Beach day Vacation
Ash sighed and threw his body onto the beach mat as he put on some sunglasses. " Well, Misty, this week we can relax."
Misty giggled. " I can't believe you're the same boy who was trying NOT to get sent on this vacation back at the lab."
Ash opened an eye. " People can change."
Misty rolled her eyes. " The only reason you came was because I wanted to, and we all know that. No one changes your mind as fast as I do."
" In some matters." Ash put in.
Brock walked over with the bags. " Guys, help me!"
Misty and Ash ran to pick some of the fallen luggage.
Brock glanced over at the couple and raised a brow. " You two are ready fast."
Ash shrugged nonchalantly. " Let's check in."
" Pika!"
Ash ran into the professor's laboratory one morning, Brock and Misty trailing behind.
" Ash, wait up!" Brock called.
Ash looked back. " Can't! The professor called me for something urgent."
" At least look ahead!" Misty yelled back.
" Don't worry! I know this place like the back of my hand!"
Misty sighed. " Well, that's true..... Fine. But don't come crying to me when you fall down."
" I won't!" Ash exclaimed back
Misty sighed and shrugged. " Let's go, I suppose."
" Professor Oak? I'm here!" Ash cried as he stepped into the Observatory and wiped his feet. " Uh..... Professor?"
" They're probably upstairs." Misty piped up.
" You think so?* Ash replied.
" They were up there the last few times we've come." Brock reminded.
" Fair."
Pikachu, Ash, and the other two ran up the stairs and into each room.
Ash went into Gary's room. " Gary?"
He checked the bathroom. " Gary?"
He checked the closet. " Gaaaaary?"
He even checked Gary's bed.
" He's not here." Ash said as he walked out the door
Brock and Misty didn't have much luck either.
Then Misty snapped her fingers. " The living room!"
Ash gasped. " How didn't I think of that?"
He ran down the stairs and through the doorway.
" Hi Gary!" Ash exclaimed. " Hi professor!"
The Oaks looked up. " Hiya Ash." Gary said
" Hello, my boy. How are you?* Oak asked
Ash took a seat. " Good. What about you?*
" Fine, thank you. What are you doing here anyway?"
Brock sat down next to Ash. " You called us, remember?"
" Ah, yes. Ash, we have big news. Well, Gary does. Though you might not like it."
Ash turned to his friend. " Let's hear it."
Gary crossed his arms. " Ash, we've decided you need a vacation."
Ash stayed still for a few seconds
Then he burst out laughing.
" That's silly!" He said though laughs. " I can't rest!"
" You need your energy, Ash." Oak said.
Ash stopped laughing. He turned away. " Professor..... I can't."
" Why not?"
" Because Ash doesn't want a repeat of the Indigo League." Gary said to his Grandpa.
Oak raised a brow. " But he has no Leagues."
Gary walked up to Ash and pat his back. " Don't worry, Ash. You'll be great this time."
Ash shook his head. " No! I.... I can't."
She turned to his GF and Brock. " If you two want to go, go. I have.... To go train."
Gary stopped him by grabbing his arm. " Ash, you need this!"
" Gary, eame-"
" Ash, remember what happened last time threw you off, but this time you'll be better."
Ash pulled his arm away from Gary, his face conflicted. He glanced at Misty and Brock, then back at Professor Oak, who was looking at him with concern.
"But Gary, you don't get it," Ash muttered, his eyes dropping to the floor. "If I stop, even for a little bit, it feels like... I'm letting everyone down. I have to keep training if I want to get better."
Misty stepped forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Ash, you train every day. A week off isn't going to change that. You'll just come back stronger. And besides," she added with a small smile, "you could use a break from all those battles and badges."
Ash sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, but... I don't want to end up like last time. Losing because I wasn't prepared enough."
Gary crossed his arms. "Ash, sometimes training too hard can mess with you just as much as not training at all. And that's what I'm worried about. You're always pushing yourself, and that's great, but there's more to being the best than battling 24/7."
Ash looked around at all of them, feeling the weight of their concern. "I... guess I could give it a try," he said, his voice reluctant but warming up to the idea. "But I don't really know how to relax."
Gary grinned. "Well, that's what I'm here for, Ashy-boy. Trust me-by the end of this week, you'll be a relaxation expert."
