
" Morning Ash." Brock greeted as Ash stepped out of his sleeping bag.

Ash waved sluggishly. " Hi, Brock." He mumbled, losing his balance for a second but regaining it.

" Woah, Ash, are you okay?" Misty asked concerned as she ran to his side

Ash nodded, but from the look in his eyes Brock could tell there was something he wasn't telling them.

He decided not to ask. Instead he picked a calendar out and checked another box. " Hmm, this is the seventh day."

He looked at ash. " Are you feeling alright?"

Ash nodded. " Y..yeah I'm fine."

Brock took a stethoscope out of his bag. " I'll be the judge of that."

Misty led Brock to a flat rock, and Brock kneeled in front of him and placed the metal disc of Ash's chest and moved it around, his eyes full of concern. " Ash, your heartbeat is fast."

Ash raised a brow. " Isn't it always?"

Brock shook his head as he took the tools off his body. " No, ash, it's beating as fast as a pokemon with not enough sleep, or weak."

" I'm not weak!" Ash exclaimed as he stood up, but wobbled slightly.

Brock's brow furrowed as he watched Ash struggle to maintain his balance. "Ash, sit back down. Something's not right." His voice was gentle but firm, signaling that he wasn't going to let Ash brush it off so easily.

Ash hesitated, then sighed and sat back on the rock, trying to put on a brave face. "I'm telling you, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night."

Misty crossed her arms, frowning. "Ash, you've been saying that for a week. You're not acting like yourself."

Brock nodded in agreement. "Your heartbeat is way too fast, and I can tell you're not as energetic as usual. You might be pushing yourself too hard, especially after these long days of training and travel."

Ash sighed, avoiding their eyes. "I don't want to slow us down," he muttered. "We're so close to the next gym. I can't stop now."

"Ash, winning a badge means nothing if you're not healthy enough to keep going," Brock said, his tone serious. "You've always pushed yourself, but this isn't like the usual. You're barely standing."

Pikachu, sitting at Ash's side, chirped softly, nudging his trainer's hand as if to agree with Brock. "Pika-pika."

Ash sighed again, clearly conflicted. "I know... but I feel like we're always behind. Everyone else is moving ahead, and—"

Misty placed a hand on Ash's shoulder, cutting him off. "You're strong, Ash. No one's saying you're weak. But right now, you need to rest. That's part of being strong too."

Brock nodded, pulling out a thermometer from his bag. "Let's just check your temperature to be sure. If it's high, then we need to take a break. No arguments."

Ash groaned but didn't resist as Brock gently placed the thermometer under his tongue. A few moments passed in tense silence as Brock waited for the reading.

When it beeped, Brock's eyes narrowed at the result. "Ash, you're running a fever," he said, showing Misty the numbers. "You're burning up."

Ash's face fell, and he ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't think it was that bad..."

"It is," Misty said, her voice softening. "You need to rest, Ash. We can take a day or two to let you recover."

Brock nodded. "You won't be doing anyone any favors by getting sicker."

Ash looked at Pikachu, then at his friends. Finally, he sighed and nodded. "Alright. I'll rest." He managed a small smile, though his exhaustion was still evident. "But just for a little while, okay?"

Misty smiled back, relieved. "That's all we're asking."

Brock patted Ash's shoulder as he guided him back to the sleeping bag. "Trust me, you'll thank us later."

The next day, Ash looked even worse. His skin had grown pale, and his movements were sluggish. He sat by the campfire, trying to eat but barely managing a few bites. Brock and Misty exchanged worried glances.

Brock, unable to stay quiet any longer, knelt beside him. "Ash, open your mouth for me," he said gently, holding a small flashlight in one hand.

Ash hesitated but eventually complied, opening his mouth weakly. Brock shined the light inside, examining Ash's throat. His face remained serious as he looked over at Misty, who was standing anxiously nearby.

"His throat looks inflamed," Brock muttered, more to himself. He then turned his attention to Ash's eyes, carefully pulling down one of Ash's lower eyelids. His eyes were dull and glassy, lacking their usual spark of energy.

"Ash, you're looking worse today," Brock said, his tone full of concern. "I need to check your heart again."

Ash, looking drained, didn't even protest this time. He nodded slightly and leaned back against a tree, breathing shallowly. Pikachu, ever loyal, sat by his side with a worried look in its eyes.

