Frozen 🐧

Kenny smiled slightly as he looked out the window. " I love snow." He muttered.

The receptionist looked up and saw the young doctor at the window and smiled. " It is, isn't it?"

Kenny nodded, then sighed. " Though I don't think my girlfriend is gonna be able to bring me my food in this weather."

The receptionist gave him a reassuring smile. " Don't worry, you can have the snacks in the employee room."

Kenny nodded, and started to walk to the back, when the door slammed open. He walked backwards and gasped, running to the human who was panting on the ground.

" Dawn?! What are you doing here?!"

Dawn held up Kenny's bag. " Y... Your"

Kenny took it and set it next to him on the ground, feeling her forehead. " Dawn, you didn't have to come in this weather!"

Dawn gave him a reassuring smile. " N... No n... Need wor....ry...."

Kenny watched as she stood. " I won't ruin your break. See you a-"

She didn't get to take another step out the door.

Because Kenny grabbed her arm and dragged her to his examination room. " Oh no you don't."

He dragged her inside and shut the door behind them, crossing his arms as he glared at Dawn, who was still shivering from the cold. "What were you thinking coming all the way here in a snowstorm?!"

Dawn, teeth chattering, gave him a weak grin. "I...I was thinking my boyfriend would starve if I didn't bring him his lunch."

Kenny sighed, rubbing his temples. "Dawn, I literally have access to food here. You, on the other hand, look like you're about to turn into an ice sculpture!"

"I'm f-fine," she stammered, but the way her entire body shook told a different story.

"Yeah, sure. And I’m Arceus," Kenny muttered, rolling his eyes. He quickly grabbed a spare blanket from the cabinet and threw it over her shoulders before guiding her to sit on the examination table. "Stay here."

Dawn blinked. "Wha—"

Before she could protest, Kenny ran off, returning moments later with a steaming cup of hot chocolate from the employee lounge. "Here," he said, pressing it into her hands. "Drink. Now."

Dawn stared at him for a second before taking a sip, the warmth instantly spreading through her body. "Mmm...this is good," she murmured, hugging the cup.

Kenny huffed. "Good. Now explain to me why you thought nearly freezing to death was a great idea."

Dawn pouted. "I just wanted to do something nice for you."

Kenny softened slightly, but he still gave her a look. "And I appreciate that, really. But next time, maybe check the weather before you march through a blizzard?"

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Oh please, it wasn't that bad."

Kenny pointed at her still-damp coat and the melting snow at her feet. "Really?"

Dawn hesitated. "...Okay, maybe a little bad."

Kenny sighed, shaking his head. "You're impossible."

Dawn smirked, wiggling her fingers out of her blanket. "And yet, you love me anyway."

Kenny groaned, but his ears turned pink. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Dawn giggled. "So... does this mean you're sharing your lunch with me?"

Kenny gave her a dry look before grabbing his lunch bag and placing it on the table next to her. "You risked your life to bring it to me. I think you've earned it."

Dawn beamed. "Best boyfriend ever."

Kenny shook his head with a small smile. "Yeah, yeah. Just don’t ever do this again, got it?"

Dawn took another sip of hot chocolate before grinning at him mischievously. "No promises."

Kenny groaned. "Why do I put up with you?"

Dawn winked. "Because you love me."

Kenny sighed dramatically. "That must be it."

Kenny shut the door behind them, crossing his arms as he stared at Dawn. “What were you thinking, walking through a snowstorm just to bring me food?!”

Dawn, still shivering, gave him a weak smile. “I made a promise, didn’t I?”

Kenny groaned, shaking his head. “Yeah, well, next time, I’d rather you not nearly freeze to death just to keep it.”

Dawn pouted. “I wasn’t gonna freeze to death.”

Kenny raised a brow and pointed at her trembling hands. “Oh yeah? Then explain this.”

Dawn huffed. “It’s just a little cold.”

Kenny rolled his eyes. “You can barely stand, and your lips are turning blue.”

“I-It’s a winter fashion choice,” Dawn joked, but her teeth chattered halfway through.

Kenny sighed, taking off his coat off the hook ( his green one) and draping it around her shoulders. “Just sit down, dummy.” He grabbed a blanket from the corner and wrapped it around her too, then gently pushed her onto the examination table. “I swear, you’re as stubborn as a Psyduck.”

Dawn grinned. “You love me anyway.”

