Stomach shots
The clinic room was filled with the faint hum of air conditioning and the rhythmic scribble of Gary's pen on a clipboard. Ash sat on the examination table, legs swinging nervously. His shirt was slightly untucked, and Pikachu sat on the floor, eyeing the proceedings warily.
Gary glanced up and gave his best friend a reassuring smile. "Alright, Ashy. Let's see how you're doing today."
Ash shifted uneasily. "Do I have to be here? I feel fine, Gary."
Gary raised a brow. "Fine? Kiddo, you were doubled over with stomach pain yesterday. I had to practically carry you here."
Ash huffed. "It was just... I dunno, maybe I ate too much?"
Gary set down his clipboard. "Maybe. But it’s my job to make sure it’s nothing more serious. Lay back for me, buddy."
Ash hesitated but obeyed, stretching out on the exam table. Gary snapped on a pair of gloves and gently lifted Ash's shirt to just below his ribs. "This might feel a little weird, but I need to check your stomach, alright?"
Ash tensed. "Weird how?"
"Just some gentle pressing. I need to feel for any lumps, tenderness, or anything unusual."
Ash sighed. "Fine... but don't make it tickle."
Gary chuckled. "I’ll do my best."
He started palpating Ash's abdomen, his fingers moving methodically across different areas. "Let me know if anything hurts, okay?"
Ash grimaced as Gary pressed near his lower left side. "Ow... kinda there."
Gary's brows knitted in concern. "Got it. How about here?" He moved to the upper right side, pressing gently.
Ash shook his head. "Nah, that’s fine."
Gary continued his examination, noting the slight tension in Ash's muscles. "Hmm... Your lower abdomen feels a bit inflamed. That could explain the pain."
Ash frowned. "Is that bad?"
"Not necessarily," Gary assured him. "But I’m thinking it might be best to give you a specific type of shot to help reduce inflammation and relax the muscles in your stomach area."
Ash's eyes widened. "Wait... a shot? On my stomach?!"
Gary nodded calmly. "Yeah, buddy. I know it sounds scary, but there’s a reason for it. The medication works better when it’s injected directly near the affected area. If I give it in your arm or leg, it won’t be as effective."
Ash gulped. "But... that sounds awful."
Gary softened his tone. "I get it, Ashy. Shots aren’t fun, especially in places like your stomach. But I promise I’ll be as gentle as possible. And it’ll help you feel better faster."
Ash fidgeted, clearly torn. "You swear it won't hurt too much?"
Gary placed a comforting hand on Ash's shoulder. "I swear, buddy. And I'll walk you through it step by step, okay?"
Ash took a deep breath. "Okay... I trust you, Gary."
Gary smiled. "That’s my guy. Let's get this done."
He prepped the syringe, his movements smooth and efficient. "Alright, Ashy. Lift your shirt just a bit more and tilt your hips slightly to the side. Perfect."
Ash squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the edge of the table. "Can I hold onto something?"
Gary immediately offered his free hand. "Here, buddy. Squeeze as hard as you need."
Ash latched onto Gary's hand, his knuckles turning white. "Ready?" Gary asked gently.
"Just do it," Ash muttered.
Gary positioned the needle carefully. "Deep breath in... and out."
As Ash exhaled, Gary inserted the needle smoothly and steadily. Ash flinched, his grip tightening on Gary's hand. "Ow... that stings..."
"I know, buddy. Almost done. Just keep breathing." Gary injected the medication slowly, ensuring minimal discomfort. "You're doing great, Ashy. Just a few more seconds... and done."
He withdrew the needle and immediately pressed a cotton swab to the site. "Hold this for a second."
Ash let out a shaky breath, his eyes glossy. "That... wasn't as bad as I thought."
Gary smiled proudly. "Told you I’d be gentle. You handled that like a champ."
Ash managed a weak grin. "Thanks... Dr. Oak."
Gary chuckled. "Anytime, Ashy-boy. Now, how about we grab a snack? You earned it."
Ash's face lit up. "Can it be ice cream?"
Gary ruffled his hair. "You bet, buddy."
