Infection ( Misty)
" Togapi?"
Misty gave her Pokemon a weak smile. " Yeah, I'll be fine."
" No you won't." Brock said as he moved the stethoscope around her chest. " You've got a fever."
" But you never put a thermometer on her." Ash piped as he held Misty's hand.
" I put my hand on her forehead."
Ash nodded understandingly. " Ohhhhh."
Misty looked away to cough. " I hope I'll be better by tomorrow."
Brock looked at ash. " Would you pick medicine from the pharmacy? It's not that far."
Ash nodded. " Got it. What type?*
" Any fever reliever." Brock answered as he put his hand to her cheek and neck. " Yep. You've got a high fever."
He walked out of the tent with his Pokidex in hand and Pikachu at his feet.
Brock turned to Misty. " Stay here. I'm gonna get you some water "
Misty nodded weakly, and Brock disappeared.
" Psyduck?" The Pokemon clung onto its head.
Misty looked at it reassuringly. " I'll be fine, Psyduck Don't worry."
But even as she said that, she didn't feel ' fine'.
" Misty, this isn't a fever." Brock said as he pulled the otoscope out of Misty's ear. " It's an ear infection."
Misty's eyes widened. " What?!"
" But don't worry," Brock continued. " The Pokemon- and how human friend- doctor is in!"
" Wh... what are you gonna do?"
" I'll make my special infection remedy! It'll just take a while."
'Then, as he turned away, he muttered, " Where are you, Ash?"
" Eh... Uhm.... Pika, which way was it?" Ash asked as he spun around the fork.
Pikachu sighed. " Pika."
Ash's eyes widened. " What?! I thought you were listening!"
The he quickly added, " Not that I wasn't listening. I just thought you were too."
Then he closed his eyes and spun.
" We can go this way!"
" Pika Pi!"
Ash's eyes widened. " Wait! We just CAME from there?!"
He sighed. " We're doomed."
Brock came back in with a yellow liquid and some ear swabs. He sat down next to Misty and turned her to her side.
" Now, Misty, I need you to stay still and breathe, no matter how much it hurts, okay?" Brock advised as he dipped a tip of an ear swab into the potion.
Misty nodded, and Brock carefully inserted the ear swab.
" BROCK OWWWW!" Misty cried as she clung onto her head.
" Easy Misty, Easy."
" EASY?!" Misty shouted. " IT HURTS SO BAAAAD!"
Brock took it out and put his hand on her shoulder. " Easy, Misty. I know it hurts, but you have to let me do this."
" How Pokemon let you do this is beyond me." She muttered.
" Because they know I'm gonna help them. They trust me." Brock turned Misty to face him. " And I need you to trust me."
" I do trust you. Why else would I journey with you?"
Brock shook his head slightly. " Not as much as the pokemon, Misty."
" It's gonna hurt, sure, but you need to know it's just hurting because it needs to do its work."
Misty sighed and nodded.
" Okay. Ready?"
Misty nodded hesitantly, and Brock smiled faintly as he pushed it into her ear. She winced, but tried to keep still.
" Good girl." Brock muttered. " It's okay, Misty. You'll be okay."
"Pikachu, this really doesn't look right," Ash muttered, glancing down the rocky path they had just taken. "I don't remember seeing any of these rocks before. Are we... lost?"
"Pika Pi," Pikachu responded, his ears drooping slightly.
Ash rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Great, we're really lost, aren't we? Misty and Brock are counting on us, and now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere."
Pikachu suddenly perked up, its ears twitching.
"What is it, buddy?" Ash asked, but before he could react, a low growl echoed from the forest behind them.
Ash froze. His heart skipped a beat. Slowly, he turned to look behind him, and his eyes widened in horror as he saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at them through the trees.
"Pikachu... w-what is that?" Ash whispered, taking a step backward.
Suddenly, several dark, shadowy figures emerged from the forest—wild Mightyenas with their fur bristling, teeth bared, and growls growing louder.
"Oh no... Mightyenas!" Ash gulped. "Pikachu, this is bad. Really bad."
