Ashy Boy is sick.... again

" It's cold!" Ash yelped as Gary slid the stethoscope under his shirt.

" I know, kiddo. I know." Gary replied sympathetically. " But this'll help me understand what's going on in that body of yours."

" Just.... Hurry! It's freezing!"

Gary replied seriously, pressing the stethoscope firmly in one place. " Deep breath in...and out. In... out. In..."

He frowned slightly, and Ash's eyes widened. " W... what happened?"

Gary shook his head and rubbed Ash's arm reassuringly. " Nothing, buddy. It's fine."

Ash collapsed back onto the couch, his head throbbing. " I hate this." he muttered, putting his pillow over his face.

" I know Ash. I know. Being sick sucks, but hey. Just one more day and you'll be out doing what you do best."

Ash turned to face Gary, though he still clutched his head. He opened a squinty eye and winced before asking, " You never told me, though. What are you doing here, anyway?"

" Professor Rowan gave me a few days off. So I came to Pallet."

" Oh."

Ash turned away, burying his head in his pillow and said, " Well you don't need to be here, you know."

Gary raised a brow and sat on the edge of the couch, rubbing Ash's shoulder. " Yeah? Why's that?"

" Because you're on a break. You don't have to take care of me while I'm sick, y'know. You could go out and enjoy yourself."

Gary raised his brow again. " What. me enjoy myself while you're sick? Never."

Ash moaned, rubbing his temple. " No, I'm serious."

" So am I." Gary countered, leaning on the couch. " You're my best friend, Ashy. I don't want you to be sick."

Ash sat up and gave him a grateful smile, but before he could say anything, he started to cough.


Gary's eyes widened, and he scooted close to Ash, rubbing his back. " Woah woah woah easy Ash, easy! Take a deep breath."

Ash tried, but he just kept coughing.

" Chu!"

Gary looked down to see Pikachu holding a glass of water.

" Thanks Pikachu." Gary said, taking the glass and giving it to his friend.

" Take small sips." He advised as Ash gulped it down.

" Thanks." Ash muttered, setting the glass down.

Gary frowned and took the stethoscope from around his neck. " That didn't sound too good, though. Deep breath in... And out. One more time. In.... And out."

Ash's lungs were raspy, and his heart was beating fast.

Gary sighed, pulling away and looping the stethoscope around his neck before pulling a thermometer from his bag. " Okay buddy. Open wide."

Ash groaned but obeyed, parting his lips reluctantly as Gary slid the thermometer under his tongue. He mumbled something incoherent, but Gary chuckled, shaking his head.

"Don't try to talk, Ashy-boy. Just wait a second, alright?" Gary teased, ruffling Ash's messy hair.

Ash glared at him, but the effect was lost as he slumped back against the couch, clearly exhausted. Gary kept a close eye on him, watching the thermometer beep. When it did, Gary removed it, his brow furrowing as he read the number.

"102.7," Gary muttered under his breath, concern etched on his face. "Ash, your fever's still pretty high. No wonder you're feeling miserable."

Ash winced, pulling his knees up to his chest. "I told you, Gary... I feel awful."

Gary gave him a small smile, trying to keep his tone light. "Yeah, well, you've got a stubborn streak a mile wide, so hearing you admit it means you must really be down for the count."

Ash groaned in response, burying his face in his arms. Gary placed a gentle hand on his back. "Alright, let's check a couple more things, and then I'll let you rest."

"More?" Ash whined, his voice muffled. "You're torturing me, Gary."

Gary chuckled. "Relax, buddy. I'll be quick, promise. Now, sit up for me."

Ash slowly sat upright, still groggy, as Gary pulled on a pair of gloves. He picked up the small flashlight from his kit and leaned in close. "Okay, Ashy-boy, look at me. Follow the light with your eyes, alright?"

Ash blinked and tried his best to focus as Gary moved the flashlight from side to side, then up and down. "Good. A little slow, but that's probably just the fever messing with you."

Ash mumbled something unintelligible, and Gary smirked. "Don't worry. You're still sharp enough to annoy me later."

Next, Gary examined Ash's ears, gently tilting his head to the side. "Hold still, buddy. This won't hurt."

Ash flinched slightly but let Gary check, the quiet hum of Pikachu's concerned "Pika" in the background.

"Looks fine," Gary said after a moment, moving to check the other ear. "No infection here, at least."

"Great," Ash muttered sarcastically. "Can we stop now?"

"Not yet," Gary said firmly. "Open wide again. I need to check your throat."

Ash groaned but complied, sticking out his tongue as Gary shone the flashlight inside. Gary frowned. "Red and a little swollen. Figures. That cough wasn't just for show."

Ash flopped back dramatically. "Why am I cursed, Gary? What did I do to deserve this?"

Gary laughed softly. "It's just a bad bug, Ashy. You'll bounce back in no time. Now, last thing-I'm checking your blood pressure."

Ash looked at him skeptically. "You just want an excuse to torture me more, don't you?"

