Poke shipping - park

Ash grinned as he watched Togepi, Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur,  Charmander, and Chikorita play tag around the playground, running and jumping and trying to tag the other Pokemon.

Misty, who was next to Ash, sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. Ash put his head on hers.

" They're having fun, aren't they?" Misty said lovingly.

Ash nodded. " Yeah. They are."

Misty looked up at Ash. " Huh. Imagine what would happen if someone besides Brock and your family saw us like this.".

" Like what?" Ash asked, confused.

" Sitting together, leaning on one another, watching our Pokemon and calling them kids."

Ash grinned. " Oh, I wouldn't be worried."

" Why?" Misty asked.

" Because I have Pikachu, my other Pokemon and you. Together you could scare everyone away."

Misty laughed. " Yeah, that's right."

Suddenly, the bushes rustled.

Ash and Misty jumped. " Who is it?" Ash called wearily.

The bushes parted, and out stepped Delia Ketchum with a beaming smile, holding a picnic basket. “It’s me, your dear mother!” she chirped, completely oblivious to the tension she’d caused.

Ash sighed in relief. “Mom! Don’t sneak up on us like that!”

Misty blinked in surprise. “Mrs. Ketchum? What are you doing here?”

Delia smiled brightly, ignoring the question. “Oh, I just thought I’d check in on my little Ashy and his adorable girlfriend. I even brought some snacks!”

Ash groaned, his face turning red. “Mom, Misty’s not my girlfriend!”

Delia gave him a knowing smirk. “Not yet, but you two make such a cute couple. Just think about it—you’d be so perfect together!”

Misty’s face flushed crimson, and she started waving her hands. “Mrs. Ketchum! We’re just friends! Nothing like that—”

Delia cut her off. “Nonsense! Look at you two! Leaning on each other, watching your kids.” She gestured to the Pokémon, still running around on the playground. “Honestly, you’re practically married already. Why not make it official? We could have a lovely little wedding tomorrow! I could help plan it!”

Ash stared at her, horrified. “Mom! We’re ten! We’re way too young to get married!”

Misty, equally flustered, chimed in, “Yeah, Mrs. Ketchum, we’re just kids!” Then she realized what she’d just said and froze. Her face turned even redder. “I mean—uh—sorry, sorry, sorry!”

Delia waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, don’t apologize, dear. You’ve already got the ‘mom’ part down.” She winked, nodding toward Togepi, who was now happily perched on Misty’s lap.

Misty blinked in shock, her brain short-circuiting as Ash buried his face in his hands. “Mom, can we not do this right now?” he muttered, his voice muffled.

Delia just laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “Oh, Ashy, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed. But fine, fine. I’ll save the wedding planning for later.”

Misty shot Ash a look that was equal parts apologetic and mortified. “I—uh—sorry about that.”

Ash sighed, giving her a tired smile. “Don’t worry. This is just... my mom.”

Pikachu, who had been watching the whole exchange, rolled onto his back, laughing. “Pika pika!”

Before Ash and Misty could fully recover from Delia's impromptu wedding pitch, the bushes rustled again. Out stepped Daisy, Violet, and Lily—the Sensational Sisters—each carrying garment bags and grinning mischievously.

“Like, hi, Misty!” Daisy chirped, waving dramatically.

“Oh, you’re totally gonna love this,” Violet said as she held up a stunning white dress with intricate lace details. “We, like, brought you the perfect wedding dress!”

“And for Ash, we’ve got this!” Lily said, unzipping another bag to reveal a sharp black suit with a matching red tie. “You’ll look so handsome!”

Ash's jaw dropped. “What?! Where did you even get those?!”

Misty was frozen in shock, her mouth opening and closing like a Magikarp. “Wh-what do you mean wedding dress?!”

Daisy smirked, unfazed. “We heard you two were, like, basically married already, so we thought we’d help you out.”

“Yeah, it’s, like, the least we could do,” Violet added. “We’re your sisters, Misty!”

“Don’t worry,” Lily said, inspecting Ash critically. “We’ll make sure Ash doesn’t look totally lame.”

Ash groaned. “Why does everyone think we’re getting married? We’re kids!”

“Like, age doesn’t matter when it’s true love,” Daisy said with a dreamy sigh.

Delia clapped her hands. “Oh, girls, you’ve outdone yourselves! Misty, you’ll look so beautiful in that dress!”

Misty, her face a deep shade of crimson, stood up, waving her hands frantically. “No, no, no! This is all a misunderstanding! Ash and I aren’t—this isn’t—”

“Don’t be shy, little sister,” Violet teased, holding the dress closer to Misty. “Try it on!”

Ash stepped back, hands up defensively. “And I’m not wearing that suit! No way!”

Pikachu and Togepi, however, seemed to be enjoying the chaos. Pikachu chuckled from Ash’s shoulder, while Togepi happily clapped. “Priii!”

Misty grabbed Togepi and hid behind Ash. “Ash, do something!”

“Like what?!” Ash snapped, his face just as red as Misty’s.

“Just go with it,” Delia suggested cheerfully. “You two are such a perfect match!”

“Pikachu, Thunderbolt!” Ash yelled, desperate to end the madness.

Pikachu paused, then smirked. “Pika pika.” He zapped everyone lightly, just enough to make them stop and blink in surprise.

Ash sighed in relief. “Thanks, buddy.”

Misty, still clutching Togepi, whispered, “We need to run.”

Ash nodded. “Agreed. Now!”

Before anyone could recover, Ash and Misty bolted, leaving Delia and the Sensational Sisters standing there with the dress and suit.

“Well,” Daisy said, shrugging, “they’ll, like, come around eventually.”

Ash and Misty bolted through the woods as fast as their legs could carry them, the voices of Delia and the Sensational Sisters faintly trailing behind. They didn’t stop until they reached the Observatory. Ash banged on the door frantically.

Gary, holding a box of supplies in his hands, opened the door and raised an eyebrow. “What the—”

“No time!” Ash interrupted, grabbing Misty’s hand and darting past Gary.

“Hey! What’s going on?!” Gary called after them, but they were already gone, tearing down the hallway.

The two finally stumbled into Gary’s room, slammed the door shut, and dove under the bedframe. Ash was panting, trying to catch his breath. Misty, holding Togepi tightly, glared at him.

“This was your plan? Hiding under Gary’s bed?!” she hissed.

“You’re the one who said to run!” Ash whispered back.

Suddenly, they heard soft creaks coming from the hallway. Their breaths hitched as they saw a pair of black socks step into the room. The figure moved closer, stopping just in front of the bed.

Misty held her breath, clutching Togepi tighter. Ash peeked out just as the figure crouched down, and they locked eyes with none other than Gary.

“Bingo,” Gary said, smirking. “What are you two doing here?”

Ash groaned, slapping his forehead. “Gary, not so loud!”

Misty sighed in defeat. “They’re going to find us.”

Gary straightened up and crossed his arms. “Find you? Who’s ‘they,’ and why are you hiding under my bed?”

“It’s a long story,” Ash muttered.

Gary raised an eyebrow. “Well, it looks like I’ve got time.”

Before Ash could explain, they heard a distant, cheerful voice.

“Ash? Misty? Are you here?” Delia called out from the hallway.

Ash grabbed Gary’s arm. “Please don’t tell her we’re here!”

Gary smirked, clearly enjoying the situation. “This is too good to pass up.”

“Gary!” Misty hissed, glaring at him.

Gary sighed dramatically. “Fine. But you owe me.” He turned toward the door, preparing to intercept Delia and the Sisters.

“Just stay under there and don’t make a sound,” Gary whispered over his shoulder.

Ash and Misty exchanged a look. “This is the worst day ever,” Misty muttered.

Togepi chirped happily. “Togepri!”

Gary sighed as he walked back into his room, shutting the door behind him. He crouched down and peered under the bed where Ash and Misty were still crammed together.

