Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...
After our heroes left Iciruss City, they started their way to Opelucid City, but are interrupted halfway there by a Darkrai that Ash and Serena faced before.
Darkrai reveals that he has a new Trainer named Tobias and the two attack our heroes. Our heroes try their best to defend themselves but only few Pokemon remain standing.
After witnessing Serena's Braixen in danger, Frogadier evolves into Greninja, activates a mysterious power that allows it to synchronize with Ash and defeats Darkrai.
After the fiasco with Tobias and Darkrai, our heroes have finally arrived in Opelucid City, sight of Ash's 8th and final Unova Gym Battle challenge.
Our heroes are now paying a visit to the Opelucid City Pokemon Center. The Opelucid City Nurse Joy is more than happy to greet our heroes and take care of their injured Pokemon, but finds herself a little bit confused when the healing machine scans their Pokemon and find an odd amount of injuries.
"Wow! All of your Pokemon took quite a beating!" She stated. "What happened to them?" "It's a long story that we don't have the time to tell..." Ash said in the most nonchalant tone he could muster. "And even if we had the time, you wouldn't believe us..." Serena continued.
Nurse Joy looked perplexed, but knowing that this is her job, she decided to not persuade the four to keep talking and just heal their Pokemon.
After Nurse Joy took care of their Pokemon, the four literally crashed down on the sitting area of the Pokemon Center, extremely exhausted. "Well... that was something you don't see or do every day..." Nate said, trying to break the tense atmosphere.
"Speaking of..." Dawn said, raising an eyebrow and looking at Ash. "You mind telling us what the Reverse World was that little trick you pulled against Tobias?!" Ash sighed, both in exhaustion and in defeat. "Well... I don't 100% know what that was..."
"Then tell us what you know..." Nate said. "You better sit down for this one..." Ash replied. 'We're already sitting down but whatever...' Dawn thought.
Ash then sat up straight and looked up. He took a deep breath and began to tell his story;
(Ash's POV)
For as long as I could remember, I've never been what you would consider "an ordinary kid". Ever since I was very young, I was actually able to read people's minds. I can only do that to people I'm particularly close to, but I could do it.
Red, my brother, was the first to notice it, and we started having entire conversations without ever opening our mouths. He wanted to call it "Shining" but I didn't want to get sued... I was just a kid back then!
Anyways, it all started when I met Greninja, who was just a Froakie back then. I met it on the same day I met a certain honey-blond girl...
That day I felt some sort of weird energy flowing through my veins, and ever since I've been having weird dreams of events that actually happened later... I thought I was going crazy. Until Froakie evolved into Frogadier... then it all stopped.
Until recently, when I started to read minds again... remember back at Nimbasa City when we found out that Nate was Serena's brother? I actually heard Serena remembering that she had a brother...
It all came to a pick back when we were heading to Mistralton City and got attacked by Hunter J and her Malamar... when it tried to hypnotize me, I just concentrated on one thought and the hypnosis didn't work. Not only that, but I was able to create a freaking shockwave to push it back!
I had no idea what that was... until Frogadier evolved into Greninja. I don't know how we did it, but we were able to somehow synchronize. It was like we were one soul inhabiting two bodies. That power... whatever it was... was inside us all along!
We just weren't able to control it. And to be honest... I still don't think we can... I didn't say anything... didn't think anything... didn't even do anything... that power just happened.
"I have no idea if we'll ever be able to control it..." Ash finished telling his story. Serena, Nate and Dawn were speechless. It was like all of their questions were answered at once.
It even took them a while to realise that Nurse Joy was calling them. Their Pokemon were fully restored and healthy. "Excuse me..." Nurse Joy said, finally catching their attention. "Your Pokemon are completely healthy!"
Pikachu jumped out of the tray Nurse Joy was keeping the Pokeballs on and rushed over to Ash, hugging him tightly. Serena's Sylveon, Nate's Eevee and Dawn's Piplup did the same. Our heroes hugged their respective partners back and went over to retrieve the rest of their Pokeballs.
After that, they exited the Pokemon Center, Ash only having one thought in mind; earning his 8th Gym Badge! However his thought process was interrupted by a Dragon Pulse that was heading his way.
"ASH! LOOK OUT!" Serena cried as she jumped towards Ash and pushed him out of the way of the incoming attack. They then looked back to see who attacked them.
