More sick Ashy Boy

" It's cold!" Ash yelped as Gary slid the stethoscope under his shirt.

" I know, kiddo. I  know." Gary replied sympathetically. " But this'll help me understand what's going on in that body of yours."

" Just.... Hurry! It's freezing!"

Gary replied seriously, pressing the stethoscope firmly in one place. " Deep breath in...and out. In... out. In..."

He frowned slightly, and Ash's eyes widened. " W... what happened?"

Gary shook his head and rubbed Ash's arm reassuringly. " Nothing, buddy. It's fine."

Ash collapsed back onto the couch, his head throbbing. " I hate this." he muttered, putting his pillow over his face.

" I know Ash. I know. Being sick sucks, but hey. Just one more day and you'll be out doing what you do best."

Ash turned to face Gary, though he still clutched his head. He opened a squinty eye and winced before asking, " You never told me, though. What are you doing here, anyway?"

" Professor Rowan gave me a few days off. So I came to Pallet."

" Oh."

Ash turned away, burying his head in his pillow and said, " Well you don't need to be here, you know."

Gary raised a brow and sat on the edge of the couch, rubbing Ash's shoulder. " Yeah? Why's that?"

" Because you're on a break. You don't have to take care of me while I'm sick, y'know. You could go out and enjoy yourself."

Gary raised his brow again. " What. me enjoy myself while you're sick? Never."

Ash moaned, rubbing his temple. " No, I'm serious."

" So am I." Gary countered, leaning on the couch. " You're my best friend, Ashy. I don't want you to be sick."

Ash sat up and gave him a grateful smile, but before he could say anything, he started to cough.


Gary's eyes widened, and he scooted close to Ash, rubbing his back. " Woah woah woah easy Ash, easy! Take a deep breath."

Ash tried, but he just kept coughing.

" Chu!"

Gary looked down to see Pikachu holding a glass of water.

" Thanks Pikachu." Gary said, taking the glass and giving it to his friend.

" Take small sips." He advised as Ash gulped it down.

" Thanks." Ash muttered, setting the glass down.

Gary frowned and took the stethoscope from around his neck. " That didn't sound too good, though. Deep breath in... And out. One more time. In.... And out."

Ash's lungs were raspy, and his heart was beating fast.

Gary sighed, pulling away and looping the stethoscope around his neck before pulling a thermometer from his bag. " Okay buddy. Open wide."

Ash opened his mouth slightly, just enough for Gary to slip the thermometer under his tounge. While they waited for the results, Gary put a cool hand on Ash's warm neck.

Gary frowned slightly.

Then the thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out.

" 105.2....." he muttered.

Ash opened a weary eye. " Is that bad?"

Gary shook his head as he reached out and snapped some gloves on. " Well, Ashy. It's not good, but it's not bad, either."

Ash groaned. " What now?"

Gary held up a flashlight and gently held Ash's chin. " We're just gonna check a few things, buddy."

Ash tried to pull his head away, but Gary's grip was firm yet gentle. "Hold still, Ashy. This won't hurt."

Ash let out a tired sigh, his shoulders slumping. "Fine. Just make it quick."

Gary flicked on the flashlight, the bright beam cutting through the dim room. He leaned in close, holding Ash's chin steady as he shined the light into one eye. "Okay, follow the light for me. Just your eyes—don't move your head."

Ash's gaze shifted hesitantly, trailing the beam as Gary moved it left to right, then up and down.

"Good," Gary murmured, his voice calm and soothing. "Now the other eye." He repeated the process, nodding to himself. "Looks alright so far."

Ash blinked rapidly when Gary finally moved the light away, rubbing at his tired eyes. "You sure? My head feels like it's splitting in two."

Gary gave him a small smile as he reached for his otoscope, fitting the device with a clean tip. "We'll check everything, buddy. Just hang in there."

Ash huffed, resting his head back on the couch as Gary leaned in to examine his ears. "Okay, turn your head a little for me," Gary said, tilting Ash's chin to the side. He carefully inserted the otoscope into Ash's ear, peering inside.

"Hm," Gary hummed thoughtfully. "A little red, but no major blockage. You probably have some fluid buildup from the fever." He shifted to the other ear, repeating the process. "Same on this side."

"Great," Ash muttered sarcastically, crossing his arms. "So what now? Are you gonna tell me I'm dying or something?"

