Baby Ash

Misty held baby Ash at arm’s length, staring down at him with a mix of frustration and amusement. "So, you're telling me there's NO WAY we can change him back until it wears off?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Brock sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck. "Unfortunately, yeah. There's nothing we can do except wait it out. The effects should wear off eventually."

Misty looked down at baby Ash, who was now staring up at her with wide eyes and... sticking his tongue out at her. She blinked, then let out a soft laugh. "Well, at least he's still Ash!"

The baby version of Ash giggled in response, clearly enjoying the attention.

Brock chuckled as well. "Yeah, but now we’ve got to take care of him until he’s back to normal. I hope you’re ready for that."

Misty looked at baby Ash, who was now tugging at a strand of her hair. "Oh boy," she sighed, shaking her head with a smile. "This is going to be interesting."

" Brock! We need milk here!" Misty yelled as she stared at a red faced Ash.

" Hold on!" Brock yelled back, shaking the formula and kneeling before the couch. He gently supported Ash's head with one hand and fed him with the other.

" You're good." Misty commented.

Brock looked at her briefly. " I've had experience with my little brothers and sisters."

Misty chuckled. " It shows."

Brock turned to Ash, who had drunk about.... Two sips.

That's it.

" Ash, come on! Drink a little more?" Brock pleaded.

Ash didn't.

" Ash, if you drink this, we'll take you Pokemon hunting!" Misty coaxed.

Still nothing.

Misty sighed as she watched baby Ash stubbornly refuse to drink more milk. "Maybe Pikachu will have better luck," she said, glancing over at Pikachu, who was watching with a curious tilt of its head.

"Pika?" Pikachu chirped, hopping up onto the couch beside baby Ash.

Brock handed Pikachu the bottle. "Alright, buddy, see if you can convince him."

Pikachu looked at the bottle, then at Ash, and gave an encouraging "Pika pika!" as it nudged the bottle toward him.

Baby Ash blinked, then smiled at Pikachu. He reached out for the bottle, but instead of drinking from it, he shook it playfully, splashing formula everywhere.

"Pika!" Pikachu flinched as some of the milk hit its face.

Misty groaned, wiping her face as she narrowly avoided the splatter. "Great, now it's a game to him."

Brock chuckled despite himself, wiping the milk off his shirt. "Well, at least he's having fun."

Misty shook her head, a small smile creeping onto her face. "I guess we should be happy he's back to his old stubborn self, even as a baby."

Brock sighed, leaning back. "This is going to be a long day."

" Uh, Brock?" Misty called. " He needs a diaper change!"

Brock came at once. " You might want to look away " he advised.

Misty nodded. " Yeah, I'll get his bath ready."

Brock gently unbuttoned baby Ash’s onesie, making sure to keep his movements slow and calm. "Hey, Ash," he cooed softly, "let’s get you all cleaned up, okay?"

Ash, being a baby, just stared up at Brock with wide eyes, kicking his legs slightly. He seemed more interested in playing with his tiny hands than realizing what was about to happen.

Brock winced slightly as he unfastened the diaper. "Oof, yeah, we definitely need to get you changed."

Misty, hearing this from the bathroom, called out, "How bad is it?"

"Let’s just say you’ll be glad you’re getting that bath ready," Brock replied, grabbing a fresh diaper and wipes.

Ash giggled as Brock made funny faces while quickly cleaning him up. "You're lucky you're cute," Brock muttered under his breath with a smirk.

With the diaper changed, Brock wrapped Ash back up in his little onesie, zipping it up. "All set, buddy."

Misty peeked in from the bathroom. "Bath's ready! Hand him over."

Brock carefully lifted Ash, who was now happily babbling, and handed him to Misty. "Alright, your turn. Good luck with bath time."

Misty rolled her eyes but smiled. "Thanks, Brock. And thanks for handling the... 'messy' part."

Misty carefully lowered baby Ash into the water, but the moment his toe touched the water, he let out a loud, ear-piercing scream. Startled, Misty almost dropped him. "Ah! Ash, no!" she yelped, trying to hold on to the slippery baby.