Brock placed his stethoscope gently on Ash's chest, listening intently. His brow furrowed deeper as he moved the stethoscope to different parts of Ash's chest, his expression growing more concerned with each passing second.

"Ash, your heartbeat is still way too fast," Brock said quietly, taking the stethoscope away. "And your breathing is shallow. This isn't just from exhaustion—something else is going on."

Misty knelt down next to them, her face full of worry. "Brock, what do we do? He's getting worse."

Brock looked grim. "I think Ash might have an infection or something more serious. We can't keep going like this. He needs real medical attention."

Ash tried to wave them off weakly. "I'll be fine... I just need more rest..."

Brock shook his head firmly. "Ash, you're not fine. You need proper help. We're heading to the nearest town, and we're getting you to a doctor. No more pushing yourself."

Misty nodded, looking resolute. "We'll pack up and get going right away."

Ash, still weak but stubborn as ever, looked at them with tired eyes. "I don't want to slow you guys down..."

"You're not slowing anyone down," Brock said, his voice steady. "We're all in this together, and your health comes first."

Pikachu let out a determined "Pika!" in agreement, hopping into Ash's lap to comfort him.

Ash sighed, finally accepting the situation. "Okay... Let's go."

As they gathered their things and prepared to set off, Misty suddenly stopped in her tracks, pointing ahead. "Uh, Brock... we've got a problem."

Brock looked up, only to see a massive boulder blocking the narrow path they had intended to take. It was huge, far too large for them to move on their own, and there was no way around it.

Ash, still looking pale, sighed as he leaned against a nearby tree. "Great... just my luck."

Brock frowned and glanced at Ash, who clearly wasn't in any shape to deal with a detour. "We can't go through this. Ash needs rest, and we don't have time to find another path today."

Misty looked around, frustrated. "What now? We're stuck."

Brock thought for a moment, then turned to Misty. "Let's head back to the campsite. It's close enough, and we can keep an eye on Ash until we figure out another way."

Ash groaned but didn't protest. He didn't have the energy to fight it. Pikachu nudged him comfortingly as they began making their way back. The walk felt longer this time, with Ash moving even slower than before. He had to stop and rest more than once, each time leaning on Brock or Misty for support.

Once they made it back to the campsite, Brock quickly set Ash down by the firepit, laying out a blanket for him to rest on. Misty handed Ash some water, which he sipped weakly.

"I'm sorry, guys," Ash muttered, looking guilty. "I didn't mean to slow us down..."

"Don't apologize, Ash," Brock said firmly as he began setting up camp again. "We'll figure something out in the morning. For now, you need to rest."

Misty nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Ash. We've been through worse. We'll get past this boulder, don't worry."

Ash leaned back against his backpack, feeling the warmth of the fire slowly return some comfort to his aching body. Pikachu curled up next to him, its tiny paws resting on Ash's arm.

Brock knelt beside him again, feeling Ash's forehead one more time. "You're still burning up, Ash. Try to sleep. I'll keep watch tonight and make sure you're okay."

Ash nodded weakly, his eyelids already drooping from exhaustion. "Thanks... Brock, Misty... I'll be fine."

But Brock and Misty exchanged worried glances. They both knew that as long as Ash's condition didn't improve, getting out of the forest was going to be a serious challenge.

At night, Brock woke up and squinted his eyes open to see Ash running into the forest, stumbling yet running.

Brock jumped up and woke Misty. " Misty, wake up!" He whispered. " Ash is running into the forest!"

Misty sat up. " At this hour?"

Brock offered her a hand and helped her up. " Yeah. We have to follow."

Misty woke Pikachu, and the three ran to the forest, following Ash's footprints, making sure they were being quiet.

When they found him, he was kneeling in front of a blue and pink Pokemon.

" Parolyps." Brock whispered. " A pokemon that makes deals in return for energy from a human body."

Misty gasped. " What is she doing?"

Brock looked in horror as the witch touched Ash's head with her staff. White energy flowed into it.

" We had a deal." Ash grunted. " Today that deal ends. Don't come near us again."

Misty gasped. " She came to our camp!" She hissed.

" And Ash was trying to protect us!" Brock added.

As the witch disappeared, Ash collapsed to the ground.

" Ash!" Misty yelled as she ran from the bushes to her friend.