Kenny turned a little red but busied himself with grabbing a warm cup of cocoa from the breakroom stash. “That’s not the point,” he muttered, handing it to her. “Drink.”

Dawn took a sip, and warmth immediately spread through her. “Mmm… this is nice.”

Kenny sat beside her, arms still crossed. “You’re lucky I’m a doctor.”

“You’re ten.”

“And yet, I’m still the one saving you.”

Dawn giggled, leaning against his shoulder. “Thanks, Kenny.”

He sighed, finally smiling. “Yeah, yeah. Just promise me next time, you’ll wait till the snow stops before trying to be all heroic.”

Dawn grinned. “No promises.”

Kenny groaned, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re impossible.”

“Again,” Dawn smirked, “you love me anyway.”

Kenny pulled Dawn into his examination room and shut the door behind them. She was shivering like a Snorunt, her teeth chattering as tiny snowflakes melted in her blue hair.

"You’re freezing," Kenny scolded, grabbing a towel from the supply closet. "What were you thinking walking here in a blizzard?!"

Dawn gave him a weak smile. "W-well, I promised I'd bring y-your food…"

Kenny sighed, wrapping the towel around her shoulders. "Dawn, I love you, but you're a total dummy sometimes."

Dawn huffed, rubbing her hands together for warmth. "Hey! That’s not n-nice…"

Kenny ignored her protest and reached for the small heater under his desk. He cranked it up and pointed it toward her. "Sit," he ordered, pushing her into the chair.

Dawn blinked up at him. "But your break—"

"My break can wait. You’re my girlfriend, not some delivery person." He crouched down, pressing his hand against her forehead again. "You don’t have a fever, at least."

Dawn’s lips quirked into a smirk. "You just wanted an excuse to drag me in here, didn’t you?"

Kenny flushed. "Shut up," he muttered, standing up and grabbing his extra top from his locker. "Here, change into this before you turn into an ice cube."

Dawn took the warm fabric with a small smile. "Doctor Kenny, always so professional."

Kenny rolled his eyes, handing her a cup of hot cocoa he had stored in his emergency snack stash. "Drink."

Dawn took a sip and let out a happy sigh. "Mmm, you're the best."

Kenny sat on the stool next to her, watching as the color returned to her cheeks. He shook his head, a fond smile on his face. "Yeah, yeah. Just don’t do something this dumb again, okay?"

Dawn leaned against his shoulder, still holding the warm cup. "No promises."

Kenny groaned. "Why do I even bother?"

Dawn giggled. "Because you love me."

Kenny rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it. Instead, he just let her stay right where she was—warm, safe, and not out in the snowstorm.

Dawn blinked as Kenny pulled her into his examination room, shutting the door behind them. She shivered, her entire body trembling as the snow melted off her clothes.

“K-Kenny, I’m f-fine,” she tried to protest through chattering teeth.

Kenny shot her a look as he grabbed a blanket from the cabinet. “Fine? Dawn, you’re soaked, freezing, and probably about to catch a cold! What were you thinking, walking through the snowstorm just to bring me food?”

Dawn pouted. “I promised I’d bring it.”

Kenny sighed as he gently wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. “You’re unbelievable, Dee Dee.”

Dawn huffed. “Don’t call me that.”

Kenny smirked. “Then don’t do reckless things that make me worry.”

Dawn stuck her tongue out at him but yelped when he suddenly picked her up and placed her on the examination table. “Whoa! What do you think you’re doing?”

Kenny grabbed his stethoscope and put it around his neck. “You walked through a snowstorm to bring me food, so now I have to make sure you didn’t do something dumb like freeze your lungs or get hypothermia.”

Dawn crossed her arms. “I said I’m fine.”

“And I said I don’t trust your definition of fine.” Kenny tapped her nose playfully before grabbing his thermometer. “Now sit still.”

Dawn sighed dramatically but let him take her temperature. He frowned at the results.

“You’re getting a fever,” he muttered. “Great. Just great.”

Dawn smiled sheepishly. “Well… maybe just a little sick.”

Kenny rolled his eyes as he placed the thermometer down and grabbed his stethoscope. “Deep breath in.”

Dawn obeyed, breathing in as he placed the cold metal against her chest. She flinched. “Ack! That’s cold!”

Kenny chuckled. “I bet it’s warmer than you are right now.”