Brock, hearing the commotion, ran back in. "The baby's slipping!" he shouted, rushing to help.

Ash, now wriggling like a fish, managed to smack Misty in the face with his tiny hands while kicking his legs wildly. "Ash! Stop it!" Misty cried, her voice half-laughing, half-exasperated as she struggled to keep a grip on the squirmy baby.

Brock finally reached them and quickly grabbed Ash from Misty’s arms before he could wiggle free. "Got him!" Brock said, holding Ash at arm’s length. Ash, for his part, was still flailing and managed to land a soft smack on Brock's cheek this time.

"Wow, he’s one slippery little guy!" Misty said, rubbing her cheek. "You’d think he’d love water."

"Well, maybe baby Ash isn't a fan of baths," Brock said, cradling Ash more securely now. "We’ll just have to be quick."

Misty sighed. "Quick is the only option, or we're going to end up with bruises at this rate."

Five minutes later, Misty and Brock sat on the couch, completely soaked from head to toe, while baby Ash, now wrapped snugly in a towel, giggled happily in Brock’s arms.

Misty sniffled, shivering slightly. "I think I caught a cold or something," she muttered, wiping her nose with the back of her hand and glaring playfully at Ash, who was oblivious to the chaos he had caused. "That was the most intense bath I’ve ever given anyone."

Brock, ever the serious one, looked at Misty with genuine concern. "A cold? Already? You should rest. Maybe I should make some herbal tea or something."

Misty blinked at him, her eyebrows raised. "Brock, I was just kidding. I mean, I’m soaked, but I don’t actually have a cold."

Brock furrowed his brow and reached for his backpack. "No, no. You could be coming down with something. It’s best to be safe. I have some herbs that’ll help boost your immune system. Let me make you some tea."

Misty sighed, shaking her head. "Brock, seriously, I’m fine."

But Brock was already rummaging through his supplies. "I’m telling you, Misty, you should never underestimate a cold. The symptoms can sneak up on you, especially after a cold bath like that." He pulled out a packet of herbs and a small kettle. "It’s best to treat it right away."

Misty crossed her arms, watching him. "Brock, it was just a joke. You don’t need to—"

Brock wasn’t listening. He was busy heating up water on a small portable stove. "I’ll have this tea ready in no time. Just drink it, and you’ll feel better in the morning."

Misty groaned. "You really are hopeless sometimes."

Ash, still in Brock’s arms, cooed happily, waving his tiny hands and looking from Brock to Misty like this was the most entertaining thing ever.

Misty leaned back on the couch and rubbed her temples. "I can’t believe we’re stuck with baby Ash for who knows how long. I’m soaked, I’m exhausted, and I think I’ve been smacked in the face at least ten times today."

Brock chuckled. "Yeah, he’s definitely a handful. But hey, he’s still Ash. Just… smaller."

Misty smiled despite herself. "Yeah, smaller. And more slippery."

Ash giggled and reached out for Misty, his tiny hands grabbing for her hair. "Pika!" he babbled, mimicking the sound of his beloved Pikachu.

Misty leaned in, letting Ash grab her finger. "You better hope this wears off soon, Ash. I don’t think I can handle another bath time like that."

Brock set the kettle aside, letting it steep as he turned back to them. "Well, at least he’s happy now. That’s what matters, right?"

Misty glanced at Ash, who was now chewing on his tiny fist, looking as content as could be. "Yeah, I guess. But next time, *you* get to bathe him. I’m officially retiring from baby duty."

Brock laughed. "Fair enough. But don’t worry, if you do catch a cold, I’ll take care of everything."

Misty rolled her eyes but smiled. "You’re way too responsible for your own good, Brock."

Ash suddenly let out a small sneeze, and Misty and Brock both froze.

"Did *he* just catch a cold?" Misty asked, wide-eyed.

Brock looked down at the baby in his arms and sighed. "Well, if he did, we’re definitely in for it." He shook his head with a chuckle. "Guess I better make some baby-friendly herbal tea too."

