Gary's Doctor Daze

Excuse my photo shopping.

I'm not that good at it

Also this is for my cousin

The one and only @Ninjagofanjayandnya

Hehe 😆😆

Okay anyways

I just see him so professional it struck something within me

And no not love

I love alternative Ash

I dunno..... I just believed Gary being a researcher and doctor would be okay

But anyway

Ash sat on the examination table, his fingers clenching and unclenching the edge of his cap as he fidgeted nervously. His eyes darted to Gary, who was now leaning casually against the doorframe, smirking in that smug way only Gary could pull off.

"Why so tense, Ashy-boy?" Gary asked, his tone teasing but his eyes soft with familiarity. He had seen this side of Ash before—more than once, in fact.

Ash cleared his throat, trying to appear unbothered, but his voice betrayed him. "I-I’m not nervous," he mumbled, even as his leg bounced uncontrollably up and down against the metal frame of the table.

Gary raised an eyebrow. "Really? 'Cause your foot says otherwise." He gestured toward Ash’s leg, which only made Ash more self-conscious. He quickly stopped, but the trembling in his hands remained.

Gary, noticing this, let out a small sigh. He walked closer and stood right in front of Ash, crossing his arms over his chest. "You always hated check-ups," Gary said, his voice quieter now, almost fond. "Remember when we were four? You tried to hide under the chair when the doctor brought out the stethoscope."

Ash swallowed hard, blinking as the memory hit him. He remembered how Gary had come with him that day, sitting in the corner while Ash cried and refused to get the check-up. Gary had been supportive back then, too, even though they were just kids.

"Yeah," Ash muttered, avoiding Gary’s gaze. "I remember."

Gary chuckled. "I had to bribe you with a rare candy just to get you to sit still."

Ash laughed softly at the memory but quickly shifted back into his nervous state as Gary stepped even closer. He felt like his heart was going to explode. His fingers tightened around the fabric of his hat, wrinkling it.

"Alright, let’s get this over with," Gary said, reaching for the stethoscope around his neck. "First, let’s check your heart. Sound good?"

Ash nodded stiffly, his breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps. He watched as Gary placed the stethoscope in his ears, and his heart rate skyrocketed. The cold metal of the stethoscope pressed against his chest, and Ash flinched, his whole body tensing up.

"Relax, Ashy-boy," Gary said, his voice calm and steady as he adjusted the stethoscope. "It’s just me. You’re gonna be fine."

Ash wanted to relax, but his heart was racing out of control. The room felt smaller, and his breathing quickened. He could feel the tremor in his hands worsening, and no matter how hard he tried to stop, his leg started bouncing again.

Gary frowned as he listened to Ash’s heart. "Geez, Ash, your heart’s going a mile a minute."

"I-I’m fine," Ash insisted, but his voice shook. He could barely sit still, his body trembling with nervous energy.

Gary shook his head and stepped back for a moment, pulling the stethoscope from his ears. He placed a hand on Ash’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey," he said softly, leaning in closer. "You’re gonna be okay. It’s me, Ashy. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you."

Ash blinked, staring up at Gary with wide, uncertain eyes. He wanted to believe him, but his heart was pounding too fast, his thoughts spiraling into every worst-case scenario. What if something was really wrong? What if—?

"Hey," Gary said again, his voice pulling Ash back to the present. He sat down behind Ash on the edge of the table, wrapping his arms around him in a loose, protective hug. "Just breathe, okay? I’m right here."

Ash stiffened at the contact, but there was something calming about Gary’s presence. He could feel the steady rise and fall of Gary’s chest against his back, and slowly, some of the tension in his body began to ease. Ash’s heart was still racing, but the warmth of Gary’s arms wrapped around him brought him back to the moment.

Gary kept his voice low and soothing. "Remember when we used to race our bikes? You were always faster than me, no matter how hard I tried to catch up. You’ve got this, Ash. You’re stronger than you think."

Ash let out a shaky breath, his hands still fidgeting in his lap. He wasn’t sure if it was the words or the embrace, but something about Gary’s calm demeanor made him feel just a little bit safer. Slowly, reluctantly, Ash leaned back into the hug, resting against Gary’s chest.

Gary chuckled softly. "See? Not so bad, huh?"

Ash didn’t answer right away. He was still trembling, his nerves on edge, but the warmth of Gary’s arms around him kept him grounded. "I just... I don’t like doctors," he muttered, almost embarrassed.

"I know, buddy," Gary said, gently patting Ash’s arm. "But I’m not just any doctor, right? It’s me. You trust me, don’t you?"

