On the flying Airship with Wisty
Everyone glanced at Wist nervously as she sat on the ground playing with her Pokemon.
Danika cleared her throat. ' okay, so we all agree no violence?"
Everyone nodded and turned to Wisty. She looked up with a grin.
" Sure. But one thing we have to make clear."
Quillon nodded with his serious expression ( when was he NEVER serious?)
" Go ahead."
" Sometimes, beauty can help dangerous."
And with that, she pulled out her pistol.
" I wanna be the very best like on one ever was ( ever was ever was)
To catch em is my real test
To train them is my cause!
My whole life has lead to this,
Time to test my skills,
I know I just can't miss
To show the world
Born to be a winner
Born to be a champion
Born to be a winner born to be the very best
Pokemon Johto!
Born to be a winner,
Wisty thought for a second. " Fine."
Everyone sighed.
But Wisty gave the gun to Togepi.
" I'm gonna go get water. Stay safe, my little girl."
When Wisty returned, the room was a battle scene. There were bullets everywhere, and Togepi was shooting everything in sight. The people were dodging.
" Good job, my baby girl." Wisty praised.
" GOOD JOB?!" Ash yelled as he dodged a bullet and shot Wisty a look. " YOUR KID IS KILLING US!"
Wisty shrugged. " Eh. Togepi, stay here, okay? Mommy has to do something._
" Wait, no, no, no-"
But it was too late.
Wisty has disappeared.
Goh and Horace were cowering behind Danika. " What should we do?"
Danika looked at Quillon, who looked at the professor, who looked at Ash and Gary, who looked at zgoh and Horace.
No one had any idea.
Togepi sat happily on the table, its tiny hands gripping the pistol with surprising dexterity. The baby Pokémon chirped gleefully as it fired off another round, narrowly missing Quillon, who dived behind a couch with the grace of a seasoned agent.
Danika yelped as a bullet whizzed past her head. "WISTY! COME BACK HERE AND FIX THIS!" she screamed, peeking out from behind a chair.
Amaranth flattened himself against the wall, clutching his bag of research notes like it was a lifeline. "Is no one going to address the fact that Togepi is armed and dangerous?! This is madness!"
Ash slid across the floor, using Pikachu as cover. "Wisty left this lunatic in charge?!" he yelled, glaring at Togepi, who responded with an innocent coo before firing another round at a vase.
Gary was crouched beside Goh and Horace, his hands trembling. "This isn’t just madness—this is war!" he hissed. "We're under siege by a baby!"
Quillon, looking as calm as ever despite the chaos, shouted over the mayhem, "Does anyone know how to disarm a Pokémon?!"
Goh glanced at him like he’d grown a second head. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE KNOW?"
Meanwhile, Togepi continued to bounce happily on the table, giggling with pure, unbridled joy. It spun in a circle and fired into the air, creating a dramatic rain of confetti-like plaster from the ceiling.
Horace, clutching his Pokéball nervously, whispered to Goh, "Should we, uh... try battling it?"
Goh shook his head fervently. "Are you crazy? That thing has a gun! No way I’m risking Raboot against that nightmare!"
Danika ducked as another shot hit the lamp next to her. "This is officially the worst day of my life," she muttered. "We need a plan. Quillon, any ideas?"
Quillon peeked out cautiously. "The best plan? Survival. Everyone, find cover and don’t provoke it!"
Ash was now crawling on the floor with Pikachu. "Togepi, buddy, listen to me," he said in his calmest voice. "We’re all friends here, right? You don’t have to—WHOAAA!" He ducked as Togepi giggled and sent another bullet flying his way.
Gary, now curled in a ball behind a table, groaned. "Wisty better come back soon. This is her chaos child."
Just as another round of bullets ricocheted off the walls, Wisty strolled back into the room, carrying a jug of water. She paused at the doorway, tilting her head curiously. "What’s going on in here?" she asked, her tone entirely too casual.
Everyone turned to her, their faces a mix of fury and desperation. "YOUR TOGEPI IS TRYING TO KILL US!" they yelled in unison.
Wisty blinked at them, then looked at Togepi, who was still happily firing shots and giggling. "Aww, look at her! She’s having so much fun," Wisty said, beaming with pride.
