Blood test - Pikachu
The Same Moon, Now and Forever continuation
It's just a short story
Scroll down to get the actual one.
As soon as their moment ended, they realized they were falling.
" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They both yelled.
" ASH!" Misty yelled.
Ash looked up. He got an idea.
With all the effort he could muster, he threw Pikachu and his three Pokeballs holding Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle to Misty's outstreached hands.
" What about you?!" Brock yelled.
" I'LL BE FINE!" Ash yelled up.
But when he looked down, he realized he was not gonna be fine.
But he wasn't gonna let his friends know that.
So he rolled himself into a ball as he hit the ground.
Ash furrowed his brow, and looked up.
There stood Bubasaur, looking quite proud of himself.
The grass-type Pokémon had managed to cushion Ash's fall with a thick patch of leaves.
"Bulbasaur!" Ash exclaimed, his heart swelling with gratitude. "You saved me!"
Bulbasaur puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with his heroics. He hauled Ash up, and set him on solid ground.
Misty and Brock rushed over, their faces a mix of relief and concern.
"You scared us!" Misty exclaimed, her voice tinged with worry.
"I'm okay! Thanks to Bulbasaur!" Ash replied, still catching his breath.
"Just don't do that again!" Brock said, shaking his head. "We're not ready for an adventure where we have to catch you every time you fall!"
"Yeah, Ash! You need to be more careful!" Misty chimed in, a hint of exasperation in her tone.
"I know, I know!" Ash chuckled, brushing off the dust. "But it's all part of the adventure, right?"
As Pikachu jumped down from Misty's arms, he scowled at Ash. "Pika! (You could've gotten hurt!)"
"Hey, I'm fine! And you guys are too," Ash reassured them, smiling. "Now let's get back on track. We've got a Gym to find!"
" Are you okay, Ash?" Brock asked as he wrapped Ash's arm.
Ash nodded and groaned as Brock applied slightly pressure to the arm. " Yeah. I'm fine."
" Pikachu?" The electric Pokemon hopped into Ash's lap as snugged next to him.
" Awwww, he's so cute." Misty cooed.
Ash chuckled softly as he wrapped an arm around his pokemon. " Yeah, he is."
Brock patted Ash's arm. " You should be good to go."
" Thanks Brock." He winced as he pat his cheek. " Thought I'm more worried about my face than my arm...."
( He has a bloody cheek)
And nose
Because that happens if you're too cold or you've been punched hard
I should know
It's happenwd to me once
This is the real story
Ash scrubbed some soap on his Pokemon's head. "You like that, Pikachu?" he asked, scrubbing behind Pikachu’s ear.
"Pika pi... Chuuuu!" Pikachu responded, squirming in delight as Ash chuckled, taking the hose and rinsing Pikachu off.
Just then, Misty’s voice called out from nearby, “Ash? Can you come here for a sec?”
“Coming!” Ash shouted back. Pikachu shook the water off and hopped onto Ash’s shoulder, both of them heading toward Misty.
When Ash arrived, Misty gave him a hesitant look. "Ash, it's time for Pikachu's... B-L-O-O-D T-E-S-T."
Ash’s eyes widened in realization. “Today?” he asked, his voice full of surprise and concern.
Misty nodded. "I'm afraid so."
Ash scratched the back of his head nervously. "But Pikachu hates... N-E-E-D-L-E-S."
Misty sighed, giving Ash a helpless shrug. "Brock says it has to be done. It's just a routine check."
Ash looked at Pikachu, who was now resting contentedly on his shoulder, unaware of what was coming. "Hold Pikachu, would you? I have to find Brock," he said as he gently lifted Pikachu and handed him to Misty.
Misty took Pikachu in her arms, giving Ash a sympathetic nod. "Good luck convincing Brock to go easy on him."
Ash wandered around the camp until he found Brock, who was busy cleaning his Pokémon. Onix and Geodude were being scrubbed down, with Brock humming a tune as he worked. Ash hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to bring up the subject. He knew how much Pikachu hated needles, and the thought of a blood test was already making him feel anxious for his buddy.
"Hey, Brock," Ash said as he approached, trying to keep his voice casual.
Brock looked up from polishing Geodude’s rocky exterior. "Hey, Ash! What’s up?"
Ash scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Uh, well, Misty said it’s time for Pikachu’s... uh... B-L-O-O-D T-E-S-T."
Brock raised an eyebrow, clearly confused for a moment. "His what?"
