Misty's Birthday
Misty yawned as she stretched in her bag and opened an eye to see the large, blue sky with white, fluffy clouds drifting away. She stood up, rolled her sleeping bag, and put it in her bag.
That's when she realized Brock and Ash were already awake. Brock was making food, and Ash..... Was nowhere.
" Morning, Brock." Misty yawned.
Brock turned and gave her a grin. " Hiya, Misty! Happy birthday!*
Misty froze. * Huh?"
Brock smirked as he crossed his arms. " Forgot your own birthday have we?"
Misty blushed. " N..no! I... I mean, I was just caught off guard!"
Then, she quickly changed the subject. " Where's Ash?"
" He's out. Doing an errand."
He stood up. " Actually, if you don't mind, do you think you could stir this? I have to see if Ash is okay."
Misty nodded. " Got it."
Brock quickly ran into the trees, and misty sighed.
" I wonder where ash is."
Psyduck came out of his ball at that exact second."
Misty saw him looking at her. " What?*
" Psy!" Psyduck gave her an evil smile.
Misty blushed. " Agh! Return!"
When he was gone, misty sighed in relief.
* Wonder what Ash is doing...." Misty muttered as she watched the pancakes cook.
" Pika pi." Pikachu muttered as he shook his head
Pikachu gave him a look, but ash didn't even notice.
He was too busy panicking. He took his ten meter list out and let it unfold. He took a pencil from behind his ear.
" Uh.... Let's see..... I need to get misty a cake, get her a gift, get flowers, call professor Oak, take her gift from him, take her gift from Mom, call the Cerulean Sisters, get their gifts for her, take her out to the beach, let her catch as many Pokemon as she wants, make sure she's happy, her her piz-*
" Pika pi!*
Ash shot him a look. " I am not overthinking! Anyway-"
" Pika Pika piiiii!"
Ash suddenly perked up. "Oh! Let's go get her a chocolate cake!" He bolted in the direction of the nearest town.
Pikachu slapped his head in exasperation. "Pika... pi..."
As Ash sprinted through the woods, frantically checking his list again, Pikachu followed along, shaking his head. "Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a disaster?" Pikachu muttered to himself. ( In his language).
Ash finally reached the town bakery and barged in, a little out of breath. “One chocolate cake, please!”
The baker raised an eyebrow at his sudden entrance. “Chocolate cake, huh? Special occasion?”
Ash nodded enthusiastically, still panting. “It’s my girlfriend, Misty’s birthday! And I need it to be perfect!”
The baker smiled and went to the back to prepare the cake, leaving Ash fidgeting nervously at the counter. He pulled out his list again. “Okay, cake, check. Next... flowers!”
He turned to Pikachu. "We gotta find the best flowers in town next, okay?"
"Pika," Pikachu replied, still not convinced Ash had thought everything through.
After a few minutes, the baker returned with a beautifully decorated chocolate cake. "Here you go! All set!"
Ash grinned widely, carefully taking the cake. “Thanks! Alright, Pikachu, onto the flowers!”
As they headed out of the bakery, Ash was trying to balance the cake box while still looking at his list. “I wonder what Misty’s favorite flowers are...”
"Pika pi..." Pikachu sighed, knowing this day was far from over.
Ash darted from aisle to aisle in the flower shop, and muttered to himself, "What flower would someone who likes water like?"
Meanwhile, Pikachu, spotting a nearby chair, jumped up, placed a fake mustache and monocle from the shop’s display on itself, and sat back, looking quite sophisticated.
Ash, still frantically looking around, finally spotted Pikachu in his new "disguise." Rushing over, he said, “Hey, sir! What kind of flowers would a Water Pokémon trainer like?”
Pikachu gave him a deadpan look before pointing to a display of blue lilies and water lilies with his paw. “Pika... pika,” he said in a deep, "serious" voice, maintaining the sophisticated act.
Ash blinked, staring at the flowers Pikachu pointed to. "Water lilies... of course! They're perfect for Misty!"
