In the Palm of Our hands
" ... In the Palm of my-" Goh stopped when he looked at his hand
Everyone gasped.
" Is.. is that....?" Gary whispered.
Goh nodded. " Mew!"
Suddenly, they saw lights from the forest.
The lights of Pokemon coming out of their balls.
Then they saw a Lucario and Skeptile run out of the forest and stand in front of the cliff, arms linked.
Then, two raven haired kids ran out. The boy, about the age of the , looked determined, while the younger one, the one in front, tightened her long hair which was tied in a ponytail.
" Ready?" The older one called
The younger one turned and nodded. " Let's do this!"
" You'd better not fall!"
" I won't! It's you I'm worried about, Ashy."
Gary and Goh gasped. " Ash?!" They exclaimed.
The boy turned. " Oh hi guys!"
Wisty stepped onto the Pokemon's arms, and they threw her up. She turned back. " You good?" She called as she shot through the sky.
Ash nodded. " Yep!"
They were successful, and the three boys on the ground thought they would make it.
Then... They stopped.
" ASH! WISTY!" Gary screeched.
" YOU'RE GONNA FALL!" Horace yelled.
Wisty noticed first. " Wuh oh...." She muttered.
She reached out, and grabbed the ledge. Then she turned back.
" ASH!" she yelled. " GRAB ON!"
Ash quickly reached out, and grabbed Wisty's hand.
Wisty grunted as she looked up.
Rocks were falling.
" Ash?" She said, slightly panicked. " Uh.... We have bad news."
Ash looked. " Uh oh...."
Wisty looked down. " SPRIGATITO VINE WHIP, NOW!"
the cat obeyed and threw her vine to the ledge where ash and Wisty were. They both grabbed on.
" THANKS!" She yelled.
Then she turned to Ash and nodded. " Let's do this."
They hopped their way up, pulling the vine as they went.
When Wisty set foot on the rock, she let out a cheer
That cheer made the rocks wobble a little. She quickly regained her footing and pulled Ash up just as Horace, Goh and Gary climbed up with their gear
Ash smiled and waved. " Hi, guys!" He said cheerfully, as if he wasn't just in the verge of seeing his life flash before him.
"' Hi'?!" Goh yelled. " That's all you have to say?!"
Ash smiled sheepishly, but before he could, Wisty took off running to a tree. She jumped and swung onto it.
Quillen and Danika climbed up, and Gary went to help them up.
" That girl is very reckless." Quillen said as he watched.
Danika rolled her eyes
" You always think everything is reckless. But what is she climbing for?"
Ash smirked and crossed his arms. " You'll see."
Goh walked to Ash. " What are you doing here?"
" You'll see."
Goh groaned. " Why won't you st-"
" Look!" Horace yelled as he pointed to the sky
Up there, plain as day, was a taller and more angry looking Mew.
It was Mewtwo.
Gary squinted. " Hey...." He suddenly realized. " Isn't that the Pokemon -"
" That defeated you?" Ash finished. " Uh huh."
Horace looked at them, confused. " What?"
Before Ash or Gary could reply, Wisty shouted, " Mewtwo!"
Everyone turned to see the pink Pokemon glance down at her.
" Mewtwo, we need your help!"
Mewtwo cocked its head
Wisty turned to Mew. " Mew, you too."
" Mew?"
Wisty sighed. " It's.... Actually a really long story."
"Really long." Ash confirmed.
" What is so urgent you ask us both for help?"
Wisty looked down. " Well, ya see.... Uh.... Well, there's no nice way to put it."
She looked down at Ash. " You tell."
" Why should I tell? You're the one who found out!"
" You're the older one!"
" You're the only one Mewtwo feels safe to talk to!"
" He talked to you too!"
" Yeah and turned me to stone!"
" He said he was sorry!"
" I know he said sorry but besides me you're the only one! You should tell!"
" I don't want to!"
" You were so happy to when we were coming!"
" That was BEFO-"
" Could one of you please tell us?* Gary moaned as he rubbed his temples. " Ash still hasn't given us the answer as to why you guys are here!"
" It's because they walked to talk to Mew and Mewtwo!" Goh sighed
" That's..... HALF of it."
Everyone turned to Wisty.
" What's half of it? I must know at once."