Gary slammed his fist on the floor. "Wisty, call her off now! Before we all get turned into Swiss cheese!"
Wisty sighed and set the water down. "Okay, okay. Togepi, sweetie, give Mommy the gun."
Togepi tilted its head, chirped, and obediently handed the weapon back to Wisty, who patted its head affectionately. "Good girl."
The room fell silent except for the collective sighs of relief from everyone. Ash slumped against a chair, exhausted. "You have got to get that thing under control, Wisty," he said, pointing a shaky finger at her.
Wisty just shrugged and tucked the pistol back into her bag. "What’s the big deal? She was just playing."
Gary groaned, running a hand down his face. "Remind me never to babysit for you. Ever."
Danika, Quillon, Amaranth, and the rest just stared at Wisty in stunned disbelief as she nonchalantly walked to the kitchen, completely unfazed. Meanwhile, Togepi hopped after her, chirping happily as if nothing had happened.
Ash stirred in his sleep, grumbling softly as he shifted to get comfortable. The night was quiet—peaceful even. Pikachu snoozed next to him, tiny sparks occasionally flickering from its red cheeks. All seemed right with the world.
That was, until Ash felt something cold and metallic press against his chest.
His eyes snapped open to find Togepi perched on his stomach, holding the same tiny pistol from earlier. It tilted its head and cooed innocently, but the weapon it held was anything but.
“Uh… Togepi?” Ash whispered, his voice shaky. “Wh-what are you doing, buddy?”
Togepi giggled softly, cocking the gun with a tiny click.
Ash’s breath hitched, and without another word, he rolled off the bed, sending Togepi tumbling to the floor. The baby Pokémon landed gracefully on its feet, letting out a determined chirp before raising the gun again.
Ash scrambled backward, crashing into a lamp and sending it clattering to the floor. “Pikachu!” he hissed, shaking his sleeping partner. “Wake up! We’ve got a situation here!”
Pikachu groggily opened its eyes, blinking at Togepi, then at the gun. It immediately leapt to its feet, sparks flying from its cheeks.
“PIKA!” it yelled, ready to attack.
But Togepi was faster. With a mischievous grin, it fired a shot that narrowly missed Pikachu and embedded itself in the wall behind Ash.
The commotion woke the rest of the house.
Gary burst into the room first, hair disheveled and wearing mismatched socks. “What’s going on?!” he demanded, rubbing his eyes. Then he froze, his gaze landing on Togepi.
“NOT AGAIN!” Gary groaned, ducking as Togepi fired another shot.
Quillon appeared next, his ever-serious expression quickly morphing into shock as he assessed the scene. “Why is it always Togepi?” he muttered, dodging behind the doorframe just as another bullet zipped past him.
Danika poked her head around the corner, her hair in a messy bun. “What now?!” she snapped, only to yelp and duck when Togepi aimed at her. “Are you kidding me?!”
Ash scrambled to his feet, clutching Pikachu. “It was on my chest with a gun! This is NOT my fault!”
Gary grabbed a pillow from the couch and used it as a makeshift shield. “Why does Wisty even own that thing?!” he shouted, hurling the pillow at Togepi, who expertly dodged it with a giggle.
“Togepi’s got the reflexes of a ninja!” Ash exclaimed, diving behind the bed as another bullet grazed his ear.
Quillon, crouching beside the dresser, scowled. “This is absurd. It’s a baby Pokémon! Why can’t we handle it?”
Danika snorted from her hiding spot in the hallway. “You try handling an armed toddler, Quillon! Go ahead, be my guest!”
Togepi, seemingly enjoying the chaos, spun in a circle and fired into the air. Feathers from a pillow it had punctured floated down around the room, adding to the surreal atmosphere.
“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!” Ash shouted, pointing at Togepi.
Pikachu leapt forward, releasing a burst of electricity. Togepi responded by firing at the lightbulb overhead, shattering it and plunging the room into darkness.
“Great!” Gary hissed. “Now it’s dark, and it still has the gun!”
Quillon fumbled with his flashlight, finally managing to turn it on. The beam landed on Togepi, who stood atop the bed like a victorious general. It raised the gun high, cooing triumphantly.
