Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

Ash, Serena and Nate arrived at the Desert Resort and met two people in charge of an archeological excavation, named Alder and N.

After a mysterious tremor, our heroes are separated and Ash and Serena fall to a cave. After trying to find their way out, they find themselves in a burial sight.

After hearing about an ancient Kalosian legend, they're attacked by Team Rocket, who are defeated easily by two mysterious figures, who showed Ash and Serena a way out of the cave.

Team Rocket were using a Rockruff to power one of their machines, so Ash and Serena rescue it and take it to a Pokemon Center to treat its injuries.


A worried Nate and Pikachu arrive at a nearby Pokemon Center, finding their friends Ash and Serena there. They rush over to them, Pikachu jumping into Ash's shoulder and rubbing its face against Ash's.

"Nice to see you're okay too buddy!" Ash greeted his partner, Nate however was not so forgiving. "I'm really happy you guys are okay, but I just gotta ask... WHERE ON EARTH WERE YOU?!"

Ash and Serena explain to Nate about the cave, about Team Rocket, about the legend they read, about the injured Rockruff, and about the bizarre way they got out.

After they were done you could see in Nate's and Pikachu's faces that they were either not taking anything they said seriously, or they were just baffled by this mind-blowing story.

Ding. Ding. Ding Ding Ding!

Ash and Serena then rush over to the Nurse Joy, hoping beyond hope that Rockruff was okay. Nurse Joy and her Audino came from the back room, with Rockruff on a tray.

Rockruff looked to be re-energized and healthy, but they needed some conformation first. Luckily, Nurse Joy spoke first. "You'll be very happy to know that Rockruff is completely healthy!" "Audino No!"

Ash and Serena sighed a sigh of relief before taking Rockruff on their hands. "Thanks Nurse Joy!" They said in unison. The two then walked over to Nate and Pikachu. Now you'd think that Pikachu would be jealous of all the attention Rockruff was getting, but Pikachu saw that it was hurt pretty badly, so it didn't care.

Ash carefully placed Rockruff on the middle of the coffee table that they were sitting around. Pikachu hopped onto the table to introduce itself. "Pika Pikachu!" It squeaked. "Arf arf!" It happily barked back.

Nate inspected Rockruff from all sides. Nate then remembered something. "Rockruff aren't naturally found in Unova!" He says, causing everyone to look at him. "What do you mean?" Serena questioned. Ash answered her question. "It means that Rockruff isn't from around here!"

Serena then stood up in understanding. "So, do you mean Team Rocket kidnapped Rockruff?!" She asked worried. "Could be..." Ash replied.

While our heroes were throwing theories about Rockruff's origins, Pikachu and Rockruff were having a conversation in the language of Pokemon. During that conversation, Rockruff explained to Pikachu about its origins.

After Rockruff's explanation, Pikachu's eyes widened. It knew it needed to tell Ash and the others about Rockruff, but it knew they wouldn't be able to understand it. Pikachu decided to try anyway.

"PIKA!" It squeaked, trying to get our heroes' attention. "PIKA! PIKACHU PIKA! PI PIKA PI! KACHU PI! PI PI PIKA!" It kept squeaking to no avail. "I think Pikachu's trying to tell us something..." Ash murmurs.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Nate's head. He grabbed one of his Pokeballs. "COME ON OUT LUCARIO!" He exclaimed while throwing Lucario's Pokeball in the air, releasing his recently evolved Fighting/Steel type, aura sensitive Pokemon.

"Luca!" It barked. "Ok Lucario, I need you to connect our auras so we can understand Pikachu!" Nate said. "Can you do that?" Lucario nodded. Lucario then put its paws together, creating a small gold orb.

Lucario's eyes then began to glow blue. Then Ash, Serena, Nate, Pikachu, Rockruff and it were surrounded by a blue aura. 'Done!' Everyone except for Nate were astounded to hear Lucario speak.