Gary smirked, grabbing the blood pressure cuff. "Yup. You caught me. Now sit still."

Ash rolled his eyes but let Gary wrap the cuff around his arm. As the cuff inflated, Ash squirmed. "It's too tight!"

"It's supposed to be," Gary said, watching the numbers closely. When he saw the reading, his expression turned serious.

"Gary? What is it?" Ash asked nervously, his voice shaky.

Gary hesitated before answering. "Your blood pressure's really high, buddy. Like... dangerously high. 140 over 95."

Ash blinked, his face going pale. "What does that mean? Am I dying?!"

"Relax, Ash. You're not dying," Gary said firmly, placing a hand on Ash's shoulder. "But it's something we need to keep an eye on. It's probably just from being sick and stressed, but I'll check again later, okay?"

Ash nodded weakly, collapsing back on the couch. Gary rubbed Ash's arm and stood up. " Imma go get some water, K?"

Ash gave him a weak thumbs up, and Gary walked to the kitchen, taking a glass and drinking the water as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet and took out a bottle of Tylanol.

" The poor kid." He muttered, looking at the label.

Gary glanced back toward the living room, hearing Ash's muffled coughs. He shook his head and sighed, muttering, "He's really pushing himself too hard again."

He poured some water into another glass and returned to Ash, holding the Tylenol bottle in one hand. Sitting on the edge of the couch, he held out the pills and the water.

"Alright, Ashy-boy. Two of these. They'll help with the fever and the headache," Gary said softly, handing him the medicine.

Ash groaned as he pushed himself up slightly, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. He took the pills and glass reluctantly, muttering under his breath, "You're worse than my mom when it comes to this stuff."

Gary smirked. "Somebody's gotta keep you in line, especially since your mom's not here right now."

Ash swallowed the pills and winced, setting the glass on the table. "You really don't have to babysit me, Gary."

Gary rolled his eyes and pulled a blanket over Ash's shoulders. "This isn't babysitting, it's called looking out for you. You'd do the same for me, wouldn't you?"

Ash hesitated, then gave a small nod. "Yeah... I guess I would."

"Exactly," Gary said with a grin. "So, stop complaining and let me do my job as the awesome best friend."

Ash chuckled weakly, his head sinking back into the pillow. "Thanks, Gary. I mean it."

Gary's expression softened as he gave Ash's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime, buddy. Now rest up. The faster you recover, the sooner you can get back to doing what you love."

Ash nodded, his eyelids drooping as sleep began to claim him. Pikachu climbed onto the couch, curling up beside Ash protectively. Gary sat quietly for a moment, watching his friend finally relax.

"You'll be back on your feet in no time, Ashy-boy," Gary murmured, his voice filled with determination. "But until then, I've got your back."

Ash groaned but complied, opening his mouth enough for Gary to slip the thermometer under his tongue. He slumped back against the couch, his head still pounding, and Pikachu hopped onto his lap, nuzzling him comfortingly.

Gary leaned forward, watching the thermometer as it beeped, his brows furrowing deeper with each passing second. When it finally finished, he pulled it out and frowned at the reading.

"102.3," Gary muttered under his breath, shaking his head. "Ash, you're burning up. No wonder you feel like garbage."

Ash let out a weak laugh, though it quickly turned into another small cough. "Told you I was dying."

Gary rolled his eyes, but there was no mistaking the concern in them. "You're not dying, Ashy-boy. You're just... really sick." He stood up, grabbed a cold compress from his bag, and returned to the couch, pressing it gently against Ash's forehead.

Ash flinched at the coldness but sighed as the cool relief spread over his heated skin. "Ugh. Why is it always me?" he mumbled, closing his eyes.

Gary smirked and perched on the edge of the couch. "Because you're the guy who thinks he can charge headfirst into every storm, climb every mountain, and fight every Legendary without a second thought. Your body's probably just saying, 'Hey, slow down, kid.'"

Ash cracked one eye open and glared weakly at Gary. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Me? Enjoying my best friend being sick? Never." Gary's tone was dripping with mock innocence, but the small smirk on his face gave him away. He reached out and ruffled Ash's messy hair, earning a grumble from the sick trainer.

Pikachu chirped softly, curling up against Ash's side. Gary took the opportunity to check Ash's pulse, his fingers pressing gently against his wrist. "Your heart's still racing, Ash," Gary said seriously. "You've been pushing yourself too hard lately, haven't you?"

Ash tried to wave him off. "It's nothing. I'm fine. I just-"

"Don't even start with that 'I'm fine' nonsense," Gary interrupted, giving him a stern look. "You're clearly not. And if you don't take care of yourself, who's going to?"

Ash opened his mouth to argue but quickly closed it, knowing Gary was right. He sighed and leaned back again, letting the cold compress do its job. "Alright, alright. You win. I'll rest."

"Good," Gary said, leaning back as well. "Because if you don't, I'll make you."

Ash chuckled weakly, shaking his head. "You're such a pain sometimes, Gary."