Wisty looked at Mewtwo. " Buddy, you know Team Rocket?"
" The ones who put me into this wreached world. Yes."
" What did we talk about?" Wisty scolded. " Positive!"
" Apologies. I shall do better."
Wisty sighed. It's fine. So, basically....." She took a deep breath. " Teamrockethasdonesomereallybadstufftotheforestnearourhome,pallet,andweneedMew'spoewertorestoreeverythingandMewtwo'ssotherecanbepokwmoninthoseforests."
Gary cocked his head. " Uh... What?"
Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of them.
" What's that?" Quillen asked
Goh, Ash and Wisty exchanged a look. " Oh dear...." Ash muttered.
" Gary overload." Goh sighed.
Gary raised a brow, but before he could, a bawling Ash jumped out.
" Ash!" The.... First Ash exclaimed as he ran to his duplicate and hugged him. " What happened?"
The second Ash ( let's just call him Ashy) hugged Ash back. " T... Team Rocket!"
Ash's eyes widened. Goh's duplicate stepped out.
" Goh, we need you help!"
" Grookey!"
Goh ( the first one) ran to his duplicate. " What's going on? Why is he crying?"
" Team Rocket's destroyed the forest biome, and this one decided it was.... The end of the world."
Ash was patting Ashy's back, a tad nervously but still comforting.
Wisty marched up to her duplicate. " Where is team Rocket?"
" Capturing all the Pokemon."
Wisty kicked a rock. " That's bad."
Wist raised a brow. " Why?"
Wisty took out her phone and started to type something.
" Because without the forest, out world will falter."
Wist gasped. " Oh, no!"
She glanced over to Ashy and sighed. " Big brothers are really annoying, aren't they?"
Wisty smirked and nodded. " So true."
Both Ash's looked up. " What's that supposed to mean?!" Ashy asked as he sniffed.
Ash held Ashy close. " Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?"
Wisty smirked. " You'll see."
Then, a brown boot came out.
" Wuh oh...." Wist muttered.
Wisty grabbed Gary and covered his eyes, motioning Wist to do the same.
Wist nodded.
" What's going on?!" Gary asked.
Wisty quickly took a blindfold out of her bag and wrapped it around Gary's eyes. " Nothing! Everything is totally fine!" She exchanged a look with Wist, helped.
Then, out of the portal stepped another person—someone very familiar.
The second Gary stepped forward, looking around in confusion. "Uh...where am I? And why is everything so... weird?"
Wisty and Wist froze.
The first Gary, now blindfolded, yelled, "Hey! What's going on?! Who's that?"
Before anyone could stop him, the second Gary spotted the blindfolded first Gary. "WHAT THE-?!"
Both Garys gasped at the exact same time.
The first Gary ripped off the blindfold just in time to lock eyes with his doppelgänger. "WHAT THE-?!"
They pointed at each other, identical looks of horror plastered on their faces.
"WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS?!" both Garys screamed in unison.
Ash, meanwhile, was trying hard not to laugh, clutching his sides. "Oh man, I did not see this coming."
"WHY ARE THERE TWO OF ME?!" Gary #1 screeched, backing up like he'd seen a ghost.
"WHY ARE YOU ME?!" Gary #2 shot back, looking equally horrified.
Wisty smirked at the chaos, while Wist was holding back her own laughter. "You know, they say two Garys are better than one," Wisty teased.
"THIS IS NOT BETTER!" both Garys shouted, still staring at each other like they were trapped in a nightmare.
"Are we... TWINS?!" Gary #1 asked, his voice shaky.
"NO WAY, I'M THE ORIGINAL!" Gary #2 shot back, crossing his arms.
"That's exactly what a clone would say!" Gary #1 accused.
"You're the clone!" Gary #2 barked back.
Before things could escalate further, Mewtwo finally chimed in. "This is getting ridiculous."
Mew floated around the two panicking Garys, blinking innocently. "Mew?"
Ashy, still recovering from laughing so hard, walked over and slung an arm around both Garys. "Okay, okay, calm down. There's no need to fight over who the real Gary is."
Wisty joined in, grinning. "Yeah, you're both real! ... Real annoying, that is."
Both Garys glared at her.
"THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" they yelled at the same time, only making Wisty laugh harder.
