Comet ☄️☄️
Just saying in Extreme Pokemon one second Gary's smile while chatting to Ash the next he's back to his old self
Ash sighed as he set his bag on the ground. " Well, this seems like a good place to set camp up."
Gary looked around. " I suppose....."
He set his bag down and took the tent and sleeping bags out. " Help me put these out."
Ash raised a brow. " Since when did YOU care so much about setting up?*
Gary shot him a look.." You know as well as I do my grandfather entrusted me with the job because I'm the older one."
Ash rolled his eyes. " Come on!".he whined. " Why can't we go see the Pokemon your grandfather asked as to study and THEN set up?"
" Because it's gonna be dark by the time we get back!"
Ash grumbled something under his breath. Gary smirked faintly.
" Hey. The more time we spend bickering, the less time we have of seeing the comets and Pokemon."
Ash sighed but couldn't argue with that.." Okay, fine.*
He spun his hat backwards and threw three Pokeballs. " Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, I choose you!"
The three Kanto starter Pokemon came out of their balls
" Bulbasaur, use Vine whip to secure the tent! Charmander, Pikachu, Squirtle, nail the tent's down!"
" Charmander!" Charmander reached for the utensil box Gary set out and picked a knife up
" Charmander!" Ash yelped as he grabbed the knife. " No! That's not a hammer!"
" Charmander?"
Ash raised a brow. " Uh...."
Charmander picked a sharp stick and started to hit the ground. Ash immediately understood.
" Charmander, I think you saw Mom with the Pomogranites. That's the only time we use a knife to hit stuff. Otherwise - GARY CATCH SQUIRTLE!"
" Huh?" Gary looked up and saw the turtle Pokemon close to a river. He reached out and scooped him away.
" Squirtle, no!" .
Squirtle held a bucket up. Ash saw and understood.
" Squirtle, we already have water with us. We don't need river water."
" Squirtle. Squirtle Squirtle."
" Pikachu? Chuuuu!"
Ash's eyes widened. " Charmander, n-"
But it was too late. Charmander had already lit some sticks on fire.
Ash groaned. " This is a disaster."
Gary blew on the fire, trying to put it out." What did you expect with you around?"
Ash rolled his eyes. " Okay, listen you guys. Me and Gary will put the tent up. You four will hammer. Understood?"
" Bulbasaur!"
" Chuuuu."
" Charmander."
Ash blinked at Squirtle.
" Squirtle?"
It didn't reply.
In fact it wasn't even looking at Ash.
" Squirtle? Are you okay?" Ash stood up.
Suddenly, Squirtle went running to Ash, and ash caught it
" What happened?" He asked
Squirtle pointed, and Ash gasped.
" I told you we shouldn't have set up camp there!" Gary yelled.
Ash panted slightly.." you didn't say anything!"
" Yes I did! I said not to set up camp!"
" Not true!" Ash shot back. " You said ' I suppose'."
" Pikachu!!!"
Ash glanced behind his back. Pyroar was still chasing them.
Squirtle shot a water gun. Pyroar countered it with Flame Thrower.
" Well that did nothing." Gary said
Ash shot him a look. " Not now!"
Gary rolled his eyes.
" Pikachu, thunderbolt!"
Gary threw a Pokeball. " Electivire, use thunderbolt!"
Both shocks hit Pyroar square on the body. With agonizing pain, it collapsed.
" Now!" Ash yelled as he took a Poke Ball out. " Poke ball, Go!"
The Pyroar dissapeared.
Three times.....
It stopped, and turned green.
Ash picked it up and turned to Pikachu. " We did it!" He cheered. Pikachu jumped into Ash's arms, adn they spun.
" Charmander. Char." Charmander said, shaking its head.
" Saur. Bulbasaur."
It's like they're in their own world
That's because they are
Gary sighed. " Ash, we need to set camp somewhere!"
Ash looked around. " How about.... up there?"
Gary squinted. " Ash, that's a cliff."
" Yeah, so?"
Gary stared at Ash, dumbfounded. "Ash, do you even hear yourself sometimes? Setting up camp on a cliff? What if we roll off in our sleep?"
Ash grinned and shrugged. "Well, not if we set up the tents right."
Gary pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly exasperated. "Or... and hear me out... we don't sleep next to a hundred-foot drop."
Ash crossed his arms, a playful smirk on his face. "Fine, Mr. Cautious, where do you suggest we camp, then?"
Gary gestured to a flat clearing a bit further away from the cliffside, surrounded by trees. "How about over there? No cliffs, no raging Pyroar, and we can still see the stars."
Ash looked around and eventually nodded. "Alright, alright, let's go with your plan." He turned to his Pokémon, still standing nearby. "Everyone, let's move it! We're heading to a better spot!"
As they walked to the clearing, Gary shot Ash a sidelong glance. "You know, for someone who claims to be an experienced Pokémon trainer, your sense of survival could really use some work."
