Road Trip
T- We have to save them!
A- we will! I know we'd be back in the sewers so I had professor Oak send me my secret weapon
A- gooo
Anyway lol that was just so funny
Someone is angry lol
And Tracy didn't even realize lol
" Are you sure this is a good idea?* Ash whispered from the table as he watched Tracy take a turn on the intersection.
" What choice do we have?* Misty replied. " We're too young to drive, Brock is busy cooking. The only one left is Tracy!"
" Yeah but I wish he would let us drive for a change."
On cue, Tracy stood up from the driving seat
" Ash, Misty, you drive.* He said casually as he went to his bed to rest
Ash raised a brow but walked over, Misty by his side. " That was weird."
" He has been up the whole night, and we did tell him we would take over if he got tired...." Misty sighed.
" I call driver seat!" Ash exclaimed as he slid into it.
" Hey! No fair!" Misty argued. " I want to!"
" How about you both?" Brock suggested from the kitchen.
Ash sighed. " Driving a camper does sound like a lot of work..... Okay, misty. Sit next to me."
Misty squeeled as she hopped on. " This is gonna be great!"
Suddenly the trailer started to beep.
" What happened?" Misty asked.
Ash didn't take his eyes off the road, though they were stuck in a traffic jam. " Brock?! Did you leave the fridge open?"
" No!" Brock yelled. " You need to buckle up!"
" Oh." Ash gave misty the belt, and she put it in. The beeping stopped.
" Where do we go, misty?" Ash asked as he rolled the trailer forward.
Misty studied it. " Uh.... We need to turn here."
" Here?" Ash raised a brow. " But this is the road!"
" That's not what the map says." Misty said as she gave him the map to study.
Ash nodded. " Yeah, and the map's never wrong. Okay, Misty, help me."
Misty nodded, and took the wheel. Together, they turned off the road and into the grass.
It became rather bumpy.
" What's going on there?" Brock called.
" Nothing!" Ash yelled. " We're fine!*
Misty looked at the map. " Go up this hill."
Ash has to lean forward to see the top. " That looks like a mountain."
Misty handed him the map. Ash glanced it over.
" Eh. If the map says it it means we follow." Ash hit the gas as they started to slowly roll up, their luggage sliding to the back.
" What is going on there?!" Brock criss as he grabbed onto the counter. " Everything is slipping back!"
" The map says so!" Misty called.
Brock groaned as he climbed his way to the seat, and snatched the map.
" No it doesn't!" Brock pointed out. " You had to go AROUND it."
" Oh..." Misty said
Suddenly Ash let out a gasp. " Uh... Misty?"
" What?"
Ash was leaning forward. " Look down."
Misty leaned forward, and gasped.
" What the...."
Suddenly, they began to roll forward, and took off.
" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Brock yelled as he lost his grip and went staggering back.
As the camper sped down the steep hill, Ash gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white. "I can't stop it!" he shouted, panic creeping into his voice.
Misty, her eyes wide, frantically searched the dashboard. "Ash! Hit the brakes!"
"I’m trying!" Ash slammed his foot down, but nothing happened. "They're not working!"
The camper hurtled faster down the hill, bouncing and rattling over the uneven ground. Inside, everything not bolted down was sliding and crashing toward the back. Pots and pans clanged in the kitchen, and Brock’s voice could be heard from somewhere near the rear, yelling, “My food! My stew is everywhere!”
"Hang on!" Ash shouted, gripping the wheel with both hands, trying to keep the camper from veering off course.
Misty reached for the emergency brake. "Maybe this will work!" She yanked it hard, but the camper continued its uncontrolled descent. "Nope! That didn’t do anything!"
As the camper sped towards a rocky outcrop, Misty pointed ahead. "We’re heading straight for that boulder!"
"Hold on!" Ash yelled, swerving to avoid it just in time. The camper tilted precariously onto two wheels before slamming back down with a heavy thud. Everyone inside lurched forward, but the vehicle kept moving.
From the back, Brock’s voice was faint but exasperated. “Is it too late to call Tracy back?!”
