" Bye, Ash. Best of friends till the end."
" Yeah!"
Suddenly the bushes rustled, and they all turned.
Out came a Wartortle.
And following the evolved form of Squirtle was a raven haired girl holding a Chikorita wrapped in a blanket. An Eevee was on her head, and a Togepi was strapped onto her back.
" Hang in there Chikorita. You'll be fine." The girl muttered.
The Wartortle was holding a map, and it looked up.
When it saw Professor Rowan, its eyes widened, and it grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her into the bushes.
" You think it's this way?" The girl asked, suprised at her Pokemon's sudden burst of speed.
" Wartortle!"
" Well if you say so."
Ash turned to Brock and Dawn. " Who was that?"
The two shrugged, and Professor Rowan cleared his throat. " Well, there's going to be a storm on its way. I suggest you come stay at the lab until the storm goes."
Ash nodded. " Sure! Thanks professor!"
" Pika Pika piiiii!"
" This way?"
" Wartortle!"
Wisty nodded. " Right."
Suddenly, Chikorita whimpered. " Chi.... Ka...."
" Shh, it's okay Chicky. I'm here." Wisty muttered. She gently felt the Pokemon's head and gasped.
" Eevee," she said, addressing the Pokemon on her head. " I need you to turn into Vaporion and use water gun on Chikorita, okay?"
Eevee nodded, jumping off her owner's head and turning into Vaporion, shooting a gentle mist on Chikorita.
" Don't worry, Chikorita. I'll get you healthy somehow, I promise." Wisty muttered
" Wartortle!"
Wisty turned to her water type. " You mean there's no Pokemon center for miles?"
" Wartortle.... Wartortle Wartortle..."
" No way am I going to his. Even Chikorita hates that know it all!"
" Vaporion!" Eevee urged as she backflipped back into Eevee.
" You're right. Let's set up camp. We'll set off again tomorrow."
" Wartortle Wartortle!"
" Wet a fabric and dab it on her!" Wisty called back.
Charmander ran over, holding her phone in its tiny claws. The screen blinked with an incoming call.
“Char char!” it chirped excitedly, holding the phone up.
“Answer it, Charmander!” Wisty called back, focused on preparing the mixture for Chikorita.
But instead of answering, Charmander pressed every button excep the right one. The screen flashed between settings menus, photos, and even the calculator app.
“Char... char?” Charmander scratched its head, clearly confused.
“Charmander! It’s just one button!” Wisty groaned, still focused on her task.
“Vee vee!” Eevee barked, hopping onto Charmander’s head and trying to point its paw at the screen.
Charmander got flustered and hit the flashlight instead. The bright beam blinded Wartortle, who yelped and accidentally spilled water all over itself.
“Oh, for crying out loud!” Wisty muttered, abandoning her berries for a moment.
Charmander panicked, shaking the phone as if that would solve the issue. The device suddenly started playing a video of a Jigglypuff singing, which put Eevee to sleep.
“Eevee! Not now!” Wisty groaned.
Charmander looked around frantically, then pressed another button, accidentally opening a gallery of “disturbing” close-up selfies that Charmander had taken earlier when it got curious about the phone.
“Charmander!” Wisty yelled, now red-faced as she saw the pictures.
“Char char!” Charmander seemed proud of its art.
“Just... give me the phone!” Wisty snatched it away and answered the call, breathing heavily.
" Wisty?" Professor Oak's voice came through.
"Charmander, talk to him," Wisty said, setting the phone down on a flat rock and turning it on speaker.
"Char!" Charmander puffed out its chest, looking at the phone like it was ready to give a lecture.
On the other end of the line, Professor Oak chuckled. "Well, hello there, Charmander. I trust you're taking good care of Wisty and the team?"
"Char char!" Charmander said proudly, striking a dramatic pose.
Wisty rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide a smirk. "Professor, I think your definition of 'taking care' might be different from mine. Charmander just turned my phone into an art gallery of blurry selfies."
Professor Oak laughed warmly. "Ah, the creative spirit of a young Pokémon! Perhaps we’ve got an artist in the making."
"More like a walking disaster," Wisty muttered, though her tone was affectionate.
"Charmander!" the little Fire-type protested, crossing its tiny arms and glaring at Wisty.
Oak’s voice turned more serious. "But tell me, Wisty, how is Chikorita doing? I hear she’s not well."
