Tree fall and poisoned

A nurse knocked on Gary's office, and he looked up from the paperwork. " Oh, hi Tessa. What's up?"

" Doctor Gary, there's a Pokemon Trainer who's been poisoned from a Koffing and fell from a tree while trying to save a Budew from a tree."

Gary grimaced. " That doesn't sound too good. Alright, bring him in."

Tessa nodded, but stopped and turned again. " Oh, and he's got a Pikachu."

Gary's eyes widened. " ' He'?"

" Oh yeah, and he's stubborn."

Gary groaned. " Arceus save us all...."

" And he's very optimistic."

Gary let his head drop to his table. " This is going to be a loooong day...."

Tessa blinked. " You know who it is?"

Gary didn't look up. " Is he still standing?"

Tessa peeked out.

" Yes."

Gary sighed, head still down. " Alright. Send him in."

The door to Gary’s office swung open, and there he was—Ash Ketchum, standing (somehow) on his own two feet, albeit looking a little worse for wear. His usual determined grin was plastered on his face, but his clothes were torn, his arms were scraped up, and there was a concerning purplish tinge to his skin—probably from the Koffing’s poison. On his shoulder, Pikachu looked equally concerned, ears twitching as he kept an eye on his trainer.

"Hey, Gary!" Ash greeted as if he hadn’t just been poisoned and fallen out of a tree. "Long time no see!"

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled through his teeth. "Ash… what in the name of Arceus did you do this time?"

Ash shrugged, then immediately winced. "Well, there was this Budew stuck in a tree, and I figured I’d climb up and—"

"And you got poisoned by a Koffing and fell," Gary finished for him. "Ash, do you ever think things through?"

Ash crossed his arms, wincing again. "It worked, didn’t it? Budew’s safe!"

"Uh-huh. And you’re not. Sit down before you fall over."

Ash sighed but obeyed, plopping down on the exam table. Pikachu hopped down beside him, still watching him closely.

Gary grabbed his stethoscope and turned to Tessa. "Get me an antidote, some bandages, and an IV setup. If he’s still standing, he’s probably too stubborn to admit how bad he feels."

Ash huffed. "I feel fine!"

Gary arched an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. And that definitely isn’t a cold sweat all over your face, right?"

Ash blinked. "Oh. Huh. That’s weird."

Gary didn’t even bother responding. Instead, he pressed the stethoscope against Ash’s chest. "Alright, deep breath in."

Ash inhaled, then let it out.

Gary frowned. "Again."

Ash did as he was told.

Gary’s frown deepened. "Your lungs sound a little rough. Probably from the poison. Any dizziness?"

Ash hesitated, which was enough of an answer.

"Pikachu," Gary said without looking up, "your trainer’s an idiot."

"Pika," Pikachu agreed solemnly.

Ash scowled. "Hey! I resent that!"

Gary ignored him and moved the stethoscope lower. "Your heart’s racing. Not surprising, given the poison and adrenaline. Now, let’s check your stomach."

Ash tensed as Gary pressed the diaphragm of the stethoscope against his abdomen.

"Relax, Ash," Gary said, voice softer. "It’s just a check-up, not a battle."

Ash forced himself to breathe out, and Gary listened carefully.

"Stomach sounds normal," Gary said after a moment. "No internal injuries from the fall, as far as I can tell. But you’re still getting an IV because I know you’re dehydrated."

Ash groaned. "Garyyyy, c’mon, I’m fine!"

Gary gave him a flat look. "Ash. You fell out of a tree while poisoned. Sit there and let me keep you from dying for once, then you can go back to being a reckless hero."

Ash opened his mouth, closed it, then sighed. "...Fine."

Gary smirked. "Wow, did Ash Ketchum just listen to medical advice? Mark this day in history."

Ash rolled his eyes. "Just hurry up, will ya?"

Gary chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Hold still, you stubborn idiot."


It was going to be a long day.

The moment the door swung open, Gary braced himself for the inevitable headache. And sure enough—

“Hey, Gary! Long time no see!”