He grabbed a bunch and hurried to the counter to pay, glancing back at Pikachu. “Thanks, sir! You really know your stuff!”
Pikachu gave a small nod, still in character as Ash bolted out of the shop with the cake and flowers in hand. As soon as Ash was out of sight, Pikachu hopped down from the chair, ripped off the mustache and monocle, and rolled his eyes, following after Ash. "Pika pi..."
Ash rushed into the Pokémon Center. He skidded to a stop at the front desk, slightly out of breath. “I’m here to pick up Charizard!” he exclaimed.
Nurse Joy smiled warmly. “Oh yes, Charizard is ready to go!” But as she looked at Ash more closely and noticed the cake, flowers, and the frantic look on his face, she tilted her head in concern. “You look like you have a lot on your plate.”
Ash, trying to play it cool, chuckled nervously. “Oh, not much, really…” Then, unable to stop himself, he launched into his entire list, holding up the paper as if that would make it less overwhelming. “Well, I have to pick up Charizard, get Misty a cake, grab flowers—which I just got—call Professor Oak, pick up her gifts from him and my mom, call her sisters, take her to the beach, let her catch as many Pokémon as she wants, make sure she's happy, get her pizza, and… yeah, just a few things.”
By the time he finished, Nurse Joy was staring at him, eyes wide in awe. “That’s… quite the to-do list, Ash,” she said, blinking.
Ash rubbed the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. “Yeah, I guess it’s a lot. But I want Misty’s birthday to be perfect!”
Nurse Joy smiled kindly, clearly impressed by his determination. “Well, it sounds like you’re doing a great job so far. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too!”
Ash laughed. “I’ll try! But Misty comes first today!”
Just then, Charizard appeared from the back, letting out a confident roar as if ready to join Ash in his birthday mission. Ash grinned, feeling a surge of determination. “Thanks, Nurse Joy! Let’s go, Charizard!”
They ran to the nearest phone, and Ash slid into the seat and punched in Oak's number. It rang, and the professor came in screen.
Before he could say anything, Ash quickly said, " hey, professor? Do you have the gift for misty?"
Oak, though taken aback by his bluntness, knew from one glance he had a lot on his plate. " Yes, Ash. I have it. And your mother's, too."
" Thanks professor!* Ash exclaimed as the teleporter shined, and two gifts appeared. " Misty will love these!"
" Oh, and Ash?"
" Yes?*
" Make sure to take pictures and send them to us. And have fun!"
Ash nodded. " Got it. Thanks."
With that, the call ended, and Ash punched in the sisters number.
" Like, hey, Ash. How's our little sis?" Daisy asked.
" Yeah, isn't today, like, her birthday?" Violet added
Ash nodded. " You have her gifts?"
The three girls nodded, and the gifts were transported.
" And, like, Ash. Send us pics." Lily said
" I will. Bye!"
" Bye, Ashy!"
As soon as the call ended, Ash took his pencil out and crossed a few things off. " Oi, this is gonna take a while."
" You might as well borrow this wagon." Joy said matter of fact.
Ash grinned as he took it. " Thanks!"
Joy looked around and her voice dropped to a whisper. " Today at two, right?"
Ash nodded. " Yep!"
" Got it. I'll pick Jenny on the way."
Ash waved. " See you then!"
" Oh, and ash?"
Ash turned. " Yes?*
" Should I bring anything? Food, maybe?"
Ash's eyes widened. " Oh, no! The food! I forgot all about it!"
Joy out a hand on Ash. " Now you listen here, Ash Ketchum. Me and Jenny will bring the food, you hear? Don't stress about anything else."
Ash looked troubled. " I don't want you t-"
" You aren't being a burden, Ash. Now, go and do the other things on your ridiculously long list!*
Ash smiled faintly. " Thanks."
He grabbed the wagon and pulled it out. " Come on, Pikachu."
The mouse hopped into the wagon, and ash pulled it out.