Gary smirked, setting the otoscope aside. "Not on my watch, Ashy-boy. Let's check that throat next." He reached for a tongue depressor, holding it up. "Say 'ah.'"

Ash hesitated, eyeing the depressor suspiciously. "Do I have to?"

Gary raised an eyebrow. "Unless you want me to guess what's going on in there."

"Ugh, fine," Ash grumbled, opening his mouth reluctantly. Gary gently pressed the depressor on his tongue, shining the flashlight into his throat.

"Yeah, your throat's inflamed," Gary observed, his tone serious. "No wonder you're coughing so much. You've got some irritation back here."

He pulled back, tossing the used depressor into the trash and turning his attention to Ash's chest. "Alright, last check for now. I need to listen to your lungs again."

Ash groaned, slumping back against the couch. "I hate this..."

Gary chuckled softly as he slid the stethoscope's earpieces back in. "I know, kiddo. But we're almost done. Lift your shirt a little."

Ash complied grudgingly, shivering as the cold metal touched his skin again. "It's still freezing!"

"Deep breath in... and out," Gary instructed, moving the stethoscope around Ash's chest and back. "Again. In... and out."

Ash followed the directions, though his breaths came out ragged and wheezy. Gary frowned, pressing the stethoscope against a few more spots before sitting back with a sigh.

"Well, your lungs sound congested. And your fever's way too high," Gary said, his tone serious but not alarming. "We need to get your fever down first."

Ash leaned forward, resting his head in his hands. "This sucks..."

Gary placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know, buddy. But you're gonna be okay. Let's get you some medicine and lots of fluids. And no arguing this time—you need to rest."

Ash looked up at Gary, his eyes tired but grateful. "Thanks, Gary. I guess you're not the worst nurse in the world."

Gary smirked. "Nurse? Try doctor. Now, stay put while I grab you some water. Pikachu, you're on Ash-duty."

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped, hopping onto Ash's lap as Gary headed to the kitchen.

Ash sighed, leaning back against the couch. Maybe being taken care of wasn't so bad after all.

Ash groaned again but allowed Gary to tilt his chin up. The coolness of Gary's gloved fingers was a small relief against his flushed skin, though the bright beam of the flashlight made him squint.

"Follow the light, Ash," Gary instructed, moving the flashlight from side to side. "Just your eyes, okay?"

Ash tried his best to comply, but his eyelids felt heavy, and his head throbbed with each movement. "Gary, this sucks," he muttered, his voice raspy.

Gary chuckled softly, his tone still tinged with concern. "I know, Ashy-boy. You've made that clear. But we gotta do this. You're burning up, and I need to make sure you're okay."

After a few more moments, Gary clicked off the flashlight and leaned back, examining Ash's expression. "Pupils look normal. That's good. Now, open wide again."

Ash sighed dramatically but obeyed, opening his mouth. Gary grabbed a tongue depressor and gently pressed it down. "Say 'ah,' buddy."

"Ahhh..." Ash croaked, his throat visibly inflamed. He winced as the action sent a sharp pain through his throat.

"Yep, as I thought. Your throat's red and swollen," Gary said, tossing the tongue depressor into a trash bin. "No wonder you're coughing like crazy."

Ash leaned back against the couch, Pikachu hopping onto his lap to nuzzle him. He absentmindedly stroked Pikachu's fur, trying to distract himself from how miserable he felt. "What's next? Gonna stick a needle in me?"

Gary smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Not yet, Ashy. Relax. Let's check your heart again."

Ash grimaced as Gary lifted his shirt just enough to place the cold stethoscope on his chest. "It's still freezing!" he yelped.

Gary chuckled, pressing it firmly against Ash's skin. "Deep breaths again. In... and out."

Ash complied, though each inhale felt labored. Gary's brow furrowed slightly as he moved the stethoscope to different areas on Ash's chest and back.

"Your lungs sound pretty congested, buddy," Gary said, finally removing the stethoscope. He looped it around his neck again and gave Ash a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It's not terrible, but you're definitely not at your best."

Ash groaned, leaning his head back against the couch. "I told you, I hate being sick."

"I know," Gary said sympathetically, sitting down beside him. He placed a hand on Ash's bouncing knee, stilling it. "But you're not alone, Ash. We'll get through this."

Ash sighed, his gaze softening as he looked at his best friend. "Thanks, Gary."