Ash Ketchum, ever the bundle of energy, strode in with that signature grin, looking far too chipper for someone who had been poisoned and had fallen out of a tree. Pikachu sat on his shoulder, tilting its head with an innocent “Pika?” like it hadn’t just witnessed its trainer defy death yet again.

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. “Arceus save me…” He finally looked up. “Ash. What. Happened?”

Ash shrugged as if this was just another Tuesday. “Oh, y’know, just doing what a trainer does! Saw a Budew stuck up in a tree, so I climbed up to help it, and—”

Gary held up a hand. “Pause. Why did you climb the tree instead of, I don’t know, using literally any of your Pokémon to help?”

Ash scratched his cheek, looking sheepish. “Uh… well, Pikachu was keeping Koffing busy, and my other Pokémon were, uh… resting?”

“Resting.” Gary repeated flatly. “Right. And the poisoning?”

“Oh, that was just bad luck! The Koffing got me right before I grabbed Budew. Then I kinda got dizzy, lost my balance, and bam!” Ash clapped his hands together for emphasis. “Next thing I know, I’m on the ground, staring at the sky, and Pikachu’s freaking out.”

Gary exhaled sharply. “And you walked in here on your own despite all that?”

Ash gave a thumbs-up. “Of course! I’ve been through worse, y’know!”

Gary stared at him for a long moment. Then, he slowly turned to Tessa, who was standing by the door, looking equally unimpressed. “You see? This is why I groaned.”

Tessa stifled a chuckle, but Ash just blinked. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”

Gary stood up, grabbing his stethoscope and pointing to the exam table. “It means sit your reckless body down so I can check how bad the damage is before you actually drop dead in my clinic.”

Ash pouted but obeyed, hopping onto the table with a little wince. Gary narrowed his eyes.


“Just a little sore! Nothing crazy.”

Gary rolled his eyes. “We’ll see about that.” He slipped the stethoscope into his ears and pressed the diaphragm against Ash’s chest. “Alright, deep breath in.”

Ash inhaled, chest rising.

Gary listened intently. There was a slight wheeze—a sign of the poison still in his system—but nothing too severe. His heart, however, was way too fast. Not surprising.

“Your lungs are a little irritated, probably from the poison,” Gary said, moving the stethoscope. “Keep breathing deep.”

Ash did as told, though he fidgeted slightly. Gary moved to different spots, listening carefully. After a moment, he pulled back.

“Good news? No fluid or major damage to your lungs.” He eyed Ash critically. “Bad news? Your heart’s pounding like a Tauros stampede, and I know it’s not just from seeing me.”

Ash huffed. “It’s probably just excitement! Or, y’know, the whole ‘I was poisoned’ thing.”

Gary muttered something under his breath and reached for his penlight. “Yeah, let’s make sure that poison isn’t messing with you worse than you think. Eyes forward.”

Ash sighed dramatically but complied. Gary checked his pupils—responsive, equal size. That was a good sign. He then moved on to Ash’s stomach, pressing lightly in different areas.

Ash flinched. “Okay, ow.”

Gary arched a brow. “Where?”

“Uh… kinda everywhere?”

“Not helpful.” Gary pressed again, this time more methodically. “This isn’t just bruising. You probably strained something when you landed. No broken ribs, though.” He stepped back and crossed his arms. “Ash, you need to rest. The poison still needs to clear out, and you’re banged up. Running around like an idiot isn’t gonna help.”

Ash waved him off. “C’mon, Gary, I’ve been through worse—”

“I know,” Gary cut in sharply. “That’s the problem.”

Ash blinked at the sudden shift in tone. Gary pinched the bridge of his nose again, exhaling through his teeth before meeting Ash’s eyes with something softer.

“Look,” he said, quieter now, “you always push yourself too hard. One day, you’re not gonna bounce back so easily. Just… take it easy, okay? For once?”

Ash hesitated, Pikachu nuzzling his cheek as if echoing Gary’s concern. After a moment, he sighed. “…Alright, alright. I’ll rest. But just for today!”