The room was warm, sunlight streaming through the windows of the clinic. Ash sat nervously on the edge of the examination table, his sneakers swinging just above the floor. His hands fidgeted in his lap, and Pikachu sat protectively on his shoulder, casting wary glances at Gary, who was preparing something at the counter.
Gary turned around, snapping on a pair of gloves and holding a syringe. His expression was calm but serious.
"Alright, kiddo," he said, stepping closer. "I know you're not a fan of shots, but we need to do this one today."
Ash immediately tensed. "Where’s it going this time?" he asked, his voice wavering. "Please don’t say my arm or my leg again. Those still hurt from last time..."
Gary sighed, pulling up a stool to sit in front of him. "Actually, buddy, it’s not going in your arm or leg this time."
Ash blinked, confused. "Then... where?"
Gary gave him a steady look. "Your stomach."
Ash’s eyes widened in horror. "My stomach?! Are you kidding me?! Why there?! That’s—Gary, no!"
Gary held up a calming hand. "Hey, hey, listen to me for a second, okay? There’s a good reason for this. This shot needs to go into a layer of fat to work properly. It won’t be as effective if we put it in your arm or leg. The stomach’s just the best spot for it."
Ash’s hands flew to his stomach protectively. "But that’s gonna hurt so much! What if it goes too deep?!"
Gary reached out, gently prying Ash’s hands away. "It won’t hurt as much as you think, buddy. I promise. I’ll be super careful, and it’ll only take a second. But first, I need to check your stomach, okay? Just to make sure everything’s good before we do this."
Ash hesitated, then gave a reluctant nod. "Fine... but only because it’s you, Gary."
Gary smiled softly. "Thanks for trusting me, Ashy."
He gently helped Ash lie back on the examination table, his hands steady and reassuring. "Alright, just lift your shirt a little for me, buddy."
Ash did so, revealing his stomach. Gary rubbed his gloved hands together to warm them before placing them gently on Ash’s abdomen.
"Let me know if anything feels uncomfortable," Gary said as he pressed lightly in different areas. His touch was firm but careful as he palpated Ash’s stomach, checking for any abnormalities or signs of tenderness.
Ash squirmed slightly. "That tickles..."
Gary chuckled. "Tickling’s a good sign. It means everything feels normal so far." He moved his hands to another area, pressing gently. "How about here? Any pain?"
Ash shook his head. "Nope. Just... kinda weird."
Gary nodded, satisfied. "Alright, buddy. Everything feels good. No swelling, no tenderness—that’s exactly what I wanted to see."
Ash propped himself up on his elbows. "So... now the shot?"
Gary grabbed the syringe and nodded. "Yup. But I’ll walk you through it, okay? You’ve got nothing to worry about."
Ash looked skeptical but stayed still. Gary gently tilted his head to the side, speaking softly. "This spot, right below your belly button, is the safest and least painful place for this kind of shot. And remember, it’s quick. You’ll barely feel it."
Gary cleaned the area with an alcohol wipe, the cool sensation making Ash flinch slightly.
"Deep breath in, Ashy," Gary instructed, his tone calm and soothing.
Ash sucked in a breath, his fists clenched tightly.
"Good. Now out," Gary said as he positioned the needle. "Here we go, buddy. Just a little pinch."
Ash winced as the needle entered, but Gary was steady and precise, pushing the medication in slowly.
"Almost done," Gary murmured, his free hand gently resting on Ash’s arm to keep him calm.
When the shot was finished, Gary withdrew the needle and pressed a small piece of gauze against the spot. "There we go. All done."
Ash opened one eye cautiously. "That’s it?"
Gary smiled, holding up a Band-Aid. "That’s it, champ. Told you it wouldn’t be so bad."
Ash sat up, rubbing his stomach gingerly. "It still stung, though..."
"I know, buddy," Gary said as he applied the Band-Aid. "But you handled it like a pro. This shot’s really important—it helps protect you from some nasty stuff, like certain infections that can mess with your body big time."
Ash frowned but nodded slowly. "If you say so..."
Gary ruffled his hair. "I do. Now, how about a snack? You definitely earned it."
Ash brightened. "Can I have ice cream?"
