
“ Welcome to the stage….. Leonard Duvansci!”
The crowd let out a cheer, and the blonde haired boy came out, wearing a smirk and a bow tie..
“ And the competitor…..” The announcer’s voice suddenly turned excited. “ The POkemon master, with his unusual first pokemon. Presenting…. Ash Ketchum from Pallet!”
Ash slowly walked into the bright light and waved.
Everyone remained silent.
Then, cheers. 
Ash smiled and he walked to his circle. “ Hello, everyone!” He yelled.
Before he could say anything else, a guard yelled, “ CATCH THAT VAPOREON!!”
Ash squinted his eyes as he saw a running figure approach. It looked like a regular Vaporeon.
But this one wore a locket.
A very familiar locket.
Ash stared, mouth open, but then opened his arms. The Vaporion jumped, and swirls enveloped her.
Ash caught her, and when the mist disappeared, everyone gasped.
“ Wisty!” Ash laughed. “ What are you doing here?”
Wisty looked up, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “ Saying hello to you, silly! I haven’t seen you for so long!”
She took a shaky breath, and Ash hugged her tight. “ Wisty, don't cry. I’m fine.”
“ I’m not crying in sadness.” She whispered. “ I’m so proud.”
Ash looked down at her, confused.
Then he smiled.
Wisty was one of the only people Ash knew which would break the rules of the field to say she was proud.
But Wisty wasn’t done. “ When you left a month ago, a bunch of people were hesitant you would do what you were sent to do. I was hesitant, but for a different reason. I wasn;t sure you would return. I mean, you seemed so happy last time I called. But here you are. You’re alive, you’re here to battle, and you still remember your family. You, Ash Kechums, are the only one reason I grew to be the girl I am”
Ash remained silent.
Then, he pulled his head down, and a tear slipped out of his eye. Wisty smiled and nudged him. “ So……  you ready to battle?”
She turned to the stuck up rich guy, and slowly walked to him. “ LIsten to me, you overgrown  mall. Don’t you dare bully my brother, and don’t you dare send your POkemon to hurt him. If you do, you will get it. DO. You. Hear. Me?”
The guy rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Wisy, go to the shed, okay? And stay there. Don’t come out under ANY circumstances. Understand?”
Wisty thought for a second “ mmmm, fine.”
Ash looked at her uncertainty as she skipped away. She was gonna come out of that shed at any cost, and there was no way she was gonna battle for him.
She was too young, anyway. She may be eight, but she’s already caught  a bunch of POkemonn.
And don’t worry, Oak let her.
Oak was so surprised when he found out she caught Pokemon like a ten year old.
…. Maybe it had something to do with the fact she liked to research a lot about the best way to catch.
.. And one night snuck out of the house and stole a Pokeball from Professor Oak’s lab without anyone knowing and caught Sprigatito.
And when Oak found out, he gave her permission to be a Pokemon trainer.
Anyway she released her Eevie and Girafarig.
“ Ready to watch my awesome brother?” She cheered.
The Pokemon all let out a cheer in their language, and Wisty smiled.
“ Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom. Stay here, got it?”
The Pokemon nodded, already watching Ash.
Wisty nodded. “ GOod.”
She ran outside of the tent and ran up the stairs, disappearing through the door.
Meanwhile, Ash and Leonardo were having the fight of their life! Pikachu had done  thunderbolt, and the…. Other Pikachu returned.
Ash groaned. “ This is getting us nowhere. Pikachu, return!”
The yellow mouse obeyed, and Ash took out a Pokeball. “ Charizard, I choose you!”
The red dragon flew out and let out a roar, sending everything in flames.
Including Leonardo’s Pikachu..
“ PIKA PIIIII!” it screamed.
Leonardo gasped. “ Pikachu, return!”
He took a pokeball out. “ Squirtle, I choose you!”
“ Squirtle?” Ash thought in his head. “ That's easy.”
“ Charizard, quick attack!” He yelled.
Leonardo smirked. “ Poor choice.”
But Charizard didn’t do the normal quick attack. INstead, he took a deep breath, and set Leonardo’s hair on fire.
“ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” he yelled, running around. “ SQUIRTLE, PUT IT OUT!!”
But Squirtle couldn’t.
Because Charizard had thrown it to the ground.
“ Squirtle is unable to battle. Ash is the winner of this round!” the announcer announced.
Everyone cheered.
“ That’s my boyfriend RIGHT there!: Someone yelled. Ash looked up, and saw the orange haired girl he had fallen in love with.
“ Hey, Misty!” Ash yelled.
Misty waved.