Before either Ash or Serena could ask what's going on, Nate explained without opening his mouth. 'All living creatures are linked to what one could call an interdimensional grid of life energy. Some Pokemon, like Lucario, are Aura sensitive, so they can read and manipulate Aura. Using this, Lucario was able to connect our Auras, allowing us to understand each other...'

With that explanation out of the way, Pikachu began to explain to the gang about Rockruff's past.

'It was owned by a Trainer once. He wanted to become the world's strongest Trainer. To do this, he needed to have the world's strongest Pokemon Team. He caught Rockruff because of the potential it had. But one day, they battled against a Magmar and lost. Because of the disappointment and frustration he just tied Rockruff to a pole and left. Some time later, Team Rocket found it and used it as a source for their machine...'

After Pikachu finished explaining, Lucario turned off their aura-based link, while Rockruff was at the brink of tears.

Ash sat down, not believing what he heard. 'What kind of Trainer would just leave their Pokemon...' he thought to himself, clenching his fist.

Serena noticed that Ash was distraught by the revelation. She put a hand on Ash's shoulder. He looked up at her. "Ash, don't feel bad..." she said in a comforting tone. "It's not your fault, and there was nothing you could've done at the time..."

Ash and Serena turn to look at Rockruff, being comforted by Pikachu. "The best you can do now is offer it a new home..." Ash looked into Serena's eyes. He could see that she was nothing like the cold and emotionless girl he began his journey with.

She was back to her positive self. Ash smiled and got up. He then walked up to Rockruff and kneeled in front of it. "Rockruff..." he began to say. "I can't imagine how hard it must be to be betrayed and abandoned by someone you care about but... the least I can offer you now is a better home..."

Ash took an empty Pokeball and brought it closer to Rockruff. "So what'd'ya say? Wanna join our adventure?" He asked with a big smile. Rockruff growled at Ash and slapped the Pokeball away from Ash's hand.

Before Ash could process what happened, Rockruff began to walk out of the Pokemon Center. "HEY WAIT!" Ash called for Rockruff before him and Pikachu began to chase it.

As soon as Rockruff left the Pokemon Center there was a huge explosion nearby, the shockwave sending Ash, Pikachu and Rockruff flying back. Serena and Nate ran out of the Pokemon Center filled with concern.

When Ash looked forward he saw the two people he wants to see the least. "TEAM ROCKET!" He growled through gritted teeth.

"Listen... is that a voice I hear?" Jessie began their motto. "It's speaking to me loud and clear!" James continued. "On the wind..." "Past the stars..." "IN YOUR EAR!" Meowth finished that last part.

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!" "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!" "A rose by any other name is just as sweet!" "When everything's worse, our work is complete!"

"JESSIE!" "AND IT'S JAMES!" "AND MEOWTH NOW THAT'S A NAME!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place..." "...We're TEAM ROCKET..." "IN YOUR FACE!" They did a ridiculous pose before being joined by Wobbuffet. "WOBBUFFET!"

Ash gritted his teeth. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He loudly asks. Jessie looked at him. "Last time we met we didn't get to say our awesome motto!" She said. "That and because of you interrupting our little treasure hunt!" James said nonchalantly before Jessie covers his mouth angrily.

"Treasure hunt?" Serena asked clearly confused. Meowth sighed. "They already know so might as well explain... Ya see, there's a 3000 year old treasure full of goods in that dig sight! And we were usin' our Rocksmashin' Treasurefindin' Excadriller 9000 to find it! And you took our power source!"

Now Serena and Nate seemed just as mad as Ash. "WE'RE NOT GONNA LET YOU CONTINUE YOUR EVIL DOING!" Ash roars at them, before stepping in front of Rockruff. "EVERYBODY! I CHOOSE YOU!" Ash threw his Pokeballs up in the air, releasing the rest of his Pokemon Team.