Danika groaned. “This is the most embarrassing battle I’ve ever been a part of.”
“You’re not even fighting!” Ash snapped.
Togepi fired again, the bullet ricocheting off a mirror and zipping past Gary’s head. He let out a scream and dove to the floor. “Okay, I’m officially done! Someone call Wisty!”
“No way,” Ash said, crawling toward Togepi on all fours. “We don’t need her. We can do this without—”
Another shot whizzed past him, cutting his declaration short.
Pikachu growled and charged forward, electricity crackling. Togepi, unfazed, dodged with a well-timed hop and fired at Pikachu’s feet. The little electric mouse jumped back, startled.
Gary peered out from behind the couch. “Okay, new plan. Who’s got snacks? Maybe we can bribe it?”
Quillon sighed. “It’s not a Growlithe, Gary. It’s not going to fall for that.”
Danika leaned against the doorframe, pinching the bridge of her nose. “We need Wisty. Now.”
Ash groaned, reluctantly pulling out his phone. “Fine. But if she laughs, I’m throwing her Togepi out the window.”
The group ducked behind cover as Togepi continued its cheerful rampage, firing at anything that moved. By the time Wisty finally answered the phone, the room looked like a war zone, with pillows, furniture, and pride utterly destroyed.
“Hello?” Wisty’s voice came through the speaker.
“GET BACK HERE AND TAKE YOUR TOGEPI!” everyone yelled in unison.
Wisty just laughed. “Sounds like she’s having fun. Good luck, guys!” Then she hung up.
The three groaned in unison, preparing for another round of chaos.
As the chaos raged on, the door creaked open to reveal Goh, clutching a very much asleep Horace to his side. Goh's hair was sticking up in all directions, and his face screamed exhaustion. He blinked at the scene in front of him—the upturned furniture, the pillow feathers floating in the air, and, most importantly, Togepi standing victoriously on the bed with a gun.
“What… the… heck?” Goh muttered, his jaw dropping. “Why does Togepi have a gun?!”
Ash popped up from behind the couch, his hair singed from an earlier near-miss. “Ask Wisty! Now wake Horace up and help us!”
Goh sighed, shaking Horace’s shoulder. “Horace, wake up. We’ve got a situation.”
Horace just mumbled something incoherent and nuzzled closer to Goh’s arm. “Five more minutes…”
“Togepi has a gun!” Goh shouted, shaking him harder.
Horace’s eyes fluttered open, squinting in confusion. “Huh? What? Togepi… what?”
Before Goh could explain, another shot rang out, and a pillow near Horace’s head exploded into a cloud of feathers. Horace yelped, his sleepiness evaporating as he dove behind Goh.
“What is happening?!” Horace yelled, his voice an octave higher than usual. “Why is Togepi shooting at us?!”
Gary peeked out from his hiding spot, his face pale. “We’re still trying to figure that out! And by the way, welcome to the war zone.”
“Great,” Horace muttered, clutching Goh’s arm like a lifeline. “This is exactly how I wanted to spend my night.”
Togepi, meanwhile, was having the time of its life. It hopped in place, firing at random objects with glee. The bullets ricocheted off walls and furniture, causing everyone to duck and cover.
Goh groaned, rubbing his temples. “Okay, we need a plan. Who’s got one?”
Ash raised his hand from behind the couch. “I say we just rush it. Overwhelm it with numbers.”
Gary glared at him. “That’s how you die, Ash.”
Horace whimpered. “Can’t we just… I don’t know… take the gun away?”
Quillon, still crouched behind a chair, rolled his eyes. “Brilliant idea, genius. Why didn’t we think of that? Oh wait, we did, and now the living room looks like a battlefield.”
Danika poked her head out from the hallway. “Why don’t we call Wisty again? Maybe she can recall Togepi or something.”
“She hung up on us,” Ash snapped. “She thinks this is funny!”
Goh stood up, determination flashing in his eyes. “Fine. If Wisty won’t help, we’ll handle this ourselves. Pikachu, you with me?”
Pikachu nodded, sparks flying from its cheeks.
Horace grabbed Goh’s arm. “Wait! You’re not seriously going out there, are you? Togepi’s got great aim!”
Goh gently pried Horace’s hands off his arm. “Relax. I’ve got this.”
