Drawing Daze

The fact that in the episode " the lost Lapras" the narrator said, " but PLEASE, Ash, don't lose the professor's GS ball!!!!"

Lol foreshadowing

Ash groaned as he cracked his neck. " Tracy, how long do I need to stand like this?"

" Just as soon as I'm done sketching you."

Ash groaned.

( This position)

In his right hand was Pikachu doing the exact same position, trying to keep balance.

Ash was also wearing an itchy suit, ones which those explorers in the movies wore

" Do I have to smile?" Ash asked through gritted teeth

Tracy nodded. " Though make it more natural, Ash. I'm almost done."

Ash nodded slightly, and wobbled. " Any time now......" He muttered.

" Almost... Almost.... And... Done!"

Ash and Pikachu toppled over onto the grass and let out a sigh of relief.

Then Tracy turned to Gary and handed him a jump rope. " Okay, you're up."

" Uh... What am I supposed to do with this?"

" I need you to stay in the air with this underneath you."

Gary blinked. " Pardon?"

" You know how when you jump into the air while jump roping, the rope comes under your feet?"

Gary nodded.

" Well, I need you to stay in that position."

Gary blinked. " That's..... Not possible."

" Why?"

" Uh.... Gravity?"

" Then make it happen!*

" I can't."

" Okay."

" Wait. So I don't have to do it?" Gary said hopefully.

" You still do."

" Oh."

" You just have to keep jumping until I'm done."

Gary wobbled. " Say what now?!"

" The other option..." Tracy said slowly. " If for me to sketch you in underwear."

Gary stared at Tracy, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Wait, so you're telling me the other option is that you draw me... in my underwear?"

Tracy, holding his sketchpad with a completely serious expression, nodded firmly. "Yep. You either do the jump rope scene or... well, I sketch you in your undies. Your choice."

Gary paled slightly. "Never mind, I'll do the jump rope!" He grabbed the rope with newfound determination. "No way am I letting you sketch that!"

Ash, still lying on the grass beside Pikachu, snorted. "Good call, Gary. I can't even imagine what you'd look like in one of Tracy's art pieces in your underwear!"

"Not funny, Ash!" Gary shot back as he started to swing the jump rope over his head. His first few jumps were smooth, but by the fifth jump, his form was already faltering. "How long do I have to keep doing this?"

Tracy adjusted his position on the stool, sketchpad in hand. "Just until I capture the right moment. Keep jumping."

Gary let out a groan, sweat starting to form on his forehead. "You've gotta be kidding me... I'll be jumping all day at this rate!"

Ash, enjoying Gary's struggle a little too much, propped himself up on his elbows. "Just keep it up, Gary! It's like training for a battle!"

Gary shot Ash a glare mid-jump. "Yeah? Why don't YOU come over here and give it a try then, Ash?"

Ash laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. "Nah, I already did my part. You've got this!"

"Traitor," Gary muttered under his breath as he focused on his jumping again, the rope whipping beneath his feet with each leap. "Okay, Tracy, seriously... how much longer?"

Tracy didn't even look up from his sketchpad, his pencil flying over the paper. "Just a little more... You're doing great, Gary. Just keep the form steady. Imagine you're mid-action, soaring through the air-"

"Soaring?!" Gary interrupted, his breath coming in short gasps now. "I'm barely staying on my feet here!"

Tracy tapped his pencil against his chin thoughtfully, as if completely ignoring Gary's complaint. "Hmm... Maybe if you jumped a little higher, I could get a better angle."

"Jump HIGHER?!" Gary's eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind?"

Ash, watching the whole scene, was now laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach. Pikachu joined in, giggling with his little "Pika-pika!" as Gary desperately tried to keep his pace up.

Gary gave Ash a withering look, sweat dripping down his face. "I swear, Ash... when this is over, I'm coming for you."

Ash wiped away a tear, still grinning. "Can't wait!"

Gary kept jumping, his legs starting to burn from the effort. "Tracy," he panted, "if I don't stop soon, I'm going to collapse."

Tracy finally looked up from his sketchpad, eyeing Gary critically. "Okay, okay. Just a few more jumps, and then we're done."

Gary, on the verge of quitting, pushed through with everything he had left. His legs felt like jelly, but he kept jumping, the sound of the rope swishing beneath him growing more and more frantic.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tracy called out, "Got it!"