It was a dark-blue, quadruped Pokemon with two heads and black fur covering its necks and back. Its front legs are muscular with two claws on each foot, but its rear legs are less defined and have two small, backward-pointing toes without claws. There are tufts of fur over its heads with rounded points at the top. It has two thin wings on its back, each ending in two points. The fur stops at the chest and opens up to fuchsia striped bands on the side of its legs.
"What is that?!" Ash asked before checking his Pokedex.
Zweilous, the Hostile Pokemon.
Zweilous always eats more than it should, moving to a new home after eating all the food it can find.
"What is it doing here?!" Serena asked. "It's running away!" A voice called out from somewhere around them. 'Oh no...' Ash thought as he instantly recognized the voice. "Serperior! Use Wrap!" The voice commanded.
Zweilous saw the attack coming and countered it with Crunch, biting down on the Serperior's tail. The Serperior flinched in pain, giving the Zweilous enough time to run away.
"ARGH! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" The voice growled as it walked next to Serperior, revealing it to be, none other then Trip. Trip then saw the people around him and when he spotted Serena, he grinned.
"I knew you'd come to your senses eventually..." he said as he walked closer to her, her face becoming both enraged and frightened. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She spat out, causing Trip to flinch and take a step back.
"You heard her! Now stay away!" Ash replied. Trip's semi-surprised face became one of pure hatred instantly. 'He's the one frightening her!' He thought. 'He's the one who wants to keep Serena all to himself! I bet he doesn't even let her see her Pokemon! Well not anymore!'
Trip snapped his fingers. "SERPERIOR! ENERGY BALL!" He commanded to the shock of everyone there. Serperior opens its mouth and forms a light green energy ball in front of its mouth, before firing the ball of energy at Ash.
Without giving a command, Ash's Pikachu creates a gold and blue orb of electricity releasing yellow electricity at the tip of its tail. Pikachu then jumps into the air and flips forward, before firing the orb from its tail at Serperior's Energy Ball, the two moves colliding and exploding.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Nate and Dawn exclaimed in shock. Trip then looks at them, with the same look of rage and hatred from before. "HE'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD!" He roared back, pointing at Ash.
"Me?! What did I ever do to you?!" Ash asked in retaliation. "YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME! AND SO YOU WILL PAY!" Trip let out a mumbling roar. Serperior then fired another Energy Ball at Ash. This time though, he was ready. He gently pushed Serena to his back and drew out a Pokeball.
"GRRNINJA! ICE PUNCH!" He exclaimed as he threw the Pokeball, releasing his Greninja. Without wasting a second, Greninja pulled one of its fists back, said fist becoming surrounded by swirling energy which changes from white to light blue. Its fist then glows light blue before it punched the Energy Ball, freezing it.
Greninja then pulled off an old trick that it pulled on Darkrai. It kicked the frozen Energy Ball, like a soccer ball, at Serperior, hurting it in the process. "If a battle is what you want, a battle is what you'll get!" Ash exclaimed. "One-on-one! No holding back! If I win you leave Serena alone!"
Trip grinned. "Same conditions here! No referee needed. LET'S DO THIS!" Ash decided to begin the Battle. "USE WATER PLEDGE!" He commanded.
Greninja then jumps high in the air, its fist glowing blue. It then slams its hand on the ground, causing pillars of water to rush towards Serperior. When the pillars reached it, they form a ring of pillars and then merge into one giant watwe pillar.
"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" Trip said mockingly. "DRAGON TAIL!" Serperior's tail becomes covered in a purple, scale-patterned aura. Serperior then rushes over at Greninja, ready to slam it with its tail.
"Dodge it!" Ash exclaimed. Greninja then ducked under Serperior's Dragon Tail (like its doing Limbo) before it did some backwards summer salts to get some distance. "Now Aerial Ace!" Ash commanded.
Greninja locked eyes with Serperior before its body becomes outlined in white. Greninja then floats, and begins to fly straight at Serperior, leaving a white streak behind it. Trip grinned. "Dragon Tail! Then Wrap!" He commanded.
Serperior's tail became surrounded by the same aura from before. As soon as Greninja came close enough, Serperior slapped it with its tail, sending Greninja flying to the side and hitting a nearby tree with such force that it dented it.
