Ignorance is Bliss continuation
" Team Rocket, Blasting off at the speed of light!"
" Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
" Meowth! That's right!"
Ash's eyes narrowed. " Pi-"
" Chansey!" The pink Chansey with the half golden egg on its neck came rushing forward, blocking Ash. " Chansey!"
Before Ash could reason with her, Jessie spoke up
" Chansey, it's fine."
Chansey turned to her. " Chansey! Chansey!"
Jessie smiled warmly, surprising Ash and Brock and Misty
And their Pokemon.
" Chansey, you've achieved both your and my dream! Don't give it up because of me. I'll be fine."
Ash raised a brow. " You know this Chansey?"
Jessie glared at him as she released her Arbok. " Yes, and if you don't step away from her in the next five seconds, Arbok will shoot poison."
" Chansey!*
Jessie looked at her friend and sighed. " Okay, okay. But I'm only doing this because of you."
" Arbok, return!"
Brock raised a brow. " I can't believe an innocent Chansey is friends with a villan."
" I didn't need to be a villan." Jessie stated as she looked away and crossed her arms.
" Chansey Chansey!"
" That's just the thing. They wouldn't accept me, considering the fact I failed the best medical school."
" You were into being a pokemon nurse?* Misty asked.
Jessie nodded. " Yep. Chansey here was my best friend."
" Is that why Chansey gave you all the food last night?* Ash asked .
James humphed. " What did you think?*
" Wait.... So you faked the whole scheme of tricking Chansey?!" Joy spoke up. " Chansey, you could have told me."
" No, she couldn't." Jessie said as she put an arm around Chansey. " She's way too nice to say anything. She helps."
" You would have known that if you were close to her." Jessie added in a bitter tone.
" Easy, Jessie. It was just a question." Ash pointed out.
"Let's not forget, you were the one who was trying to steal her, Jessie," Brock interjected, crossing his arms.
Jessie's face turned a shade of pink. "Well, yeah, but I didn't mean any harm! It was just-"
"Just what? Trying to kidnap a Pokémon who was trying to help you?" Ash shot back, his patience wearing thin.
"Guys, can we focus?" Misty suggested, glancing around for any signs of Team Rocket's typical antics. "They might be up to something again."
James, still leaning against a wall with a smirk, chimed in, "Oh, please! We were just here for a little chaos, not to actually steal anyone."
"Right, because you're known for your sincerity," Misty retorted, rolling her eyes.
Jessie stepped in front of Chansey protectively. "Listen, Chansey is my friend. If you don't want to help her, fine! But you can't keep judging me for my past mistakes!"
"Chansey!" The Pokémon bounced anxiously, looking between the two sides.
Ash sighed. "No one is judging you, Jessie. But we need to work together if we're going to deal with whatever Team Rocket's plan is. You say you care about Chansey-then help us help her."
Brock nodded in agreement. "If there's any chance we can resolve this peacefully, we should take it."
Jessie looked down at Chansey, who nodded encouragingly. "Fine," she relented, her voice softening. "What do you need from me?"
"First, we need to find out what Team Rocket is really planning," Ash said, determination lighting up his eyes. "And how we can stop them without putting anyone in danger."
"Well, I might have heard something about a stash of rare Pokémon they're planning to sell," James admitted reluctantly.
Misty raised an eyebrow. "And how would you know that?"
James shrugged. "Let's just say I overheard some... conversations."
"Then we need to go to the last location you heard about," Ash said. "Can you lead us there?"
Jessie hesitated, looking at Chansey, then back at Ash. "Alright. But if I'm going to do this, I need your word that you won't treat me like the villain here."
"Deal," Ash replied, extending a hand.
Jessie took it, and the two shook on it, solidifying their temporary alliance.
"Alright, let's move out!" Ash commanded, and everyone gathered their Pokémon, ready for whatever lay ahead.
As they moved toward the exit, Chansey walked beside Jessie, looking more determined than ever. "Chansey!"
"You're right, Chansey. Let's show them we're more than what they think," Jessie said, a hint of resolve in her voice.
Meanwhile, Wisty watched from the shadows, her eyes wide with excitement and anxiety. She couldn't believe her brother was teaming up with someone she had always thought of as a villain.
"I can't believe this is happening," she whispered to herself. "But I trust Ash. He'll know what to do."
With a deep breath, she stepped out from her hiding place, ready to support her brother in whatever way she could, determined to prove she wasn't just the little sister in need of protection. She had her own Pokémon and skills, and she was ready to show them off.
"Ash! Wait for me!" Wisty called out, catching up with the group just as they were about to leave.
Ash turned around, surprised but happy to see her. "Wisty, you shouldn't be here! It's dangerous!"
"Maybe, but I can help!" she insisted, her determination shining through. "I've caught Pokémon too, and I'm not afraid to battle!"
Misty exchanged glances with Brock, both impressed by Wisty's spirit.
"Alright then," Ash said, nodding. "Let's work together. Just stay close, and be careful."