Serena and Nate followed in Ash's footsteps, releasing their Pokemon Teams. Team Rocket didn't even flinch or show any sign of worry. "Time to show 'em our new toy!" Meowth said, getting its paws on a rag that was placed over something behind them.

"I present to you... THE SUNCRASHIN' FLAMEBURSTIN' CAMERA LAUNCHER 3000!" Meowth exclaimed while removing the rag. Ash, Serena, Nate and their Pokemon just stood there, looking at what looked like a camera with legs.

Serena couldn't help but chuckle. Jessie and James then explained what the do-hickey does. "This little beauty collects sunlight in its film wheels..." Jessie began. "And concentrates the light and heat at the lense..." James continued. "It then fires a blast of light, heat or fire at whatever, or whoever, we want!" Meowth finished.

Our heroes were still not amused. "How about a little demonstration..." Meowth started to play around with what looks like a remote controller. The film-wheels of the machine began to spin. The faster it spins, the brighter it glows.

After a few moments the camera lense began to glow too. After a moment it fired a powerful beam of light at our heroes. The beam was meant for Pikachu but Frogadier got in the way, blasting it backwards with such power that it cracked the Pokemon Center wall it hit. It was instantly knocked out.

Ash couldn't believe what happened. Team Rocket was able to take out one of his Pokemon with just one hit from that machine. While Ash returned Frogadier to its Pokeball Team Rocket were dancing and teasing them. "NA NANA BOO BOO! WE'RE STRONG BUT NOT YOU!" They teased in a sing-song voice.

Nate was the next to give an order to his Pokemon. "HONEDGE, USE FURY CUTTER! TYRUNT YOU USE DRAGON TAIL! AND EEVEE DOUBLE EDGE LET'S GO!" He commanded.

Honedge unsheathes itself while its blade began to glow lime-green. Tyrunt's tail becomes covered in a purple, scale-patterned aura. Eevee becomes covered in a gold aura.

But before any of Nate's Pokemon could charge at the machine, the machine's film wheels disconnect from the machine's main body and lighting up on fire. The film wheels were then hurled forward like fire blades, slicing at the three Pokemon, before they lost consciousness.

Nate returned his Pokemon to their Pokeballs. Serena decided to attack next. "EEVEE USE SWIFT! AND FENNEKIN USE FLAMETHROWER!" She commanded. Eevee then shot a barrage of golden stars at the machine. Fennekin also shot a blast of fire at the machine.

Meowth pressed a button on the remote control, causing the machine to jump in the air, dodging the two attacks. Meowth then presses a different button causing the machine to light up one of its 'arms' on fire, and smacking Serena's Pokemon repeatedly.

To relieve her Pokemon from any future pain by returning them to their Pokeballs. Ash couldn't bare seeing his companions being flung around like that. Ash stood up with confidence as the robot blasts the rest of Nate's team with a light beam.

"You twerps should just give up!" Meowth teased. "There's no way you're beating our new toy!" Jessie said. "So you might as well just give us Pikachu!" Ash gritted his teeth. "NO WAY!" Ash roars. "I'M NOT GONNA GIVE UP ON MY POKEMON! NOR ON MY FRIENDS! I'M WON'T LET YOU BEAT ME!"

"PIKACHU! USE THUNDERBOLT!" He commanded. Pikachu then shot out a powerful electric blast at the machine, actually hitting it. Team Rocket just shrugged and pressed the button that shoots the fire blades.

"SWADLOON! PROTECT NOW!" Swadloon then created a force field around Ash and his still conscious Pokemon, deflecting the beam. "FLETCHLING! NOW IT'S YOUR TURN USE ACROBATICS!" Ash commanded.

Fletchling's body glows light blue and it quickly zips through the air multiple times before charging at the robot. The robot then shot out its fire blades once again, but Fletchling was able to dodge before slamming into the robot, to Team Rocket's shock.

"NOW! STEEL WING!" Ash commands. Fletchling spreads its wings, causing them to flash blue for a second before transforming into metal and charging at the robot again, slicing one of its arms off.