"And you love me for it," Gary quipped with a grin, leaning over to grab a blanket and drape it over Ash. "Now, stay put and get some rest. I'll be right here if you need anything."

As Ash closed his eyes, Pikachu snuggled closer, and Gary sat nearby, keeping a watchful eye on his best friend. Even in moments like this, Gary couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in taking care of the guy who always seemed to take care of everyone else.

Ash groaned, leaning back against the couch as Gary held the thermometer in front of him. "Do I have to?" he muttered, his voice raspy and strained.

Gary gave him a look, the kind that said don't argue with me. "Yes, Ashy-boy, you have to. Now open up."

Reluctantly, Ash parted his lips just enough for Gary to slip the thermometer under his tongue. Pikachu hopped onto the arm of the couch, watching with concern as Ash sulked, his cheeks puffed out around the thermometer.

Gary chuckled softly. "You look like you just swallowed a lemon. It's just a thermometer, buddy."

Ash glared at him weakly but didn't respond. A minute later, the thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out, frowning at the reading. "101.9. Not great, but at least it's not going higher."

"Great," Ash grumbled, pulling the pillow back over his head. "Just let me die already."

Gary rolled his eyes and gently tugged the pillow away. "You're not dying, Ash. You've got a bad cold, maybe the flu. You'll live. Besides, you've been through worse."

Ash peeked out from under the blanket, his hair a mess and his face flushed from the fever. "Yeah, but worse doesn't feel like this." He sniffled, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand.

Gary reached into his bag, pulling out a pack of tissues and tossing it onto Ash's lap. "Here. Stop using your sleeve, you animal."

Ash groaned but grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose loudly. Pikachu winced, covering its ears. Gary smirked. "Better?"

"No," Ash replied flatly, tossing the tissue into the nearby trash can. He slumped back against the couch, his arms crossed. "I hate being sick."

Gary softened, sitting back down on the edge of the couch. "I know you do, Ashy-boy. But you've got to rest if you want to get better."

Ash closed his eyes, exhaling a heavy sigh. "Rest is boring."

"Yeah, well, being sick isn't exactly a thrill ride, is it?" Gary replied with a small grin. He reached out, ruffling Ash's hair despite the younger boy's halfhearted attempt to swat his hand away. "You're tougher than this, though. You'll bounce back in no time."

Ash opened one eye, staring at Gary with a faint smile. "You sound like my mom."

Gary smirked. "Maybe because she's right. Now, let's check your breathing again. I need to make sure those lungs of yours aren't staging a rebellion."

Ash groaned but sat up slightly as Gary grabbed the stethoscope. "This again? It's freezing!"

Gary chuckled, slipping the stethoscope under Ash's shirt. "Yeah, yeah. I know, kiddo. Just bear with me. Deep breath in... and out."

Ash obeyed, though his breathing was still labored and raspy. Gary's brow furrowed as he listened, his expression becoming more serious. He moved the stethoscope slightly, pressing it against Ash's back. "Again. In... and out."

Ash's chest rose and fell with effort, and he broke into a small coughing fit. Gary pulled the stethoscope away and rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. "Alright, that's enough. You've got some congestion in there. Nothing too alarming, but you need to keep resting."

Ash slumped back down, clutching the blanket around him. "Rest, rest, rest. That's all anyone ever says."

Gary smirked and leaned back in the chair. "Well, when you're as stubborn as you are, someone's gotta keep reminding you."

Ash gave him a weak glare, but there was no real fire behind it. "You're annoying, you know that?"

"Yup," Gary replied with a grin. "And you're stuck with me until you're better. So get used to it, Ashy-boy."

Ash couldn't help but chuckle, even if it hurt his throat. "Lucky me."

" It's cold!" Ash yelped as Gary slid the stethoscope under his shirt.

" I know, kiddo. I know." Gary replied sympathetically. " But this'll help me understand what's going on in that body of yours."

" Just.... Hurry! It's freezing!"

Gary replied seriously, pressing the stethoscope firmly in one place. " Deep breath in...and out. In... out. In..."

He frowned slightly, and Ash's eyes widened. " W... what happened?"

Gary shook his head and rubbed Ash's arm reassuringly. " Nothing, buddy. It's fine."

Ash collapsed back onto the couch, his head throbbing. " I hate this." he muttered, putting his pillow over his face.

" I know Ash. I know. Being sick sucks, but hey. Just one more day and you'll be out doing what you do best."

Ash turned to face Gary, though he still clutched his head. He opened a squinty eye and winced before asking, " You never told me, though. What are you doing here, anyway?"

" Professor Rowan gave me a few days off. So I came to Pallet."

" Oh."

Ash turned away, burying his head in his pillow and said, " Well you don't need to be here, you know."

Gary raised a brow and sat on the edge of the couch, rubbing Ash's shoulder. " Yeah? Why's that?"

" Because you're on a break. You don't have to take care of me while I'm sick, y'know. You could go out and enjoy yourself."

Gary raised his brow again. " What. me enjoy myself while you're sick? Never."