" Okay.... Next I need to get her a gift.... Uh.... Necklace, maybe?"
They entered the jewelry shop, and Ash took in the whiff of the jewelry ( for some reason there's always this new necklace smell for me😁).
" Pikachu." Pikachu darted out of the wagon and came back with a blue topaz necklace.
Ash chuckled. " You really want to end this, don't you?" He teased.
Brock suddenly walked into the jewelry shop, a knowing look on his face. He crossed his arms, shaking his head slightly as he saw Ash’s long list of tasks.
"Ash, calm down," Brock said with a hint of amusement. "You’re running yourself ragged."
Ash looked up and grinned sheepishly, completely ignoring Brock’s advice. "Oh, hey, Brock! Perfect timing!" He handed the wagon’s handle to Brock without a second thought. "Would you mind taking all this back to camp? And, uh, make sure Misty doesn’t see any of it! I still have so much to do!"
Brock blinked in surprise, barely processing what was happening before Ash bolted for the door, leaving him standing there with the wagon full of gifts, flowers, and Pikachu sitting on top.
"Wait, Ash!" Brock called, but it was too late—Ash was already halfway down the street, running toward his next errand.
Brock sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "That kid never slows down." He looked at Pikachu, who shrugged in agreement. "Well, guess it’s up to us to make sure this all gets hidden before
Misty finds out."
Pikachu nodded with a determined "Pika!" as Brock pulled the wagon back toward camp, muttering to himself. "I hope Ash manages to make it through the day without collapsing..."
Back at the campsite, Misty was busy stirring the pot of pancake batter when she caught sight of Brock returning with a wagon full of mysterious packages. She raised an eyebrow in confusion as she watched him pull the wagon into the clearing. Pikachu was sitting atop the mound of bags, flowers, and boxes, looking proud of himself. Misty stopped stirring and placed the wooden spoon down, walking over to Brock with suspicion written all over her face.
"Hey, Brock," she said, crossing her arms. "Where’s Ash? And why do we suddenly have… so many pancakes?" She gestured to the small mountain of already-made pancakes sitting on the camping stove, stacked so high they looked like they could topple at any second. The sweet smell of maple syrup hung in the air, making her stomach growl, but it didn’t distract her from the oddness of the situation.
Brock, who had just hidden the last of the presents behind a tree, quickly wiped his hands on his apron, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t give away Ash’s secret. "Oh, uh, you know Ash," he said, trying to sound casual, though there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "He’s, uh, running some errands. Probably catching a Pokémon or something." He quickly turned his attention to the pancakes, hoping to divert her focus. "And, uh, I might’ve overdone it with the pancake batter. But hey, more pancakes for us, right?"
Misty narrowed her eyes, not buying Brock’s explanation. "Errands? Since when does Ash run errands? And where exactly are you hiding all of that stuff?" She pointed toward the wagon, which now appeared suspiciously empty compared to how full it had been just moments ago.
Brock chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, you know... camping supplies. Gotta be prepared for anything!"
Misty didn’t seem convinced. She walked over to the wagon, leaning down and inspecting the few remaining bags with a skeptical look. "Camping supplies, huh?" she muttered, reaching into the wagon and pulling out a brightly wrapped package before Brock could stop her. "This looks more like a birthday present than a sleeping bag!"
Brock’s eyes widened. "Misty, wait! Don’t—"
But it was too late. Misty was already examining the package, and as soon as she saw the tag, her eyes softened. Written in Ash’s messy handwriting were the words, "To Misty – Happy Birthday!"
Misty froze, her heart skipping a beat. She hadn’t expected this. Slowly, she turned to Brock, her voice quieter now. "Is this… is this why Ash isn’t here?" she asked, her tough exterior melting a little as realization dawned on her.
Brock, realizing there was no point in hiding it any longer, sighed and gave her a small smile. "Yeah. Ash has been running around town all morning, trying to make sure your birthday is perfect. He’s been planning this for a while."
