Putting the Air in Aerodactyl
Ash sighed as he took his hat off to scratch his head. " This is bad. It's not calming down!"
" Tell me about it!" Gary agreed.
Ash looked at his sister. " Wist, could you calm it down?"
Wisty was studying a Poke ball. " I have a better idea."
She threw her Pokeball, shouting, " Let's go, Jigglypuff!"
Ash, Gary, Oak, and Tracy yelped in horror. " When did you get that?!" Ash shouted as he backed away.
Wisty spun the Poke Ball on her finger. " I got it. Somewhere."
She turned to Jigglypuff. " Okay, the stage is yours. I need you to make that Aerodactyl fall asleep."
Jigglypuff blinked its big eyes, puffing up with pride as it hopped forward, marker in hand, ready for its moment to shine. Wisty grinned, clearly confident in her strategy.
Ash, Gary, Oak, and Tracey, on the other hand, shared a collective groan of apprehension.
"Wisty," Ash said, still backing away cautiously, "you do realize what happens when Jigglypuff sings, right?"
Wisty shot her brother a mischievous look. "Relax, Ash. I've got this under control."
Gary shook his head. "I've seen what that Jigglypuff does to people. Are you sure this is the best plan?"
But before anyone could stop her, Wisty turned to Jigglypuff with a nod. "Alright, Jigglypuff! Time to sing!"
The Aerodactyl, still rampaging through the skies above, let out another screech as it circled the area, its sharp talons glinting in the light. Jigglypuff inhaled deeply, puffing up even more than usual before opening its mouth and launching into its signature lullaby.
The melody floated through the air, soft and soothing, as Jigglypuff's song washed over the chaotic scene. Almost immediately, the massive Aerodactyl's movements began to slow, its screeches turning into drowsy, confused murmurs.
Ash, Gary, and the others watched in amazement as the ancient Pokémon faltered mid-flight, its eyes drooping. "It's working!" Tracey exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise.
"Of course it's working!" Wisty replied smugly, folding her arms. "Jigglypuff's lullaby is unbeatable."
Aerodactyl let out one last groggy growl before it crash-landed gently on the ground, completely knocked out. Wisty gave a triumphant smirk, while Jigglypuff, now feeling victorious, looked around, waiting for applause.
But instead of cheers, the rest of the group began to wobble on their feet, their eyes drooping as well. "Uh-oh..." Gary mumbled, swaying slightly.
Ash blinked sleepily at his sister. "Wisty... why did you...?"
Within moments, Ash, Gary, Professor Oak, and Tracey all collapsed onto the ground, sound asleep, victims of Jigglypuff's song just like the Aerodactyl.
Wisty, still standing, looked around at her snoozing companions and sighed dramatically. "Well, that could've gone better."
Jigglypuff, frustrated by the lack of applause, whipped out its marker and stormed over to the group. "Jiggly, puff!" it huffed angrily as it began to draw doodles on their faces.
Wisty rolled her eyes, leaning down and patting Jigglypuff on the head. "Don't worry, I'm proud of you. Now let's get these guys up before Aerodactyl wakes up too."
She stood up, stretching her arms, and sighed again. "I swear, it's like babysitting sometimes."
Ash groaned as he shook the drowsiness away. " Wha... what happened?"
Gary opened an eye. " Ash? You should look at your face."
Ash's hand flew to his face, fingers grazing over the crude drawings and swirls that Jigglypuff had doodled across his cheeks. "Ugh! What is this?" He exclaimed, rubbing his face frantically.
Gary sat up next to him, still half-asleep, and caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby puddle. "Oh man, I look like a total monster!" he groaned, his once-proud hair sticking up at odd angles and adorned with bright purple polka dots.
Professor Oak, still sprawled out on the ground, managed to lift his head and squinted at the group. "What happened to me?" he rasped, horror etched on his features. Jigglypuff had somehow managed to draw a giant, smiling sun on his forehead, and..... was that a trashcan?!
Wisty couldn't help but chuckle as she looked at the scene. "You guys are all so dramatic!"
Ash turned to her, a mix of confusion and frustration written all over his face. "How come you didn't fall asleep? You were right there with Jigglypuff!"
Wisty crossed her arms with a satisfied smirk. "Because I'm its trainer, Ash. I have a special bond with Jigglypuff that protects me from its lullabies."
Gary rolled his eyes, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Yeah, yeah, but you could've warned us about the risk of falling asleep, you know?"