Misty groaned, burying her face in her hands. "This is going to be a long day, isn’t it?"

Brock nodded solemnly. "Yep. And probably a long night too."

Soon, Ash had settled into a routine of mischief that involved kicking shins whenever he was excited. It became his new favorite pastime.

Misty was the first to feel the brunt of it. “Oww!” she yelped as Ash’s tiny foot made contact with her shin again. “Seriously, Ash! What did I ever do to you?” She rubbed her leg, shooting a playful glare at the giggling baby.

Brock chuckled, shaking his head as he picked up the first aid kit. “Let me take a look,” he said, kneeling beside Misty.

Misty lifted her pant leg to reveal a red mark on her shin. “It’s just a little bruise. I’m fine, really,” she insisted, though it stung.

Brock inspected the area closely. “No, it’s definitely red. You need to treat it.” He sprayed a soothing antiseptic on the bruise. “This should help,” he said, watching as the mist settled on her skin.

“Thanks, Brock. Just be careful with the spray!” Misty winced slightly, but it didn’t hurt as much as she expected.

Brock took out a soft bandage and wrapped it around her leg gently. “All done! Just keep an eye on it. If it gets worse, let me know.”

Misty smiled, grateful for his help. “You’re such a mom sometimes, Brock.”

He shrugged with a grin. “It’s called being responsible. Someone has to keep you two in check!”

Just then, Ash let out a giggle and kicked Brock’s shin, eliciting an immediate reaction from him. “Hey! Not me too!” he exclaimed, feigning horror.

Misty burst into laughter. “Looks like you’re next on his kicking spree, Brock!”

Brock shook his head, trying to contain his amusement as he rubbed his shin. “I guess I should have seen that coming. You know, I was hoping baby Ash would be a little less... active.”

Misty chuckled. “We should probably childproof everything at this point. Who knows what else he’ll get into?”

Just then, Ash clapped his hands and made a grab for Misty’s hair again, giving it a hearty tug.

“Hey! No hair pulling!” Misty exclaimed, trying to gently push his hands away.

Brock laughed, watching the playful struggle. “You’ve really got your hands full, Misty. But hey, at least he’s still our Ash, just a little more... kick-happy.”

“Yeah, just a bit!” Misty agreed, rolling her eyes playfully.

“Pika!” Ash squealed, raising his arms as if to say he was ready for more mischief.

Brock and Misty exchanged amused glances. “Well, let’s just hope he doesn’t decide to kick more than just shins!” Misty said, stifling a laugh.

Brock nodded, rubbing his own shin again. “I think we’re in for a wild ride with this baby Ash.”

Misty shook her head in disbelief, but her smile was wide. “Let’s just hope we survive until he’s back to normal!”

Just as Misty was catching her breath from the last round of kicks, Ash’s little foot swung upward, and—bam!—his heel connected with Misty’s chin.

“OW!” she yelped, clutching her face. “Ash, please don’t! Please!” Tears sprang to her eyes from the sudden pain, and she bit her lip to hold back a whimper.

Brock jumped to his feet, concern flooding his face. “Easy, Misty, easy!” He rushed over, kneeling beside her. “Are you okay?”

Misty shook her head, still holding her chin. “It hurts, Brock! I think he’s trying to knock me out!” she half-laughed, half-cried, trying to lighten the mood despite the pain.

“Come on, buddy,” Brock said, turning his attention to Ash, who was gleefully oblivious to the chaos he was causing. “You can’t keep kicking Misty like that! It’s not nice!”

Ash just giggled, his laughter echoing through the room, completely unbothered by the effect of his antics.

Misty sniffled, wiping her eyes. “I know he doesn’t understand, but it really hurt!”

“Let me check,” Brock said, tilting her chin up gently. “You might just need some ice.” He glanced around, looking for something to help. “Misty, I’m sorry! I didn’t think he would kick like this!”

“It’s okay,” she said, trying to smile through the pain. “He’s still our Ash, even if he’s a little... aggressive right now.”