Ash gritted his teeth, his eyes darting around for an escape route. "We’ve gotta find somewhere to stop before we hit something!"
Misty scanned the landscape. "There! There's a lake up ahead!" She pointed out the windshield.
Ash's face paled. "A lake?! Misty, I can’t swim!"
"Better the lake than smashing into rocks!" Misty shot back. "Just steer us toward the shore. We'll slow down in the water!"
With no other options, Ash turned the wheel sharply, guiding the runaway camper toward the lake. The vehicle skidded over the grass and hit the water with a massive splash, sending a spray of water in every direction.
For a moment, everything was still. The camper bobbed gently in the shallows, half-submerged but finally stopped.
Ash exhaled in relief, leaning back in his seat. "That was close."
Misty, soaked but grinning, turned to him. "We survived!"
From the back, a dripping-wet Brock staggered forward, covered in what remained of his stew. "I can’t believe it," he muttered. "You drove us into a lake."
Ash shrugged sheepishly. "Well... at least we didn’t hit the boulder."
Brock glared at them, hands on his hips. "Next time, I drive."
" I thought you said you would drive." Ash pointed out as he looked in the mirror.
" I would.... But these Pokemon need help." Brock replied. " Nurse Joy told us to deliver them to the town two towns over."
Misty nodded. " Okay."
Then she turned to Ash. " Should we put it on your phones this time?
Ash shook his head. " We can't."
" Why?"
" No signal."
Misty groaned.
" Hey, don't worry!" Ash reassured. " You're better now!*
" Just to be Sure, you look at the map and I steer."
Ash nodded. " Good call."
They switched places as Ash read the map. " Go straight."
Misty nodded, backed out of their parking spot, and lurches forward.
" Right."
" Now?*
" Yeah."
Misty shrugged. " Okay."
She turned, banging the fence down and rolling through the dense woods.
" When you see a river, turn right."
" Okay.... When you see three large mountains, take the one with the whole on the middle."
Misty shrugged. " Okay. Whatever you say."
She drove through the mountain.... And the trailer began to fall. Anything that wasn't bolted down shot up
As the trailer continued its freefall through the hole in the mountain, Ash's eyes widened in shock. "Misty! What did you just do?!"
Misty gripped the wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white. "I-I just followed your directions!" she yelled over the wind rushing past them as the camper plummeted.
Ash looked at the map again, realizing his mistake. "Wait... I think I might've read it wrong!"
"YOU THINK?!" Brock shouted from the back, clinging to the counter as everything not bolted down crashed around him. "We're falling off a mountain!"
Misty glanced nervously at Ash. "Now what?!"
Ash frantically scanned the surroundings. "Okay, okay, don’t panic! Maybe there’s a way out!"
"I’M PANICKING!" Brock screamed, barely managing to hold onto his now-ruined stew.
Ash leaned forward, squinting as the bottom of the hole came into view. There was a thick forest below. "Misty! Aim for those trees!"
"Are you crazy?!" she yelled back. "We’re in a camper!"
"Trust me! The branches will slow us down!"
Misty groaned but turned the wheel, steering them towards the dense patch of trees below. The camper slammed into the first few branches, the impact jolting everyone inside, but it did start to slow down.
Branches snapped and leaves flew everywhere as the camper made its descent through the forest canopy, but soon enough, the vehicle’s speed started to decrease. With one final crash, the camper hit the ground, lurching to a halt in a thick patch of bushes.
Silence fell inside the camper for a moment.
Brock, still clinging to the counter, let out a groan. "I swear, if one more thing goes wrong today..."
Misty slumped back in her seat, panting from the adrenaline. "Is... everyone okay?"
Ash checked himself, then nodded. "Yeah, I think so. That was... kinda awesome!"
"Awesome?" Misty gave him a deadpan look. "We just fell off a mountain!"
Brock staggered to his feet, brushing off leaves. "I can't believe we survived that. I’m never letting either of you near the driver's seat again."
Ash grinned sheepishly. "Hey, at least we didn’t crash into the lake again."