"Pika Pi!" Pikachu stood defensively, sparks of electricity crackling from its cheeks.
The pack of Mightyenas crept closer, their eyes locked on Ash and Pikachu. There was no escape down the steep slope they had just climbed, and the forest on either side was thick and overgrown.
Ash's heart raced. "Okay, okay, think, Ash! What do we do?!" he muttered to himself, glancing around in a panic.
The leader of the pack snarled and took a step forward, and Ash realized there was no time to plan. They had to act fast.
"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted.
"Pika-chuuuu!" Pikachu unleashed a powerful surge of electricity that shot toward the Mightyenas. The leader howled as it was struck by the attack, but the other Mightyenas quickly scattered, dodging the electric bolts with ease.
Ash grabbed Pikachu and started running in the opposite direction, up the mountain. "Come on, Pikachu! We've got to get out of here!"
The Mightyenas, however, were fast. They gave chase, their growls echoing through the forest. Ash sprinted as fast as he could, but the rocky terrain made it difficult to move quickly, and the wolves were gaining on them.
"We can't outrun them!" Ash panted, glancing back at the pack. "We need a new plan!"
Pikachu jumped out of Ash's arms and turned to face the wolves again, ready to fight, but Ash knew they couldn't take on an entire pack of Mightyenas alone.
Then, up ahead, Ash spotted a narrow cave entrance hidden by thick vines. It was their only chance.
"Quick, Pikachu, over here!" Ash shouted, darting toward the cave. Pikachu followed, and the two of them dove into the dark opening just as the pack closed in.
The Mightyenas snarled and barked outside the cave, their eyes gleaming in the dark, but they couldn't squeeze through the small entrance. Ash collapsed against the wall of the cave, gasping for breath. Pikachu huddled next to him, panting as well.
"That... was way too close," Ash breathed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "But we're safe now... I think."
"Pika..." Pikachu sighed, leaning against Ash.
The Mightyenas lingered outside, growling and pacing back and forth, but they made no attempt to enter the cave. Ash knew they were trapped for now, but at least they were out of immediate danger.
Ash patted Pikachu's head. "We'll wait them out, buddy. We'll figure out how to get back to Brock and Misty soon."
But deep down, Ash couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. They were lost in the middle of the wilderness, and Misty was still sick. Time was running out.
" You survived." Brock said as he finally put the empty bowl on the ground.
Misty sighed. " Oh, thank goodness that's over!"
Brock didn't really look so happy. Misty noticed.
" What? What is it?"
Brock took a deep breath. " Uh, Misty? You're also gonna need a shot."
Misty froze.
Then she screamed.
" WHAT?!"
" Misty, Misty, calm down."
" I understand, but it's gonna help with the pain." He said softly as he took the needle out.
Misty gulped.
Brock noticed. " If you want, you could hold Psyduck."
Misty didn't hesitate. She held her annoying Pokemon in her hands, tightly.
" Misty, loosen your muscles." Brock advised as he sanitized the area.
Misty sighed. " Sometimes I wish I had longer sleeves."
" Why?"
" So it wouldn't happen so suddenly."
Brock paused and glanced at her. " Misty, you're one if the bravest girls I've ever met. Sure, you hate bugs and shots and carrots and bell peppers, but those are small hurdles. Even though you're scared, I know you can do it."
Misty nodded, took a deep breath, and loosened her muscles.
But just as Brock was going to administer it, they turned hard again. It was a good thing Brock noticed and stopped.
He sighed. He needed a solution.
And that solution came to him when he remembered what he put of Pokemon when they had a bad injury.
He set the needle down and zipped his bag open. He took a small tube out.
" What's that?" Misty asked, her voice small.
" It's a cream which I put on Pokemon, to help numb the area so they don't feel anything. It also works on humans."
He put a small drop, and rubbed it on Misty's arm. Then he picked the needle up.
Misty watched Brock carefully as he rubbed the cream into her arm, her grip on Psyduck loosening slightly. The Pokémon just blinked cluelessly, but its presence seemed to give Misty a bit of comfort.
