Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

Serena entered the Master Class Showcase, and after making her way to the final round, where she went up against Miette, she was able to win and become the first ever Unova Queen.

After sorting things out with Miette, the two of them settle their differences and their rivalry. With one dream accomplished, it's Ash's turn, as the group starts to head towards Vertress City, where the Unova League will take place.


The next day...

"There it is!" Ash exclaimed excitedly, as him and Pikachu were standing in front of a giant building, which looks like a soccer stadium.

"The Vertress City Stadium!" Ash exclaims. "The Unova League will be held here! I can't even wait! What about you buddy?" "PIKA CHU!" Pikachu replied, just as enthusiastic as its Trainer.

"Ash! Wait up!" Serena exclaimed as she, and the others, struggled to catch up with Ash. "You still have to register..." Red reminded his brother. Ash chuckled. "About that... I registered yesterday night..." he said.

"What?! How?!" Gary asked. "You can now register Online..." Ash answered. "Well that sure is convenient..." Nate said. "You can say that again!" An all too familiar voice spoke. Our heroes turned over to look at the direction of the voice only to see an old friend.

"Kevin! Lillie!" Ash said as he greeted the friends he met back in Driftveil City. "How are you?" Lillie asked, trying to keep her bag shut. "I've been doing great!" Ash answered. "I'm competing in the Vertress Conference!" Ash said. "Great!" Kevin replied. "That way we might battle each other!"

"You'll have to beat me first!" The gang turned over to see Amber walking towards them, her Infernape following her. "Nice to see you too Amber..." Ash said jokingly. "I would love to see how strong your Infernape is!" Kevin said, releasing his own Infernape.

"How about a warm-up match?" Amber offered. "You bet! Infernape! Use..." Kevin was interrupted by the announcer of the Conference.

"Participants of the Vertress Conference, please walk up to the Stadium. We will begin shortly..."

"Maybe later! Return!" Amber said, returned Infernape to its Pokeball and ran over to the Stadium, Ash, the gang and Kevin shortly behind her. Someone who wasn't rushing though, was Trip. 'I'll destroy you all...' he thought before walking over to the Stadium.

At the Stadium...

Serena, Nate, Dawn, Red, Gary, Leaf, Jessie, James, Meowth and Lillie took their seats on the audience stand while Ash, Kevin and Amber went to the Battlefield to look at the match-ups for today.

"I was hoping to see you here Ash!" A voice came up from Ash's left side. "Sawyer!" Ash exclaimed in excitement. "Glad you could make it!" "You too!" Sawyer replied. "I especially look forward to battling you..." "Me too!" Ash replied.

The announcer stood up in the middle of the Battlefield. "Welcome to the Vertress City Conference!" He exclaimed. "The opening part of this year's Unova League!" The crowd erupted with applause.

"These are going to be the matchups for the Preliminary Round!" The announcer exclaimed before turning the monitor on. A bunch of cards appeared at the monitor before beginning to shuffle, eventually the cards rearranging themselves and turning over, showing the faces of the competitors.

(Like this...)

"And the first battle of the League will be Ash Ketchum vs. Amber Amaya Fiya!" The announcer exclaimed. All of the competitors who weren't Ash or Amber walked over to the Audience and took their seats. Ash and Amber meanwhile stood on opposite sides of a Battlefield.

'This is it...' Ash thought as he took his place. 'No turning back now... it's time to win the Unova League!' The Referee then walked up to the Referee stand. "All the Battles before the Semi-Final Round are going to be 3-on-3 matches..." he exclaimed. "As soon as all three Pokemon of either side are unable to continue, the battle will be over, and the loser will be out of the competition!"

Amber drew out a Pokeball. "QUAGSIRE! GO FOR IT!" She exclaimed as she hurled her Pokeball forward, releasing her Pokemon. It was a light blue, bipedal, amphibious Pokemon. Its head is broad and round, having little neck to distinguish it from the rest of its body. It has a wide mouth and tiny, black eyes. A wavy, purple stripe runs down its back. Along its spine is a dark blue fin. Its hands and feet both have three digits. Its outer layer of skin is slimy and slippery.

"Quag!" It croaked. 'She's going with Quagsire first...' Ash thought. He then drew out a Pokeball. "Lycanroc! I choose you!" He exclaimed as he threw the Pokeball forward, releasing his Lycanroc.

"That's an odd choice..." Dawn said. "Why would Ash go for a Rock-type when he could've gone for a Grass-type...?" "I guess Ash is trying to prove that Type Advantages don't necessary matter..." Serena said. "That's a classic Ashy-Boy move!" Gary said.