Wisty glanced at the blanket-wrapped Grass-type in her lap. "She’s stable for now, but her fever’s still high. Eevee’s been helping with Water Gun, and I’ve got a berry paste ready, but we’re far from a Pokémon Center. I’m doing the best I can."
Oak hummed thoughtfully. "It sounds like you’ve got things under control for now, but if you need to cool her down further, you might try using Vaporeon’s Acid Armor to create a cool mist. It can sometimes lower temperatures more effectively than just Water Gun."
Wisty nodded, her determination renewed. "Got it. Thanks, Professor."
"And don’t be too hard on Charmander," Oak added with a chuckle. "They mean well, even if their methods are... unconventional."
"Charmander, did you pay him to say that?" Wisty teased.
"Char char!" Charmander replied indignantly, turning its nose up.
"Alright, alright," Wisty said, standing up and brushing dirt off her pants. "We’ll try the Acid Armor trick. Thanks again, Professor."
"Anytime, Wisty. And remember, even in tough situations, you’re not alone. You’ve got a great team with you."
She glanced at her Pokémon—Charmander sulking, Wartortle dutifully wetting another cloth, Eevee nuzzling Chikorita, and Togepi watching everything with wide eyes.
Wisty smiled. "Yeah, I do."
"Take care, and keep me updated." Oak’s voice faded as the call ended.
Wisty turned to her team. "Alright, team. Let’s get to work. Charmander, you’re on berry-mixing duty. And no more selfies!"
"Char..." Charmander grumbled but shuffled off to help.
Wisty smirked. "We’ve got this, guys. Let’s make Professor Oak proud."
" I really don't want to do this," Wisty muttered as she said in front of the Sinnoh observatory.
" Mander!"
" You're right. We'll just camp the night."
The turned on her heel and started to walk, but then someone called her.
" Wisty?"
Wisty turned to see her brother and Gary at the door.
" Well hello. Also goodbye and goodnight." Wisty said as she scurried away.
"Eeveveve!" Eevee chirped, jumping from Wisty's head and landing in front of her, blocking her escape path.
"Eevee, what are you doing?" Wisty whispered, glancing nervously back at the observatory door where Ash and Gary were still standing.
"Eevee!" the little Pokémon barked insistently, nodding back toward the observatory.
Wisty sighed, crouching down to whisper to her partner. "Look, I know they're my family and all, but I really don't want to deal with whatever this is going to turn into. Can't we just... you know, pretend this never happened?"
"Vee!" Eevee shook its head firmly.
Before Wisty could argue further, Ash jogged down the steps, calling after her. "Wisty, wait! What are you doing here?"
Wisty froze, caught between her brother and Eevee’s unrelenting determination. She straightened up, forcing a smile. "Oh, you know, just... exploring Sinnoh! Lovely region you’ve got here. Anyway, I should be going—long walk ahead and all that!"
Ash frowned, crossing his arms. "You’ve got a blanket-wrapped Chikorita, a Togepi strapped to your back, and your entire team looks like they've been through a storm. Are you in trouble?"
"Trouble? Me?" Wisty laughed nervously. "Pfft, no. I’ve got everything totally under control."
Gary joined them, raising an eyebrow. "If by 'under control' you mean 'actively running away,' then sure."
"Not helping, Gary," Wisty muttered.
"Look," Ash said, stepping closer, "if you’re in trouble, let us help. That’s what family’s for."
" I'm not in trouble. It's Chikorita that is. But we're headed to a Pokemon Center."
" Wartortle!"
Wisty glanced at her water Pokemon, who was flailing his arms. " Yeah?"
" Wartortle Wartortle Wartortle!!"
" There's no Pokemon center for thirty miles?! What type of city doesn't have a-"
She stopped.
" A city with a Professor who has a Pokemon Center in their Observatory. I shoulda known professor Oak and Rowan were gonna be the same."
" Char Char!"
Wisty looked at her little grass Pokemon, who was looking at the Observatory with a dirty look.
" Okay that settles it. You guys are going to stay here while I walk with Chikorita and get her well."
"You're going to what?!" Ash exclaimed, stepping in front of Wisty to block her path. "Wisty, you can't just walk thirty miles with an injured Chikorita! That’s crazy!"
Gary crossed his arms. "And unnecessary. Like you just said, this city has an observatory with a fully equipped Pokémon Center inside. Why not just let them help you here?"
Wisty shook her head firmly. "Chikorita doesn’t trust Rowan or his lab. And neither do I. She’s been through too much already. The last thing she needs is more stress."