Brock ran and picked Ash up. " We need to get him to camp." He said firmly.

" You know, for a guy who keeps insisting he's a Pokemon doctor, you sure keep proving yourself wrong."
" Not now Misty!" He exclaimed as he laid Ash on his sleeping bag. " Oh, Ash, what did you do to yourself?" He muttered.
Then he turned to Misty. " Bring me my bag."
Misty nodded and ran to Brock's sleeping bag, and returned with it. Brock took it and nodded gratefully at her before zipping it open and dumping out tools.
He picked  a stethoscope up and put the buds to his ears, then pressed the metal to Ash's chest.
" This isn't good." Brock muttered as he listened to Ash's elevated heart rate.
He took a white machine out and put it on Ash's chest, moving it around his body.
" He's been getting drained for the past week." Brock stated after the machine showed the results.
" That's why Ash was drained ever since we've been here!" Misty realized.
Brock nodded. " Yeah, but he could have at least told us.."
Misty shrugged. " You know how he is."
" Unfortunately."
Brock picked a needle up. " We're gonna need to give him this so he can live."
" What is it?" Misty asked.
Brock gently lifted Ash's sleeve and sanitized it. " It's a medicine that helps pokemon survive after they've been injured badly, and on the brink of death."
" Will it work on Ash?"
Brock shot her a reassuring look. " Yeah, he will."
He held his unconscious friend's arm and put it in.
As soon as it touched his arm, he squirmed.
" Shhhhh, easy Ask. It'll be over in a second." Brock whispered soothingly as he ripped a bandaid and put it over the area.
Misty let out a sigh of relief. " Oh, thank goodness."
Brock let out a low sigh. " I think Ash is harder to care for than Pokemon. At least they listen."
Misty shrugged helplessly. " I suppose. But Ash just means well."
" Even if he's killed in the process. I know, I know."
They watched as Pikachu and Ash's other pokemon came out of their Poke balls and surrounded their trainer, worried.
" I just hope inside, he's gonna be okay." Brock muttered as he gently opened Ash's mouth and peeked in.
Misty leaned against a tree and nodded. " Let's hope"

Ash groaned as he peeked through one eye. " Wh... what happened?"
Charmander perked up. " Char!"
Ash smiled at him. " I told you. I'm okay when you're all okay."
Brock moved to his side with a stern expression. " Ash, tell us everything."
" About?" Ash stroked Charmader.
" About the fact there was a POkemon draining your life source!" Misty exclaimed.
Ash froze. " You weren't supposed to see that."
" Well we did. And you'd better tell us everything." Brock said firmly, crossing his arms.
Ash sighed, seeing there was no escape. Fine."
" The night we first arrived, that Pokemon whose name I didn't bother searching up was going to take Pikachu! And my other Pokemon! I stopped it, and it got infuriated! It was going to throw you guys off a cliff, the cliff nearby. I didn't want that, begged, and extracted a deal. My energy, keeping you safe.."
Brock looked at him with concern. " You could have told us. We would have helped."
" They made me promise not to tell."
" At the expense of your life?!" Brock yelled. Ash winced.
Brock took a deep breath and spoke, his voice a little calm. " Ash, listen. You love us and your pokemon. We get that! But you need to tell us!"
Ash looked away. " I didn't want to. You guys are the only friends I have."
" Oh, Ash." Misty sighed as she went into him. Brock joined, and even the POkemon.
" You guys are the best." He sniffed.
Misty smile.d " Correction. We're your family. Family sticks together."

Then Brock saw a bandaid on Ash's arm. " What's this?" He asked, reaching for it.

Ash pulled away, but Brock held it tight. " Nothing."

Brock ignored, and peeled it away.

He narrowed his eyes, holding up the bandage he had peeled off Ash's arm. His gaze shifted to the large, dark bruise beneath it—one that Ash clearly hadn't been eager to show.

"Really, Ash?" Brock said, his voice laced with disbelief. "This is nothing?"

Ash quickly turned away, trying to hide his discomfort. "I mean... it's just a bruise, Brock. Nothing to worry about."

Misty leaned in closer, her eyes widening at the sight of the injury. "That is not just a bruise, Ash! How long has it been there?"

Ash fidgeted under their worried stares, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Uh... since yesterday, maybe? I don't know. I haven't really been keeping track."

