Mewtwo's help
" Because my future... in is the palm of m-" He looked at his hand, and there sat Mew.
Everyone gasped.
" Mew. Mew mew mew mew mew." Then with that, it disappeared.
Goh looked at his hand for a few seconds, then pumped it. " Is in the palm of my hand!"
Suddenly, they heard the sound of old Poke balls being taken out, and Pokemon coming out.
Then, a raven haired girl with a ponytail in her hair tightened it and ran to the cliff, then started climbing.
" Whoever that is is.... very reckless." Quillon commented.
Gary blinked, squinted, and gasped. Without a second through, he grabbed his grappling hook and threw it up. It landed safely on the top, and he gave it a hard tug.
The raven haired girl looked down. " It's fine, Gary. Really, it is. I'm fine."
" Wisty Ketchum, use the hook now."
Wisty sighed but obeyed. " You worry too much."
" I'll stop worrying when you and Ash stop doing reckless things!"
At the name of her brother, Wisty's expression changed.
" Sorry, Gary, gotta go!"
" Woah woah woah, go where?!"
But Wisty had already resumed climbing.
Horace walked to him. " You know her?"
Gary nodded. " She's the younger sister of my best friend and rival."
Horace raised a brow. " How can your friend be both your friend and rival?*
" It's a... Long story, really."
Then he looked at the rope, which has no movement. He attached his clip to it and looked back and Quillon and Dakina. " I'm going up."
He started climbing, and felt movement. He looked back.
The other four were on as well. Gary nodded slightly and resumed climbing.
When he reached the top, he offered his hand to Goh, and hoisted him up.
" Well, this seems to be where Wisty went." Gary said as he brushed his arms and Goh helped Horace up. He walked slowly, looking around. " Wisty? Wisty, where are you?"
He saw movement. Then, and Altaria flew in front of him. " Altaria."
Gary noticed there it was holding a letter. He put his hand below its beak. " Spit."
The bird obeyed, and Gary unfolded the note as Goh and Horace looked over his shoulders.
I'm in the forest, Gary.
Gary sighed. " Where in the forest?" He muttered.
Altaria let out a squauk, and took off flying. " Wait!" He exclaimed, dropping the note as he followed the bird. Goh picked the note and followed.
The bird led them through the whole forest, and stopped on the branch of the last one.
Gary raised a brow, but then he looked forward.
Mew was in the hands. Of. Wisty.
And a larger version of Mew was there too.
" Mew, Mewtwo, it's that time of year. Again." He heard Wisty say.
" Mew? Mew mew mew?"
Wisty let out a low sigh. " Yep. "
Gary walked out. " Wisty, what are you talking about?"
Wisty turned and saw her two family friends and the other three humans. She waved with her free hand.
" Oh, nothing." She said, trying to sound convincing. " I just needed to ask Mew and Mewtwo something."
Suddenly, Wisty's phone rang. Wisty, it's me. Wiiiiiisy. Pick it u-
Wisty sighed as she put the phone to her ear. " Yeah, Misty?"
" Wisty," misty said anxiously. " He's going pale."
Wisty almost fainted. "WHAT??" She screached.
Misty winced. " Yeah."
Wisty looked up at the moon. " Okay, let's do this."
Gary looked down. “ Uh, Wsty? How are we gonna get down?”
“ You can use your hooks. I’ve got a better idea.”
She ran back, ran to the cliff, and jumped down.
“ WISTY!" Gary and Goh screeched.
“ Altaria, I choose you!”
Nothing happened.
“ Oh. Right.”
She took a deep breath. “ ALTARIA, I CHOOSE YOU!”
The blue bird swooped down and caught Wisty. She grinned.
“ Good girl!”
“ Why are we walking through the forest?” Gary asked as they walked.
Wisty didn’t answer.
“ Her brother is in danger.”
Gary’s eyes widened. “ Ash is in trouble?!”