Gary smirked. “I’ll take what I can get.” He turned to Tessa. “Get him set up with some fluids and an antidote. And make sure he doesn’t sneak out.”

Tessa gave Ash a knowing look. “Don’t worry. I’ll tie him down if I have to.”

Ash groaned. “You guys have no faith in me.”

Gary snorted. “Oh, we have plenty of faith in you. We just also know you’re an absolute menace.”

Ash pouted. Pikachu patted his head in mock sympathy.

As Tessa moved to prepare the IV, Gary shook his head and muttered, “Longest day ever…”

But despite himself, he was smiling.

Tessa gave a slight shrug and disappeared down the hallway. Gary sat back in his chair, rubbing his temples. He already knew who was about to walk through that door, and he could feel the headache forming before it even began.

A moment later, the clinic door swung open with a dramatic bang, and there he was—Ash Ketchum, covered in dirt, twigs in his messy black hair, and a massive grin on his face as if he hadn’t just been poisoned and fallen from a tree. His Pikachu sat on his shoulder, looking far less enthusiastic, ears drooping with exhaustion.

“Hey, Gary!” Ash greeted, as if this was just another friendly visit instead of a medical emergency.

Gary just stared. Then he sighed. “Arceus help me.”

Tessa, who stood behind Ash, gave Gary a knowing look before stepping aside. “He refused to sit in the waiting room. Said it was ‘boring.’” She crossed her arms. “I told him to sit down and rest.”

Ash laughed sheepishly. “I am resting! See? I’m standing still.”

Pikachu facepalmed.

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ash, you fell from a tree. You were poisoned by a Koffing. And you’re acting like this is just another gym battle.”

“Eh, I’ve had worse,” Ash replied with a dismissive wave. Then he immediately wobbled, catching himself against the doorframe. “Oof. Okay, maybe not.”

Pikachu squeaked in distress, ears twitching. “Pika-pi!”

Gary sighed and stood up, grabbing his stethoscope. “Alright, Ketchum. Get on the table before you actually pass out.”

Ash rolled his eyes but obeyed, hopping onto the examination table with surprising energy—though Gary noticed the way his arms trembled slightly as he steadied himself. He was pushing through sheer stubbornness, as usual. Typical.

Tessa handed Gary the patient chart before heading out. “I’ll get an IV ready in case he needs it.”

Gary hummed in response before focusing back on Ash. “Okay, let’s start with your heart and lungs. Stay still.”

He placed the stethoscope against Ash’s chest, just below the collarbone. The cold metal made Ash flinch slightly, but he didn’t complain. Gary listened carefully, brows furrowing as he picked up an unsteady rhythm.

“Your heart rate’s a little fast,” he noted, moving the stethoscope lower. “That’s probably the poison messing with you.”

Ash blinked. “Huh. I do feel kinda warm.”

“That’s called a fever, genius,” Gary muttered, moving the stethoscope to Ash’s back. “Deep breath in.”

Ash inhaled, but it was shallower than Gary liked. “And out.”

The exhale was slightly raspy. Not terrible, but still concerning.

Gary narrowed his eyes. “Your lungs sound irritated. Any coughing?”

Ash shrugged. “A little, but I figured it was just from running.”

Gary gave him a flat look. “Running? While poisoned?”

“I was in a hurry!” Ash said defensively. “The Budew was scared, and I had to get it down from the tree before—”

“Before you got yourself killed?” Gary cut in. He sighed, shaking his head. “You’re unbelievable.”

Ash just grinned. “You sound like Brock.”

“Yeah, well, Brock isn’t here, so you’re stuck with me.” Gary moved the stethoscope down to Ash’s abdomen. “Now, let’s check your stomach.”

Ash visibly tensed. “Uh. Do you have to?”

Gary raised an eyebrow. “Yes, Ash, I have to.”

Ash groaned but stayed put. “Fine, fine. Just don’t be weird about it.”

Gary rolled his eyes. “It’s a medical exam, you idiot.” He pressed the stethoscope lightly against Ash’s stomach, listening for any abnormalities. His gut sounds were present, but there was an odd sluggishness to them.