Gary immediately stopped, letting the rope drop to the ground as he bent over, hands on his knees, gasping for breath. "Oh... thank... Arceus..."

Tracy gave him a satisfied smile. "You did great, Gary. This is going to be a fantastic sketch!"

Gary straightened up, still panting, and shot Tracy a look of pure exhaustion. "You better make sure it's perfect after all that."

Tracy chuckled. "Don't worry, it will be."

Ash, still sitting on the grass, gave Gary a thumbs-up. "Nice work, Gary! You survived!"

Gary glared at him, too tired to come up with a retort, and plopped down on the grass beside him. "Never... again."

Ash leaned back with a grin. "Well, at least you avoided the underwear sketch. That's a win, right?"

Gary groaned. "Not sure which would've been worse at this point."

Pikachu hopped over to Gary and patted his shoulder with a sympathetic "Pika," while Ash leaned back, hands behind his head, clearly enjoying every moment of Gary's misery.

"Well, I guess it's Brock's turn next," Ash said thoughtfully. "Wonder what Tracy's gonna make HIM do."

Gary's eyes widened. "Wait... Brock's doing this too?"

Ash nodded with a grin. "Yep. And if Tracy's planning something for him, you know it's going to be good."

Gary let out another groan and flopped back onto the grass. "Better him than me."

" I.... Did not see that coming." Gary said as he and ash blinked, standing at the front door, eyes wide and jaws opened

" You're.... Telling me. Tracy, what is Brock doing?!"

Tracy didn't look up. " He's standing on a stool which is gonna ladder juggling five balls while a ball is on his nose and a tub of ice cream and ten books on his head."

Gary raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can see that. But... why?"

Tracy shrugged nonchalantly. "Because I need to capture his balance and focus for this sketch."

Ash stepped forward, waving his arms. "But why the ice cream?!"

Tracy finally paused and looked up as if the answer was obvious. "Because it adds character."

Gary blinked again, still unable to believe what he was witnessing. "And the books?"

"That's for intellectual balance," Tracy explained, as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

Ash groaned, rubbing his temples. "Tracy, this is insane! Brock could get seriously hurt!"

At that moment, Brock, whose face was turning red with the effort of keeping everything in place, chimed in through gritted teeth, "Yeah... no kidding, Ash! You think you could... uh, help me out here?"

Gary stifled a laugh as he turned to Ash. "You wanna take this one?"

Ash shook his head, still bewildered. "Tracy, you can't expect Brock to keep this up! I mean, what happens if the ice cream melts or the books fall?"

Tracy looked at them both with a completely straight face. "That's why we're working quickly."

Brock wobbled dangerously on the stool, the ice cream starting to tilt ominously. "Tracy... if I drop all of this, you're gonna need to sketch me in the hospital!"

Tracy, unbothered, waved his hand dismissively. "You're doing great, Brock. Just keep steady for a little longer."

Gary shook his head, biting back a grin. "Ash, maybe we should grab a mop. I've got a feeling things are about to get messy."

Ash nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's be ready to catch him-or at least the ice cream."

As they watched Brock teeter on the stool, struggling to keep everything in place, the stack of books gave a slight wobble. The ice cream tub tilted dangerously, and for a split second, it looked like everything was going to come crashing down.

Ash took a step forward, arms ready to catch anything that fell. "Hang in there, Brock!"

Brock, sweating profusely, managed to keep the books balanced, but his voice was strained as he spoke. "Ash... Gary... if I drop this... you owe me a giant sundae."

Gary laughed. "You've already got the ice cream covered. Just make it out of this, and we'll talk."

Ash chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry, Brock. You've got this!"

Brock, clearly regretting every life decision that led to this moment, just sighed. "I seriously need better friends."

" Uh...... Grandpa?" Gary squeaked. " Please tell me I'm dreaming."

Oak sent Gary a smile. " Oh, no Gary. This is very real. And I'm quite enjoying it."

The professor Oak, the professor Oak, was wearing superhero costume, complete with a cake that flowed.

And in his hands?

There was a misty that was dressed as a robber.

" This is ridiculous." She muttered.

Gary blinked again, rubbing his eyes as if that would somehow change the surreal sight before him. "Uh... Grandpa? Why are you dressed like... that?"

Professor Oak, in full superhero regalia, complete with a billowing cape, grinned proudly. "Oh, Gary, this is all part of my new initiative to encourage creativity and imagination! I believe it will foster a deeper connection between trainers and Pokémon if we approach training from a more theatrical angle."