Dawn scowled but didn’t argue. Kenny listened carefully before pulling back with a nod. “Your lungs sound okay, but you’re definitely not leaving in this weather.”

Dawn raised a brow. “Oh? And where exactly am I staying?”

Kenny smirked. “Right here. You’ll stay in the break room with some warm blankets until the storm passes.”

Dawn groaned. “Ugh, but that’s boring.”

“Would you rather me admit you as a patient?” Kenny teased.

Dawn gasped dramatically. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Kenny crossed his arms. “Try me, Dee Dee.”

Dawn pouted. “Stop calling me that.”

Kenny grinned. “Nope.”

Dawn huffed, but her lips twitched slightly. She wasn’t going to admit it, but… she kind of liked how much he cared. Even if he was annoying about it.

“Fine,” she muttered. “I’ll stay.”

Kenny smiled victoriously. “Good. Now, let’s get you warmed up before you turn into an actual popsicle.”

Dawn rolled her eyes but let him fuss over her, secretly enjoying every second of it.

Kenny sighed as he gently pushed Dawn onto the examination table, shaking his head. "You’re unbelievable, you know that?"

Dawn, still shivering, tried to wave him off. "I-I’m fine! I just—ACHOO!" She sniffled and gave him a weak smile. "Just a little chilly."

Kenny rolled his eyes, already grabbing a towel from the cabinet. "Yeah, and I'm a Garchomp," he muttered, draping the towel over her shoulders. "What were you thinking, walking all the way here in this storm?"

Dawn pouted, crossing her arms. "I wanted to bring you your lunch! You always forget to eat when you're busy, Kenny."

Kenny paused, staring at her, before sighing and rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, okay, that’s fair. But you’re still reckless, Dee Dee."

Dawn scowled. "Don’t call me that."

Kenny smirked. "Then stop giving me reasons to."

Dawn huffed, but the effect was ruined when she sneezed again. Kenny clicked his tongue and grabbed his stethoscope, placing it gently against her chest. "Deep breaths."

Dawn complied, shivering slightly at the cold metal. After a few moments, Kenny frowned. "Your breathing’s a little rough. You might be coming down with something."

Dawn waved a hand. "Pfft, I’m fine. It’s just a little cold."

Kenny arched a brow. "Right. And that 'little cold' is why your nose is red, your hands are ice, and you’re shaking like a Chikorita in a hurricane?"

Dawn opened her mouth, then promptly closed it.

"Thought so," Kenny said smugly, grabbing a thermometer and placing it under her tongue. "Now sit still and let me do my job."

Dawn mumbled something around the thermometer, but Kenny ignored it. A moment later, the device beeped, and he checked the reading.

"Low fever," he murmured. "Great. Just great."

Dawn groaned. "Ugh, don’t make a big deal out of it, Kenny."

Kenny shot her a look. "Oh, so if I walked through a blizzard, nearly collapsed, and then had a fever, you wouldn’t be dragging me to a hospital bed and yelling at me?"

Dawn hesitated. "…That’s different."


"Because you’re the doctor!"

Kenny smirked. "And you should listen to your doctor."

Dawn grumbled under her breath but let him continue. He checked her pulse, made sure she wasn’t frostbitten, then finally sighed in relief. "Okay, you’ll live. But you’re staying here until you warm up."

Dawn blinked. "Wait, what? I have to go—"

"Nope," Kenny cut her off, handing her a warm blanket. "You are not going back out in that storm. So either you stay here, or I call Nurse Joy to come lecture you."

Dawn paled. "You wouldn’t."

Kenny smirked. "Try me."

Dawn groaned, slumping against the table. "I hate you."

Kenny chuckled, picking up his lunch bag and opening it. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the food, by the way."

Dawn huffed but smiled slightly. "You're welcome, you annoying doctor."

Kenny just grinned, unwrapping his sandwich. "Love you too, Dee Dee."

Kenny barely registered the shocked look on the receptionist’s face as he dragged Dawn down the hall and into his examination room. The door shut with a firm click, and he immediately turned to his shivering girlfriend, arms crossed.

“Are you out of your mind?” he demanded.

Dawn, still catching her breath, blinked up at him. “What?”

Kenny threw his hands in the air. “What?! You walked through a snowstorm just to bring me my lunch! You could’ve gotten sick! You are sick!”

“I am not,” Dawn muttered, hugging herself.