“Pika!” Ash chirped, reaching out toward her, as if sensing her discomfort. He crawled closer, his little arms outstretched in a clumsy attempt to hug her.

Misty couldn’t help but chuckle, despite her throbbing chin. “Aww, it’s okay, buddy,” she said softly, leaning down to him. “Just don’t kick my face again, okay?”

Brock quickly got an ice pack from the freezer and handed it to Misty. “Here, hold this on your chin. It’ll help with the swelling,” he advised, watching her carefully as she pressed the pack against her skin.

“Thanks, Brock,” she replied, her voice steadying. “You’re always so prepared.”

“Just doing what I can,” he said, giving Ash a playful glare. “But this little guy needs to learn some boundaries!”

“Pika!” Ash exclaimed, reaching out for the ice pack, clearly wanting to join in the healing process.

“Not for you, Ash!” Misty laughed, pulling it away playfully. “You need to keep those feet to yourself!”

Brock smirked, watching Ash pout slightly. “Looks like he’s going to have to practice his kicks on something other than our shins and chins.”

“Yeah,” Misty agreed, rolling her eyes. “Like a pillow or something.”

“Or a punching bag,” Brock suggested. “We’ll make sure he gets all his energy out without taking us down in the process!”

“Sounds like a plan,” Misty said, finally feeling a little better. “But for now, let’s just keep him entertained and away from my chin!”

As the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, Misty and Brock prepared for what they hoped would be an uneventful feeding time for their baby Ash. They set up a high chair in the living room, placing a colorful bib around his neck that read “Super Trainer” in big, bold letters. Misty filled a small bowl with baby food—bright orange carrots and peas, looking as appetizing as it could for a baby.

“Okay, Ash! Time to eat!” Misty called cheerfully, scooping up a spoonful of the mushy mix.

But Ash just pouted, scrunching up his little face in distaste. “Nooo!” he whined, shaking his head vehemently.

Misty's smile faltered. “Come on, Ash! It’s good for you. You need to eat to grow strong!”

Brock walked over, sensing something wasn’t quite right. “Is everything okay?” he asked, looking at Misty and then at the reluctant baby.

Misty sighed, glancing back at the bowl. “I don’t know. He doesn’t want to eat.”

Brock frowned, thinking for a moment. “Hmmm…” He approached Ash, kneeling down to his level. He placed a gentle hand on Ash’s small tummy, feeling it. “Well, it feels empty,” he said, his brow furrowed in concern.

He leaned in closer, placing his ear against Ash’s belly. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered under his breath, feeling a bit silly. But he needed to be sure.

Suddenly, a low grumble echoed from Ash’s stomach, as if it were protesting the lack of food. Brock straightened up, his eyes widening. “Ash, your tummy is rumbling! It’s telling us it’s hungry!”

Ash’s frown deepened, his little hands balled into fists as he glared at Brock, clearly displeased. “No eat!” he insisted, his voice firm.

“Why not?” Brock asked, bewildered. “You love food, don’t you?”

Misty knelt beside them, brushing back some of Ash’s messy hair. “Do you feel okay? Are you sick?”

Ash shook his head, his little brows furrowing. “No sick. No eat!”

Misty exchanged a concerned glance with Brock. “What do we do if he doesn’t want to eat? He needs his energy!”

Brock scratched his head, trying to think of a solution. “Maybe he just needs something different? Something more exciting?”

“Like what?” Misty asked, tilting her head. “We’ve got carrots and peas, which are classics!”

Brock shrugged, suddenly inspired. “How about we try mixing it with some mashed banana? Babies love bananas! It’s sweet and delicious!”

Misty brightened up at the idea. “Great thinking, Brock! Let’s give it a shot!”

She dashed to the kitchen, leaving Brock with Ash. “Okay, little buddy,” he said, making silly faces to lighten the mood. “You know, if you don’t eat, you’ll get super tiny and won’t be able to catch any Pokémon!”