Ash hesitated, but then nodded slightly. "Yeah... I trust you."

"Good," Gary said, releasing Ash from the hug and standing up. "Let’s get this check-up done, then we can go grab some lunch, alright?"

Ash nodded again, trying to steady his breathing as Gary grabbed the otoscope to check his ears.

"Alright, let’s take a look." Gary tilted Ash’s head gently to the side, peering into his ear. "Looks good. Other side." He repeated the process with the other ear before moving on to Ash’s eyes.

"Follow my finger," Gary instructed, moving his finger from side to side. Ash’s eyes followed it obediently, though he still felt jittery.

Gary smirked. "Eyes are fine. Mouth next. Say ‘ahh.’"

Ash opened his mouth, letting out a reluctant "ahh" as Gary checked his throat with a small flashlight.

"All clear," Gary announced. "Now let’s check those reflexes." He pulled out the reflex hammer and tapped lightly on Ash’s knee. Ash’s leg jerked in response, much to Gary’s amusement.

"Nice reflexes, Ashy-boy," Gary teased. "At least your body’s working, even if your brain’s still catching up."

Ash rolled his eyes, but the light teasing helped ease some of the tension. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Gary moved on to the blood pressure cuff, wrapping it around Ash’s arm. Ash watched nervously as the cuff tightened, his anxiety spiking again.

Gary glanced at the numbers on the monitor, and his expression turned serious. "Whoa, Ash... your blood pressure’s high. Like... really high."

Ash swallowed hard, his pulse racing even more. "How high?"

Gary frowned, looking back at the screen. "It’s in the 400s, Ash. That’s... not good."

Ash’s heart skipped a beat. "What? What does that mean?"

"It means you’re freaking out, buddy," Gary said, his tone more serious now. He placed a hand on Ash’s shoulder again. "You need to calm down. Take deep breaths, alright? You’re safe. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you."

Ash nodded, but his chest felt tight, his breathing shallow. He was trembling so much he couldn’t stop.

Gary sighed softly and moved to sit behind Ash again, wrapping his arms around him once more in a comforting embrace. "Just breathe with me, okay? In... and out."

Ash tried to match his breathing to Gary’s, focusing on the steady rise and fall of Gary’s chest against his back. Slowly, his pulse began to slow, the tightness in his chest easing just a little.

"You’re okay, Ashy," Gary whispered, his voice calm and reassuring. "It’s just me. You’re safe."

Ash hesitated for a moment, but then leaned into the hug again, letting Gary’s warmth soothe him. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the anxiety swirling in his mind.

"Thanks," Ash mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Gary smiled softly, giving Ash a gentle squeeze. "Anytime, Ash. I’ve got your back."

Ash's leg bounced uncontrollably as he sat on the examination table, staring at the floor and trying to calm his racing thoughts. His hands were clammy, and he couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hat. It was just a check-up, he reminded himself. Just a check-up. But with Gary being the one conducting it, his nerves were shot.

"Hey, Ashy-boy," Gary said, leaning against the doorframe, a smirk still playing on his lips. "You're not getting out of this, you know."

Ash's heart pounded against his chest like it was trying to escape. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he muttered, his voice trembling as much as his hands.

Gary raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying how rattled Ash was. "You sure you're okay? You look like you're about to pass out."

"I—I'm fine," Ash stammered, but his voice lacked conviction. He was far from fine. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, and his mind was spinning with anxiety.

Gary walked over to him and, without a word, placed a hand on Ash’s, stopping his frantic fumbling. "Hey," he said softly, locking eyes with his friend. "You're gonna be okay. It’s just me, Ashy. Remember?"

Ash looked at Gary, the reassurance in his voice pulling him back to reality a bit. But still, his heart wouldn't slow down, and his leg wouldn't stop bouncing. "Yeah... I remember," Ash mumbled, though the nerves still hadn’t left.

Gary sighed and grabbed a pair of gloves, snapping them on as he stepped closer. "Alright, let’s get started before you pass out on me."

He pulled out a small flashlight from his pocket. "Okay, Ash, follow the light," Gary instructed, waving the light back and forth in front of Ash’s face.

Ash squinted, his body trembling as he tried to focus on the tiny beam of light. His hands were gripping the edge of the examination table so tightly his knuckles were turning white. "I’m trying," he muttered, his voice shaky.

Gary paused, watching him struggle. "Hey, you’re shaking like a leaf. Calm down, buddy. I’m not gonna do anything scary. Just your eyes for now, alright?"