Ash moaned, rubbing his temple. " No, I'm serious."

" So am I." Gary countered, leaning on the couch. " You're my best friend, Ashy. I don't want you to be sick."

Ash sat up and gave him a grateful smile, but before he could say anything, he started to cough.


Gary's eyes widened, and he scooted close to Ash, rubbing his back. " Woah woah woah easy Ash, easy! Take a deep breath."

Ash tried, but he just kept coughing.

" Chu!"

Gary looked down to see Pikachu holding a glass of water.

" Thanks Pikachu." Gary said, taking the glass and giving it to his friend.

" Take small sips." He advised as Ash gulped it down.

" Thanks." Ash muttered, setting the glass down.

Gary frowned and took the stethoscope from around his neck. " That didn't sound too good, though. Deep breath in... And out. One more time. In.... And out."

Ash's lungs were raspy, and his heart was beating fast.

Gary sighed, pulling away and looping the stethoscope around his neck before pulling a thermometer from his bag. " Okay buddy. Open wide."

Ash opened his mouth slightly, just enough for Gary to slip the thermometer under his tounge. While they waited for the results, Gary put a cool hand on Ash's warm neck.

Gary frowned slightly.

Then the thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out.

" 105.2..... Ash, we need to get you some rest."

Ash moaned and clutched his head. " But it hurts." He whimpered. " Everything hurts."

Gary's frown deepened as he sat on the edge of the couch, looking at his sick best friend. He rubbed Ash's shoulder in slow, calming circles. "I know it does, Ashy. But you need to rest if you want to get better. I'll do whatever I can to help."

Ash blinked up at Gary through half-lidded eyes, his face pale and flushed with fever. "I hate being sick," he murmured weakly.

Gary gave him a small, sympathetic smile. "Yeah, I know. It's the worst. But you've fought Team Rocket, legendary Pokémon, and rival battles. You can handle this."

Ash let out a soft groan and leaned back against the couch, pulling his blanket tighter around him. His legs curled up, and Pikachu hopped onto his lap, nuzzling his chest for comfort. "Thanks, Pikachu," Ash whispered, running his hand over the small Pokémon's head.

Gary stood up, moving to the small bag he'd brought with him. He rummaged through it, pulling out some fever medication and a damp cloth. "Okay, Ashy-boy," he said, turning back to his friend. "Let's bring that fever down. Take these." He handed Ash a couple of pills with another glass of water.

Ash hesitated, looking at the pills like they were his mortal enemy. "Do I have to?"

Gary chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, you have to. Unless you want me to drag you to the Pokémon Center and let Nurse Joy deal with you?"

Ash groaned dramatically. "Fine," he muttered, taking the pills and swallowing them with a grimace. "Happy now?"

Gary grinned and gently placed the cool, damp cloth on Ash's forehead. "Very. Now lean back and relax, Ash. No more arguments."

Ash sighed, letting his head sink into the pillow as the coolness of the cloth began to soothe his pounding head. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment, but then they snapped open again. "Gary?"

"Yeah?" Gary asked, sitting back down beside him.

"Thanks," Ash muttered, his voice barely audible.

Gary reached over and gave Ash's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "What are best friends for, huh? Now, no more talking. Just rest, okay?"

Ash nodded, his breathing slowly evening out as exhaustion took over. Gary stayed by his side, keeping a watchful eye on him and occasionally checking his temperature. Pikachu curled up next to Ash, its ears twitching as it kept its own vigil.

Gary leaned back in his seat, watching the rise and fall of Ash's chest. "You're going to be okay, buddy," he whispered softly. "I'll make sure of it."

Ash groaned and tilted his head back, glaring at the ceiling. "Do we really have to do this?"

Gary smirked, waving the thermometer in front of him. "Unless you want to guess your temperature and risk me hauling you to a hospital, then yeah, we have to do this. Open up, Ashy-boy."

Reluctantly, Ash parted his lips, grumbling under his breath as Gary slipped the thermometer under his tongue. "Now, hold still, and no talking," Gary instructed, sitting back on the couch's armrest while keeping an eye on the device.

Ash crossed his arms and huffed through his nose, clearly annoyed. Pikachu hopped up onto the couch beside him, nuzzling Ash's arm in an attempt to comfort him. "Pika pi," the little Pokémon cooed.

Gary smiled softly at the sight. "See? Even Pikachu wants you to take care of yourself. You're lucky to have a buddy like him."

Ash rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile. His irritation didn't last long, though, as the thermometer beeped. Gary leaned forward, taking it out and frowning at the result.

"102.5," Gary said, his voice serious. "You're burning up, Ash."

Ash groaned, flopping back onto the couch. "Great. Just great. First, I feel like my head's going to explode, and now you're telling me I'm a furnace."

Gary reached out, patting Ash's arm reassuringly. "Hey, don't worry. We'll get that fever down. I brought some medicine with me. You'll be back to your usual self in no time."

Ash peeked at him from under his arm. "You really didn't have to come all the way here, you know."

