Poisoned by Love :O
" BROCK BROCK BROCK BROCK BROCK!" Misty yelled as she burst into the Pokemon center and collided with the wall.
Brock turned. " Misty?!" He exclaimed as he ran to her side and helped her up. " What happened?!"
" Ash's been poisoned by a love Pokemon! He's going crazy!" Misty shook him.
" Uh..... who's he going crazy on?"
" Pikachu! He's already wearing a dress... and lipstick... and...and...and-"
Brock's eyes widened in disbelief. "A dress? Lipstick? What are you talking about?" He quickly helped Misty to her feet, his mind racing.
"Team Rocket was trying to capture Pikachu, and Ash thought it would be a good idea to dress him up to hide him!" Misty exclaimed, her voice a mix of urgency and exasperation. "But now Ash is acting completely out of control! You need to help him!"
Brock rubbed his temples, trying to process everything. "Okay, let's not panic. Where is he?"
Misty pointed toward the back room of the Pokémon Center. "He ran in there, but he won't come out! He keeps shouting about how Pikachu is the best princess ever!"
Brock sighed. "Why does he always have to make things so complicated? Let's go."
The two rushed towards the door, and Brock pushed it open cautiously. Inside, they found Ash spinning in circles, his arms flailing dramatically as he gestured to Pikachu, who was indeed wearing a sparkly pink dress and a smudge of lipstick on his cheeks.
"Ash!" Brock called, trying to get his friend's attention. "What are you doing?"
Ash paused mid-twirl and looked at Brock with wide eyes. "Brock! Can't you see? Pikachu is the most beautiful princess in the whole world!" He then spun back to Pikachu, who was looking both bewildered and slightly embarrassed.
"Pika?" Pikachu squeaked, tilting his head in confusion.
Misty stepped forward, trying to reason with him. "Ash, you need to calm down. This isn't like you!"
"But he's so cute!" Ash protested, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I just wanted to make sure he looked his best!"
Brock pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know dressing him up like that won't help, right? You're not making any sense!"
"I don't care!" Ash shouted, ignoring Brock. "Pikachu deserves to shine like the star he is! Right, buddy?"
Pikachu looked up at Ash, then glanced at Misty and Brock, unsure what to do.
Misty took a deep breath. "Ash, listen to us. You've been poisoned, and we need to get you back to normal. You can't keep acting like this."
Ash shook his head vehemently. "No! I can't go back! We need to have a royal ball for Pikachu!"
Brock stepped closer, his expression serious. "Alright, Ash. If we promise to throw a royal ball for Pikachu later, will you come out of the dress-up phase and let us help you?"
Ash hesitated, looking torn between his excitement and the concern he could see on his friends' faces. "But... what if Pikachu doesn't want to be a princess anymore?"
Misty knelt down beside Pikachu. "Hey, what do you think? Do you want to keep wearing the dress?"
Pikachu's cheeks sparked slightly, and he shook his head, looking somewhat relieved. "Pika-pika!"
"See?" Brock said, putting a reassuring hand on Ash's shoulder. "Pikachu would rather be his usual self. Let's get you cleaned up and then we can figure out how to celebrate him in a different way."
Ash's shoulders slumped as he finally relented. "Fine... but only if I get to choose the cake!"
Misty and Brock exchanged relieved looks. "Deal," they both said in unison.
With a sigh, Ash stumbled forward, a hint of his usual self returning. "Okay, let's get out of here."
As they made their way back to the main area of the Pokémon Center, Misty chuckled softly. "Who would have thought that Ash would be the one dressing up his Pokémon?"
Brock smirked. "Well, at least he wasn't in a dress himself."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Misty replied with a grin. "For all our sakes."
Brock observed Ash's behavior as they walked. " Ash's under a love spell, so he thought Pikachu is his wife, given it's the thing Ash loves most."
"Wait, what? Ash thought Pikachu was his wife?" Misty groaned, running a hand through her hair. "Oh boy, this is going to be a long day."
Brock nodded, a serious expression on his face. "We need to get him home. If anything happens, just call me. I'll come straight over after my shift."
"Okay, but first..." Misty paused, scanning the area. "Where's Ash?"
Suddenly, they heard a commotion from the nearby store. "Pikachu! My beloved!" Ash's voice rang out as he dashed inside, eyes sparkling with affection.
