whipped through Ash's hair. He took out the picture again, holding it in front of him. "Misty... I'm going to find that Pokémon, and I'm not stopping until I do," he said softly, determination burning in his eyes.
"Char!" Charizard growled in agreement, its eyes showing the same resolve.
Suddenly, Pikachu's ears twitched. "Pika, Pika!" it warned, pointing towards the horizon.
Ash narrowed his eyes and looked ahead. In the distance, he saw a dark, swirling storm hovering over an island. It didn't look natural—there was a strange energy surrounding it, almost like the storm was alive.
"That's it!" Ash said, feeling a shiver run down his spine. "That's where we need to go!"
With a burst of speed, Charizard banked towards the storm, flying directly into the darkness. As they approached, the wind grew stronger, and the waves below began to crash violently against the rocks.
"Hold steady, Charizard! We're almost there!" Ash shouted over the howling wind, gripping the saddle tighter.
Just as they entered the eye of the storm, Ash spotted something huge moving beneath the churning waters—a massive shadow that circled the island.
"That's it!" Ash gasped, pointing down. "That's the missing Pokémon!"
Charizard let out another roar, diving towards the island below as the shadow surfaced. A giant Gyarados, shimmering with a strange, almost ethereal light, burst out of the water, letting out a roar that echoed across the stormy sky.
Ash's heart pounded in his chest. "Gyarados! I knew it was you!"
The massive Pokémon stared at Ash, fury and confusion blazing in its eyes. It seemed agitated, as if it didn't belong in this world, as if something had brought it here against its will.
"Charizard, land!" Ash ordered.
Charizard swooped down, landing on the rocky shore as waves crashed around them. Ash jumped off and stepped forward, holding out his hands. Pikachu stayed perched on his shoulder, sparks dancing on its cheeks.
"Gyarados, I don't know how you got here, but I'm going to help you get back!" Ash shouted, determination echoing in his voice.
The Gyarados let out another roar, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It lunged at Ash, sending a blast of water straight towards him.
"Charizard, dodge it!" Ash called, and Charizard leapt to the side just in time, avoiding the massive wave.
Ash steadied himself, taking a deep breath. He had to calm it down, but how? This Gyarados was more powerful than any he had seen before.
"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded.
"Pika-chuuu!" Pikachu unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning, sending it straight to the Gyrados. It dodged, and countered with water gun
Ash's eyes widened in alarm. " Charizard, fly back and gather all your friends. We need them here."
Charizard let out a mighty roar and nodded, taking to the sky.
Ash turned and took a Pokeball out. " Calm down, Gyrados!" He yelled.
Gyrados splashed them.
Ash sighed. " Oh well. You asked for it. Chickerita, I choose you!"
The small Pokemon came out of its Poke Ball.
" Chickerita, use vine whip!"
" Chickerita!" The green Pokemon extended vines and tried to restrain the Pokemon, but Gyrados threw it to a cliff.
" Chickerita!" Ash yelled as he ran to his Pokemon's side. " Are you Okay?"
" Chickerita..."
Ash smiled as the weak Pokemon. " You did great."
He returned the Pokemon, and turned back. " Okay, that was rude. How about a water type like you? Totodile, let's go!"
Totodile jumped out and snapped its jaws
" Totodile, water gun!"
Totodile unleashed a powerful Water Gun, aiming straight at Gyarados. The torrent of water collided with Gyarados's chest, pushing it back slightly. Gyarados roared in response, thrashing its massive tail and causing waves to crash against the rocky shore.
"That's it, Totodile! Keep up the pressure!" Ash encouraged, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.
Totodile leapt forward, firing another Water Gun. This time, Gyarados retaliated with a massive Hyper Beam, the golden energy blast slicing through the air.
"Totodile, dodge it!" Ash yelled.
Totodile narrowly rolled out of the way, the beam hitting the cliff behind them and sending rocks tumbling down. Ash shielded his eyes from the debris, his determination only growing stronger.
"Okay, we've got to change tactics," Ash muttered. "Totodile, use Leer to lower its defenses!"
"Totodile!" The small Pokémon's eyes flashed menacingly, locking eyes with the giant Gyarados. Gyarados hesitated for a split second, just enough for Ash to think of his next move.
"Now's our chance! Use Bite!" Ash commanded.
Totodile darted forward, jaws snapping as it clamped down on Gyarados's tail. The Gyarados thrashed, shaking Totodile off, but the distraction was enough.
Just then, the sky split open with a fiery streak as Charizard returned, and Ash saw a familiar sight—Charizard wasn't alone. Flying in formation were his other Pokémon: Pidgeot, Noctowl, and Swellow, with Squirtle and Bulbasaur riding on Pidgeot's back.
"Perfect timing!" Ash called out. "Everyone, get ready! We need to work together to calm Gyarados down!"
