
"Come on, Ash," Brock said as he dragged the ten-year-old boy toward his tent. "You're getting a check-up."

Ash groaned in response. "Again?"

Misty, who was pushing Ash from behind, gave him a firm look. "Charizard just burned you!"

"He does that all the time!" Ash argued, crossing his arms defiantly.

"But this time you got a heat stroke," Brock said, glancing back at him. "Also, a bunch of bruises."

"Like which?" Ash protested, trying to avoid the inevitable.

Brock turned, his expression serious. "Ash, you know exactly what I mean. You've been reckless during battles, and it's starting to catch up with you."

Ash shifted uncomfortably. "It's just a few scrapes and bruises! I'll be fine!"

Misty huffed. "You can't just ignore it. If you keep pushing yourself like this, you'll end up seriously injured."

Brock nodded, stopping in front of the tent and opening the flap. "Look, I know you're tough, but everyone has their limits. Just let me check you over, okay? It won't take long."

Ash hesitated but finally sighed, realizing he wasn't going to win this argument. "Fine, but only because you both won't leave me alone about it."

"Good choice," Brock said, ushering Ash inside. "Now sit down, and let's see what we're working with."

As Ash reluctantly took a seat on the cot and took his jacket off, Misty stood beside him and neatly folded it and put it on the side, arms crossed. "And don't think you can just brush off whatever Brock finds, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah," Ash muttered, rolling his eyes. "Let's just get this over with."

Brock retrieved his medical kit, setting it down next to Ash. "Okay, let's start by checking those bruises. Lift your shirt."

Ash groaned but complied, revealing a few darkening spots along his side. "See? Just some bumps. I've had worse."

Brock frowned, gently pressing on one of the bruises. "Does this hurt?"

"Yeah, a little," Ash admitted, wincing.

"Exactly. That's why you need to take better care of yourself," Brock said, moving on to examine Ash's forehead. "Now, let's check your temperature."

As Brock took out a thermometer, Misty watched with her arms still crossed. "You better not complain, Ash. This is for your own good."

"Alright, alright! Just... don't take too long, okay?" Ash replied, trying to keep his usual bravado.

"Hang tight," Brock said, placing the thermometer under Ash's tongue. As they waited, Ash's thoughts drifted to his Pokémon. He hoped they were okay and not worrying too much about him.

After a few moments, Brock pulled the thermometer out. "You've got a slight fever, Ash. No surprise there with everything you've been through."

"Great," Ash muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "So what's next, Doc?"

"Next, I'm giving you some medicine to help with the fever and to prevent any infection from the burn," Brock replied, digging through the kit. "And maybe some rest after that."

Misty rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You heard the man, Ash. Just take it easy for once."

"Yeah, I'll take it easy," Ash said sarcastically, though a small grin tugged at his lips. Deep down, he knew he could rely on his friends to have his back, no matter how stubborn he was.

When Brock came to check on Ash a few minutes later, he found the ten-year-old boy frantically dumping a pile of painkillers onto the cot beside him.

"Where is Brock when you need him?" Ash exclaimed, shaking the bottle a little too vigorously.

Brock's eyes widened in alarm. "Ash! What are you doing?!"

Ash turned, looking a bit sheepish but mostly frustrated. "I'm just trying to feel better, okay? I thought if I took enough of these—"

"Stop right there!" Brock interrupted, rushing forward to snatch the bottle from Ash's hands. "You can't just take a bunch of painkillers like that! It's dangerous!"

"But I—" Ash started to protest.

Brock cut him off again. "And I'm right here! You don't need to self-medicate. I told you I'd help you!"

Misty appeared from behind Brock, crossing her arms. "Honestly, Ash, what were you thinking? You're not a doctor!"

Ash groaned, flopping back against his cot. "I was just trying to make the pain go away. I didn't want to wait for you guys to come check on me!"

Brock softened a little, shaking his head as he placed the bottle out of reach. "I get it, but you need to be careful. Overdosing on painkillers can make everything worse."

"Yeah, like you always say: 'Better safe than sorry,' right?" Misty added with a smirk.

"Exactly!" Brock said, relieved to see Ash finally nodding in understanding. "Now let me take a proper look at you, and we'll get you feeling better the right way."

Ash sighed, knowing he couldn't win this one. "Fine. Just... make it quick, okay?"

Brock smiled, pulling out his medical kit. "You got it, Ash. But first, let's check that fever of yours."

As Brock began his examination, Ash couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends. Even when he was being a bit reckless, they always knew how to rein him in.

Brock took Ash's temperature and frowned as the thermometer beeped. "Well, at least your fever's normal. But that doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet."

"See?! I told you I was fine!" Ash exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face.

"Not so fast," Brock said, his tone serious. "Lie down and lift your shirt. I need to see those bruises."

Ash hesitated but then complied, lifting his shirt to reveal a series of purple and yellow bruises on his torso.