Ash chuckled. "Maybe. But hey, I caught the Pyroar, didn't I?"
Gary gave a reluctant smirk. "Yeah, yeah. But you almost got us both roasted."
Ash grinned widely, flashing a thumbs-up. "But we weren't! That's what counts!"
Gary shook his head but couldn't suppress his own smile. "You're impossible, Ash."
"That's why we're a great team!" Ash said, still beaming. "You've got the brains, and I've got the... uh..."
Gary cut him off. "Let me stop you right there before you embarrass yourself."
As they reached the clearing, they set their bags down once more. Gary glanced at the sky, the afternoon sun shining brightly. "Alright, let's set up camp properly this time."
Ash, Pikachu still on his shoulder, stretched and nodded. "Yeah, let's do it. No cliffs, no fire hazards. Just a peaceful night under the stars."
Gary smirked. "For once, you're actually making sense."
"Don't get used to it!" Ash quipped back.
Gary sighed and wiped his hands as he looked at the now up tents. " That went smoothly."
No answer.
" Ash?"
Gary looked around. " Uh.... Aaaaaaash?"
His bag was there, but his Poke Balls, Poke Dex, and Pokemon were gone.
There were also footsteps in the dirt.
Gary sighed. " Classic Ash." HE muttered.
Then, he threw Ash's bag into the tent and followed the steps. " Ash? Hey, Ash!"
" Pikachu, thunderbolt, now!"
Gary blinked. " Ash...." He muttered.
He ran through the forest and screeched to a stop as he looked at the sight before him.
Ash was battling a Togepi.
A real. Life. Togepi.
" Ash...." Gary muttered as he crossed his arms and leaned on the tree.
Ash looked at Pikachu, unaware of the spectator. " Okay, Pikachu, Thunderbolt, now!"
The thunderbolt hit Togepi, and it collapsed to the ground.
Ash took a Pokeball out, then remembered something.
" Togepi never stayed in a Poke ball." He muttered.
He sighed, and came to a decision. He quickly hit Togepi, and Togepi evaporated.
The Poke Ball turned Green.
Ash let out a sigh of relief, then released Togepi.
" You'll be a perfect gift for Misty!" Ash exclaimed.
" Chu?" Pikachu cocked its head.
Ash stopped. " Oh yeah."
A few weeks ago, Togetic had returned to Misty.
It wanted to stay with its old owner.
So there really was no reason for this Togepi to go to Misty.
" Might as well give it to mom." Ash muttered. " She'll sure like it."
He turned, and came face to face with a Gary.
A Gary with an unamused expression.
Ash yelped, and almost dropped Togepi.
Ash froze, his wide eyes meeting Gary's unimpressed gaze. "G-Gary! What are you doing here?"
Gary raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms tighter. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? We literally just set up camp, and I turn around, and you're gone, chasing after a Togepi."
Ash grinned sheepishly, cradling the newly caught Togepi in his hands. "I saw it wandering around, and I thought it would make a great gift for Misty. You know how much she loves Togepi!"
Gary sighed, shaking his head. "Ash, Misty's Togetic already came back to her. Plus, you disappeared right after we finished setting up. Ever think of, I don't know, telling me before you run off?"
Ash rubbed the back of his head, looking a bit guilty. "Uh... I guess I got caught up in the moment..."
Gary pointed to the small Togepi in Ash's arms. "You nearly dropped it just now! At least take care of it properly."
Ash looked down at the tiny Pokémon, who cooed softly in his arms. "You're right... I'll make sure to take good care of it."
Gary sighed once more, this time a little softer, the annoyance fading from his voice. "Ash, you're unbelievable sometimes, you know that?"
Ash grinned. "Yeah, but that's what keeps things interesting, right?"
Gary rolled his eyes, though a hint of a smile tugged at his lips. "Come on, let's get back to camp before you get sidetracked again."
As they started walking back, Ash glanced at Togepi, then up at Gary. "So... you think Mom would like it? Or should I keep it for myself?"
Gary shot him a sidelong look. "If you can manage not to lose it before we get back, I'm sure your mom would love it."
Ash nodded, looking down at Togepi. "Yeah... she's gonna love this little guy."
"Just don't run off into the woods again without saying anything," Gary added, his tone mock-serious.
Ash chuckled. "I'll try, but no promises."
Gary smirked, shaking his head. "Classic Ash."
Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes.
Ash gasped and shoved Togepi into Gary's arms. " Hold on!" HE exclaimed. " I'm coming!"
He grabbed Pikachu and ran, disappearing in the bushes.
" Ash!" Gary yelled. " Come back!"
" Toge Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Toge toge!"
Gary looked at the Pokemon in his hands and sighed. " What does he want me to be, a mother?" Gary muttered.
" Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
Gary raised a brow. " I meant that sarcastically."
" Squirtle, watergun, now!"