Misty raised an eyebrow. "Don’t jinx it."
Just then, there was a knock on the door. All three of them froze.
"Who's that?" Ash whispered, exchanging glances with Misty and Brock.
Brock hesitated before moving towards the door. He opened it cautiously, revealing a very confused Officer Jenny standing outside, her hands on her hips. "Care to explain why your camper just fell out of the sky?"
Brock opened his mouth, ready to compliment Officer Jenny, but before he could get a word out, Ash stepped forward with a confident grin. "Don’t worry, Brock. I got this."
He turned to Officer Jenny and, without missing a beat, started spinning an elaborate tale. "You see, Officer Jenny, we’re actually Pokémon gods in disguise. This camper? It’s our, uh... divine vessel! Yeah, we use it to blend in with regular folks while we travel the world, overseeing Pokémon battles and keeping the balance between trainers and Pokémon."
Misty blinked. "What...?"
Brock slapped a hand to his forehead, muttering, "Oh no, here we go..."
Officer Jenny raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Pokémon gods, huh? And you just happened to fall out of the sky because...?"
Ash waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, you know, divine intervention! We were testing a new, uh, ‘fall-from-the-sky’ method of traveling. It’s all part of keeping up appearances, you know?"
Before Officer Jenny could reply, another Officer Jenny walked up, looking equally puzzled. "Ash? What are you doing here?"
Ash nervously scratched the back of his head. "Haha, funny story, actually... We, uh, kinda got lost trying to find our way to the next town."
The second Officer Jenny crossed her arms. "By falling out of a mountain?"
Misty nudged Ash, whispering, "We’re so busted."
Brock sighed, shaking his head. "Ash, you couldn’t have just said we got lost?"
Ash shrugged with a sheepish grin. "Well, I thought the Pokémon gods thing sounded cool..."
The first Officer Jenny sighed, rubbing her temples. "Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You're clearly not Pokémon gods, and you're lucky you didn't hurt anyone falling from that mountain. I’m going to have to write this up as reckless driving."
The second Officer Jenny chimed in, "And you’re going to have to explain why your camper was off-road and in the middle of nowhere."
Ash gulped. "Uh... Misty?"
Misty threw her hands up. "Don’t look at me! You're the one who started with the gods story!"
Brock crossed his arms. "I’ll handle this." He turned to Officer Jenny with a serious expression. "We got lost. That’s all. We took a wrong turn and somehow ended up... falling off a mountain."
The first Officer Jenny sighed, but the second one smirked slightly. "That makes more sense than Pokémon gods, at least."
Ash grinned sheepishly. "Hey, you gotta admit, it was worth a shot."
" Remember, if you see our sisters or cousins, tell them their cousin in Vermont and Pewter city let you off with a warning." The first Jenny said.
Ash grinned. " Thanks!*
" And read the manual we gave you!" The second one advised.
Misty nodded. " Already done!*
The Jenny's saluted. " Have a great trip!"
Ash nodded. " Thanks!"
As they rolled out of the forest, Misty glanced at the map. " Brock, could you read the map?"
" I'd love to- really, I would- but there are sick pokemon Joy told me to care for before delivering them to the text town."
Ash sighed slightly. " It's fine. Misty's better at reading maps than I am."
" Okay, Ash. You need to.... Hmm...." She traced a line in the map with her finger, then one in the book. " Turn right here."
.Ash obeyed.
" Now turn left here."
He did.
" Now go forward."
" You sure?* Ash asked nervously.
Misty nodded, never taking her eyes off the map. " Yep!"
" If you're sure..." Ash shifted gears, and soon Misty's hair was handing upside down.
" What now?* Brock groaned.
Misty gasped. " Ash!*
" What? You told me to go forward!*
" Yeah but I didn't mean for you to speed off a cliff and try to climb it! Where is the rope, even?*
Ash pointed up. " I deployed it on a rock which is sturdy. I think."
" Pika pi!"
Brock groaned, gripping the counter to steady himself as the camper dangled precariously from the cliff, its back wheels hanging in mid-air. "Ash, we are literally hanging by a thread here! What were you thinking?"