Suddenly, the air shimmered, and yet another portal started to form.
Gary #1 groaned. "Oh no... please don't tell me there's going to be another Gary..."
Ash raised an eyebrow. "Only one way to find out."
As the portal opened wider, everyone braced themselves for more confusion. Out of the portal stepped... a very flustered Pikachu wearing sunglasses and a tiny cape.
Gary #2 blinked. "Wait. Is that...Pikachu?"
Ashy clapped his hands, grinning. "Pikachu, what's with the new look?!"
Ash blinked. " What did you do with him?!" he screeched.
But before anyone could answer, a booming voice echoed from the portal: "IF THERE'S ANOTHER GARY OUT THERE, I QUIT!"
Everyone turned to see yet another familiar face emerge—Professor Oak.
Both Garys fainted on the spot.
And as Wisty and Ash exchanged glances, Ash couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, this just keeps getting better."
Ashy clung onto Ash as they walked through the forest. He glanced ahead at Wist, who was talking with Wisty.
Ash noticed and grinned. " Well, this is nice."
Ashy nodded. " Yeah."
Then he glanced back at the Gary's, who were being dragged along by their Umbreon. " They don't look happy."
Ash rolled his eyes. " Gary is never happy."
" True. Very true."
Goh and Goh 2 were talking about how fascinating Mew was.
" Isn't it amazing," Goh said as they walked. " That Mew has the DNA of all Pokemon?"
Goh 2 nodded. " Yeah, right? I was so excited when I saw it that day when I was little! I chased after it!"
Goh laughed. " I know!"
Mewtwo and Mew were flying above, supervising everyone.
" So..... what did you do with your Pikachu?" Ash asked as he gestured to the.... oddly clothed Pikachu, who was talking with Ash's Pikachu.
Ashy chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, well... let's just say Pikachu went through a phase after one too many victories. He started thinking he was a superhero."
Ash raised an eyebrow. "A superhero? Seriously?"
Ashy nodded. "Yeah, Pikachu insisted on the cape and sunglasses. He even came up with a name for himself... 'Pika-Justice.'"
Ash's Pikachu blinked at his caped counterpart, tilting his head. "Pika?" he squeaked curiously.
"Pika-Justice!" Ashy's Pikachu corrected, dramatically whipping the cape behind him, striking a heroic pose.
Ash couldn't help but laugh. "Well, this is... something. What does Pika-Justice even do?"
"Basically the same thing regular Pikachu does... but with more flair," Ashy said with a grin. "Thunderbolt, but make it fashion."
Suddenly, there was a loud groan from the back of the group. Both Garys had woken up from their fainting spell, sitting up groggily as they called their Pokemon back.
"Did I just faint... twice?" Gary #1 muttered.
"I don't know, but I'm still the real Gary," Gary #2 retorted immediately, brushing off his clothes.
"Here we go again," Wisty sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes.
Professor Oak, who had been walking behind the group, overheard the bickering and shook his head. "I raised one Gary, and now there are two. My life has officially doubled in difficulty."
Ash chuckled and patted Oak on the back. "It could be worse. You could have two Ashes."
Oak's face paled. "Please, no."
Meanwhile, Wist was staring at Ash's Pikachu, fascinated. "Does he do tricks?"
"Only if you call showing off a 'trick,'" Wisty replied, snickering as Pika-Justice did a dramatic leap off a tree branch.
As the group continued walking, Ash and Ashy exchanged glances.
"So... superhero Pikachu, huh?" Ash asked with a smirk.
Ashy grinned. "Yep. Every now and then, he even demands theme music."
"Pika-Justice!" the caped Pikachu called out again, dramatically leaping from rock to rock. Ash's Pikachu just sighed and facepalmed.
Gary #1 rubbed his temples, sighing. "This is all too much... I just wanted to figure out what was going on with Mew."
Gary #2 nodded in agreement, for once not arguing. "Yeah, now I have a superhero Pikachu, two of me, and... whatever this is."
From above, Mew floated down, landing on top of Professor Oak's head. "Mew?"
Oak sighed. "Mew, please don't add to the chaos."
Mew giggled mischievously and floated back up, while Mewtwo silently judged from afar. Wisty glanced up at Mewtwo and grinned. "Hey, at least things aren't boring, right?"