"Lycanroc vs. Quagsire!" The referee exclaimed. "Alright, I declare this year's Unova League officially... OPEN!" He then brought his arms down, allowing the battle, and the League, to begin.

"Alrighty Quagsire, let's start things off with Muddy Water!" Amber commanded. Quagsire becomes surrounded by swirls of spiraling, brown water. It then fires a stream of mud from its mouth at Lycanroc.

"Lycanroc! Dodge it and use Accelerock!" Ash commanded. Lycanroc then began to charge at Quagsire. When the Muddy Water was about to hit Lycanroc, it slid to the side, avoiding it. Lycanroc then surrounded itself in a white aura and slams itself into Quagsire at a high speed, sending it flying backwards.

"Quagsire!" Amber cried out, shocked that Lycanroc actually hit Quagsire before she hit it. "That was a lucky shot Ash!" She exclaimed. "But that won't happen again! Use Earth Power!" She commanded.

Quagsire's outline flashes yellow and he slams his fist into the ground. Glowing gold cracks then travel towards Lycanroc and go under hit. A stream lava, outlined in gold, erupted from the cracks, sending Lycanroc flying in the air.

"Now Mud Shot!" Amber commanded. Quagsire gathers energy in its mouth which gathers into a golden sphere. The orb then turns into a ball of mud, which it hurls at Lycanroc.

"Lycanroc!" Ash calls out in fear for his Pokemon. Lycanroc tumbled down to the ground, and lucky for Ash it was able to get up, its eyes now red. "Way to go Lycanroc!" Ash exclaimed with pride. "Now use Counter!" He commanded.

Lycanroc then covers itself with a rainbow-colored aura. Lycanroc then tackled Quagsire in the chest, transferring all of the energy from the moves it got back at Quagsire, and sending it flying backwards with a rainbow-colored shockwave

"Quagsire!" Amber exclaimed. "As soon as you land on the ground! Use Sludge Wave!" She commanded as a last-ditch effort. Quagsire's body becomes surrounded in a purple hue. It then slams its hands together and sticks them into the ground, causing the ground to move up and down like waves on the ocean. The ground the turns into purple sludge and a huge purple tidal wave approaches Lycanroc quickly.

Before Ash could tell Lycanroc to dodge, it was hit by the wave of sludge and is carried all the way to the wall at the side of the Battlefield. When the wave finished pouring on Lycanroc, it was lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Lycanroc is unable to battle!" Exclaimed the referee. "Quagsire wins! Round one goes to Amber!" "That is now one win for Amber, and none for Ash..." said the announcer in his announcer booth.

(He's the best announcer ever! 😂)

Ash then returned Lycanroc to its Pokeball. "You battled well, so take a good rest..." he said before returning the Pokeball to his belt. "Now what Pokemon am I going to choose now?" Ash murmured to himself. Pikachu then began enthusiastically jumping up and down next to Ash, as if to give him the indication of; "Pick me! Pick me!"

Ash then picked Pikachu... up in his arms. "I'm sorry Pikachu..." Ash said. "But just like with Clay's Seismitoad, Quagsire's a Ground-type Pokemon, and Electric-type moves have no affect on Ground-types..." Pikachu pouted but understood.

Ash then drew out his second Pokeball. "Kay, now that that's sorted out... LEAVANNY! I CHOOSE YOU!" He exclaimed as he threw his Pokeball forward, releasing his Leavanny.

"So you're going by the book this time..." Amber said. "Yep... figured as much..." Ash replied. "Well sorry to burst your Bubble, but I can destroy you easily! Use Sludge Wave!" She commanded.

Quagsire then pulled off the same trick it used to defeat Lycanroc. "Okay Leavanny let's mix things up!" Ash exclaimed while smirking. "Use String Shot up in the air to dodge Quagsire's Sludge Wave!" He commanded. "WHAT?!" Amber exclaimed in confusion.

Leavanny then shoots a thick thread of purple silk from its mouth at the roof of the Battlefield. As soon as the Sludge Wave was about to hit Leavanny, it pulled itself upwards, leaving the Sludge Wave to crash on empty soil.

The crowd gasped. "Now that's what I call 'using the terrain as your ally'!" Exclaimed the announcer, sounding like a master swordsman (🤣). "Now Leavanny! Use X-Scissor!" Ash commanded. Leavanny then let go of the silk thread it was balancing on and leapt down towards Quagsire.