Ash gripped the steering wheel tighter, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "I didn’t think we’d end up here! Misty said to go forward!"
Misty, who was frantically flipping through the map, shouted, "I didn’t mean forward off the cliff! We were supposed to take a detour, not turn the camper into a mountain climber!"
Ash glanced nervously at the rope that was holding them. "Well, this is a sturdy rope, right? Right?"
"Pika pi!" Pikachu was clinging to the dashboard, his ears twitching with nervous energy.
Brock, still trying to keep himself steady, looked back at the Pokémon in the camper. "We can’t keep hanging here much longer. The Pokémon are getting restless!"
Misty glared at Ash. "I can’t believe this. You’re the driver! You’re supposed to be paying attention!"
Ash winced. "I was paying attention... just... not to the cliff."
Suddenly, the camper lurched as the rope tightened even more. Misty yelped, grabbing onto the seat. "What do we do now?"
Brock, always the level-headed one, thought quickly. "Okay, Misty, get ready to grab onto something! Ash, gently reverse the wheels. We need to get some traction and slowly pull ourselves back onto solid ground."
Ash nodded, though his face was pale. "Okay... okay, I can do this."
With trembling hands, he shifted the camper into reverse, praying the wheels would catch onto something. The vehicle groaned as it started to back up, inching slowly toward safety.
"Careful, Ash," Misty warned, holding her breath.
"Pika-chu," Pikachu said softly, equally nervous.
Brock peeked out the side window. "You’re doing it! Just a little more, Ash."
Ash gritted his teeth, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. The camper groaned louder, but the wheels finally found solid ground. With a jerk, the vehicle rolled back onto the cliff, safe from the drop.
Everyone sighed in relief as the tension eased. Misty punched Ash’s arm lightly. "Next time, double-check before going off-road!"
Ash laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah... lesson learned."
Brock chuckled. "You better hope Officer Jenny’s cousins don’t see us like this, or they might not let us off with just a warning next time."
Misty shook her head, rolling her eyes. "You think?"
Suddenly, Nurse Joy came running to Bro ck and the others. " You must be those kids who are delivering the Pokemon!" She exclaimed.
Ash nodded. " That's us. Brock, go get them!"
As Brock handed the Pokémon over to Nurse Joy, he smiled widely. "Nurse Joy, your beauty is like a blossoming flower in the spring, lighting up even the dullest of days!"
Misty and Ash groaned in unison, rolling their eyes. Misty whispered to Ash, "Does he ever stop?"
Ash shook his head. "Nope. It's like a reflex."
Nurse Joy, ever polite, smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Brock. I'll take great care of these Pokémon."
As Joy walked away with the Pokémon, Ash sat down on a nearby bench, flipping open the manual that Officer Jenny’s cousins had given them. He squinted at the page. "Misty, come look at this. What does 'comprehensively verbose articulation is recommended for optimal communication' mean?"
Misty leaned over, peering at the text. "I dunno. Sounds complicated. Why are you reading that, anyway?"
Ash sighed in frustration. "Because Officer Jenny told us to read it! But this language is so confusing. Why can’t they just say things plainly?"
Misty shrugged. "Maybe it’s about sounding professional or something."
Ash flipped the page, muttering to himself. "Who even talks like this?"
Then he saw an Officer Jenny nearby, patrolling the Pokémon Center. An idea formed in his mind, and he stood up, clutching the manual. "You know what? I’m gonna try it."
Misty looked up, alarmed. "Try what?"
"Using sophisticated language!" Ash said confidently, walking towards Officer Jenny.
Misty groaned, covering her face with her hands. "This is gonna be embarrassing."
Ash cleared his throat as he approached Jenny. "Ah, Officer Jenny! Might I inquire as to the potentiality of any pertinent regulations that we, as temporary custodians of a motorized recreational vehicle, should duly acknowledge and observe while traversing these local thoroughfares?"
Officer Jenny blinked, confused. "Uh... what?"