"Are you sure this will work?" Misty asked, her voice wavering as she stared nervously at the needle in Brock's hand.
Brock nodded reassuringly. "Absolutely. It'll numb the area, and you'll hardly feel a thing. Trust me, Misty, you're gonna be okay."
Misty swallowed hard, still feeling a knot of anxiety twisting in her stomach. She wanted to believe him, but the sight of the needle still sent a shiver down her spine.
Brock waited a moment, letting the cream settle in before checking her arm again. "Alright, let's try again." His voice was calm and gentle. "Just focus on Psyduck, okay? Keep breathing."
Misty closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and hugged Psyduck tighter. "Okay... I'm ready."
Brock moved quickly and smoothly, pressing the needle into her arm. Misty flinched instinctively, but then... nothing. No sharp pain, no sudden sting. Just a slight pressure.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked down. Brock had already finished and was applying a small bandage to her arm.
"See? All done," Brock said with a smile, stepping back.
Misty blinked in surprise. "Wait... that's it? I didn't even feel it!"
"That's the cream working," Brock said, putting the syringe away. "You were really brave, Misty."
Misty let out a long breath, finally relaxing her grip on Psyduck, who wobbled away in confusion. "I can't believe it... I survived a shot."
Brock chuckled. "You sure did. And now you're going to start feeling a lot better soon."
Misty smiled weakly. "Thanks, Brock. I don't know what we'd do without you."
"Anytime," Brock said with a wink. "Just try to take it easy for a while. And, uh... don't freak out so much next time." He teased lightly.
Misty rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "No promises."
Ash and Pikachu were running for their lives, the sounds of growling and snarling echoing through the dense forest. Behind them, two massive Mightyena (wolves), a pack of ten vicious Lycanroc (coyotes), five roaring Pyroar (lions), and two intimidating Incineroar (tigers) were hot on their trail.
"Pikachu, why do things like this always happen to us?!" Ash shouted, dodging a low-hanging branch.
"Pika Pi!" Pikachu agreed, looking over its shoulder, sparks crackling from its cheeks in panic.
Ash glanced around frantically, trying to figure out where they went wrong. "We must've taken the wrong path! Why didn't I pay more attention?"
They reached a clearing, but it was a dead end—a cliff looming just ahead. Ash skidded to a halt, nearly losing his balance. "Oh no... We're trapped!"
The pack of Pokémon closed in, snarling and growling, eyes glowing in the fading light. Ash could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn't sure how they were going to get out of this one.
"Pikachu, I need your help!" Ash said, his voice trembling but determined. He knew they had to act fast if they were going to survive.
"Pika... CHUUUU!" Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, the electric attack surging toward the approaching Pokémon. The Mightyena and Lycanroc howled as they were hit, their fur crackling with electricity. Some of them backed off, but others, like the Pyroar and Incineroar, seemed unfazed, their fiery nature protecting them from the worst of the shock.
"We need more power!" Ash shouted. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt again—give it everything you've got!"
Pikachu's cheeks sparked even brighter as it unleashed another massive wave of electricity, but the fire-types were still advancing. Ash's mind raced—what could they do? Then he remembered the terrain. They were near a cliff!
Ash grabbed Pikachu and ran towards the edge. "Pikachu, we have to take a leap of faith! Get ready to jump!"
With the sound of the Pokémon hot on their heels, Ash and Pikachu took a deep breath and leaped off the edge of the cliff. The wind rushed past them as they free-fell, but before they could hit the ground, a sudden gust of air cushioned their fall—Pidgeot! Pigeot came out of its ball just in time!
"Pidgeot! You're a lifesaver!" Ash shouted as they soared through the sky, leaving the pack of dangerous Pokémon behind.
"Pika Pi!" Pikachu cheered, clinging tightly to Ash as Pidgeot carried them to safety.
Ash sighed in relief as they flew away from the chaos below. "That was way too close... Let's get the medicine and go back to Brock and Misty before something else crazy happens!"