Brock's eyes widened in shock. "No wonder you wanted painkillers so bad! These look pretty bad, Ash!"

"I... I might've gotten a little banged up," Ash admitted sheepishly.

"A little?" Misty said, stepping closer to inspect the bruises. "It looks like you went ten rounds with a Gyarados!"

Brock sighed, shaking his head. "You can't keep pushing yourself like this. It's not worth the risk."

Ash winced as Brock gently prodded one of the bruises. "Ouch! Okay, okay! I get it!"

"Good," Brock replied, grabbing a cold compress from his kit. "Now, hold this on your bruises while I get some ointment for you. It'll help with the pain and swelling."

Ash laid back down, groaning dramatically. "Why does getting help always feel like a punishment?"

"Because you make it difficult," Misty teased, smirking at him.

"Very funny," Ash mumbled, feeling defeated but secretly grateful for their concern. "Just hurry up, will you? I've got a Pokémon battle to win later!"

Brock rolled his eyes as he prepared the ointment. "Let's focus on not hurting yourself first, then we'll talk about battling."

Brock quietly entered the tent thirty minutes later and paused when he saw Ash sleeping, his face peaceful and relaxed. A soft smile crept onto Brock's lips as he approached and gently placed a blanket over Ash to keep him warm.

As he settled back, Ash mumbled sleepily, "Brock, I'm telling you. I'm fine. Please. I just want to be strong for once."

Brock knelt beside him, concern etching his features. "Ash," he whispered, brushing a stray hair from Ash's forehead, "you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Being strong doesn't mean you can't ask for help."

Ash stirred slightly but kept his eyes closed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "But if I don't get stronger, how will I ever beat Gary or catch Legendary Pokémon? I want to be the best!"

"Strength isn't just about battles," Brock replied softly. "It's also about knowing when to rely on your friends and taking care of yourself. You've been pushing yourself too hard."

Ash finally opened his eyes, blinking up at Brock. "But I hate feeling weak."

"You're not weak, Ash. You're human. Everyone has their limits," Brock reassured him. "It's okay to take a break. We'll be here to support you, and when you're ready, you'll be even stronger."

Ash sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit. "I guess... but it's just so frustrating."

"I know it is," Brock said, giving him a comforting pat. "But remember, real strength comes from within and knowing your limits. Now, get some rest. We'll figure everything out together."

As Ash settled back into a comfortable position, Brock remained nearby, making sure his friend felt safe and cared for.

Misty stepped into the tent, her brows furrowed with concern. "How is he?" she asked, glancing down at Ash, who was still curled up under the blanket.

"Stubborn, as always," Brock replied, shaking his head with a smirk. He then lowered his voice, wanting to keep the moment light. "You'd think after all this, he'd realize he can't just power through everything."

Just then, they heard a small, itty-bitty sniffle coming from beneath Ash's hat. Misty's eyes widened. "Is he... crying?"

Brock leaned in closer, his smile fading. "I think so. Ash?" he called gently, trying to coax him out. "You okay under there?"

Ash's voice came out muffled and shaky. "I'm fine..."

Misty exchanged a worried glance with Brock. "Ash, it's okay to feel upset. You don't have to pretend around us."

After a moment of silence, Ash finally lifted his hat just enough for his eyes to peek out, glistening with unshed tears. "I just... I hate feeling weak. I don't want you guys to think less of me."

Brock sighed, sitting down next to Ash. "We could never think less of you. You're our friend, and we're here for you no matter what. Remember when Misty had her moments?"

Misty nodded, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah! I was such a mess during that battle with Team Rocket, and you guys still stuck by me."

Ash sniffed again, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "But I want to be strong like you guys. I want to show everyone I can handle anything."

"And you will," Brock reassured him. "But it's okay to ask for help. We all have our struggles. It doesn't make you weak; it just makes you human."

Ash took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "Okay. I guess... I guess it's alright to lean on you guys sometimes."

"Exactly," Misty said, her voice softening. "We've got your back, Ash. Always."

With that, Ash finally managed a small smile, feeling a little lighter knowing he wasn't alone in this.

" BROCK! MISTY! ANYONE?" Ash yelled from the tent as Charizard shot flames at Ash.

Ash yelped and stumbled into his foot, twisting it awkwardly.


Brock and misty came running into the tent. Brock noticed ash. " Ash!"

Ash looked up at Brock, tears in his eyes. " Brock, help." He whispered.

Brock was stunned. For ash to cry on an injury, it just have been bad.

" Hold on, buddy. Hold on." He said as he threw a Poki ball. " Onix!*

Onix burst out of the Poké Ball, its massive body coiling protectively around Ash. The ground trembled as the rock-type Pokémon confronted Charizard, who flapped its wings, glaring fiercely at Ash.

“Charizard, stop!” Ash shouted, wincing in pain as he tried to stand. “I’m not your enemy!”

Brock rushed to Ash’s side, kneeling down to check his twisted foot. “What happened? Why is Charizard acting like this?”