Before anyone could say anything, Wisty’s phone rang again. Without even looking at the caller, she picked it up. “ How is he?”
“ He’s getting cold.” Crystal’s voice said, worried.
Wisty stopped and gasped. “ How cold?”
“ ….. 57 degrees?”
Wisty gasped and looked at the moon. “ We’re not gonna make it in time!”
Then she turned to Mew. “ Do you think you could use your teleportation?”
Without a word, a pink glow came from Mew and wrapped everyone up. A second later, they are in Pallet, in front of the Ketchum residency.
Wisty ran to the door just as Misty opened it. Wisty slid under her arm and ran up the stairs. The others followed.
Upstairs, they found Wisty standing on the loft bed ladder, looking at Ash. She turned to her best friend, who was staring at Mew and Mewtwo.
“ Cryst, what should we do? What should Mew and Mewtwo do?”
Crystal snapped out of her daze and looked up. “ Well, if Mew is able to use Healing Pulse, combined with Mewtwo’s power, it just might be able to turn back humans.”
Gary raised a brow. “ But he’s human.”
Wisty shook her head fearfully. “ No, he’s not. Not entirely, anyway.”
She tuned to the two legendary Pokemon.. “ Mew, Mewtwo, Power healing pulse, now!”
Quilled, who was standing there, sputtered, “ You can not just command legen-”
“ You have no idea what my brother’s gone through.” Wisty said fiercely. “ Don;t say anything about something you don’t know the half of.”
“ Easy, Wisty.” Crystal said, then turned to the man. “ Although, please. Do not intervene. Wisty is already on the edge.”
She turned to the two. “ If you would please?” She gestured to the almost rock Ash.
“ Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!”
“ Let’s do it.”
Wisty held Ash’s hand and squeezed her eyes shut.
“ What’s happening?!” Quillen exclaimed.
“ Mew and Mewtwo are curing Ash from whatever he’s suffering from.!” Horace yelled. “ Wisty, get out.”
Wisty looked at them. “ I won’t.”
Before they could say anything, a blinding light enveloped them.. Everyone shielded their eyes.
When it vanished, there, on the bed, laid Ash. His skin regained its color, and he stirred.
“ Wisty?” He muttered. “ Are you there?”
Wisty rubbed her eyes and smiled. “ Yeah, it’s me.”
“ Ash!” Misty jumped onto the bed and hugged Ash. Wisty followed, and soon the three were hugging.
Wisty looked up for a few seconds. “ Thanks, you two..” She said softly. “ See you next year.”
“ Meeeeeeeeeeeew1” Mew said before he and Mewtwo disappeared.
Quillen raised a brow “ What. Just. Happened?”
“ Nothing.”
“ Nothing?!” Gary exclaimed. “ Wisty, two legendary Pokemon were in my best friend's
room! And you were acting like he was dying!”
“ Because he was.”
Goh blinked. “ What?”
Wisty shook her head. “ You know, never mind.”
“ We can not just dismiss what just happened.” Dakina said. “ Why don’t you tell us what happened?”
“ How about I don’t?”
“ Wisty!” Ash scolded.
Wisty turned to Ash and crossed her arms. “ No one needs to know!”
“ Would it hurt for them to?”
“ Yes!”
“ Why? It’s my choice!”
“ Hey! I was one of the people who brought you back to life, Ash.”
“ But you should at least answer the red-haired person’s question with respect!”
“ He’s not a person who needs respect. He needs manners. Then we can talk about respect.”
“ You said the same thing about Gary!”
“ Because he degraded you!”
“ Yeah but he was joking!”
“ I was joking too!”
“ What’s so different this time?””
“ I’m not joking right now!”
“ Uh…. Hi, Ash.” Goh said as he waved.
Ash sat up. “ Oh, hi Goh! Hi Gary! Hi Horace!”
He turned to Misty. “ How long have they been here for?”
Wisty rolled her eyes. “ They came when I came.”