“Alright,” Gary said, arms crossed and looking unimpressed. “I managed to get rid of them. But now, will you tell me what the heck you’re doing in my room? And don’t even think about saying ‘nothing.’”

Ash scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Uh, well… we were just… uh…”

Misty glared at him. “You’ve got this. You’re the creative one.”

“Thanks for throwing me under the bus, Misty!” Ash hissed, then turned back to Gary. “Okay, so, um… here’s the thing.”

Gary narrowed his eyes. “This ought to be good.”

Ash cleared his throat. “We’re, uh, on a secret mission!”

Misty blinked. “A secret mission?”

“Yeah!” Ash said, his voice gaining more confidence. “A super top-secret mission! Professor Oak sent us!”

Gary raised an eyebrow. “My grandfather sent you to hide under my bed?”

“Exactly!” Ash said. “It’s, uh, part of the operation. Super undercover.”

Misty facepalmed but decided to go along with it. “Right. Super undercover. We’re… uh, testing the security of your room!”

“Security testing?” Gary repeated, looking utterly unconvinced.

“Yup!” Misty said quickly. “And you passed! Well done, Gary.”

Gary groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard. Just admit you’re hiding from someone.”

Ash shook his head. “Nope. Not hiding. Just… um…”

“Researching!” Misty blurted out.

“Researching?” Gary asked, deadpan.

“Yeah!” Misty said. “We’re researching, uh…”

Ash cut in. “...the effects of stress on Pokémon trainers!”

Gary stared at them, unamused. “Stress, huh? You mean the kind of stress caused by my room being invaded?”

“Exactly!” Ash said, grinning like he’d just solved a puzzle.

Gary sighed and got up, rubbing his temples. “Fine. You two are hopeless. But if you break anything in here, you’re explaining it to my grandfather.”

Ash and Misty exchanged a relieved look as Gary walked away.

“Do you think he bought it?” Misty whispered.

“No way,” Ash whispered back. “But at least we’re safe for now.”

As Ash and Misty huddled under Gary’s bed, Ash’s phone suddenly buzzed, emitting a cheerful ringtone that filled the room.

Ash groaned, his face paling. “Oh, great. Perfect timing.”

Misty shot him a panicked look. “Turn it off! They’ll hear us!”

Ash fumbled with his phone, swiping and pressing buttons frantically. “I’m trying, but it won’t stop!”

Misty grabbed it out of his hands. “Here, let me—” She jabbed at the screen, but the phone stubbornly continued to ring, the volume somehow getting louder. “What kind of phone is this? A Defcon alarm?!”

“It’s not my fault!” Ash whisper-yelled, flailing his arms.

Misty glared at him. “What now?”

Ash glanced around desperately, then his eyes landed on a loose floorboard nearby. Without thinking, he snatched the phone from Misty, shoved it under the board, and pressed it down as hard as he could.

“There,” Ash whispered, wiping his hands. “Problem solved.”

Misty stared at him, incredulous. “That’s your genius solution? Just bury it under the floor?”

“It’s all I’ve got right now!” Ash retorted. “Now move! To the attic!”

Misty groaned but followed him as they crawled out from under the bed. They tiptoed to the door, carefully peeking out into the hallway. Gary was nowhere in sight.

“Clear,” Ash whispered, motioning for Misty to follow.

The two crept down the hall, passing by Gary’s cluttered study and the Pokémon research lab. As they reached the staircase, Misty whispered, “Do you even know where the attic is?”

Ash paused, glancing around. “Uh… no. But we’ll find it.”

Misty smacked her forehead. “Great plan, as always.”

Behind them, the faint sound of voices echoed through the hallway. Delia’s cheerful tone carried unmistakably. “Ash? Misty? Come out, darlings! We’re ready for a fitting!”

Ash froze, his eyes wide. “They’re coming! Run!”

The two bolted up the stairs, their feet barely touching the steps. They reached the attic door, and Ash threw it open. They darted inside, slamming it shut behind them.

Misty leaned against the door, panting. “This… is officially… the worst day… of my life.”

Ash flopped onto an old sofa covered in a dusty sheet. “Tell me about it.”

Togepi, perched on Misty’s shoulder, chirped happily. “Togepriiii!”

Misty groaned. “I don’t know how you’re so cheerful, Togepi. We’re trapped in an attic while your ‘grandmother’ plans a fake wedding!”

Ash glanced around the dimly lit attic, filled with old boxes and forgotten treasures. “Hey, at least they probably won’t think to look for us here.”

Misty sighed, sitting down next to him. “I hope you’re right.”

Just as they started to catch their breath, a soft vibration came from under the floorboards below. The muffled sound of Ash’s ringtone began playing again.

Misty turned to him, eyes wide. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Ash slapped his forehead. “This phone is going to be the end of me.”

Ash jumped up, determination replacing his panic. “Okay, okay, new plan. I’m gonna release Pidgeotto, and we’re getting out of here. We’ll fly fast—like, really fast.”

Misty frowned. “What do you mean, really fast? Where are we even going?”

“Anywhere but here!” Ash declared, grabbing a Poké Ball from his belt. “Just trust me. I’ll get on first, then you climb on with Pikachu and Togepi.”

Pikachu perked up at the mention of his name. “Pika?”

Togepi giggled, completely oblivious to the chaos. “Togepriiii!”

Without waiting for Misty to argue, Ash threw the Poké Ball into the air. “Pidgeotto, I choose you!”

In a flash of light, Pidgeotto appeared, its wings spread wide as it let out a proud cry. “Pidgeooo!”

“Good timing, buddy,” Ash said, hopping onto Pidgeotto’s back. “We’ve got to make a quick escape. Ready?”

Pidgeotto flapped its wings eagerly. “Pidgeo!”

Misty hesitated, glancing at Togepi in her arms and Pikachu by her side. “This is insane. But fine, let’s do it.”

Ash reached down to help Misty climb aboard. Once she was settled with Pikachu on her lap and Togepi safely nestled in her arms, Ash gave Pidgeotto a confident pat. “Okay, buddy, let’s fly! And fast!”

Pidgeotto shot into the air, bursting through the attic window in a flurry of glass shards. Misty screamed as they rocketed into the sky. “ASH, YOU COULD’VE USED THE DOOR!”

“No time!” Ash shouted over the wind. “Hang on tight!”

Pidgeotto flapped its powerful wings, accelerating faster and faster until they were soaring through the sky at an unimaginable speed. The wind whipped past them, the world below blurring as they traveled at what felt like the speed of light.

Pikachu clung to Misty, his cheeks sparking with excitement. “Pikaaa!”

Togepi laughed gleefully, treating the wild ride like an amusement park. “Togepiiiiii!”

Ash leaned forward, grinning despite the chaos. “See? This is awesome! Nothing can stop us now!”

Misty, clutching Togepi and Pikachu for dear life, growled through gritted teeth. “I swear, Ash, if we survive this, you’re buying me lunch!”

Ash laughed. “Deal!”

As they streaked through the clouds, leaving Pallet Town far behind, Delia’s voice echoed faintly in the distance. “Ash! Come back here! You’re missing your fitting!”

But the trio was already too far gone, soaring toward freedom and adventure on the back of a very determined Pidgeotto.

As they landed, Pidgeotto touched down gently in an unfamiliar clearing surrounded by towering trees. A light mist clung to the air, and the sounds of distant Pokémon cries echoed faintly around them. Ash slid off Pidgeotto’s back, helping Misty down as she clutched Pikachu and Togepi.

Ash dusted himself off, looking around at their mysterious surroundings. He turned to Misty with a slightly sheepish grin. “Dear wife,” he said dramatically, “where are we?”

Misty rolled her eyes but smirked, catching onto his humor. “Husband,” she replied with mock seriousness, “I wish I knew.”

Pikachu, sitting snugly in Misty’s arms alongside Togepi, gave a curious “Pika?” while Togepi chirped happily, clearly thrilled with the adventure.

Ash sighed, scratching the back of his head. “Well, guess we’re stuck here for now. We’ll have to figure out what’s going on.”