Mewtwo sighed. "I am starting to regret not staying in my cave."
Ashy suddenly stopped in his tracks, his face scrunching up in realization. "Oh... wait. I just thought of something," he mumbled, his voice trembling.
Ash, noticing the sudden shift in Ashy's tone, raised an eyebrow. "What? What's wrong?"
Tears welled up in Ashy's eyes as he dramatically threw his arms into the air. "Without a forest... THERE'S NO LIFE!"
Before anyone could react, Ashy burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Ash, caught off guard, quickly wrapped his arms around him in a comforting hug. "Hey, hey, it's okay, Ash. We're in a forest right now! See? There's plenty of life here."
Wist groaned, running a hand down her face. "Here we go again."
But Wisty just giggled, nudging Wist with her elbow. "Oh, come on! It's cute. A little dramatic, sure, but cute."
Wist raised an eyebrow. "Cute? He's crying over an existential crisis."
"Yeah," Wisty agreed, "but in a confusingly adorable way." She crossed her arms and smirked. "You gotta admit, it's kind of endearing."
Ash continued to pat Ashy's back, smiling softly. "Look, the forest isn't going anywhere, okay? Life's still here."
Ashy's sobs quieted down as he sniffled, hugging Ash tightly. "I just... love forests, okay?"
Ash chuckled, "I know, buddy. I know."
Mewtwo, who had been watching all of this from the sky, crossed his arms. "Humans are truly perplexing creatures." Meanwhile, Mew floated down to boop Ashy on the nose with a gentle "Mew?" as if offering comfort in its own way.
Ashy smiled weakly through his tears. "Thanks, Mew."
Wisty couldn't help but snicker. "See? Even Mew thinks it's cute!"
Gary #1 sighed heavily. "We've got two Ashes, two me's, and a forest crisis. I don't know how much more of this I can take."
Gary #2 nodded, looking equally exasperated. "Yeah, this is a lot."
Wist rolled her eyes. "Welcome to the team. Nothing ever makes sense."
Ashy wiped away his tears, finally calming down. "Thanks, Ash."
Ash grinned. "No problem. Now, let's keep moving before someone else has a meltdown."
As the group continued through the forest, Ashy held onto Ash's arm, just in case, as Wisty and Wist trailed behind with amused smiles. " This is gonna be a long trip...." They muttered.
"Ash?" Ashy called nervously, glancing down at the sheer drop beneath them. "Why are we up so high?"
Ash, who was ahead of him, looked back and extended a hand to help Ashy keep steady. "Because this is the fastest way to the forest. Don't worry, we're almost there."
"Sure, sure," Ashy mumbled, clutching Ash's hand tightly. "But, uh... is it safe?"
Ash blinked at him, then nodded firmly. "Yes, it is. Trust me, we'll be fine."
Ashy gulped and glanced at the narrow path they were on, still looking uncertain but trusting Ash enough to keep going.
Meanwhile, Goh and Goh 2 were completely absorbed in their conversation about Mew, seemingly oblivious to the height or danger around them.
"Isn't it amazing?" Goh said excitedly, recalling his experience. "I actually held Mew in my hands!"
"Same here!" Goh 2 added with wide eyes, gripping onto a nearby rock to keep his balance. "It's such an incredible feeling."
Above them, Professor Oak was climbing calmly, as if scaling heights was an everyday thing for him. But then he glanced down to see his two grandsons still bickering with each other at the base of the climb. He sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Those two..." Professor Oak muttered under his breath. "If only I could clone their sense of reason."
Down below, Gary #1 pointed accusingly at Gary #2. "You're doing it wrong! You're gonna get us both stuck here!"
Gary #2 shot back, "Oh yeah? Like you're an expert on climbing rocks now?"
Wisty, hanging back with Wist, chuckled at the sight. "I'm starting to think they're clones in more than just appearance."
Wist shook her head. "At least Oak looks calm. He's used to this chaos."
As the group continued the climb, with Ashy still eyeing the height nervously, Mewtwo and Mew floated effortlessly above them, supervising the journey from the skies. Even with all the chaos below, Mew seemed to be having the time of its life, zooming around playfully while Mewtwo kept his usual stoic expression.
"Just a little further," Ash encouraged Ashy as they neared the top. "The forest is right over this ridge."