He took a step forward, only for Togepi to immediately fire at his feet, forcing him to jump back with a yelp.
“See?!” Horace hissed, pulling him back. “Terrible idea!”
Togepi tilted its head, seemingly amused by the spectacle. It let out a cheerful chirp before firing again, this time narrowly missing Goh’s leg.
“Okay, okay!” Goh said, waving his hands in surrender. “New plan!”
“Finally!” Gary snapped. “You’re catching on!”
Togepi let out a happy coo and shot at a nearby lamp, shattering it into pieces. The room erupted into another round of yelling and chaos as everyone scrambled to avoid the ricocheting bullets.
“WHY DOES THIS KEEP GETTING WORSE?!” Horace screamed, clinging to Goh like a lifeline.
“I BLAME WISTY!” Ash yelled, diving behind the couch again.
Danika threw her hands in the air. “That’s it! I’m done. Quillon, you deal with this!”
Quillon shook his head, deadpan as always. “Nope. I’m not paid enough for this.”
Meanwhile, Togepi twirled in place, giggling as it continued its rampage. It fired at the ceiling, the walls, and even the TV, which emitted a sad bzzt before going dark.
Horace whimpered, burying his face in Goh’s shoulder. “I just want to go back to sleep…”
“Same,” Goh muttered, dodging another bullet. “Same.”
The madness continued well into the night, with no end in sight. By the time Wisty finally decided to return, she found the entire group huddled in a corner, looking utterly defeated.
Togepi, on the other hand, was happily napping in the middle of the wreckage, the gun tucked neatly beside it.
“Looks like you guys had fun,” Wisty said with a smirk.
Everyone groaned in unison.
The morning was deceptively peaceful. The smell of pancakes wafted through the air as Danika flipped a fresh stack onto a plate. The group gathered around the breakfast table, looking exhausted but relieved that the night of chaos seemed to be over. Ash rubbed his eyes and sat down, glancing across the table at Wisty.
“We need to talk about your Togepi,” Ash said, his tone serious.
Wisty sipped her orange juice, unfazed. “What about her? She’s an angel.”
“An angel?!” Gary blurted, glaring at Wisty. “Your ‘angel’ turned our living room into a war zone!”
Wisty rolled her eyes. “Relax. Togepi doesn’t have the gun anymore.”
Everyone collectively sighed in relief. Danika served pancakes, and for a moment, things felt almost normal.
Until Togepi waddled into the room.
Every head turned toward the tiny Pokémon, and there was a beat of silence. In its stubby little hands, Togepi clutched a rifle nearly twice its size, its cheery grin completely at odds with the weapon it carried.
Ash choked on his juice. “WISTY!”
“What?” Wisty said innocently, cutting into her pancakes. “See? I told you she doesn’t have the gun anymore.”
Gary’s jaw dropped. “YOU GOT HER A RIFLE?!”
Wisty shrugged. “Guns are dangerous. I thought this would be safer.”
“SAFER?!” Gary yelled, his voice cracking. “THAT’S MORE DANGEROUS!”
Danika froze mid-pour of maple syrup, staring at Togepi with wide eyes. Quillon groaned, putting his head in his hands. “Why do I even bother?”
Ash bolted to his feet, pointing a trembling finger at the armed Togepi. “WHY DOES IT EVEN KNOW HOW TO HOLD THAT?!”
“Togepi’s a fast learner,” Wisty said, pride shining in her voice. “Isn’t she adorable?”
“ADORABLE?!” Horace squeaked from behind Goh, his voice muffled by the way he was clutching Goh’s shirt. “It’s holding a rifle!”
Togepi cooed happily and aimed the rifle at a random chair. The room collectively dove under the table just as the rifle discharged with a deafening BANG. The chair exploded into splinters.
Gary peeked out from under the table, his face pale. “This is not happening.”
“Oh, come on,” Wisty said, leaning back in her chair. “She’s just expressing herself. Every Pokémon has hobbies.”
“Her hobby is shooting furniture?!” Goh exclaimed, still holding a trembling Horace.
Danika grabbed Wisty by the shoulders, shaking her lightly. “Wisty, you cannot keep letting Togepi play with weapons!”