Gary laughed. "Sure, Ashy-boy. Let’s go grab some."
Ash lay on the examination table, fidgeting nervously as Gary washed his hands at the sink. The clinic room was quiet, save for the sound of running water and the faint beeping from the equipment. Pikachu sat on a chair nearby, its ears twitching as it watched the scene unfold.
Gary dried his hands and turned back to Ash, his expression calm but serious. "Okay, kiddo. Here's the deal—I'm gonna have to give you a shot today."
Ash tensed immediately. "A shot? Again? Can't you just give it in my arm or something?"
Gary sighed, pulling on a pair of gloves. "Normally, yeah. But this one's a bit different, Ash. The medication needs to go directly into the subcutaneous tissue around your stomach. It's more effective that way for what we're treating."
Ash blinked, confused and a little wary. "Sub-cue...what?"
Gary smiled gently. "Fancy way of saying under the skin near your belly. It's the best place for this kind of shot because the medicine gets absorbed more evenly there. If I gave it in your arm or leg, it might not work as well."
Ash groaned, flopping back on the table. "Great. My stomach's gonna hurt now, too."
Gary's voice was reassuring. "It won't be as bad as you think, buddy. But before we do that, I need to check your stomach first. Just to make sure everything looks and feels okay."
Ash's eyes widened. "Why? Is something wrong?"
Gary shook his head. "Probably not. But I want to be thorough, okay? Better safe than sorry."
Reluctantly, Ash nodded. "Fine... but be gentle, okay?"
Gary chuckled. "Always, Ashy-boy."
He gently lifted Ash's shirt, exposing his stomach. "Alright, just relax for me, kiddo. I'm gonna feel around a bit."
Ash flinched as Gary's gloved hands pressed lightly on his abdomen. "Cold!"
"Sorry," Gary said with a smile. "I'll be quick."
He palpated carefully, his fingers pressing in different areas with a practiced touch. "Tell me if anything hurts, okay?"
Ash bit his lip as Gary pressed near his belly button. "That feels weird, but it doesn't hurt."
"Good," Gary said, moving his hands lower and then to the sides. "No swelling or tenderness. That's what I like to see."
Ash frowned. "So... everything's okay?"
"Yup. Your stomach checks out," Gary confirmed. "Now comes the not-so-fun part."
Ash's eyes darted to the syringe Gary had prepared earlier. "Do we really have to?"
Gary softened his tone. "Yeah, buddy. But I'll make it as quick and easy as possible. I promise."
Ash swallowed hard. "Okay... but can Pikachu stay with me?"
Gary glanced at the little Pokémon. "Of course. Pikachu's your emotional support, right?"
"Pika!" Pikachu chirped proudly.
Gary smiled. "Alright, Ash. I'm gonna tilt you to the side a little and pinch the skin here, okay?" He gently grasped a small fold of skin near Ash's stomach.
Ash's breathing quickened. "Gary... I'm scared."
"I know, buddy," Gary said softly. "But you've got this. Just keep your eyes on Pikachu, okay? And take a deep breath for me."
Ash nodded shakily, his eyes locked on Pikachu. Gary moved swiftly, inserting the needle with a steady hand.
Ash flinched, his fists clenching. "Ow... that stings!"
"Almost done," Gary murmured. "Deep breath... and there we go. All done."
Ash let out a shaky breath as Gary removed the needle and pressed a piece of gauze to the spot. "See? You survived, Ashy-boy."
Ash's voice was wobbly. "Barely..."
Gary chuckled, securing the gauze with a small bandage. "You did great, kiddo. I know that wasn't fun, but it was important."
Ash sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Why was it so important, though?"
Gary pulled off his gloves and tossed them in the bin. "This shot helps your body fight off infections in a specific way. Because it goes in the stomach area, it works faster and more evenly. It's kinda like giving your immune system a head start."
Ash considered that. "So it makes me stronger?"
"Exactly," Gary said with a grin. "And now you're one step closer to being as strong as Pikachu."
"Pika-chu!" Pikachu flexed its tiny arms proudly.
Ash laughed weakly. "Thanks, Gary."
