Fighting Fear with Fear Continuation

" Here's another one - Stay Healthy and strong and you'll never go wrong!"

" Good one Gary."

" Spoken like a true poet."

Suddenly they heard a scream.

Gary and Ash exchanged a look. " That scream....." Gary said.

" Wisty!" Ash yelled as he looked up.

Above was a girl, slamming her body against the metal cage she was trapped in. When she saw her brother, she waved.

" HI ASH!"

Then she saw Gary.


Ash and Gary looked at her with wide eyes.



Wisty grimaced and pointed up.

" It's team Rocket." Brock sighed.

Dawn groaned. " Oh great. This day just keeps on getting better and better!"

" HOLD ON!" Ash yelled. " I'M COMING."



Wisty rolled her eyes. " I'LL BE FINE!"

Ash was unconvinced. " Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

The bird Pokemon soared out.

" Bulbasaur, time to come out!"

" Bulba, saur!"

" Piggy, fly Bulby up to Wisty and free her. Then bring her down safely."

They both nodded, and Bulbasaur secured its vines to Pigeotto.

Then they flew.

" Go Umbreon!" Gary said as he threw a Pokeball. " Help them!"

" Umbreon!" Bulbasaur extended a vine, and Umbreon was wrapped in it, then Piggy flew them up.

Gary watched with concern. " Can it handle their weights?"

" Let's see.... Does a hot air balloon a bike me and Pikachu and four Pokeballs seem heavier or lighter than those three."

Gary blinked but didn't say anything.

" Umbreon!" Umbreon used Shadow to try and break the cage.


Bulbasaur used Vine whip.


Wisty let out a yell of anger as she kicked the bars. " Come... On!"

Then she sighed. " If only Eevee were here. But Jessie took her."

That gave Wisty an idea. She took out her red Pokeball.

" Flarion time!" She said, and threw the Pokeball in the air.

It enveloped her in a hue of red, and when it dissolved, there was a Flarion.

" Let's do this!" Wisty said in her Flarion form as she took a deep breath and let out a ball of fire.

The cage broke open.

" Yes!"

She returned to her normal state and gave Bulbasaur her Pokeballs and Umbreon Sprigatito.

" Fly them down, okay?" She instructed. " I have something to do."

With that, she jumped to the metal cage and started climbing the rope.

Ash watched. " WHAT IS SHE DOING?!"

Gary shot him a look. " Exactly what you would do."

As Wisty climbed higher, the tension in the air grew. Ash and Gary watched her with wide eyes, their hearts pounding.

"She’s crazy!" Gary muttered under his breath. "Just like you, Ash!"

Ash was still staring up at Wisty, trying to process her plan. "She’s determined, I’ll give her that."

Wisty reached the top of the cage and pulled herself onto a narrow ledge. She scanned the area, her eyes locking onto the Team Rocket balloon hovering nearby. A familiar trio of troublemakers cackled from inside the balloon.

"Well, well, well!" Jessie sneered. "Looks like the twerp's sister is trying to play hero!"

"Not on our watch!" James added, clutching a net gun. "Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!" Meowth chimed in.

Wisty's eyes narrowed as she squared her shoulders. "I'm not here to play games with you three. Give me back Eevee!"

Jessie waved a finger mockingly. "Oh, but we’re just getting started, darling. This is our show now!"

Down below, Gary was already in motion. "Umbreon, use Dark Pulse on the balloon!"

"Umbreon!" The black Pokémon launched a wave of dark energy toward the hovering balloon. It rocked in the air, sending Team Rocket stumbling.

"Now’s our chance!" Ash yelled. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu's electricity crackled through the air, striking the balloon and creating sparks all around.

"Not so fast!" James shot the net gun toward Wisty, aiming to ensnare her before she could reach them.

But Wisty was faster. She dodged to the side and grabbed onto the balloon's edge, her Flareon form giving her just enough speed and agility to avoid the attack.

"Flareon, let's finish this!" Wisty transformed again, her body enveloped in the red flame-like aura. With one final fiery burst, she aimed at the balloon’s basket, scorching the net and sending the trio screaming.

"We’re blasting off again!" Team Rocket flew off into the distance, a twinkle disappearing in the sky.

Wisty collapsed back into her normal form, breathing heavily but triumphant. She grinned down at Ash and Gary. "Told you I’d handle it."

Ash laughed, his relief evident. "You sure did, Wisty. Nice job!"

Gary smirked, shaking his head. "I guess bravery runs in the family. But seriously, next time, wait for backup."

Wisty let the ladder down and stared to climb down slowly, her body tired from the exertion. When she finally reached the ground, Bulbasaur, Umbreon, and Pikachu ran to her, surrounding her with concern. She ruffled Pikachu’s fur and smiled. "Thanks, guys."

Ash patted her on the back. "You’re something else, Wisty. You saved the day."

"Of course I did," she said with a grin, though she looked over at Gary. "But I did it because Gary would’ve worried about you more if I didn’t handle it myself."

Gary rolled his eyes. "Now who's playing the hero?"

As they laughed, Professor Oak appeared from the forest, wearing a puzzled expression. "What’s all the ruckus up here? I thought I heard Team Rocket again."

Ash and Gary shared a look before laughing in unison.

"Just another day," Ash said with a grin.

Then Wisty looked around. " Hold on....."

She looked at the sky and gasped. " Oh no!"

She threw a Pokeball. "Altaria, I choose you!"

The bird/ cloud Pokemon flew out. Wisty hopped on.

" We have to catch Eevee!" She exclaimed. " Altaria, go!"

The Pokemon took off with a burst of speed, and zoomed to where Eevie was going to fall.

" EEVEEEEEEE!" eevie screamed as she tumbled down.

Wisty's eyes narrowed. " Altaria, go!"

Altaria soared through the sky with Wisty clinging tightly to its soft, cloud-like wings. Her eyes were locked on Eevee, who was tumbling through the air, her little body flailing helplessly as she plummeted.

"Eevee!" Wisty shouted again, her heart racing.

Ash, Gary, and Professor Oak watched from the ground, their eyes wide with concern.

"Come on, Wisty," Gary murmured under his breath. "You can do it."

As they neared Eevee, Wisty called out to Altaria, "Now, Altaria! Use Dragon Pulse to create an air cushion under Eevee!"

Altaria let out a melodic cry, releasing a shimmering wave of energy beneath Eevee. The attack softened the fall, slowing Eevee down just enough.

"Hang on!" Wisty shouted, urging Altaria forward. At the last second, she reached out and scooped Eevee into her arms, pulling her to safety just before they touched the ground.

"Eevee!" Wisty breathed in relief, hugging her tightly as Altaria gently descended. The two landed softly, and Wisty jumped off Altaria’s back, still holding Eevee close.

Gary, Ash, and Professor Oak rushed over, their faces filled with admiration and relief.

"You did it!" Ash exclaimed, beaming as he ran to hug her. "That was incredible!"

Wisty grinned, brushing her hair out of her face as she returned the hug. "I couldn’t let Eevee fall. She’s part of the team."

Gary gave her a nod of approval. "Looks like I’ll have to stop underestimating you, huh?"

Wisty smirked as she came out of the hug. "You’re finally learning."

Professor Oak chuckled. "It seems today’s adventure had more excitement than we planned." He looked at Wisty warmly. "You’ve got a lot of potential, Wisty. Just like your brother."

Wisty blushed, but her smile remained strong as she held Eevee close. "Thanks, Professor. I’ve got a great team backing me up."

Ash nodded, and Pikachu chimed in with a cheerful "Pika!"

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