Kenny narrowed his eyes. “Oh yeah? Then why are you shaking like a Pichu stuck in a thunderstorm?” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the exam table. “Sit. Now.”

Dawn huffed. “You’re so dramatic.”

“Says the girl who just nearly collapsed in the lobby.” Kenny shot back. “Up. Table. Now.”

Dawn groaned but hoisted herself onto the table, swinging her legs. “See? I’m fine.”

Kenny ignored her and grabbed his stethoscope. “We’ll see about that, Dee Dee.”

Dawn’s eye twitched. “You did not just—”

“Breathe in.” Kenny pressed the stethoscope against her chest.

Dawn scowled but did as she was told.

“And out.” Kenny listened closely. Her breathing was a little raspy, and her skin was still cold to the touch.

He sighed. “Dawn…”


Kenny stepped back, placing his hands on his hips. “You’re cold, you’re breathing weird, and you look exhausted. You have the early signs of a cold.”

Dawn waved him off. “It’s just from the snow. Once I warm up, I’ll be fine.”

Kenny raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Let’s check that, shall we?” He grabbed a thermometer and placed it under her tongue before she could protest.

Dawn pouted, cheeks puffed out in irritation as the thermometer beeped. Kenny pulled it out, glanced at the screen, and held it up for her to see.

“99.8°F.” He crossed his arms. “Not full-blown fever, but it’s creeping up there.”

Dawn huffed. “It’s fine.”

Kenny gave her a flat look. “Right. And I suppose the fact that your hands feel like actual ice cubes is also fine?” He grabbed her hands in his, rubbing them between his palms to warm them.

Dawn blinked, surprised by the gesture. “Kenny…”

“You’re reckless,” Kenny muttered, still rubbing warmth back into her fingers. “You didn’t have to do this, you know. I would’ve been fine.”

Dawn smiled faintly. “I wanted to. I knew you’d forget to eat, and I didn’t want that.”

Kenny sighed, shaking his head. “You always do this.”

Dawn smirked. “Yeah? And you always take care of me when I do.”

Kenny rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

He let go of her hands and grabbed a blanket from the supply closet, draping it over her shoulders. “You’re staying here until you warm up.”

Dawn groaned. “But I—”

“No buts, Dee Dee.” Kenny smirked at her glare. “You brought this on yourself.”

Dawn sighed, wrapping the blanket tighter around her. “…Thanks, Kenny.”

Kenny scoffed. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t do something this dumb again, okay?”

Dawn grinned. “No promises.”

Kenny groaned. He was never going to win with her.

Kenny sat Dawn down on the examination table, his brows furrowed in concern. "Dee Dee, are you crazy? You could've gotten hypothermia out there!"

Dawn, still shivering, managed a small smirk. "S...Still got your food, didn't I?"

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable," he muttered, grabbing a thick blanket from a cabinet and wrapping it around her shoulders. "First things first—warming you up."

Dawn sighed in content as the warmth of the blanket settled over her. "You're such a worrywart, Kenny."

"And you're reckless," Kenny shot back, crossing his arms. "Now stay put. I’m giving you a full check-up."

Dawn groaned. "Kenny, I’m fine—"

"Uh-huh, sure," Kenny said, already pulling on a pair of gloves. "You're shivering like a Jynx and barely got two words out without your teeth chattering. So, unless you wanna argue with Doctor Kenny, you’re getting checked."

Dawn huffed but didn’t fight him. She knew that look in his eyes—there was no arguing with Kenny when he got like this.

Kenny grabbed a thermometer and placed it under her tongue. "Keep this there, no talking."

Dawn rolled her eyes but obeyed. As they waited, Kenny checked her hands, frowning at how cold they were. He gently rubbed them between his own, trying to warm them up. "Your hands are like ice, Dee Dee. What were you thinking, running around in this weather?"

Dawn mumbled something around the thermometer.

Kenny sighed. "Exactly. You weren’t thinking." He took the thermometer out and glanced at the reading. "You're a little cold, but not dangerously so. Let’s check your eyes next."

He grabbed a small flashlight and leaned closer, gently tilting her chin up. Dawn blinked as he shined the light into her eyes. "Pupils look good," he murmured before pulling back. "Now open your mouth and say 'ah.'"

Dawn smirked. "Ahhhhhhhhhh."

Kenny gave her a flat look. "Okay, no need to be dramatic." He used a tongue depressor to check her throat. "No redness, that’s good."