Ash nodded but couldn’t stop his hands from trembling. His whole body was tense, and Gary could tell this wasn’t going to be easy.

"Okay, let’s check your ears next." Gary put down the flashlight and moved closer, gently tilting Ash's head to the side. "Just relax, Ashy. This won't take long."

But Ash couldn’t relax. His breathing was shallow, and his leg continued bouncing up and down. Gary was having trouble getting a good look because Ash was trembling so badly.

"Buddy, I need you to sit still for like, two seconds," Gary said, trying to keep his tone light, but there was concern in his eyes. Ash was seriously freaked out, and it reminded Gary of when they were little—back when Ash had a full-on meltdown during his first check-up. Gary had been there, trying to calm him down, and it hadn’t gone well.

Ash flinched at the memory, but he nodded. "I—I’m trying."

Gary sighed and stepped back, rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright, let’s do this another way."

Without warning, Gary sat down behind Ash on the examination table, wrapping his arms around his best friend’s waist, pulling him into a secure hug. Ash tensed up immediately, but Gary just held him tighter.

"Hey, hey, relax," Gary whispered in his ear. "I’m just here to help, Ashy. Remember? I’m not gonna let anything bad happen."

Ash was reluctant, his body half-heartedly hugging back as his mind fought the urge to panic. But feeling Gary's arms around him, steady and strong, something shifted. Slowly, Ash’s breathing began to even out, his racing heart settling into a more manageable rhythm. His leg finally stopped bouncing, and the trembling subsided a little.

"There you go," Gary murmured, not letting go until he felt Ash start to relax. "See? I’m still the same old Gary. Not gonna poison you or anything."

Ash let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah... I know."

Gary gave him a playful nudge from behind. "Alright, let’s try this again."

Gary stood up and pulled out a stethoscope, looping it around his neck. "I’m gonna check your heart now, okay? Just breathe normal, and try not to think too much."

Ash nodded, though the moment Gary placed the stethoscope on his chest, Ash’s heart raced again. Gary paused, his eyes narrowing in concern as he listened.

"Whoa, Ash... your heart’s going crazy," Gary said, pulling the stethoscope away for a moment. "Take a deep breath for me, okay?"

Ash did as he was told, trying to calm down, but Gary’s frown deepened as he checked again. "Okay, let’s check your blood pressure."

Gary grabbed the cuff and wrapped it around Ash’s arm, securing it in place. Ash watched, his heart pounding again as the cuff inflated. His fingers gripped the sides of the examination table, but he kept silent, trying to focus on his breathing.

Gary glanced at the monitor as the numbers appeared—and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Uh... Ash?"

Ash swallowed nervously. "What? Is it bad?"

Gary hesitated for a moment before turning the monitor toward him. "Your blood pressure is through the roof, man. It’s like 400. That’s way too high."

Ash's eyes widened. "What?! 400?!"

Gary placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a comforting squeeze. "Relax, Ashy. It's probably just because you're so worked up. You’re not dying, okay?"

Ash tried to calm down, but knowing his blood pressure was that high only made his heart race more. "This is... so embarrassing," he muttered.

"Hey, don’t worry about it," Gary said, chuckling softly. "I knew you hated check-ups, but I didn’t think you’d freak out this much. It’s not like we’re kids anymore, Ashy-boy."

Ash's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn’t help but laugh, even if it was weak. Gary’s teasing tone had a way of making him feel just a little better.

Gary sat beside him again, putting an arm around his shoulder. "You’re gonna be fine, buddy. I’ve got your back, like always."

Ash let out a shaky breath, nodding slowly. "Thanks, Gary. I don’t know why I get like this..."

Gary just smiled. "Hey, no sweat. That’s what best friends are for."

Ash’s palms were sweaty, and his legs bounced nervously as Gary stood over him, clipboard in hand. He felt his heart thudding in his chest, the anxiety coiling tighter inside him. Why did it have to be Gary doing this? Of all people?

Gary leaned against the counter, smirking as he noticed Ash fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "You look like you're about to pass out, Ashy-boy."

Ash forced a laugh, but his voice wavered. "W-what? Nah, I’m fine! Totally fine!" His leg started bouncing even faster.

Gary chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, sure. You’ve always been a terrible liar, you know that?"

Ash tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. His heart was racing, his body practically trembling with nerves. He didn’t even know why he was so scared. It was just Gary. They’d known each other forever, been through everything together. But still, something about this check-up had him completely on edge.

