Legendary Pokemon
" Because the future... Is in the Palm of my-"
Everyone gasped.
There, in Goh's palm, was Mew.
" Mew? Mew mew mew mew mew!" It laughed, then flew away.
Goh stared after it. " Is in the plan of my hand! Yeah!"
Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes. " Eevee! Eevee Eevee!"
Mew stopped, and looked down. " Mew?"
An Eevee came out, followed by a... Squirtle wearing sunglasses?
" That looks awfully familiar...." Goh muttered.
Suddenly, a Sprigatito and Charmander pulled a large stone out of the bushes.
Then a Pikachu and Bulbasaur came out, pulling another rock.
It was.... The Ketchum siblings!
" What happened?!" Goh exclaimed as he ran to them
But Eevee noticed and turned into a Jolteon, jolting everyone away.
" Wait, Jolteon!" Gary said. " We're friends of those two!"
Mew flew down as Sprigatito dragged a bag to it. It opened the flap and, to everyone's amazement, pulled out a Pokeball and threw it
Nothing happened.
" Uh.... I don't think there's a pokemon in there, Mew." Quillon piped.
" There is." Boomed a loud voice.
Everyone froze. " W.. who was that?" Gary asked as he looked around cautiously.
A larger version of Mew flew. " Me."
" Who are you?!" Goh asked as he took his Roomba out.
Mew stopped him
Big Mew turned to the little him. " What happened?"
" Mew mew mew mew mew mew."
Big Mew nodded.
Each went to a sibling, and thrust their hand out
A blinding light came out of them, and everyone shielded their eyes
When it disappeared, there lay Ash and Wisty, as humans.
Wisty was the first to stir. " Wh... What happened?" She muttered as she sat up and rubbed her eyes
" Eevee! Eevee Eevee!" The Pokemon turned back to Eevee and stood on Wisty's legs, two legs on her shoulders and licking her.
Wishy laughed and pet the Pokemon. " Eevee! What are you doing?! You're tickling me! Stop it, Eevee, stooooop!"
Ash sat up too, and Pikachu ran to greet him. " Pika! Chuuuu!"
Ash laughed and hugged Pikachu. " I'm here, buddy. And I'm fine."
Suddenly, Wisty's expression turned into one of realization and mild worry. " Oh no."
Ash looked. " Oh no? What oh no?"
With Eevee in hand, Wishy stood up and looked around, patting herself. " It's not here!"
She turned to Ash. " Do you have it?!"
Ash's eyes widened. " Pikachu! Where is it! Oh, where could it have gone?!" He yelled as he looked everywhere.
The other five humans raised a brow, but the Pokemon looked exasperated.
" Chu."
Ash paused. " What?"
" Chu. Pika Chu."
Pikachu went to Ash's bag and pulled out a crystal.
" Oh. Whoops." Ash said sheepishly.
Gary raised a brow. " What was that all about?"
Wisty didn't even notice. " Let's go, Meetwo! Throw me into the air!"
As they watched the young girl being boosted up by the legendary Pokemon type , ash sighed. " Welp, this isn't anything new, is it Gary?"
Gary shook his head. " No actually, it's not. Except for the fact she can SUMMON Mew!" Gary turned to Ash. " How did we not know?!"
Ash shrugged. " Ask my sister. I didn't even know."
Suddenly, they heard screams. Everyone turned to see Wisty flapping her arms while falling down. " SOMEONE USE VINE WHIIIP!"
Mew did.
" Oh. Thanks."
" Mew. Mew mew mew!"
" You seriously need safety lessons!"
Wisty raised a brow. " Seriously?"
Mewtwo gave her a look.
" Fine, fine. I'm going to have to pause.this charming conversation until I'm on the top of the cliff. See you guys!"
And with that, she disappeared through the clouds.
Ash and the others stared before Ash snapped out of it and threw a Poke ball. " Let's go, Charizard!"
The orange Pokemon came out and let a roar.
" Good to see you too, buddy. But we need to go after my sister!"