Brock's expression softened, but he kept his stern tone. "Ash, you need to stop brushing these things off. This isn't just about you anymore. If you keep hiding stuff from us, you're only putting yourself—and us—at more risk."

Ash sighed, his shoulders sagging. "I know... but I didn't want you guys to worry. You already had enough on your plate with that boulder and—"

"Enough!" Brock interrupted, holding up a hand. "We're your friends, and it's our job to worry about each other. What good is it if you're out here trying to protect us but you end up getting hurt in the process?"

Ash lowered his gaze, unable to argue with that. Pikachu, sensing his trainer's unease, nuzzled closer to him, offering silent comfort.

Brock kneeled down again, this time with a gentler expression. "Ash, we'll always have your back, but you've got to trust us. We can't help you if you're hiding things like this."

Ash finally met his gaze, guilt swirling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Brock. I didn't mean to make things harder for you guys."

Misty sighed, stepping forward to place a hand on Ash's shoulder. "We know you're trying to protect us, Ash. But you're just as important as anyone else. You can't keep sacrificing yourself like this."

Ash nodded slowly, understanding their words. "I guess... I just didn't want you guys to get hurt. But I didn't think about what it would do to me."

Brock gave a small smile and placed the bandage back over the bruise, gently pressing it down. "Next time, just tell us. We're in this together, no matter what."

Ash managed a weak smile. "Yeah... I guess I've got to start trusting you guys more."

Misty ruffled Ash's hair, smirking. "Took you long enough, Ash. But don't worry, we'll make sure you stay in one piece."

Ash chuckled lightly, feeling the warmth of his friends around him. Despite the pain in his body and the lingering exhaustion, he realized just how lucky he was to have them by his side.

"Thanks, guys," he said, his voice soft but sincere. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Brock smiled and stood up, reaching for the first aid supplies. "You won't have to find out. We're a team, Ash—always."

Now we have a few senario ones about the next part

Brock knelt down next to Ash, dumping all his tools from his bag onto the ground with a determined look on his face. "Okay, Ash, you'll be fine. We just need to check a few things."

Ash's eyes widened as he glanced over the scattered equipment. "Wait, isn't that all for Pokémon?" He asked, raising a brow. His mind was already racing with a plan to escape. Maybe if I drop off my Pokémon and make a run for it, they won't notice...

But as soon as Ash made the slightest move to stand up, Brock's hand shot out and rested firmly on his shoulder. "Nice try, Ash," Brock said, not even looking up. "You're not going anywhere until I check you over."

Ash let out a long, dramatic sigh, sinking back down onto the ground. "This is ridiculous, Brock. I'm fine!"

Brock ignored Ash's complaints and began by grabbing a small flashlight. "Let's start with your eyes." He leaned in closer and shone the light into Ash's eyes, making him blink rapidly. "Keep still, Ash."

Ash squirmed, trying to avoid the bright beam. "Ugh, seriously, Brock?  Do we really have to do all this?"

"Yes, we do," Brock said, his voice firm as he continued checking Ash's pupils. "And you know why? Because you've been running yourself ragged lately, and if you won't take care of yourself, I will."

Ash groaned and threw his head back. "Great. Just what I needed—another check-up."

After inspecting Ash's eyes, Brock moved on to his mouth, grabbing a tongue depressor. "Alright, open up."

Ash frowned, crossing his arms. "Seriously, Brock?"

Brock gave him a stern look. "Do you want to get this over with or not?"

Reluctantly, Ash opened his mouth, and Brock peered inside, examining his throat and tonsils. "Hmm... looks like you could use some more rest, but nothing too concerning here."

Ash pulled his head away, muttering under his breath. "I could've told you that."

Next, Brock grabbed a small reflex hammer. "Let's check your reflexes."

Ash's eyes widened again. "You've got to be kidding me. You're treating me like a Pokémon!" He groaned, trying to scoot away.

Brock wasn't having any of it. He tapped Ash's knee gently with the hammer, causing his leg to jerk involuntarily. "Reflexes seem normal," Brock noted.

Ash shot him a look. "Yeah, well, I could've told you that too."

Brock, still unfazed, pulled out his stethoscope next. "Alright, now let's check your heart and lungs. Breathe in and out slowly."