Meanwhile, back at the campsite, Misty groaned as Brock prepared another dose of his homemade remedy. She lay on her side, looking miserable as Brock carefully measured the red liquid into a small cup.
"Not again!" Misty whined, covering her face with her hands. "That stuff tastes awful!"
Brock, calm and composed as usual, gave her a sympathetic smile. "I know, Misty, but it's helping you. You're already doing better than you were before. Just one more dose, and you'll be feeling much better by tomorrow."
Misty peeked through her fingers. "That's what you said last time!"
Brock chuckled. "Hey, at least it's not another shot, right?"
Misty's eyes widened, and she sat up quickly, clutching Psyduck tighter. "Don't even joke about that! I'd take the gross medicine over a shot any day."
Brock handed her the cup. "It's not that bad. Just down it in one go, like last time. You've got this."
Misty sighed heavily and took the cup. She gave Psyduck a small glare. "You owe me for being so brave," she muttered, then pinched her nose and swallowed the remedy in one big gulp. Her face scrunched up as the bitter taste hit her, and she shuddered.
"Ugh! I can still taste it!"
Brock handed her a water bottle. "Here, drink this. It'll help wash it down."
As Misty gulped down the water, Brock patted her on the shoulder. "See? That wasn't so bad. Just rest now, and by the time Ash gets back, you'll be feeling much better."
Misty leaned back on her sleeping bag, still making a face from the aftertaste. "I sure hope so. Next time we camp, I'm packing extra medicine. You and Ash always drag me into these messes, and somehow, I'm the one who ends up sick."
Brock grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."
As he cleaned up the supplies, Misty settled back down, clutching Psyduck like a pillow. "Where is Ash, anyway?" she asked, her voice sounding tired. "He's taking forever."
Brock glanced toward the forest path, a little worried. "He should've been back by now..." he muttered to himself, frowning slightly.
"Don't worry," he said, turning back to Misty. "Ash is probably just taking the scenic route. You know how he is."
Misty rolled her eyes. "He'd better not be lost again..."
Then Brock decided he was to prepare his ear infection remedy again, carefully mixing the ingredients into a small bowl. Misty sat up, watching him with wide eyes, already knowing what was coming next.
As Brock grabbed a cotton swab and dipped it into the yellow liquid, Misty immediately shook her head and scooted back. "No. Nonononono. Not again!"
Brock sighed but kept his calm demeanor. "Misty, I know it hurt last time, but this is the last dose. I promise, once this is over, your ear will feel a lot better."
Misty clutched Psyduck tightly, shaking her head even more. "I don't care! That stuff stings, Brock! It feels like you're putting a hot needle in my ear!"
Brock knelt down beside her. "I know it stings, but it's because it's working. You trust me, right?"
Misty groaned, looking at the cotton swab like it was some evil instrument of torture. "I trust you, but do I really have to go through this again?"
Brock gave her a small smile. "It's the last dose. After this, you won't need it anymore. And hey, Psyduck's here to help you be brave."
Misty looked down at Psyduck, who just stared blankly back at her, clutching its own head as usual. "Great, my pillar of strength," she muttered sarcastically.
Brock gently tilted her head to the side. "Just breathe, Misty. I'll be quick, okay?"
Misty gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, trying her best to brace for the pain. "Fine, but if I pass out, it's your fault."
Brock chuckled lightly and then carefully inserted the cotton swab into her ear. Misty instantly winced, her hands gripping Psyduck even tighter.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" she hissed, but Brock worked quickly and steadily.
"Almost done," Brock said calmly, moving the swab around as carefully as possible. "Just a few more seconds..."
Misty squirmed but did her best to stay still, clenching her fists and breathing deeply. Finally, Brock pulled the swab out, and Misty sighed in relief, slumping back against her sleeping bag.
"There. All done," Brock said, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
Misty opened one eye, still grimacing slightly. "You owe me so much, Brock."
Brock smiled. "You did great, Misty. Now, you can rest easy. No more ear remedy after this."
Misty gave a small, weak smile. "Good. Because next time, I'm just going to use earplugs."