Gary walked over, noticing how Ash’s fingers fidgeted with his hat, twisting it nervously. He let out a small sigh, placing his hand gently on Ash’s. "Hey," he said, his voice softening. "You’re gonna be okay. It’s me, Ashy. Relax."

Ash looked up at him, and for a moment, the tension in his shoulders eased. He nodded slowly, though his heart was still pounding in his chest.

"Y-yeah, I know," Ash mumbled, though he wasn’t convincing anyone. His foot was tapping so hard against the metal leg of the examination table it made a rhythmic clanging sound.

Gary shook his head with a small smile. "You always hated check-ups, even when we were little," he said, recalling that one time when Ash had a meltdown at the doctor’s office when they were four. Gary had been there, watching Ash cry and scream when the nurse tried to take his temperature.

Ash swallowed, remembering that day too. "Yeah, not my favorite thing."

Gary chuckled. "That’s an understatement."

Ash’s nerves were barely contained as Gary put on a pair of latex gloves. The snap of the gloves made Ash jump slightly, and Gary raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, Ash? Relax."

Ash took a deep breath, but his leg wouldn’t stop bouncing, and his heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. Gary noticed and sighed, shaking his head with that familiar, teasing smile. "Alright, let’s start with your eyes. Just follow the light, okay?"

Ash nodded, his throat too tight to speak. Gary held up a small flashlight and waved it slowly in front of Ash’s eyes. "Keep your head still," Gary instructed, but Ash’s head jerked slightly every time the light moved. His nerves were out of control, and he couldn’t help it.

"Come on, Ashy-boy," Gary said, his voice still teasing but softer now. "Focus."

Ash tried, his eyes darting back and forth as he followed the light, but his body was so tense it was almost impossible. His breathing was quick, and his whole frame was trembling.

Gary sighed again, clicking off the flashlight. "Alright, let’s check your ears." He gently tilted Ash’s head to the side, but Ash flinched, his entire body still shaking. Gary paused, looking down at Ash with a mixture of concern and amusement. "You’re shaking like a leaf, Ash. It’s just me, remember?"

Ash blinked, forcing a shaky smile. "Yeah… I know. Sorry."

Gary chuckled, but there was a hint of softness in his voice. " Relax. I'm not trying to poison you or something." He leaned in to check Ash’s ears, but Ash’s trembling made it difficult.

Gary pulled back slightly, watching as Ash’s hands shook in his lap. His leg hadn’t stopped bouncing either. "You’re more nervous than I thought," Gary remarked, standing behind Ash now, his arms gently wrapping around Ash’s shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Ash tensed at first, feeling awkward, but Gary’s presence was familiar, reassuring.

"Hey," Gary whispered softly, his arms still around Ash. "Breathe. It’s just me, okay? Nothing’s gonna happen. You’re gonna be fine."

Ash’s heart was still racing, but he nodded, his body slowly easing into the comfort of Gary’s embrace. He let out a shaky breath, half hugging himself as Gary held him, trying to ground him.

After a minute, Gary moved back and said, "Alright, let’s check your heart." He grabbed his stethoscope, pressing it gently against Ash’s chest.

Ash held his breath, his mind racing as Gary listened. After a few seconds, Gary pulled the stethoscope away, raising an eyebrow. "Your heart's pounding like crazy, Ash. You’re not making this easy."

Ash laughed weakly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I… kind of noticed."

"Alright, next is your blood pressure," Gary said, pulling out the blood pressure cuff. Ash’s hands fidgeted as Gary wrapped the cuff around his arm and pumped it up.

The room was silent for a moment as Gary watched the numbers rise. Then, his eyes widened slightly. "Uh, Ash? Your blood pressure’s through the roof. We’re talking 400s here."

Ash’s eyes widened in panic. "What?! 400?! Is that bad?! That’s bad, right?!"

Gary quickly put a hand on Ash’s shoulder. "Relax, Ashy-boy. You’re not gonna explode or anything. It’s probably just because you’re so freaked out."

Ash tried to calm down, but his heart wouldn’t stop racing. "Are you sure?"

Gary gave him a reassuring smile. "I’m sure. Just take some deep breaths. I’ll keep an eye on it."

Ash nodded, still trembling slightly. Gary sat back, watching him closely. "We’ll just do the last few checks and then you can go, okay?"

"Okay..." Ash mumbled, his leg still bouncing.

Gary moved to check Ash’s reflexes, tapping lightly on his knees. Ash’s leg jerked automatically, but he was still visibly tense.

"All done," Gary finally said, tossing his gloves into the trash. He turned to Ash, his tone softer now. "Look, Ash, you’re fine. It’s just nerves. You’re not dying or anything."