"Sorry, no one seemed to be listening when I said to be careful!" Wisty shot back, a teasing glint in her eye.
"Can we focus on the real problem?" Tracey interjected, gesturing towards the now-sleeping Aerodactyl a few feet away. "That thing is still here!"
As if on cue, Aerodactyl began to stir, its large wings stretching as it let out a groggy yawn. Wisty quickly snapped her fingers, and Jigglypuff obediently hopped over to her side, looking up at her expectantly.
"Okay, Jigglypuff, we need to be careful," Wisty instructed. "Let's not let Aerodactyl wake up just yet. I have an idea."
"An idea? You mean you have a plan?" Ash asked, still trying to wipe off the markers from his face with little success.
"Of course! We'll use Jigglypuff's song again, but this time to soothe Aerodactyl and keep it calm while we figure out how to handle this," Wisty explained.
"Sounds good, but let's make sure we're out of range this time!" Gary said, getting to his feet and shaking his head like a wet dog to clear his thoughts.
With a nod, Wisty turned to Jigglypuff. "Alright, buddy, let's keep things chill. Ready when you are!"
As Jigglypuff prepared to sing again, Ash couldn't help but grin despite the ridiculous situation. "Who knew our biggest threat today would be a sleepy Pokémon and some marker mishaps?"
"Yeah, but you look worse than I do!" Gary shot back, chuckling.
Wisty rolled her eyes and took a step back, ready for Jigglypuff's lullaby to work its magic once more. "Okay, let's do this!"
As Ash, Gary, and Tracy sprinted down the rocky path, Ash caught a glance at Tracy and couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey, Tracy, did you know you look like a girl with that scribble?"
"Yeah, yeah, very funny," Tracy replied, rolling his eyes. "Just focus on not getting caught by Aerodactyl again!"
With a deep breath, Ash yelled, "READY!" And this time, the Jigglypuff's lullaby hit them instantly. The world around them began to blur as sleep overtook them, leaving them in a heap of exhausted bodies.
When Wisty arrived a short while later, she couldn't help but laugh at the sight before her. Ash and Gary had somehow managed to lean against one another, their heads nodding in a slumbering rhythm. Tracy was sprawled against Professor Oak, who looked particularly ridiculous, his glasses askew and drooling slightly.
"Look at them!" Wisty giggled to herself. "They look like such fools!"
She thought for a moment, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Why not give them a little makeover?"
With that, she set to work. Wisty fished through her backpack and pulled out a small makeup kit, full of bright colors, lipsticks, and other cosmetics. "This is going to be fun!" she declared.
First, she applied bright pink lipstick on Ash, carefully outlining his lips with precision. "Perfect! Just a little more... and done!" She then turned to Gary, who was blissfully unaware as she painted his lips a vibrant red. "You'll love this, Gary!" she laughed.
Next, she grabbed a colorful eyeshadow palette, dusting their eyelids with shimmering shades of purple and blue. "Oh, they'll be fabulous!" she exclaimed, blending the colors together with a deft hand.
Wisty then pulled out a few hair ties and, after much consideration, decided to braid their hair. She deftly wove Ash's dark hair into two long braids, placing tiny colorful clips at the end. "This will really complete the look!"
Gary's hair was a bit tougher, but with some effort, Wisty managed to get it into a single, long braid. "Look at you! All set for a beauty pageant!"
Once she was satisfied with her handiwork, Wisty stood back to admire her creations. "Perfect! Now to wake them up!"
She poked Gary first. "Hey, sleepyhead, wake up!"
Gary stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He blinked a few times before registering Wisty's face. "What—" He sat up suddenly, his hands flying to his lips. "What did you do to me?"
Ash groaned beside him, rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?"
Then he froze, catching sight of Gary. "Oh no! Gary, what happened to your face?!"
"I don't know! What's on my face?!" Gary exclaimed, frantically searching for a reflective surface.
Ash stumbled to his feet and caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby puddle. "No way! This is terrible!" He cried, panic rising in his voice. "I look like a girl!"
As they both scrambled for some semblance of composure, Tracy began to stir. "What's all the shouting about?" He rubbed his eyes, finally opening them. The sight of Ash and Gary sent him reeling back. "Whoa, what happened to you two?"
"Wisty!" Ash shouted, pointing accusingly at his sister. "You did this!"
"I just gave you a little makeover!" Wisty said, trying to stifle her laughter. "You both look adorable!"