“You haven’t eaten much today, have you?” Gary asked.

Ash tilted his head. “Uh… I had a sandwich. I think.”

Gary sighed. “Your digestive system’s slowing down because of the poison. You need fluids and food in your system, or you’re gonna feel worse.”

Ash made a face. “Can’t I just sleep it off?”

“Nope,” Gary said flatly, standing up straight. “I’m hooking you up to an IV.”

Ash groaned. “Ugh, come on! I hate needles!”

“Yeah? Well, I hate treating reckless idiots, but here we are,” Gary shot back. He crossed his arms. “Unless you want to be stuck here longer, you’re getting the IV.”

Ash slumped in defeat. Pikachu patted his cheek in sympathy.

Tessa returned a moment later with the IV equipment. “IV’s ready. He giving you trouble?”

Gary snorted. “Of course he is.”

“I’m right here,” Ash grumbled.

Ignoring him, Gary grabbed the IV needle. “Alright, Ketchum. Hold still.”

Ash muttered something under his breath but obediently turned his head away. Pikachu covered its eyes.

With practiced ease, Gary inserted the IV. Ash flinched but didn’t pull away. Tessa adjusted the drip, making sure the saline and anti-poison meds were flowing properly.

Gary leaned back, arms crossed. “There. Now, you’re staying put until that bag is empty.”

Ash huffed. “Great. Stuck in a hospital bed. Just what I wanted.”

Gary smirked. “Hey, look on the bright side—you’re alive.”

Ash blinked, then let out a small chuckle. “Yeah. I guess that is a win.”

Gary shook his head, amused. “You’re impossible, Ketchum.”

Pikachu nodded in agreement.

Ash grinned. “And you love it.”

Gary groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “Arceus save me…”

Tessa gave a quick nod before stepping out, leaving Gary to mentally prepare himself for the chaos about to enter his office. He rubbed his temples, already feeling the migraine forming. He knew exactly who was coming through that door. There was only one person in all of Kanto who could be poisoned, fall from a tree, and still be standing like nothing happened.

A second later, there was a knock—well, more like an enthusiastic thump—against his door.

“Come in,” Gary called, bracing himself.

The door practically swung open, and there stood Ash Ketchum, looking way too cheerful for someone who had been poisoned and taken a fall. His clothes were torn in a few places, a few fresh scrapes covered his arms, and his usual cap was slightly askew. On his shoulder, Pikachu sat, looking equally as exasperated as Gary felt.

“Hi, Gary!” Ash grinned as if this was a casual visit. “Long time no see!”

Gary gave him a flat look. “Ash. Sit. Now.”

Ash blinked at the bluntness but obeyed, plopping himself onto the exam table. Pikachu hopped onto his lap, looking worriedly up at his trainer.

Tessa stepped in behind him with a clipboard. “Poisoned from a Koffing attack, fell from a tree while saving a Budew, multiple scrapes, possible concussion. Should I get the anti-toxin ready?”

Gary sighed. “Yeah. And bring the burn ointment while you're at it. Knowing Ash, he probably got singed by his own Pikachu somewhere along the way.”

“Hey!” Ash huffed. “That only happened twice.”

Gary shot him a look. “In the last month.”

Pikachu’s ears drooped, and he muttered, “Pika...” clearly feeling a little guilty.

Ash scratched Pikachu’s head. “Aw, don’t feel bad, buddy! We’ve been through worse, right?”

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s not something to be proud of, you reckless idiot.”

Ash laughed sheepishly. “Well, I had to save that Budew.”

“Right, and you had to get poisoned in the process.” Gary folded his arms. “Let me guess, you didn’t even use an Antidote?”

“I, uh… might’ve run out.”

Gary groaned, reaching for his stethoscope. “You’re a walking disaster, Ketchum. Alright, let’s start with your heart and lungs.”

Ash shrugged. “Go for it.”

Gary placed the stethoscope against Ash’s chest, listening carefully. His face remained impassive, but inside, he was analyzing every beat. The poison had weakened him, that much was clear—his heart was working a little harder than usual, but it wasn’t dangerously fast.