Misty blinked, her annoyance from earlier fading away as she looked down at the present. She hadn’t even realized it was her birthday until Brock mentioned it earlier, and now Ash was going through all this trouble for her? It made her heart warm, and she suddenly felt guilty for questioning Brock earlier.
"He didn’t have to do all this," she said softly, a small smile forming on her lips. "I mean, I’m happy with just hanging out with you guys. I didn’t need anything special."
Brock chuckled, crossing his arms. "You know Ash. When he sets his mind on something, there’s no stopping him."
Misty couldn’t help but laugh at that, her mind filled with images of Ash running frantically around town, trying to put everything together. She glanced over at the pile of pancakes and sighed. "Well, I guess if he’s going to this much trouble, the least we can do is help him out."
"That’s the spirit," Brock said with a grin, glad to see her in better spirits. "How about we finish up breakfast, and when Ash gets back, we can act surprised?"
Misty nodded, her smile growing wider. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan."
As they worked together to finish cooking, Misty couldn’t help but feel a little touched by Ash’s efforts. Sure, he could be clueless and scatterbrained sometimes, but deep down, he always knew how to make her feel special—even if he went about it in the most chaotic way possible.
Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Misty turned just in time to see Ash stumbling out of the trees, breathless and disheveled, with a slightly panicked look on his face. "I’m back!" he called, waving his arms frantically. "Did I miss anything?"
Misty quickly hid the present behind her back, exchanging a glance with Brock. "Nope," she said, smirking as she looked at Ash. "Just making pancakes… nothing special."
Ash breathed a sigh of relief, completely oblivious to the fact that Misty had already uncovered part of his surprise. "Phew! Good! I still have so much to do!"
Misty chuckled to herself, shaking her head as she watched him run around. "Typical Ash," she muttered, her smile never leaving her face. "Always trying to save the day."
Suddenly , Ash came back again, as if he forgot something, and blurted out, "Hey, uh… Misty? Do you want to come fishing with me?"
Misty’s eyes lit up instantly. She barely hesitated, tossing the gift she’d been holding into Brock’s hands and grabbing her fishing pole. “Come on!” she said eagerly, taking Ash’s hand without waiting for an answer and pulling him toward the lake with surprising strength.
Ash stumbled slightly as she dragged him along, laughing as they raced to the water’s edge. The lake shimmered under the mid-morning sun, the water calm and perfect for fishing. Misty was already at the shore, casting her line before Ash could even get his bearings.
Ash smiled as he watched her. Fishing was one of Misty’s favorite things, and seeing her so excited made him feel like all his hard work for her birthday was worth it. He picked up a spare fishing pole from the ground and slowly, as casually as possible, made his way over to her.
Misty was already focused, eyes locked on the water, waiting for any movement on the line. Ash sat down next to her, quietly casting his line. But instead of concentrating on his own fishing, he couldn’t help but keep an eye on Misty’s bobber, waiting for the moment she’d get a bite.
A few moments passed in peaceful silence, the sound of the water lapping gently against the shore. Then, suddenly, Misty’s line twitched. Ash’s eyes widened. She’s got something! he thought.
Without a word, he leaned over slightly and gave her fishing rod a tiny nudge, just enough to help her pull in the catch without making it obvious he was helping.
But Misty was no fool.
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced at Ash from the corner of her eye. She wasn’t sure at first, but after the second time he “accidentally” bumped her rod just as she was about to reel in a Pokémon, she knew exactly what he was doing.
"Ash..." Misty began, trying to hold back a laugh. "Are you… helping me catch Pokémon?"
Ash quickly sat back, doing his best to look innocent, though a nervous grin tugged at his lips. "What? Me? No way! You’re just, uh, really good at this, Misty!"
Misty smirked, clearly not buying it. "Uh-huh. Sure. And I suppose that little nudge you gave my pole earlier was just a gust of wind?"
Ash rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, his face turning red. "Okay, okay. Maybe I was trying to help a little… but I wanted your birthday to be perfect!"