Next, he grabbed his stethoscope. "Alright, deep breaths for me, Dee Dee."

Dawn obeyed as he pressed the cold metal against her chest. She shivered. "Gah! Kenny, that’s freezing!"

Kenny chuckled. "Oops. Should’ve warmed it up first. My bad."

Dawn huffed but kept still as he listened to her heartbeat. His expression softened as he listened. "Heart sounds good." He moved the stethoscope to her back. "Now take deep breaths."

Dawn inhaled and exhaled deeply, though she coughed slightly at the end.

Kenny frowned. "A little congestion. I’ll make you some warm tea before you leave."

Dawn smirked. "Wow, you’re even playing nurse now."

Kenny gave her a look. "Shush, patient. Now, reflexes."

He tapped her knee lightly with a reflex hammer, and her leg kicked involuntarily.

Dawn giggled. "That’s so weird."

Kenny smirked. "Yep, but you’re reacting normally, so that’s a good sign. Now, last thing—your nose." He gently tilted her face up and examined her nose for any signs of irritation. "No frostbite, no redness, just a little cold."

Dawn gave him a triumphant smile. "See? Told you I was fine."

Kenny sighed, pulling back. "You're mostly fine. But next time, don’t run through a snowstorm for my food, okay?"

Dawn giggled. "No promises."

Kenny shook his head, smiling despite himself. "You're impossible."

Dawn leaned forward, poking his nose. "And you’re cute when you worry."

Kenny's face turned red. "S-Shut up, Dee Dee!"

Dawn just laughed, snuggling into the blanket as Kenny huffed and went to make her tea. Maybe she had worried him, but honestly? Seeing him fuss over her like this was kind of nice.

Kenny hurriedly pulled Dawn into his examination room, shutting the door behind them. His heart pounded as he turned to see her still shivering, her cheeks flushed red from the cold. Snowflakes clung to her blue hair, melting into tiny droplets that trickled down her face.

"Dawn, what were you thinking?" he scolded, grabbing a towel from the counter and wrapping it around her shoulders. "You could've gotten sick!"

Dawn gave him a small, tired smile. "Y-you needed your lunch…"

Kenny sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, and I needed you to stay safe, Dee Dee."

She pouted. "Don't call me that."

"Then don’t do reckless stuff like this." Kenny rolled his eyes but softened as he gently guided her to sit on the exam table. "Alright, you’re not leaving until I check you over. Got it?"

Dawn opened her mouth to protest, but he raised a finger. "No arguments. I’m a doctor, remember?"

She groaned. "Fine…"

Kenny grabbed his stethoscope and placed the cold metal against her chest. She yelped.

"Ah! That’s freezing!"

Kenny smirked. "That’s funny, because so are you. Now, deep breaths."

Dawn huffed but obeyed, inhaling deeply. Kenny listened carefully, moving the stethoscope to different spots on her chest and back.

"Your lungs sound clear," he muttered. "No wheezing or congestion."

Dawn wiggled her fingers. "Told you, I’m fine."

"Yeah? Let’s see about that." Kenny picked up a thermometer and held it up. "Open up."

Dawn frowned. "That’s for babies."

Kenny arched a brow. "You are acting like one."

Dawn scowled but relented, letting him place the thermometer under her tongue. A few moments later, it beeped. Kenny checked the reading and sighed in relief.

"Temperature’s normal. No fever," he said, setting it aside.

"Told you."

Kenny ignored her smug grin and grabbed a small flashlight. "Eyes next. Look at me."

Dawn blinked as he shined the light into each eye, watching her pupils react. "Still bright and sparkly as ever," he teased.

She smirked. "I know."

Rolling his eyes, Kenny checked her nose next, tilting her chin slightly. "No redness or stuffiness." Then he grabbed a tongue depressor. "Say ‘ahh.’"

Dawn stuck her tongue out dramatically. "Ahhhhhh!"

Kenny chuckled. "Very funny." He peered into her throat, nodding. "Looks good, no swelling."

He then tapped her knee lightly with a reflex hammer. Her leg kicked slightly in response.

Dawn grinned. "See? I’m all good!"

Kenny huffed. "Not so fast." He grabbed her hands, rubbing them gently. "You’re still freezing. Let’s warm you up first."

He reached for a blanket and draped it over her shoulders, then wrapped his hands around hers, rubbing them between his palms. Dawn blinked, watching him.

