Finizen rescue
" Ahh, this is the life." Misty muttered as Psyduck relaxed on a beach mat next to her.
" Hey, Misty!" Ash called, waving. " Wanna have a fishing competition?"
Misty took her glasses off and grabbed her pole. " Do I ever!"
Ash grinned as he took off running. " Catch me if you can!"
Misty laughed as she chased him. " I'm not letting you out of my sight, Ash Kechums!"
Ash looked back and stuck his tongue out at her, but tripped over a rock.
" Are you okay?" Misty asked as she ran to help him up.
Ash took her outstretched hand and pulled himself up. " Yeah."
Then he grabbed his pole and ran. " Race you!"
Misty shook her head. " Coming!"
When Misty finally caught up with Ash, she panted heavily. ""
No reply.
" Uhhhhh, Ash?"
Still nothing.
" Aaaaaash. Earth to Ash!" Misty said as she waved her hand in front of his face.
" M... M..Misty...."
" Yes, Ash?"
Suddenly, Ash ran to the edge of the cliff, throwing his sneakers, hat, and jacket off. He jumped and dived in, and Misty ran to the cliff. " Ash!"
She scurried to Brock, who was cooking.
" Brock!" Misty exclaimed. " Ash just dived into the sea!"
Brock 's head snapped to her. " What?!"
Misty nodded. " Yeah!"
Brock turned to the water. " Where's his stuff?"
Misty pointed to the cliff, and Brock grabbed her hand and ran up. He knelt before Ash's jacket and shoes and hat, which had been thrown.
" He was in a hurry."
Misty groaned. " Brock. I know."
Ash slowly approached the creature he had noticed.
" Hello?" Ash called softly. " Hello? Where are you?"
He moved step closer. " You're safe. I promise I won't hurt you."
Ash reached into his pocket.... And didn't feel anything.
That's when realized he had thrown his jacket off.
" At least I still have my Pokedex." He muttered as he felt it in his back pocket.
Then, he saw a blue creature. It peeked out of the water.
" Hi!" Ash waved. The creature let out a squeak and backed up.
Ash extended his arm and gently walked to it. " Shhh, you're safe."
He reached to pet the creature, but it backed up a bit. " You're okay."
He tried again, and petted its nozzle.
The animal came out of the hazy mist, and Ash gasped. " You're a Finizen!"
The dolphin Pokemon let out a clack and gestured to the water.
Ash's heart raced as he noticed its fin was tangled tightly in a thick fishing net. "Oh no!" he gasped. Without a second thought, he dived deeper into the water, determined to free the creature.
The net was tightly woven, and no matter how hard Ash pulled at it with his hands, it wouldn't budge. His lungs burned from holding his breath, but he couldn't give up now. He quickly surfaced for a deep gulp of air, then dove back down, determined to try again.
This time, Ash wrapped his hands around the thick rope and planted his feet firmly against a nearby rock under the water. He strained with all his might, pulling the rope with his hands and pushing with his legs. The rough fibers of the net dug into his skin, leaving red, painful burns on his palms, but Ash didn't care. He gritted his teeth, ignoring the stinging pain, and focused on freeing the helpless Finizen.
With one last pull, the rope finally gave way. The net loosened around the Finizen, and the creature let out a squeal of relief. Ash, exhausted and aching, felt the water around him rush as the Finizen swam free.
He surfaced again, gasping for breath, and wiped the water from his eyes. He could see the Finizen happily leaping out of the water in the distance, free at last. Despite the pain in his hands and the burning in his lungs, Ash smiled. He had done it.
As he swam back toward the shore, his hands stinging from the burns, Ash looked around and realized something—he was alone. No Pokémon, no Brock, no Misty. Just him, the ocean, and the sky above.
"I did it," Ash muttered to himself, letting out a long breath. The relief of helping the Finizen washed over him, even as the ache in his body reminded him of the struggle. "It was worth it."
He reached the rocky shore and slowly climbed up, wincing as he flexed his burned hands. Ash collapsed onto the ground, catching his breath, staring up at the sky with a sense of accomplishment.
Suddenly, he heard voices calling from above the cliff. "Ash! Ash!" Misty's voice echoed. A few moments later, Brock's more serious tone joined her, full of concern.
Ash waved weakly, unable to shout but hoping they would see him soon. He sat up, clutching his injured hands, and smiled to himself. Even when he was alone, he always found a way to help those who needed it—no matter what.
Brock came running down the rocky shore, his doctor's bag slung over his shoulder, Misty right on his heels. Both of them looked frantic as they rushed toward Ash, who was still sitting on the ground, exhausted.
"What happened, Ash?" Misty exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern.
Ash, still catching his breath, looked up at her. "There was a... Finizen... trapped in a net..." he said between gasps, pointing out toward the water.
Misty exchanged a glance with Brock, who immediately knelt beside Ash and pulled out his medical supplies. "Okay, okay, we can't be angry," Brock said, trying to stay calm. "Just show me your hands, Ash."