Ashy glanced at Ash with a shaky smile. "I'm trusting you on this, Ash..."
Ash grinned. "You won't regret it."
When they finally reached the top, Ashy immediately dropped to his knees and kissed the ground. "Sweet, sweet land," he muttered in relief.
Ash raised an eyebrow at the scene. "Oh... kay?" he said, clearly confused by Ashy's dramatic gesture.
Wisty, on the other hand, was more focused on their next move. "Mew! Mewtwo!" she called out. "Which way to the forest?"
Wist, who had been silently observing, looked at her in disbelief. "Wait... you don't have a map?!"
Wisty blinked and shrugged casually. "No...? We have two legendary Pokémon! Why would we need a map?"
Wist threw her hands up in exasperation. "Unbelievable. You're really just winging it?"
Mew, floating by, simply giggled with an innocent "Mew!" while Mewtwo hovered nearby, expression unreadable. He glanced down at Wisty and nodded toward the east.
Wisty grinned triumphantly and pointed. "See? Mewtwo knows the way. No map required!"
Wist sighed but couldn't help smirking. "You're impossible."
As they continued toward the forest, Professor Oak caught up, still calm despite the ongoing chaos with his grandsons behind him. "Sometimes the simplest solution is to trust those who know better," he said with a hint of amusement. " But this.... this is not going to end well."
Quillen and Dakita trailed behind. " This is not safe." Quillen muttered. " Following a Pokemon? A legendary one? And relying on them to fix a forest? That kid is crazy."
Dakina shot him a look. " Hey. We just met Mew. THE Mew. Goh just held it. Now we need its help. What's so crazy about that?"
Gary one turned. " Yeah, Quillen. Wisty and Ash may SEEM reckless, but they're just doing what's best for the world."
" That's true." Goh 1 shouted from his spot in the line.
Wisty and Ash exchanged a smirk. " Ready?" Wisty asked.
Ash nodded as he threw his Poke Ball on the ground with force ( like how he does in the opening of Pokemon Journey.). Pigeotto, I choose you!"
Wisty threw her Poke Ball into the air. " Altaria!"
Both birds came out, and the siblings exchanged a look before hopping on and urging their Pokemon on.
" They're not the only one who can play that game!" Wist exclaimed. " Altaria!"
" Pigeotto!" Ashy yelled.
Both birds appeared, and the duo hopped on.
Ash and Wisty took off, steering their birds. " Ash, stay down!" Wisty yelled. " I've got this!"
Ash nodded, and Altaria flew up high quickly, and nosedived down, spinning as it flew.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ashy screeched.
" WISTY YOU'RE INSANE!" Wist agreed.
Wisty smirked, then commanded Altaria to pull up. " Let's go!" She exclaimed. " Ash, Ashy, Wist, pick the others up and follow me!"
Then Wisty shot into the clouds, leaving everyone dumbfounded.
" Uh..... we're gonna lose her if she goes that fast." Ashy said.
Everyone groaned.
" I will go after her."
Ash looked up and Mewtwo. " Me and Gary will come too."
" Which Gary?" Gary one asked sourly.
Ash rolled his eyes. " MY Gary!"
" Oh." Ash extended his arm, and Gary One grabbed it, and Ash hoisted him on. Ashy helped Gary Two on, and Wist held Quillen.
" What about Dakina and Oak?" Wist asked.
" Piggiotto can carry them." Ashy volenteered.
Ash nodded, and helped Oak on, while Dakina went onto Ashy's Piggeotto.
" We'll see you ahead!" Ash called as he urged his Piggy on, Pikachu hanging on for dear life.
" Woah!" Oak yelped as he held onto his coat. " Your Pigeotto is fast!"
Mewtwo flew above them.
"Alright, let's catch up to Wisty before she gets herself lost in those clouds," Ash called over to the others. He urged his Pidgeotto to fly faster, Pikachu gripping his shoulder tightly.
Professor Oak, still clinging to his coat for dear life, chuckled nervously. "Impressive speed, Ash! You've really trained Pidgeotto well."
Ashy, flying close behind, shot a glance at the clouds where Wisty had disappeared. "She's going way too fast! We'll never catch up if we don't do something!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the wind.