Misty gave him a pointed look. “You’re the one who made us fly off at the speed of light without a plan. Now what, oh great husband?”

“Hey, I was thinking on my feet!” Ash protested. “And it worked, didn’t it?”

Togepi squirmed in Misty’s arms, reaching up to touch Ash’s nose. Misty huffed and adjusted the baby Pokémon. “Well, dear, we better figure something out. Pikachu and Togepi are counting on us.”

Ash crouched down, looking Pikachu in the eyes. “Hey, buddy, do you know where we are?”

Pikachu shook his head with a small “Pi...” and gestured to the misty forest.

Misty adjusted Togepi, who was babbling away. “Well, until we figure out what’s going on, I guess we better play along.”

“Play along?” Ash asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You know,” Misty said, smirking, “act like responsible parents and a married couple. For Pikachu and Togepi’s sake.”

Ash blinked. “Wait, what? Parents? Married? You’re joking, right?”

Misty gave him a dry look. “Oh, come on, Ash. They’re watching us, and they’ll start imitating everything we do. If you act like a clueless kid, Pikachu will start zapping everything in sight, and Togepi will follow his lead.”

Ash crossed his arms, considering it. He glanced at Pikachu, who tilted his head innocently, and Togepi, who was tugging at Misty’s hair. “Fine,” he said, sighing. “But don’t expect me to start calling you honey or anything.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, dear,” Misty replied sarcastically. “Now, what’s our first step, dad?”

Ash groaned. “Alright, alright. Let’s find a place to set up camp and figure out where we are. Parents gotta make sure their kids are safe, right?”

Pikachu and Togepi both cheered, clearly entertained by the banter. Misty nodded. “Good plan. Lead the way, Ash.”

And so, with Pikachu and Togepi happily in tow, Ash and Misty began their adventure in the unknown forest, taking their unexpected roles as a “married couple” and “parents” in stride—for now.

The forest seemed to stretch endlessly, and after what felt like hours of wandering, Ash and Misty’s patience began to wear thin.

Ash stopped abruptly and threw his arms in the air. “This is ridiculous! Where are we?!”

Misty, holding Togepi tightly, shot him a glare. “You’re the one who decided to fly off without a map, Ash! What did you think was going to happen?”

“Oh, so this is my fault now?” Ash snapped, turning toward her. “You could’ve said something before I got us out of there!”

“I tried! But you were too busy playing hero to listen to me!” Misty fired back, her cheeks red with frustration.

Pikachu, walking beside them, crossed his tiny arms and muttered a frustrated “Pika...!” glaring at Ash.

Ash frowned and looked down at his partner. “Oh, great, now even you’re mad at me? What did I do?”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu jabbed a paw toward him, then mimed a phone, followed by an exaggerated eye roll.

Misty caught on and smirked. “He’s mad because you didn’t just call your mom and ask for directions instead of dragging us here.”

“Oh, like that would’ve helped!” Ash retorted. “What’s my mom going to do? Magically teleport us out of here?”

“Well, she couldn’t do worse than you!” Misty shot back.

Ash groaned and ran a hand through his hair. “Why is everyone blaming me for everything?”

“Because it’s your fault!” Misty and Pikachu snapped in unison.

Togepi, sensing the tension, chirped loudly, waving its little arms. The sudden sound startled them into silence, and they all turned to look at the baby Pokémon.

Ash sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look at us. Our families want us to get married someday, and we can’t even stop arguing for five minutes. We’re not even acting like a couple!”

Pikachu gave him a long, unimpressed look and muttered, “Pika-pi.”

Ash frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Misty crossed her arms, still holding Togepi. “I think Pikachu’s saying we are acting like a couple.”

Ash blinked, confused. “Huh? How?”

Misty rolled her eyes. “The arguing, Ash. Couples argue all the time.”

“Oh, so now you’re an expert on couples?” Ash asked sarcastically.

Misty smirked. “At least I know how not to get lost in the middle of nowhere.”

Ash groaned, throwing his hands up. “Here we go again…”

Pikachu facepalmed, muttering to himself, while Togepi let out another cheerful chirp, clearly entertained by the back-and-forth.

" You sure this is gonna work?" Ash whispered as he stroked his fake beard.

Misty smothered her cottage dress. " Just use a British accent and you'll be fine."

Ash adjusted the fake beard again, grimacing as it tickled his chin. “I don’t know about this, Misty. What if they don’t buy it?”

Misty rolled her eyes, smoothing out the frilly cottage-style dress she was wearing. “Relax, Ash. Just stick to the plan, use a convincing British accent, and you’ll be fine. Honestly, you worry too much.”

Ash frowned, looking down at Pikachu, who had a tiny bonnet on and seemed just as skeptical. “You hear that, Pikachu? She thinks this is a solid plan. I’m doomed.”

“Pika…” Pikachu muttered, clearly unimpressed with Ash’s lack of confidence.

Misty nudged him sharply in the ribs. “Stop sulking! If I can pull this off in this ridiculous dress, you can manage to sound like an old British gentleman.”

Ash groaned, squaring his shoulders. “Fine, but don’t blame me if this all goes wrong.” He cleared his throat, attempting to deepen his voice. “Ello, gov’na. Fancy a cuppa tea?”

Misty smacked her forehead. “No, no, no! You sound like you’re in some bad stage play. Keep it smooth and natural!”

“I am natural!” Ash protested. “You’re the one making me wear this itchy beard!”

“It’s called commitment to the disguise!” Misty hissed. “Now try again, but this time… less embarrassing.”

Ash sighed dramatically and tried again. “Good day, madam. Might I trouble you for directions to the nearest… uh… Pokémon Center?”

Misty clapped her hands together. “Much better! Now just keep that energy, and remember to call me ‘dear wife.’”

Ash groaned. “Why do I have to say that? It’s embarrassing!”

Misty raised an eyebrow. “Because we’re pretending to be a married couple, Ash. That’s the whole point of the disguise!”

Pikachu chuckled under his breath, clearly enjoying Ash’s misery.

“Fine, fine,” Ash muttered, scratching at his beard again. He glanced at Misty. “But if this doesn’t work, you’re explaining it to Professor Oak.”

Misty smirked. “Deal. Now, let’s go. And remember… act like you adore me.”

Ash rolled his eyes, but as they stepped forward, he plastered on a stiff smile and offered Misty his arm. “Shall we, dear wife?”

Misty took his arm, barely holding back her laughter. “Why, thank you, darling husband.”

As they walked toward the crowd, Pikachu trailing behind, Ash whispered, “This better work… or I’m never letting you live this down.”

Ash and Misty strolled into the bustling city square, keeping their heads low but holding onto their characters for dear life. Ash’s fake beard wobbled precariously with each step, and Misty had to resist the urge to straighten it for him.

“Stick close, dear wife,” Ash muttered, his attempt at a British accent still sounding suspiciously like his regular voice but with a strange lilt. “These streets are… er… terribly crowded.”

Misty shot him a warning look but leaned into her role. “Yes, darling husband,” she replied sweetly, placing a hand on his arm. Her voice carried an exaggerated elegance, but she nailed the accent far better than Ash.

Pikachu trailed behind them, bonnet still perched on its head, while Togepi chirped contentedly in Misty’s arms. They were a picture-perfect family… if you squinted and ignored the fact that Ash’s beard was hanging by a thread.

As they passed a group of trainers scanning the crowd, Misty tugged Ash closer, lowering her voice. “They’re looking for us. Stay in character!”

Ash gulped, adjusting his hat nervously. “R-right,” he stammered. Then, louder, “Oh, darling, we should find a charming café, shouldn’t we? You simply must rest those lovely feet of yours.”

Misty smiled, though her eyes screamed, That’s too much! “Oh, my love, you’re always so thoughtful,” she cooed, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “But let’s first find that adorable boutique we talked about. We mustn’t delay!”

Ash’s cheeks flushed. “Of course, my sweet!” he said through gritted teeth. He glanced at Pikachu, who gave him a flat look that clearly said, Really?