Misty and Brock exchanged worried glances before rushing toward the entrance. "Ash!" Misty called, her voice filled with urgency. "Get back here!"
Inside the store, Ash was picking up various items, insisting they were all essential for his "wedding" to Pikachu. He held up a sparkly veil and a bouquet of flowers. "Look at these, Pikachu! They're perfect for our special day!"
"Pika!" Pikachu squeaked, clearly overwhelmed and trying to escape the chaos.
Misty grabbed Ash's arm just as he was about to grab a tiara. "Ash, we need to go home!"
"No! I can't leave my bride!" Ash protested, trying to pull away.
Brock quickly joined them, grabbing Ash's other arm. "We're not leaving without you, buddy. It's time to go."
With a combined effort, they managed to drag Ash out of the store, who was still shouting about his "princess" as they pulled him along the street.
Once outside, Ash finally began to calm down. "But I need to get things ready for the ceremony!" he insisted, looking back at the store.
Misty sighed, exasperated. "Ash, there's not going to be any ceremony until we deal with this poison you're under. You're not thinking straight!"
"I am too! Pikachu is my wife, and we need to plan our life together!" he argued, his eyes filled with determination.
Brock exchanged a glance with Misty. "Okay, how about this: we'll help you plan a celebration for you and Pikachu, but first, you need to rest and let us take care of you."
Ash crossed his arms stubbornly, but the fire in his eyes began to dim. "I guess... but only if Pikachu gets a special cake!"
"Deal," Brock said, relieved that they were finally making progress. "Now let's get you home."
As they started walking, Pikachu waddled beside them, looking both relieved and still a bit dazed. Misty couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, at least you're not the only one stuck in this mess, Pikachu."
"Pika..." he replied with a resigned sigh, glancing up at Ash, who was still mumbling about wedding plans.
"Hang in there, buddy," Misty said softly. "We'll figure this out."
Once they got Ash settled in bed, Misty tucked the covers around him, while he muttered sweet nothings to Pikachu, who was perched at his side, still looking a bit confused.
Brock placed his hands on his hips, glancing at Ash with concern. "I'll try to come up with an antidote," he said, his brow furrowed in concentration. "We can't have him like this until tomorrow."
Misty's eyes widened in alarm. "Wait, it wears off tomorrow?!"
"Unfortunately, yes," Brock replied, already gathering his things. "I have to go back to the Pokémon Center and see what I can whip up. Misty, you know how to use my tools, right? Because you're going to be me!"
Before Misty could respond, Brock dashed out the door, leaving her standing there in disbelief.
"Why, why, why?!" she exclaimed, running a hand through her hair in frustration.
Psyduck, who had been quietly observing the scene, looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes and quacked, "Psyduck!!"
"Thanks for your support, Psyduck," she groaned. "This is going to be a disaster."
She turned back to Ash, who was now murmuring about how beautiful Pikachu looked in its imaginary wedding dress. "Ash, you have to snap out of this!" she said, shaking him gently. "We need you back to normal!"
Pikachu looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and loyalty. "Pika...?"
"Exactly! We need to help him!" Misty declared, feeling a surge of determination. She rushed to Brock's workbench and began rummaging through his tools and supplies, trying to remember everything she had seen him do.
"Okay, Misty, you can do this," she muttered to herself. "Just find something that will help him."
As she sifted through the clutter, Psyduck waddled over and quacked again, looking ready to assist. Misty couldn't help but smile. "At least I have you, Psyduck. Let's see what we can find!"
"Ash?" Misty called, bruised in her book. "Time to wake up!"
When there was no response, a sense of dread washed over her. She rushed out of the room, calling his name again. "Ash?! Where are you?!"
Finally, she spotted him in the living room, holding his eye and grinning dreamily. "Pika-chu, my beautiful bride!" he declared, oblivious to the chaos he was causing.
"ASH!" Misty shouted, her voice echoing through the house. She ran over to him, her heart pounding. "What are you doing?!"
He turned to her, still starry-eyed. "Misty, isn't Pikachu just the most beautiful Pokémon ever? I just can't help it!"
Misty groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're still in love with Pikachu?!"
Just then, Ash let out a soft whimper, bringing a hand to his eye. "It hurts, Misty! I think it's because I love her too much!"
Misty's heart sank. "Oh, no... this isn't good." She quickly grabbed her Pokégear and dialed Brock's number, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Uh... Brock?" she said when he answered. "We have a... situation."