Mewtwo, overhearing, suddenly descended from above. "I'll retrieve her," Mewtwo said in his calm, telepathic voice. Without waiting for a response, he vanished in a burst of speed, shooting through the clouds like a silver streak.
Meanwhile, Wisty was soaring higher and higher on Altaria, laughing in exhilaration as the wind whipped around her. She peeked down through the clouds and could barely make out the others trying to keep up.
"Come on, slowpokes!" she teased, her voice carried away by the wind. But before she could go any further, Mewtwo appeared right beside her in a flash.
"Mewtwo!" Wisty gasped, startled. "What are you—"
"Going too fast. You're straying off course," Mewtwo said bluntly. His eyes glowed softly as he extended a hand toward Altaria, gently guiding it down toward the rest of the group.
Wisty groaned but followed Mewtwo's lead. "Fine, fine. I guess I got a little carried away."
Back below, Ash and the others watched as Mewtwo and Wisty reappeared through the clouds, gradually descending.
"There they are!" Ash shouted, pointing ahead. "We've got her in sight!"
Ashy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I thought we were going to have to pull off some crazy rescue mission."
As Wisty rejoined the group, she playfully nudged Ash with her elbow. "Okay, okay, maybe I went a little overboard."
Ash chuckled. "Just a bit. We need to stick together if we're going to fix this forest problem."
Mewtwo hovered above them, his voice ringing in their heads. "The forest is not far now. Stay focused."
Wist, who had been watching the whole thing unfold in mild amusement, finally spoke up. "Let's just make sure we get there in one piece."
As the group continued flying toward their destination, the forest ahead began to grow larger and denser. The trees seemed taller, older, and darker as they neared the heart of the wilderness. There was an eerie silence, and the air felt thick with mystery.
Ashy, who had been relatively quiet since their ascent, suddenly piped up. "You think this forest is cursed or something?"
Wisty rolled her eyes. "Not everything's cursed, Ash."
Ash, however, looked thoughtful. "Actually... it wouldn't hurt to be on guard. We don't know what's waiting for us."
Mewtwo nodded in agreement. "The energy here is... disturbed. We must proceed with caution."
Quillen, from behind, crossed his arms and grumbled. "And this is why we don't just follow legendary Pokémon into unknown forests without a plan."
Dakita nudged him. "Relax, Quillen. What could go wrong with two legendary Pokémon leading us?"
Before anyone could answer, the trees below them suddenly began to shift and move, as if the forest itself had come alive.
Wisty, wide-eyed, grinned excitedly. "Oh... this is gonna be fun."
" I THINK WE NEED TO WORK ON YOUR DEFINITION OF FUN, WISTY!" Ash yelled as Pikachu thunderbolted another tree.
Wisty giggled. " I don't know what you're talking about!"
Wist glared at her copy. " I think your brother's right."
Ash rolled his eyes.
" Guys!" Gary one yelled. " Not now!"
" Finally, something we agree on!" Gary two said.
" This would have never happened i-"
" Quillen stop!" Dakina exclaimed as Azumarill used water gun. " Stop being so negative!"
Wisty sighed as she looked around. " Mewtwo, Mew, stay here and protect."
" Where are you going?"
Misty grinned. " I'm gonna be going on an adventure of my own."
She whistled. " Altaria!"
The Pokemon flew down, and Wisty hopped on. " Altaria, quick attack! Eevee, turn into Espeon and use Soother!"
Gary one raised a brow. " ' Soother'? What's that move?"
Wist turned. " Yeah, even I'm confused. And I'm you!"
Wisty rolled her eyes. " Just..... let's do this!"
" Eevee!" Eevee turned into Espeon, and Wisty threw it a Poke Ball.
As soon as the Pokemon touched it, Espeon began to glow.
" Espeon!" Espeon opened its mouth, and out came a lavender spray.
As soon as it touched the trees, they began to unwind, letting go of both trapped Gohs.
They fell to the ground.
Face first.
Goh one rubbed his nose. " Where's Wisty going?"
Wist suddenly let out a sharp gasp.
Ashy turned to his sister. " What?"
Wist turned to the others. " Wisty is fighting Team Rocket! And Persian!"
Mewtwo growled. " Those undignified humans! Don't they know Wisty is a young girl?"
" That never stopped them." Gary one sighed as he crossed his arms.