Gary smirked, pulling a small bottle of fever medicine from his bag. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, Ashy. Besides, what kind of best friend would I be if I left you like this?"

Ash couldn't argue with that, so he stayed silent, watching as Gary measured out the medicine. "Here," Gary said, handing Ash the little cup. "It's grape-flavored. Your favorite, right?"

Ash wrinkled his nose but took the cup anyway. "It better not taste like those gross syrupy ones from when we were kids," he muttered before downing it in one go. He immediately grimaced. "Ugh. Still awful."

Gary chuckled, setting the empty cup aside. "You'll survive."

Ash slouched back into the cushions, his face flushed from the fever. Pikachu climbed onto his lap, curling up protectively, and Gary stood, placing a hand on his hip as he surveyed the scene.

"Alright," Gary said, pointing at Ash, "you're not moving an inch from this couch until you're better. Got it?"

Ash gave him a weak thumbs-up, his eyes already drooping shut. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Doc Oak."

Gary laughed softly and draped a blanket over Ash, tucking him in. "That's Professor Oak to you, buddy."

Ash gave a faint smile, muttering, "Thanks, Gary," before his breathing evened out. He was already drifting into sleep.

Gary sat back down on the edge of the couch, keeping an eye on his best friend. "No problem, Ashy-boy," he said softly. "That's what friends are for."

Ash groaned as he opened his mouth, feeling too miserable to protest. The thermometer felt cold against his tongue as Gary slipped it under his tongue and muttered, "Hold it there for a sec, buddy. Don't move."

Ash mumbled something incomprehensible, his voice muffled by the thermometer, and slouched further into the couch. His head felt like it was pounding in time with his racing heart. Pikachu hopped up next to him, nuzzling against his arm, as if to offer comfort.

Gary leaned back, watching Ash closely. His face softened, but there was a flicker of worry in his eyes. He waited for the thermometer to beep, glancing at his watch as the seconds ticked by.

Finally, the small device let out a soft beep. Gary plucked it from Ash's mouth, glanced at the reading, and frowned. "102.4," he muttered, shaking his head. "Ash, your fever's up again."

Ash groaned and flopped back onto the couch. "Great. Just great. I feel like a Magikarp out of water."

Gary snorted softly at the analogy and grabbed a damp cloth from a bowl of water on the coffee table. He gently pressed it against Ash's forehead, making Ash flinch. "I know it sucks, buddy, but this'll help."

Ash grumbled, closing his eyes. "I hate being sick."

"Yeah, I got that loud and clear," Gary replied, his voice teasing but kind. "But you'll get through it. You always do."

Ash cracked one eye open and gave Gary a weak glare. "Says the guy who never gets sick."

Gary smirked, dabbing the cloth gently along Ash's cheeks and neck. "That's because I'm smarter than you and actually wear a jacket when it's cold out."

Ash huffed and turned his face into the pillow. "Whatever."

Gary chuckled but didn't push him further. He set the cloth aside and pulled out his phone to jot down notes. "Alright, so fever, raspy lungs, fast heart rate, and that coughing fit earlier... You're definitely fighting something nasty, Ashy-boy."

"Thanks, Dr. Oak," Ash muttered, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Gary grinned. "You're welcome, patient Ketchum."

Ash rolled over to glare at him but ended up coughing instead. Gary immediately sat back down, rubbing Ash's back again. "Easy, Ash. Deep breaths. Don't force it."

Ash gasped for air, his chest heaving as he tried to calm the coughing fit. Pikachu pressed against his side, looking up at him with wide, concerned eyes. "Pika pi..."

"I'm okay," Ash rasped, though his voice sounded anything but convincing. He grabbed the water glass again and took a few small sips, just like Gary had instructed earlier.

Gary sighed, sitting back on the edge of the couch. "You're not okay, Ash. You're sick, and I'm not leaving until you're better."

Ash tried to protest, but Gary raised a hand to stop him. "No arguments, buddy. I'm here, and that's final."

Ash blinked at him, his expression softening. Despite feeling awful, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his best friend. "Thanks, Gary," he said quietly.

Gary smiled, ruffling Ash's hair. "What are best friends for, Ashy-boy?" He picked up the damp cloth again, placing it back on Ash's forehead. "Now, stop worrying and let me take care of you. You'll be back to your usual annoying self in no time."

Ash managed a small smile, relaxing against the couch as Gary continued to fuss over him. It wasn't so bad having someone around, especially when that someone was Gary.

Ash groaned, tilting his head back against the couch. "Do we have to? I'm fine, Gary. Really."

Gary gave him a pointed look, one eyebrow raised. "Ashy-boy, that cough could wake up Snorlax. Open up, or I'll make Pikachu do it."

"Chu pika," Pikachu said with a playful smirk, crossing its tiny arms as if to back Gary up.

Ash rolled his eyes but opened his mouth reluctantly. Gary slipped the thermometer under Ash's tongue and tapped his foot as they waited for the reading. Ash fidgeted, clearly uncomfortable but too tired to protest further.