Ash let out a long breath, slumping slightly in relief. "Thanks, Gary," he muttered, his voice quiet.

Gary ruffled his hair. "Anytime, Ashy-boy. You’ll live to fight another day."

As Ash sat on the examination table, his mind was racing faster than a Rapidash. He fidgeted with his fingers, trying to calm himself down, but the anxiety bubbling inside him only grew stronger. The sterile smell of the clinic made his stomach churn. The thought of Gary’s teasing was almost as unbearable as the check-up itself.

Gary leaned against the doorframe, his smirk widening. "So, Ashy-boy, are you ready for the check-up of a lifetime?" He pushed himself off the door, striding toward Ash with an exaggerated swagger.

"Uh... yeah, I guess," Ash mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He could feel the heat creeping up his neck.

"You guess?" Gary raised an eyebrow. "Come on, it’s just me. I won’t bite… unless you ask nicely," he added with a playful wink.

Ash felt his heart race at the suggestion, but he swallowed hard and shook his head. "Very funny, Gary."

"You’re trembling, buddy. I can hear your heart pounding from here," Gary teased, crossing his arms as he leaned closer.

Ash clenched his fists, willing himself to be brave. "I’m not trembling! I’m just... getting ready!"

"Getting ready for what? To break a world record for nervousness?" Gary chuckled, stepping closer and placing a reassuring hand on Ash’s. "Hey, you’re gonna be okay. It’s me, Ashy."

The warmth of Gary’s hand sent a jolt through Ash, but his heart kept racing. "I know, I know. It’s just... check-ups are the worst. Remember the last time?"

Gary’s expression softened slightly, recalling the memory of when they were four. Ash had been so terrified that he’d cried, and Gary had sat beside him, holding his hand, trying to soothe him while the doctor checked his height and weight. It hadn’t gone well, and the image of little Ash wailing still lingered in Gary’s mind.

"Hey, that was a long time ago," Gary said, his tone more serious. "You’re not four anymore, right? You can handle this."

Ash nodded, but the anxiety still bubbled inside him. His heart raced, and he could feel his leg bouncing up and down against the table.

"Let’s get started," Gary said, pulling on a pair of gloves. "First, I need to check your eyes." He waved a flashlight in front of Ash’s face, his serious demeanor clashing with the playful banter they usually shared. "Follow the light, Ashy."

Ash’s breath quickened as Gary’s face got closer, the light flickering in front of his eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying to focus, but Gary’s playful teasing didn’t help his concentration.

"You know, it’s really hard to look at your eyes when you’re trembling like that," Gary noted, tilting Ash’s chin up with one finger. "Relax. I’m not a scary monster, I promise."

Ash let out a nervous laugh. "You sure? You look kind of evil right now."

He blinked. " Uh, buddy? That’s just my face," Gary replied with an exaggerated pout. "I can’t help it if I’m naturally intimidating."

Finally, Ash managed to focus, following the light as it moved left and right. Gary’s gaze was steady, making Ash feel a bit more at ease despite the lingering fear.

"Good job," Gary said, grinning as he moved on to check Ash’s ears. "Now, tilt your head a bit. Let me take a look."

Ash did as he was told, but his body trembled, making it difficult for Gary to get a good look.

"Whoa there, buddy! What’s with the shaking? You think I’m going to find something in there?" Gary joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, what if you do?" Ash replied, swallowing hard.

Gary shook his head, letting out a laugh. "You’re being ridiculous. Now, stay still!"

Gary leaned in closer, peering into Ash's ear. "Hmm... everything looks good. You don’t have a hidden Pichu in there, at least."

Ash chuckled weakly, relieved that one part was over. "Okay, what’s next?"

"Next up, let’s check your heart." Gary placed a stethoscope on Ash’s chest. "Deep breath in... and out."

Ash inhaled deeply, his heart racing faster than before.

"Whoa, buddy! This isn’t a marathon! Calm down," Gary said, frowning slightly as he listened. "Your heart rate is through the roof."

"It’s just... you know, check-ups," Ash stammered, feeling embarrassed.

"Your blood pressure is pretty high too," Gary remarked, jotting down notes. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in the 400s before."

Ash's eyes widened in panic. "Is that bad? What does that mean? Am I dying?!"

Gary chuckled softly, trying to ease Ash’s worry. "No, Ash. You’re not dying. You just need to chill out a little. I told you this wasn’t going to be so bad."

Ash sighed, biting his lip. "Okay, okay... I’m trying."