Ash tightened his grip on Pikachu, sensing that things were about to escalate. "Team Rocket... they never know when to quit," he muttered, frustration flickering in his voice.
Pikachu nodded, eyes narrowed. "Pika-chu!"
Meanwhile, Wist's sharp gasp turned into a glare as she turned to Mewtwo. "I think you'd better go help Wisty. She's tough, but... Team Rocket and a Persian? She might need some backup."
Mewtwo didn't hesitate. "Stay here. I will return shortly," he said, and with a burst of energy, he disappeared, heading straight for Wisty.
Ashy, still processing everything, looked confused. "Wisty's fighting them alone? Why didn't she tell us?!"
Wist sighed, shaking her head. "Because that's Wisty. She thinks she can handle everything by herself."
Ash, already used to Wisty's impulsive nature, jumped onto Pidgeotto. "We've got to go after her. Pikachu, let's help her out!"
"Yeah!" Ashy followed suit, urging his Pidgeotto to fly higher. "We can't just leave her out there!"
But just as they were about to take off, a giant net shot out of the trees, tangling around both Ash's and Ashy's Pokémon. "Whoa! What the—!" Ash shouted, as Pidgeotto struggled to break free.
Gary Two groaned. "Here we go again."
From behind the trees, Team Rocket's signature laugh rang out. "Prepare for trouble!" Jessie called, stepping forward, her Persian right beside her.
"And make it double!" James added, appearing next to Jessie.
Meowth hopped onto a branch, smirking. "To protect the world from devastation!"
"Not this again," Gary One muttered, rolling his eyes.
Wist glared at them, her hands balled into fists. "Oh, come on! Don't you guys have anything better to do?"
Jessie tossed her hair dramatically. "Why, of course not! Snatching legendary Pokémon is our job, thank you very much."
James nodded. "And today, Wisty's little Espeon is going to make a fine addition to our collection!"
"Not a chance!" Ashy shouted, trying to cut through the net with his knife. "Pidgeotto, gust attack!"
But the net was too strong, and the wind attack barely made a dent. "It's no use," Ash said through gritted teeth. "We're stuck!"
Gary Two frowned, thinking fast. "Okay, we need to get them out of that net, but Team Rocket's got us pinned down."
Wist smirked. "Not for long." She turned to her Espeon. "Espeon, use Psybeam on that net!"
Espeon's eyes glowed, and a bright beam of psychic energy shot out, hitting the net and ripping it apart. Ash and Ashy fell free, and their Pidgeottos were able to spread their wings again.
"Nice one, Wist!" Ash called, as he got back onto his feet.
"Don't think that'll stop us!" Jessie snarled, pointing at the group. "Persian, use Thunderbolt!"
But before Persian could strike, a deep voice echoed through the clearing. "Enough!"
Mewtwo materialized in front of them, his eyes glowing dangerously. "You will not harm them."
James's eyes widened. "Oh no... Mewtwo's here!"
Jessie and Meowth gulped, taking a step back. "Uh, maybe we should rethink this plan..."
But before they could escape, Mewtwo raised his hand and sent a pulse of psychic energy toward Team Rocket, sending them flying back into the trees.
"Waaaahhhh!" they cried, disappearing into the distance.
Wisty, now flying back on Altaria, laughed as she approached. "Well, that was easier than I thought!"
Wist crossed her arms, still glaring. "Wisty! You could've told us what you were doing! We're supposed to be a team, remember?"
Wisty landed gracefully and jumped off Altaria. "Relax, I had it all under control."
Ash shook his head, smiling. "You're something else, Wisty."
Mewtwo hovered beside them, still calm but clearly irritated. "You must learn to stay with your group. Recklessness will not help you restore the forest."
Wisty shrugged nonchalantly. "I know, I know. But I had to try something! Besides, it's not like Team Rocket's ever been much of a threat."
Ashy patted his Pidgeotto, looking around. "So, what now? Do we keep going?"
Mewtwo nodded. "The forest still needs to be healed. But now, with Team Rocket gone, we should be able to make it safely."
Wisty smirked, hopping back onto Altaria. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's finish this!"
When they finally reached the heart of the destroyed forest, Ashy immediately dropped to his knees, tears streaming down his face. "It's... it's all gone!" he bawled, his voice full of sorrow. "Without the trees, without the Pokémon, there's nothing left!"
