Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

Our heroes have arrived at Route 5, the only thing separating then from Driftveil City, sight of Ash's 5th Unova Gym Battle Challenge.

They were stopped by a Pokemon Battle between two wild Pokemon, and a Dragon Master in-training named Iris, stopping said battle.

After Ash and Iris have a battle, Iris reveals that one of the Pokemon that were battling, an Axew, has lost its Trainer recently. Serena decides to catch Axew, which gladly joins her party.


"ALRIGHT HERE WE ARE! DRIFTVEIL CITY!" "PIKA PIKACHUUUU!" Ash and Pikachu yelled in excitement as they noticed the city at the horizon.

Serena, Nate and Dawn were standing next to Ash. "Good luck Ash!" Serena said. Ash smiled and nodded. "I heard the Driftveil City Gym Leader is a Ground-type specialist..." Nate spoke up. "Well, good thing you have Fletchinder with you!" Dawn replied.

"Thanks for all the support everyone!" Ash thanked. "And after that we're gonna have to cheer Serena on full blast!" "Pikachu!" Serena couldn't help but to blush a little bit at that remark.

Ash chuckled. "Alright then!" He said. "Let's start heading to the..." Ash was cut off by the four (not including Pikachu), began to glow pink for a split second before disappearing in a pink flash.

"...Gym..." Ash finished his sentence, but him and the others were in a different place altogether. "WHAT THE...?!" "PIKA PI?!" Ash and Pikachu yelped in confusion, while the others were looking around in confusion.

"LET GO OF OUR BAG!" Our heroes then heard two voices call out simultaneously. One of them was a girl with blond hair and green eyes. She was wearing a white, short-sleeved hoodie with a greyish-cyan hood. She was also wearing a white skirt.

The second one was a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He had a yellow cap with a black semicircle in it. He was wearing a yellow short-sleeved shirt under a black jacket with a yellow stripe in the middle. He had black cargo jeans, black and yellow sleeves and black fingerless gloves with a yellow border.

(No image this time. Original creation of KevinSchomaker)

On the boy's shoulder was a Pikachu, just like Ash's, but the tip of its tail was shaped like a heart and a pink bow near one of its ears.

On the girl's shoulder was a small, quadruped, fox-like Pokemon. It has blue-white pelt, blue, pupil-less eyes, large, pointed ears with dark bluish-grey insides, and six white tails with curled tips. It also has curled locks of blueish fur with bangs on top of its head.

The people who were trying to steal their bag were none other then Attila and Hun, the Team Plasma grunts that attacked our heroes previously.

'Not these guys again...' Ash thought to himself before starting to draw out a Pokeball. However, before anyone could do anything, the boy exclaimed. "WE'RE NOT LETTING YOU GET THIS! MARIA! USE THUNDER!" "SNOWY! AURORA BEAM!"

The boy's Pikachu, Maria, then became surrounded by yellow electricity as its eyes glowed light blue. The sky then became full of dark clouds, before a powerful lightning bolt came crashing down as a thunder-clap sound is heard.

Simultaneously, the girl's Pokemon, a Vulpix named Snowy, created a small, rainbow-colored orb near its mouth. The was orb then blasted towards the grunts, transforming into an ever-changing rainbow colored beam of energy as the dark clouds began to present the Aurora Borealis.

The two attack hit their mark, causing a huge explosion. Once the dust cleared, the Plasma grunts were nowhere to be found. "WHOA!" Ash squealed. "I'VE NEVER SEEN A COMBO-MOVE LIKE THAT BEFORE!"

Ash's excited squeal caught their attention. "Thanks, but might I ask who are you people?" The boy asked. "Whoops! Sorry..." Ash said while scratching the back of his head.

"I'm Ash Ketchum! And these are my friends Nate, Dawn and Serena!" He introduced himself and his friends. "Nice to meet you Ash!" The girl replied. "My name's Lillie! And this is my friend Kevin!"

Ash turned to look at Lillie's Vulpix. "Whoa... I've never seen a Vulpix like this before..." he said while taking out his Pokedex.