"You know," Ash said, lowering his voice as if Pikachu could somehow hear them all the way across camp. "His... B-L-O-O-D T-E-S-T."
Brock blinked. “You can just say ‘blood test,’ Ash."
Ash groaned, realizing his attempt to spell it out wasn’t doing him any favors. "I know, but Pikachu really hates... you know... N-E-E-D-L-E-S. Like, seriously hates them.”
Brock chuckled, wiping his hands on a towel as he stood up. “Most Pokémon aren’t too fond of needles, but we’ve got to do it. Pikachu's been battling non-stop, and it’s important to make sure he’s healthy. It’s just a routine thing."
Ash frowned, glancing back in the direction of where Misty was holding Pikachu. “I get that, but I don’t want him to freak out. Last time we had to do this, Pikachu nearly zapped the entire Pokémon Center.”
Brock grinned, remembering the incident. “Yeah, Nurse Joy was not too happy about that."
“Exactly!" Ash sighed. "So... do you think there’s any way we could, I don’t know, make it easier on him? Like maybe... not use a needle?"
Brock gave Ash a sympathetic smile. “I wish there was, but we need a small blood sample. It’s the best way to check for any issues, especially since Pikachu’s been through some tough battles recently."
Ash's shoulders slumped. “Yeah, I get it. I just don’t want Pikachu to think I’m putting him through something bad.”
Brock patted Ash on the back. “I know you don’t want to see Pikachu upset, but trust me, this is for his own good. I’ll make sure it’s quick, and I’ll be as gentle as possible.”
Ash sighed, knowing Brock was right. “I guess we don’t have much of a choice. But could you maybe give him something to calm him down first?”
Brock nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll give him a little treat before we start. Sometimes food can distract them long enough to get the job done. And hey, if you’re there with him, it might help him stay calm too.”
Ash perked up at that idea. “Yeah, I’ll stay with him. I’ll talk to him the whole time so he knows I’m there."
“Good idea," Brock said. "Just keep it light and reassuring. Pikachu trusts you more than anyone.”
Ash smiled, feeling a bit better. “Okay, thanks, Brock. Let’s get this over with so Pikachu can get back to playing.”
Brock nodded, picking up his supplies and heading back toward the camp with Ash, ready to face the challenge of Pikachu’s blood test together.
Ash pulled out a small bottle of ketchup from his backpack, knowing that it was Pikachu's ultimate weakness. Pikachu’s eyes lit up immediately when he saw the bottle, his ears perking up with excitement.
"Easy, Pikachu," Ash said with a chuckle as he squeezed some ketchup onto a plate. Pikachu stuck his tongue out playfully, ready to devour his favorite condiment in one go.
But just as Pikachu started licking the ketchup, his eyes darted to Brock, who was approaching with the dreaded medical bag. Pikachu froze, realizing what was about to happen. Without a second thought, he bolted.
“Pikachu, wait!” Ash shouted as Pikachu dashed off, leaving the half-finished ketchup behind.
Ash sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Well, that went well."
Brock blinked, looking from the bag in his hand to where Pikachu had disappeared. "Uh... what?! He ran off before we even started!"
"Yeah, I kind of expected that," Ash said, watching Pikachu’s little form disappear into the trees. "Pikachu can sense that bag from a mile away. I thought the ketchup would work longer."
Brock sighed. "Ash, we need to catch him before this turns into a wild Pikachu chase." He glanced at the ketchup plate Pikachu had abandoned. "Guess that wasn’t enough of a distraction after all."
Ash grinned sheepishly. “Well, it worked for a minute. I just didn’t think he’d be so fast!"
“Pikachu is always fast when it comes to dodging needles," Brock said with a grin. "But we’ve gotta get him back. He can’t run forever.”
Ash nodded, determination filling his voice. “Alright, let’s go find him. And maybe bring more ketchup.”
" Pikachu?" Ash called. " Where are you?*
" Pikachu!" Brock shouted.
" Piiiiikachu?* Misty said through the forest, her voice echoing through the trees
Ash turned to them. " Where is he?"
Misty sighed as she looked around. " He's not here, that's for sure."
Suddenly, they saw an apple fall to the ground.
And ash had a feeling he knew who it was from.
He went to the tree, and looked up. " Pikachu!"
Pikachu didn't look at Ash. He frowned slightly.
" Pikachu, what's the matter?" He asked as he started to climb the tree.
" Pika... Pi." He said, his voice shakey.
" Oh, Pikachu!" Ash stood on his tippie toes and reached for his Pikachu, hugging him close when he was in Ash's loving arms.
