pokemon gold cheat

you're looking for locations on Pokemon found in Pokemon Yellow, Blue or Red, consult our Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Blue and Red guides.

Pokemon Gold Version Quicker Credits

While the credits are being displayed you can hold the B button to make them go faster.

Pokemon Gold Version Hint: Find/Capture/Enslave Lugia

After you beat the Pokemon League, go to Viridian City and talk to a man near the Poke Mart. If you have all the badges, he will give you the Silver Wing. Then go to Cianwood City and surf to the Whirl Islands. Explore the cave thoroughly and you will find Lugia (L40).

Pokemon Gold Version Hint: Secret Opening in National Park

If you go to the top of the National Park area in Johto, there is a section of fence above and to the right of the boy holding the GameBoy. Go straight through the small section and you can retrieve two item balls on the outer perimeter of the park.

Pokemon Gold Version Hint: Bug Contest and Sun Stone

The bug contest is held on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at Goldenrod. When you go to the building that leads to the park there will be a man. Talk to him and take the test. When you catch scyther or butterfree, go back and tell him you want to stop. He will tell you who came in what place. If you come in 1st, you will get a sun stone.

Pokemon Gold Version Hint: Finding Golden Magikarp

At 8 PM or 8 AM, go to BlackThorn City. You can find golden Magikarp in the water around the gym.

Pokemon Gold Version Hint: Battle Police Trainers

At night, go to the entrance to the National Park on Route 35. You will see a man standing at the wall(outside). Talk to him, and he will battle you. There is also a policeman near the daycare by Goldenrod City, again only at night.

Pokemon Gold Version Unknown Music

While in the Ruins of Alpha go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station Called ??????. That is the Unown Music. It can only be heard here.

#025 Pikachu Route 2

Pokemon Gold Version Solving the Unown Mystery

The ruins of Alph are home to the mysterious Unown (#201), the only Pokemon that exists in more than one shape. Solving the different sliding-tile puzzles will drop you into the ruins below, where you can capture the mysterious Pokemon. In the beginning, you can only access one puzzle (the solution is Kabutop). You can get to the rest of the ruins once you have Surf and Strength. Surf lets you swim to the south cave which contains a puzzle of Aerodactyl. The other two puzzles are reached through the Union Cave using Surf and Strength. The puzzle to the southwest is an Omanyte, while the one to the west is a picture of Ho-oh.

The more puzzles you solve, the more varieties of Unown will be available to be caught. (There are 26 variations in all, one for each letter of the English alphabet. Ruins of ALPH, get it?). Once you have caught at least three different shapes of Unown, go to the Alph Lab just outside the first entrance. You will receive an upgrade to your Pokedex that lets you view and collect the different shapes of Unown.?

After you have caught all 26 shapes of Unown, you should return to the lab. Using the machine in the corner, you will now be able to use the Unown shapes to create and print out banners using the "Unown font" (if you have a GB Printer).

Pokemon Gold Version Breeding Evolutions

At the Daycare Center south of Goldenrod City on Route 33, you can give a male Pokemon and a female Pokemon to the keepers to breed new Pokemon.

Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.

Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Elekid.

Breed two Clefairies and you get Cleffa.

Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Igglybuff.

Breed two Magmars and you get Magby.

Breed a Venonat with a Pinsir to get Pinsir.

Breed a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee with a Ditto to get Tyrogue.

Breed a Clefairy with a Snubbull to get another Snubbul.

Breed a Gyarados with the Red Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp.

Replace any of the Pokemon with the genderless Ditto if you've only got one of a kind. Ditto will act as a wildcard Pokemon.

For more on Breeding, check out the Breeding Section in our Strategy Guide.

Pokemon Gold Version Set Your Clock For Daylight-Savings

Return to your house and talk to your mother. She will ask you if you want to set your clock to Daylight-Savings time.

Pokemon Gold Version Duplicate Items/Clone Pokemon

Note: Use this code at your own risk. It may corrupt your save data if done incorrectly.