Vulpix, Alola Form. The Fox Pokemon.

Vulpix is covered in white fur and was discovered on Mount Lanakila in the Alola Region. Its breath can reach a temperature of 60 below zero, freezing anything it touches.


"IT'S ADORABLE!" Serena squealed in a cheery and delightful tone. "Can't argue with that!" Dawn replied. "While Vulpix are usually Fire-type Pokemon, in the Alola Region, where Lillie's from, they've adapted to their environment and became Ice-type Pokemon!" Nate and Kevin explained simultaneously.

"Pikachu!" "Pika Pi!" Ash's and Kevin's Pikachu were having a 'conversation' of sorts, as they were sending electrical signals back and forth.

(Imagine another Pikachu instead of Dedenne)

"I guess they're friends already!" Kevin checked. "So, are any of you planning on challenging the Driftveil Gym?" He asked. Ash raised his fist. "I am! Are you?" He asked with a determined voice. Kevin chuckled before taking out his Badge Case.

Ash's jaw dropped as soon as he saw that Kevin had already gotten eight Unova Gym Badges. "How many Badges do you have Ash?" He asked. "Four..." Ash replied. Kevin pat Ash on the shoulder. "Hey it's okay, the Unova League's still a few weeks away..."

Ash chuckled. "Thanks, I would love to have a battle with you, but I want my Pokemon to be fully energized before we battle the Gym Leader..." he said.

Nate stepped up. "Then I'll battle you!" He exclaimed. Kevin smiled. "Alright then, let's go for it!" He exclaimed.

Some time later our heroes have found a Battlefield, allowing Kevin and Nate to begin their battle. Ash acted as referee. "Alright! This is going to be a three-on-three Battle!" He said while raising his arm. "The battle will be over as soon as all Pokemon of either side are unable to continue! Substitutions are allowed!"

Kevin was the first one to draw out his Pokeball. "ALRIGHT GARCHOMP! LET'S GO!" He exclaimed while throwing his Pokeball forward, releasing his first Pokemon.

It was a bipedal, draconian Pokemon that is primarily dark blue in color. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold comes to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. It has horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead shark.

The feet have three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand. Curved fins sprout from the arms. It also has a large dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a sharktailfin with a notch on it. Pairs of small, white spikes protrude from its upper arms and legs, and there are gill-like slits on the sides of the neck. The eyes are intense, with black scleras and gold-colored irises.

"GAR... CHOMP!" It roared. "Whoa! A Garchomp!" Dawn exclaimed. Serena could understand that Dawn knew what this was, but she didn't, causing her to check the Pokedex.


Garchomp, the Mach Pokemon.

When it folds up its body and spreads its wings, it can fly like a jet plane at the speed of sound.


Nate then had a smirk on his face, as if knowing exactly what to do. "LET'S HAVE A DRAGON-ON-DRAGON BATTLE!" HE exclaimed while drawing his Pokeball. "TYRUNT! LET'S GO!" Nate then threw his Pokeball, releasing his Tyrunt.

"ALRIGHT! BATTLE BEGIN!" Ash exclaimed as he brought his arm down. "LET'S START THINGS OFF TYRUNT! ANCIENT POWER!" Nate gave his first command.

Tyrunt's body becomes outlined in white and two rings of multiple white pointed energy orbs appear and float around its body. The white glow fades when the energy orbs float around it. The white glow then fades on the orbs and form into multiple brown rocks (with different fossil outprints) outlined in a pink aura. It then lowers its head and fires the stones at Garchomp, hitting it directly.

Garchomp was sent flying back while Tyrunt's body begins to glow. First red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue and the finally purple.

Nate smirked. 'Good thing I got the Omni-Boost...' he thought. "NOW CRUNCH!" Nate commands again. Tyrunt jumps high in the air then it opens its mouth and creates a white aura shaped like a set of teeth around its jaw.