Ash knelt beside him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Come on, buddy," he said softly. "It'll be okay. I hope..." His voice trailed off, uncertainty flickering in his eyes as he glanced at the wreckage around them.
Wisty stood a few feet away, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a determined focus. "Alright, Mew," she called, looking up at the floating Legendary Pokémon. "We need your help. Please, if you would... fix this forest."
Mew, hovering gently above the broken land, closed its eyes and began to glow with a soft pink light. The energy radiated outward, touching the dead trees, the shattered plants, and the barren earth. Slowly, grass began to regrow, flowers blossomed, and the trees, once lifeless, started to heal, their leaves returning to full vibrancy.
Ashy wiped his tears as he watched in awe. "It's... it's working!" he sniffled, a small smile creeping onto his face.
Ash smiled too, feeling a surge of hope as the forest came back to life. "Mew's really something, huh?" he whispered.
Wisty nodded, then turned to Mewtwo, who was observing the restoration silently. "Now, Mewtwo," she continued. "We need to make up for the Pokémon that Team Rocket took. Can you duplicate the remaining ones to restore balance here?"
Mewtwo's eyes glowed once more as he raised his hand, and a ripple of psychic energy washed over the forest. From the bushes, the remaining Pokémon began to multiply—new versions of Pikachu, Pidgey, Caterpie, and more appeared, filling the forest with the sounds of life once again.
Ashy's eyes widened as he saw the Pokémon return. "They're back!" he exclaimed, jumping up in excitement.
Mewtwo lowered his hand and turned to Wisty, his voice deep and calm. "The balance is restored. But remember, the forest's future depends on how well you protect it from further harm."
Wisty grinned, pleased with the results. "Thanks, Mewtwo. Thanks, Mew. You two are the best."
Ash clapped Wisty on the back. "We did it. The forest is back, the Pokémon are back... and Team Rocket is nowhere in sight."
Ashy, now fully smiling, nodded. "Yeah! This forest is going to be okay."
" So, you really have to go?" Ash asked.
Ashy nodded sadly. " Yeah. My world needs an Ash from Pallet."
Ash smiled and nodded. " I understand. Come visit soon!"
Ashy grinned. "I will. I promise!"
Wisty turned to Wist, who had been watching the scene unfold. "Ugh, annoying brothers, right? It's like they think they're the center of the universe sometimes," she complained, rolling her eyes.
Wist chuckled, crossing her arms. "Tell me about it! I mean, mine thinks he's so cool just because he's got a few badges. Newsflash: I can do that too! And with style!"
Wisty laughed, her frustration fading. "Exactly! They should really take notes from us. We're the ones doing all the real work here!"
Nearby, Gary One and Gary Two were engaged in their own conversation. "I mean, come on," Gary One said, flipping his hair dramatically. "Did you see how Mewtwo just glowed? Like, talk about majestic. I'm basically a prince over here."
Gary Two smirked, adjusting his own hair. "Please, you think you're handsome? I was practically radiating charisma back there! It's all about the aura, my friend."
The two Gohs, still catching their breath from the earlier excitement, exchanged glances. "Mew and Mewtwo are amazing," Goh One remarked, his eyes sparkling. "I can't believe we got to see them in action!"
Goh Two nodded vigorously. "Seriously! The way Mew brought the forest back to life... and Mewtwo duplicating those Pokémon! It's like they're living legends."
As the banter continued, Wisty raised an eyebrow at her brother and the two Garys. "You guys are ridiculous," she said with a smirk. "But hey, if it means we all get to save the world together, I'm all for it!"
Just then, Ashy looked back at Ash, who was still waving. "Don't forget to tell your Professor Oak about us!" he called out, a mix of excitement and nostalgia in his voice.
Ash nodded enthusiastically. "You got it! And next time, maybe I'll come visit you!"
With one last wave, Ashy stepped back, feeling the portal to his world shimmer behind him. The group watched as he vanished, a mix of emotions swirling in the air. Wist, Gary two, Professor Oak and Goh two followed.
As the moment of departure settled in, Ash looked around at his friends, each one sharing their own thoughts on the adventure they just had. "Alright, team. What's next?"
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