“He... he got too heated during training,” Ash explained, struggling to hold back tears. “I tried to calm him down, but then he just—”

Misty stepped forward, her voice steady. “Charizard, return!” She tossed a Poké Ball at Charizard, but it dodged and let out a furious roar.

“Why won’t it listen to me?” Ash asked, panic creeping into his voice.

“It’s likely stressed,” Brock said, examining Ash’s foot. “Let’s get you out of here first, then we can figure out how to calm Charizard down.”

Brock motioned for Misty to help him. “Okay, Ash, lean on us. We’ll help you to a safe spot.”

As they carefully lifted Ash, Onix moved to block Charizard’s path, its massive head lowering protectively. “Onix, hold him back!” Brock commanded.

Charizard roared again, flames flickering at the edges of its mouth, but Onix stood firm, ready to defend Ash.

“Charizard!” Ash called out, desperation lacing his voice. “Please! Just listen to me!”

Just then, Pikachu emerged from behind a nearby rock, eyes wide with concern. “Pika...!”

With a determined spark in its eyes, Pikachu jumped in front of Charizard, giving it a firm glare. “Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!” Ash commanded.

Electricity crackled around Pikachu as it charged its attack, ready to intervene if necessary. “Pika!”

Seeing Pikachu take a stand seemed to catch Charizard's attention. It paused, its fiery breath flickering. Ash took the opportunity to take a deep breath, despite the pain radiating from his foot.

“Charizard, I need you to calm down. You’re hurting me,” he said, his voice softening. “I’m your Trainer. We’re in this together.”

Charizard’s gaze softened, and its wings slowly lowered. Ash's words seemed to cut through the confusion. Finally, the flames extinguished, and Charizard’s growls quieted.

Brock let out a sigh of relief. “Good job, Ash! Now let’s get you to safety and fix that foot.”

Brock carefully wrapped Ash’s leg, his fingers deftly working the bandage around the injured ankle. “Are there any other injuries we need to worry about?” he asked, concern etched across his face.

Ash shook his head, his expression a mix of determination and vulnerability. “No. At least none that hurt.”

“Ash...” Brock said, leaning in closer. “You need to trust me and Misty more. We’re here to help you.”

Ash glanced away, a frown creasing his brow. “I do trust you, Brock. I really do.”

“Not enough, buddy,” Brock replied, his voice gentle but firm.

Before Ash could respond, Misty wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug. Ash hesitated for a moment, then hugged her back with one hand, using the other to balance himself against the bench. The warmth of her embrace provided a momentary reprieve from the pain and worry swirling inside him.

“Pika?” Pikachu tilted its head, sensing Ash’s inner turmoil.

“I’m fine,” Ash said, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Well, not really. I said I would be okay as long as my Pokémon are okay.” He glanced toward Charizard, who was sulking at the edge of the clearing, its fiery tail flickering low in a display of dejection.

“Charizard is my older Charmander,” Ash continued, his voice softening. “It’s not okay.”

With a determined look, Ash hobbled over to a nearby wooden bench adorned with scratches and weathered paint. Leaning heavily on it for support, he reached for a framed picture resting on the surface. The frame was slightly dusty, but Ash carefully wiped it clean with the sleeve of his jacket, revealing the vibrant image beneath.

In the picture, Ash stood proudly with his friends. To his left was Charmander, a bright orange fire-type Pokémon with a flame dancing atop its tail, its wide eyes shining with mischief and affection. Beside Charmander was Pikachu, its ears perked up and cheeks crackling with energy, always ready for an adventure. Next to Pikachu, Squirtle sat, its shell glistening in the sunlight, a playful grin on its face. On the other side of Ash stood Bulbasaur, its large bulb perched on its back, exuding a sense of calm and steadfastness.

Misty flashed her usual smile, her orange hair flowing slightly in the breeze, while Brock leaned in with a confident pose, his trademark grin radiating warmth and friendship. The photo captured the essence of their bond—innocent laughter, adventures shared, and challenges faced together.

“Look at us,” Ash said softly, his eyes misty as he traced the outline of each Pokémon with his finger. “We’ve been through so much together.”

Brock joined him, his hand resting on Ash's shoulder. “Yeah, and we’ll get through this too. But you have to let us in. You’re not alone in this, Ash.”

Misty nodded, stepping closer. “We care about you. And we want to make sure you’re okay, not just for your Pokémon but for yourself too.”

Ash took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their words. “I know. I just... I want to be strong for everyone.”

“You are strong,” Brock assured him. “But strength isn’t just about being tough. It’s about knowing when to ask for help.”

Pikachu chirped in agreement, giving Ash a supportive nudge with its tiny head.

Ash looked at his friends, feeling a swell of gratitude. “Okay. I’ll try. But can we make sure Charizard is okay too?”

“Of course,” Misty replied, a bright smile breaking through her concern. “Let’s go check on him together.”

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