"Is it Ash?" Brock asked, his voice serious.
"Uh-huh. He's out here holding his eye and still declaring his love for Pikachu!" she exclaimed, her frustration bubbling over. "I don't know how to fix this! He's totally lost it!"
"Did he take any of the antidote?" Brock asked, sounding alarmed.
"No! I was working on that when he snuck out!" she replied, feeling helpless.
"Okay, stay calm," Brock instructed. "I'll be right back. Just keep an eye on him and try to keep him in one place!"
Misty nodded, even though Brock couldn't see her. "Got it! I'll do my best."
She hung up and turned to Ash, who was now spinning in circles, chasing after Pikachu. "Ash, can you please sit still for a moment?"
"Not until I marry Pikachu!" he laughed, his
joy completely misplaced.
Misty sighed deeply. "Why did I have to get stuck with the crazy one?" She needed a plan, and fast.
When Brock finally burst through the door, he was holding a stick triumphantly, as if it were some grand trophy.
"I believe this is why Ash got hurt!" he declared, waving the stick in the air.
Misty raised an eyebrow, confusion written all over her face. "A stick? What do you mean—"
Then it hit her, and she groaned, facepalming. "Of course! He must have tripped over it or tried to impress Pikachu with some ridiculous stunt!"
Brock nodded, a knowing look on his face. "Exactly. He probably thought he could show off, but instead, he ended up hurting himself and getting poisoned by whatever love spell that Pokémon cast."
Misty shook her head, exasperated. "So, what do we do now? We can't have him running around like this!"
"First, let's make sure he's safe," Brock said, glancing over at Ash, who was still spinning around and declaring his love for Pikachu. "Then, I'll work on that antidote again."
Misty sighed. "Fine. But how do we get him to sit still long enough for you to do anything?"
Brock smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I think I have an idea." He walked over to Ash and waved the stick in front of him. "Hey, Ash! Look what I found!"
Ash stopped spinning and blinked at Brock, his eyes shining with curiosity. "A stick?"
"Yep! It's a magical stick!" Brock said, trying to keep a straight face. "Only true Pokémon trainers can wield its power!"
Misty couldn't help but chuckle. "You really think that will work?"
"Trust me," Brock replied, a confident grin spreading across his face. "Just play along."
Ash leaned forward, his interest piqued. "A magical stick? What does it do?"
"It grants wishes, but only if you sit still and focus!" Brock said, his voice dripping with enthusiasm. "You have to believe in it!"
"Wishes?! Okay, I'll sit still!" Ash exclaimed, plopping down on the couch and fixing his gaze on the stick.
Brock and Misty exchanged glances, relief washing over them. "Alright, now let's see if we can get him back to normal," Misty murmured as Brock began gathering his tools again, ready to concoct the antidote.
Brock quickly prepared the concoction, calling it "juice" as he poured it into a small cup. He approached Ash, who was still mesmerized by the "magical stick."
"Hey, Ash! I brought you some juice," Brock said cheerfully, holding out the cup. "It'll help you feel better!"
Ash's eyes lit up. "Juice? I love juice!" He grabbed the cup and downed it in one gulp. "Mmm, that's delicious! What flavor is it?"
"Uh, let's just say it's a special blend," Brock replied, trying to hide his grin. "Now, just sit tight for a second, okay?"
Misty knew this was the perfect time to distract Ash while Brock worked on the antidote. She quickly grabbed Ash's Pokédex from the table and waved it in front of him. "Hey, Ash! Check this out!"
"What is it?" Ash asked, his eyes focused on the device.
"It's a new Pokédex feature! It can show you all the latest Pokémon and their abilities," Misty said enthusiastically. "Want to see it?"
"Yeah!" Ash replied, his love-struck gaze shifting to the Pokédex.
As Ash became engrossed in the information displayed on the screen, Brock took the opportunity to prepare the antidote. He carefully mixed various ingredients, including the "magical potion," which was actually a shot.
"Alright, Ash, I need you to keep looking at that," Misty said, desperately trying to keep his attention. "Look at this cool Pokémon! Isn't it amazing?"
"Oh wow, that one is awesome!" Ash exclaimed, leaning closer to the Pokédex as Misty flipped through the pages of her book.
Brock stealthily approached Ash, syringe in hand. "Just one quick shot, buddy," he whispered, trying to keep it as discreet as possible.