Go to a PC, and save. Attach the item you want to duplicate to the Pokemon you want to clone. Deposit it into the PC. Change boxes. When the screen is saying "Saving the game..." Turn off your GB. Turn it back on. You should have the deposited Pokemon in the PC, and a clone of it in your lineup. The item will either be on both monsters, or in your Backpack. Note: while doing this code, DO NOT withdraw any Pokemon. When the GB is turned back on, you'll find that the withdrawn Pokemon has been deleted. Note: You can duplicate up to 5 items/Pokemon at a time.

Pokemon Gold Version Special Poke Balls

You can give Apricorns to the Poke Ball maker in Azalea Town to get new types of Poke Balls. Here is a list of what they're good for.

• White Apricorn: Fast Ball -- Good for catching Pokemon that try to escape from battle quickly.

• Red Apricorn: Level Ball -- If your Pokemon's level is significantly higher than the wild Pokemon's, it will be an easy catch.

• Blue Apricorn: Lure Ball -- Good for catching Water types when fishing.

• Pink Apricorn: Love Ball -- If the wild Pokemon's gender is opposite that of your Pokemon's you'll have an easier catch.

• Black Apricorn: Heavy Ball -- Big enough to catch heavy Pokemon like Snorlax.

• Green Apricorn: Friend Ball -- Pokemon caught with Friend Balls will become very attached to their trainer. Good for Chansey (if you want it to evolve into Blissey).

• Yellow Apricorn:Moon Ball -- Good for catching Pokemon that evolve with Moon Stones, like Clefairy and Jigglypuff.

Pokemon Gold Version Rare Pokemon Locations

Having trouble finding those really rare Pokemon in Gold/Silver? No problem, IGN's here to help:

• Ho-oh -- There is only one Ho-oh in Gold and Silver, so make sure you catch it. You can find it on top of the Tin Tower, but you'll need the Rainbow Wing to go up there. You get the Rainbow Wing from the Radio Station Manager in Goldenrod City (Gold version) or the old man in Pewter City (Silver version).

• Lugia -- You can find Lugia in Whirl Island, off Route 41. You'll need to know the HM 06 Whirpool technique to get in as well as the Silver Wing. You can find the latter in Pewter City (Gold) or the Radio Station in Goldenrod City (Silver).

• Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil -- These are the three starting Pokemon in Gold/Silver. You have to pick one of the three -- if you want the others, you'll have to trade with a friend.

• Entei, Suicune, Raiko -- Dogs, cats, what are they? Who cares! They're cool and they're exceedingly rare. To catch these guys, go to the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City. When you get close to them, they will run away. After this brief encounter, these fast creatures will roam around Johto. So where do you find them? Check your Pokedex and have some Fast Balls ready.

• Togepi -- Professor Elm's assistant will give you an egg in Violet City after you beat the Gym Leader there. It will hatch into Togepi.

• Tyrogue -- You can get this young Fighting Pokemon from Blackbelt Kyo (if you have an empty slot in your party) in Mt. Mortar, or simply breed one using Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee and a Ditto.

• Sudowoodo -- This odd Rock type blocks your way on Route 36 (just like Snorlax). Use the Squirtbottle from Goldenrod City to battle it.

• Porygon -- You can get Porygon for 9,999 coins in the Celadon City Game Corner.

• Snorlax -- Snorlax is blocking the way into Diglett's Cave. Use the Poke Flute to wake it up.

• Eevee -- Apart from winning an Eevee in Pokemon Stadium or the Celadon City Game Corner, you can also get one at Bill's House.

• Aerodactyl -- There is only one Aerodactyl in Gold/Silver, but it's not that hard to get. Catch a Chansey and trade with the girl on Route 14 to get it.

Pokemon Gold Version Alternate Pokemon Colors

Did you know that there are Pokemon hidden in Gold/Silver that have alternate colors, aka shiny status? There is no easy way to find them (except for the Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage) as they appear at random -- but they're out there. If you see specially colored Pokemon, be sure to catch them as they are very rare. You can recognize them by the sparkle effect when they appear in battle, or by checking on the Pokemon Status Screen. Next to the Male/Female symbol, these special Pokemon are marked with three dots.

There are any number of these rare types, including alternate versions of Nidoking (dark blue), Golbat (purple/green), Tentacruel (green eyes), Rapidash (purple), Scyther (orange/green), Hoothoot (yellow/purple), Sudowoodu (green/red), Ho-oh (yellow/orange), and more.

