A scare in the Air
" I can try and land of that island if they can get the nose down!" Brock exclaimed while trying to steer the Blimp.
" Hey, Ash?" Misty asked on the intercom. " Move all the Pokémon to the front of the blimp."
" Okay!" Ash exclaimed as he pumped his hand. " Let's hurry up, guys!"
They all ran to the front ( Geodude hopped but ah well).
The blimp tipped..... DOWN! TOO DOWN!
" No!" Brock yelled. " Too much! Head back!"
" Okay!" Ash said as he ran back, leading all the Pokémon. " Follow me!"
Now it tipped too back!
" Ash, No, that's too far!" Brock shouted.
" Come on, guys!" Ash commanded as he went back to the front.
" Other way!"
They went back.
" No, that's too much! The other way!"
The Pokémon and Ash ran, and Brock seized the opportunity and landed the blimp, its smooth bottom making dirt fly all over the place.
" Huh?" Brock looked up and gasped, standing up and pulling on the lever. " Come on!" He yelled, one foot on the floor and the other pushing off the box that had the lever.
Misty wrapped her arms around his stomach and pulled.
" Just.... a little more....." Brock groaned.
Misty gave all her effort, pulling as hard as she could. The blimp screeched to a stop, and just touched the power tower.
Thankfully no electricity flowed.
Brock looked back as he sighed, then let out a gasp.
The other half of the ship was gone!
" Oh, no." He exclaimed as he ran to the back. " Ash? Geodude?"
" Psyduck? Staryu?" Misty called.
No answer.
" Where are they?" Misty exclaimed. " Ash! Where's Ash? Where's my Pokémon? Where are your Pok-"
" Misty!" Brock grabbed her by the shoulders. " Calm down. The first thing we should do is check to see if you got hurt."
Misty nodded and let out a low sigh as she slumped back on the wall. " Hopefully they're okay."
Brock knelt down beside Misty, carefully checking her over for any injuries. "You feeling dizzy or anything?" he asked, his voice calm but laced with concern.
Misty shook her head. "No, I'm okay, just a little shaken up. What about you?"
"I'm fine," Brock replied, but his eyes kept darting to the back of the blimp where Ash and the Pokémon had been. He swallowed hard, trying to suppress the rising panic. "We need to find them."
Misty nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Right. Let's figure out where they are."
Brock stood up and glanced at the broken rear of the blimp. "If the other half broke off... they might've fallen. But let's not assume the worst. Maybe they landed safely somewhere nearby."
He moved to the edge of the torn blimp and peered down. It was a steep drop, but there was a dense forest below, and he could faintly see what looked like the remains of the other half of the blimp. "Misty, come look."
Misty rushed over and gasped. "Do you think they're down there?"
"We have to hope so," Brock said, grabbing his backpack. "We need to get down there and find them."
Misty grabbed her gear as well. "What if they're hurt?"
"Then we'll help them," Brock replied firmly, already preparing rope to rappel down the side of the blimp. "We can't waste any time."
Misty grabbed onto the rope, following Brock's lead. "Ash better be okay... or I swear..."
"He will be," Brock reassured her, though he wasn't entirely sure himself. "We'll find him, Misty."
Ash groaned. " Wh... what happened?" He mumbled.
He opened an eye, and gasped.
They were going up and down on something blue.
He looked around, and gasped.
The Pokémon were all banged up- some were under slabs of metal, and others were buried beneath a pile of wood.
" Oh, no! Pikachu!" He exclaimed as he saw a yellow tail peeking from under the wood. He groaned as he pushed the wood away, revealing Pikachu and some other POkemon.
" Pikachu!" Ash whispered softly.
Pikachu whimpered and opened its eyes weakly. " Pika...."
He glanced at the other trapped Pokemon under the metal. He ran to their side and grunted as he pushed it aside, then helped take the Pokemon out.
Then he glanced around. * Where are we?"
" Psyduck!" The duck touched the blue. It rippled.
" Wait .... WE'RE IN WATER?!* Ash yelled. " WE HAVE A ROCK POKEMON ON BOARD!"
Geodude glared at the water.
Ash sighed. " Staryu, Squirtle. Go into the water and push us."
The water Pokemon obeyed, hopping into the water.
" Bulbasaur, use vine Whip to secure us to them.
" Bulba!" He used his vines to connect both Pokemon and the raft together.
" No- Ow!" Ash cried as he collapsed.
" Pika pi?" Pikachu ran to its trainer.
Ash looked up. " It's fine, Pikachu."