One of the trainers glanced in their direction, eyes narrowing suspiciously. Misty caught it immediately and decided to double down. She tilted her head and giggled, pulling Ash closer. “You’re simply the best husband ever!” she gushed, her voice practically dripping with honey.

Ash froze, wide-eyed, but managed to play along. He cleared his throat and patted Misty’s hand awkwardly. “Anything for you, my precious wife,” he said, voice cracking slightly.

The trainers exchanged confused glances but ultimately shrugged and moved on. As soon as they were out of earshot, Misty leaned closer to Ash, whispering furiously. “That was awful! You sounded like a lovesick robot!”

Ash glared at her. “Well, excuse me, ma’am, but I don’t exactly have a degree in fake husbandry!”

Pikachu snickered, and Misty sighed, rubbing her temples. “Let’s just keep moving before they circle back. And for Arceus’ sake, stop fidgeting with your beard!”

“Maybe if someone hadn’t picked the itchiest disguise ever, I wouldn’t have to!” Ash shot back, scratching furiously at his chin.

“ Pika;"  Pikachu said with an exasperated tone, crossing its arms.

It translates to, " Will you two stop bickering?”

Togepi chirped in agreement, looking mildly disappointed in their so-called parents.

Ash sighed, straightening up and holding out his arm again. “Fine, truce. Let’s just find somewhere to regroup.”

“Fine,” Misty muttered, taking his arm. She glanced up at him with a smirk. “At least we got the lovey-dovey part down.”

Ash rolled his eyes but couldn’t help a small grin. “Yeah, the arguing part, anyway.”

As Ash and Misty pushed open the door to the boutique, the bell above it jingled, announcing their arrival. Inside, the shop was filled with elegant dresses, colorful scarves, and neatly arranged accessories. A friendly-looking woman behind the counter greeted them with a smile.

“Well, well, well, welcome!” The shopkeeper’s eyes flicked between Ash and Misty. “You two look like you’re out for a special day, hm?”

Misty flashed a bright, overly sweet smile, leaning into her role. “Oh, yes! Just the two of us, escaping for a little romantic getaway!” She placed her hand dramatically on her stomach, puffing it out as if she were trying to fake a pregnancy.

Ash, caught off guard by Misty’s unexpected move, nearly choked on his own spit. “A what?” he gasped, his eyes wide as he looked at Misty’s overly exaggerated belly.

“Oh, my darling, this pregnancy is just making me exhausted!” Misty said with a sigh, her voice dripping with fake emotion as she leaned heavily on Ash, making sure to accentuate her pretend condition.

Ash was struggling to keep his composure. “Yeah, yeah, we’re just… uh… celebrating the, uh, wonderful news!” He gave a nervous chuckle, his hands awkwardly placed on his waist. His fake beard was now sliding down, adding to his discomfort.

The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow, clearly suspicious but not quite sure what was going on. “How lovely, a baby on the way! But, um… I must say, you two look a bit familiar. Have we met before?”

Ash’s eyes widened. “No! No, no, no, not at all! We’re just, uh, regular folks... just... just came to buy some things!” He wiped the back of his neck nervously, trying to hide his panic.

Misty’s smile faltered slightly, but she quickly recovered, playing the part even further. “Oh, you know, being pregnant makes me so forgetful sometimes. I just need something soft and cozy to wear!” she said, her voice reaching a pitch that was almost too much.

Pikachu, still sitting on Misty’s shoulder, looked around, clearly uncomfortable with the whole charade. “Pika... pi?” it murmured, clearly asking if they were going to stick to this act.

The shopkeeper squinted at them, eyeing them up and down. “Hmm, well, if you say so... Let me show you our maternity section. I’m sure we have just what you need.”

“Oh, yes, please!” Misty chirped, nodding vigorously, her hand still pressed dramatically to her faux-belly. She stumbled forward, a bit too enthusiastically.

“Uh, Misty, I think we’ve got enough...” Ash muttered under his breath, his face reddening. He was still trying to keep up with the act, but it was starting to fall apart.

“Look, look, just try to get through this, okay?” Misty whispered through clenched teeth, her tone surprisingly serious now. “We need to get out of here fast, okay?”

Ash nodded, glancing nervously at the shopkeeper, who was now leading them toward the back of the store. The longer they stayed, the more they were bound to slip up.

Suddenly, Pikachu let out a little yelp, its tail flicking agitatedly. Misty froze, and Ash stiffened. The shopkeeper glanced back at them, but Misty quickly placed a hand over her mouth, pretending to be overly tired.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice cracking. “I... I think I need to lie down for a bit. My pregnancy is really wearing on me.”

“Right,” Ash added hurriedly, giving an awkward laugh. “We’ll just, uh... grab a quick rest and... uh... maybe check out the items later.”

The shopkeeper, sensing the awkwardness in the air, smiled gently. “Oh, I understand. No need to hurry. But if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

As soon as the shopkeeper turned to grab a few things for Misty, Ash grabbed her arm. “Come on, Misty! We gotta get out of here before we blow this whole thing.”

They dashed toward the door, Ash nearly tripping over his fake beard as he sped up. The bell rang again, and they bolted out into the streets.

Ash took a deep breath, his heart racing. “That was too close. We need new disguises. Now.”

Misty, still trying to act casual despite the whole mess, nodded eagerly. “I know! Let's get somewhere where we can change fast!”

And without missing a beat, they both dashed off, ready to blend in—again—before anyone could recognize them for who they really were.

" I look like a grandpa!!" Ash groaned.

Misty, already halfway to the corner of the street, turned to see Ash standing there, pulling at the gray wig he had just put on. His face was a mixture of annoyance and disbelief, his fake beard still crooked from their last escape.

"Yeah, well, you sound like one, too!" Misty shot back, adjusting her own oversized sun hat that made her look like she belonged in some kind of tropical resort rather than on a covert mission.

Ash’s face turned red, and he yanked the hat off. "No way, this is ridiculous! I look like I'm about to retire in a rocking chair on some porch!" He gestured to the full get-up he was wearing: a plaid shirt, suspenders, and pants that were just a little too high on his waist.

Misty fought back a smile but couldn’t help it. "Well, if the whole 'young couple' thing doesn’t work out, maybe you’ll have a second career as a grandpa in a sitcom."

Ash groaned, pulling at his fake beard again, which now hung loosely from his chin. "I'm never doing this again. I look like a grandpa who’s had one too many naps!" He turned to Misty, his hands flailing around in frustration. “This thing keeps slipping off! Why did I even agree to this?”

"Because you thought it'd be easier than running into a crowd of people and getting recognized,” Misty reminded him, trying to stay serious, though the giggles were threatening to escape.

"Yeah, but this is worse! I’m supposed to be incognito, not looking like I'm about to retire!" Ash replied, tugging at his wig for the third time. “This was your idea, Misty.”

Misty rolled her eyes. “And I’ve got a lovely dress to match, don’t I?” She spun around, giving him a full 360 view of the frilly, pastel-colored number she’d been roped into wearing. It was way too flowery and frumpy for her liking.

Ash couldn’t help but laugh despite his frustration. "Okay, okay, we look like a couple of grandparents who’ve just gotten off the boat to go on a cruise!"

"Ugh, we’re not doing this again!" Misty groaned, running her hands through her hair. “Let’s just find somewhere we can change and stop looking so... ridiculous. I swear, the second we step into another store, we’re toast.”

“I swear, Misty, this whole thing is insane,” Ash muttered as they walked toward the alley. “We need new disguises—NOW.”

Misty nodded. “And this time, no fake facial hair,” she warned, eyes narrowed.

“Agreed!” Ash said, looking over his shoulder one last time at the wig in his hand. “This grandpa look is definitely not working!”

As Ash and Misty shuffled out of the alley in their makeshift elderly disguises, they hoped to blend into the bustling street. Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed when an overly curious passerby stopped them.