Ash and Pikachu were falling.
The wind rushed past them as they plummeted toward the water below. Unlike the last time, there was no Pidgeot to save them, and both of them hit the water with a huge splash, bobbing up to the surface moments later, gasping for air.
Ash sputtered, wiping the water from his eyes. "Pikachu... I think I've caught a cold," he muttered, shivering slightly as the cool water seeped through his clothes. "But don't tell Brock, okay?"
Pikachu gave him a look—one of those knowing, unimpressed glares that only Pikachu could manage. "Pika..." it said flatly, clearly not on board with the idea of keeping anything from Brock.
Ash laughed nervously, trying to play it off. "Come on, Pikachu! If Brock finds out, he'll make me drink one of those weird herbal teas or give me some awful medicine. You know how he is!"
"Pika Pi..." Pikachu crossed its tiny arms and gave Ash another disapproving look.
Ash coughed slightly and sniffed. "See? It's nothing!" he insisted, though the shiver that ran through him said otherwise.
Pikachu raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Pika pika."
"Okay, okay," Ash groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "Maybe I'm not fine, but let's just try to get out of here first. Brock's already dealing with Misty—I don't want him worrying about me too."
Pikachu sighed but nodded, and the two began swimming toward the shore, still dripping wet from their fall. All the while, Pikachu kept an eye on Ash, clearly ready to tattle to Brock the first chance it got.
As Ash and Pikachu trudged along the shore, Ash wiped his nose with the back of his hand and sniffled again. "Man, this cold is getting worse," he muttered. Just then, Pikachu perked up, its ears twitching.
"Pika pi!" Pikachu exclaimed, pointing ahead.
Ash squinted through his watery eyes and saw a sign. "Huh?" He blinked, trying to make out the words. "Oh! The pharmacy!" He sneezed loudly. "Finally!"
Without wasting another second, Ash took off running toward the sign, with Pikachu running beside him. Every step made him feel the chill in his soaked clothes, and his sneeze seemed to confirm Pikachu's suspicions.
"Pika pi..." Pikachu said, looking up at Ash with concern as they kept running.
Ash gave Pikachu a sheepish smile. "I know, I know. Brock's gonna make me drink that gross tea, isn't he?"
"Pika!" Pikachu nodded seriously.
Ash laughed, even though his throat felt scratchy. "Yeah, you're probably right. But let's just focus on getting Misty's medicine first!" He sneezed again, picking up the pace as the pharmacy came into view.
Back at the campsite, Misty lay under a blanket, her head resting on Psyduck as she sighed. "I hope Ash hasn't gotten sick. He's out there in the cold rain, and knowing him..." She trailed off, coughing lightly.
Brock, who was stirring another bowl of warm remedy, glanced over at her. "Yeah, well, knowing Ash, even if he did get sick, he wouldn't tell me."
Misty groaned. "Of course he wouldn't. He'd act all tough until he's practically collapsing."
Brock shook his head with a small smirk. "Exactly. He'd rather push through everything than admit he's feeling under the weather. But trust me, when he gets back, I'll know." He tapped his temple. "I can spot a sick Ash from a mile away."
Misty chuckled weakly. "Good luck with that. He's like a stubborn Pokémon when it comes to admitting he's not well."
Brock poured some of the remedy into a cup and handed it to her. "Just focus on getting better. I'll deal with Ash when he shows up."
Misty took a small sip, grimacing. "Ugh, this stuff is terrible. But I guess it works."
Brock smiled. "You'll thank me later. Hopefully, Ash will have the medicine soon."
" Can... I.... have a * sneeze* bottle of * double sneeze* fever reliever?" Ash asked as he walked up to the pharmacist.
The pharmacist raised a brow. " Are you okay?" She asked.
Ash nodded. " Y...yeah. sis....te....ri...s" Ash let out a loud sneeze.
The pharmacist raised a brow but gave him a bottle. " Hope you have someone to look at that when you get back home. I think you've caught a cold in this rain."
Ash hadn't even realized it was raining.
" Uh... it's just allergies."