Gary ruffled Ash's hair. "Anytime, buddy. Now let's go grab some ice cream. I think you earned it."
The clinic was quiet that afternoon, the usual buzz of patients and chatter replaced by the soft hum of the air conditioning. Ash Ketchum sat nervously on the examination table, swinging his legs back and forth. His cap was tilted slightly, and Pikachu was nestled protectively against his side.
Gary Oak stood nearby, flipping through Ash’s chart. His brow furrowed as he read, and he let out a thoughtful hum.
"Alright, kiddo," Gary said, setting the clipboard down. "Looks like we need to give you a shot today."
Ash groaned. "Another one? Seriously, Gary? I just had shots last week!"
Gary gave a sympathetic nod. "I know, buddy. But this one’s different. It’s a special type of medication that has to be given in the stomach."
Ash's eyes widened in horror. "The stomach?! Why? Can’t it go in my arm or leg like normal?"
Gary pulled a chair over and sat in front of Ash, his expression calm and reassuring. "I get why you're freaked out, Ashy, but let me explain. This medication works better when it's injected into fatty tissue. Your stomach has just the right amount for the medicine to absorb properly. If we do it in your arm or leg, it might not work as well."
Ash scrunched his nose. "Still sounds awful."
Gary smiled gently. "Hey, I get it. Shots are never fun, but I'll make it as quick and easy as possible. And I'll walk you through it step by step, okay?"
Ash sighed heavily. "Fine... but I don’t have to like it."
"Fair deal." Gary stood up, snapping on a pair of gloves. "First, I need to check your stomach to find the best spot. Lie back for me, buddy."
Reluctantly, Ash did as he was told, his face scrunched up in discomfort. Pikachu hopped down to the floor, watching anxiously.
Gary lifted Ash’s shirt carefully, exposing his stomach. "I’m just gonna feel around a bit, okay? Tell me if anything feels tender or weird."
Ash nodded, biting his lip. Gary’s hands were warm and gentle as he palpated Ash’s abdomen, pressing lightly in different areas.
"Everything feels normal so far," Gary murmured, his tone reassuring. "No weird lumps or soreness, right?"
Ash shook his head. "No... it just tickles a little."
Gary chuckled. "I'll try not to tickle you, Ashy-boy. Almost done."
He pressed a bit lower near Ash’s navel, making sure the tissue was soft and suitable for the injection. "Alright, this spot looks good. Not too close to anything sensitive, and it should be the least painful area."
Ash's voice was small. "Are you sure?"
Gary nodded firmly. "Positive. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't the best option for you."
Gary reached for the alcohol wipe and ripped it open. "Okay, kiddo, I’m gonna clean the area now. It’ll feel a little cold."
Ash shivered as the wipe touched his skin. "Yup... cold."
"See? You’re already halfway through the hard part," Gary teased lightly.
Ash tried to laugh, but it came out as a nervous huff. "I guess…"
Gary grabbed the syringe, his voice calm and steady. "Alright, Ash. I’m gonna count to three, but I promise I’ll be quick. Deep breath for me, okay?"
Ash clenched his fists. "Okay…"
"One... two—" Gary inserted the needle smoothly before reaching three.
Ash gasped, his body tensing. "Ow... ow... that stings!"
Gary kept his hand steady. "I know, buddy. Almost done. Just keep breathing."
Ash bit down on his lip, his eyes watering slightly. "Is it out yet?"
"Just a second... there." Gary withdrew the needle and pressed a cotton ball to the spot. "See? You survived."
Ash let out a shaky breath. "That was awful."
Gary smiled softly, taping the cotton ball in place. "But you were brave, Ashy-boy. I'm proud of you."
Ash rubbed his eyes. "You always say that."
"Because it’s true," Gary said sincerely. "I know how scared you were, but you didn’t run or fight me off. That’s pretty awesome."
Ash managed a small smile. "Thanks... I guess."
Gary ruffled his hair. "You're welcome, kiddo. Now, how about I get you a cold drink for being such a trooper?"
Ash’s eyes lit up. "Can it be a soda?"
Gary laughed. "Fine, but just this once. Come on, let’s go."
