
" Char....."

Wisty looked at her Charmander and pat his head. " Don't worry. You'll be fine. Gary's nice. I think."

" Char?!"

Wisty giggled. " I'm joking! Sheesh, you need to chill."

Charmander grumbled something under his breath and glared at his owner.

Wisty sighed. " Oh, fine! After we're done, I'll get you ice cream. That sound good?"

" Mander."

Delia popped her head from the kitchen. " Just again, why are you taking Charmander to the.... R- O- T- C- O- D?"

Wisty adjusted her grip on Charmander. " Because he hasn't been feeling good for a while. I'm worried."

Delia nodded at her daughter and smiled reassuringly. " Your Charmander will be fine. But it's good you're taking him to Gary."

" Thanks mom!" Wisty said brightly.

" Char....."

Wisty glanced up at the time. " Oh! Time to go! See ya later mom!"

Wisty adjusted Charmander in her arms and rushed out the door, the sound of Delia’s "Be safe!" following her. The small fire Pokémon squirmed slightly, clearly not thrilled about the trip.

"Relax," Wisty muttered as she jogged down the path toward the observatory. "Gary’s a Pokémon expert. He’ll know what’s wrong."

Charmander crossed his arms with a huff, a small plume of smoke puffing from his nostrils.

Wisty couldn’t help but laugh. "You’re so dramatic. Just think of the ice cream, buddy."

As the observatory came into view, she spotted Gary outside, flipping through a notebook. He glanced up at the sound of her footsteps and gave a small wave.

"Hey, Wisty. What brings you by?"

"Charmander’s been acting off," Wisty said, holding the Pokémon up for inspection. "He’s not his usual self."

Gary raised an eyebrow and set his notebook down. "Alright, let’s have a look. Bring him inside."

Charmander groaned dramatically, clutching Wisty's arm as though being carried into a dungeon.

"Charmander, chill!" Wisty sighed. "Gary’s going to help, not hurt you."

Gary smirked. "I’ve got some snacks in the lab if he’s cooperative."

"Char?" Charmander perked up slightly, eyeing Gary suspiciously.

"See?" Wisty said with a grin. "Everything’s fine. Let’s get you checked out, buddy."

As they stepped into the observatory, the cool air and faint hum of machinery filled the room. Charmander clung to Wisty as Gary prepared his tools, muttering soothing words to the apprehensive fire-type.

"Let’s see what’s going on here," Gary said, his tone calm and professional.

Wisty could only hope he’d find an answer—and that it wasn’t anything serious.

Gary had just started to check Charmander’s eyes when the little fire-type squirmed out of Wisty's arms with surprising strength.

"Hey!" Wisty yelped, lunging for him, but Charmander was already darting across the room.

"Charmander, stop!" Gary shouted, narrowly missing the Pokémon as he leaped over a chair.

Charmander, clearly done with the whole "check-up" idea, bolted out the lab door and down the hallway. Wisty and Gary exchanged a brief look before sprinting after him.

"Where’s he going?!" Wisty panted.

"I don’t know, but we better catch him before—"

A loud thud followed by an indignant "WHO’S THERE?!" echoed from the end of the hall.

Gary’s eyes widened in horror. "Oh no."

They skidded to a halt outside the bathroom, the door slightly ajar. Inside, Professor Oak stood frozen, his face a mix of shock and mild annoyance. At his feet, Charmander glared defiantly, as though interrupting the professor’s bathroom break had been his plan all along.

"Gary," Oak said slowly, adjusting his lab coat, "would you care to explain why there’s a Charmander in the bathroom while I’m... occupied?"

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. "I—uh—it’s a long story, Grandpa."

"Char!" Charmander huffed, crossing his arms as if to say, Your fault for trying to mess with my eyes.

Wisty, trying to suppress a laugh, stepped forward. "I’m so sorry, Professor Oak. He’s just... not great with doctors."

Oak raised an eyebrow. "Clearly." He looked down at Charmander, his tone softening. "Well, young one, I’ll forgive you this time. But perhaps next time, the bathroom could remain off-limits?"

Charmander gave a sheepish "Char..." as Wisty scooped him up.

Gary groaned. "Wisty, let’s get him back to the lab before he breaks something else—or worse."

Wisty nodded, though she couldn’t help but grin as they hurried back down the hall. Charmander, smug as ever, seemed rather pleased with himself.

"At least we know he’s got plenty of energy," Wisty joked.