Pokemon Gold Version Special Trainers

There are six extremely helpful Pokemon trainers in Gold/Silver whose telephone numbers you should definitely keep in your Pokegear. These six will randomly give you tips on how to find rare Pokemon and steer you towards areas where certain Pokemon are currently "swarming."

• Fisherman Ralph (Route 32): Helps you find Qwilfish

• Hiker Anthony (Route 33): Helps you find Dunsparce

• Bug Catcher Arnie (Route 35): Helps you find Yanma

• Schoolboy Chad (Route 38): Helps you find Snubbull

• Fisherman Wilton (Route 44): Helps you find Remoraid

• Hiker Parry (Route 45): Helps you find Marill

• Route 26 - Ice Berry

• Route 29 - Berry

• Route 30 - Berry, PrzCureBerry

• Route 31 - Bitter Berry

• Route 33 - PsnCureBerry

• Azalea Town - Wht Apricorn

• Route 35 - MysteryBerry

• Route 36 - Ice Berry

• Route 37 - Red Apricorn, Blk Apricorn, Blu Apricorn

• Route 38 - Berry

• Route 39 - Mint Berry

• Route 42 - Pnk Apricorn, Ylw Apricorn, Grn Apricorn

• Route 43 - Bitter Berry

• Route 44 - Burnt Berry

• Route 45 - Mystery Berry

• Route 46 - Berry, PrzCureBerry

01 Dynamicpunch Cianwood City Gym 02 Headbutt Ilex Forest, Goldenrod's Department Store for $2000 03 Curse Celadon Mansion (Go in at night) 04 Rollout Route 35 05 Roar Route 32 06 Toxic Fuchsia City Gym 07 Zap Cannon Power Plant - Return the Machine Part 08 Rock Smash Fat guy to the right of Sudowoodo, or buy it at Goldenrod City 09 Psych Up Traded Abras/Kadabras 10 Hidden Power Guy in a house in the forest north of the Lake of Rage ;Celadon PokéMart, $3000 11 Sunny Day Celadon PokéMart, $2000 12 Sweet Scent Near the exit of Ilex Forest 13 Snore Feed the sick Miltank seven Berries (Route 29) 14 Blizzard Goldenrod Game Corner, 5500 coins 15 Hyper Beam Celadon Game Corner, 7500 coins 16 Icy Wind Mahogany Gym 17 Protect Celadon PokéMart, $3000 18 Rain Dance Slowpoke Cave - Lower Level 19 Giga Drain Celadon Gym 20 Endure Burned Tower - Lower Level 21 Frustration Goldenrod City Dept Store - 5th Floor - Sundays - Pokémon Dislike You 22 Solar Beam Route 27 - Need Whirlpool to get it 23 Iron Tail Oilvine Gym 24 Dragonbreath Clair gives it to you after getting the badge. 25 Thunder Goldenrod Game Corner, 5500 coins 26 Earthquake Victory Road 27 Return Goldenrod City Dept Store - 5th Floor - Sundays - Pokémon Like You 28 Dig Outside of the National Park 29 Psychic Saffron City - Mr. Psychic's House or Celadon Game Corner for 3500 coins. 30 Shadow Ball Ecruteak Gym 31 Mud-Slap Violet City Gym 32 Double Team Celadon Game Corner, 1500 coins 33 Ice Punch Goldenrod PokéMart, $3000 34 Swagger Union Cave 35 Sleep Talk Goldenrod PokéMart basement 36 Sludge Bomb Route 43 37 Sandstorm Tohjo Falls - House outside the exit. 38 Fire Blast Goldenrod Game Corner, 5500 coins 39 Swift Union Cave - Lower Level 40 Defense Curl Mt. Mortar - Middle Entrance 41 Thunderpunch Goldenrod PokéMart, $3000 42 Dream Eater Viridian City - Cut the bush and talk to the fat guy 43 Detect In the Lake of Rage 44 Rest Ice Path - Level 5 45 Attract Goldenrod Gym 46 Thief Mahogany's basement of the Team Rocket complex 47 Steel Wing Route 28 - In the house behind the 2 bushes 48 Fire Punch Goldenrod City PokéMart, $3000 49 Fury Cutter Azalea Town Gym 50 Nightmare Deliver the Spearow From The Goldenrod North Gate guy to the guy on Route 31

• Route 30 (Potion): Below the door of Mr. Pokémon's house, go down 3 spaces, left 2 spaces.