" Now Pikachu, thunderbolt!"
" Poke Ball, go!"
Gary turned to the bushes just as Ash walked with a grin and Poke ball in hand.
" Let me guess," Gary said before Ash could even speak. " You caught a rock type?"
" How'd you guess?"
Gary sighed, adjusting Togepi in his arms. "Because it's always a rock type or something that causes a mess whenever you're involved."
Ash scratched his head, still grinning. "Well, you're not wrong. It was a Geodude this time. It just popped out of nowhere!"
Gary rolled his eyes. "Of course it was. You have a magnet for chaotic Pokémon."
Togepi wiggled in Gary's arms, letting out a happy "Toge-toge!"
Gary glanced down at the little Pokémon and sighed. "And now I'm stuck babysitting."
Ash looked sheepish, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that, but I had to make sure Pikachu was ready."
Gary gave him a long look. "You know, sometimes I wonder how you manage to survive without constant supervision."
Ash laughed. "Hey, I've made it this far, haven't I?"
Gary couldn't help but smirk. "Barely. Now that you've got your Geodude, can we please head back to camp?"
Ash nodded. "Yeah, let's go! The sooner we get back, the sooner we can relax." He extended his arms toward Togepi. "Come on, I'll take him."
Gary, smirking, handed Togepi back. "Just try not to lose him this time."
Ash chuckled, taking Togepi into his arms. "Don't worry, I've got this!"
As they began walking back, Gary muttered, "I swear, if you run off again, I'm leaving you to deal with whatever trouble you find."
Ash grinned. "Deal! But no promises about not running into more wild Pokémon!"
Gary shook his head, but the faint smile remained on his face. "Classic Ash."
Gary stretched and sighed, picking up his telescope. " Ash, time to see the comet."
No reply.
Gary sighed. " Don't tell me you already left!"
He crawled to Ash's sleeping bag. Togepi lay on it, clapping its hands.
Besides it was a note.
And a baby strap.
" Hey Gary," It wrote in Ash's handwriting. " I've gone to see the comets. Wear this sling on your chest and bring Togepi. See you there!"
" No way am I wearing THAT!" Gary exclaimed as he stared at the strap.
" Toge Toge Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
Gary stared at the baby strap in disbelief, his face a mixture of annoyance and frustration. "Ash, you have to be kidding me..." he muttered under his breath.
Togepi, oblivious to Gary's plight, clapped its tiny hands and let out another cheerful "Toge! Priiii!"
Gary sighed, looking down at the little Pokémon. "Why do I always get stuck with this stuff?" he grumbled. Then, as if sensing he wasn't going to win this battle, he reluctantly picked up the strap and fumbled with it, trying to figure out how to put it on.
After a few awkward moments of adjusting and tightening the sling, he finally managed to get it secured across his chest. "There. Happy now?" he muttered, lifting Togepi and placing it gently into the strap.
"Toge-toge!" Togepi chirped happily, wiggling in its new perch.
Gary gave a tired sigh. "Well, at least one of us is enjoying this." He grabbed his telescope bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Let's go find Ash before he runs into more trouble."
As he started toward the comet-viewing spot, he shook his head. "I swear, I didn't sign up to be a babysitter on this trip."
But despite his grumbling, there was a small smile on his face as he trudged forward with Togepi securely strapped to his chest.
When he got there, Ash was sitting on a rock, looking up. Gary walked to him.
" Why'd you sneak away?" He asked.
Ash turned to him. " Did NOT! You were asleep! Also, you snore loudly!"
Gary rolled his eyes and sat down next to Ash, adjusting the strap with Togepi still nestled inside. "I do not snore loudly," he retorted. "You just have sensitive ears."
Ash chuckled, not taking his eyes off the sky. "Sure, Gary. Whatever helps you sleep at night—literally."
Gary gave him a playful shove. "You're lucky I didn't leave Togepi behind after your stunt."
Ash grinned, glancing at the baby Pokémon now happily dozing in the sling. "Looks like you two are bonding."
Gary raised an eyebrow. "Bonding? More like I'm stuck being the babysitter because someone ran off to see the comets without waiting for me."
Ash shrugged, leaning back on the rock and gazing up at the sky. "I just didn't want to miss it. You know, moments like this... they don't come around often."
Gary glanced at Ash and then at the sky. The faint glow of the approaching comet was starting to illuminate the horizon. "Yeah," he muttered softly, his voice losing its usual sarcasm. "I guess you're right."
For a moment, they both sat in silence, watching as the comet's glow grew brighter, casting a soft light over the landscape. It was peaceful, the kind of quiet that neither of them got to experience often during their journeys.
"Hey, Gary?" Ash spoke up quietly.
"Thanks for coming with me. Even if you complain a lot."
Gary smirked. "Yeah, well, someone's gotta keep you out of trouble."
Ash laughed, the sound echoing softly under the starry sky. "I guess you're right about that."
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