Ash couldn't help but laugh a little, though he still looked unsure. "Alright, fine. But if I see a single battle opportunity, I'm going for it!"
Professor Oak chuckled. "Fair enough, Ash. Now, why don't you all pack up? Your relaxing adventure awaits!"
" Here is your room." Joy said as she unlocked a door.
Everyone gasped. " Woooooooah."
Joy smiled. " Feel free to relax in the sun at any time."
Ash threw his Kanto starter Pokemon. " Let's go!"
Charmander Squirtle and Bulbasaur jumped out.
" Go have fun, you three." Ash said. " I have to go somewhere. Stay with Misty, got it?"
The Pokemon nodded, and Ash walked out the door, Pikachu following.
Misty and Brock stared after. " Should we.....?" Misty asked
" I think he wants to be alone and think, Misty." Brock said.
Misty sighed. " Fiiiine. I suppose we can let him."
Ash kicked a rock. " Stupid vacations.... I don't want a vacation....."
" Pika?"
Ash turned to see his Pikachu hurry after him.
" Sorry, buddy. Am I walking too fast?"
" Chu. Pikapi."
Ash chuckled nervously. " Sorry."
Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder. " Chuuuu!"
Ash looked.
There was a shell.
" Oh. Have I never shown you a shell, Pikachu?"
Pikachu shook his head
Ash chuckled. " Why don't we go find some? And along the way we can even catch some Pokemon! And I'll tell you stories about when I was little!"
" Chuuuu? Pika?"
Ash looked at him. " Huh?"
Pikachu opened his eyes wider and made his fur stick to one side.
" GARY?!" Ash yelled. " How did you learn to do that?! I know Brock and the other Pokemon, but GARY, of all people?"
Pikachu nodded and crossed his arms.
" Gary and I have no history. We're just rivals."
Pikachu gave his trainer a look.
" Don't look at me like that."
Pikachu raised a brow.
Ash sighed, scratching his head. "Okay, maybe some history," he admitted. "But it’s not like we're best friends or anything."
Pikachu kept staring, his arms still crossed, clearly unconvinced.
"Fine, fine!" Ash threw his hands up in defeat. "So maybe Gary and I were friends when we were little. He used to show me how to catch bugs and stuff, but that was ages ago. Now all he does is try to one-up me!"
Pikachu's expression softened as he watched Ash. “Pika pika,” he chirped, patting Ash's cheek with his tiny paw.
Ash gave Pikachu a small smile. "I know, buddy. Maybe… I guess maybe it wouldn’t hurt to think of him as more than just a rival sometimes."
Just then, Ash spotted another shell on the shore, glinting in the sunlight. "Hey, look! Another shell, Pikachu!" He picked it up, holding it out to his Pokémon. "See? This is what I used to do before all the battles and badges and everything. Just wandering around, finding cool stuff. I didn’t have to worry about being the best."
Pikachu smiled and nudged the shell, his eyes bright with curiosity.
Ash chuckled. "I guess this vacation isn’t so bad, huh? Just me, you, and maybe a few memories I’ve been avoiding."
Pikachu nuzzled Ash’s cheek, and for the first time since he’d arrived, Ash felt himself relax. "Alright, let's find some more shells… and maybe even a wild Pokémon or two, for old times' sake."
He started down the beach, Pikachu by his side, both of them content with the calmness of the waves and the sun warming their path forward.
Ash grinned as he held up his last Pokéball. "Look, Pikachu! We did it! A Mantine, Tynamo, Palafin, Slowbro, and Spheal! Not bad for a 'day off,' huh?"
He turned to show Pikachu, but froze, blinking in surprise.
Pikachu was lounging on a beach rock, wearing two large seashells on his chest and a skirt made of palm leaves, sipping from a coconut with a tiny paper umbrella sticking out of it.
Ash stifled a laugh. “Really, buddy? We’re on a serious Pokémon adventure, and you're here playing hula girl?”
Pikachu gave a lazy shrug and sipped from his coconut, looking absolutely unbothered.
Ash sighed and shook his head, grinning. "I guess one of us is actually taking this vacation seriously. Alright, alright—keep chilling, Pikachu."
Pikachu winked and lifted his coconut in a mini toast, prompting Ash to laugh. This vacation might have some surprises, but with Pikachu by his side, he knew it'd be unforgettable.
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