Charizard roared, flames flickering at the corners of its mouth. It took the lead, hovering in front of Gyarados with a determined look.
"Pidgeot, use Quick Attack to distract it! Noctowl, Hypnosis! Swellow, Aerial Ace!" Ash commanded quickly, his voice clear and confident.
Pidgeot moved like a blur, dashing around Gyarados and drawing its attention with sharp, agile movements. Noctowl's eyes began to glow, sending waves of calming energy towards the furious Pokémon. Swellow swooped down from above, hitting Gyarados with a precise Aerial Ace, dodging a wild swipe of Gyarados's tail in the process.
Gyarados blinked, momentarily disoriented by the combined assault. Its roars softened, the strange glow in its eyes dimming.
"Now, Kingler, use Bubble Beam! Bulbasaur, use Leech Seed!" Ash ordered.
Kingler walked to Ash and streamed a mouthful of bubbles at Gyarados, while Bulbasaur fired a seed that wrapped around Gyarados, sapping its strength. The giant Pokémon started to slow down, the fight leaving its body as the Leech Seed did its work.
"Pikachu, now's your chance! Use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted, his voice filled with hope.
Pikachu's cheeks crackled with electricity, and it launched a powerful bolt of lightning. This time, the attack hit true, enveloping Gyarados in a flash of light. The massive Pokémon let out one last roar, not of anger but of exhaustion, before slumping down into the shallow water, defeated but calm.
Ash approached carefully, holding his hands up. "It's okay, Gyarados," he said gently. "I know you're confused, but we're going to help you."
Gyarados's gaze softened as it looked at Ash, its massive form relaxing as the storm around them finally began to dissipate, the dark clouds retreating to reveal a clear blue sky.
"We did it, Pikachu!" Ash said, grinning as Pikachu jumped into his arms, both of them celebrating their victory.
Charizard landed behind them with a triumphant roar, the other Pokémon gathering around Ash as he took out a special Poké Ball from his belt—a blue and white Dive Ball.
"Gyarados, I don't want to force you, but I think you might want to come with me. We'll get you back to your home... together," Ash said softly, holding out the Dive Ball.
Gyarados looked at Ash, then at the Dive Ball. After a tense moment, it nudged the ball with its nose, and with a flash of light, it was captured.
Ash held the ball in his hand, his eyes shining. "Welcome to the team, Gyarados," he said with a smile.
The storm had cleared, and the sea was calm once more. Ash's team gathered around him, and he took out the picture of Misty again, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"We did it," Ash said quietly, looking at the picture. "We made her proud."
Ash held the Dive Ball out to Mewtwo, offering it with a smile. "Here's Gyarados, just like I promised."
Mewtwo regarded the ball with his piercing eyes, his expression thoughtful. The legendary Pokémon's psychic aura pulsed faintly, and he reached out telepathically, his voice echoing in Ash's mind. "You have done well, Ash. But I sense something different."
Ash looked puzzled, holding the Dive Ball a little closer. "What do you mean?"
Mewtwo's gaze softened slightly, and he nodded towards the ball. "This Gyarados... I believe it has bonded with you. Its spirit feels at peace in your presence, and it has chosen you as its trainer."
Ash's eyes widened in surprise. "What? You really think so?"
Mewtwo gave a slow, solemn nod. "Gyarados feels safer with you than it would here. It respects your courage and determination." His gaze became more intense as he added, "Ash, you have a gift—one that not only makes Pokémon trust you but makes them want to follow you. Gyarados would be happier staying by your side."
Ash looked down at the Dive Ball, feeling a surge of emotion. Memories of the battle, of calming the furious Gyarados, and of the bond they'd formed in that stormy struggle all came rushing back. He knew Mewtwo was right.
Ash smiled and nodded firmly. "Alright, Mewtwo. If Gyarados wants to stay with me, then I'll do my best to be the trainer it deserves."
He held the Dive Ball close to his chest. "Gyarados, welcome to the team—for real this time," he said softly, feeling the weight of responsibility settle over him.
Mewtwo watched Ash with a knowing look, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "You are destined for great things, Ash Ketchum. Take care of Gyarados, and continue to grow. Your journey is far from over."
Ash gave Mewtwo a determined nod. "I will, Mewtwo. I won't let you down."
Pikachu leapt onto Ash's shoulder, cheering happily, while Charizard and the rest of his team gathered around, eager to continue their adventures. With Gyarados now truly part of the family, Ash felt a renewed sense of purpose.
"Come on, Pikachu! We've got more adventures ahead of us!" Ash said, his trademark grin spreading across his face as he raised his fist to the sky.
"Pi-ka-chu!" Pikachu agreed with a bright spark, and pumped his fists in the air.
" First, though, I shall return you to your own dimension. Take care, Ash Ketchum. May our paths cross again."
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