Tyrunt was about to bite down on Garchomp, but Kevin had other thoughts. "NOW SANDSTORM!" He commanded. Garchomp the begins to glow several different colors and then stomps down onto the ground, causing sand to swirl out from under it in all directions.

This caused Garchomp to practically melt into sand. "WHAT THE...?!" Nate exclaimed in confusion as Tyrunt's Crunch attack completely missed. "That's Garchomp's Ability Sand Veil!" Kevin explained. "It increases a Pokemon's evasion during a Sandstorm!"

Nate struggled to think of a solution but eventually found one. "OKAY TYRUNT! USE DRAGON TAIL AS A FAN TO BLOW THE SANDSTORM AWAY!" He commanded.

Tyrunt's tail became surrounded by a purple, scale-patterned aura before it began to waggle with incredible power, whipping out a current of wind which blows away the Sandstorm, to everyone's shock.

"NOW DRAGON CLAW!" Nate commanded. One of Tyrunt's hands became surrounded by a light-green energy, causing its claws to grow longer and sharper (while also glowing green). It then charged at Garchomp, jumping high in the air and preparing to slash it with its sharp claws.

"USE IRON HEAD!" Kevin commanded, to everyone's shock. Garchomp lowers its head and the star on forehead/snout turns into iron. Garchomp' head then becomes surrounded by a white aura (with black sparks), making it seem black and white, as it slams its head into Tyrunt's belly, sending it flying back.

"TYRUNT NO!" Nate cried out to Tyrunt as it fell into the ground, creating a dust cloud. When the dust cleared, Tyrunt was knocked out inside of a crater. "TYRUNT IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! GARCHOMP WINS!" Ash exclaims as Nate returns Tyrunt to its Pokeball.

"You did great Tyrunt, now take a good rest..." Nate whispered to Tyrunt's Pokeball before grabbing his second Pokeball. "ALRIGHT LUCARIO! DO YOUR BEST!" He exclaimed while throwing his second Pokeball forward, releasing his Lucario.

"My Garchomp has the advantage over Lucario because of type..." Kevin spoke. "But because you're really determined I'll give you a fighting chance... nah! Just kidding! DRAGON RUSH!"

Streams of bright blue aura start to form around Garchomp's body and then they grow and cover most of its body, with a black shadowy aura inside the bright blue aura as it grows, forming the shape of a dragon's head as Garchomp rushes towards Lucario.

"DODGE! THEN USE COPYCAT!" Nate commanded. Lucario then jumped out of the way of Garchomp's incoming Dragon Rush. Lucario's eyes suddenly began to glow as it recalled in its head what Garchomp did, inspecting every single moment. Lucario was then surrounded by a purplish-blue aura.

Lucario then becomes surrounded by the same dragon head-shaped aura, as it rushed towards Garchomp from above, crashing into it, creating a huge explosion. "GARCHOMP!" Kevin called out in worry.

"LUCARIO! FINISH IT OFF WITH METEOR MASH!" Nate commanded. A silhouette of a golden meteor appears around Lucario's hand. As Lucario charges at Garchomp, the silhouette becomes surrounded by a cyan and pink aura (which extends backwards forming the appearance of a comet), surrounded by multicolored stars with a golden outline, as Lucario punches Garchomp in the jaw.

Garchomp was hurled backwards before crashing into the ground, knocking it out cold. "GARCHOMP IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" Ash exclaimed. "LUCARIO IS THE WINNER!"

"You battled amazing Garchomp!" Kevin exclaimed while returning Garchomp to its Pokeball. "Now take a good rest..." Kevin then grabbed his second Pokeball. "LET'S GIVE IT ALL WE'VE GOT INFERNAPE!" He hurled it forward, releasing his second Pokemon.

It was a bipedal, primate-like Pokemon that is primarily reddish-brown with sections of white fur on its chest, head, and lower legs. Several gold markings adorn its body: swirled, circular ones on its knees and shoulders flame-shaped ones on the back of its hands, and a stripe around its back that forms two swirls on its chest.