When the thermometer beeped, Gary pulled it out and checked the display. His lips pressed into a thin line. "101.5," he muttered under his breath.

"That bad?" Ash asked, his voice scratchy.

Gary didn't answer immediately. He placed a hand on Ash's forehead, frowning at the warmth. "It's not terrible, but it's not great either. You've got a fever, buddy. No wonder you feel like you're gonna die."

Ash groaned and slumped back into the couch, pulling the pillow over his face again. "Ugh. I hate this. Why does being sick have to feel like the end of the world?"

Gary chuckled, pulling the pillow away. "Because you're a drama queen, Ashy-boy." He softened his tone as he adjusted the blanket around Ash. "But seriously, you've been pushing yourself too hard lately. Running around battling, training, saving the world-you're not invincible, y'know."

Ash cracked an eye open, his lips twitching into a weak smile. "You think saving the world's a lot? Try keeping up with Pikachu when he's in a bad mood."

Pikachu shot Ash an indignant look. "Pika pi!"

Gary laughed, ruffling Ash's hair. "Yeah, yeah, you're the toughest trainer I know. But even tough trainers need rest. So here's the deal: you stay on this couch, drink water, and rest. No arguing."

Ash huffed but nodded. "Fine, but only because I don't think I can move anyway."

"Good," Gary said, standing and heading to the kitchen. "I'll grab you some soup or something. And if you don't eat it, Pikachu might."

"Pika pika!" Pikachu chirped, as if agreeing with the plan.

Gary came back with a steaming bowl of soup and set it on the coffee table. "Alright, Ash. Sit up and eat. I'll even feed you if I have to."

Ash made a face. "No way. I can handle it." He reached for the bowl but immediately regretted it as his arm shook from the effort.

Gary smirked and held the bowl out of reach. "You sure about that, tough guy?"

"Fine," Ash grumbled, letting Gary help him sit up. He took the spoon Gary offered and started eating slowly, the warmth of the soup soothing his throat.

Gary sat beside him, arms crossed, watching closely. "See? Not so bad."

Ash swallowed a spoonful and glanced at his friend. "Thanks, Gary. For... y'know, sticking around."

Gary grinned, leaning back on the couch. "Of course, Ashy-boy. That's what best friends do."

Ash groaned, reluctantly opening his mouth for the thermometer. "This is so embarrassing," he mumbled as Gary placed the device under his tongue. His cheeks flushed, though it was hard to tell if it was from the fever or the sheer awkwardness of being taken care of by Gary.

Gary chuckled softly, sitting back on the edge of the couch. "Embarrassing? Come on, Ashy-boy. It's not like this is the first time I've seen you like this. Remember when we were eight, and you caught that nasty flu after falling in the lake?"

Ash rolled his eyes, the thermometer sticking out awkwardly. "Mm-hmm," he muttered, his voice muffled.

Gary smirked, crossing his arms. "Yeah, you were stuck in bed for a week, whining about how much you hated soup. And guess who sat next to you the whole time, making sure you didn't keel over?"

Ash glared at him, his expression screaming, I get it, Gary.

The thermometer beeped, and Gary plucked it out of Ash's mouth, glancing at the reading. His brows furrowed. "102.4. Not great, buddy, but not the worst. You need to rest more, though. No arguments."

Ash flopped back onto the couch, groaning. "Rest, rest, rest. That's all anyone ever says."

Gary leaned over, poking Ash lightly in the forehead. "That's because it's true, dummy. Your body needs time to fight off whatever you've got." He paused, glancing at Pikachu, who had hopped up onto the couch next to Ash. "And it looks like Pikachu agrees with me."

"Chu," Pikachu said firmly, nuzzling into Ash's side.

Ash sighed, stroking Pikachu's fur. "Fine. But only because Pikachu says so."

Gary shook his head, pulling a blanket over Ash's shoulders. "You're impossible, you know that? But that's why I'm here-to make sure you don't push yourself too hard. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you."

Ash peered at him from beneath the blanket, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Thanks, Gary."

Gary smirked, giving his shoulder a friendly squeeze. "Don't mention it, Ashy-boy. Now, how about some soup? And don't give me that look-I promise it's not as bad as you remember."

"Alright, Ashy-boy," Gary said softly, trying to keep his voice steady for Ash's sake. "Let's take this step by step."

Ash groaned, clutching the pillow tightly to his chest. "Gary, I feel like I've been hit by a Snorlax."

Gary chuckled lightly despite his worry. "I know, buddy. But that's why I'm here. We'll get you through this."

Gary pulled out a thermometer and held it up. "Okay, open wide."

Ash sighed but obeyed, letting Gary slide the thermometer under his tongue. As he waited, Gary pressed two fingers gently against Ash's wrist, feeling for his pulse. His frown deepened as he counted the beats-it was weaker than it should be. Not dangerously low, but it wasn't a good sign.

The thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out, his stomach sinking when he saw the reading. "102.8," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with worry.