" It's okay, Pikachu. Don't cry. I'm here now." He muttered softly as Pikachu burried his face in Ash's black shirt.
" Ash?" Misty called. " You should come down now. You're on your tippie toes on a branch in a tree that can break at any second."
Ash carefully balanced himself on the branch, still holding Pikachu close. He looked down at Misty and Brock below, then back at Pikachu, who was trembling slightly in his arms.
"You're okay, buddy," Ash whispered, gently rubbing Pikachu's back. "I'm not letting anything happen to you. Not now, not ever."
"Pika... Pika pi," Pikachu mumbled into Ash’s shirt, still a bit shaken.
Misty called up again, her voice a little more urgent. "Ash, seriously, that branch looks like it’s about to snap!"
Ash swallowed nervously, realizing just how high up they were. He looked around for a safe way down but couldn’t see an easy path. The branch creaked ominously under his weight, making his heart race.
Brock held his arms out, ready to catch them if needed. "Ash, just stay calm. You can pass Pikachu down, and we’ll get you out of there."
Ash took a deep breath, still holding Pikachu tightly. "Okay, Pikachu," he whispered softly, "I need you to be brave for me, okay? I’m going to get us out of here."
Pikachu blinked up at Ash, his large eyes filled with trust. "Pika pi!"
Ash carefully shifted his weight, keeping one hand on the trunk of the tree for balance. "Alright, buddy, hold tight."
Slowly, Ash crouched down and carefully passed Pikachu down to Brock. Brock caught Pikachu gently, holding him close. "Got him!" Brock called up, his voice steady.
With Pikachu safe, Ash carefully started his descent from the tree, testing each step as he moved. The branch creaked one more time, but Ash finally managed to get his footing and jumped down the last few feet, landing beside Brock and Misty.
Misty exhaled in relief. "That was way too close."
Ash patted Pikachu’s head as Brock handed him back. "See, Pikachu? Everything’s fine now. Let’s get you checked up, and then we can go home. No more running, okay?"
Pikachu looked up at Ash, his eyes still a bit watery but more at ease now. "Pika..." he nodded, snuggling into Ash’s arms.
Ash smiled, relieved. "Thanks for not letting go, buddy."
Brock sighed with a smirk. "Let’s just hope the next part goes a little smoother."
As they walked back to camp, Pikachu perched comfortably on Ash's head, a familiar sight. Except this time, Pikachu was wearing Ash’s signature hat, tilted slightly to the side.
Ash glanced up and chuckled. "Hey! That's mine!" he said, reaching up to adjust the hat on Pikachu’s head.
"Pika pi!" Pikachu grinned mischievously, tugging the hat down over his eyes and holding it firmly in place with his tiny paws.
Misty giggled. "Looks like Pikachu’s not giving it back anytime soon."
Brock laughed too. "I’d say it suits him. He might even wear it better than you, Ash."
Ash gave a mock huff, pretending to be offended. "Oh, come on! I’ve been wearing this hat for years! Now Pikachu steals it and suddenly he looks better in it?"
Pikachu giggled from atop Ash's head, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Ash shook his head, smiling as they continued walking. "Alright, alright, you win this time, buddy. But I’m getting it back once we’re done with your checkup!"
"Pika!" Pikachu chirped, as if accepting the challenge.
When they finally arrived back at camp, Pikachu wasted no time. He leaped off Ash’s head, darting straight for Ash’s bag. Before anyone could react, Pikachu had already popped open a bottle of ketchup and started guzzling it down.
“Pikachu, what are you—?” Ash began, but it was too late. Pikachu was on his third bottle in no time.
By the time Pikachu finished his fifth bottle, Ash was standing there, mouth aga
pe, in utter disbelief. "PIKACHU!!!!!" Ash yelled, exasperated.
Pikachu paused mid-lick, looking up innocently, ketchup smeared all over his face. "Pika...?" He blinked, wide-eyed, as if unsure why Ash was upset.
Misty covered her mouth to stifle a laugh, and Brock just shook his head. "Well, at least we know how to distract him."
Ash threw his hands up in the air. "Yeah, but at this rate, he’ll need a check-up and a diet plan!"
A few minutes later, after Pikachu had finished his ketchup feast and settled down, Brock set up his medical supplies with a determined look on his face. Pikachu, however, was nowhere to be found—he had cleverly hidden himself behind a tree, watching cautiously from a distance.