“ Why?”
“ Because they wanted to tag along.”
“ You could have told me!”
“ You never asked!”
“ Do I have to ask?”
“ Uh huh!”
“ Would someone please tell us what just happened?” Dakina asked.
Wisty sighed. “ The legendary Pokemon healed my brother. Now go. Please. Return to your Project Mew thing.”
“ But…. Project Mew ended.” The admiral piped up from the camera.
Ash blinked. “ Was that the Admiral?”
Wisty nodded. “ On camera. Anyway, thanks for your help! Now Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!”
No one moved.
Wisty sighed. “I said bye!”
Still nothing
“ Would you please leave? My brother has to change!”
They all backed out, and Wisty shut the door before turning and walking to the kitchen. Everyone followed.
“ So….. what have you been up to?” Gary asked.
Wisty turned to him. . “ Catching Pokemon and helping Tracy and your grandfather. Speaking of which, I need to call him.”
She picked her phone up and called the professor.
“ Ah, hello, Wsty. Is Crystal with you?”
“ She’s right here.”\ Crystal took the phone and waved.
“Good. Wisty, Crystal, we have a problem.”
Is it related to Ash’s pokemon?”
Oak hesitated. “ yes.”
“ What happened?” Crystal asked.
Oak hesitated before sighing. “Bulbasaur escaped.”
Wisy stared at the screen, while Crystal blinked and almost dropped the phone. “ WHAT?!” They both screeched.
Oak winced. “ UNfortunately.”
“ What did this happen?!” Wisty asked.
“ Well, we didn’t see it during mealtime. Also….. Tracy’s in trouble.”
Wisty sighed. “ Does it have to do with him holding onto a wild Pidgeotto for his life by its foot?”
“ How’d you know?”
Wisty sighed . “ Consider it a lucky guess.”
“ We need to help him, now!” Crystal said urgently.
Wisty nodded. “ Agreed.”
“ We’ll help.” Goh volunteered.
“ It’ll be good to go back home,” Gary agreed.
Crystal nodded, while Wisty was already out the door.
“ Wisty! Wait!” Crystal called as she ran to follow her friend.
“ Think you can keep up?” Wisty asked.
“ Of course I can!”
Wisty scoffed. “ It’s not you I'm worried about.” She smirked as she turned to Goh, Gary and Horace.
Gary raised a brow. " Wait. Isn't that what i-"
" Uh huh." Wisty turned and ran off, Crystal barely keeping up.
" Tracy, what are you doing up there?!" Wisty exclaimed as Tracy waved his arms in the air upside down.
" Hanging from the root of an unstable tree!"
Wisty sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Really, Tracy? Again?" She muttered, glancing at Crystal, who shrugged helplessly.
Tracy, dangling precariously, flashed a sheepish grin. "A little help?"
Wisty shook her head with a smirk. "Hang on, I’ll get you down. Altaria, I choose you!"
The blue bird appeared and swooped towards Tracy. With a gentle motion, it carefully grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to safety.
Tracy stood up, dusting himself off. "Thanks, Wisty. I owe you one."
"You owe me about five, actually," she said with a grin. "Now, about Bulbasaur—"
"Bulbasaur!" came a familiar cry. The little grass-type Pokémon emerged from the bushes, looking rather guilty but unharmed.
Wisty let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, found him."
"Nice to see you too, buddy!" Tracy grinned, kneeling down to pet Bulbasaur. "We’ve been worried sick."
Crystal crossed her arms. "Now that everyone's accounted for, how about we all go back and make sure no more Pokémon go on unscheduled adventures?"
Gary, Goh, and Horace, who had been watching the scene unfold, chuckled. "Looks like we’re done here," Gary said, shaking his head with a smirk. "Let’s head back."
As they all began walking back together, Crystal glanced over at her friend and smiled. "It's never a dull day around here, is it?"
"Nope," Wisty agreed. "But that's just how we like it."
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