Ash’s expression softened a little, but he still crossed his arms defiantly. “No tiny!” he protested.

Misty returned with a ripe banana, quickly mashing it up and mixing it into the orange mush. “Look, Ash! We have a special treat just for you!”

She held out the spoon, presenting it like it was a treasure. “Let’s see if you like this better!”

With a skeptical look, Ash leaned forward and eyed the spoon. The vibrant colors and sweet aroma seemed to draw him in. Tentatively, he opened his mouth, allowing the spoon to slide in.

Misty and Brock watched eagerly as Ash’s face changed from one of doubt to surprise. His eyes widened, and he swallowed, clearly taken aback by the new flavor. “Mmm!” he squealed, his earlier reluctance forgotten.

“See? I knew you’d like it!” Misty cheered, her face lighting up. “You’re a good eater after all!”

Brock chuckled, feeling relieved. “Just needed to find the right mix, huh? Let’s keep going!”

With renewed enthusiasm, Ash began to open his mouth wider, eagerly accepting the spoonfuls of the mashed mixture. Brock and Misty took turns feeding him, laughing and joking as they tried to make it a game.

“Look out, here comes the Flying Pikachu!” Brock exclaimed, swooping the spoon toward Ash, who giggled and reached for it.

“Pika Pika!” Ash mimicked, pretending to catch the imaginary Pokémon.

They continued this playful banter, and soon enough, the bowl was nearly empty.

“See? Not so bad after all,” Misty said, wiping a bit of food from Ash’s cheek.

Brock smiled proudly. “You did great, buddy! And look, you ate almost all of it!”

Ash clapped his tiny hands, joy evident on his face. “Yay! More?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Let’s save some for later,” Misty said, laughing. “You don’t want to spoil your dinner!”

By the time dinner rolled around, Ash was now a five-year-old whirlwind of energy and curiosity. He darted around the living room, excitedly exploring everything within his tiny reach. The day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, but they had finally found their rhythm.

Brock was setting the table, glancing over at the little boy who was now inspecting every corner of the room. “Okay, let’s hope he ages to ten by the time we finish dinner,” he joked, trying to maintain a light atmosphere. “We need our ten-year-old boy back!”

Misty chuckled, stirring a pot of pasta on the stove. “Can you imagine? Ten-year-old Ash would have a lot more energy than this little guy!” She peeked over her shoulder to see Ash trying to climb onto the couch, wobbling a bit as he tried to balance.

“Hey, Ash! Be careful!” Brock called out, moving closer just in case.

Ash looked over, eyes wide with determination. “I’m okay! I’m a big kid!” he declared proudly, puffing out his tiny chest.

Misty rolled her eyes playfully. “Right, a big kid who needs to eat dinner! Come on, it’s almost ready!”

Ash's face lit up at the mention of food. “Food!” he exclaimed, momentarily distracted from his climbing adventure. He bounded over to the table, his small feet pattering against the floor.

Brock set down the last plate and turned to Ash. “Alright, champ, time to sit down and eat. We’ve got spaghetti and meatballs!”

“Yay!” Ash shouted, clapping his hands together. He plopped into his chair, excitement radiating from him as he bounced up and down.

As they gathered around the table, Misty served the steaming spaghetti, twirling the noodles onto Ash's plate. “Just like I showed you earlier, we’ll use our forks to twirl it up,” she instructed, demonstrating with her own fork.

Ash grabbed his fork, but the coordination was still a bit tricky. He speared a meatball instead, triumphantly lifting it to his mouth. “Mmm! Yummy!” he cheered, his cheeks puffing out as he chewed.

“Looks like someone has a knack for meatballs,” Brock said, grinning at the sight. “Just wait until you try the sauce! It’s even better!”

Misty took a bite of her own food and smiled. “You’re going to love this, Ash. Just remember to take your time. We don’t want a repeat of lunchtime!”

With a serious nod, Ash focused on his food, twirling spaghetti around his fork like he’d seen Misty do. He managed a few bites before getting distracted by Brock’s playful banter.