Ash hopped on and looked at the others, who were still frozen. " Come on!"
Gary shook his head. " Let's go." He said as Ash helped him on. The others followed suit, and soon they were flying.
" Oh, yeah, Ash?" Gary said.
Ash didn't even look back. " Mmmm?"
" Congrats on being champ."
Ash blinked. " Y.. you saw?"
" Who didn't see?" Goh piped up. " Ash, your Pokemon were amazing!"
Ash smiled faintly. " Actually, All my Pokemon helped me to come to this moment in my life. Isn't that right, Pik?"
" Pikachu!!!!"
Ash laughed. " Yeah, yeah. I remember."
Suddenly, Charizard let out a roar.
A ground shaking roar.
Ash's eyes widened, and he crawled to his pokemon's head. " What happened?"
Charizard pointed up.
" Huh?" Ash looked but didn't see anything.
Charizard sighed, and used a tallon to adjust Ash's face
" Oh. Wow. Thanks, Charizard!"
He squinted, and saw.... Gold??
Wait... That pattern....
Isn't that the pattern Ho-Oh gives off?!
Ash gasped. " No way!"
Gary's eyes widened. " That's the trail Ho- Oh leaves!"
Dakina gasped excitedly. " No one's ever seen it before."
" Pika pi!"
Everyone turned to Pikachu. " What?" Gary asked, confused.
" It's saying we've seen it. Ten times." Ash said without looked forward. " Show 'em, Pikachu."
" Pikachu." Pikachu took Ash's phone and opened it, showing the wallpaper.
There, in plain daylight, was Ho-Oh flying in the sky
And ash and Pikachu doing their victory pose.
" Wow... How come you guys never said anything?!"
Ash rolled his eyes
" Yeah, Ash. Why didn't you say anything?" Goh asked.
Ash shrugged. " It just never came up."
" Chu Chu chuuuu."
Ash shot him a look. " No one needs to know of that ."
" Know of .... What?" Horace asked.
Ash shook his head. " Nothing, nothing."
Charizard landed on the cliff, and everyone hopped off.
" Wist?" Ash called. " Wiiiiiiiiist?"
" Ash?* A faint voice called. " I'm in the forest."
Ash took off running in the direction of the orange and yellow sparkles.
When he arrived, he couldn't believe it
Ho-Oh was on Wisty's arm.
Casually just sitting there.
" Whaaaaa....... Wisty......" Ash muttered.
Wisty saw and grinned. " Ash! Come here! Ho-Oh wants you to pet it."
" M... Me?!"Ash pointed a finger at himself.
" Yeah you. Why else do you think it revealed itself to you TEN times."
Ash took a tentative step forward.
Ho-Oh leaned forward.
Ash reached out a hand and pet its head.
It was as soft as the clouds.
" Woahhhhhhhh......."
Wisty grinned. " You see, Ash, it's nesting time."
" Nesting?" Gary said from the tree. " You mean this is where they breed?"
Wisty looked away. " Used to."
Goh.gasped. " You mean...."
" For the past few years, deforestation and human interference has destroyed most of this legendary Pokemon's home. Mew and Mewtwo together were able to fix it right now, but there's a problem."
Gary raised a brow. " What is it?"
Wisty looked at Ho-Oh. " There hasn't been any new Ho-Oh for years."
Everyone stared.
Then, Horace broke the silence. " What?* He whispered.
Wisty nodded. " Yep."
She looked at Ash. " Ash, the Pokemon you've been seeing? It's been the same one."
Ash blinked. " That makes no sense!" He pointed out. " Remember-"
" Ho-Oh's feathers change depending on what it eats." Wisty interrupted. " Since that one time Oran and Flan berries were low, she had to eat Youta berries."
Ash nodded slowly. " That's.... Bad."
Wisty nodded. " That's why no one is allowed on these cliffs."
" But .... We're on it."
" Because Ho-Oh called us."
Goh cocked his head. " Called.... You?"