Ash fumbled with the manual, trying to keep up the act. "I, um... meant to say... what are the traffic rules around here?"
Misty was sitting on the bench, facepalming. "Oh no..."
Officer Jenny, with a bemused smile, replied, "Just make sure to follow the speed limits, don't park in restricted areas, and you'll be fine."
Ash, with a relieved grin, nodded. "Thanks, Officer Jenny!"
As he walked back to Misty, she raised an eyebrow. "Well, that went... great."
Ash laughed nervously. "Maybe sophisticated language isn’t for me."
Pikachu snickered on Ash's shoulder, and Misty patted him on the back. "Stick to being yourself, Ash. It’s a lot less confusing."
Misty glared back at Tracy, who was still sleeping. " I don't know how he sleeps."
Ash fumbled through the book, one hand on the wheel. " Uh..... There's nothing here in how to get yourself off a skinny ledge in the middle of a cliff!*
Brock was struggling to stay on his feet, his body tipping each time the camper did. " Woah.... Woah.... Woah!*
" This looks like a 2-9-76."
" A what?!" Misty asked quizzingly.
Ash shrugged. " I don't know. Ask Brock."
" How should I know?!"
" You're the older one."
" Yeah, but I'm only fifteen!"
" And we're only ten, Brock. We don't know what this means!* Misty pointed out.
" How should I know? I'm a pokemon doctor and your personal doctor, not a police officer!"
Ash suddenly giggled and looked away
" What?* Misty asked as she turned to Ash.
" Nothing." He said between giggles. " I was just thinking of Brock... In officer Jenny uniform!" The skirt, heels, the top... Oh, it's hilarious!"
Brock's eyes widened in disbelief as he steadied himself. "Uh… can we please focus on the fact that we’re stuck on a ledge. On a cliff?!"
Ash was still laughing, wiping a tear from his eye. "And... we popped a tire."
"WHAT?!" Brock shouted, his voice echoing off the cliffside.
Misty gasped, gripping the seat. "How are we supposed to fix a tire when we're hanging off a cliff?!"
Ash glanced at the dashboard, the laughter quickly fading. "Yeah... that's a problem."
Brock groaned, holding his head. "This is bad. Really, really bad."
Misty fumbled for her Poké Balls. "Maybe we can use our Pokémon to help stabilize the camper or something?"
"Good idea!" Ash agreed, reaching for his Poké Balls. "Bulbasaur, I choose you!"
Bulbasaur appeared with a determined look. "Bulba!"
"Use your vines to help hold us steady, okay?" Ash instructed.
Bulbasaur nodded, shooting out its vines to latch onto the cliffside and the camper.
Misty followed suit. "Staryu, come out! Use your Water Gun to keep us from sliding!"
Staryu appeared, shooting streams of water to push against the camper, stabilizing it for the moment.
Brock finally took a deep breath. "Okay, we're holding for now, but we still have to fix that tire."
Ash turned to Pikachu. "Pikachu, can you see if you can spot the spare tire under the camper?"
"Pika!" Pikachu jumped out of the camper, carefully scurrying to the side of the ledge, looking underneath.
Pikachu quickly returned, shaking its head. "Pika pi!"
Ash frowned. "No spare tire?!"
Misty groaned, her frustration growing. "This is a disaster!"
Brock looked up at the sky. "Maybe... we should call Officer Jenny?"
Ash sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, maybe we need her help after all."
But there was no Internet.
" Oh dear." Misty mumbled as she reaches her phone to the sky. " Nothing!*
Ash wobbled underneath her. " Could you get off my shoulders? Back is okay.*
" Oops! Sorry!* Misty slid off his shoulders and jumped on his back, and Ash put his hands through her legs, like a bag.
" Well, this is a disaster." Brock said from inside. " Even Tracy's phone won't work!"
Ash sighed, still balancing Misty on his back. "Great, no signal, no spare tire, and we're stuck on the side of a cliff. Could this get any worse?"
Misty groaned. "Don't say that, Ash! You'll jinx us!"
Brock shook his head. "We need a plan, and fast. If we stay here too long, we might slip even further."