“Your heart’s a little strained,” Gary noted. “That poison’s still in your system, but it’s not shutting anything down yet.” He moved the stethoscope to Ash’s back. “Now take a deep breath.”

Ash inhaled deeply. Pikachu’s ears twitched as Gary moved the stethoscope to different spots on Ash’s chest and back, listening closely.

“Any dizziness? Lightheadedness?” Gary asked.

“Not really,” Ash said. “Maybe a little when I stood up too fast, but that’s normal, right?”

Gary sighed. “No, Ash, that is not normal. That’s called your blood pressure dropping because you’re poisoned.” He shook his head and muttered, “I swear, you’d walk off a broken leg if you could.”

Ash chuckled. “Hey, I’d crawl if I had to.”

Gary ignored him, pressing the stethoscope lower on his abdomen. “Now let’s check your stomach.”

Ash squirmed slightly. “That tickles.”

“Deal with it,” Gary muttered, focusing. He listened for any abnormal sounds, making sure Ash’s digestion wasn’t being affected by the poison. Everything sounded relatively normal, though his stomach was probably a little upset.

“Any nausea?” Gary asked.

Ash hesitated. “Uh… maybe?”

Gary arched an eyebrow. “Maybe?”

Ash gave a sheepish grin. “I mean, a little when I first got poisoned, but it went away.”

Gary closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Of course it did,” he muttered.

Just then, Tessa returned, holding a small tray with a vial of antidote and a few medical supplies. “Here’s the anti-toxin and ointment.”

Gary took the vial and loaded a syringe. “Alright, Ash. Roll up your sleeve.”

Ash flinched. “Wait. Is that a needle?”

Gary smirked. “Oh no. Not the brave Ash Ketchum, scared of a little shot?”

“I—I’m not scared,” Ash stammered, holding Pikachu a little closer. “It’s just… sudden, that’s all.”

Gary gave him an unimpressed look. “You literally throw yourself into danger daily and you’re nervous about a quick injection?”

Ash pouted. “I can’t battle a needle.”

Gary shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Pikachu, talk some sense into your trainer.”

Pikachu tilted his head, then patted Ash’s arm. “Pika-pika.” (Just take the shot, Ash.)

Ash groaned but reluctantly rolled up his sleeve. “Fine. But make it fast.”

Gary wasted no time. With precise efficiency, he injected the anti-toxin. Ash flinched, but it was over in seconds.

“There. Done. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Gary smirked.

Ash grumbled. “Yeah, yeah…”

Gary grabbed the burn ointment and tossed it at him. “Now rub that on any scrapes. I’d do it for you, but I’m not your personal nurse.”

Ash caught it and muttered, “Could’ve fooled me.”

Gary smirked but didn’t respond. He turned to Tessa. “Keep him here for observation for a bit. If his vitals are stable in an hour, he can go.”

Tessa nodded. “Understood.”

Gary looked back at Ash, who was rubbing ointment onto his scrapes while Pikachu supervised. Despite everything, he still had that goofy, determined grin.

Gary sighed, shaking his head. “Try not to get yourself killed before your next check-up, alright?”

Ash grinned. “No promises.”

Gary groaned. “Arceus save us all…”

Tessa nodded and stepped out, leaving Gary to gather his thoughts. He already had a pretty good idea of who was about to walk through that door, and it made his head throb preemptively.

Sure enough, a moment later, he heard the scuffle of sneakers against the floor and an all-too-familiar voice.

"Hey, Gary! Long time no see!"

Gary lifted his head just in time to see Ash Ketchum stride into his office, his signature grin plastered across his face. On his shoulder, Pikachu gave a cheerful "Pika!" as if they weren’t currently dealing with poisoning and a fall from a tree.

Gary exhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ketchum… why am I not surprised?"

Ash tilted his head innocently. "What? This wasn’t my fault! I was just trying to save a Budew!"

Gary gave him a flat look. "And in the process, you inhaled Koffing’s poison and fell out of a tree. That sound about right?"