" They don't know."
Wisty looked at Mewtwo. " I knew that."
She took a Pokeball out of her pocket, and everyone gasped.
It was a legendary Pokemon type of Pokeball.
" Wait.... You CAUGHT Ho-Oh?!" Quillon said in surprise.
Wisty spun the ball on her hand. " More like they caught themselves. I mean, all they asked me to do was to show them legendary Pokemon balls, and wham. They're mine."
" How many have you caught?" Dakina wanted to know.
" Well, let's see..... Mew, Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Articuno-"
" Articuno?!" Gary yelped. " Isn't that the bird-"
" You guys fought?" Wisty interrupted. " Yes."
She turned to Quillon and Dakina. " And I humbly ask you to stop making Chasers go fight it. It needs to rest, and the time you go, it's breeding season."
The group stood in stunned silence as Wisty rattled off the legendary Pokémon she had encountered and, in some cases, captured.
"Wait, so you're saying..." Goh started, trying to piece it all together. "You've been traveling around, catching legendary Pokémon, and just... not telling anyone?"
Wisty shrugged casually. "Well, it's not like it was a big secret. The Pokémon chose me. I didn't go out seeking them. They just... appeared when the time was right."
"That's... insane," Gary muttered. "You're walking around with some of the rarest Pokémon in existence like it's no big deal."
Wisty turned serious, her gaze drifting towards Ho-Oh, still perched on her arm. "It is a big deal, though. These Pokémon have been trying to tell us something. Ho-Oh especially. That's why we need to protect places like this—because if we don't, there won't be any more new Ho-Oh, or Articuno, or Mew."
Ash, still stunned by the weight of everything, stepped closer. "So... what do we do? How do we help?"
Ho-Oh let out a soft, melodic cry, as if in response. Wisty smiled, then turned to Mewtwo, who gave a nod of agreement.
"We start by protecting what's left," Wisty said firmly. "These cliffs are sacred to the legendary Pokémon. If we can keep them safe, maybe Ho-Oh's nest can thrive again. But it's going to take all of us—trainers, Pokémon, everyone—to make sure no more damage is done."
"Count us in," Ash said without hesitation. Pikachu, standing by his side, gave a determined "Pika!"
Gary crossed his arms, looking thoughtful. "Well, I'm always up for a challenge. Especially if it means working alongside some legendary Pokémon."
Goh and Quillon exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "We're in," Goh said.
Wisty's grin returned, but there was a sense of gravity in her expression as well. "Great. Because protecting Ho-Oh means more than just standing guard. It means being ready for anything."
Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes, and a shadow darted out from behind the trees.
"Speaking of being ready..." Wisty muttered as a figure emerged, cloaked in darkness. The group tensed, hands instinctively going to their Pokéballs.
The figure stepped into the light, revealing a familiar face. "Well, well," the person said, their voice dripping with sarcasm. "Looks like the gang's all here."
Ash's eyes widened in shock. "No... it can't be!"
The figure grinned. "Miss me, Ash?"
Wisty's eyes narrowed, and her hand instinctively went to the legendary Pokéball in her pocket. "What are you doing here?"
The figure chuckled darkly. "Oh, I'm just here for a little... reunion."
Ash clenched his fists. "Team Rocket..."
Two more figures clad in cloaks stepped into the light.
" To protect the world from devastation." The first one said
" To unite all peoples within our nation."
" To-"
" Yeah, yeah, we get the point." Wisty interrupted. " Denounce the evils of truth and love and to extended our reach to the stars above."
" Why must you twerps always interrupt?!" Jessie asked.
" Because you always say the same thing! Over and over again!"
Jessie crossed her arms, visibly irritated. "Well, if you'd let us finish, maybe we'd—"
Wisty rolled her eyes. "Finish what? Your boring speech? Seriously, this is getting old."
James stepped forward, his expression sly. "Ah, but this time, things are different, little girl. We've come prepared."