• Violet City (Hyper Potion): Go through the narrow path north of the Pokemon center and cut down the tree, and go to the very end. Then, go down 1 space, and face up.

• Route 32 (Super Potion): From the northernmost right space on the dock, go up 1 space.

• Route 32 (Great Ball): From the end of the narrow path near the Pokemon Center, go left 1 space, and face right.

• Azalea Town (Full Heal): At the space opposite the entrance to Slowpoke Well, face down.

• Ilex Forest (Full Heal): From Route 34, go down one, right 6, surf, walk 10 down, right 1.

• Ilex Forest (Super Potion): From Route 34, go down one, right 8, surf down 3, go right 3, go right 9, up 2, left 1, and face up.

• Underground Path (Antidote): Starting below the blue door in the Underground, go left one space and face down.

• Moomoo farm (Nugget): Position yourself at the southwest side of the northernmost Miltank in the farm, and face down.

• Route 37 (Ether): Position yourself above the sign that reads "Route 37", and face left.

• Ecruteak City (Hyper Potion): Below the door of the Pokémon Center, go left 4 spaces, up 14 spaces, and right 3 spaces.

• Burned Tower 1F (Ether): At the space to the right of the only space-large hole on this floor, go right one space, down 2, left 1, down 1, left 4, up 3, and face right.

• Burned Tower B1F (Burn Heal): From the hole to the trainer's right on the first floor, go left one, face right.

• Burned Tower B1F (Ultra Ball): From the hole to the trainer's left on the first floor, face left.

• Burned Tower B1F (Nugget): From the only space-large hole on the first floor, go left one, up 4, left 1, and face up.

• Dark Cave (Elixir): From Route 46, BREAK the cracked rock you see (once you use FLASH.) Continue going north along this trail until you can't go north anymore without going more than 2 spaces east or west. Now, go west, then north again, and BREAK the next cracked rock you see. Don't move. Look at the boulder straight ahead of you near the top of the screen. Face the space to the left of the boulder.

• Cerulean City (Machine Part): In the gym, face the northwest corner of the small square of water.

• Diglett's Cave: Face the only boulder in the tunnel not touching any other boulders or the wall.

• Mt. Moon (Moon Stone): Every Monday night, go to the top of Mt. Moon, smash the rock, and face the space it was on.

• Berry - Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Rattata, Raticate, Ekans, Arbok, Spearow, Fearow, Pikachu (Red and Blue Versions), Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidorina, Nidorino, Vulpix, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Gloom, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Kadabra, Machoke, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Geodude, Graveler, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Doduo, Seel, Grimer, Shellder, Gastly, Haunter, Drowzee, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Cubone, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Magikarp

• Bitter Berry - Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Farfetch'd, Dodrio, Onix, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lickitung, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Tauros, Gyarados, Lapras, Eevee, Porygon, Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Dratini, Dragonair, Mew

• MysteryBerry - Clefairy

• Gold Berry - Wigglytuff, Dugtrio

• Leftovers - Snorlax, Clefable

• Protein - Dragonair (Yellow version)

• Light Ball - Yellow Version starter Pikachu

• TwistedSpoon - Kadabra (Yellow Version)

• Polkadot Bow - Jigglypuff

• BrightPowder - Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo

• Metal Powder - Ditto

• Lucky Punch - Chansey

• Gorgeous Box - Pokémon from Pokémon Stadium (Gym Leader Castle Round 2)

• Normal Box - Pokémon from Pokémon Stadium (Gym Leader Castle Round 1), Amnesia Psyduck

• Gold Leaf - Raichu, Parasect, Venomoth, Golduck, Primeape, Slowbro, Dewgong, Muk, Hypno, Marowak, Seadra

• Silver Leaf - Tentacruel, Rapidash, Magneton, Kingler, Electrode, Weezing, Rhydon, Seaking

• Shore Dust - Machop

• TM09 - Abra, Kadabra (Red/Blue version)

• TM33 - Krabby, Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu

• TM43 - Nidoran F, Nidoran M

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