Gary gave him a warm smile, reaching for the blood pressure cuff. "Don't thank me yet. We've got one more thing to check."

Ash rolled his eyes but let Gary wrap the cuff around his arm. He winced slightly as it tightened, feeling his pulse thudding in his ears.

Gary watched the monitor closely, and his smile faltered. "Ash, your blood pressure's really high. Like, way too high."

Ash frowned. "What does that mean?"

"It means your body's working overtime to fight off whatever's got you feeling like this," Gary explained, his tone serious but calm. "It's nothing to panic about, but we need to get you to rest and keep that fever down."

Ash slumped back, looking defeated. "Great. More rest."

Gary chuckled and sat beside him, throwing an arm around Ash's shoulders. "Hey, it's not so bad. You've got me and Pikachu to keep you company."

Pikachu chirped in agreement, nuzzling Ash's side.

Ash managed a small smile. "Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Gary. For sticking around."

"Always, Ashy-boy," Gary said, giving him a light squeeze. "Now, let's get you comfortable. The quicker you rest, the quicker you'll be back out there, doing what you love."

The rain was coming down in sheets outside, the rhythmic tapping against the windows filling the living room. Ash was sprawled out on the couch, his face pale, hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. Pikachu sat by his side, chirping softly in concern, its tiny paw resting on Ash's arm.

The door swung open, and Gary stepped in, shaking off his umbrella. "Ashy-Boy," he called, his sharp eyes immediately landing on his friend’s miserable form.

Ash groaned weakly, turning his face into the couch cushion.

Gary sighed, setting his bag down and kneeling beside the couch. “When I said to call me if you weren’t feeling well, I didn’t mean wait until you looked half-dead,” he chided, his tone soft but firm.

Ash peeked at him from under the blanket, his voice hoarse. “Didn’t wanna bother you…”

“Bother me?” Gary scoffed, reaching out to feel Ash’s forehead. His brow furrowed. “Ash, you’re burning up. I think bothering me is exactly what you should’ve done.”

Ash gave a weak chuckle that turned into a cough. Pikachu chirped worriedly, its cheeks sparking slightly.

“It’s okay, Pikachu. I’ve got this,” Gary reassured the Pokémon before turning his attention back to Ash.

He reached into his bag and pulled out his stethoscope. “Alright, buddy, let’s see what’s going on. Sit up for me.”

Ash groaned but slowly pushed himself into a sitting position with Gary’s help. His head lolled slightly, and Gary quickly steadied him. “Easy there,” Gary said, guiding Ash to lean back against the couch cushions.

Gary slipped the stethoscope into his ears and pressed the cold disk to Ash’s chest. “Deep breaths, Ash. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”

Ash shivered at the touch of the stethoscope but obeyed, his breaths shaky and shallow. Gary frowned, listening closely. “Your lungs sound a bit congested. Any chest pain?”

Ash nodded weakly.

“Alright,” Gary murmured, jotting something down in a small notebook. “Let’s check your temperature.” He pulled out a thermometer and slipped a cover on it. “Open up.”

Ash obediently opened his mouth, letting Gary place the thermometer under his tongue. While they waited for it to beep, Gary placed a hand on Ash’s wrist, checking his pulse.

“Your heart’s working overtime,” Gary noted, his concern deepening.

The thermometer beeped, and Gary checked the reading. “102.3,” he muttered. “You’re definitely running a fever.”

Ash groaned again, sinking further into the couch. “I feel awful…”

“I can see that,” Gary said, his tone softer now. He reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of fever-reducing medicine. “Here, take this. It’ll help bring your fever down.”

Ash wrinkled his nose but accepted the medicine, grimacing as he swallowed it.

“Good,” Gary said, capping the bottle. “Now, let’s get you hydrated.” He grabbed a glass of water from the coffee table and handed it to Ash, watching to make sure he drank.

Pikachu chirped again, nuzzling against Ash’s arm. Gary smiled at the sight. “Pikachu’s worried about you too, you know. You’ve got to take care of yourself, Ashy-Boy.”

Ash managed a small smile, his eyes glassy. “Thanks, Gary…”

Gary ruffled Ash’s hair, his touch gentle. “That’s what friends are for. Now, you rest. I’ll stay here and keep an eye on you.”

Ash nodded weakly, already starting to drift off as Gary adjusted the blanket around him. Pikachu curled up beside Ash, its tiny body warm and comforting.