Before Ash could call out for Greninja, Serperior wrapped its tail around Greninja's body and began to squeeze. Ash was about to call out for Greninja, but found himself mute for some reason. He then began to feel something squeezing around his body, not allowing him to breathe.
'I... can't... breathe...' he thought, losing Oxygen quickly. Serena grew worried, not knowing what is the matter with Ash but knowing that he's hurt. "What's the matter Ash?!" Trip asked mockingly. "Mewoth got your tongue because you know you're nothing more than a pathetic Trainer who doesn't deserve Serena and is about to lose?! ADMIT IT!"
Ash gritted his teeth. 'Trip...' was all he could think before his eyes started to glow red. At that same moment, Greninja's body started to glow white, catching Serperior's attention. The glow began to intensify and soon enough, Greninja's body became surrounded by a swirling orb of water which began to grow.
The orb grew so large and so fast that Serperior couldn't keep holding it. The orb soon exploded, sending Serperior flying backwards. The water droplets from the orb began to form into 4 swirls of water, which began to surround Greninja's back (Greninja was still glowing). Soon enough, the swirls formed an orb which disbursed into a giant Water Shuriken.
Greninja's body then stopped glowing, revealing its appearance has changed. "WHAT THE REVERSE WORLD IS THAT?!" Trip exclaimed, fear and confusion in his voice. Greninja then opened its eyes, which flashed red for a split second. Ash and Greninja then stood up in unison, their movements synchronized.
"We won't let you hurt her again!" Ash exclaimed, his voice echoing. "I see Greninja learned a new move... let's test it out! NIGHT SLASH!" He commanded.
Ash and Greninja then spread their arms apart (kinda like Wolverine). Greninja's hands then became surrounded by a black and red aura with a purple outline. Ash and Greninja moved in unison as Greninja charged at Serperior (leaving purple/red streaks of energy behind its hands) before slashing it several times, sending Serperior flying backwards.
Trip gritted his teeth. "FRENZY PLANT!" He commanded. Serperior lets out a cry, causing multiple giant, brown roots (outlined in green) to grow out of the ground and rush towards Greninja. "Night Slash again!" Ash commanded. Greninja then rushed towards the plants, its hands glowing purple and red, before hopping on one of the roots, running along side it and cutting all of the roots that came near it.
(Like this... awesome right?)
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Trip exclaimed. "Now Water Shuriken!" Ash commanded. Greninja then grabs the shuriken on its back and throws it at Serperior. Serperior tries to dodge but to no avail, as it was already hit by the shuriken, which returned to Greninja like a boomerang.
"FRENZY PLANT AGAIN!" Trip spat out, causing Serperior to use the move again. Instead of wasting precious energy on pulling the same trick again, Ash and Greninja used their synchronized movements to dodge the incoming roots.
"Let's finish it off Greninja! Use..." Ash was unable to give out a command because of a Hyper Beam which hit the center of the Battlefield. "WHAT THE...?!" Everybody exclaimed in unison. "Hey there twats! I'm back!" A female voice said, causing everyone to look up.
"Hunter J!" Ash said while greeting his teeth. "The one and only!" She replied. "Now I have a buyer who is willing to pay a large amount of money for that special Greninja you have there... so hand it over before I have to take it from you!"
"I don't think so!" Ash replied. "Water Shuriken!" He commanded. Greninja threw the massive shuriken that was on its back at J and her Salamance. Hunter J just chuckled. "Use Flamethrower!" She commanded.
J's Salamance then spat out red and orange flames from its mouth, clearly hoping to evaporate the shuriken. When the Water Shuriken collided with the Flamethrower a huge cloud of smoke appeared, causing J to grin. Her grin dropped however when she saw Greninja pop out of the cloud of smoke and hurl another Water Shuriken at her.
The Water Shuriken hit her Salamance in the face, sending it flying backwards and dropping Hunter J from a tall height. She then pressed some buttons on her wrist, which made a jetpack appear on her back. She looked over to her Salamance and was shocked to see that it was knocked out in just one hit.
Trip looks at the knocked out Salamance at in disbelief. 'If she hadn't interrupted our battle that Greninja would've defeated my Serperior without even breaking a sweat!' He thought in realisation and disbelief.
Hunter J gritted her teeth. "If I can't take the Greninja, I'll just take the girl instead!" She said while drawing out a Pokeball. "Her reward is still up! MALAMAR! HYPNOSIS!" She exclaimed before throwing the Pokeball forward, releasing her Malamar.