"Alright, let’s get through this. I’m gonna check your reflexes now," Gary said, moving to the other side of the table. He took a small hammer and gently tapped Ash’s knee.

Ash jumped slightly, surprised. "Whoa! That was sudden!"

Gary smirked. "Well, reflex checks aren’t meant to be subtle. Just stay still, alright?"

"Easy for you to say!" Ash replied, exasperated.

"Okay, one more tap. You ready?"

"Yeah, yeah," Ash muttered, trying to steady his breath.

With a quick tap, Ash’s leg kicked out reflexively. "See? You’re not broken," Gary teased.

"Thanks, I guess," Ash replied, relieved but still on edge.

After the reflex check, Gary turned to Ash, his eyes softening. "You’re doing great, buddy. Just a few more things, and we’ll be done."

Ash nodded, grateful for Gary’s support. "Okay. Let’s finish this."

"Good attitude. Now, I’ll just wrap this up." Gary sat behind Ash and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close to offer comfort. "See? Just like old times. We’ve got this."

Ash felt a mixture of reluctance and relief. He leaned back into Gary’s embrace, allowing the tension in his shoulders to ease a bit.

"You know, it’s really hard to be scared when I'm hugging you," Gary said, his voice playful yet genuine.

Ash chuckled softly, his heart finally starting to calm. "Guess you’re not so bad after all, Gary."

"That’s the spirit!" Gary said with a grin. "And remember, if I can survive that time you dragged me to the Pokémon Center, you can survive this check-up."

Ash fumbled with the hem of his jacket, his heart pounding so loud in his chest it felt like it would leap out at any moment. His leg bounced up and down uncontrollably as he stared at the floor, too nervous to meet Gary’s eyes. Gary, of course, noticed, and as much as he loved teasing Ash, he could see that this time, his best friend was seriously freaking out.

"Hey, Ashy-boy," Gary called softly, leaning against the exam room door, arms crossed and smirking like he always did. "You’re trembling like a leaf. What’s up with you? You’re not usually this nervous. C’mon, it’s just me."

Ash’s leg continued to bounce, and he bit his lip, trying to steady himself. "I… I don’t know," he stammered, his words coming out shaky and rushed. "I just… I hate check-ups, okay?"

Gary’s smirk softened, his playful demeanor fading slightly as he approached Ash. "Hey, buddy. Relax. You remember that time we went through this when we were four? I was right there with you. I know you hate this stuff, but I’m not some evil doctor."

Ash's eyes darted nervously around the room, landing on the vials and needles scattered on the counter. "Yeah, but this is different. You’ve got all this… this stuff." His hand waved vaguely at the medical tools, eyes wide as if they were all designed specifically to make him suffer.

Gary chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Ash, buddy, you're working yourself up for no reason." He walked over to Ash and gently put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Look at me."

Ash hesitated before finally lifting his gaze to meet Gary’s. His foot was still tapping, and his hands were trembling in his lap. His heart felt like it was racing a mile a minute.

"You’re gonna be okay, Ashy," Gary said softly, his teasing voice replaced with genuine care. "It’s just me. Gary. I’m not going to do anything to hurt you."

Ash swallowed hard and nodded, but his heart kept pounding. The memories of their childhood check-ups flashed in his mind—how he had cried the entire time and Gary had stuck around to help him calm down. This was supposed to be easier, now that they were older… but it wasn’t.

Gary sighed, watching Ash’s leg bounce uncontrollably. "Ash, seriously, you’re going to wear a hole in the floor with that leg." He reached out and placed his hand gently over Ash’s knee, stopping the frantic movement. "Breathe, okay?"

Ash tried. He took a shaky breath, but his nerves weren’t calming down. His heart kept racing, and his palms felt sweaty. "I’m trying," he muttered. "It’s just… hard."

Gary could see Ash’s anxiety spiraling, so he made a quick decision. He walked around the exam table and sat behind Ash, wrapping his arms around his best friend in a tight, reassuring hug. "Hey," Gary murmured softly. "I’m right here. You’re safe. It’s just me, Ashy. Nothing bad’s gonna happen."

Ash froze for a moment, feeling the warmth of Gary’s embrace. He was reluctant at first, stiffening slightly in Gary’s arms, but gradually, he allowed himself to lean back into the hug, the tension in his body slowly starting to ease. "I… I know, but…"

"No buts," Gary said, resting his chin on Ash’s shoulder, his voice low and comforting. "You’re doing great. Just breathe. One step at a time."

Ash nodded weakly, still trembling a little, but feeling just a tiny bit better with Gary there. His heart rate was still through the roof, but Gary’s presence helped.