Brock sighed. "Alright, Ash, we need to get this over with. Pikachu’s still hiding, so we’ll have to wait. Let me check your arm in the meantime. Just keep still for a second."
Ash shrugged. “Sure, why not? It’s not like I’m gonna be the one getting poked.”
Brock prepped the syringe and took hold of Ash’s arm. “Just stay still, Ash, this will only take a second.”
Ash raised an eyebrow. “Wait, what are you doing, Brock? You’re not taking my blood, right? Pikachu’s the one who needs—”
“OW!” Ash yelped, jerking his arm back suddenly. His voice echoed through the forest, scaring off a flock of Pidgey that were perched nearby. "BROCK! What the heck was that for?!"
Brock grimaced, rubbing his temples in frustration. “Ash, keep your arm still! I only need five seconds!”
"Five seconds?!" Ash winced, rubbing his arm. "It felt like you stabbed me!"
Misty couldn’t help but burst out laughing from the side. "Ash, you’re worse than Pikachu!"
Ash shot her a look as he shook his arm, clearly still stinging from the surprise jab. “I didn’t sign up to be the patient today!”
Brock sighed deeply, his patience running thin. “Ash, I was just trying to demonstrate, but if you keep flailing like that, we’re never going to finish.”
"Demonstrate?! On me?!" Ash looked horrified. “You could’ve just explained it instead!”
Brock glanced over at Pikachu, who was peeking out from behind the tree with wide, curious eyes, still staying well out of reach. "Well, Pikachu sure isn’t coming any closer after hearing all that yelling."
Ash grumbled, still massaging his arm. “Great, now I’ve scared him off *and* got stuck for nothing.”
Brock sighed, lowering the syringe. "Okay, let’s regroup. Maybe we can bribe Pikachu with more ketchup—"
"NO!" Ash and Misty both said in unison.
Pikachu, still hiding behind the tree, let out a quiet, amused “Pika-pi” as he watched the chaos unfold from his safe spot.
Two hours had passed, and despite all their efforts, Pikachu was no closer to letting Brock anywhere near him with that needle. In fact, Pikachu had taken a strong stance against both Brock and Misty, treating them with suspicious glares whenever they approached. But when it came to Ash? Well, that was a different story.
Pikachu nestled comfortably in Ash’s lap as they sat by the campfire, his cheeks occasionally sparking, but he seemed calm for the most part. Ash was stroking Pikachu’s back, trying to coax him into trusting the group again.
"Come on, buddy," Ash said gently, scratching Pikachu behind the ears. "It’s just Brock. He didn’t mean to hurt me—or you! It’s just a little... you know, routine check-up."
"Pika-chuu," Pikachu muttered, leaning into Ash’s touch but shooting Brock and Misty a wary glance from across the camp. Brock sat on a log, looking defeated as he poked the campfire with a stick. Misty sighed, sitting next to him, arms crossed.
"I don’t get it," Misty said, shaking her head. "He was perfectly fine with me yesterday. Now he’s acting like we’re the bad guys."
Brock shrugged, still staring at the flames. "Can you blame him? After I accidentally poked Ash instead of him, I’d be spooked too."
Ash chuckled softly, but his expression was sympathetic. "Yeah, that wasn’t your best moment, Brock."
"Thanks, Ash," Brock said dryly, rolling his eyes. “I’ll remember that next time.”
Ash continued petting Pikachu, trying to stay upbeat. "Look, Pikachu, Brock’s not going to hurt you. I promise. Right, Brock?"
Brock raised both hands in mock surrender. "I come in peace, Pikachu. No needles for now. Scout’s honor."
But Pikachu wasn’t buying it. He turned his head away from Brock, snuggling closer to Ash’s chest and letting out a soft, stubborn “Pika.”
Misty, exasperated, stood up. "Well, great. Now he doesn’t like me either! What did I do?"
Ash laughed lightly. "I think he’s just sticking to the one person he feels safe with for now." He looked down at Pikachu and smiled. "Right, buddy?"
Pikachu gave a tiny nod but didn’t make eye contact with Brock or Misty, his trust clearly reserved for Ash alone.
"Well, this is going to be fun," Brock muttered, leaning back against the tree. "How are we supposed to get Pikachu to cooperate if he won’t even let us get close?"
Ash looked at Pikachu, then back at his friends. "We’ll figure something out. For now, let’s just give him some space. We’ve got time, right?"
Misty and Brock exchanged glances, both nodding reluctantly.
"Yeah, we’ve got time," Misty said with a sigh. "I just hope Pikachu eventually forgives us."
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