Gary shot her a glare. "Not funny."

Gary had just about had it.

"Alright, Charmander," he muttered under his breath as he prepared a stethoscope. "We’re going to finish this check-up, whether you like it or—"


In a flash, Charmander wriggled free of Wisty’s grip again and dashed out of the lab like a streak of fire.

"Not again!" Wisty groaned, chasing after him.

Gary followed, looking like he was seriously reconsidering his life choices. "Where is he even going this time?"

A telltale click came from the bathroom door just as they rounded the corner.

"No way," Gary said flatly.

"Charmander!" Wisty pounded on the door. "You open this door right now!"

"Char! Mander char!" came the muffled reply, followed by the sound of running water.

"Is he... taking a bath?" Gary asked, incredulous.

Wisty pressed her ear to the door. "Oh, he is. I can hear splashing!"

Gary looked like he wanted to cry. "I can’t believe this is my life right now."

Inside the bathroom, Charmander was indeed having the time of his life. He had somehow managed to climb into the tub and was happily splashing in the warm water, steam rising around him. His flame-tail hovered carefully over the edge, keeping dry as he lounged.

"Charmander, I swear!" Wisty shouted through the door. "You’re going to prune, and then you’re not getting ice cream!"

The splashing stopped briefly, followed by an indignant "Char!" before the splashing resumed.

Gary rubbed his temples. "I’ll get the spare key."

By the time they managed to unlock the door, Charmander had sunk down into the bubbles, looking entirely too content.

"Get out of the tub!" Wisty scolded, trying not to laugh as she grabbed a towel.

Charmander glared at her, his expression clearly saying, Not until I’m done.

Gary sighed deeply, gesturing to the Pokémon. "Wisty, you handle him. I’m done for today."

Wisty wrapped Charmander in the towel and carried him out, still chuckling. "Well, at least he’s clean now."

Gary shook his head. "Next time, you’re the one doing the check-up."

"Deal," Wisty said with a grin, as Charmander gave a satisfied yawn in her arms.

Gary was starting to think Charmander might just be a menace.

"Alright, Charmander," Gary said, holding up the stethoscope cautiously, "I’m just going to listen to your lungs. No big deal, okay?"

Wisty gave Charmander a reassuring smile. "See? Easy peasy. No running, no baths, just sit still."

Charmander narrowed his eyes suspiciously but stayed still.

For about two seconds.

The moment Gary placed the stethoscope on him, Charmander took a deep breath, then unleashed a full-powered Flamethrower.

"AH!" Gary yelped, dodging just in time.

Before anyone could react, Charmander followed up with a Heat Wave, sending a burst of sweltering air through the lab. Papers flew, machines beeped angrily, and Wisty’s hair frizzed instantly.

"CHARMANDER!" Wisty screamed, fanning her face.

But Charmander was already gone, leaving a trail of scorch marks as he bolted out the door.

"WHERE IS HE EVEN GOING?!" Gary shouted, chasing after him.

"I don’t know!" Wisty wailed, following close behind.

After what felt like an eternity of searching (and apologizing to startled lab assistants), they finally tracked Charmander to Gary’s room.

Wisty pushed the door open and froze.

Gary groaned. "I don’t even want to ask."

There was Charmander, sitting smugly on Gary’s bed, wearing a pair of Professor Oak’s underwear like a makeshift hat.

"Char!" he announced proudly, striking what he clearly thought was a regal pose.

Wisty doubled over, laughing so hard she had to clutch the doorframe for support. "Oh my gosh! Charmander, what are you doing?!"

Gary looked ready to explode. "Why—how—where did he even get those?!"

Wisty wiped her tears, grinning. "I think he’s making a statement. He’s done with check-ups."

"Done or not, he’s going back to the lab," Gary snapped, storming over to grab the little troublemaker.

Charmander, realizing his fun was over, pouted but didn’t resist as Gary plucked him off the bed.

"I’m confiscating this," Gary grumbled, pulling the underwear off Charmander’s head.

"Char!" Charmander protested, crossing his arms.

Wisty shook her head, still laughing as she followed them out. "Well, at least he’s creative."

Gary glared at her. "Next time, you’re handling him solo."

"Fair," Wisty said with a shrug. "But hey, you’ve got a great story to tell now!"

Gary muttered something under his breath, already dreading the cleanup. Meanwhile, Charmander smirked, clearly proud of himself.

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