After a moment, Gary pulled back, getting to work. He put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a small flashlight. "Alright, buddy. Let’s start with your eyes. Just follow the light, okay?"

Ash blinked, still nervous, but nodded. He watched as Gary waved the flashlight slowly in front of his face. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to follow the movement, but he couldn’t stop thinking about how close Gary was, and how weird this all felt.

"Focus, Ashy," Gary said, smirking a little. "Eyes on the light."

Ash’s heart continued to pound as he followed the light, doing his best to stay still, but his leg started bouncing again, the nerves getting the better of him.

Gary sighed but stayed patient. He put the flashlight down and moved on to Ash’s ears. "Okay, let’s check your ears now." He gently tilted Ash’s head to the side to get a better look, but Ash was trembling so badly that Gary couldn’t get a clear view.

"Dude, stop shaking so much!" Gary said, half-laughing, half-frustrated.

"I can’t help it!" Ash blurted, his voice shaky. "This just freaks me out, okay?!"

Gary took a step back, placing his hands on his hips. "Ash, seriously? You’re acting like I’m about to stick a needle in your brain or something. I’m just checking your ears."

He put a hand on Ash's . " What's going on, buddy?"

Ash took a deep sleep. " You just look....._

" Look....?" Gary oromoted.

" Evil." Ash whispered.

Gary tilted his head, giving Ash a slightly dumbfounded look. "Buddy, that's just my face, not some evil mastermind plot."

Ash chuckled weakly, feeling a little embarrassed. "I know… I know. I’m just… overthinking."

Gary raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, no kidding." He gave Ash another playful nudge. "You’re fine, Ashy. Trust me."

Next was Ash’s mouth and throat. Gary had him open wide as he checked inside with a small tongue depressor. "Say ‘ahh,’" Gary instructed, trying to keep things light.

"Ahh," Ash mumbled, though his voice wavered with nerves.

Gary moved quickly through the rest of the exam, checking Ash’s reflexes by tapping his knee with a small hammer and finally wrapping the blood pressure cuff around Ash’s arm. "Okay, let’s check your blood pressure. Relax, okay?"

Ash nodded, trying to steady his breathing, but the cuff tightening around his arm wasn’t helping his nerves. As Gary checked the reading, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh, Ash… your blood pressure’s kinda high," Gary said, glancing at the machine. "Like, really high."

Ash’s heart skipped a beat. "H-How high?"

Gary hesitated. "Let’s just say… it’s in the 400s."

Ash’s eyes widened in panic. "WHAT?! Am I gonna die?!"

Gary quickly placed his hands on Ash’s shoulders, trying to calm him down. "No, no, you’re not gonna die, Ashy! It’s probably just because you’re freaking out so much."

Ash’s heart was still racing, and his leg started bouncing again. "I knew it! I knew this was a bad idea!"

Gary sighed and, without saying a word, sat behind Ash again, wrapping his arms around him like before. "Hey. You’re gonna be okay, Ash. Just breathe. I’ve got you."

Ash swallowed hard, his body trembling as he tried to relax. Gary’s steady presence behind him helped, and slowly, his breathing began to even out.

Gary gave him a reassuring squeeze. "You’re fine, buddy. Just a little too worked up, that’s all. We’ll get your blood pressure down, okay?"

Gary smirked at Ash’s trembling form as he closed the door, leaving them alone in the small, sterile room. The smell of antiseptic clung to the air as Ash fidgeted on the examination table, his leg bouncing uncontrollably. He felt as though the room was closing in on him, and his heart pounded erratically in his chest.

"So, Ashy-boy," Gary began, teasingly. "You nervous?"

"N-No!" Ash stammered, though the slight quiver in his voice betrayed him.

Gary raised an eyebrow and let out a chuckle. "Yeah, sure. You look like you're about to jump out of your skin."

Ash’s leg continued to bounce, and his fingers fidgeted with the edge of his hat, twisting the brim as if it could somehow make the anxiety go away. He hated check-ups. Always had. And Gary—of all people—knew this. After all, Gary had been with him during that one infamous check-up when they were four, and it had ended in a mess of tears, tantrums, and panic.

Gary sighed, seeing Ash’s obvious distress. He stepped closer and placed a firm hand on Ash’s, which was trembling uncontrollably.

"Hey, Ashy," Gary said softly, his tone dropping the teasing edge. "You’re gonna be okay. It’s just me, alright? Nothing to freak out about."