Brock waves too

" Hi, Brock!"

" Hiya, Ash! How you doin'?"

Before Ash could reply, he caught sight of Girafarig.

And that girafarig was wearing a bow on her mane.

With a raised brow, Ash walked to it. " What's up, Ivy?*

Then his eyes widened, and he climbed his mouth, and hoped Brock didn't hear

But he did

Ash groaned as Misty dragged a depressed Brock down the stairs. " Sorry. I forgot to tell her to change Girafarig's name."

" It's fine." Misty replied. " But why is her girafarig here?"

" Girafa!" Ivy had something in her mouth. Ash extended his arm. " Spit."

When she did, Ash rewarded her. " Good girafarig."

Then he saw the item. " Wisty's phone! But what.....?"

As Ash turned it around and around, trying to figure out why she would give this to him, Misty gave Pikachu an apple.

" Long time no see." She said.

" Pika pi!"

Then he saw Psyduck and hugged it. " Pika pi!*

" Psy!*

" Why did she give me her phone?* Ash muttered.

When he looked up to ask Ivy, she was gone!

" Wheezing, sludge attack!* James yelled.

" Wheezing!"

Wisty coughed away the sludge as Wheezing sprayed it on their opponent. " This is really weird." She coughed. " Fighting alongside the three people who want to catch Pikachu so bad."

Jessie shot her a look. " We don't have time to dwell on that! We need to put these two back where they belong - a cell!"

The opposing team was deep in a heated argument, clearly having a falling out while their Pokémon battled. Butch was yelling something about Cassidy not listening to his plans, and Cassidy retorted about his strategies always failing.

Wisty, glancing over her shoulder, smirked. "At least their arguing makes it easier for us."

James pumped his fist. "For once, the tables are turned in our favor!"

"Don’t jinx it!" Meowth hissed, standing nearby, claws at the ready.

Ash, still busy in his battle against Leonardo in the arena, had no idea what was happening just outside the stadium. Misty was chatting with Brock as they both cheered for Ash, oblivious to the fight that was taking place between the two teams of Rocket agents.

Back in the chaos, Wisty gritted her teeth and stepped forward. "All right, let’s wrap this up!" she shouted, signaling to her Girafarig, Ivy, who had somehow reappeared at her side.

"Use Psybeam!" Wisty commanded.

Ivy's eyes glowed bright as she unleashed a colorful beam of psychic energy, hitting Cassidy’s Raticate head-on and sending it tumbling across the ground. Butch’s Primeape was close behind, dodging Jessie’s Wobbuffet’s counterattacks as it tried to regain control.

"Primeape, Focus Punch!" Butch yelled, his voice rising in desperation.

But it was too late. Ivy’s Psybeam knocked both Pokémon down in one swift blow.

"Wheezing, Sludge Bomb, go!" James added, sending a follow-up attack straight at Cassidy and Butch, covering them in muck.

"NOOOOOO!" Cassidy shrieked, throwing her hands up as the sludge rained down on her.

Wisty and the Team Rocket trio high-fived triumphantly, momentarily setting aside their differences. But as the dust settled, Jessie quickly turned serious again. "Now, back to more important matters—like stealing Pikachu!"

Wisty crossed her arms, giving Jessie a sharp look. "Don’t even think about it."

Jessie huffed. "Oh, fine."

Wisty wiped sweat from her forehead and smiled as the last of Cassidy and Butch’s team disappeared. She turned to Jessie, James, and Meowth. "Looks like we're done here."

Jessie grinned, striking a pose. "Victory is ours!"

Wisty chuckled. "For now. But don’t get used to me helping you guys."

James bowed dramatically. "We’ll take whatever help we can get!"

Meowth nodded. "Anything to avoid Cassidy and Butch."

With a final wave, Wisty turned on her heel, ready to return to the stadium. "Now, time to check on my brother."

Unbeknownst to her, trouble was always just around the corner. But for now, she walked with a smile, knowing she’d always be there to support Ash—no matter what crazy situation she found herself in.

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