"Wait, what's that?" Ash asked, still focused on the Pokédex.
"It's just a part of the Pokédex! Nothing to worry about!" Brock replied quickly, taking advantage of Ash's distraction. With one swift motion, he administered the shot.
"OW! What was that?!" Ash yelped, finally breaking his focus on the Pokédex.
Misty immediately snapped the Pokédex shut and put it aside. "Uh, just a little... upgrade! You know how technology can be!"
Brock shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, totally harmless! Just keep focusing on the Pokédex."
Ash blinked, rubbing his arm. "I don't like this upgrade!"
"Well, too bad! You need it to get back to normal!" Misty insisted. "Just hold on, it'll work soon!"
"Okay, but I better get more juice after this
!" Ash pouted, his attention wavering.
"Deal!" Brock said, relieved that Ash hadn't caught on to what had just happened. As the antidote began to take effect, they could only hope that Ash would be back to his old self soon.
As the minutes passed, Ash blinked a few times and then looked around, his expression softening. "Misty! Brock! My beautiful wives!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around both of them in an overzealous embrace.
Misty's jaw dropped. "Wait, what?!"
Brock's eyes widened in disbelief. "Uh, Misty? I think the antidote might have... um... backfired?"
Misty groaned, rubbing her temples. "Great! So now he's in love with both of us?!"
Brock shrugged. " I think."
"Hey, at least I'm a girl!" Misty shot back, trying to find some silver lining in the bizarre situation. "What are we going to do now? I'm not ready to be married!"
Brock chuckled nervously, his face turning slightly red. "I don't think this is what I signed up for! Ash, buddy, you need to snap out of it! You can't just go around calling us your wives!"
Ash tilted his head, still smiling dreamily. "But you're both so wonderful! I'm the luckiest guy in the world!"
"Yeah, that's nice and all, but—" Misty began, but Ash interrupted her.
"Can we have a wedding? I want a big cake and lots of Pokémon guests!" Ash's enthusiasm knew no bounds.
"No weddings! No cakes!" Misty exclaimed, feeling overwhelmed. "We just need you to return to normal, Ash! Please!"
Brock nodded in agreement. "We need to find another solution. Misty, do you think any of your Pokémon might help? Maybe Psyduck can figure out an antidote."
"Psyduck is about as useful as a rock right now!" Misty said, exasperated. Psyduck, who had been observing the whole scene, nodded in agreement but then promptly fell asleep.
"Great. Just great!" Misty huffed, crossing her arms. "What are we going to do with him until then?"
"I guess we just have to wait for it to wear off?" Brock suggested, looking at Ash, who was now gazing at them with starry eyes.
"Can we at least not call each other wives?" Misty pleaded.
Ash shrugged, still blissfully unaware of the chaos. "But I like it! You're my family!"
Brock sighed, glancing at Misty. "Looks like we're stuck with this until something changes. Let's just try to keep him calm."
Misty put her hands on her hips. "Alright, but if he starts planning a wedding, I'm throwing him in the nearest river!"
"Deal!" Brock replied, half-smiling as they tried to figure out how to manage their love-struck friend.
As Brock prepared dinner, Ash and Misty strolled through the soft glow of the evening. Misty tried to keep the conversation light. "You know, Ash, you're really lucky I love you," she said, crossing her arms and trying to act nonchalant.
To her surprise, Ash's eyes widened in realization. "Knew it!" he exclaimed, grinning widely as if he'd just discovered the biggest secret in the world.
Misty's face turned crimson. "Wait, what do you mean, 'knew it'?" she stammered, taken aback. "You're just in love with me because of that stupid potion!"
Ash chuckled, his enthusiasm unaffected by the confusion. "Doesn't matter! You said it! And I always knew deep down you cared!"
Misty rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"Impossible but lovable!" Ash replied, puffing out his chest with pride.
Misty felt her heart race at his cheerful confidence. "You're really not making this any easier, are you?"
"Why would I?" Ash grinned. "Besides, I think it's nice to know how much we all care about each other. Even if it's because of a potion!"
Misty laughed, unable to resist his charm. "Alright, alright! But you'd better snap out of this love craze soon, or I might just start believing you!"
They continued walking, the sun setting behind them, casting a warm glow as they shared stories and laughter. Misty felt grateful for the moment, even with the odd circumstances.
Suddenly, Ash paused, staring into the distance. "Hey, Misty, do you think I could get a cake at our wedding?"