Ash shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, I did save Budew!"

Gary leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Fantastic. Do I need to check the Budew too, or is it just you who needs urgent medical attention?"

Ash waved a hand. "Nah, Budew’s fine! It’s back with its trainer. Now me? I think I might be a little woozy, but I’m totally fine!"

Pikachu shot him a deadpan look and immediately shocked him.

"GAH!" Ash jolted as the small spark coursed through him.

Gary smirked. "Even Pikachu knows you’re lying, Ketchum."

Ash gave his partner a betrayed look, but Pikachu just crossed his little arms.

Gary sighed, standing up and grabbing his stethoscope. "Alright, shirt off."

Ash blinked. "What?!"

Gary rolled his eyes. "You got poisoned, fell out of a tree, and you’re telling me you don’t need a full check-up? Do I need to explain how medicine works?"

Ash groaned but peeled off his jacket and lifted his shirt, revealing fresh bruises along his ribs. Gary didn’t even bother hiding his unimpressed expression.

"You definitely cracked a rib, genius," he muttered, pressing lightly against Ash’s side.

"Ow—! Okay, okay! Maybe I hit the ground a little hard…"

Gary ignored the whining and placed the cold diaphragm of the stethoscope against Ash’s chest. "Breathe in."

Ash took a deep breath, though it was slightly uneven. Gary’s frown deepened.

"Your lungs sound a little irritated. Poison gas does that." He moved the stethoscope around, listening carefully. "I don’t hear any serious wheezing, which is a good sign. You’re lucky—it doesn’t seem like you inhaled enough to cause permanent damage."

Ash grinned. "See? I’m fine!"

Gary flicked his forehead.


"You’re not fine," Gary shot back. "I said you’re lucky, not healthy. Now shut up and let me finish."

Ash huffed but complied as Gary moved the stethoscope lower, over his stomach. There were faint gurgling sounds, but nothing concerning. His body was clearly reacting to the poison, but it didn’t sound like internal damage had been done.

Still, Gary wasn’t about to let Ash walk out of here like nothing happened.

"Alright, Ketchum," he said, pulling back. "You inhaled poison, fell out of a tree, and probably have a cracked rib. That means: No running, no battling, no climbing more trees, and you’re staying here overnight for observation."

Ash immediately looked horrified. "Overnight?! Come on, Gary! I feel fine!"

Gary crossed his arms. "Oh? You feel fine?" He pressed right over the bruised rib.

Ash yelped.

Gary smirked. "Yeah. That’s what I thought."

Ash grumbled under his breath, rubbing his side. "You’re a terrible doctor."

Gary smirked. "And you’re a terrible patient." He turned to Tessa, who had been standing quietly in the doorway, clearly amused. "Tessa, get him set up in a room and make sure he doesn’t try to sneak out."

Tessa nodded, still smiling. "Got it, Doctor Oak."

Ash slumped. "Man, this sucks…"

Pikachu patted his head, probably agreeing.

Gary smirked. "Hey, look on the bright side—at least you’re not dead."

Ash shot him a glare. "That’s not funny."

Gary shrugged, arms crossed. "Oh, it’s a little funny."

Ash groaned dramatically as Tessa ushered him out of the office, Pikachu still scolding him in little “Pika pika” sounds.

Gary sat back down, rubbing his temples.

Arceus help him. Ash Ketchum was going to be the death of him.

The clinic doors swung open, and in stumbled none other than Ash Ketchum, grinning like an absolute fool despite looking like he’d been through a war zone. His clothes were torn, his arms were scraped, and he had a sickly greenish tinge to his normally tanned skin. Pikachu was perched on his shoulder, looking worried, while Tessa guided him in, her arms crossed in exasperation.

"Yo, Gary!" Ash greeted with way too much enthusiasm for a guy who had been poisoned and taken a fall from a tree. "Long time no see!"

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose before finally lifting his head. "Ash," he said slowly, eyeing the trainer up and down. "You're poisoned. You fell from a tree. And you're smiling?"

Ash shrugged, then winced. "Yeah, but I saved the Budew, so it’s all good!"