It was a quiet afternoon in Pallet Town. The soft breeze ruffled the curtains in Gary’s small clinic as he washed his hands at the sink. Across the room, Ash sat on the examination table, swinging his legs nervously. His Pikachu lay curled up near his shoes, eyes half-closed but always alert.
Ash looked wary. "You're giving me a shot today, aren't you?"
Gary dried his hands and shot him a sheepish grin. "Yeah, kiddo. Sorry, but we gotta do this."
Ash groaned. "Do we really have to? Can't you just... I don't know, skip it this one time?"
Gary shook his head, pulling on a pair of gloves. "Trust me, Ash. I wouldn't be doing this unless it was important."
Ash sighed dramatically. "Fine. But why can't it be in my arm or leg like usual?"
Gary's expression turned serious. "That's actually a good question, Ashy-boy. The medicine you're getting today absorbs better when it's injected into the fat layer of your stomach."
Ash blinked. "Fat layer? Are you calling me fat?!"
Gary snorted. "No, no, not at all! Everyone has a fat layer under their skin, even someone as scrawny as you."
Gary held up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, it's the best spot for this particular medicine. If I give it in your arm or leg, it won't work as well. This is about keeping you healthy, okay?"
Ash fidgeted but nodded reluctantly. "Okay... but it still sounds weird."
Gary smiled gently. "I know it sounds weird, but I promise I'll make it as quick and painless as possible."
He gestured for Ash to lie down. "Alright, buddy. Let's have you lie flat on your back."
Ash hesitated, then obeyed, his face scrunching up in nervous anticipation. Pikachu tilted its head, watching intently.
Gary crouched beside the table and lifted Ash's shirt, exposing his stomach. "Alright, I'm just gonna feel around a bit first, okay? I need to find the best spot."
Ash tensed. "Why do you have to touch it?"
Gary's voice was calm and reassuring. "Because I need to make sure the area isn't too tight or bony. It'll hurt less if I find a soft spot."
Ash nodded, though his body was stiff.
Gary placed his gloved hands gently on Ash's stomach, pressing lightly in different areas. "Okay, take a deep breath for me... good. Just relax, Ashy."
Ash winced. "That tickles."
Gary chuckled. "I get that a lot. But I gotta do it, sorry."
After a few more gentle presses, Gary found the right spot. "Here we go. This is the best spot."
Ash peeked down nervously. "You're really gonna do it there?"
Gary nodded. "Yup. It'll be over before you know it."
He reached for the syringe and pulled off the cap. "Okay, buddy. Look at me, not the needle, alright?"
Ash's eyes widened. "But—"
Gary's voice was steady. "Ash, I need you to trust me. You got this."
Ash gulped but kept his eyes on Gary's face. "O-okay..."
"Good." Gary pinched the skin gently and positioned the needle. "Deep breath in... and out."
Ash flinched as the needle went in. "Ow! That stings!"
"I know, kiddo. Almost done... and there." Gary removed the needle smoothly and pressed a piece of gauze to the spot. "See? You survived."
Ash let out a shaky breath. "That was weird. Like, really weird."
Gary grinned. "Yeah, stomach shots are kinda weird, but you handled it like a champ."
Ash sat up, rubbing the spot. "It still stings, though."
"That'll go away in a minute," Gary assured him. "Want me to get you a bandage with Pikachu on it?"
Ash's face lit up. "You have Pikachu bandages?"
Gary winked. "Only for my favorite patients."
Ash grinned despite himself. "Thanks, Gary... you're the best."
Gary ruffled his hair. "Anytime, Ashy-boy. Now let's go get you that bandage."
The clinic was quiet that morning, save for the soft hum of the air conditioner. Gary sat on a stool, flipping through Ash's medical chart with a focused frown. Across from him, Ash sat on the examination table, looking pale and sluggish, his usual boundless energy nowhere to be found.
Gary glanced up, concern evident in his eyes. "Hey, buddy. How're you feeling?"
Ash groaned, resting his head on his hand. "Terrible. My stomach hurts... and I feel all weird and sweaty."
Gary stood and walked over, his brow furrowed. "Sounds rough, Ashy-boy. Let's check you out and see what's going on, okay?"