Ash, wincing from the pain but still looking a bit defiant, shook his head. "Forget my hands," he muttered, flexing his raw, reddened palms.
"Ash," Brock began, but Ash cut him off. "No, Brock, it's not that. It's my leg... my leg that's hurting."
Brock's eyes widened in alarm, and Misty gasped. "Your leg?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.
Ash nodded, gritting his teeth as he adjusted his position. His left leg, now that they were looking closely, seemed stiff and slightly swollen. "I think I twisted it when I dove in... to free the Finizen," he admitted reluctantly.
Brock immediately shifted his focus, carefully examining Ash's leg. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" he said, his tone now more serious. "You've been running around on this!"
Ash just shrugged, trying to act tough. "It's not that bad."
But as Brock carefully pressed around the area, Ash hissed in pain. "It's definitely something," Brock muttered under his breath.
Misty knelt beside Ash, her voice soft. "Why didn't you tell us, Ash? You don't always have to do everything on your own."
Ash sighed, looking down. "I didn't want to slow you guys down... or make a big deal out of it."
Brock shook his head, already bandaging Ash's hands. "You've got to stop thinking like that, Ash. You're part of a team. And right now, we need to get you some proper rest before you do more damage to yourself."
Ash smiled weakly. "But hey, at least the Finizen is okay, right?"
Misty shook her head, but she couldn't help but smile at his determination. "Yeah, Ash. The Finizen is okay. But now it's your turn to let us take care of you."
Just as Ash settled back, relieved that he'd helped the Finizen, the creature ( another one, not the same) let out a distressed wail.
"What?!" Ash shouted, his eyes widening in panic. Without a second thought, he dove right back into the water, the cool waves crashing around him.
"ASH! GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOUR LEG!" Brock yelled after him, frustration lacing his voice, but Ash was already submerged.
Misty groaned, running a hand through her hair. "Unbelievable," she muttered, glancing back at Brock, who was shaking his head. "We just got him to sit still for five minutes!"
Brock sighed, trying to keep his composure. "He's always like this. No matter how much I tell him to take care of himself, he just jumps into things without thinking."
Misty watched the water intently, anxiety bubbling up in her chest. "I just hope he's okay. He's going to wear himself out if he keeps this up."
Under the surface, Ash swam toward the source of the Finizen's cries. He could see it thrashing, struggling against the net that had ensnared it. "Hold on, I'm coming!" he called out, though the words were muffled by the water.
As he got closer, Ash realized the net was tangled tightly around the creature's body. He reached out, grasping the rough material, but the more he pulled, the more the Finizen seemed to panic.
"Shhh, it's okay," Ash murmured, trying to calm the creature. "I'm here to help you."
With determination, he began to work on freeing the Finizen, tugging at the net and trying to untangle it. But the fibers were stubborn, and Ash felt his legs growing tired from the effort.
Above water, Misty was pacing back and forth, glancing nervously at Brock. "What do we do? We can't just leave him out there!"
Brock frowned, torn between wanting to go after Ash and needing to keep an eye on his injuries. "If he's not careful, he'll hurt himself again," he said. "But we can't let him face this alone."
"Then we have to do something!" Misty replied, her voice rising. "He won't stop until he's sure that Finizen is okay!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ash managed to pull free a section of the net. "There! Just a little more!" he called to the Finizen, who seemed to respond with renewed energy.
With one final tug, Ash freed the creature completely, watching as it swam backward, circling him in excitement. "See? You're okay!" he laughed, but suddenly the water beneath him shifted.
As Ash broke the surface of the water, he sputtered and gasped, shaking his head to clear the water from his eyes. "OW! BROCK, YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! WHY DIDN'T YOU FINISH?!" he yelled, the frustration evident in his voice.
Brock groaned and leaned back against the rocky shore, rubbing his temples. "You just dove in without a second thought! I was trying to help you!" he shot back, exasperation mixing with concern.
Misty rolled her eyes, stepping closer to the water's edge. "You both need to calm down! Ash, you're lucky you're not hurt worse. Just get back here, okay?"
Ash kicked his legs, splashing some water at Brock as he swam back to shore, a defiant grin creeping onto his face. "I saved the Finizen, though! It was totally worth it!"
"Yeah, but at what cost?" Brock replied, crossing his arms. "You can't keep risking your safety like this. Next time, listen to me!"
"Next time, I'll do what I want!" Ash shot back, his playful spirit returning despite the sting of his injuries.
As he reached the shore, Ash pulled himself out of the water, his hair dripping and clothes sticking to his skin. "Look, the Finizen is free, and it seemed grateful!" He pointed to where the blue creature was leaping through the waves, gliding gracefully as if to thank him.
Misty softened, watching the Finizen playfully dive in and out of the water. "It does look happy," she admitted, a smile breaking through her earlier worry. "But still, Ash, you need to be careful. We don't want to see you hurt."
"Yeah, yeah," Ash said, shaking off the water and stretching his arms. "I'm fine! Just a few bumps and bruises. Right, Brock?"