Gary sighed so deeply that Tessa almost felt bad for him. Almost. She had a feeling she was about to witness something incredible.

"Alright, sit," Gary ordered, gesturing to the examination table.

Ash hopped up—then immediately swayed, nearly toppling over. Pikachu frantically squeaked, grabbing his jacket to steady him.

Gary rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure, you’re totally fine." He grabbed his stethoscope and snapped on a pair of gloves. "Let’s start with the basics before you go collapsing on me."

Ash gave him a thumbs-up. "Do your worst, Doc."

Gary muttered something under his breath but got to work. He placed the stethoscope’s diaphragm against Ash’s chest, frowning as he listened to his heart. "Your pulse is elevated," he noted. "Probably from the poison. Any dizziness?"

"Only when I blink really fast," Ash said.

Gary narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, that’s not normal." He moved the stethoscope slightly. "Deep breath in."

Ash inhaled, but the moment he did, his face contorted in discomfort.

"That hurt?"

"A little," Ash admitted.

Gary frowned. "You probably bruised a rib in the fall." He listened a little longer, then moved to Ash’s back. "Another deep breath."

Ash complied, and Pikachu pressed itself against his shoulder worriedly.

"Your lungs are clear," Gary concluded, though his frown didn’t disappear. "No fluid buildup, so that’s good, but that rib is going to be a problem."

Ash grinned. "Hey, I landed in a bush, so it could’ve been worse!"

Gary stared at him blankly. "Ash. You’re poisoned and injured because you climbed a tree for a Budew. And you think this is fine?"

Ash blinked. "Well... yeah?"

Gary groaned. "Arceus give me strength..." He sighed and set his stethoscope aside. "Okay, next I need to check your stomach for any internal bruising."

Ash looked momentarily worried. "Wait, does that mean—"

"Relax, I’m not gonna stab you or anything."

Ash hesitated before lifting his shirt just enough for Gary to press gently on his abdomen. The moment Gary applied a bit of pressure, Ash tensed.

"Yeah, that’s what I thought," Gary muttered. "Sore spots here. You probably hit a branch or something before landing. It doesn’t feel like anything’s ruptured, but I’m going to keep an eye on it."

Ash grinned weakly. "Cool, cool. So, am I good to go?"

Gary gave him a flat stare. "Absolutely not."

Ash pouted. "Come on, Gary! I’ve been through worse!"

"That’s not the flex you think it is, Ash," Gary snapped. "You need an antidote for the poison, rest for your ribs, and actual food because I bet you haven’t eaten a real meal in at least a day."

Ash laughed nervously. Pikachu shot him a betrayed look.

Gary crossed his arms. "And then I’ll decide if you’re okay to leave."

Ash groaned. "Man, this is worse than when I lost to Cynthia..."

Gary smirked. "Good. Maybe now you'll actually listen to me for once."

Ash grumbled, but as Gary walked off to get the antidote, Pikachu gave him a smug look.

"Don't you start," Ash muttered.

Tessa, still watching from the corner, simply chuckled. This was going to be an interesting shift.

Tessa gave him a curious glance before turning to leave. Moments later, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed down the hall, followed by a familiar, energetic voice.

"Yo, Gary! Long time no see!"

Gary let out another sigh before lifting his head. Sure enough, standing in the doorway was none other than Ash Ketchum, slightly wobbly but grinning ear to ear like nothing was wrong. His clothes were torn and dirty, his arm had a hastily wrapped bandage, and his face was slightly flushed—probably from the poison. Perched on his shoulder, Pikachu looked much more concerned, his ears twitching as he let out a worried "Pika..."

"You look awful," Gary said flatly, arms crossed.

Ash laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, well, you should see the tree. I think I won."

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're poisoned, you fell out of a tree, and Arceus knows what else, and you're joking?"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? Cry about it?" Ash said, still grinning.

Gary groaned and waved him forward. "Sit down before you fall down, idiot."