Ash swallowed hard, his eyes wide as he stared at the various medical tools on the counter. His leg bounced faster, and his heart raced so wildly in his chest that he thought it might explode.

Gary gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Come on, buddy. Deep breaths, okay? Remember when we were little? You freaked out at that doctor’s office, and I had to calm you down then, too."

Ash forced a weak chuckle, remembering the incident. He had clung to Gary, sobbing uncontrollably, and even then, Gary had tried to comfort him. Now, years later, here they were again.

"Yeah, I remember," Ash muttered. "I just... I hate this."

Gary let go of his hand briefly to grab some gloves from the counter. He snapped them on with a loud *pop* and stood in front of Ash, holding a small flashlight.

"Okay, buddy. Let’s start with your eyes. Simple enough, right?" Gary waved the light in front of Ash’s face. "Follow it with your eyes, Ashy."

Ash blinked, trying to focus on the light as Gary moved it from left to right. His heart was still pounding, but he tried to do as instructed, his eyes darting after the small beam of light.

"Good," Gary nodded, satisfied. "Now let’s take a look at your ears."

He gently tilted Ash’s head to the side, but Ash’s whole body was trembling so badly that it made it nearly impossible for Gary to get a clear view. Ash’s nerves were completely frayed, and he couldn’t stop shaking.

Gary sighed, trying to be patient. "Ashy, relax. I can’t see a thing when you’re trembling like this."

"I’m trying!" Ash said through gritted teeth. "I just... I don’t like this."

Gary tilted his head, his face scrunching up into a look of confusion. "Buddy, I know. I know how much you hate this. But it's necessary."

Ash looked at him. "You sure?"

"Positive." Gary chuckled, patting Ash on the shoulder before returning to his task.

After the ear check proved to be only semi-successful, Gary moved on to the next part of the exam. He grabbed a tongue depressor and a small flashlight for Ash’s mouth.

"Okay, Ashy-boy," Gary said, stepping closer. "Open wide."

Ash hesitated, his hands shaking as he slowly opened his mouth. Gary could see how freaked out his best friend still was, so he reached out and took Ash’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The contact seemed to help, and Ash took a deep breath, calming down just enough to let Gary proceed.

"Good. Almost done with this part," Gary murmured as he inspected Ash’s throat and teeth.

Once that was over, Gary moved on to the stethoscope, his expression growing more serious as he prepared to listen to Ash’s heartbeat. "Now, this might feel a little cold, but I need you to sit still, okay?"

Ash nodded, but the minute the cold metal touched his chest, he flinched, his heart still racing wildly.

"Geez, Ash," Gary muttered, listening intently. "Your heart’s going a mile a minute. Calm down, buddy."

Ash couldn’t help it. His mind was still racing with what-ifs, and he was so on edge that he could barely sit still. Gary noticed the leg bouncing again, and he sighed.

Without warning, Gary sat down behind Ash on the exam table and wrapped his arms around his best friend, pulling him into a firm but comforting hug.

"Hey," Gary whispered, his voice soft in Ash’s ear. "It’s me, okay? It’s just me. You’re gonna be fine, Ashy."

Ash stiffened at first, caught off guard by the gesture, but Gary’s warmth and steady presence started to calm him down. Slowly, Ash relaxed, his head dipping slightly as he leaned back into Gary’s chest.

"You’re okay, Ash," Gary repeated. "It’s just a check-up. I’m right here."

Ash’s heart, though still beating quickly, began to settle down. He took a shaky breath and let it out, his leg finally stopping its frantic bouncing.

After a few moments, Gary let go and stood up, grabbing the blood pressure cuff. "Alright, buddy. Let’s check your blood pressure."

Ash nodded, his nerves still there but more manageable now. Gary wrapped the cuff around Ash’s arm and started pumping, watching the numbers on the gauge. But as the cuff tightened, Gary’s face grew serious again.

"Ash..." Gary muttered, his brow furrowing. "Your blood pressure’s really high."

"How high?" Ash asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Gary hesitated before answering. "It’s in the 400s, Ashy. That’s not normal."

Ash’s eyes widened in panic, and Gary quickly placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It’s okay. It’s probably just because you’re so nervous. We’ll figure it out, alright?"

Ash nodded slowly, but the knot in his stomach tightened again. Even with Gary’s reassurances, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

Gary sighed, giving Ash another pat on the back. "You’re gonna be fine, Ashy-boy. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you."

Ash forced a small smile, grateful for his best friend's support. "Thanks, Gary."

"Anytime, buddy," Gary replied with a grin. "Now, let’s finish this up so you can stop freaking out."

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