“Hey, Ash! If you finish your dinner, I’ll tell you a secret about how to catch a legendary Pokémon!” Brock said, leaning in conspiratorially.

Ash’s eyes widened with curiosity, and he eagerly picked up the pace. “What? A secret?”

“Uh-huh! But only if you eat your veggies too,” Brock added, glancing at the broccoli on Ash’s plate.

Misty chuckled at their little exchange, watching as Ash struggled to maneuver the broccoli onto his fork. “Come on, Ash! You can do it! Think of the legendary Pokémon!” she encouraged.

Finally, Ash managed to stab a piece of broccoli, holding it up like a trophy. “I did it!” he shouted, shoving it into his mouth triumphantly. “Now tell me the secret!”

“Alright, alright!” Brock laughed, feigning a dramatic tone. “To catch a legendary Pokémon, you must have the heart of a true trainer and the courage to face any challenge!”

Ash listened intently, nodding seriously as he chewed. “And what else?”

“Also,” Brock continued, “you have to have the best snacks in your backpack. That’s a must!”

Misty rolled her eyes, laughing as she served herself another helping. “Brock, you’re ridiculous! But I guess it works for him,” she teased, glancing at Ash, who was now practically glowing with enthusiasm.

By the end of dinner, Ash had finished most of his plate, his little belly round and satisfied. Brock and Misty exchanged glances, relieved and pleased with how things were going.

As they cleared the table, Brock ruffled Ash’s hair. “You did great today, little buddy. Keep this up, and we’ll have our ten-year-old Ash back in no time!”

“Ten-year-old Ash!” he repeated, beaming with pride. “And I’ll catch all the Pokémon!”

Misty smiled warmly at them, her heart swelling with affection. “Yes, you will! Just remember, we’ll always be here to help you, no matter your age.”

In the morning, Brock and Misty were jolted awake by an enthusiastic shout echoing through the small living room.

“Squirtle! Water Gun! Bulbasaur, try to block! Come on, guys!”

Brock rubbed his eyes, blinking in confusion. “Is that… Ash?” he asked, disbelief coloring his tone.

Misty shot out of bed, her heart racing with excitement. “It sounds like it! Let’s go!”

They rushed into the main room, where they found a sight that made them both laugh in relief and joy. Ash, now back to his ten-year-old self, was standing on a couch, arms outstretched in front of him. Squirtle was at his feet, puffing out its cheeks and preparing to shoot a stream of water, while Bulbasaur stood nearby, vines poised and ready to defend.

“Ash!” Misty exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. “You’re back!”

Ash turned, his face lighting up with a wide grin. “Misty! Brock! Watch this!” He motioned to Squirtle. “Okay, Squirtle, on three! One… two… three!”

“Squirtle!” The water Pokémon unleashed a powerful jet of water, aimed right at the plush Pikachu that had been sitting on the couch.

“Bulbasaur, block it!” Ash shouted, and Bulbasaur sprang into action, using its vines to try and shield the stuffed toy.

The water hit the makeshift target, sending it tumbling over the edge of the couch. “Got it!” Ash cheered, clapping his hands together.

Brock chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “Looks like he hasn’t lost his flair for the dramatic,” he said, shaking his head with a grin.

Misty stepped forward, beaming with pride. “Ash, I can’t believe it! You’re really back to normal! How do you feel?”

Ash glanced back at them, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I feel awesome! It’s like I just had the best sleep ever! And I’ve got so many ideas for battles today!”

“Alright then, what’s the plan?” Brock asked, intrigued.

“First, we need to train! We’ve got to get ready for the next gym battle,” Ash replied, enthusiasm radiating from him. “And then maybe we can catch some new Pokémon! I’m ready!”

Misty laughed, her heart swelling with affection for her friend. “That sounds amazing! Just remember to keep it under control this time, okay? No more surprises!”

“Hey, no promises!” Ash shot back playfully, grinning as he called out to Squirtle and Bulbasaur. “Let’s go, team! We’ve got training to do!”

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