On top of its head is a large flame, which is never extinguished. It has an orange, rounded muzzle, long, round ears with blue inside, and a red ridge over its eyes. The eyes themselves are blue with yellow sclera. There are five blue digits on both its feet and hands, and it has a long tail.

"INFERNAPE!" It cried its cry. 'Never seen that Pokemon before...' Serena thought before checking the Pokedex.


Infernape, the Flame Pokemon.

Infernape's fiery crown reflects its fiery nature, and its speed is unmatched.


"ALRIGHT INFERNAPE USE FIRE PUNCH!" Kevin commanded. Infernape pulls back one of its fists, which is surrounded by swirling energy which changes from red to light orange. Its fist then becomes surrounded in red-yellow flames. Infernape then charges at Lucario with incredible speed.

"BLOCK IT WITH BONE RUSH!" Nate commanded. Lucario puts out its paws together and spreads them apart, creating a light yellow and orange bone of energy. Before Infernape could hit Lucario, it spins the bone around, creating a barrier.

"NOW! AURA SPHERE!" Nate commanded. Lucario puts its hands together and creates a dark blue ball of energy in between them. It then fires the ball at Infernape, hitting it in the chest and sending it flying backwards.

"NOW METEOR MASH!" Nate commanded one more time. Lucario then rushed at Infernape with Meteor Mash. "INFERNAPE! COUNTER WITH THUNDER PUNCH!" Kevin commanded.

Infernape pulls back one of its fists, which is surrounded by swirling energy which changes from blue to yellow. Infernape's fist then becomes surrounded by yellow, blue and purple sparks, which grow into a ball of electrical energy. Infernape then punches Lucario's Meteor Mash, creating a huge explosion and sending them both flying backwards.

"CLOSE COMBAT INFERNAPE!" Kevin commanded. "COPYCAT!" Nate counter-commanded. Infernape repeatedly attacks Lucario with a lightning fast barrage of open-handed strikes with both of its hands, with Lucario just as rapidly doing the same (while being surrounded by a dark-red aura).

When both Pokemon finished their attacks, they collapsed down on the ground, both unable to continue. "BOTH LUCARIO AND INFERNAPE ARE UNABLE TO BATTLE!" Ash exclaimed as both Trainers called their Pokemon back.

Kevin looks towards Maria, his Pikachu. "Wanna battle Maria?" He asked. "PIKA!" Maria squeaked in enthusiasm. "ALRIGHT! MARIA YOU'RE UP!" Kevin exclaimed while pointing towards the battlefield, causing Maria to run up his arm, jumping off of it and landing at the battlefield.

Nate then took his third Pokeball. "It's up to you..." he whispered. "Remember, winning isn't everything... AS LONG AS YOU DO YOUR BEST! GO QUILLADIN!" He exclaimed while throwing his third Pokeball, releasing his Quilladin.

"MARIA! USE RETURN!" Kevin commanded. Maria then begins to glow pink while being surrounded by magenta hearts and golden stars. It then charges at Quilladin at top speed, leaving behind a pink and gold energy.

Maria then slams into Quilladin's stomach, causing it to move backwards (leaving trails of dirt where its feet once were), but not to lose balance or to tip over. 'Woah! Maria has to have a special bond with Kevin for Return to do that much damage...' Nate thought. "HOLD MARIA IN PLACE AND USE ENERGY BALL!" He commanded.

Quilladin then pinned its paws on both sides of Maria's body, rendering it immobile. Quilladin thwn opens its mouth and a bluish-green energy ball with a white outline and a green core appears in front of it. It then fired the ball at Maria, causing it to explodes on impact and send Maria flying backwards.

"NOW USE ROLLOUT!" Nate commanded. Quilladin then touched its toes and began to roll towards Maria becoming outlined in brown. "BLOCK IT WITH THUNDERBOLT!" Kevin commands. Maria then fired a yellow and blue electric blast surrounded by purple rings at Quilladin, creating an explosion and causing it to stop rolling.

"USE BRICK BREAK!" They both commanded simultaneously. One of Quilladin's arms and one of Maria's paws became surrounded by white sparks as the lunged at each other and karate-choped the other from above.