"Char Char!" Charmander piped up, waving a claw toward the observatory as if to argue.
"Charmander, I appreciate your opinion," Wisty said, crouching down to pat her Fire-type on the head, "but this isn’t up for debate."
"Wartortle!" Wartortle suddenly stepped forward, planting himself in front of Wisty with his arms crossed.
"What now?" Wisty asked, exasperated.
Wartortle turned to Ash and Gary, pointing at the observatory with one hand and then at Chikorita with the other, before mimicking a “sleeping” motion.
Gary smirked. "He’s saying you’re overreacting. He wants you to let Chikorita rest here where it’s safe."
"Of course he is," Wisty muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Why is everyone against my plan?"
"Because it’s a terrible plan," Ash said bluntly.
Wisty glared at him.
" Wartortle Wartortle!"
" Eveve!"
Wisty sighed and crouched down. " Okay climb on."
Wartortle and Charmander looked confused.
" I'm gonna carry you thirty miles. It'll be good exercise."
" Wartortle?!"
" Fine. Stay here."
And with that she ran off, Eevee perched on her head and Chikorita in her arms.
Togepi was just waving her hands happily.
Ash and Gary exchanged panicked glances as Wisty bolted down the path, Eevee holding on tightly to her head and Chikorita cradled in her arms.
"She’s actually doing it," Ash muttered in disbelief.
"We can’t let her go off like that," Gary said, turning toward the observatory. "Come on, Rowan needs to know."
The two sprinted to the lab, bursting through the doors. Professor Rowan, who had been examining some notes at his desk, looked up in alarm.
"What’s all this commotion about?" Rowan asked, setting his papers aside.
"It’s Wisty," Gary panted, trying to catch his breath. "She just ran off with her Chikorita—injured—and she’s refusing help. She’s heading thirty miles to the nearest Pokémon Center!"
Rowan furrowed his brows. "That’s absurd. Why would she refuse assistance here?"
"She doesn’t trust labs," Ash explained. "Chikorita’s scared, and she doesn’t think staying here will help."
Rowan sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "Stubbornness must run in the family."
Gary pulled out his phone. "You’d better call Professor Oak. If anyone can talk her down, it’s him."
Rowan nodded and picked up the phone on his desk, dialing quickly. After a moment, the line connected.
"Professor Oak speaking."
"Samuel, it’s Rowan. We have a situation involving your granddaughter. She’s refusing help and running off into the wilderness with an injured Chikorita."
There was a long pause on the other end. "Let me guess," Oak said finally, his voice laced with a mix of exasperation and fondness. "She doesn’t trust labs."
"Exactly," Rowan replied.
"Of course," Oak muttered. "I’ll contact her right away. Where was she headed?*
"Gary?" Rowan asked, looking to the younger man.
Gary nodded. " The forest. But good luck getting her to answer," he added. "She’s more likely to argue than listen."
"Leave that to me," Oak said confidently. "In the meantime, Rowan, can you dispatch someone to track her down? She can’t get far with an injured Pokémon."
Rowan nodded. "I’ll send one of my assistants immediately."
"Good. Let me know if you hear anything." Oak hung up, and Rowan set the phone down.
Ash looked out the window, worry etched on his face. "I hope Wisty knows what she’s doing."
"She doesn’t," Gary muttered, already moving to help Rowan organize a search party. "That’s why we’re stopping her."
Meanwhile, somewhere on the forest path, Wisty pushed herself harder, determination burning in her eyes. "Don’t worry, Chicky," she whispered to her Chikorita. "I’ll get you the help you need. No matter what it takes."
The phone rang again, vibrating on Wisty's makeshift camp setup. Wartortle, Charmander, and Togepi exchanged frantic glances, unsure what to do.
"Wartortle!" the Water-type exclaimed, grabbing the phone with its stubby arms and flailing wildly.
"Char! Char!" Charmander hopped up and down, clearly urging Wartortle to answer it.
"Wartortle, just... just hit the green button!" Wisty groaned as she huddled nearby, trying to keep Chikorita calm.
With a resigned expression, Wartortle smacked the phone screen—hard. Somehow, it connected the call, and Professor Oak's voice boomed through the speaker.
"Wisty? Wisty, is that you?"
Instead of Wisty, Oak was greeted by Wartortle’s panicked cries. "Wartortle! Wartortle Wartortle!"
Oak sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wartortle, put Wisty on the phone, will you?"
Wartortle turned, waving the phone at Wisty like a lifeline.