Ash rolled his eyes but complied, sitting still as Brock placed the cold metal disc against his chest. "This is so unnecessary, Brock."

"Keep breathing," Brock said, moving the stethoscope around to different spots. "Your heart's beating a little fast, but given the way you keep running into danger, that's no surprise."

Ash sighed again, long and exaggerated. "It's because of you stressing me out with all these checks."

Brock finally pulled the stethoscope away, packing up his tools. "You're fine, Ash. But next time, don't try to avoid getting checked out. We're here to make sure you're okay."

Ash crossed his arms, looking defeated. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can I go now?"

Brock stood up, giving Ash a firm look. "You can go—but only if you promise to actually take care of yourself and let us help you when you need it."

Ash gave a reluctant nod. "Fine, fine. Just no more surprise check-ups, okay?"

Brock smirked, packing away his things. "No promises."

Senario 2

Brock dumped the contents of his medical kit onto the ground, various tools clattering softly against the grass. "Alright, Ash, you'll be okay," he said in a reassuring tone, though the concern in his eyes was still clear.

Ash, glancing nervously at the array of tools, raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that all for Pokémon?"

Brock gave a small chuckle. "Most of it, yeah. But the basics work on humans too. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Ash sighed, still a bit skeptical, but sat back, trying to relax as Brock pulled out a small flashlight. "Alright, Ash. Let's start with your eyes. Open wide."

Ash did as told, blinking as Brock shone the light into his eyes, moving it from side to side. "Hmm... pupil response looks fine," Brock murmured to himself, leaning back.

Next, he took a tongue depressor from the kit. "Open your mouth, say 'ahh.'"

Ash hesitated, then let out a half-hearted "ahh" as Brock checked his throat.

"Looks a little irritated, but nothing too serious." Brock nodded, tossing the wooden stick aside. He then grabbed his stethoscope, putting the buds in his ears and pressing the cold metal disc against Ash's chest.

Ash flinched slightly at the chill. "Yeesh, Brock, could you warm that thing up first?"

Brock grinned. "Sorry, should've warned you." He focused as he listened closely to Ash's heart and lungs, moving the stethoscope to different spots across his chest and back. "Take a deep breath for me," he instructed.

Ash inhaled slowly, holding his breath, then exhaled as Brock listened intently. After a few moments, Brock pulled the stethoscope away, his face a mix of relief and thoughtfulness.

"Your heart rate's still a little fast, and your lungs sound a bit weak—probably from exhaustion. But no major issues," Brock explained, giving Ash a small smile. "I think you're just drained from everything that happened with that Parolyps."

Ash sighed in relief, though his shoulders remained tense. "So, I'm not, like, dying or anything?"

Brock chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, you're not dying. But you need rest. A lot of it. You've pushed your body way too far."

Ash nodded, though he still looked worried. "But what about the bruise? And all the other stuff? I feel... off."

Brock reached for his reflex hammer and gently tapped Ash's knees, testing his reflexes. "Your body's reacting to being drained. That Pokémon took a lot out of you, more than you realize. But as long as you rest and recover, you'll be back to normal soon."

Ash winced as Brock tapped his bruised arm, but Brock was quick to reassure him. "The bruise will heal on its own. Just keep an eye on it. It's from the energy drain, nothing more."

Misty, who had been watching quietly, chimed in, "Ash, you have to listen to Brock. No more running off and trying to handle things alone. You scared us."

Ash glanced down, his voice quiet. "I didn't mean to."

Brock gave Ash's shoulder a light squeeze. "We know, Ash. But you've got to let us help you. We're a team, remember?"

Ash nodded, looking between Brock and Misty. "Yeah, I get it. I'll rest. Promise."

Brock smiled, packing up his tools. "Good. Now get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."

Ash laid back down in his sleeping bag, Pikachu curling up next to him. As the night settled in, he felt a little more at ease knowing that Brock and Misty were there for him, watching over him just like he always tried to do for them.

Senario 3

Brock sighed as he dumped his bag onto the ground, scattering his tools across the forest floor. "Alright, Ash," he said in a determined tone, "you're going to be okay. But I need to check you over properly."

Ash, lying on his sleeping bag, barely had the energy to protest. He lifted his head slightly, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. "Isn't all that stuff for Pokémon, Brock?" he mumbled, his voice weak.