"NOW MARIA! THUNDERBOLT!" Kevin commanded, causing Maria to fire another electric blast at Quilladin, hitting it directly. "QUILLADIN!" Nate cried out for his Pokemon, who collapsed face first into the ground.

Before Ash could exclaim that Quilladin is unable to battle, Quilladin begins to stand up while its body becomes surrounded by dark-red orbs and sparks as it began to glow green and grow. When the glow dissipated a different Pokemon stood there in place of Quilladin.

It was a bipedal, mammalian Pokemon with some plant-like features. It possesses a prominent domed, armor-like shell similar to that of a chestnut. The armor is pale beige in coloration with four large spines jutting out of the back. The armor is trimmed with red and green bands, with the green on the outermost edge. The top surfaces of the tail and arms are protected by green armor, and the arms have two small spines.

It has three brown, clawed digits on its hands and feet. Its hands can fuse together to create a spike-covered "shield". It has fluffy white fur on its belly and fringing its face like a beard. It has a small, pink nose with a three-pointed patch of brown fur extending up its short snout. It also has four pointed teeth and a plate of beige armor atop its head, similar to a helmet.

"CHESNAUGHT!" It roared. "No way! Quilladin evolved..." Nate said in awe of the situation before taking his Pokedex.


Chesnaught, the Spiny Armor Pokemon, and the evolved form of Quilladin.

Its Tackle is so powerful, it can overturn a 50-ton tank.


Nate smiled as he put the Pokedex away. "LET'S DO OUR BEST CHESNAUGHT!" He exclaimed, causing Chesnaught to roar in agreement. "USE THUNDERBOLT!" Kevin commanded, causing Maria to fire a third blast of electric energy.

"PIN MISSILE!" Nate commanded. Instead of Pin Missile however, Chesnaught slamed its fists together, and formed a round shield from its forearms. The shield then produces a green force field covered with spikes that protected Chesnaught from Maria's Thunderbolt.

"WHOA! Chesnaught just learned Spiky Shield!" Ash exclaimed. "Go Nate!" Ash, Dawn and Serena called out, while Lillie cheered Kevin on.

"I think it's about time to finish this battle!" Kevin said. "I couldn't agree more!" Nate replied. "USE THUNDER!" "ENERGY BALL!" Both Trainers commanded simultaneously, causing both Pokemon to fire their most powerful attacks, creating two large explosions on both sides of the Battlefield.

When the dust cleared, both Pokemon were still standing, though they were panting like crazy. Eventually, the strain was to much, and both Pokemon collapsed. "BOTH MARIA AND CHESNAUGHT ARE UNABLE TO BATTLE!" Ash exclaimed. "IT'S A TIE!"

A while later, after a quick visit to Nurse Joy, our heroes were saying their goodbyes to Kevin and Lillie. However, Lillie wasn't paying much attention, since she seemed to be looking for something in her bag.

Suddenly, there was a flash of pink inside Lillie's bag, and a pair of yellow eyes and blue cheeks appeared in it, giving Lillie a cute smile.

"What was that?" Serena asked the obvious question but Kevin told her that it's Lillie's phone and she needs to answer it. The two wave our heroes goodbye as Ash was thinking. 'Next stop, the Driftveil Gym!'


Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! Big shoutout to poke-girlx for following me! Now yes, this character is based on KevinSchomaker's OC. He let me use him in my story, just like Ellie is an OC created by LeaFxVortex. Hopefully a lot of issues will be resolved soon, as we approach the halfway mark. Thank you all for reading my story! Here's next chapter's summary:

As promised before, Ash challenges the Driftveil City Gym Leader, Clay, in hopes of winning his 5th Unova Gym Badge.

Even after using some old techniques that he invented, and trying to incorporate other people's strategies and surprises to get himself the upper hand, it appears that Clay and his Ground-type Pokemon have overwhelmed Ash.

Will Ash be able to beat Clay? Will his strength be enough to win his 5th Badge?

Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!

Thanks for reading! 😊

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