Brock couldn't help but shake his head, even as a hint of a smile appeared on his lips. "Right, but I still want to check you out. You might be fine now, but I can't let you get away with that jump without a thorough look."
"Fine, but can it wait until after I have a snack?" Ash grinned, his stomach growling loudly, causing Misty to chuckle.
"Okay, but only because you saved the Finizen," Brock relented, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. "Let's get some food in you, and then I'll check you out properly."
"Awesome!" Ash exclaimed, eager to grab a bite. As they headed back up the beach, he shot a glance back at the Finizen, who was now swimming alongside them in the shallow water, its playful squeaks echoing in the air.
"Looks like we made a friend today," Ash said, beaming.
Misty smiled. "Just remember, next time we see a Pokémon in trouble, let's do it together—no solo heroics."
"Deal!" Ash agreed, and with renewed energy, they headed toward the campfire, ready to refuel before diving into their next adventure.
Suddenly caught sight of a familiar silhouette gliding through the waves. "Huh?" he exclaimed, squinting against the sunlight. His eyes widened as he recognized the graceful figure of Lapras approaching the shore.
"Lapras!" he called out, excitement bubbling up inside him. " Hey, buddy!"
Lapras did not look happy. In fact, he looked more worried than anything.
" Ash?" Brock asked. " Ash!"
But Ash wasn't listening. He had hobbled over to the serpent and stroked it. Lapras moaned for him to hop on.
Without a second thought, he hobbled toward the water, his leg still aching but the call of adventure overshadowing his discomfort.
"Go, Lapras! Let's ride!" Ash exclaimed, as he hopped onto Lapras's back.
With a swift motion, Lapras turned and swam into the open water, allowing Ash to stand tall, feeling the cool sea breeze on his face.
"Woohoo!" Ash shouted, throwing his arms up in the air as they glided over the waves. The thrill of the moment coursed through him, momentarily distracting him from his earlier pain.
As they ventured further, Ash spotted a group of Finizen swimming anxiously near a cluster of rocks. " Finizens!" He exclaimed. " Is this why you brought me here?"
Lapras nodded.
" Don't worry. I'll do what I can!"
He dove into the ocean and acessed the damage. Several dolphins were stuck in rocks, and others plastic.
" Hold on!" Ash exclaimed as he took a deep breath and dove down, pushing the rock to help free the Finizens. He pulled the rope, cut it, even untangled.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ash emerged from the water, gasping for breath. He climbed back onto Lapras, feeling utterly exhausted. "Thanks, Lapras," he panted, leaning against the Pokémon for support.
The POkemon nudged him on and rode him to shore, where Misty and Brock were waiting. Ash pet Lapras and hopped off.
Just then, a wave of pain shot through his leg. "OW! OW! OWOWOOWOWOWOOWWOWOOWOWOWOWOW!" he yelled, jumping up and hopping on one foot as he clutched his leg. The sudden movements had caused the injuries to flare up, and he couldn't help but grimace.
"Ash! What happened to your leg?" Brock yelled as he ran over.
"It hurts! It hurts so much!" Ash replied, his face scrunched up in pain as he hopped closer to him. " It was fine when I was in the water!"
Misty rushed to his side, concern etched across her face. "You pushed yourself too hard, didn't you? You should have let Brock check you out first!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Ash said, trying to grin through the pain. "But the Finizen needed help! I couldn't just leave them!"
Brock ran to meet them, his doctor's bag swinging at his side. "Let me take a look at that leg, Ash," he said urgently, kneeling down in the sand.
"Just don't poke it too hard!" Ash warned, grimacing as he carefully sat down, his leg stretched out in front of him.
"Alright, let's see what we're dealing with," Brock said, examining Ash's leg closely. "You've definitely got some bruising and maybe a few scrapes. It's not too serious, but you need to rest."
"Rest? After all that?" Ash protested, but he could feel his eyelids growing heavy. "I just wanted to help."
"And you did," Misty reassured him, gently patting his shoulder. "But you also need to take care of yourself. You can't help anyone if you're hurt."
"Fine," Ash conceded, leaning back against Lapras, which had come to rest beside him. "But only if you promise to let me ride again after I feel better."
Brock chuckled, shaking his head. "Deal, but for now, let's get you bandaged up."
As Brock began to tend to Ash's injuries, Misty looked out at the Finizen splashing around happily in the water. "You really did make a difference today, Ash," she said, smiling. "Even if you are a bit of a reckless hero."
"Thanks, Misty," Ash said, a tired grin spreading across his face. "Just call me Ash the Hero! Or...maybe Ash the Brave."
"More like Ash the Stubborn," Misty teased, rolling her eyes affectionately.
"Hey!" Ash exclaimed, feigning offense but unable to hide his smile.
As Brock finished wrapping Ash's leg, the warmth of the sun and the gentle rhythm of the waves lulled him into a sense of peace. "Alright, Ash," Brock said with a satisfied nod. "You're all set. Just remember to listen next time."
"Yeah, yeah," Ash mumbled, leaning back against Lapras. "I'll be more careful. I promise."
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