“Well, if it isn’t the sweetest old couple I’ve ever seen!” the woman exclaimed, clutching her purse. “Where are you two headed?”

Ash froze, his fake beard slipping again, but Misty, ever quick on her feet, immediately launched into character.

“Oh, bless your kind soul, dearie,” Misty said in a wobbly voice, clutching Ash’s arm like a lifeline. “We’re just out and about, ya know, lookin’ fer some gifts fer our son.”

“Son?” the woman asked, eyes lighting up.

Ash blinked, panic setting in. Misty gave him a sharp jab in the ribs.

“Yes, yes, our son Gary!” Ash blurted, smiling awkwardly.

Misty whipped her head toward him, her "old" facade slipping for a moment. “Gary?! As in your Gary?!” she hissed under her breath, her tone sharp enough to cut steel.

Ash nodded quickly, whispering back, “Just go with it!”

The woman clapped her hands. “Oh, how lovely! Is he married?”

“Oh, indeed he is!” Misty said, recovering her wobbly voice. “Married to... uh... the nicest young lady!” She glanced at Ash for backup.

“Yeah!” Ash jumped in. “Her name’s... uh... Mary! Yeah, Gary and Mary. They’re, uh, expecting a kid soon!”

The woman’s eyes widened. “How exciting! You two must be so proud!”

“Oh, we are,” Misty said, nodding vigorously, nearly dislodging her oversized sun hat. “Little Gary’s always been such a... uh... delight, hasn’t he, dear?”

Ash cleared his throat, trying to deepen his voice to match the character. “Oh, absolutely. Always got top marks in school and, uh... great at battling!”

The woman looked puzzled for a moment. “Battling? You mean sports?”

“Exactly!” Misty interjected quickly. “He was the... uh... captain of his team!”

“Of course!” Ash added, smiling nervously.

The woman seemed satisfied and gave them a warm smile. “Well, it’s so wonderful to see grandparents like you out and about. I’ll let you get back to your shopping. Congratulations to Gary and Mary!”

“Thank you, dearie!” Misty said, waving in her exaggerated old-lady manner.

The moment the woman walked away, Misty grabbed Ash by the sleeve. “Gary?! Of all the names, you had to pick Gary?!

Ash shrugged helplessly. “It was the first thing that came to mind! What was I supposed to say?”

“Oh, I don’t know, literally any other name!” Misty hissed. “You do realize if Gary hears about this, we’re never gonna live it down, right?”

Ash sighed, adjusting his crooked wig. “Look, it worked, didn’t it? Let’s just get out of here before she changes her mind and starts asking for baby pictures of Gary’s imaginary kid!”

Misty groaned. “Fine, but next time I’m picking the fake name.”

“Deal,” Ash muttered, leading her toward the next alley. “Now let’s ditch these disguises before something worse happens.”

Just as Ash and Misty slipped into another alley to regroup, they heard a familiar voice behind them.

“Well, well! What are the odds? It’s been ages since I’ve seen you two!”

Ash and Misty froze in place. Slowly turning around, they found themselves face-to-face with none other than Professor Oak. His keen eyes scanned their disguises with mild amusement.

“Oh, what a coincidence!” Misty croaked, hastily adjusting her wig and slipping into her wobbly old voice. “Fancy meetin’ you here, young man!”

Professor Oak raised an eyebrow. “Young man? Ash, Misty, what’s going on here?”

Ash quickly deepened his voice and stroked his fake beard, leaning heavily on the cane he’d been using. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken, sir. We’re just an old couple out shopping for... uh... gifts for our grandson!”

Professor Oak folded his arms, looking unconvinced. “Your grandson, huh? And who might that be?”

Misty elbowed Ash sharply.

“Oh, that would be Drew,” Misty said, glaring at Ash as if daring him to mess this one up.

“Drew?” Oak echoed, tilting his head.

“Yes, Drew!” Ash confirmed, nodding enthusiastically. “He’s, uh, a wonderful boy. Married to... uh...”

“Susie!” Misty supplied.

“Yes, Susie! And they’re expecting a baby any day now,” Ash added, trying to sound as proud as possible.

Professor Oak’s expression softened. “Well, that’s wonderful news. Drew always was a talented coordinator. You must be thrilled.”

“Oh, over the moon!” Misty said, clutching Ash’s arm tightly. “Why, we were just saying how proud we are of him, weren’t we, dear?”

“Absolutely,” Ash replied, smiling nervously.

Professor Oak chuckled. “Well, it’s always good to see proud grandparents supporting their family. Be sure to give Drew and Susie my regards.”

“Of course, of course!” Misty said, nodding vigorously. “We’ll pass along the message.”

Oak gave them a final nod before walking away, leaving Ash and Misty to breathe a sigh of relief.

Once Oak was out of sight, Misty spun on Ash, her wobbly old-lady persona vanishing. “Drew?! First Gary, now Drew?! What’s next, Paul?!”

Ash groaned, pulling off his fake beard. “I panicked, okay? Besides, it worked!”

“Barely!” Misty snapped, throwing up her hands. “If we run into anyone else, you’re not picking the name. I’m serious this time!”

“Fine,” Ash grumbled. “But let’s get moving before Oak doubles back. And maybe next time we avoid people we actually know!”

Misty shook her head. “Next time? Ash, we’re running out of grandsons to invent!”

“Then we’d better hope no one else recognizes us,” Ash muttered, leading the way out of the alley.

As Ash and Misty rounded the corner, they spotted someone standing by a market stall, smirking in that all-too-familiar way.

“Gary,” Ash hissed under his breath.

Misty groaned. “Of course it’s Gary. Why wouldn’t it be Gary?”

Gary looked up and immediately spotted them. “Hey, Gramps!” he called out. “Wait a second... Ashy-boy? Misty?”

Misty elbowed Ash hard before he could blow their cover. She quickly hunched over, leaning on her cane, and wobbled over to Gary with her best old-lady shuffle.

“Oh, dear boy, you must be mistaken,” she quavered in her wobbly voice. “We’re just an old couple out enjoying the day, aren’t we, dear?” She glanced at Ash.

“Absolutely,” Ash said, stroking his fake beard and deepening his voice. “Ah, the young ones always think they know everyone.”

Gary raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “You seriously expect me to believe this?”

“Oh, no need to believe anything!” Misty said with a wheezy laugh. “We’re here shopping for wedding gifts for our children! So many of them getting married these days!”

Gary folded his arms. “Your children, huh? And who might that be?”

“Paul!” Ash blurted.

Misty shot him a look but quickly recovered. “Yes, Paul! And his lovely fiancée, uh...”

“May!” Ash added hastily.

Gary blinked. “Paul and May? Really? I didn’t even know they knew each other.”

“Oh, well, it’s a whirlwind romance!” Misty said, waving her hand dramatically. “And they’re not the only ones. Max and Dawn are tying the knot too!”

Gary’s jaw dropped. “Max and Dawn?! Are you serious?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Ash said, trying to sound proud. “It’s been a year of love and joy for our family.”

Misty clutched Ash’s arm. “And such a blessing, wouldn’t you agree? Now, if you’ll excuse us, we really must be going. So much to plan!”

Gary looked completely bewildered but nodded. “Uh, sure... congratulations, I guess?”

“Thank you, thank you!” Misty said, hobbling away as fast as her fake old-lady act would let her.

Once they were out of earshot, Ash groaned. “Paul and May? Max and Dawn? Seriously?”

Misty glared at him. “Hey, you started it with Paul! I was just trying to keep up!”

“We’re running out of believable names!” Ash muttered, yanking off his beard.

Misty sighed, rubbing her temples. “If one more person recognizes us, we’re going to need a whole family tree to keep this act together.”

“Let’s just hope Gary doesn’t ask too many questions,” Ash said, leading the way down the street.

Misty rolled her eyes. “Knowing Gary? He’s probably already writing this down for his next journal entry.”

As the alleyway emptied, Pikachu and Togepi suddenly poked their heads out of Ash’s oversized coat.