" Pika......." Pikachu gave him a warning glance. Ash shot it a look. " Shut up." He muttered.
" Is there anyone who looks after you?"
Ash nodded, trying to come up with a fib. " My.... uh.... brother! And my twin sister!"
The pharmacist smiled and nodded. " You must love them."
Ash nodded truthfully. " Yeah. They're the best."
Then he quickly added, " But don't tell them."
The pharmacist chuckled softly as she handed over the bottle. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," she said with a wink. "But take care of yourself, okay? Cold or allergies, you don't want to make it worse out there."
Ash, wiping his nose on his sleeve, nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine! Thanks!"
As Ash and Pikachu turned to leave, Pikachu shot him another glance. "Pika pi?" it asked, its tone almost scolding.
"Don't start, Pikachu!" Ash muttered as he held the bottle close. "We've got to get this medicine back to Misty, and then I'll deal with... whatever this is." He sneezed again, louder this time, barely catching it in his arm.
Pikachu sighed, hopping onto Ash's shoulder as they made their way out into the rain. Ash was already shivering, but he tried his best to ignore it. "Let's get back quick," he mumbled, sniffling as they trudged through the wet streets.
As they started running, Pikachu glanced up at the sky and then at Ash, clearly worried. It gave Ash's cheek a small nuzzle, trying to offer some comfort.
Ash gave a weak smile. "Thanks, buddy. But I'm not sick. We just need to make it back to Brock before he starts asking too many questions..."
Another sneeze interrupted him, making Pikachu sigh deeply.
Misty groaned, clutching her head tightly as the pain worsened. Her face was pale, and her eyes squeezed shut as the throbbing in her ear became unbearable. Brock knelt beside her, his expression full of concern.
"Misty, I know this isn't fun, but your infection's getting worse," Brock said as he grabbed the cream and gently applied it to her hand to help ease the pain.
Misty winced but nodded. "It feels like my whole head is going to explode," she whispered, her voice trembling.
Brock sighed, knowing what was coming next. "We need to do one more round of... you know," he said cautiously, avoiding the word.
Misty's eyes widened, and she shot him a pleading look. "No, not again! I can't!" she protested, her voice almost desperate.
"I know, Misty," Brock replied, his voice soft and understanding. "But it's the only way to help you feel better. I promise, after this, we'll be done. You're strong, you've already been through so much. You can do it."
Misty gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut. "I don't know how Pokémon handle this," she muttered through the pain. "But if I ever meet one who does, they're getting a medal."
Brock chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood as he prepared the needle. "I'll make sure of that. Now, just breathe, okay? It'll be over in a second."
Misty nodded, gripping Psyduck in her hands again. "Okay," she whispered, bracing herself as she felt Brock's hand on her arm. "Let's just... get this over with."
Brock worked quickly and carefully, doing his best to minimize her discomfort. Despite her fear, Misty remained still, letting out a shaky breath when it was finally over.
"There," Brock said, putting everything away. "You survived."
Misty let out a small laugh, though her eyes were still watery. "Barely."
Brock smiled, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're tougher than you think, Misty."
Ash was doing his best to keep his sneezes at bay as he and Pikachu hurried back to camp. His nose twitched, and his eyes watered, but he kept his mouth tightly shut, determined to hold everything in. Pikachu, walking beside him, gave him an exasperated glance.
"Pika Pi!" Pikachu groaned, slapping its head with its little paw. It had been watching Ash's ridiculous efforts for the last several minutes, and clearly, it wasn't impressed.
"Hey, Pikachu!" Ash whispered, his voice stuffy, "I've got this under control. No need to freak out."
But Pikachu rolled its eyes, clearly not buying it. "Pika pika," it muttered under its breath, probably thinking that Ash was the last person to have anything under control.
Ash continued to sniffle as they walked. "Look, I'm fine," he insisted, though his red nose and watery eyes told a different story. "I just need to... not sneeze."
Pikachu shot him a look, one that clearly said, "This is a terrible idea," before glancing ahead toward their camp. Ash could see the tent in the distance now, and with any luck, Brock and Misty wouldn't notice how bad he was feeling.