Now Team Rocket began to worry. "It appears that the twerp is stronger than what we perceived..." James whispered. "Then we'll do what we do best... WE'LL PLAY DIRTY!" Jessie whispered back.

Ash was about to give Pikachu and Swadloon a command but he was cut short by the robot shooting out its light beam at Fletchling. "FLETCHLING DODGE!" Ash yelled in concern. Fletchling was barely able to dodge, but before Ash could process if Fletchling dodged or not, the light beam hit its real targets, Pikachu and Swadloon, knocking the two out instantly.

"PIKACHU! SWADLOON!" Ash cries out for his Pokemon, Nate and Serena wondering what to do. Ash returns Swadloon to its Pokeball before cradling Pikachu in his arms. Pikachu was able to hear what Ash was saying, but couldn't respond.

"I'm... sorry..." he said, tears in his eyes. "I should've seen Team Rocket's dirty tricks... I should've used another protect..." Ash's tears were falling onto Pikachu's face. Serena and Nate were also on the verge of tears. "What are we going to do now?" Serena asks herself.

Someone who wasn't feeling self pity was Rockruff. Rockruff sees that Ash has a heart of gold, that he truly cares about his Pokemon, and would never give up on them. Despite being one of the only Pokemon to actually damage the thing, Fletchling alone wouldn't be enough to defeat it, and Rockruff knew this.

Team Rocket kept laughing and teasing Ash, telling him that they would've taken better care of Pikachu. Rockruff has had enough. It ran up to Ash's back, faced Team Rocket with rage visible in its eyes, and it got to work.

Rockruff got up on its back legs before slamming its hind legs on the ground (similar to Pikachu using Electric Terrain), causing numerous cracks to appear and spread towards Team Rocket. When they reached them, they formed a circle around Team Rocket, and from the cracks numerous sharp-edged stones appeared.

Ash, Serena, Nate and Fletchling turned to see what happened, and they saw Rockruff growling and barking at the injured Team Rocket. "Did... did Rockruff do that?" Serena asked. Ash turned over to face Rockruff, still cradling Pikachu in his arms.

"Rockruff?" He said. "Are you going to help us?" Rockruff turned its head to face Ash, and it smiles. Ash smiles back. He then walks over to Serena and asks her to keep Pikachu safe, to that she nods.

Ash then got back to the battle. "ALRIGHT TEAM ROCKET!" He calls out to Team Rocket. "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! STOP THIS ATTACK RIGHT NOW!" Team Rocket shook the dirt they had on them off and then pressed a button on the remote.

From the robot's still intact hand it shot out orange shockwaves. "Alright Rockruff, show us what you got!" Ash said, causing Rockruff to jump high in the air. It then opened its mouth and roared extremely loud, shooting out supersonic shockwaves from its mouth that cancel the heatwaves shot out by the robot.

"NOW FLETCHLING! DOUBLE TEAM!" Ash commanded. Fletchling's body began to vibrate and move super fast, creating multiple copies of itself. Team Rocket just pressed a button, causing the robot to shoot out its fire blades again, taking care of the clones.

Turns out that the real Fletchling was actually just above the robot. "NOW USE PECK!" Ash commanded. Fletchling's beak began to glow white as it dove right into the robot, spinning all the way.

After Fletchling returned to Ash's side, he turned his attention over to Rockruff. "NOW ROCKRUFF GO!" He said. Rockruff then bit down, causing a wave of white energy to flow around its body. After the wave was finished, Rockruff's body was more shiny.

The robot then lit its remaining hand on fire and charged at Rockruff, who dodged with blinding speed. The rocks around Rockruff's neck then glow white and a multi-colored orb appears on its tail. The orb dissolves into multiple sparkles that turn into rocks with a white glow around them, which Rockruff then fires at the robot.