“I did it!” Ash declared cheerfully, patting his stomach as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and Togepi wobbled into Misty’s hands.

Misty rolled her eyes, adjusting her cane. “No, you didn’t. They were already alive, husband. Honestly, where do you come up with this stuff?”

Ash grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “Just trying to stay in character.”

Misty sighed. “Whatever. Now, what should we dress up as next? We need something no one would suspect.”

Ash’s eyes lit up. “I know!”

Ten minutes later, they emerged from a nearby shop, dressed head-to-toe as none other than Team Rocket. Ash had a lavender wig styled into James’s iconic look, while Misty wore a red wig and Jessie’s signature outfit.

“Prepare for trouble!” Ash announced dramatically, striking a pose.

“And make it double!” Misty said with a smirk, mimicking Jessie’s confident stance.

Pikachu tilted its head, completely unimpressed, while Togepi chirped gleefully in Misty’s arms.

Ash beamed. “This is genius! No one will ever suspect it’s us!”

Misty crossed her arms. “Unless, of course, we run into the actual Team Rocket. Then what?”

Ash paused. “...We run faster?”

Misty groaned. “Fantastic plan, James. Just fantastic.”

As they started walking, Ash turned to Misty with a grin. “Admit it, though. We look pretty good in these outfits.”

Misty smirked. “You look like a lavender-haired disaster. But sure, whatever keeps us out of trouble, dear husband.”

Pikachu facepalmed, muttering, “Pika pika..."

As Ash and Misty strutted down the alleyway in their Team Rocket disguises, a chillingly familiar voice rang out.

"Prepare for trouble!" Jessie’s unmistakable tone echoed.

"And make it double!" James added.

Ash and Misty froze in place, their eyes wide as they exchanged a panicked look.

Misty hissed, “Oh no, it’s the real ones!”

Ash whispered, “Stay cool. Maybe they won’t notice.”

But then came the ominous “Meowth, that’s right!”

“Abort mission!” Ash yelped under his breath, grabbing Misty’s hand.

The two bolted, Pikachu clinging tightly to Ash’s shoulder while Misty clutched Togepi. They ran to the nearest manhole, pried it open, and jumped in without hesitation.

The smell hit them immediately.

"Gross!" Misty gagged, pinching her nose.

Ash grimaced. “It’s this or getting caught!”

Without wasting a moment, they stripped off their Team Rocket disguises, tossing the lavender wig, red wig, and uniforms into the murky water.

Misty grumbled, “I can’t believe we just jumped into a sewer. This is officially the worst day of my life.”

Ash shrugged, trying not to gag as he tied his vest around his waist. “At least they didn’t see us. That’s a win, right?”

Pikachu sneezed from the stench and glared at Ash. “Pika…chu.”

Togepi, blissfully unaware of the situation, chirped happily in Misty’s arms.

Misty gave Ash a deadpan look. “Any more genius disguises, or are we just winging it from here?”

Ash grinned sheepishly. “How about we dress as plumbers next? I mean, we’re halfway there.”

Misty groaned, resisting the urge to shove him into the sewer water. "Next time, I’m picking the disguise.”

As they climbed out of the sewer, drenched, disheveled, and reeking, they looked like they'd walked straight out of a barbarian tribe. Ash had ripped the sleeves off his shirt, tied them around his head like a bandana, and smeared some mud on his face for effect. Misty, on the other hand, fashioned a makeshift "barbarian cloak" from a filthy tarp they’d found. Pikachu and Togepi looked like survivors of a war zone.

Ash took a deep breath, clearly trying to embrace the part. "Okay, new plan. We’re barbarians now. Talk like barbarians and run as fast as you can to the forest. Got it?”

Misty crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “And how exactly do barbarians talk, oh wise leader?”

Ash puffed up his chest and growled in an exaggerated, gravelly voice, “RAH! ME STRONG ASH! ME GO FOREST! YOU FOLLOW!”

Misty blinked at him, unimpressed. “Seriously? That’s your plan?”

Pikachu smacked its forehead with its tiny paw.

Ash pointed dramatically toward the forest. “JUST DO IT! RUN!”

Misty sighed, adjusted her tarp-cloak, and growled back in the worst barbarian voice imaginable, “ME FOLLOW BIG DUMB HUSBAND. ME FAST. TO FOREST!”

With that, they bolted.

Their “barbarian sprint” to the forest was anything but stealthy. They charged through the streets, growling and grunting loudly to sell the act. People stopped and stared, some even stepping aside to let the “wild savages” pass.

One man muttered, “Are those... barbarians? In this town?”

Another woman added, “I think they escaped from some historical reenactment!”

Finally, they reached the safety of the forest, collapsing against a tree, panting heavily.

Ash wiped his face, grinning. “See? Perfect plan. No one suspected a thing!”

Misty, covered in mud and leaves, glared at him. “Perfect plan? Ash, we looked insane! This is getting ridiculous!”

Ash shrugged. “Hey, it worked. Plus, I think I’m getting pretty good at this disguise thing.”

Pikachu groaned. Togepi chirped happily, seemingly enjoying the adventure.

Misty sighed, pulling a leaf out of her hair. “Alright, barbarian boy. What’s the next plan?”

Ash grinned mischievously. “Oh, you’re gonna love this one…”

" Well you have to admit, I'm impressed." Misty sighed as she rocked in her vine hammock.

Ash was swinging from vine to vine, selling his barbarian act. " Yeah, it is."

Suddenly, they heard two voices.

" Grandpa, they said the barbarians were here."

" Yes, Gary, but I think it's just Ash and Misty in disguise."

Ash grabbed Pikachu, Togepi and Misty's hand. " Run."

Misty's hammock flipped as Ash yanked her hand, sending her tumbling to the ground. "What the—Ash!" she hissed, scrambling to her feet while clutching Togepi. 

"No time to complain, wife!" Ash barked, still in his barbarian act as he grabbed a vine and swung forward with Pikachu tucked under his arm. "RUN!" 

Misty rolled her eyes, adjusting Togepi in her arms. "Fine, husband, but if I trip, I’m dragging you down with me!" 

Behind them, Gary’s voice grew louder. “Grandpa, I swear I saw them swing from a vine! A vine!” 

Professor Oak's calm response followed. "Gary, let’s not jump to conclusions. But just in case… keep your eyes peeled.” 

Misty, in full sprint, shot Ash a glare. “This is your fault! You just had to play Tarzan!” 

Ash, still swinging from vines, hollered back, “I’m improvising! It’s what I do best!” 

Pikachu looked less than impressed as it clung to Ash’s arm, and Togepi chirped cheerfully, as if thoroughly enjoying the chaos. 

Misty pointed ahead. “The river! Jump!” 

Ash let go of the vine, attempting a heroic leap into the river. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as graceful as he envisioned. He belly-flopped into the water with a loud splash, Pikachu tumbling after him. 

Misty skidded to a halt at the riverbank, staring at Ash floundering in the water. “Really? That’s your idea of a smooth getaway?” 

"Just get in!" Ash spluttered, wiping water from his face. 

Sighing dramatically, Misty stepped into the river with Togepi held high above her head. “You owe me so much for this.” 

As they waded downstream, they heard Gary’s voice faintly behind them. 

“They couldn’t have gone far! Keep looking!” 

Misty glared at Ash, who was trying to paddle quietly with Pikachu perched on his head. “What’s your brilliant plan now, genius?” 

Ash grinned sheepishly. “Uh… maybe… barbarian swimming?” 

Misty facepalmed. “I swear, the moment we’re out of this, I’m leaving you with Gary.”

Misty adjusted the makeshift crown on her head, staring at Ash with a deadpan expression. “Prince Aaron? That’s the best you’ve got?”

Ash puffed out his chest, striking a regal pose. “Hey, it sounds royal enough. Besides, it fits the backstory! Now come on, Princess Mistiful, play along.”

Misty rolled her eyes but curtsied mockingly. “Yes, Your Highness. Shall we begin our tragic tale of woe and forbidden love?”