Misty let out a soft laugh, her frustration melting away as she saw how hard Ash was trying. "Ash, you don’t need to help me catch Pokémon to make my birthday perfect. Just being here with you, doing this, is enough."
Ash blinked, surprised by her words. "Really?"
"Really," Misty said, her voice softer now. She cast her line again, this time without any help from Ash. "I appreciate everything you’re doing, but you don’t need to try so hard. Just enjoy the day with me."
Ash smiled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Okay. No more secret helping. I promise."
They fished together in companionable silence, the calm of the lake wrapping around them. And even though Ash once in a while did his sneaky attempts to assist, Misty still managed to catch plenty of Pokémon on her own.
Thirty minutes later, Ash checked his watch and felt a jolt of panic surge through him. He shot a glance at Misty, who was still engrossed in fishing, and quickly jumped to his feet.
"Uh… Misty! Brock needs you right now! Yeah, some errands!" he blurted out, his voice rushed and a bit too enthusiastic.
Misty blinked and looked up at him suspiciously. "Errands? Right now?"
"Yep! Super important stuff! You should totally head back to camp," Ash stammered, doing his best to sound convincing. Before she could ask any more questions, he gently but firmly nudged her away from the lake.
"But I was just starting to—"
"I’ll be right back!" Ash interrupted, giving her a gentle push. "I, uh, have something to take care of real quick!"
Misty opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, Ash turned and sprinted in the opposite direction, disappearing into the trees. Misty stood there for a moment, completely baffled by his behavior, before shrugging and heading back toward camp.
Meanwhile, Ash raced through the woods, his heart pounding as he made his way to the designated meeting spot. When he finally reached the clearing, he was greeted by Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, who were unloading food and decorations from an ambulance they had cleverly disguised as a catering truck.
Jenny spotted Ash first, flashing him a grin. "Looks like someone’s been busy."
Ash helped them unload the rest of the food, breathing a sigh of relief as the plan started coming together. "Yeah, I’ve been running around all morning making sure everything’s perfect. I want Misty’s birthday to be special."
Nurse Joy looked around at the neatly arranged picnic tables, the colorful decorations, and the assortment of delicious food, clearly impressed. "You really did prepare, Ash. This looks amazing!"
Ash wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead, his face flushed from the rush of excitement and nerves. "Thanks. Now I just need to grab the gifts and make sure everything’s ready before Misty gets here."
Jenny gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You’re doing great. We’ll take care of the final touches. Go get the gifts and let Brock know it’s time to bring her over."
Ash nodded gratefully and ran off, his mind already on the next task. As he sprinted back to camp, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. Everything was finally falling into place. Now all that was left was to gather the presents and get Misty to the surprise party without her suspecting a thing.
Back at camp, Misty had returned, clearly confused about the "errands" Brock supposedly needed her for. Brock, ever the calm and collected one, was already prepared. He turned to Misty with a grin. "Hey, Misty! I need your help with something real quick. Could you come with me?"
Misty raised an eyebrow, still unsure. "Again with the errands? What’s going on?"
Brock chuckled, waving it off casually. "You’ll see. It’s a surprise. Just trust me."
Misty sighed, crossing her arms. "Fine, but this better not be another wild goose chase."
Brock led her away, giving Ash just enough time to grab the gifts and finish the last-minute details.
"Okay, Brock. Where are we going?" Misty asked, her voice tinged with suspicion as she stumbled forward, her eyes covered by a blindfold.
Brock gently steered her away from a nearby tree, chuckling. "You'll see soon enough. Just trust me for a little longer."
Misty huffed but let herself be guided, her hands reaching out to make sure she didn’t trip over anything. "You know I hate surprises, right? This better not be some weird prank."
Brock grinned, glancing ahead at the clearing where Ash, Nurse Joy, and Officer Jenny were putting the final touches on the setup. "I promise, it's nothing like that. Just a little something to show you how much you mean to us."