“Why not?” Wisty asked, blinking innocently. “She’s not hurting anyone.”
“NOT HURTING ANYONE?!” Ash shouted, emerging from under the table. “She destroyed the lamp, the couch, and now the chair! What’s next? The house?!”
Togepi let out another happy chirp and fired again, this time blowing a hole through the wall. Sunlight streamed through the new opening, and everyone stared in stunned silence.
Wisty pouted, crossing her arms. “Fine, but you’re all overreacting.”
“Overreacting?!” Quillon muttered, glaring at the hole in the wall. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
Wisty knelt down and gently pried the rifle from Togepi’s hands. “Okay, sweetheart, time to give Mommy the rifle.”
Togepi looked up at her with wide, tear-filled eyes, letting out a pitiful whimper. Wisty’s resolve crumbled instantly. “Aw, don’t cry! Fine, you can have it back later.”
Everyone else groaned in unison.
Togepi's joyful laughter echoed through the room as it fired another round, sending a pillow flying across the room. Goh ducked instinctively, narrowly avoiding the projectile, and turned to Horace with wide eyes.
"Wake up, Horace! We're under fire!" Goh exclaimed, his voice rising in panic.
" Mmm, I wanna nap mommy."
Horace, still groggy, blinked at the scene, rubbing his eyes. "This... this is real? Why is Togepi shooting everything?!" he asked, finally sitting up and taking in the chaos.
Ash, still crouched behind the couch, tried to rally his friends. "We need to stop Togepi before it takes out the entire room!" he said, peeking out from cover. "Pikachu, are you ready?"
Pikachu, who had been trying to dodge incoming fire, stood tall with sparks dancing around its cheeks. "Pika!" it squeaked, ready for action.
Quillon, ever the strategist, peered from his hiding spot and muttered, "This is absurd. How do we take down a baby Pokémon with a gun? Someone has to think of something!"
Gary, trembling behind a barricade of pillows, shouted, "We can’t keep dodging! Wisty needs to take responsibility for this!"
Just as the room's tension reached a boiling point, a voice boomed from the doorway. "Alright, alright! I’m here!" Wisty strolled back in casually, a slight smirk on her face as she surveyed the wreckage. Togepi, still happily firing away, stopped momentarily and waved its tiny hands in greeting.
"Wisty! Your Togepi is a menace!" Ash yelled, gesturing at the chaos surrounding them. "Fix this, NOW!"
Wisty raised an eyebrow, unconcerned. "She’s just playing, you guys! Why are you all so uptight? She’s harmless!"
Danika, who had narrowly avoided another bullet, groaned. "Harmless? Wisty, that thing's armed and dangerous! We need a plan to get it under control!"
Wisty rolled her eyes but finally approached Togepi, who was giggling with glee, oblivious to the havoc it had caused. "Togepi, sweetie, put the gun down."
Togepi tilted its head, still holding the weapon like a little soldier. It made a soft chirping noise but didn't immediately comply.
Ash sighed, rubbing his temples. "Please, Wisty, just take it back before we're all taken out by a baby Pokémon!"
With a dramatic sigh, Wisty stepped forward and gently pried the gun from Togepi’s tiny hands. "Alright, alright," she said, tucking the gun into her bag. "There. Happy now?"
The room fell into an exhausted silence, save for the faint sound of someone’s hair smoldering or another stray bullet ricocheting off a wall. Everyone took a collective breath, grateful that the chaos had finally ended.
Gary, still lying on the floor, looked up at Wisty with a mix of exhaustion and disbelief. "I don’t know what’s worse: Togepi with a gun, or the fact that you didn’t think this would be a problem."
Wisty shrugged with a sheepish smile. "What can I say? She’s a prodigy."
Ash, sitting on the floor next to Pikachu, couldn’t help but laugh in spite of himself. "That was insane," he muttered, wiping his brow. "But hey, at least we survived... somehow."
Quillon, standing upright again, nodded gravely. "We need to have a serious discussion about Togepi’s future... and Wisty's parenting techniques."
Wisty shot him a playful look. "Relax. She’s just a baby. Nothing to worry about."
Gary rolled his eyes. "Sure, if you call nearly getting shot by a baby Pokémon 'nothing to worry about.'"
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