Brock grabbed a small flashlight and gently turned Ash's head to check his eyes. "Not just for Pokémon, Ash. Humans need care too, especially when they make deals with energy-draining Pokémon."

Ash tried to groan, but his voice faltered as Brock carefully checked his eyes. "Follow the light," Brock instructed, moving the beam from side to side. Ash's eyelids fluttered, struggling to focus.

Brock hummed thoughtfully. "Your pupils are sluggish. That's from the energy loss."

Next, Brock pressed the back of his hand to Ash's forehead, frowning. "You're still running a fever." He then opened Ash's mouth, peering in with a tongue depressor. "Say 'ahh.'"

Ash opened his mouth, but barely made a sound. "Ahhh..." he muttered weakly.

Misty stood nearby, biting her lip with concern. "Is he going to be okay?" she asked, her hands clutching the straps of her bag nervously.

Brock nodded as he checked Ash's reflexes by tapping his knees. "He'll be fine once he recovers, but this is serious. That Pokémon drained more energy than we thought."

He moved on to Ash's heart, placing his stethoscope against Ash's chest and listening carefully. The rhythmic beating was fast and shallow. "Your heart's racing. You've been running on empty for days, Ash."

Ash groaned softly and attempted to roll over onto his bed, planting his face into the pillow as if to escape the world. "Can I just sleep, Brock?" he muttered, his voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm fine... just tired."

But Brock wasn't having any of it. He gently but firmly placed a hand on Ash's shoulder and pulled him back onto his back. "No way, Ash. You're not sleeping until I finish checking you over."

Ash let out a weak, frustrated sigh, but he didn't have the energy to resist. His limbs felt like lead, and his body was far too drained to even lift a finger in protest. "Fine..." he muttered, sounding more defeated than anything.

Brock pressed the stethoscope against Ash's back, listening to his lungs. "Deep breath in," he said calmly. Ash tried to comply, inhaling slowly, but his breath was shaky and weak. "And out."

Brock frowned. "Your lungs sound off too. You've been pushing yourself way too hard."

Misty knelt down beside them, watching as Brock continued his thorough examination. "Ash, why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" she asked softly.

Ash didn't answer. His eyes were half-lidded, and all he wanted to do was sleep. He was too tired to argue or even explain himself. Brock finished up, packing away his tools, though his face remained serious.

"You're staying in bed for the next few days," Brock said firmly. "No training, no wandering off, and definitely no more secret deals with mysterious Pokémon."

Ash groaned but didn't argue. He knew Brock was right, even if he didn't like it. He buried his face into his pillow again, this time too weak to even fight back. "Yeah... fine..." he mumbled, his voice fading as sleep began to take over.

Brock glanced over at Misty, who was still frowning with worry. "We'll keep an eye on him," Brock reassured her. "He's tough, but this time, he needs to rest."

Misty nodded, pulling her jacket tighter around herself as she sat beside Ash's sleeping bag. "I just hope he learns to trust us more," she said quietly.

Brock nodded in agreement, his eyes softening as he watched their exhausted friend finally drift off to sleep. "Yeah... me too."

Senario 4

Brock dumped all his tools out onto the ground, creating a small pile of medical instruments. He quickly sorted through them, grabbing what he needed, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Okay, Ash, you'll be fine," Brock said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself than Ash.

Ash, who had been watching nervously, raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that all for Pokémon?"

Brock didn't respond right away. Instead, he held up a small flashlight and leaned in close to Ash's face, using his fingers to pull open one of Ash's eyelids.

"Hold still," Brock muttered.

Ash blinked but did as he was told. Brock checked his eyes with the flashlight, moving the light back and forth. He then grabbed a tongue depressor and shined the light into Ash's mouth, asking him to say "ahhh." Ash complied, although with clear frustration.

"Brock, seriously," Ash mumbled through the tongue depressor. "I'm fine! You're treating me like I'm one of your Pokémon or something!"

Brock ignored the complaint and kept moving. He pressed his stethoscope against Ash's chest, listening intently to his heart and lungs. His movements were firm and methodical, not leaving any room for Ash to protest.

"Deep breaths," Brock instructed, not even looking up as he moved the stethoscope to different spots on Ash's chest.

Ash sighed and complied, taking in exaggeratedly deep breaths just to get it over with.

"I'm fine, Brock! Really!" Ash said, growing more impatient by the second.