Ash chuckled but did as he was told, plopping onto the examination table. "Man, it’s weird seeing you in doctor mode. I still remember when you used to be the annoying kid with the spiky hair."

"And I remember when you were the annoying kid who didn’t think before acting," Gary shot back. He grabbed his stethoscope and gestured at Ash. "Shirt off."

Ash blinked. "Huh?"

Gary rolled his eyes. "I need to listen to your heart and lungs, genius. Unless you want to keep that poison circulating longer than necessary?"

Ash hesitated for a second but then sighed and pulled his tattered jacket and shirt over his head, revealing plenty of bruises and scratches. Pikachu jumped onto the counter to give them space, still watching anxiously.

Gary's eyes swept over Ash's injuries, his medical mind immediately cataloging each one. "You're a mess," he muttered as he placed the stethoscope against Ash’s chest.

Ash shivered at the cold metal. "Warn me next time!"

Gary ignored him. "Deep breath in."

Ash inhaled.


Ash exhaled.

Gary frowned slightly, moving the stethoscope to another spot. "Again."

Ash complied, but Gary’s frown didn’t go away. "Your breathing's a little wheezy. The poison might be affecting your lungs."

Ash blinked. "That... doesn't sound good."

"No kidding," Gary muttered. He moved the stethoscope to Ash’s back. "Again. Inhale."

Ash did.


Gary listened carefully. The wheezing was mild, but it was there. Not enough to be immediately dangerous, but enough that Ash was going to feel it if he exerted himself.

Gary sighed. "You're lucky it's not worse. If you'd waited longer, your breathing might have gotten a lot worse."

Ash huffed. "But it's not that bad now, right?"

Gary shot him a glare. "It's bad enough, moron. Now shut up and let me check your heart."

He moved the stethoscope back to Ash’s chest, this time pressing it against his sternum. His heart was racing—probably from a mix of exertion and the poison.

"Your heart rate's high. Not surprising, but still not great," Gary muttered, concentrating. He moved the stethoscope slightly lower. "You've been pushing yourself too hard."

Ash gave him a lopsided grin. "You just described my entire life, Gary."

Gary scowled. "And one day it’s going to end your life if you’re not careful."

Ash just laughed, and Gary had to resist the urge to smack him upside the head. Instead, he shook his head and moved on to Ash’s abdomen, pressing the stethoscope against his stomach.

Almost immediately, a loud gurgle echoed through the room.

Gary raised an eyebrow. "Well, that’s healthy."

Ash snickered. "Hey, I fell out of a tree. Not my fault my stomach's complaining."

Gary rolled his eyes but kept listening. No abnormal sounds, no signs of internal injury—at least none he could detect through basic auscultation.

"Alright," Gary said, pulling back and removing the stethoscope from his ears. "Your heart’s working overtime, your lungs are wheezy, and your stomach is loud but fine."

"So, basically, I’m good?" Ash asked.

Gary stared at him. "No, Ash, you’re not good. You have poison in your system and a bunch of injuries! You need to rest and get treated!"

Ash pouted. "But—"

Gary pointed a finger in his face. "Rest. No battles, no running around, no climbing trees. You’re staying here overnight for observation, and that’s final."

Ash groaned dramatically. "Ugh, you sound like my mom."

Gary smirked. "Then maybe you should listen to me, just like you listen to her."

Ash huffed but didn't argue further. Gary turned to Tessa, who had been quietly observing. "Start him on the antidote and fluids. And make sure he stays put."

Tessa smirked. "That part’s easier said than done."

Gary sighed. "Trust me. I know."

As Tessa left to grab the medication, Gary turned back to Ash, who was already trying to prop himself up on his elbows.

Gary pushed him right back down. "Stay. Down."

Ash grumbled but obeyed. Pikachu hopped onto his chest, nuzzling him worriedly.

Gary crossed his arms. "Seriously, Ash. Take care of yourself. You may be stubborn, but you’re not invincible."

Ash smiled, softer this time. "I know. Thanks, Gary."

Gary rolled his eyes but smirked. "Yeah, yeah. Just don’t make this a habit."

Ash chuckled. "No promises."

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