As they walked, Chansey and Jessie chatted excitedly, their voices blending into a flurry of words. Joy watched them with an amused expression, shaking her head. "Oh dear, I may have been a bit hard on Chansey," she murmured, realizing how much the pink Pokémon seemed to care for her former rival.
Jessie turned abruptly, her hands on her hips. "Hard is an understatement, Joy! Do that one more time and-"
"Chansey! Chansey!" The Pokémon interrupted, its tone scolding, as if trying to calm the situation.
Jessie sighed, softening as she looked down at Chansey. "Fine. But only because you were willing to still be my friend after I failed."
James chuckled from behind. "If you look back, you should have worn headphones or something."
Jessie shot him a glare. "How was I supposed to know it would put me to sleep?!"
Brock stifled a laugh while Misty rolled her eyes. "You never think ahead, do you, Jessie?"
Jessie crossed her arms defensively. "Hey, I'm not the only one with a past of poor decisions here!"
Ash stepped in, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's just focus on the present. At least you and Chansey are together now, right?"
"Chansey!" Chansey chirped, bouncing beside Jessie, clearly happy to have her friend by her side.
As they continued to walk, the banter and camaraderie among the group began to ease the tension. For the first time, it felt like they were on the same team, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them ahead.
"So, what's our next move?" Ash asked, looking at James for guidance.
James straightened up. "We need to head to the old warehouse on the outskirts of town. That's where I overheard them planning their operation."
Misty nodded, her expression serious. "Then let's get moving. The sooner we get there, the better."
As they set off toward the warehouse, Jessie leaned closer to Chansey, whispering, "Thanks for sticking with me through all this. I promise I'll make it up to you somehow."
When they arrived at the old warehouse, Jessie knelt down to look Chansey in the eye. "Whatever you do, don't fight, okay? I need you to stay here. You have lots more Pokémon to help with Nurse Joy, and I intend on making that happen."
Chansey nodded, a determined look in its eyes. "Chansey!"
Ash, who had been listening nearby, couldn't help but be surprised. "Wow, I never knew you were like this, Jessie."
Jessie turned to him, her cheeks slightly flushed. "What do you mean by that?"
"Gezz, sorry!" Ash exclaimed, raising his hands defensively. "I just meant you seem really caring now. It's a good change."
Jessie crossed her arms, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Yeah, well, everyone deserves a second chance, right?"
"True," Misty chimed in with a supportive smile. "You've really grown, Jessie."
"Thanks, I guess," Jessie replied, a hint of a smile breaking through her tough exterior. She turned back to Chansey. "Just stay safe, okay? I'll be back soon."
"Chansey!" it replied, watching as Jessie and the others moved toward the entrance of the warehouse.
As they approached, Ash gave Jessie a reassuring nod. "We'll make sure everything goes smoothly. You've got this."
With a determined look, Jessie stepped forward. "Let's do this!"
As they entered the dimly lit warehouse, the group was suddenly jolted by a piercing scream. Jessie's eyes widened in recognition. "That's Chansey!" she exclaimed, her heart racing.
Without a second thought, she sprinted out of the warehouse and rushed towards the source of the commotion. There, she saw Chansey struggling against a net, trapped by a group of masked thieves.
"Not on my watch!" Jessie shouted, determination fueling her voice. "Arbok, Wheezing, I choose you!"
With a swift motion, she threw both Poké Balls into the air. Arbok emerged, hissing fiercely, while Wheezing floated beside her, ready for action.
"Arbok, use Poison Sting!" Jessie commanded.
Arbok lunged forward, launching a barrage of sharp, poisonous needles toward the thieves, causing them to stumble back in surprise. "Wheezing, use Sludge!" she called out next.
Wheezing unleashed a thick cloud of toxic sludge, engulfing the area and making it difficult for the thieves to see.
"Chansey, hang on!" Jessie shouted, her eyes locked onto her Pokémon friend. "We're coming to get you!"
As Ash, Misty, and Brock rushed to support her, they quickly formulated a plan. "We need to distract them while Jessie gets Chansey free!" Ash said, readying his own Pokémon.
"Right!" Misty agreed, releasing her Starmie. "Starmie, use Water Gun to push them back!"
Brock followed suit, sending out Geodude. "Geodude, rock throw!"
The combined efforts of Ash, Misty, and Brock created a chaotic scene, forcing the thieves to split their attention. Jessie seized the opportunity and dashed toward Chansey.
"Hang on, Chansey!" she called, reaching for the net. "I'll get you out!"
After a long and intense battle, Jessie finally managed to free Chansey from the net. As soon as she was free, Chansey rushed into Jessie's arms, and they shared a heartfelt hug. "Chansey! I was so worried about you!" Jessie exclaimed, tears of relief in her eyes.
Meanwhile, James wandered over to inspect a piece of cloth that had fallen from the villains during the chaos. He picked it up, examining it closely, a look of concern etched on his face. "Uh, Jessie... we're in trouble with the boss," he said, his voice tense.