Misty couldn't help but chuckle. "If we ever
have one, I'll make sure it's a chocolate one!"
"Deal!" Ash shouted, pumping his fist into the air as they continued down the path, both of them caught in a strange but endearing moment of camaraderie.
After dinner, Brock pulled Misty aside, his expression serious. "We'll need to give him an... s," he whispered, making sure Ash wouldn't overhear.
Misty raised an eyebrow, catching on immediately. "Okay, I'll try to distract him," she said, determination in her voice.
They approached Ash, who was still in a blissful daze, gazing dreamily at Pikachu. Misty took a deep breath and sat him down. "So... Ash," she started, forcing a smile, "uh... nice weather, isn't it?"
Ash blinked, still in love-struck bliss. "Yeah! It's super nice! But not as nice as you, Misty!"
Misty blushed slightly, but she quickly steered the conversation back. "Right! So, um, what do you think of the clouds? They look like... Pokémon!"
"Totally! I see a Snorlax!" Ash said, pointing to a fluffy cloud.
Brock, crouched behind Ash, readied the syringe. "Okay, Misty, keep him focused!"
Misty continued, "And I bet there are tons of Pokémon out there just waiting for us to catch them! What do you think?"
"Yeah! We should go catch them all!" Ash replied, enthusiasm bubbling in his voice.
"Exactly! But first, we need to make sure you're healthy, right?" Misty said, trying to keep the tone light.
"Healthy? I'm always healthy!" Ash laughed, flexing his arms as if to show off.
"Uh-huh," Misty said, sharing a knowing look with Brock. "But sometimes we all need a little help, right?"
Before Ash could respond, Brock swiftly moved in, administering the shot.
"What was that?" Ash asked, finally noticing the sting.
"Just a little boost to help you feel better, buddy!" Brock replied cheerfully, trying to ease any tension.
Misty quickly added, "Yeah! It'll make you feel like yourself again!"
Ash blinked, confusion dancing in his eyes as he processed the information. "Wait, is that all?"
"Yup! No biggie," Brock assured him. "Just a little potion for the heart!"
Misty smiled reassuringly, hoping Ash wou
ldn't dwell on it. "Now, let's plan our next adventure once you're feeling back to normal!"
Ash grinned, his spirits lifting. "Alright! I can't wait!"
The next morning, Misty and Brock woke up early, both feeling a sense of relief that Ash seemed to be back to normal. However, as they made their way to his room, they quickly realized something was amiss.
"Ash?" Misty called, knocking on his door. "Time to wake up!"
No response.
Brock exchanged a worried glance with Misty. "Maybe he's still asleep. Let's check on him."
They opened the door, only to find the bed empty and the room tidy. Misty's eyes widened. "He's not here!"
"Where could he have gone?" Brock asked, scratching his head in confusion.
Just then, they heard laughter and the sound of Pokémon battling outside. Misty and Brock rushed to the door, their hearts racing. They dashed outside and were met with an unexpected sight.
Ash was in the backyard, fully focused and determined, training hard with Bulbasaur and Charmander. He was dodging Bulbasaur's Vine Whip and encouraging Charmander to use its Ember attack.
"Alright, Bulbasaur! You've got this! Use Vine Whip!" Ash shouted, dodging the tendrils and laughing.
Misty and Brock stood in shock for a moment before Brock broke the silence. "Looks like he's back to his old self!"
Misty nodded, relief flooding her. "Thank goodness! I was worried he'd still be—"
"Hey! Look at this!" Ash interrupted, grinning as he expertly sidestepped Bulbasaur's attack. "I've been working on my reflexes!"
Brock stepped forward, arms crossed. "Training hard, are we? What happened to taking it easy?"
h paused, looking back at them with a smile. "I feel great! I couldn't wait to get outside and train with my Pokémon! I have to make sure I'm always ready for a battle!"
Misty shook her head, a smile creeping onto her face. "You really can't help yourself, can you?"
Ash laughed, his energy infectious. "Nope! And now we're ready to take on Team Rocket if they show up again!"
Brock chuckled, shaking his head. "Just try to avoid any more love poison, okay?"
"Deal!" Ash said, determination shining in his eyes. "Now, who's ready for a battle?"
"Let's do this!" Misty cheered, her enthusiasm matching Ash's as they prepared for a day filled with training and adventure.
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