Ash raised an eyebrow, his voice hoarse. "That... bad?"

Gary gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It's high, but not unmanageable. Don't worry, I've got this."

Ash leaned back on the couch, clearly exhausted. Pikachu hopped onto his lap, nuzzling his arm with a concerned "Pika pi."

Gary grabbed the stethoscope again, his expression serious as he slid it under Ash's shirt. "Okay, deep breath in... and out. Again, Ash. In... and out."

Ash obeyed, though his breaths were labored and raspy. Gary frowned as he listened closely, his mind racing. The crackling sound in Ash's lungs wasn't good-it pointed to fluid buildup, likely from a bad case of bronchitis or even pneumonia.

Gary moved the stethoscope around, checking different areas of Ash's chest and back, but the results were the same. His lungs were struggling, and his breathing wasn't as strong as it should be.

"Alright, buddy," Gary said, pulling the stethoscope away and looping it around his neck again. "Your lungs sound rough, and that fever isn't helping. Let's check a few more things."

Ash groaned again, rubbing his temples. "Can't we skip to the part where I magically feel better?"

Gary smirked, though his concern didn't waver. "Sorry, Ashy-boy, no magic cure. Just me, your friendly neighborhood doctor-in-training." He tried to keep his tone light, but he couldn't shake the worry gnawing at him.

Gary reached for Ash's wrist again, checking his pulse once more. It was still weaker than he liked, and his breathing sounded strained just from sitting there. Gary's mind flashed back to his medical training-he had to stay calm and systematic.

"Okay, Ash," Gary said, his voice steady. "We're going to get you feeling better, but I need you to work with me, alright?"

Ash looked at him through half-lidded eyes, his exhaustion evident. "I'll try," he croaked.

Gary nodded and began rummaging through his bag. "First, we need to bring that fever down. I've got some fever reducers in here." He pulled out a bottle of medicine and measured a dose into a small cup. "Here, drink this."

Ash made a face but took the cup and swallowed it down. "Tastes like poison," he muttered.

Gary rolled his eyes. "You'll thank me later."

Pikachu chirped in agreement, patting Ash's arm as if to say, "Listen to him."

Gary leaned back, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought through his next steps. "You need rest and hydration," he said, more to himself than to Ash. "And I need to keep an eye on your lungs. If it gets any worse, we're heading to the hospital."

Ash's eyes widened slightly, and he shook his head weakly. "No hospitals."

Gary raised an eyebrow, his expression firm. "Ash, if it gets worse, we don't have a choice. But let's not jump there yet. We'll see how you do tonight."

Ash nodded reluctantly, leaning back into the couch with a tired sigh. "You really don't have to do all this, Gary," he mumbled. "You're supposed to be on a break."

Gary smiled softly, placing a hand on Ash's shoulder. "Ashy-boy, taking care of you is my break. You're my best friend. And I'm not letting you go through this alone."

Ash looked at Gary, his eyes glistening with gratitude, but before he could respond, his coughing fit returned. Gary was immediately at his side, rubbing his back and whispering reassurances.

"Easy, buddy. Deep breaths. You've got this."

Pikachu handed Gary another glass of water, and Gary helped Ash take small sips, holding the glass steady as his hands trembled.

Gary sighed, his determination hardening. He'd do whatever it took to get Ash through this. After all, that's what best friends were for.

Ash groaned as he leaned back into the couch, his pale face scrunched with discomfort. "Do we really have to do this?" he muttered, his voice hoarse.

Gary crouched in front of him, pulling out his medical bag and giving Ash a stern yet gentle look. "Yes, Ashy-boy, we do. I don't want you getting worse. Now, come on, open up." He held up the thermometer, tapping it lightly with his finger.

Ash sighed, too exhausted to protest further. He opened his mouth, and Gary slipped the thermometer under his tongue. "There you go, hold it there," Gary instructed, standing up to grab a notebook from his bag.

As the thermometer beeped, Gary plucked it out and examined the reading. His brows furrowed. "104.5. That's way too high, Ash."

Ash let out a low groan and pulled the pillow back over his face. "Great. I'm dying."

Gary rolled his eyes, gently tugging the pillow away. "You're not dying, drama king. But you're not in great shape either. Let me check those lungs again." He grabbed his stethoscope, sliding it back under Ash's shirt.

"Cold!" Ash yelped, squirming slightly.

"I know, I know," Gary said, his voice steady and calm. "Deep breath in... and out. In... out."

Ash tried to follow the instructions, but each breath was shallow and raspy, sending shudders through his frame. Gary's frown deepened as he moved the stethoscope to different areas, listening carefully. The wheezing in Ash's lungs was unmistakable.

"That doesn't sound good," Gary muttered to himself, his mind racing. He shifted his attention to Ash's pulse, pressing his fingers gently against his wrist. The rhythm was faint and erratic. Not what Gary wanted to feel.

Gary sat back on his heels, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Ash, your lungs are congested, your pulse is weak, and your fever is way too high. We might need to get you to a clinic if this doesn't improve soon."