Ash ignored her sarcasm and scooped up Pikachu, cradling it like a royal pet. “Remember, Pikachu, you’re our loyal guardian who protects us from evil spies. And Togepi…” He pointed dramatically at the baby Pokémon. “You’re the heir to our fallen kingdom!”

Togepi chirped happily, clearly enjoying its newfound importance.

Misty glanced at the two and muttered under her breath, “I can’t believe this is my life.”

Just then, they heard rustling in the bushes nearby. A man and a woman emerged, both looking curious. “Excuse us,” the woman said, “but who might you two be?”

Ash immediately stepped forward, adopting an overly dramatic tone. “Ah, good villagers! We are Prince Aaron and Princess Mistiful of the once-glorious Kingdom of Pokévalia!”

Misty slapped on her best mournful expression, clutching Togepi to her chest. “Our parents were cruelly taken from us, and our evil uncle cast us into exile. We’ve been forced to live in the forest, surviving on berries and dreams of reclaiming our throne.”

The man blinked, clearly taken aback. “That… sounds awful.”

The woman’s eyes softened. “You poor things. How can we help?”

Ash beamed, clearly enjoying himself. “We are seeking refuge and kind souls to aid us in our quest. Do you have a safe place where we can rest and plan our next move?”

Misty elbowed Ash lightly, whispering, “Don’t get carried away. They’ll see right through us.”

“Relax,” Ash whispered back. “I’m nailing this!”

The couple exchanged glances, then nodded. “Follow us. We’ll take you to our home. You’ll be safe there.”

As the couple led them away, Misty leaned toward Ash and muttered, “I can’t believe they’re buying this.”

Ash smirked. “Told you, Princess. I’ve got this.”

Pikachu rolled its eyes while Togepi giggled, clearly enjoying the show.

As they sat down at the modest wooden table, Ash and Misty looked at each other, trying their best to maintain their royal personas.

“Remember, we are royalty,” Ash whispered, as he grabbed his fork delicately. “We must eat with grace.”

Misty raised an eyebrow at him but followed suit, taking a small bite of the stew they were given. “Yes, Your Highness. I shall eat with all the poise of a princess,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Still, she made a point to eat slowly, maintaining the illusion.

Ash, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to keep up the act, but his usual energetic self kept wanting to break through. He twirled his fork too aggressively, causing a small clink as it hit the plate, and he quickly cleared his throat, giving a tight-lipped smile to the woman who was serving them.

The woman noticed the awkwardness but simply smiled kindly. "It's wonderful to see such young royals so refined," she said, clearly charmed by their effort.

“Ah, yes, well,” Ash said, looking to Misty for help. “Our parents—may they rest in peace—taught us well. We must uphold the dignity of our kingdom.”

Misty caught his drift and quickly added, “Indeed, and though we have been exiled, we still have manners befitting our station.” She raised a spoon to her mouth, then almost snorted. “I mean... our former station,” she quickly corrected herself, with a nervous glance at Ash.

Pikachu, sitting in Ash's lap, occasionally glanced up at the adults before nibbling on his own tiny portion. Togepi was content, happily munching on some rice the woman had given them, looking quite pleased with the whole situation.

The woman looked over at them, still smiling but a bit puzzled. “Are you certain that your uncle is still after you? I mean, you two seem so...” She paused, unsure how to phrase it. “You don’t look like you’re in exile.”

Misty almost choked on her food but managed to recover quickly. “We...uh, have learned to adapt. A princess must be resourceful, after all,” she said, trying to maintain composure.

Ash coughed to cover up a laugh. “Yes, resourceful indeed. But we need a bit of rest now. It has been a long journey.”

The woman nodded, then turned to her husband. “Let’s make sure the royal guests have everything they need, then.”

As the couple left the room, Ash and Misty exchanged glances.

“This is getting harder by the minute,” Misty whispered, putting her fork down with a sigh.

“I told you it would be fun!” Ash grinned, though his voice was tinged with uncertainty. “But let’s enjoy this while we can. We’re doing great!”

Pikachu shot them a knowing look, as though unimpressed by their antics, while Togepi let out a soft, content chirp, as if oblivious to the situation at hand.

“Well,” Misty muttered, her eyes narrowing, “as long as they don’t ask us to dance or something ridiculous...”

Ash shrugged, smiling confidently. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this. After all, we’re royalty now, right?”

Misty couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, right, Prince Aaron.”

As the woman and her husband returned, they explained the situation with a concerned frown. "I’m terribly sorry," the woman said, "but we only have one spare room available for the night. We hope that’s alright." She seemed hesitant, as though unsure how the royal guests would react to sharing such a modest space.

Ash and Misty exchanged a brief glance. The situation was awkward, but they had little choice. They had been on the run for so long and the comfort of a warm bed, even in these strange circumstances, was a welcome relief.

“Of course, it’s no trouble at all,” Ash said, trying to sound as princely as possible. “We are quite used to... sharing rooms in times of need.” He gave Misty a reassuring look, though internally he was a little nervous.

Misty just nodded with a small smile, trying to keep the royal charade going. “It’s perfectly fine. We will make do. We thank you for your kindness.” She followed Ash into the room, doing her best to stay composed.

The room was small but clean, with simple wooden furniture. There was a bed with a large quilt, which seemed more than adequate after their exhausting journey. Ash and Misty both hesitated for a moment, the reality of the situation dawning on them.

“Well...” Ash started, rubbing the back of his neck, “I guess we don’t have much of a choice, huh?”

Misty sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at the modest surroundings. “Nope. It’s not exactly a castle, but I guess we can’t be picky right now.”

She turned to him with a smirk. “Just remember, Prince Aaron, we have to keep up the act. No funny business,” she teased, though the exhaustion in her voice was clear.

Ash grinned back, although there was a nervous edge to it. "Right, right... of course, Princess Mistiful." He moved to the other side of the bed and sat down.

As they lay down, each on their respective sides, they tried to get comfortable, but the bed was small for two people. They both found themselves shifting closer to the center, instinctively finding solace in each other's presence after everything they'd been through.

Slowly, Ash reached out and, without thinking, pulled Misty’s hand into his, their fingers intertwining. They both froze for a moment, surprised by the intimacy of the gesture, but neither of them pulled away. After a few seconds, Ash let out a quiet sigh, and Misty relaxed, squeezing his hand gently.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to stick together if we’re going to get through this royal charade, huh?” Ash murmured, his voice softer now.

Misty sighed as she rested her head on the pillow, her arm draped across the quilt. “Yeah, I suppose so. At least, for now, we’ve got each other.”

They fell into a quiet silence, the sounds of the night outside drifting into the room. It wasn’t the most comfortable situation, but in a strange way, it felt... safe. They both closed their eyes, letting the exhaustion of the day wash over them.

As they drifted off to sleep, arm in arm, neither of them realized how much they had come to rely on each other, not just for the act they were putting on, but for real companionship through the chaos of their bizarre adventure.

The morning light filtered softly through the small window, casting a warm glow over the room. Ash and Misty stirred, their eyes slowly opening. It only took a moment for them to realize the position they were in—somehow, during the night, they had ended up wrapped in each other’s arms, their bodies intertwined as they lay on the bed.

Ash blinked in surprise, then froze, looking down at the way Misty’s head was resting on his chest, her hair slightly tangled. He cleared his throat awkwardly, but didn't move. Misty, still half asleep, let out a soft sigh and snuggled a little closer to him.

For a moment, there was complete silence, with only the sound of their steady breathing filling the air.

"Uh... good morning," Ash mumbled, trying to break the stillness.

Misty opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. For a second, she seemed to hesitate, then she sighed, realizing exactly what had happened.

"Good morning," she said softly, a slight blush coloring her cheeks as she pulled herself away from him, sitting up. "Well, I guess we’re really committed to this royal act now, huh?"

Ash sat up as well, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, guess so... I mean, this is what we said, right? We’re getting married." His voice was quiet, though there was no denying the sense of awkwardness in the air.