The leaves on Leavanny's arms glow light blue. It then puts its claws together in front of it and a light blue 'X' like energy with a magenta and green outline, appears in front of the leaves. It then spreads its leaves apart before crossing them back together as soon as it reached Quagsire, slamming into it while its leaves are crossed.

"Alright Quagsire use Mud Shot!" Amber commanded. Quagsire then shot a ball of mud from its mouth at Leavanny. "Leavanny! Use Leaf Blade! And then immediately after that String Shot!" Ash commanded.

The leaves on Leavanny's arms become surrounded by a wavy light green aura. Leavanny then slashes the Mud Shot with one of its leaves, leaving behind a light green trail of energy and creating a cloud of dust.

From the dust cloud, a purple thread appeared shooting out towards Quagsire, before wrapping itself all around it. "Now use Energy Ball!" Ash commanded. Leavanny opens its mouth and its antennae glow light green. They also become surrounded by light green sparkles. A light green orb of energy then forms in front of its mouth and Leavanny fires it at Quagsire, using the String Shot as a trail to insure a hit.

"Quagsire!" Amber called out in worry for her Pokemon. Her worries were justified, seeing as how Quagsire was now on the ground, unconscious. "Quagsire is unable to battle!" Exclaimed the referee. "Leavanny wins!" "Now the two Trainers are tied with one point each!" Said the announcer.

"You did your best Quagsire..." Amber said as she returned Quagsire to its Pokeball. "Now it's your turn Roserade!" She exclaimed while hurling her second Pokeball forward, releasing her Roserade.

"So it's a Grass-type Pokemon battle..." Ash murmured to himself. "Alright! Let's start things off with Energy Ball!" He commanded. Leavanny then fired a green orb of energy at Rosereade. "Pin Missile!" Amber commanded.

5 white pins appear under one of Roserade's bouquets. Roserade then brings its arm forward (kinda like a punch), causing the pins to fire white orbs trailing green streams of light at Leavanny's Energy Ball. The pins completely destroy Leavanny's Energy Ball and some of them continue to trail towards Leavanny, sending it flying backwards.

"LEAVANNY!" Ash cried out. "Don't waste a second Roserade!" Amber exclaimed. "Use Weather Ball!" She commanded. Roserade held its arms up and caused the Stadium's skylight to open up. Swirls of air then appear between Roserade's arms until they solidify into an orb of clouds. The cloudy orb then catches fire, making it resemble the sun.

Roserade then fires the ball at Leavanny, causing streams of fire to appear around it. "DODGE IT!" Ash tried to say but it was too late. The ball hit Leavanny and exploded with fire. When the dust settled, Leavanny was lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Leavanny is unable to battle!" Exclaimed the referee. "Roserade wins!" "This brings Amber back to the lead with two wins for her and only one for Ash!" Said the announcer. "If Amber defeats Ash's next Pokemon then it is all over for Ash!"

"Now what?" James asked on the audience stand. "The smartest choice for Ash is for him to bring out Talonflame..." Nate said. "He's right, her water type was already eliminated..." Jessie replied. "Ash never needed type-advantage to win a battle!" Serena exclaimed. "He's going to win! No matter what Pokemon he chooses..."

"Leavanny, return!" Ash said as he was returning Leavanny to its Pokeball. Ash then turned to look at his Pikachu. "I guess it's your time to shine buddy!" He said as Pikachu had a look of pure joy on its face. "PIKACHU! I CHOOSE YOU!" Ash exclaimed before pointing his finger towards Amber and Roserade. Pikachu soon ran the length of Ash's arm and jumped off, landing at the Battlefield.

"Now that's an interesting choice..." Amber murmured. "Okay then, Pin Missile!" She commanded. Roserade then shot another bunch of green/white projectiles from one of its bouquets. "Alright Pikachu, dodge it!" Ash commanded. Pikachu then started to run at Roserade, sliding off the way of any projectile that might hit it until there were no more projectiles.

"Way to go!" Ash exclaimed. "Now use Volt Tackle!" He commanded. Pikachu begins to run at Roserade. Its body then becomes surrounded by golden electricity, making its body look black and white. Pikachu then tackles Roserade with full force.

Roserade was sent flying off the Battlefield and smashed into the Stadium wall, completely knocked out. "Roserade is unable to battle!" Exclaimed the Referee. "Pikachu wins!" "That makes two victories for each Trainer!" Said the announcer. "But seeing as Pikachu was able to defeat Roserade with one not very effective attack, I'll say it's impossible to see who will win!"