Misty, blindfolded and growing more curious by the second, could feel the change in the air. The scent of food drifted toward her, and she could hear faint murmurs and rustling, but she still had no idea what was waiting for her.
"Almost there," Brock said, his voice filled with excitement as he led her through the final few steps.
Suddenly, he stopped and let go of her arm. "Alright, Misty. You can take off the blindfold."
Misty hesitated for a moment before reaching up and pulling the cloth from her eyes. As her vision cleared, she gasped.
In front of her was the most beautiful surprise she could have imagined. A large picnic setup stretched out before her, decorated with colorful balloons, streamers, and a banner that read, "Happy Birthday, Misty!" A delicious spread of food filled the tables, from fresh fruit to cakes and pastries, all lovingly prepared by Brock and Nurse Joy.
Ash stood proudly next to a pile of wrapped presents, his face lit up with a big grin. "Surprise, Misty! Happy birthday!"
Officer Jenny waved from the side, and Nurse Joy smiled warmly. Misty blinked, her heart swelling with emotion as she took in the scene.
"You guys... this is..." Misty’s voice caught in her throat as she tried to find the right words. "This is amazing. I don’t know what to say."
Ash stepped forward, scratching the back of his head. "You don’t have to say anything. We just wanted to show you how much you mean to us."
Brock nodded. "You’ve been our friend for so long, Misty. We couldn’t let your birthday go by without doing something special."
Misty’s eyes shimmered with gratitude. "I… I had no idea. Thank you, all of you."
Ash grinned, stepping closer. "Come on, Misty. Let’s make this the best birthday ever!"
" Hey Misty?" Ash asked as they strolled around the lake at night. " Remember that time when we separated ways for the first time?"
Misty nodded. " Yeah. You said we were just best friends, but I knew you were lying."
Ash chucked. " You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you I loved you."
Misty's steps slowed as she processed Ash's words, her heart skipping a beat. The soft glow of the moon reflected off the lake, casting shimmering ripples on the water, adding to the serene atmosphere.
She glanced at Ash, her eyes wide with surprise. "You… what?"
Ash rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah. I didn't say anything back then because... I don't know, I guess I was scared or just too focused on becoming a Pokémon Master."
Misty stopped walking, turning to face him fully. Her heart raced, but she kept her voice steady. "You really felt that way? All this time?"
Ash nodded, looking down at the ground for a moment before meeting her gaze. "I did. I didn’t realize it then, but every time we said goodbye, it felt like something was missing. I just didn't want to admit it to myself."
Misty's cheeks flushed as she absorbed his words, feeling the warmth of the moment settle between them. She had always hoped Ash would say something like this, but hearing it now, out of the blue, left her speechless.
"I always knew there was something," Misty admitted quietly, her voice soft as the night breeze. "But I didn’t want to push you. You were always so focused on your journey, on your dreams. I figured... maybe you weren’t ready."
Ash took a step closer, the soft crunch of the grass beneath his feet the only sound apart from the gentle lapping of the lake. "I wasn’t ready then. But I think I am now."
Misty’s heart fluttered as his words hung in the air. She swallowed the lump in her throat and smiled softly, her eyes meeting his. "I think I’ve been ready for a long time."
Ash’s grin widened, and for a moment, the two just stood there, the night wrapping them in a peaceful silence. He reached out, hesitating slightly before gently taking her hand in his.
"Well," Ash said, his voice a bit shaky but filled with warmth, "I guess I should say it properly, then. Misty, I love you."
Misty’s breath caught in her throat, her heart soaring as she squeezed his hand. "I love you too, Ash."
The moment felt perfect, the lake shimmering behind them, the stars twinkling overhead. It was as if the world had paused, just for them. Ash smiled, a warmth spreading through him as he realized that this was a moment he'd remember forever.
"Happy birthday, Misty," Ash whispered, leaning a little closer, his eyes never leaving hers.
Misty’s smile grew, and without a word, she closed the distance between them, gently pressing her lips to his in a sweet, tender kiss.
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