"Let me be the judge of that," Brock shot back, moving behind Ash to check his reflexes. He tapped Ash's knee with a small mallet, watching the reflexive kick.

Ash groaned in frustration. "Come on, Brock! I said I'm okay!"

Brock finally looked at him, his face serious. "Ash, we just watched you get drained of your energy by a dangerous Pokémon. I'm not taking any chances. If something's wrong, we need to know now."

Ash blinked at him, his frustration fading slightly. "But I feel fine..."

"Feeling fine doesn't mean you are fine," Brock said firmly, grabbing a thermometer and quickly taking Ash's temperature. "You're stubborn, Ash. You've been through a lot. But I'm not letting you brush this off like it's nothing."

Ash sat there, feeling both touched and a little exasperated. "Okay, okay... I get it. Just... stop poking me already."

Brock finally stepped back, putting away his tools. "For now, you're stable. But if you feel anything—any pain, dizziness, whatever—you need to tell me right away."

Ash gave a small smile. "I will, Brock. Promise."

Brock nodded, still looking a little unconvinced. "Good. Now get some rest. You'll need it."

Ash leaned back on his sleeping bag, Pikachu nestling beside him. Despite Brock's overzealous checking, he was glad to have someone who cared so much. As his eyes closed, he muttered, "Thanks, Brock."

Brock, hearing the words, smiled faintly. "Anytime, Ash."

Senario 5

Brock dumped all his medical tools out onto the ground, creating a mess of supplies scattered in front of him. With a determined expression, he crouched down and began sorting through them.

"Okay, Ash," Brock said firmly. "You'll be fine, but we need to do a thorough check."

Ash, still sitting on his sleeping bag, eyed the pile of tools skeptically. "Uh, Brock... isn't all of that for Pokémon?"

Brock ignored the comment and reached for his stethoscope. "Don't worry about it. Now, sit still."

With a sigh, Ash resigned himself to the examination. Brock approached him, first checking his eyes with a small flashlight, flicking it on and off rapidly to observe Ash's reactions. He frowned slightly but said nothing.

Ash squirmed a little. "Brock, seriously. I'm fine."

Brock shook his head, moving on to check Ash's mouth. "Say 'ahh,' Ash."

Grudgingly, Ash complied. "Aahh."

Brock nodded, still deep in concentration as he peered into Ash's throat. Without a word, he then tapped Ash's knee firmly with a reflex hammer, watching for a response. Ash's leg jerked slightly, but his patience was clearly wearing thin.

Ash rolled his eyes. "Come on, Brock. You've checked my reflexes, eyes, and mouth. Everything's fine."

Brock remained unconvinced, pressing the stethoscope to Ash's chest. "Take deep breaths, Ash."

Ash inhaled deeply and exhaled as instructed. He couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. "Brock, seriously, I'm fine!"

Brock listened to his lungs and heart carefully, moving the stethoscope around. After a long pause, he finally spoke. "Maybe."

"Maybe?!" Ash said, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Brock, since when have I not told you when I'm not feeling good?"

Brock glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "All the time."

Ash blinked, stunned. "What? No way!"

"Yes, way," Brock responded, giving Ash a knowing look. "You have a habit of hiding how you really feel because you don't want us to worry. Like now, for example."

Ash opened his mouth to argue, but then quickly closed it. He knew Brock was right—he always tried to downplay things when it came to his own health. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay, maybe I don't always tell you *everything,*" Ash admitted. "But I didn't think it was that big of a deal this time."

Brock leaned back, folding his arms. "It's always a big deal, Ash. You've been drained for the past week by that Pokémon. We have to make sure you're really okay."

Ash huffed, crossing his arms in return. "I just didn't want to slow you guys down."

"You're not slowing us down," Brock said with a serious expression. "We can't move forward if you're not at your best. We need to take care of you, just like you take care of your Pokémon."

Ash nodded slowly, finally understanding. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Brock smiled softly and put his tools back in the bag. "We just want to make sure you're okay, Ash. Next time, tell us sooner, alright?"

Ash smirked. "Fine, but don't expect me to enjoy it."

Misty, who had been watching from the side, chuckled. "Ash, you're always such a handful."

"Yeah, yeah," Ash muttered, shaking his head but feeling grateful for his friends.

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