Ash glanced back at the camper. "Bulbasaur and Staryu are doing their best, but we can’t rely on them forever."
"Maybe we can hike to the nearest town for help?" Misty suggested, scanning the horizon for any sign of civilization.
"Leave the camper here? No way! What if it rolls down the cliff while we're gone?" Brock countered.
Ash looked around, desperate for ideas. "Pikachu, think you can scout ahead? Maybe there's a signal or something further up the cliff?"
"Pika!" Pikachu nodded and leapt off, climbing the rocky edge toward higher ground.
As they waited, Misty crossed her arms. "I still can’t believe we didn’t pack a spare tire. Who forgets something that important?!"
Brock sighed, scratching his head. "We were in such a rush to deliver these Pokémon, I didn’t even think about it."
Suddenly, Pikachu returned, pointing towards the road above.
"Pika, Pika!" it cried, excitedly.
"What's up there, buddy?" Ash asked, trying to peer in the direction Pikachu was pointing.
"Pika!" Pikachu gestured more urgently, and Ash's face lit up.
"A road! There’s another road up there!"
Misty perked up. "That’s great, but how are we going to get the camper up there?"
Brock groaned, rubbing his temples. "We’ll have to figure that out later. First, let’s just see if we can find help or at least get a signal."
With renewed hope, Ash, Misty, and Brock grabbed their essentials and began carefully climbing up the cliff, following Pikachu's lead.
Suddenly, the cliff began to crumble, and Ash's eyes widened in panic. "Oh no! The Pokémon!" he shouted, watching in horror as the camper started to tilt dangerously toward the edge.
Without thinking, Ash sprinted toward the camper, launching himself onto the side. "I've got to get in!" He scrambled up just in time, throwing himself through the open door as the camper began tumbling down the cliff. Pikachu followed, jumping on Ash's back.
Misty and Brock watched in shock from above, helpless as the camper rolled down, bouncing off rocks and trees. "ASH!" Misty screamed.
Inside the camper, Ash was tossed around, but he managed to grab hold of the counter, his body slamming against the cabinets. He winced in pain but kept his focus on the Pokémon. The crates holding the sick Pokémon slid across the floor, but Ash held tight to keep them from crashing.
"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt to slow us down!" Ash shouted, gripping the nearest handle.
"Pika...CHU!" Pikachu let out a powerful Thunderbolt, striking the ground outside, trying to create enough force to slow their fall. Sparks flew, but the camper kept tumbling.
Brock and Misty ran along the edge, struggling to keep up. "We need to find a way down!" Brock yelled.
Finally, the camper slammed into a thick patch of bushes at the bottom of the cliff, coming to a rough stop. The inside of the camper was a mess, and Ash lay sprawled on the floor, groaning from the impact.
But he was alive.
"Pika...chuu..." Pikachu weakly crawled over to him, nuzzling his arm.
Ash coughed, sitting up and rubbing his head. "We... we made it, buddy. We saved the Pokémon."
From the top of the cliff, Misty and Brock finally reached the edge and saw the camper below, stopped and still. "Ash! Are you okay?!" Misty yelled, her voice echoing down.
Ash gave a shaky thumbs-up. "Yeah... I'm okay! Just a little... dizzy."
Brock peered over the edge, eyes wide with concern. "Is Tracy okay?" he shouted down, anxiously scanning the wreckage for any sign of their friend.
"Yeah!" Ash replied, trying to push himself up but wincing as pain shot through his leg. "He's unharmed! Just... a little knocked out."
"Hold on! I'm coming down!" Brock yelled, ready to make his descent.
Ash waved him off, struggling to stand. "It’s fine! Really! Just—OW! I’m fine! OW! OWOWOWIWOWOW!" He grimaced, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his ankle.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu rushed over, trying to help Ash up with its tiny paws.
Misty, still at the top, called out, "Are you sure you’re okay, Ash? Maybe you should just sit down!"
"I can’t just sit here!" Ash retorted, gritting his teeth. "We have to check on the Pokémon!"