Misty looked over at him, and for a moment, they both just stared at each other. They had kissed before, but this felt different—like they were stepping into a new territory, even though they had known each other for so long.

“Well, it’s not like we haven’t kissed before,” Misty said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. "But this... well, I guess this takes it to another level." Her voice was teasing, yet there was a slight warmth to it.

Ash chuckled nervously. “Yeah, it’s definitely more than just a quick peck now.” He gave her a goofy grin, but it was clear he was still getting used to this new dynamic.

Misty couldn’t help but smile back, a soft, genuine smile that reached her eyes. “It’s... actually kind of nice, in a weird way. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t been through a lot together. We’re good at pretending, but maybe... maybe we’re actually kind of good at this too.”

Ash blinked at her, confused at first. "Good at what? Pretending?"

"No," she said, reaching out to poke him in the arm. "Good at being together. Like... as a couple."

Ash's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected that response. He thought it was just the crazy situation they were in that made them act this way, but hearing it from Misty made him stop and think.

Before he could respond, they heard a knock on the door.

"Your breakfast is ready, Your Highnesses," came a cheerful voice from the other side.

Misty quickly stood up, trying to hide her blush and brush off the intimate moment they had shared. "Guess we better keep up the royal act," she said, walking toward the door.

Ash followed her, trying to straighten out his clothes, but a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that this whole "act" was starting to feel a little too real.

"Yeah," Ash muttered, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Let’s go, Princess Mistiful."

Misty paused before opening the door and turned to face him, offering a playful wink. "After you, Prince Aaron."

As the door creaked open, they stepped into the hallway, ready to face whatever came next in this strange, royal charade they had found themselves in. But deep down, both of them knew that something had shifted overnight. Whatever this was—whether a result of the situation or something more—it felt like they were no longer just pretending.

As they sat down at the small, wooden table for breakfast, Ash and Misty couldn’t help but notice how they were acting. The usual chaos and mess that came with their meals had disappeared, replaced by an odd sense of neatness. Ash carefully cut his fruit, one slice at a time, and Misty gracefully sipped her tea, her posture perfect. For a moment, they looked like the picture of royal decorum—nothing like the Ash and Misty everyone knew.

Ash glanced at Misty, then back at his plate, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Uh, Misty... we’re eating... really neatly. Are we... are we pretending too much?”

Misty looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know, but you’re definitely doing the royal thing well,” she teased, though her voice had a tinge of amusement.

Ash let out a small laugh, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed. He wasn’t used to sitting across from Misty and having this kind of calm, collected breakfast. It was... different. Too different.

“Yeah, but we’re really doing it, huh?” he muttered under his breath. “I never thought we’d be sitting here, eating like this... as a couple... pretending to be royalty...”

Misty met his gaze, her expression softening. "It’s... strange, isn’t it?" she said, looking around at their perfectly set table. "We’ve been through so much together, and yet this—this is the weirdest thing we’ve done." Her voice trailed off as she picked up a delicate piece of bread, her movements deliberate.

Ash leaned back slightly in his chair, glancing at her as he processed her words. “Yeah, I mean, we’re really good at pretending... but this... it feels almost like we’re not pretending anymore.”

Misty paused, her eyes meeting his. The room suddenly felt quieter, more intimate, even though they were in the middle of a strange house. She could feel a subtle shift between them, something that was deeper than just playing roles for the sake of their mission.

“You think so?” she asked quietly, her heart beating just a little faster.

Ash gave her a slow, thoughtful look. “I don’t know. I’ve kissed you before, but... it’s never felt like this. Like, I can’t tell if it’s the act or... if it’s real.”

Misty felt her breath catch slightly. The weight of his words hung in the air between them. The playful banter, the teasing, the pretending—was it all just that? Or had something real started to form between them, despite everything?

“Well,” Misty said after a long pause, setting her cup down. “Maybe it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not. We’re... here. Together. And maybe that’s enough.”

Ash blinked, his face softening as he looked at her. “Yeah, maybe it is.”

For a brief moment, they shared a quiet, understanding glance. It was the kind of look that spoke volumes without needing words.

As they finished their meal in an unusual silence, neither of them could ignore the fact that something had shifted, something beyond the costumes, beyond the pretending. And even though it felt strange, neither of them could deny that maybe this was the closest they had ever been to something real.

After breakfast, as they stood up to continue their charade, Ash gave Misty a gentle smile. “Well, Princess Mistiful, I guess we’ve got a whole royal adventure ahead of us.”

Misty grinned back, a hint of warmth in her eyes. “Indeed, Prince Aaron. Let’s make the most of it.”

And with that, they moved forward, no longer just pretending to be a couple, but perhaps, unknowingly, beginning to become one.

As Ash and Misty walked deeper into the forest, the sun filtering through the thick canopy above them, Misty held both Pikachu and Togepi close to her chest. Pikachu squirmed in her arms, eager to be back in action, but Misty kept a tight grip on the electric Pokémon. Togepi was nestled against her, content in her arms, cooing softly.

Ash led the way, his eyes scanning the surroundings, but despite his usual confidence in navigating, they had strayed far off the familiar path. The forest was dense, and every tree seemed to look the same. After walking for what felt like hours, Ash sighed, frustration creeping into his voice.

"This isn't right," he muttered. "I thought we were heading back."

Misty glanced around, her brow furrowed. "We *were* heading back, but I swear this forest has a way of confusing us. It’s like it’s trying to trap us."

Ash stopped walking and turned to face her. "Okay, let’s switch. You lead us now."

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Oh, sure, let the one who got us lost in the first place take over."

Ash gave her a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his head. "Look, I’m good at a lot of things. But forest navigation isn’t exactly my strong suit."

Misty sighed but nodded, carefully transferring Pikachu to Ash’s arms and gently handing Togepi over as well. "Fine, give me a minute to figure this out."

Ash took the rear, watching as Misty confidently began walking in a new direction, glancing up at the sky as if searching for a clue. But with each step, the forest seemed to grow denser, the trees closing in as though they were being swallowed by the wilderness.

Misty walked in silence for a while, her focus on the surroundings, but as they continued, she began to feel her own confidence slipping. After what felt like another hour of walking in circles, she finally stopped and turned to Ash, frustration lining her features.

"This isn’t working," she grumbled. "I’m lost. We’re lost. I don’t know where we are anymore!"

Ash sighed in exasperation. "I told you, we should’ve just stuck together."

Misty threw up her hands in defeat. "Well, now what? We can’t stay here forever. We’ve got to get back to the village somehow."

Ash stepped forward, Pikachu and Togepi still in his arms, both Pokémon looking a bit more nervous now. "Okay, calm down. We’ll figure this out. We just need to stick together and keep moving."

As if to punctuate his words, Pikachu gave a small, disgruntled squeak, and Togepi chirped quietly from Ash's hold. Misty shook her head, trying to make sense of their situation.

"At this rate," she said, half-laughing and half-sighing, "we’re going to end up in the middle of nowhere with no way to get home."

Ash chuckled dryly, though his face showed concern. "Yeah, but at least we'll have each other."

Misty gave him a sideways glance. "Well, at least that's something."

They continued forward, unsure of their exact direction, with the thick forest enclosing them even further. The path seemed endless, and no matter how many times they tried to navigate, the forest only seemed to pull them deeper.

Pikachu and Togepi shifted restlessly in their arms, their occasional chirps a reminder of how much they all longed to find a way out. Misty shot Ash a determined look, her resolve firming up despite the growing frustration.

"We’ll get out of here," she said quietly, more to herself than Ash. "We just have to stay calm."

Ash smiled at her, the tension momentarily lifting. "Yeah. We’ll get out. Together."

As they trudged on through the forest, their banter softened the situation. Despite the frustration of being lost, there was an undeniable sense of togetherness. Even in the wild, with the kids in their arms and no clear way out, they both knew they could count on each other to get through it.

And somehow, that was enough.

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