Jessie looked up, confused. "Why do you say that?"
James held the cloth up, revealing a distinctive emblem that signified a notorious crime organization known for its ruthless tactics. "This was their flag. If they find out we let Chansey escape, they won't be happy."
Jessie's eyes widened as realization struck her. "Oh. Oh dear," she whispered, feeling a wave of dread wash over her. "What are we going to do? We can't let them come after us or Chansey again!"
"We need to regroup and come up with a plan," Ash suggested, stepping forward. "We can't let them catch us off guard."
"Right," Misty agreed, glancing around. "Let's get out of here and figure out our next move before they show up."
Brock nodded, looking serious. "And we need to make sure Chansey is safe. She's not just a Pokémon; she's part of our team now."
With renewed determination, the group began to formulate a plan, knowing that the safety of their friend-and possibly their own-depended on it.
But suddenly, Wisty, who was watctfrimma tree, pushed off the bark and walked over
" Why do you guys have a boss?*
" Wisty!" Ash hissed. " Mind your manners!"
" No it's fine." James sighed. " You see.... Me, Jessie and Meowth have had a.... Rough childhood."
Wisty crossed her arms. " I've gonna give you some advice. You may have had rough lives, sure. You may have failed or fallen in love with someone who didn't like you or be rich and have an arranged marriage. You threw found each other, right?"
They nodded
" You threw can fare for yourself just fine on your own, right?*
Another nod.
" Then stop working for that team Rocket and make another team Rocket!"
Now they were confused. " What?"
" Create your own little group - team Rocket! You could blast around the world at the speed of light, keep your catchphraze, and best of all, not get in trouble by the law!*
" How do we do that?"
Wisty smirked. " First things first, catching your own Pikachu. There's a field right around here. I'll take you, and show you how to catch your own."
" But.... What are we supposed to do? What's our job?" Jessie asked.
Wisty thought for a second. " You could be secret agents for the law."
" Huh?" Meoth was confused.
" Wobuffet?"
"Secret agents for the law?" Jessie echoed, raising an eyebrow. "How does that work?"
Wisty shrugged, her arms still crossed. "You'd be like undercover operatives. You could take down bad guys without working for a crime organization. You could be heroes instead of villains!"
James scratched his head, pondering her suggestion. "But we don't have any training or resources."
Wisty waved her hand dismissively. "You've got each other! Plus, I can help. I know some tricks for catching Pokémon, and with your skills, you could create your own team. Think of it as a fresh start!"
Ash, intrigued by the idea, chimed in, "It could work! We could train together and even help Pokémon in need, just like Chansey."
Misty nodded. "And you'd get to keep your catchphrase! That could be fun!"
Jessie, feeling a spark of excitement, turned to her friends. "What do you think? Should we give it a shot?"
Meowth's eyes lit up. "A chance to make our own rules? I'm in!"
James hesitated for a moment. "But what if we get caught? The last thing we need is more trouble."
"Then we'll be better at it this time," Wisty assured him with a grin. "We'll be smart and stealthy. Plus, I'll teach you how to catch a Pikachu. It'll be the perfect start to our new team!"
With a newfound sense of hope, Jessie looked at her friends. "Alright, let's do it! We'll become Team Rocket-our way!"
"Team Rocket 2.0!" Ash cheered, raising his fist in the air.
"Here you go," Jenny said, handing Jessie a thick, heavy book. Jessie grunted as she struggled to keep it balanced in her arms.
"What about our uniforms?" James asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do we need new ones?"
Jenny shook her head. "No need. But in case you really want some, just wear these." She handed them two sleek suits, each identical to the one she was wearing.
"And me?" Meowth chimed in, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"You don't need a new uniform-you have a great one already!" Jenny replied with a smile.
"Finally! Someone who likes my uniform!" Meowth exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose with his paws on his hips.
Wisty giggled at his enthusiasm. "You want me to show you how to catch your own Pikachu or not?"
"Absolutely!" Jessie said, adjusting the heavy book under her arm. "But first, I need to read this and figure out how we can train and strategize."
"Yeah, let's not forget about our new mission!" James added, excitement building in his voice. "We need to plan how to take down those villains and keep Chansey safe!"
"Right!" Wisty clapped her hands together. "Let's head to that field. I'll show you some tips and tricks for catching a Pikachu. Just remember, it's all about patience and strategy."
As they made their way outside, Jessie opened the book, trying to focus on the words while balancing it. "Wow, this is heavier than I thought! What's in here, anyway?"
"Just some of the best Pokémon-catching techniques," Jenny said, leading the group. "It's a bit of a reference guide, but it'll help you get started."
"Can't we just catch the Pikachu and then read about it later?" Meowth suggested, looking eager to get started.
"Patience, Meowth," Jessie said, glancing at him with a grin. "We can't rush into things. Besides, we want to make sure we do this right."
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