As he finally managed to stand, he leaned heavily against the camper, breathing heavily to ease the pain. "We have to make sure they're alright, Brock! We can’t leave them here."
Brock, looking concerned, decided to climb down cautiously. "Alright, I’m coming down, but take it easy! We need to get those Pokémon out safely."
Once Brock reached the bottom, he quickly assessed the situation. "How are the Pokémon?"
Ash pushed the door open, revealing the crates filled with the Pokémon inside, a mix of injured and frightened faces looking back at them. "They look scared, but they seem fine... I think."
Misty carefully made her way down next, her eyes darting to the Pokémon. "Let’s get them out and see what we can do!"
Together, they worked to open the crates, one by one. "Pikachu, can you help with any healing moves?" Ash asked, glancing at his companion.
"Pika!" Pikachu nodded, ready to assist.
As they freed the Pokémon, Ash glanced at Brock. "You think Nurse Joy can help us out here?"
"She definitely can," Brock replied, checking on the first Pokémon. "We just have to get them back to the nearest town."
Ash took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in his leg. "Alright, let’s do this! We’ve got Pokémon to save!"
" What happened?* Joy asked as she looked at all the Pokemon in the small room.
Ash groaned in pain as he pushed off the wall. " They were involved in a car going down a cliff."
" Are they okay?* Joy asked. " Is there anyone else?*.
Ash shook his head. " No, I don't think so.*
Then he caught sight of the scenery outside. " Hold on. I'm going to check it out. Come on, Pikachu!*
Ash hobbled off, Pikachu beside him.
" Is he okay?* Joy asked as she observed.
Brock shook his head. " No. He was the one who saved the Pokemon in that fall. He's the one who got injured. But he cares about the Pokemon. Never himself."
Misty smiled as she glanced out the window. " It's both sweet and concerning."
"Hold on...!" Ash exclaimed, suddenly racing back into the room. "Oh no!" He dashed outside, his heart pounding as he hobbled toward the cliff’s edge. "Pikachu, stay here!" he shouted.
He quickly grabbed the rope he had used to climb down earlier and tied it securely around his waist. With determination, he began to slide down, carefully maneuvering his way down the steep incline. "Bulbasaur, where are you?" he called out, his voice echoing in the surrounding silence.
As he dug through the rubble, he felt a mix of anxiety and urgency. "Bulbasaur?!"
Then he heard it—a faint, weak "Bulba!"
Ash’s heart leaped. "I’m coming!" He pushed aside fallen branches and debris, digging deeper until he finally spotted a green shape curled up beneath a pile of rocks.
"There you are!" Ash breathed, rushing over and gently brushing the debris away. "Bulbasaur, are you okay?"
Bulbasaur looked up at him with tired eyes, a small, relieved smile forming on its face. "Bulba..." It seemed weak but alive.
"I've got you," Ash whispered, scooping Bulbasaur up in his arms. "Let’s get you out of here!"
As he carefully began to make his way back up the cliff, he shouted back to Pikachu, who was anxiously waiting at the top. "Pikachu, get Nurse Joy! We need help down here!"
"Pika!" Pikachu responded, darting off to find Joy.
With every step, Ash felt the weight of Bulbasaur in his arms, but he pressed on, determined to get his friend back to safety. Once he reached the top, he collapsed to his knees, cradling Bulbasaur close.
Nurse Joy rushed over, her eyes wide with concern. "What happened?"
"I found Bulbasaur under some rocks," Ash panted, breathing heavily. "He needs help fast!"
Brock quickly joined them, kneeling beside Ash and inspecting Bulbasaur. "He looks injured. We need to get him inside and treat him right away."
Misty, still watching from the window, nodded in agreement. "I'll help you carry him!"
They carefully lifted Bulbasaur, moving as gently as possible, and brought him inside the room. Nurse Joy quickly got to work, preparing her medical equipment.
"Thank you, Ash," Brock said, observing the concern etched on his friend's face. "You really care about your Pokémon."
Ash nodded, his gaze fixed on Bulbasaur. "Of course I do. They’re my friends. I’d do anything for them."