"Wow, Kenny," she said, a teasing lilt in her voice. "Didn’t know you were such a softie."

Kenny’s cheeks burned. "Shut up."

Dawn giggled, then sighed contentedly as she let him warm her hands.

After a few moments, Kenny met her gaze. "Promise me you won’t do something this reckless again?"

Dawn smiled. "Nope. You’re stuck with me, Dr. Kenny."

Kenny groaned. "Great. My most difficult patient ever."

She winked. "But your favorite, right?"

Kenny sighed dramatically. "Yeah, yeah. Now, sit still and drink some warm tea before I really make you stay here all day."

Dawn laughed, knowing full well that he just might.

Kenny gasped as Dawn nearly collapsed in front of him, her small frame shivering violently from the cold. Snowflakes clung to her deep blue hair, and her lips had turned a worrying shade of blue.

"Dawn, what were you thinking?!" Kenny scolded, catching her just before she hit the ground.

Dawn attempted a weak smile. "I... I just w-wanted to b-bring your food..." she stuttered through chattering teeth.

Kenny huffed, lifting her easily and pulling her inside, ignoring her weak protests. "You're freezing, Dee Dee! What kind of idiot walks through a snowstorm for food?!"

"I— I thought y-you'd be h-hungry," Dawn muttered, voice barely above a whisper.

Kenny sighed, shaking his head as he pulled her into his examination room. "You're unbelievable, you know that?" He sat her down on the cushioned patient chair and immediately grabbed a blanket from the supply cabinet, wrapping it tightly around her.

Dawn sniffled, rubbing her hands together. "Y-you're w-welcome..."

Kenny shot her a glare before grabbing his stethoscope. "Save it. You're getting a check-up."

Dawn groaned, burying her face in the blanket. "Oh, come on! I just wanted to be nice!"

"And now you're my patient, whether you like it or not," Kenny said firmly, already adjusting the earpieces.

Dawn pouted but didn't argue as Kenny gently placed the cold stethoscope against her chest. She flinched.

"Yeah, that’s what I thought," Kenny muttered. "Your heart’s racing. Probably from walking through that storm like a reckless Piplup."

Dawn scowled. "H-hey! I w-was being thoughtful!"

"You were being reckless," Kenny countered, moving the stethoscope to her back. "Deep breath in."

Dawn inhaled sharply, only to start coughing halfway through. Kenny frowned.

"That's not good," he muttered. "You could be catching a cold."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Or, you know, maybe it’s because I just ran through a blizzard?"

Kenny ignored her sarcasm and pulled out a thermometer. "Under your tongue. Now."

Dawn groaned but obeyed.

Kenny watched the numbers climb, his frown deepening. "100.2°F," he read aloud. "Yep. You're sick."

Dawn crossed her arms. "It’s just a slight fever."

Kenny shot her a look. "Oh, so you admit you’re sick now?"

Dawn huffed. "Ugh. Whatever."

Kenny shook his head. "You're not going anywhere in this condition."

Dawn's eyes widened. "W-what?! But I—"

"No buts," Kenny interrupted, pushing her back against the chair. "You're staying here until I say you're good to leave."



"But Kenny—!"

"I said no," Kenny repeated, crossing his arms.

Dawn pouted. "You’re bossy."

"And you’re stubborn," Kenny shot back. "Now, sit still while I make sure you’re not dying."

Dawn mumbled something under her breath, but Kenny ignored her, pulling out his otoscope. He tilted her head slightly, peering into her ears.

"Clear," he murmured.

"Obviously," Dawn grumbled.

Kenny gave her an unimpressed look before checking her throat. "Say 'ah'."

Dawn hesitated, then stuck her tongue out. "Aaaahhh."

Kenny made a face. "Ugh. Your throat’s red."

Dawn sighed dramatically. "Doctor Genius, are you sure it’s not from me running through a snowstorm?"

Kenny flicked her forehead.


"That’s for being dumb," Kenny said, setting his tools aside. "You're gonna rest here. No arguments."

Dawn opened her mouth—

"Uh-uh. No arguments," Kenny repeated firmly.

Dawn huffed, sinking into the chair. "Fine."

Kenny sighed in relief before picking up the forgotten food bag. "And for the record... thanks for bringing me my food."

Dawn smirked. "Took you long enough to say it."

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and drink some hot cocoa."

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