"I hate that Malamar..." Ash said as he gritted his teeth. Before anyone could react, Greninja charged at the Malamar with its Ice Punch. Malamar didn't look amused as it looked at Greninja. It's body became surrounded by a purple aura as its eyes glowed cyan.
Greninja's body also became surrounded by a purple aura, but it lasted for only a moment before it started to flicker (like an old light-bulb) and eventually disappearing, much to Malamar's shock. Before Malamar could think about attacking again, it was hit by Greninja's Ice Punch.
"ENERGY BALL!" Trip's voice was heard. His injured Serperior then shot out another green ball of energy. However, this time it was at Malamar. "Huh?" Ash said as he realized what Trip has done. "We have a common interest now..." Trip said. "So I'll help you this once! USE DRAGON TAIL!"
Ash smirked. "Night Slash!" He commanded. The two Pokemon charged at J's Malamar. "Use Dark Pulse!" She commanded. Malamar forms a beam of black and purple circles in front of its beak. It then fires the circles at Serperior and Greninja. Despite its attempts, both attacks did hit Malamar.
"Let's finish this! MOONBLAST!" Serena commanded out of nowhere. Sylveon spreads its feelers wide open, and an image of the moon appears behind it. It then forms an orb of pink energy in front of its mouth, and fires it at Malamar. Once the dust settled, Malamar was knocked out cold.
"Consider this payback for the time you made me attack Ash you witch!" Serena yelled at her. Hunter J gritted her teeth. "NO! I WON'T BE STOPPED BY A BUNCH OF KIDS!" She exclaimed.
"Then what about us?" They all heard a voice from nearby. That voice belonged to Red, who appeared with his Pikachu on his shoulder and his Charizard behind him. Behind him were also Leaf, Gary and the ex-Team Rocket trio. Gary and Leaf had their Blastoise and Venusaur out respectively.
"We also have a score to settle!" Leaf exclaimed. "You thought you could cast a spell on the great Gary Oak eh? Well I'll show you!" Gary said. Hunter J glared at them. "You won't defeat me! Go Drapi..." she was unable to finish her sentence, as she was interrupted by the three.
"USE BLAST BURN!" Red commanded. "HYDRO CANNON!" Gary commanded. "AND FINALLY FRENZY PLANT!" Leaf commanded. Red's Charizard's body becomes engulfed in light blue flames. It then punches the ground, sending a wave of energy into the earth which then moves underneath J and her Pokemon.
Gary's Blastoise readies its cannons and a blue flash of light appears in front of them. Then, a glowing light blue ball of water appears in front of thrm where the flash was and Blastoise fires them at J.
Leaf's Venusaur's body becomes outlined light green as it stand up on its hind legs. It then stomps on the ground, causing giant brown roots, outlined in green to grow out of the ground and charge at Hunter J and her Pokemon. The energy of the three attacks together bursts upwards from underneath J and her Pokemon, creating a massive explosion.
"WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT THAT I WOULD BE THE ONE BLASTING OF...?!" She exclaimed as she and her Pokemon were flung upwards into the sky, disappearing in a flash.
Greninja reverts back to its normal form as the group heads over to thank the others, however in the midst of the chaos, Trip got away. 'I won't lose to him!' He thought as he returned Serperior to its Pokeball. 'I won't allow him to keep Serena! She is mine! I'll beat him no matter what!'
Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! Shoutout to gogolsarkar and XxImanuelYvonnexX for following me! Thanks a ton! So... I said I was taking a break. Well I still technically am cause I didn't beat the game, but because I'm stuck in Fuchsia City trying to beat Koga, I decided to write...
One thing to take note of (about Ash-Greninja) is that because they still can't control their bond, he's more aggressive that normal. Anyways, here's the summary for the next Chapter:
After the battle against Trip and later Hunter J, Ash became confident enough in the fact that he can defeat the Opelucid City Gym Leader, and so he headed there to challenge the Gym.
Ash was surprised to see that he already knows the Gym Leader, but is surprised by how much tougher their Pokemon have gotten, and he thinks that he might lose.
Will Ash defeat the Gym Leader? Who is the Gym Leader? Will Greninja's new power be enough?
Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!
Thanks for reading! 😊
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