Ash nodded weakly. "Do I have to?"
Gary offered a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, kiddo. But I'll make it quick. Lie back for me."
Ash reluctantly did as he was told, stretching out on the table. Gary snapped on a pair of gloves and lifted Ash's shirt just enough to expose his stomach.
"Alright, buddy. I'm gonna feel your stomach, okay? Just let me know if anything hurts."
Ash nodded, biting his lip. Gary placed his hands gently on Ash's abdomen, pressing and palpating in different areas. His movements were slow and deliberate, his expression focused.
"Here?" Gary asked, pressing just below Ash's ribs.
Ash flinched. "Ow! Yeah, that hurts."
Gary frowned. "Okay... and here?" He pressed lower, near Ash's belly button.
Ash winced again. "That too."
Gary sighed, withdrawing his hands. "Well, it looks like you've got some inflammation going on. Maybe a stomach bug or mild gastroenteritis."
Ash's eyes widened. "Is that bad?"
Gary shook his head. "Not necessarily, but we need to get it under control. And I think a shot will help bring the inflammation down faster."
Ash's face paled. "A shot? But why my stomach? Can't you just do it in my arm or leg like last time?"
Gary crouched beside the table, looking Ash in the eye. "I get why you're asking, Ashy. But here's the deal — this particular medication works best when it's given close to the affected area. Since your stomach is what's inflamed, that means the shot needs to go in your belly."
Ash's lips trembled. "But... won't that hurt a lot?"
Gary's voice was calm and reassuring. "It might sting a little, but I'll be as gentle as I can. And I'll be right here with you the whole time. You've got this, buddy."
Ash hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. "Okay... if you say so."
Gary smiled softly. "That's my brave Ashy-boy. Alright, let's get this over with."
He prepped the syringe, flicking it to ensure there were no air bubbles. Then he cleaned the injection site with an alcohol wipe, the cool sensation making Ash shiver.
"Alright, kiddo," Gary said gently. "Take a deep breath in... and out. Keep breathing, okay?"
Ash squeezed his eyes shut, clutching the edge of the table. "Okay..."
Gary's voice was calm. "Here we go. Just a little pinch."
He inserted the needle smoothly into Ash's lower abdomen, his hands steady and precise. Ash flinched, letting out a shaky gasp.
"Almost done, buddy," Gary murmured. "You're doing great. Just keep breathing."
Ash's breath hitched, but he managed to stay still. A few moments later, Gary withdrew the needle and pressed a small cotton ball to the site.
"All done," Gary announced, his voice warm. "You did awesome, Ashy."
Ash's eyes were watery, but he managed a weak smile. "It... it wasn't as bad as I thought."
Gary grinned. "Told ya. You're tougher than you think, kiddo."
Ash sniffled. "Thanks, Gary."
Gary ruffled his hair. "Anytime, buddy. Now, let's get you some water and let that medicine kick in. You'll be back to your usual energetic self in no time."
Ash managed a small laugh. "Good... 'cause being sick sucks."
Gary chuckled. "That it does, Ashy-boy. That it does."
Ash sat on the examination table, his legs dangling nervously as he watched Gary pull on a fresh pair of gloves. The room was quiet except for the faint hum of the air conditioner. Pikachu perched on the edge of the table, looking between the two boys with a concerned expression.
Ash frowned, placing a hand on his stomach. "I still don't get why it hurts so much, Gary. It’s like... I don’t know. It feels like someone’s twisting my insides."
Gary nodded, his expression serious but calm as he approached with his medical bag. "That’s why I need to check it out, Ashy. You’ve been complaining about your stomach for a couple of days now, and it’s getting worse. We’ve gotta figure out what’s going on."
Ash shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, but... I don’t think I like where this is going."
Gary offered a small smile, crouching in front of him. "Hey, relax. I’m just gonna feel your stomach first, okay? No needles yet."
Ash perked up slightly at that, though his shoulders were still tense. "Okay... but you promise you’re not gonna poke me yet?"
Gary chuckled softly. "Promise, buddy. Lay back for me."