"FLETCHLING! USE STEEL WING!" Ash commanded. Fletchling then dove at the robot with metallic wings. Team Rocket were having enough of that. "FINISH THIS OFF ALREADY!" Jessie roared, while violently yanking the remote from Meowth and pressing all the buttons at once.

The robot then shot a bigger beam of light at Rockruff, making it really hard for it to dodge. Without even thinking about it, Ash dove at Rockruff, held it close to his chest and turned around, the beam hitting Ash in the back, sending him flying backwards.

"ASH!!!" Serena and Nate called out in worry before running over to Ash to check his wounds. Jessie then decided to go a little nuts, and she readied the robot to fire another beam at Ash.

"IF YOU WANNA HIT ASH!" Serena stood over Ash's body. "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO HIT ME!" "WITH PLEASURE!" Jessie said. "Tah tah!" She waved before pressing a button, causing the robot to fire.

Before the beam hit Serena though, something stood between her and the beam. Serena opened her eyes, to see Ash's Fletchling protecting her. Fletchling seemed to be in immense pain, but it's protective instincts took control and it kept standing there, shielding Serena and Ash.

Suddenly, Fletchling's body began to glow red, and it began to grow. Team Rocket decided that enough was enough and they turned the robot off. All they saw was a huge cloud of dust in front of the Pokemon Center.

Then, out of the dust cloud, they saw two eyes, that seemed to be glowing like fire. Then two black wings began to flap, lifting the dust cloud, revealing the source of the eyes.

It was an avian Pokemon with predominantly orange and black plumage. It has a sharp, black beak and a small, pointed crest atop its head. Its black eyes have yellow, mask-like marks extending from the back. It upperside is reddish-orange and its belly is gray, with a flame pattern marking the boundary on the breast. Its pointed wings are black with yellow tips and undersides.

"FLETCHINDEEEEER!" It squawked with pride. Ash took a look over at the Pokemon protecting him and his friends before taking his Pokedex.


Fletchinder, the Ember Pokémon, and the evolved form of Fletchling.

Once in flight, Fletchinder can reach its top speed extremely quickly, giving it the edge in battle by attacking is opponents before they can get prepared.


Rockruff escaped from Ash's tight grip and went over to the Fletchinder, ready to cover for it. Ash tried to call back for it, but he was too injured for it and instead watched the battle in a dizzy state.

Team Rocket, frantically tried to press all the buttons of the remote control but the last stunt they pulled short circuited it. Fletchinder and Rockruff looked at each other, and both nod.

Fletchinder's eyes began to lit up with fire before becoming surrounded by rings of fire. Fletchinder's body then absorbs the rings and becomes outlined in red, orange and yellow flames. Fletchinder then rushes at the robot, gaining speed by the second.

When Fletchinder hit the robot it exploded, completely destroying it. And before Team Rocket could say anything else, Rockruff did the same move it did before, releasing sharp-edged stones from cracks that surround Team Rocket.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" They said while flying out of sight. Fletchinder and Rockruff stood triumphantly before they realized that Ash was in really bad shape. Feeling bad for Ash, and as a thank you for helping it, Rockruff pressed its paw on one of Ash's Pokeballs, causing it to disappear into the Pokeball with a flash of blue.


Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! Sorry for the open ending, but you all know that Ash will be okay! And sorry for the lack of pictures. I honestly don't have much more to say other then... here's next chapter's summary:

Ash was hit pretty badly by Team Rocket's energy blast, and thus he's recovering at a nearby hospital, over on Route 4.

Serena noticed that Ash's normal clothes were basically irreparable, so she starts making new ones for him.

Meanwhile, Ash is starting to realize how he really feels about Serena, and since Pikachu is with Serena, the only thing he can actually talk to, is a lonely Pancham that came to Ash's room to steal his hat.

Will Ash be able to recover in time for his next Gym Battle? How will Serena's new clothes for Ash turn out? Will Ash realize his true feelings for Serena?

Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!

Thanks for reading! 😊

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