"Return Roserade..." Amber said as she returned Roserade to its Pokeball. "I gotta say... I'm impressed..." she told Ash. "You are a very strong Trainer Ash!" "Thanks Amber, so are you!" Ash replied. "However..." Amber continued while drawing out a Pokeball. "You won't stand a chance against my last Pokemon! LET'S GO FULL THROTTLE! CLEFAIRY! YOU'RE UP!" She exclaimed while hurling her last Pokeball forward, releasing her final Pokemon.

It was a bipedal, pink Pokemon with a chubby, vaguely star-shaped body. A small, pointed tooth protrudes from the upper left corner of its mouth. It has wrinkles beside its black, oval eyes, dark pink, oval markings on its cheeks, two small wings, and large, pointed ears with brown tips. A tuft of fur curls over its forehead, much like its large, upward-curling tail. Each stocky arm has two small claws and a thumb on each hand, and each of its feet has a single toenail.

"Whoa look Pikachu! It's a Clefairy!" Ash exclaimed. "Finally a Pokemon we're really familiar with!" Amber smirked. "Use Dazzling Gleam!" She commanded. Clefairy releases a bright white light from its body. It then jumps in the air and rainbow colored rays of light come from the white light. The rainbow colored rays then shoot out and hit Pikachu.

"Oh no Pikachu!" Ash cried out as he noticed that the bright light gave his Pikachu temporary blindness. "Now Meteor Mash!" Amber commanded once more.

A silhouette of a golden meteor appears around Clefairy's hand. As Clefairy charges at Pikachu, the silhouette becomes surrounded by a cyan and pink aura (which extends backwards forming the appearance of a comet), surrounded by multicolored stars with a golden outline. Clefairy then punches Pikachu in the face, sending it tumbling backwards.

"Pikachu no!" Ash cried out. Clefairy stood there triumphantly, when suddenly yellow static electricity appears around it. "Huh?!" Amber says in confusion. "That's Static! Pikachu's Ability!" Ash exclaimed in realization and confidence.

Ash then turned to Pikachu. "Pikachu listen to me!" He said. "I know it's hard for you to see so just listen! Clefairy's paralyzed! Now's our chance to attack!" Pikachu nodded before turning over to Clefairy, its eyes closed.

Amber gritted her teeth in frustration. "Use Moonblast!" She commanded. An image of the moon appears behind Clefairy. It then forms an orb of pink energy between its hands, and fires it at Pikachu. "Okay Pikachu! Slide to the right!" Ash commanded, causing Pikachu to do just that, dodging Clefairy's Moonblast.

"Okay then... ONE MORE DAZZLING GLEAM!" Amber commanded. Clefairy then fired another barrage of rainbow rays of light at Pikachu. "There's no way Ash can time a dodge from this attack!" Exclaimed the announcer. "It appears to be over for Ash..."

Ash smirked. "Not quite yet..." he murmured. "Pikachu! Iron Tail Counter-Shield!" He commanded. Pikachu quickly jumped and landed on its back. It then transformed its tail to metal, before beginning to spin (like a breakdancer). The light was about to hit Pikachu, but as soon as it did it waa reflected by Iron Tail's reflective properties, causing the light to spread around the Battlefield, hitting Clefairy as well.

"WHAT?!" Amber said shocked. "Now let's finish it off buddy!" Ash exclaimed. "Use Iron Tail!" He commanded. Pikachu was then finally able to open its eyes. Pikachu then transformed its tail into shiny, silver metal. Pikachu then began to charge at Clefairy.

"DODGE IT CLEFAIRY!" Amber exclaimed, trying to pull the same trick Ash pulled off earlier, but because Clefairy was paralyzed, it was unable to dodge and so was slammed by Pikachu's Iron Tail, creating a huge cloud of dust.

When the dust cleared, Clefairy was on the ground unconscious. "AND IT'S A KNOCKOUT!" Exclaimed the announcer with surprise and joy in his voice. "ASH KETCHUM WAS ABLE TO COMPLETELY TURN THE TIDES AROUND FOR HIM! AWARDING HIM THE FIRST WIN OF THE UNOVA LEAGUE!"

"YES!" Ash exclaimed as him and Pikachu began to jump up and down with joy. 'I knew you could do it Ash...' Serena thought. 'Now go knock their socks off!'


Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! The League... is finally open... I waited SO long for this and I'm so happy the League is finally open!

However in a sadder note I would like to dedicate this Chapter in loving memory of Emily (animeforeverXD).

Anyways, like last time there will be no summary for the next Chapter because the next Chapter (and the following Chapters until the League ends) will be nothing but battles. So like last time, here's Ash's next opponent: Sawyer.

Thanks for reading! 😊

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