Tracy finally got a glimpse of his own reflection, his hair now braided and a ridiculous amount of lipstick on his face. "I look like a—like a—"
"A beautiful princess!" Wisty finished with a grin.
Ash and Gary, united in their horror, turned to each other, eyes wide with disbelief. "Help me wipe this off!" Gary pleaded, grabbing Ash's arm.
"Yeah, you help me too!" Ash shouted back, as they both lunged toward one another, trying to wipe off the makeup with their hands.
"What are you two doing?" Wisty laughed, crossing her arms as she watched the chaos unfold.
Gary laughed despite himself, trying to smear the lipstick on Ash's face while Ash retaliated, smudging Gary's eyeshadow.
"Just wait until everyone sees you two!" Wisty teased. "You're going to be the stars of the next beauty contest!"
The bickering continued as they tried to remove the makeup, their voices rising in a mix of laughter and frustration. Wisty only watched with delight, knowing they would never live this down.
Eventually, they fell into a fit of laughter, their earlier frustration forgotten. "Fine, maybe this isn't the worst thing ever," Gary admitted, chuckling as he looked at Ash, who was still trying to wipe the bright colors off his face.
"Yeah, maybe we'll just own it!" Ash replied, grinning. "But if anyone finds out about this, Wisty, you're in big trouble!"
"Good luck with that!"
Just then, Professor Oak stormed into the scene, his face a mask of concern. "What's all this noise about? I was trying to—" He stopped short, eyes widening as he took in the sight before him. Ash and Gary, both covered in makeup and looking completely ridiculous, were desperately trying to wipe the colors off their faces.
Wisty, unable to resist the moment, chimed in with a bright smile, "Hello, Professor! Nice makeup!" She gestured to his face, where she had added some playful touches of her own, including sparkly glitter and a splash of hot pink lipstick that clashed horrendously with his usual serious demeanor.
"What?! My face?" Professor Oak exclaimed, his eyes narrowing as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby mirror Gary had taken out. The reflection revealed a chaotic mix of colors and glitters, making him look more like a jester than a respected Pokémon researcher. "What have you done to me?!"
Tracy walked in right behind the professor, taking one look at him and bursting into laughter. "Wow, Professor! You look amazing!" he joked, unable to contain his amusement. He had been a victim of Wisty's makeover too, with his hair tied back in two braids and a shimmery layer of eyeshadow sparkling on his eyelids.
"Very funny, Tracy," Professor Oak replied, exasperation evident in his voice as he tried to wipe off the makeup. "What's going on here? Ash? Gary?"
"Wisty decided we needed a makeover," Ash groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration. "And now look at us!"
Gary nodded, pointing at Professor Oak. "Grandpa! Look at your face! You look hideous!" He laughed, momentarily forgetting his own predicament as he leaned against Ash for support.
The professor turned to Gary, his expression shifting from shock to indignation. "I'm trying to help you two, and you're critiquing me? I'm not the one who looks like a... like a..." He paused, searching for the right words as he gestured toward their faces.
"A princess?" Wisty suggested cheekily, unable to resist a jab at her brother and his friend.
"Exactly!" Professor Oak exclaimed, finally realizing the futility of trying to fix his own face amidst the chaos. "You both look ridiculous! Let me see what I can do!"
As he moved toward Ash and Gary, he accidentally knocked over Wisty's makeup kit, sending blush and eyeshadow flying everywhere. "Oh no!" Ash shouted, ducking just in time as a cloud of powder enveloped them.
"Oh great!" Gary groaned, covered in even more colors as he tried to swipe the powder off his face. "Now we really look like a circus act!"
Professor Oak waved his hands in panic, trying to clean up the mess. "What have I done?" he lamented, looking even more absurd as his own attempts to help ended up making things worse.
Wisty giggled at the chaos unfolding around her. "You all look fabulous! The best Pokémon trainers ever!"
As they all stood there, a mix of laughter and exasperation filled the air. The professor, Ash, Gary, and Tracy, now an impromptu beauty squad, couldn't help but share in the absurdity of the moment, even if it meant embracing their not-so-glamorous looks.
Finally, after a few minutes of futile attempts at cleaning up, Ash looked at Gary and said, "Well, at least we have matching faces now!"
"Yeah, nothing says 'teamwork' like being covered in glitter!" Gary replied, his laughter ringing out as he finally embraced the ridiculousness of their situation.
Professor Oak sighed, shaking his head but unable to suppress a smile. "Well, if we're going to be stuck like this, we might as well make the most of it."
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