Meowth jumped out from behind them, grinning as he held a strange-looking device. "Dat's right! We ain't leavin' without what we came for!"
Ash's heart raced. "What are you after this time?"
Jessie smirked, pointing at Ho-Oh perched on Wisty's arm. "That's right, twerp. We're after that—Ho-Oh. The rarest of all Pokémon!"
Ash stepped in front of Wisty protectively, his eyes blazing with determination. "You're not touching Ho-Oh. Not now, not ever!"
Wisty's eyes gleamed as she pulled out the legendary Pokéball. "You want a battle, Rocket? Bring it on."
Jessie and James grinned in unison as they released their Pokémon. "Prepare for trouble, twerps, because this time, you won't stand a chance!"
Wisty collapsed on the ground. " Good.... Fighting you guuuuuuys."
Mewtwo glanced at her, and the three legendary Pokemon went to her. " Mew?"
Wisty nodded. " Yeah, I'm fine."
" Are you okay?" Ash asked as he ran to her side.
With the help of Eevee, Wisty sat up. " Yeah, I'm fine."
She stood up, and wobbled a little. Eevee stedied her.
" Thanks, girl." She said.
Then she looked at where Mewtwo had blasted Team Rocket off to. " Let's hope we don't see them for a looooong time."
Gary nodded and crossed his arms. " Yeah, let's hope."
Quillon helped Dakina up and brushed his clothes. " What was that?"
Wisty gave him a hard look. " Someone you don't need to learn about."
Then she turned to Ho- Oh. " Are you okay?"
The bird nodded, and Wisty smiled.
" Go off now. It's time for you to be a mother again. Take good care of those eggs for me, will ya?"
She turned to the two pink Pokemon. " Same for you. You must be busy, no doubt. Mew, Mewtwo, I hope we meet again under better circumstances."
" I hope so too."
Wisty smiled. " Oh, and Mewtwo?"
" Yes?"
" Just to make things clear, your a good Pokemon. Even if you DID knock the daylight out of Gary a long time ago."
" No need to get all lovey dovey on me."
Wisty rolled her eyes. " You never change."
Mewtwo's eyes softened for a moment before his usual stoic expression returned. "Nor do I need to," he replied, though there was the faintest hint of amusement in his voice.
Wisty smiled warmly. "Take care of yourself, Mewtwo."
Mew hovered beside him, giving Wisty a playful flip before darting up into the sky. Mewtwo lingered a moment longer, his gaze thoughtful as he looked over the group. Then, without another word, he and Mew disappeared into the clouds, a faint shimmer in their wake.
Ho-Oh let out a majestic cry before flapping its massive wings, creating a gust of wind that swirled around the group. The legendary bird soared into the sky, its rainbow trail fading as it vanished into the horizon.
Ash stepped forward, his face filled with admiration as he watched them go. "Wow... Ho-Oh, Mew, Mewtwo... I can't believe we were able to fight alongside them."
Wisty chuckled softly, brushing off her clothes. "It's all in a day's work."
Gary raised an eyebrow. "You really have a way of making legendary Pokémon look like everyday companions."
Wisty gave a playful smirk. "What can I say? They like me."
Quillon glanced at Wisty curiously, still clearly puzzled by the day's events. "You've got some explaining to do. Legendary Pokémon, Team Rocket... this is more than I bargained for."
Wisty shrugged, still leaning slightly on Eevee for support. "Some things are better left unsaid, trust me."
Ash turned to her with concern in his eyes. "But seriously, Wisty, you sure you're okay? That was a tough battle."
She waved off his worry with a flick of her hand. "I'll be fine, Ash. Thanks to all of you." She paused, giving Eevee a soft pat on the head. "Especially you, girl."
Eevee purred happily, snuggling up against Wisty's leg.
Gary, still a little skeptical, crossed his arms. "Next time, though, try not to get yourself blasted to the ground. Not everyone's got legendary Pokémon swooping in to save them."
Wisty smirked at him. "Noted, Gary. Noted."
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