Ash obeyed hesitantly, leaning back onto the table. Gary rolled up his shirt to expose his stomach, the cool air making Ash shiver slightly. Pikachu climbed onto the table, watching closely.
"Alright, Ashy-boy," Gary said gently, placing his hands lightly on Ash’s stomach. "Tell me if anything hurts, okay?"
Ash nodded. "Okay..."
Gary pressed down gently, starting at the upper part of Ash’s abdomen. Ash winced slightly but didn’t say anything. As Gary moved his hands lower, Ash flinched and let out a soft groan.
"There?" Gary asked, pausing his movement.
Ash nodded, his face scrunching up. "Yeah... that spot hurts a lot."
Gary frowned slightly, continuing to palpate the area gently. "Hmm... sounds like it could be a gastrointestinal thing. Maybe inflammation or something like that."
Ash blinked up at him. "In-what?"
Gary smiled a little. "It just means your stomach or intestines might be irritated. That could be why you’re in so much pain." He stepped back, pulling off his gloves. "I think I know what’s going on, Ash. And I’m gonna give you something to help."
Ash sat up, tugging his shirt back down. "Wait... you’re not talking about a shot, are you?"
Gary hesitated, giving Ash an apologetic look. "I am, buddy. It’s the best way to get the medicine into your system quickly. Your stomach’s too irritated right now for pills, and we can’t wait for something slower to work."
Ash’s face fell, and he clutched Pikachu to his chest. "B-but... why my stomach? Can’t you do it in my arm or something?"
Gary shook his head. "The medicine works best when it’s injected closer to the area causing the problem. Your stomach is the source of the pain, so the shot needs to go there."
Ash looked down, his fingers gripping Pikachu tightly. "I don’t know if I can do this, Gary... What if it hurts?"
Gary crouched again, meeting Ash’s nervous gaze. "It might sting a little, Ashy, but I’ll be as quick and gentle as I can. And I’ll be right here with you the whole time, okay?"
Ash swallowed hard, his eyes filling with uncertainty. "Promise?"
Gary smiled softly, ruffling Ash’s hair. "Promise, kiddo. You’re gonna be just fine."
Ash nodded reluctantly, lying back down on the table. Gary pulled out the syringe, checking the dosage carefully before snapping on a fresh pair of gloves.
"Alright, I’m gonna lift your shirt again," Gary said, his tone calm and reassuring. He rolled Ash’s shirt up just enough to expose the lower part of his stomach. "I’ll clean the spot first. It might feel a little cold."
Ash flinched as Gary wiped the area with an alcohol pad. "That’s freezing!"
"Better cold than dirty," Gary teased lightly, trying to ease the tension. He placed a comforting hand on Ash’s shoulder. "Alright, Ashy-boy. Deep breath in... and out. I’m gonna do it on the count of three, okay?"
Ash squeezed his eyes shut, clutching Pikachu tighter. "Okay..."
"One... two..." Gary didn’t wait for three. He slid the needle in quickly but carefully, injecting the medicine smoothly.
Ash gasped, his hands trembling. "Oww... Gary, that hurts!"
"I know, buddy. Almost done. You’re doing great." Gary’s voice was steady as he finished and gently removed the needle. He pressed a small bandage over the spot, rubbing Ash’s shoulder soothingly. "There we go. All done."
Ash opened his eyes, tears brimming as he looked up at Gary. "That... was worse than I thought..."
Gary sat beside him, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "I know it wasn’t fun, but you were so brave, Ash. This’ll help you feel better, I promise."
Ash sniffled, wiping his eyes. "You really think so?"
"I know so," Gary said firmly. "And hey, I’m proud of you. You handled that like a champ."
Ash managed a small smile, still clutching Pikachu. "Thanks... Gary."
"Anytime, Ashy-boy," Gary replied, ruffling his hair again. "Now, how about we get you some ice for that and a little rest? You’ve earned it."
The clinic was quiet, save for the faint hum of the air conditioning and the occasional rustle of papers. Gary stood by the examination table, gloved hands resting on his hips as he studied his patient. Ash sat nervously on the edge of the table, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. His face was pale, and there were faint dark circles under his eyes.