"Not now!" Wisty hissed, frantically tending to Chikorita. "I’ve got bigger problems!"
Oak overheard her faintly. "Wisty, if you’re there, you’d better explain yourself. You’re running off with an injured Pokémon and not answering your phone? That’s highly irresponsible!"
"Chikori…ta…" the Grass-type whimpered softly, clearly in pain.
Wisty’s resolve faltered as she glanced between her Pokémon and the phone. "Fine!" she snapped, swiping the device from Wartortle. "Professor, this is not the time for a lecture. Chikorita needs me!"
"Chikorita needs proper medical care," Oak countered sharply. "And that’s not going to happen while you’re running aimlessly through the woods!"
"I know what I’m doing!" Wisty argued, her voice rising. "The last thing Chikorita needs is to be stuck in a lab, poked and prodded like a science experiment. I’m taking care of her, my way."
Oak let out a long, measured sigh. "Wisty, I know you’re trying to help, but running yourself ragged isn’t the solution. Trust me—come back, and we’ll figure this out together."
For a moment, Wisty hesitated, clutching the phone tightly. Then, she glanced down at Chikorita, who nuzzled weakly against her. "I can’t," she whispered.
Oak softened his tone. "Wisty, you’re not alone in this. You have Pokémon who care about you, trainers like Ash and Gary who want to help, and, believe it or not, me too. Let us be there for you."
Wisty sniffled, wiping her eyes quickly so no one would notice. "I’ll think about it."
Before Oak could respond, Wartortle snatched the phone back, jabbering anxiously.
"Wartortle, not now!" Wisty said.
"Char Char!" Charmander barked, pointing to the horizon where storm clouds loomed ominously.
Wisty glanced up, her heart sinking. "Great. Just great."
"Sounds like a storm is coming," Oak said calmly. "You don’t have much time, Wisty. Think fast and think smart. Call me if you need anything."
Before Wisty could argue, the call ended, leaving her alone with her Pokémon and the weight of her choices.
The storm clouds rolled in fast, and the wind whipped through the trees as Wisty sprinted down the muddy path. Chikorita whimpered in her arms, and Eevee clung to her head tightly, trying to shield itself from the rain. Togepi giggled from her spot in the carrier, blissfully unaware of the chaos.
“Almost there, Chikorita,” Wisty panted, ignoring the sharp stabs of exhaustion in her legs. “Just hang on a little longer.”
Behind her, Wartortle and Charmander struggled to keep pace, their determination evident despite the growing storm.
A bolt of lightning split the sky, illuminating the faint glow of the Pokémon Center in the distance. Relief flooded through Wisty. “There it is! We’re going to make it!”
She pushed herself harder, slipping and sliding on the wet path as the rain poured down in sheets. Wartortle skidded ahead, reaching the doors first and banging on them with its fists.
“Wartortle!” it cried, desperate for someone to open up.
The doors slid open, and Nurse Joy appeared, looking alarmed. “Oh my goodness! Quick, come inside!”
Wisty stumbled through the doors, soaked to the bone, clutching Chikorita tightly. “She’s burning up,” Wisty gasped. “Please, you have to help her!”
Nurse Joy nodded, her Chansey already preparing a stretcher. “Lay her down here. We’ll take good care of her.”
Wisty hesitated for a fraction of a second before gently placing Chikorita on the stretcher. Chikorita gave a weak cry but didn’t resist as Chansey wheeled her into the treatment room.
Eevee jumped off Wisty’s head, shaking itself dry, while Wartortle and Charmander collapsed in exhausted heaps on the floor.
“You made it just in time,” Nurse Joy said, offering Wisty a towel. “The storm is about to get worse. You’re lucky to have such dedicated Pokémon.”
Wisty nodded, barely hearing her. Her eyes were fixed on the doors of the treatment room, her heart hammering in her chest. “She’s going to be okay, right?”
Nurse Joy smiled reassuringly. “She’s in good hands. Rest here for a bit, and I’ll update you as soon as I can.”
Wisty sank into a chair, wrapping the towel around herself. As the storm raged outside, she glanced down at her soaked and shivering Pokémon.
“You guys did great,” she murmured, stroking Wartortle’s head. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Char,” Charmander mumbled, curling up next to her.
For the first time in hours, Wisty allowed herself to relax, a small smile tugging at her lips despite the worry gnawing at her heart. She had made it, and so had Chikorita. Now, all she could do was hope.
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