He looked up. " Everyone else, paddle with your hands, feet anything!"
" Except you, Geodude."
Everything was working out perfectly, and they were moving.
But then the Pokemon's injuries caught up to them, and they soon began to cry out in pain.
Ash noticed. " Everyone, back on the blimp! Quick!"
Bulbasaur picked the two water Pokemon out of the water and placed them on the ground.
Ash sighed. " Okay, listen. You guys row with the wooden slabs and metal. I'll push."
" Pika pi?"
Ash gave him a look. " Yes, Pikachu. I will."
Ash gritted his teeth, feeling his muscles protest as he positioned himself at the back of the makeshift raft. "We’ve gotta make it back to Brock and Misty," he muttered under his breath, gripping a piece of wood to use as a paddle. He glanced at the Pokémon, all of them in pain, but still doing their best to push on. His heart ached seeing them like this.
"Hang in there, guys," Ash said, his voice filled with determination. "We’ll be okay. We’ll make it."
Pikachu looked up at him with worried eyes. "Pika-pi..." it whimpered.
Ash tried to force a smile, though his exhaustion and worry were evident. "I’ll be fine, Pikachu. Let’s just get out of here."
As the raft drifted slowly through the water, the sound of splashing and the gentle rocking of the raft filled the air. Every now and then, Ash winced as he pushed with all his might, his twisted leg throbbing with pain.
Suddenly, they heard a distant sound—voices calling.
"Ash! ASH!"
Ash’s eyes widened, recognizing the voices. "Misty? Brock?!"
"Pika!" Pikachu perked up, wagging its tail.
Ash looked around frantically. "They’re close! We just need to—"
Before he could finish, the raft hit something underwater and jolted forward, sending Ash tumbling to the side. He managed to grab onto the edge, hanging on for dear life as the raft wobbled.
"Hang on, Ash!" Misty’s voice came again, closer now.
In the distance, Ash could see Misty and Brock standing on the shore, Charizard hovering nearby.
"Over here!" Ash yelled, waving with one hand while holding onto the raft with the other. "We’re here!"
Brock immediately started running toward the water’s edge, Misty close behind him. Charizard swooped down, grabbing a large log with its claws and placing it in the water as a makeshift bridge.
"Hold on!" Brock shouted, jumping onto the log and making his way toward them.
Ash sighed in relief. "Looks like we’re going home, guys..." he muttered, feeling the adrenaline start to fade as exhaustion took over.
Misty and Brock reached the raft, their eyes wide as they took in the sight of the injured Pokémon.
"Are you okay?" Misty asked, her voice cracking.
Ash nodded weakly. "Yeah, we’re fine... just... tired."
Brock wasted no time, helping Ash and the Pokémon off the raft while Misty called Charizard to carry the heavier ones.
As Brock examined the Pokémon, Ash collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.
"You did good, Ash," Brock said, patting him on the back. "You got them out."
Ash smiled faintly, his eyelids drooping. "Thanks... I just... wanted to help..."
Before he knew it, he was out cold, his body finally giving in to exhaustion.
When Ash finally stirred, the first thing he noticed was a warm, heavy sensation on his body. He opened one eye groggily, and to his surprise, he saw Pikachu's face right up close, inches away from his lips.
"Pikachu!" Ash yelped, jerking back in shock.
"Pika pi!" Pikachu squealed, jumping off him but landing on Ash's chest with a playful smile.
Brock and Misty, who had been sitting beside him, burst into laughter.
"Looks like Pikachu was worried about you," Misty teased, wiping a tear from her eye.
Ash rubbed his head and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess so. But Pikachu, that was way too close!"
"Pika!" Pikachu tilted its head innocently, giving Ash a cheeky grin before nuzzling against him.
Brock leaned over, checking Ash’s pulse. "You had us worried there for a bit, Ash. How are you feeling?"
Ash thought for a moment, looking around. His Pokémon were all snuggled around him, resting peacefully despite their earlier injuries. He could see Squirtle snoozing by his leg and Bulbasaur curled up near his arm. Even Charizard was resting nearby, snorting softly in its sleep.
"I’m... okay," Ash finally said, giving a thumbs-up. "I’m just glad everyone’s safe."
Misty sighed with relief. "Good. Because next time, don’t go running off like that, okay? You had us in a panic!"
Ash laughed nervously. "Yeah... sorry about that."
Brock crossed his arms, a smile on his face. "What matters is that you're all safe. Now, you need to take it easy for a while. You've been through a lot."
Ash smiled, glancing at his Pokémon. "I think we all do. Thanks, guys."
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