Gary settled into a chair nearby, keeping his sharp eyes on Ash. “You’ll be okay, buddy,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”

The rain outside pattered softly against the windows, a steady rhythm that matched the sluggish beat of Ash’s heart as he lay on his couch. His Pikachu rested on his chest, watching him with worried eyes, occasionally nuzzling his cheek as if to comfort him. Ash weakly raised a hand to scratch Pikachu behind the ears but barely had the energy to do more.

A knock at the door startled Pikachu, and Ash groaned. “Come in,” he rasped, his voice hoarse and strained.

The door creaked open, and Gary Oak stepped inside, carrying a small medical bag. He took one look at Ash, pale and shivering under a pile of blankets, and frowned. “Jeez, Ashy-Boy. You look like a Mankey that’s been caught in a storm.”

Ash managed a weak glare. “Nice… to see you too,” he muttered, his words followed by a cough.

Gary rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide the concern in his gaze. “Alright, let’s see what we’re dealing with.” He set his bag down on the coffee table and knelt beside the couch. Pikachu gave him a wary look but hopped off Ash’s chest, allowing Gary to work.

Gary pressed the back of his hand against Ash’s forehead and winced. “You’re burning up, Ash. When did this start?”

“Last night,” Ash murmured, his eyes fluttering closed. “Thought it’d go away by now…”

Gary sighed, grabbing a thermometer from his bag. “Open up,” he instructed, slipping it under Ash’s tongue.

Ash obeyed, though his expression made it clear he wasn’t thrilled about it. As they waited for the thermometer to beep, Gary gently felt Ash’s neck and jaw, his fingers pressing lightly against the swollen lymph nodes.

“Your glands are a little puffy,” Gary observed. “And your pulse is faster than normal. You’ve probably got a fever on top of whatever bug you’ve caught.”

The thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out, glancing at the reading. “102.4. Yeah, definitely a fever.”

Ash groaned, burying his face in the blankets. “Great. Just great.”

Gary smirked, ruffling Ash’s messy hair. “Relax, buddy. I’ve got you. Let’s do a quick check-up, and then I’ll get you some meds.”

Ash peeked out from under the blanket. “Do we have to?”

Gary raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to feel better or not?”

With a reluctant sigh, Ash nodded.

“Good.” Gary grabbed his stethoscope and slipped it around his neck. “Alright, sit up for me.”

Ash groaned again but pushed himself up with Gary’s help, leaning heavily against the back of the couch. Gary placed the stethoscope against Ash’s chest, frowning slightly as he listened.

“Take a deep breath for me,” Gary instructed.

Ash inhaled shakily, coughing midway through. Gary moved the stethoscope to Ash’s back, repeating the request. The wheezing sound in Ash’s lungs made his frown deepen.

“Sounds like some mild congestion,” Gary muttered, pulling the stethoscope away. “Nothing too serious, but you’re definitely not getting up and running around anytime soon.”

Ash gave a weak chuckle. “Guess that means no training, huh?”

“Not unless you want to pass out in the middle of it,” Gary shot back, digging through his bag. He pulled out a digital blood pressure monitor and wrapped the cuff around Ash’s arm.

As the machine whirred to life, Ash winced. “Does it have to squeeze so tight?”

“Quit whining. It’s not that bad,” Gary teased, watching the numbers on the screen. When the reading appeared, he nodded. “A little low, but that’s normal when you’re sick.”

He jotted down a few notes in a small notebook, then turned back to Ash. “Alright, last thing. Open wide and say ‘ah.’”

Ash complied, though his voice was barely a whisper. Gary used a tongue depressor and flashlight to examine his throat. “Yep, it’s red and inflamed. No surprise there.”

Gary packed up his tools and sat back on his heels. “Well, the good news is it’s probably just a nasty cold or the flu. The bad news is you’re stuck here for a few days. Rest, fluids, and no battling.”

Ash groaned. “No battling? But Gary—”

“No buts,” Gary interrupted, his tone firm. “You push yourself, and you’ll just get worse. Got it?”

Ash pouted but nodded.

Gary smirked and stood, heading to the kitchen. “Stay put. I’ll make you some soup or something.”

Ash watched him go, a small smile tugging at his lips. Despite his teasing, Gary always had his back. And right now, that was exactly what he needed.

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