As Nurse Joy tended to Bulbasaur, Ash felt a wave of relief wash over him. "He’s going to be okay, right?"
Nurse Joy looked up, a reassuring smile on her face. "With some rest and care, he will be just fine."
"Good," Ash sighed, feeling the tension ease in his shoulders. "Now we just have to figure out what to do next."
"I know what to do next," Brock said as he nudged Ash's foot gently.
Ash winced. "What, Brock?"
Brock gestured to Ash's foot, which was still throbbing from the earlier fall. "You need to get that checked out."
"Nuh-uh! No way!" Ash protested, shaking his head vigorously.
But just then, Charmander opened one eye and sat up, giving Ash a concerned look. Squirtle, still feeling groggy, followed suit, glancing up at Ash with worry in its big eyes. Bulbasaur, freshly treated by Nurse Joy, gave a gentle "Bulba!" of agreement, while Pikachu hopped closer, crossing its tiny arms and looking sternly at Ash.
Ash sighed, realizing he was outnumbered. "Guys, I’m fine! It’s just a little—"
But Misty interjected, raising an eyebrow. "Just a little what? Because it looked like you were in a lot of pain earlier."
Brock nodded, pressing the point. "If you don’t take care of yourself, how are you going to help us and the Pokémon?"
Ash hesitated, glancing at his Pokémon. Their worried expressions made it hard for him to brush off the pain. "Okay, okay! But only if Nurse Joy says it’s really bad."
Nurse Joy, overhearing, walked over with a gentle smile. "Well, Ash, let’s take a look at your foot just to be safe. It’s always better to be cautious."
Ash groaned but nodded reluctantly. "Fine, but can you make it quick?"
Nurse Joy guided him to a nearby examination area. Brock and Misty followed, along with Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle, who were all watching closely.
As Nurse Joy inspected Ash's foot, she frowned slightly. "You might have a sprain. I recommend some rest and ice, but it’s not serious."
"See?" Ash said, a bit of relief washing over him. "I told you it wasn’t that bad."
Brock crossed his arms, smirking. "And you thought you could get away without checking it. You need to listen to your Pokémon, Ash."
"Yeah, yeah," Ash replied, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I get it. I’ll try to be more careful next time."
Just then, Bulbasaur let out a cheerful "Bulba!" as if to say everything would be alright. Pikachu added a reassuring "Pika!" and Charmander and Squirtle nodded, rallying around their trainer.
With his foot being treated and his friends at his side, Ash felt a renewed sense of determination. "Okay, team! Once we’re done here, let’s get back on the road and deliver those Pokémon!"
Then Tracy rubbed his eyes as he entered the room and said, “Hi gu—... What happened?”
Misty crossed her arms, looking at him skeptically. “Tracy, are you a light or deep sleeper?”
Tracy yawned, scratching his head. “Deep.”
“Figures,” Ash muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tracy asked, raising an eyebrow at Ash.
“It means you missed all the excitement while we were tumbling down a cliff!” Ash shot back, trying to suppress a grin. “You were sleeping through all the chaos!”
Tracy blinked, finally taking in the scene. “Wait, you guys went down a cliff? And I missed it?!”
Misty nodded, smirking. “Yep! You could have been our secret weapon if you had been awake!”
“Yeah, instead we had to deal with all the Pokémon and a popped tire without you,” Brock added, shaking his head. “What kind of Pokémon watcher sleeps through an adventure?”
“Apparently, the kind who needs a serious alarm clock,” Ash teased, nudging Tracy playfully.
Tracy chuckled, finally starting to wake up. “Alright, alright! I’ll set an alarm for next time. So, what’s the plan now?”
“We need to deliver these Pokémon and fix the tire,” Misty said, glancing back at Nurse Joy, who was finishing up with Ash.
“Right! I’ll help however I can,” Tracy replied, now fully alert. “But first, do you guys have any snacks? I’m starving!”
Pikachu perked up at the mention of food, and Ash couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course you are! Let’s find something before we get back to business.”
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