Gary sighed softly. "Ashy-boy, I hate to say it, but you look rough. How long have you been feeling like this?"
Ash shrugged. "Dunno... a couple of days, I guess."
Gary raised an eyebrow. "Couple of days? And you didn’t think to tell anyone?"
Ash looked down, avoiding Gary’s gaze. "I didn’t wanna bother anyone. I thought it would just go away."
Gary knelt in front of him, his voice gentle. "You’re never a bother, Ash. I’d rather you tell me when you’re feeling crummy than tough it out and get worse, okay?"
Ash nodded reluctantly. "Okay…"
Gary stood up and snapped his gloves tighter. "Alright, first things first—lie back for me. I need to check your stomach."
Ash blinked, his brows furrowing. "My stomach? Why?"
"Because you said you’ve been feeling sick, right? Any cramps or sharp pains?" Gary asked as he gently guided Ash to lie down on the table.
Ash hesitated. "Yeah… kinda. And I keep feeling bloated, even though I’m not eating much."
Gary's expression grew more serious. "That’s what I was afraid of. Sometimes when your digestive system isn’t working right, it can cause all sorts of problems. I need to check for any tenderness or swelling."
Ash bit his lip. "This is gonna hurt, isn’t it?"
Gary offered a reassuring smile. "I’ll be as gentle as I can, buddy. If anything hurts, just let me know, okay?"
Ash nodded, gripping the edge of the table. Gary lifted Ash's shirt carefully, revealing his pale stomach. "Alright, deep breath in... and out. Good job."
Gary pressed his fingers gently into Ash's abdomen, starting near his ribs and moving downward. "Any pain here?"
Ash shook his head. "No."
Gary continued, his touch firm but careful. "How about here?"
Ash winced. "A little…"
Gary’s brow furrowed. "Okay, that’s good to know. I’m almost done, buddy." He palpated the lower part of Ash's stomach, feeling for any unusual firmness or lumps. "Does this hurt?"
Ash flinched. "Yeah, a lot."
Gary pulled his hands back and sighed. "Alright, Ashy-boy. Here's the deal—your stomach’s really tense, and I’m worried you might have an inflammation or some kind of infection. That’s probably why you’re feeling so lousy."
Ash's eyes widened. "Is it bad?"
Gary shook his head. "It’s not the worst thing, but we need to treat it before it gets worse. That means I have to give you a shot, and the best spot for it is your stomach."
Ash sat up quickly. "My stomach?! Why there?! Can't it be my arm or something?"
Gary placed a calming hand on Ash's shoulder. "I get it, buddy. But the reason we do it in the stomach is because the medicine absorbs better there for this kind of issue. It’ll work faster and help you feel better sooner."
Ash's voice trembled. "But… it’s gonna hurt, right?"
Gary knelt down so he was eye level with Ash. "It might sting a little, but I’ll be as quick and gentle as I can. And I’ll stay right here with you the whole time. You trust me, right?"
Ash swallowed hard but nodded. "Yeah... I trust you."
Gary smiled warmly. "That’s my guy. Let’s get this over with so you can start feeling better."
He snapped open the alcohol wipe and gently cleaned a spot on Ash's lower abdomen. "Deep breath in, buddy... and out. Good job."
Ash gripped the edge of the table tightly, his knuckles turning white. Gary uncapped the syringe and positioned it carefully. "Alright, Ashy-boy. Just a little pinch, okay?"
Ash squeezed his eyes shut as Gary inserted the needle smoothly. "Ow..." he whimpered.
"I know, buddy. Almost done. You’re doing amazing," Gary murmured, keeping his voice steady. He pressed the plunger down and then quickly withdrew the needle.
Gary immediately applied a bandage and rubbed Ash's shoulder. "All done, kiddo. You were so brave."
Ash's eyes were watery, but he managed a small smile. "It wasn’t as bad as I thought..."
Gary grinned. "See? Told ya. Now let’s get you some juice and rest. Deal?"
Ash nodded. "Deal... Thanks, Gary."
"Anytime, Ashy-boy," Gary said warmly, ruffling his hair. "That’s what best friends are for."
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