"See? We're almost there," Ash said, feeling triumphant. "Told you I could handle it."
But just as he said that, his nose twitched uncontrollably. His eyes went wide. "Oh no..." he muttered, trying to stifle it.
Pikachu stared at him, shaking its head. "Pika pi."
And then, despite all his efforts, Ash let out a massive sneeze that echoed through the forest.
Pikachu face-palmed again.
Brock was busy tending to Misty when he suddenly heard a loud sneeze echo from outside. His ears perked up, and he instantly recognized the sound.
"Ash?" he muttered, concern flooding his face.
He stood up from beside Misty, who was still clutching her head, and made his way toward the tent's entrance. "I'll be right back," he said to Misty, grabbing his medical kit just in case.
Misty, holding her head in pain, managed to groan, "Knowing Ash, he's probably caught something..."
Brock nodded. "Yeah, but let's hope it's nothing serious."
He rushed outside, scanning the camp, only to spot Ash bolting toward his tent, trying to avoid any confrontation.
"Ash, wait up!" Brock called out, jogging in his direction.
Ash, in full panic mode, ignored him and dashed inside his tent as he threw Brock the medicine. "I've gotta change out of these wet clothes," he muttered, fumbling with his jacket while trying to stifle another sneeze.
But before he could fully pull his shirt off, ACHOO! A loud sneeze escaped, shaking the tent's flimsy fabric.
Brock's voice rang out from Misty's tent, loud and suspicious, "Ash! You okay over there?!"
Ash froze for a moment, trying to compose himself. "Y-Yeah!" he shouted back, his voice strained. "Just my allergies!"
Brock raised an eyebrow, pausing outside Misty's tent. "You sure? You've been sneezing a lot..."
Ash sniffled loudly, throwing on a dry shirt. "I'm fine, Brock! Really! know, the pollen out here's real bad."
From inside the tent, Pikachu looked at Ash with pure disbelief, its paw firmly planted against its face. "Pika..."
Brock returned to Misty's side after administering her medicine, still feeling a pang of worry for Ash. "I'll check on him," he said, glancing back at Misty, who looked like she was finally starting to feel some relief.
"Make sure he's actually okay," she replied, her voice hoarse but determined. "He's probably just trying to brush it off."
Brock nodded and made his way to Ash's tent. He knocked softly but heard no response. "Ash? You in there?"
No answer came, just the sound of shuffling inside. Brock's concern deepened as he pushed the flap aside and peeked in. There was Ash, bundled tightly in blankets, looking like a cocoon of fabric.
"Ash, are you okay?" Brock asked, stepping inside.
"Yeah! Just... chilling!" Ash's voice came from beneath the layers.
Brock raised an eyebrow. "Chilling, huh? You sound more like you're sneezing."
He approached Ash and reached out to feel his forehead. But as he touched the blanket, Ash squirmed away, clearly trying to avoid any examination. "I'm fine, Brock! Really!"
"Come on, just let me check." Brock persisted, gently pulling back the edge of the blanket to get a better feel.
Ash squirmed more, hiding his head under the covers. "I'm good! I swear!"
Brock wasn't convinced, but he tried to keep his voice calm. "Ash, I just want to make sure you're not getting sick like Misty. Let me feel your forehead."
Finally, Brock managed to slip his hand inside the blanket and press it against Ash's forehead. It was warm, definitely warmer than usual. "Wow, you're burning up! Why didn't you tell me?"
Ash peeked out from the blankets, a sheepish look on his face. "I told you it's just allergies..." he mumbled, but the evidence was clear.
"Right," Brock said skeptically. "And I'm a Tauros." He sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and sympathy. "You need to rest. I'll grab you some fever reliever, okay?"
Ash groaned, pulling the blanket over his head again. "Fine... but make it quick!"
"Just hang tight," Brock replied, shaking his head. As he stepped out of the tent, he couldn't help but think about how stubborn his friend was, just like Misty. "I'll be right back."
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