Gary just stared at him, utterly dumbfounded. "A... deeper connection?"

Oak nodded enthusiastically, his cape fluttering dramatically behind him. "Yes! By immersing ourselves in the roles of heroes and villains, we learn valuable lessons about strategy, improvisation, and adaptability!"

Gary glanced over at Misty, who was dressed in a cartoonish robber outfit, complete with a black mask. She had her arms crossed and looked thoroughly unimpressed. "This is ridiculous," she muttered, shaking her head.

Gary, still trying to process everything, asked, "And Misty... you're okay with this?"

Misty shot him a deadpan look. "Do I look okay with this?"

Oak laughed heartily. "Oh, come now, Misty! You're doing a fantastic job as the 'robber!' Look at how well you've captured the mischievous persona."

Misty rolled her eyes. "I still don't get why I had to be the villain."

Oak chuckled. "Well, we can't all be the hero, can we?"

Gary finally found his voice again. "But... Grandpa... why are you in a superhero costume? And what's the point of this?"

Oak struck a heroic pose, one fist raised to the sky. "Because, Gary, sometimes we must become more than just professors or trainers. We must inspire! We must lead by example!"

Gary groaned, placing a hand over his face. "This is so embarrassing."

Oak laughed again, completely unbothered. "Nonsense! Now, Gary, you should join in! There's a spare costume in the back!"

Gary froze. "Wait... what?"

Oak pointed dramatically toward a box in the corner. "Go on! Every good hero needs a sidekick!"

Gary's eyes widened in horror. "I'm not putting that on!"

Misty smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Aw, come on, Gary. You'd make a great sidekick."

Gary shot her a glare. "You're one to talk, 'Robber Misty.'"

Misty shrugged. "At least I'm not wearing a cape."

Oak clapped his hands. "Come now, no more dawdling! Time to suit up, Gary! The world needs heroes!"

Gary groaned again, slumping his shoulders. "Please tell me this day can't get any worse..."

But then he saw Tracy sketching them and groaned. " It can get worse. And it just did."

After lunch, everyone gathered back in the yard. Tracy was setting up his sketchpad again, a look of intense concentration on his face as he arranged his pencils.

"Alright, you two," Tracy called over. "Ash, Gary-stand here, please."

Ash and Gary exchanged confused glances but did as they were told. As they took their places, Tracy flipped his sketchpad to a fresh page.

"So, what now?" Ash asked, scratching his head.

Tracy grinned. "Now, I'm going to sketch you both at a wedding altar."

Gary's eyes widened in disbelief. "A wedding altar?!"

Ash blinked. "Uh, Tracy, are you sure about this?"

Tracy nodded with complete seriousness. "Absolutely. I want to capture the special bond between you two, and what better way than a wedding scene?"

Gary looked down, horrified, as Tracy handed him a frilly white gown, complete with a veil and bouquet. "You want me to wear this?"

Ash tried to hold back a laugh, but a snicker escaped. "Gary... you look great!"

Gary shot him a death glare. "This is ridiculous! I'm the older one, why am I the bride?"

Ash, still snickering, shrugged. "Tell me about it. But hey, at least you're the one in the fancy dress!"

Gary groaned, looking at the long gown with absolute disgust. "I can't believe this."

Tracy, completely ignoring the banter, was busy adjusting the veil on Gary's head, stepping back to get a good look at his 'bride.' "Hold still! I need to get the details just right!"

Gary muttered under his breath, glaring at Ash. "You're enjoying this way too much."

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Well, it's not every day I get to see Gary Oak in a wedding dress."

Gary groaned again, looking down at the ridiculous ensemble he was wearing. "This has to be the most humiliating thing I've ever done."

Tracy's pencil flew across the page, clearly in his element. "Just a little longer, Gary! It's going to be perfect."

"Yeah, sure," Gary grumbled. "I'm so glad I could be your muse."

Ash, trying to stifle his laughter, reached out to adjust Gary's veil. "Well, look at it this way, Gary-at least you're making history."

Gary huffed. "Not the kind of history I wanted to make."

As Tracy continued sketching, Ash leaned in and whispered, "Hey, just remember: the older one may be in the dress, but the younger one always wins."

Gary's glare could have burned a hole through the ground. "You better hope that veil's thick enough to protect you when this is over."

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