Ash groaned, his head lolling to the side. "Clinic? No way. I can fight this off."

"Ashy, this isn't a gym battle," Gary said firmly, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You can't just tough it out. Your body's fighting hard, and it needs help."

Ash's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at Gary with a mix of stubbornness and exhaustion. "But... you're here, right? You can handle it."

Gary blinked, taken aback for a moment. Then his expression softened. "Yeah, buddy. I'm here. And I'll do whatever I can. But you've got to trust me, okay?"

Ash nodded weakly, leaning his head against the couch cushion. Pikachu hopped onto the armrest, nudging Ash's hand with a worried chirp. Gary reached out and patted the little Pokémon on the head. "Don't worry, Pikachu. I'll take care of him."

Reaching back into his bag, Gary pulled out a cool compress and placed it gently on Ash's forehead. "This should help with the fever for now. Just lie back and rest."

Ash closed his eyes, his breathing still shallow but less labored with Gary's calm presence. Gary kept a close eye on him, recalling everything he'd learned during his medical training under Professor Rowan. His mind was running through possible treatments and next steps, but he knew the most important thing was to keep Ash stable for now.

"Hey, Ash," Gary said softly, leaning close. "I'm not going anywhere, alright? You're gonna be okay. Just hang in there for me, buddy."

Ash cracked a small smile, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thanks, Gary."

Gary smiled back, ruffling Ash's hair lightly. "That's what best friends are for, Ashy-boy."

Ash groaned as Gary tilted his head slightly, tucking the thermometer under his tongue. He felt miserable-his body ached, his head pounded, and every breath felt like a struggle. He glanced at Gary, who was sitting next to him on the edge of the couch, looking far too serious for Ash's liking.

Gary kept his eyes on his watch, counting down the seconds. "Almost there, Ashy-boy. Just a little longer."

Ash gave a weak glare, his cheeks puffed slightly from the thermometer in his mouth. "Hmmph," he mumbled.

Gary smirked slightly. "Don't give me that look, buddy. You know I'm just trying to help."

Finally, the thermometer beeped, and Gary pulled it out, frowning at the display. "102.8," he muttered under his breath. He rubbed a hand over his face, his concern growing. "That's... not good, Ash."

"Tell me something I don't know," Ash croaked, his voice hoarse. He slumped back onto the couch, clutching the pillow to his chest.

Gary set the thermometer aside and grabbed his stethoscope again, leaning closer. "Alright, buddy, I need to check your lungs one more time. Just try to stay still for me, okay?"

Ash groaned but nodded weakly. "Fine... but make it quick. That thing's freezing."

Gary gave a small chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He slipped the stethoscope under Ash's shirt again, the cold metal making Ash flinch. "Sorry," Gary said softly, pressing it against his chest. "Deep breath in... and out."

Ash obeyed, his breaths shallow and raspy. Gary's frown deepened as he moved the stethoscope to different spots on Ash's chest and back, listening carefully. The wheezing was worse than before, and every exhale sounded labored.

"Again. In... and out," Gary instructed, his tone professional now.

Ash struggled to take another breath, and Gary placed a steadying hand on his shoulder. "You're doing fine, Ashy. Just one more time."

Ash wheezed again as he exhaled, and Gary pulled the stethoscope away with a sigh. He looped it around his neck and reached for Ash's wrist, feeling for his pulse. His brows furrowed as he counted silently, his fingers pressing lightly against Ash's skin.

"Gary?" Ash asked weakly, his voice trembling. "It's bad, isn't it?"

Gary glanced up at him, his expression softening. He shook his head, squeezing Ash's shoulder reassuringly. "We'll handle it, buddy. I've got you."

Ash frowned, his face pale and damp with sweat. "But... my chest feels so tight, and my head won't stop pounding... what if-"

"Hey," Gary interrupted firmly, sitting closer. "Stop overthinking, Ash. You're sick, yeah, but you're not alone. I'm here, okay?"

Ash hesitated, his eyes glistening, but he nodded.

Gary rubbed his forehead in thought, going over everything he'd learned during his medical training. The fever, the weak pulse, the wheezing-it wasn't just a simple cold. Ash needed more than rest and water.

"Alright, first things first," Gary said, pulling a blanket over Ash's shivering form. "You need to stay warm. I'm going to call Professor Oak and see if we have anything stronger for your fever and those lungs."

Ash's breathing hitched slightly, and Gary leaned down, pressing a comforting hand to his shoulder. "It's okay, Ashy-boy. You're tougher than this. Just hang in there for me."

Pikachu climbed onto the couch, nuzzling Ash's arm with a worried "Pika..."

Ash managed a small smile, his hand weakly petting Pikachu's head. "Thanks, buddy."

Gary stood and grabbed his phone, dialing quickly. As he waited for the line to connect, he glanced back at Ash, who was curled up on the couch, looking smaller than usual.

"You're not getting worse on my watch," Gary muttered under his breath. "Hang in there, Ash."

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